touch of nature * JIYOO

By jiunique

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A deadly virus wiped off most of the planet's population, marking the start of it's 'New Days'. Human civiliz... More

1. "The Start of Everything"
2. "Factions and Troubles"
3. "Enemies or Allies?"
4. "An awaited meeting"
5. "No More Games" (M)
6. "First Location"
7. "Tasks and Goodbyes"
8. "The Unexpected Plan"
9. "You and I"
10. "Memories of The Past"
11. "Captain-up, Captain-down"
12. "First of Many"
14. "Feelings"
15. "That Time of The Year"
16. "Trouble Slowly Starts"
17. "Before and After"
18. "Accidental Wrong Move"
19. "Anything For You" (M)
20. "A So Called Peaceful Day"
21. "Out of The Ordinary"
22. "Broken And Repaired"
23. "Christmas Day" (M)
24. "Christmas Night"
25. "Nothing Feels Right"
26. "The End Is Near"
27. "More Than One"
28. "Closer To The Truth"
29. "One More in The Group"
30. "Last Moments Before Disaster"
31. "Calm Before The Storm"
32. "The Day Has Come"
33. "All of Their Hope Was.."

13. "Close To Death"

133 12 26
By jiunique


Yoohyeon and Yoobin were midway into their night lookout shift and they had decided to talk more about themselves to deepen their friendship and learn more about eachother. Though, Yoohyeon had noticed something about Yoobin that didn't really sit tight with her. This night, she finally decided to ask her new friend about it.

"Hey Bin, can I ask you a question real quick?" Yoohyeon said, getting an affirming nod in return. The two had gotten pretty close that Yoohyeon even though of a nickname for the latter, something like a sign that approved of their friendship. "Sure Yooh, what's up?" Yoobin said, sitting down next to the girl. "I can tell there's something that you're curious about, but you haven't asked me. Is it something bad?" Yoohyeon finally asked, earning a sigh from the latter.

"I guess I couldn't hide it from you, huh? It's about that night you told me your story.. I'm curious about your scar on the stomach. How did it happen and is it connected to.. SYM, maybe?" Yoobin asked, taking Yoohyeon aback. The girl knew that Yoobin was sharp, but she didn't expect such good spontaneous guesses coming from her.

"Damn- Well, yeah.. it is, to some extent. On the day of the outbreak my father injected me with a SYM vaccine and then he.. he sacrificed himself when my infected mother attacked us. He died for me while I got this huge scar over here to remember how I'm alive thanks to him." Yoohyeon answered truthfully, slightly bringing her uniform's shirt up to show it. But to their surprise, the scar was slightly shining in an almost invisible green color along the edges, frightening the older one.

(PS: Yoobin is 21)

"Are you okay? Is this normal? How did that even happen?-" Yoobin asked in panic, but then paused. "Wait, someone's coming!" She quickly lowered Yoohyeon's shirt down when they heard another captain walking over to them. He looked at the two, raising his eyebrow. "What are you two doing?" He asked, looking at Yoobin's hands on Yoohyeon's waist.

"We were making out, can you leave us alone for a bit?" Yoobin said in a monotone, smiling at the man in a threatening way. "For fucks sake.. Whatever." He sighed in defeat, walking back to the lower level of the building.

Yoohyeon snickered, teasing the latter while wiggling her eyebrows. "Oh, we were making out you say? Do you want to kiss me that bad?" Yoohyeon jokingly leaned forward, getting slammed on the shoulder by Yoobin. "Shut up.. Now show me the scar again." She impatiently waited for Yoohyeon to raise her shirt up, both of them frowning in confusion at the unexpected view.

"It's normal again?"

The two said in unison, pointing at eachother with smiles at the coincidence, but quickly switched back to the preciously serious demeanor.

"Did it hurt?" Yoobin asked, frowning in thought when Yoohyeon shook her head as a no. "It doesn't hurt. Though, this usually happens once in three months for a few minutes, but this time the color was darker and it happened earlier.. That's weird." Yoohyeon informed, scratching her head in confusion.


Suddenly, the two girls' emergency radio started ringing and they quickly picked the voice call to hear the information:

"This is for every available Icebreaker on a night lookout:

Go to Zone 2, Building M66. We got an emergency call that Team G2 needs backup. They got ambushed by a gang of Sacred and are in serious danger. Head to the location now."

The voice call got instantly disconnected, leaving the two girls in shock.

"Wait, isn't Jiu in that team?" Yoobin said in worry, making Yoohyeon instantly stand up and prepare herself to run towards the location. "I think it is. Come on, let's go quickly." The girl said sternly, getting a nod from Yoobin. The two immediately rushed to the spot, not wanting to waste any more time.


They carefully examined the exterior of the building, noticing a few dead bodies of some Icebreakers and Sacred at the front entrance.

"Let's go from top to bottom just in case." Yoobin suggested, getting a thumbs up from Yoohyeon. When they were in, they checked the name tags of each and every one of the deceased Icebreakers, sighing in relief when none of them were Minji's. They soon reached the 3rd floor of the building, hearing the voices of men speaking, also recognizing them as their enemies.

"Did y'all see that chick's fighting mate? I bet ten cigs she's even better in bed."

One of them said, making the two men beside him chuckle. "Yea man, I'm sure of that. She almost broke my perfect nose!" He cried out, getting laughed at by them. "Never underestimate a female Icebreaker, my guy. They're all fierce, I'm telling ya. Some of our thugs even got killed by her and another chick a while ago." The third guy said, getting the attention of Yoohyeon. They must be talking about her and Minji.

She frowned and almost started an attack, but got stopped when Yoobin told her to stay put. "We don't have equipment with us. Just wait for a bit longer until backup shows u-"

"Oi, did you guys hear about that rumor going around? Some Bull-fuckers apparently
witnessed the fight happening and saw that other chick's eyes turn monster-like!" One of the men said, getting a gasp from the others. Yoohyeon and Yubin were listening closely, wondering what that rumor might be about, and whether it was connected to Yoohyeon or not.

"Mate, I think it could be true.. The Bulldozers have never lied before. What if that bitch is some new mutation or a military weapon?" A man dramatically whisper-shouted, getting laughed at by the one next to him.

"Are you fucking serious right now? That shit is obviously fake, even impossible. An infected person can stay human for an hour at most, so that chick definitely turned afterwards." He said with a smug smile, making the others wowed by his knowledgeable words.

Yoohyeon and Yoobin listened in within their conversations, cringing to themselves because of how stupid the men sounded.

Yoobin then felt a tap on her shoulder and she turned around, seeing Yoohyeon pointing at a slightly opened door right next to them. The Icebreaker peaked her head, widening her eyes with a satisfied smile - it was a room full of weapons.

"Let's get some and kill those fuckers before they hurt more people." Yoohyeon whispered, leading the way inside the room.

Yoobin took a crossbow with a bag of arrows while Yoohyeon found two hatchets made of obsidian, perfectly matching her taste. "Ooh~ this is just for you." Yoobin nodded in satisfaction, followed by Yoohyeon's smile. "Come on now, let's fight some idiots, shall we?" Yoohyeon stated, followed by Yoobin's nod. The two then abruptly opened the door, aiming their weapons towards the three frightened Sacred men.

"Don't you know it's bad to talk  behind others' backs? Didn't your mommies teach you that?" Yoohyeon teased in their ways, making the three men pull their machetes out and rush forward to the girls. Yoobin managed to shoot down one of them on the spot, while Yoohyeon dashed towards them and slashed their necks with ease. "God damn, you're good with those axes." Yoobin praised the girl, leading the way deeper into the building.

When they reached the first floor, they were caught in a two-way corridor that lead to different parts of the building - the basement and the main lobby. "Let's split up and if we're in danger.. just call out for help." Yoohyeon said with thumbs up, earning a chuckle from the other girl. "Got it. I'll take the lobby- And don't get hurt, okay?" Yoobin warned, soon parting ways with the latter.

Now Yoohyeon was on her own, cautiously walking down the staircase to the basement, opening every door that lead to nothing but storage rooms. The girl was getting pretty agitated since she didn't find anything, but soon heard some giggles from above. Those giggles frightened her, since she knew she was too careless and she didn't properly check every corner.


Yoohyeon looked up, seeing a Sacred woman with two long blades dropping on her. Yoohyeon fell to the ground with the woman trying hard to push the blades into her skin. "Are you that Kim Yoohyeon? What are you doing here? Care to join us?" The Sacred spoke, surprising Yoohyeon. "Who the fuck are you?" The girl hissed, making the woman above her creepily giggle. "I'm your biggest fan babygirl, I know everything about you~" The evil woman said by licking her own lips, enjoying the struggle Yoohyeon was showing.

The blades were close to piercing Yoohyeon's skin, but right then a sound of something being stabbed was heard. The Sacred's grip on the girl instantly got weak and the woman's body dropped over Yoohyeon's one. The girl widened her eyes, seeing a dagger pierced at the back of the enemy's head. Yoohyeon recognized that dagger. She looked over the dead Sacred's body, seeing an Icebreaker removing their helmet, revealing the identity of a familiar woman.

"Minji!?" Yoohyeon exclaimed in shock after seeing Minji getting closer to her. The older suddenly winced, making Yoohyeon instantly stand up and run to help her walk. "Did they hurt you?" The younger worriedly asked, widening her eyes at the stab wound on Minji's waist. "I'm fine.. Let's get out of here.." Minji hissed in pain, holding her wound to ease the pain. Yoohyeon quickly grabbed her radio, informing Yoobin that she found Minji.

"Are any other Icebreakers alive?" Yoohyeon asked, noticing the saddened look on Minji's face. "I couldn't save them.. I-I watched them all helplessly die.." Minji weakly said, getting shushed at by Yoohyeon. "There wasn't much you could do Minji, don't beat yourself up for it.. I'm glad you're alive.." Yoohyeon caressed Minji's shoulder, suddenly carrying her in a piggyback. Minji wrapped her arms and legs around Yoohyeon, sobbing on her shoulder.

"T-Thank you for showing up.. I thought I'd die too.." Minji slightly whispered, making Yoohyeon frown at her words. "There's no way I'd ever let you die Minji, and you know it. Just hold on to me." The girl said, fastening her pace a little. But to her dismay, more Sacred showed up and were disturbingly smiling at the two. Yoohyeon cursed under her breath, holding Minji tighter. "L-Let me down, I can fight.." Minji weakly said, struggling to even move her hands.

"Just close your eyes shut for a minute." Yoohyeon whispered to Minji, confusing her with those words. "Trust me and just hug my body tight." Yoohyeon added, making the woman tighten her grip on the younger's body. Minji lightly nodded, burying her face in the crook of Yoohyeon's neck and closing her eyes shut.

The girl then took a deep breath, staring at the four Sacred men before her with murder on her mind. Suddenly, the men all rushed towards Yoohyeon and Minji, shouting in a battle cry.


The girl closed her eyes, abruptly opening them and frightening the men with that act. She had switched her eyes to their black and green color, scaring the Sacred with that act. They all gulped, hesitantly rushing to her while being scared for their lives.

One of them tried to attack her while she was standing still, but instantly got his head grabbed and slammed on the wall. The three remaining men just froze on the spot, cautiously running at Yoohyeon at once to surprise attack her. The girl smirked to herself, feeling that slow motion move take effect and she could easily read their movements and one-punch them to death with her bare hands.

Yoohyeon closed her eyes, opening them in their normal state and she lightly tapped on Minji's leg, sweetly humming at her.


"Minji, you can open your eyes now." Yoohyeon turned her head to look at Minji's side profile, smiling at her shocked expression. "H-How did you do that?" Minji asked in a daze, earning a little caress on her thighs. "Their movements were easily readable and they were weak. We're safe now." Yoohyeon said, sighing to herself in relief that the woman didn't see anything.

A few minutes later, Minji and Yoohyeon were out the building and they walked towards Yoobin and the group of Icebreakers that were waiting for them. Once Yoobin saw them, she loudly sighed in relief and ran to help Yoohyeon carry Minji.

"What took you two so long? I almost thought something bad happened!" Yoobin exclaimed in worry, seeing the anxious expression on Yoohyeon that wasn't up to the latter's liking. "I tried to be fast, but Minji's hurt.. pretty badly." Yoohyeon said lowly, laying Minji's weak body on a bench and crouching down while looking at her and tearing up.

"I'm fine pup.. I-It's just a little stab wound, don't cry." Minji said in a whisper, caressing Yoohyeon's cheek while wiping her tears away. "I'm sorry we weren't faster.. We could've prevented this from happening.." Yoohyeon said in a rather whiny tone, trying hard not to cry. Minji looked around, noticing it was just them and she leaned her head closer, placing a peck on Yoohyeon's cheek to make her smile, and it worked.

"Don't cry.. You know I hate to see you sad." Minji weakly said, feeling Yoohyeon tighten her grip on her hand. "I'm sorry.." Yoohyeon apologized, making Minji lightly chuckle. "Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything puppy. Only smile more because it makes me happy." Minji said with a slight smile, giggling when Yoohyeon looked away in shyness. "Y-You're still smooth with your words even when you're in that state.." Yoohyeon stuttered, slightly smiling to herself.

Soon, a medic showed up and started giving first aid to Minji. Yoohyeon didn't leave the woman's side even for a moment, along with Yoobin that was constantly walking in circles while Minji was getting stitched up. Once the woman was done, Yoohyeon carried her again all the way to the settlement, surprising Minjoon and Hayoung who didn't expect to see them back so soon, especially Minji being hurt.

"What the hell happened!? Is Minji okay??" Minjoon exclaimed in shock, running to the girl to help her carry a sleeping Minji to the bed. "She's okay now, just tired." Yoohyeon sighed, looking at Minji's sleeping face with a little smile. "Did you get hurt?" Hayoung hugged Yoohyeon's arm in worry, earning a caress on her hand by the girl. "I'm okay, don't be worried. I'll go back to my shift, just watch over Minji for a bit." Yoohyeon said with a slight smile before leaving to go back to her spot.


Yoobin soon heard Yoohyeon's footsteps, patting on the edge of the rooftop to invite her to sit down. The girl didn't decline the invitation and instantly sat down, laying her head on Yoobin's thighs and sighing from exhaustion. The Icebreaker looked at Yoohyeon in worry, knowing that the girl was too fatigued because of not having a bit of sleep three days in a row.

"Are you still worried of those nightmares?" Yoobin asked, pouting when Yoohyeon sadly nodded. "Why don't you just tell Jiu about the SYM vaccine? I'm sure she won't get mad because it's you." Yoobin offered, not knowing what the main reason was for Yoohyeon to keep that a secret. "You just don't get it Bin.. If she finds out about my past, she'd instantly hate me.." Yoohyeon said, turning her head to face the settlement.

"Look, I know that Jiu hates SYM, but it's just a vaccine.. You were 7 years old, how would you even know?" Yoobin said, being confused when Yoohyeon looked at her with an emotionless expression. "My dad created the SYM vaccine." Yoohyeon uttered, leaving Yoobin baffled.

"Y-Your father is Kim Yunseok..?" Yoobin asked in disbelief, shaking her head from all that information.

"If Minji finds that out, I'm never going to see her again Bin.. I'm not risking anything." Yoohyeon sternly said, earning a sigh from the latter. "I can't blame you then.. But if something happens between you two in the future, you'll still remain my friend- if you're still alive of course." Yoobin uttered, making Yoohyeon chuckle.

"Thanks.. You have no idea how much I appreciate it." Yoohyeon said with a thankful pout, making Yoobin snicker. "Don't look at me like that or I might just push you off the building." Yoobin teased, making Yoohyeon
laugh at those words. "I actually think that I can't die from falling since I'm basically kinda infected, y'know." Yoohyeon smugly said, leaving Yoobin totally puzzled. "Should we try then?" Yoobin teased again, earning a hesitant head-shake from the girl.

"How about not risking anything since I can still feel pain and am half human after all.." Yoohyeon anxiously spoke, making Yoobin caress her head. "I was just kidding Yooh. I wouldn't push you off if there wasn't a reason for it." Yoobin mumbled, earning a sound of shock from the other. "So you would push me off!?" Yoohyeon exclaimed, making Yoobin tilt her head in thought. "Only if you do something stupid." Yoobin nodded, shocking Yoohyeon even more.

"You're unbelievable.." The girl sighed in disbelief, fixing her posture to lay more comfortably on Yoobin's lap. "Says Kim Yoohyeon." The Icebreaker looked at Yoohyeon, smiling to herself when she noticed the girl had finally fallen asleep after all those sleepless nights.

Yoohyeon had been asleep for 30 minutes when the two captains heard a buzz on their radios, meaning their night shifts were over.

Yoobin carefully carried the girl to her dorm, alerting Minjoon by that. He glanced at them, sighing in relief when he finally saw Yoohyeon asleep. "Oh my god, finally! I was getting worried that she had insomnia at this point." The man whispered, not wanting to startle Yoohyeon. Yoobin looked towards Minjoon's bed, noticing Minji hugging a pillow and sleeping. "How is she?" Yoobin asked in a whisper, making Minjoon scratch his neck because of the memory.

"She's definitely okay, because she was whining and asking about Yoohyeon the moment she woke up." Minjoon revealed, earning a chuckle from Yoobin. The Icebreaker woman carefully moved towards Minjoon's bed, removing the pillow from Minji's hold and putting the woman's arm over Yoohyeon's body. The awakened Icebreakers melted at the view because Minji instantly hugged Yoohyeon's body and buried her face in the crook of the girl's neck. Minji always searched for Yoohyeon's body to hug onto, even while she was asleep. The outcast was Minji's safe place.

The two Icebreakers smiled at eachother, awed by the cuteness of the two sleepyheads. Yoobin then looked at Minjoon in worry, thinking that he probably was clueless about Yoohyeon's past, just like Minji. She then sighed, bidding him good night and leaving to sleep in her own dorm.

Minjoon just looked at his sister and friend's sleeping bodies one last time with a weak smile before also going to sleep, not forgetting to capture a polaroid photo of them.


Yoohyeon abruptly opened her eyes, breathing heavily and sweat dripping down from her forehead. She had yet another nightmare, but this one was probably the worst one yet. It wasn't her that died this time in her dream, it was Minji.. and she was the one that killed her.

The girl's eyes traveled around the room, not finding Minji. Yoohyeon gulped in fear, standing up and instantly falling down to the ground. The girl shakily stood back up, holding onto the wall for support while she walked along the hallway to the kitchen, hoping to see the woman she was looking for. But to her dismay, she only saw Minjoon sipping on his coffee while playing solitaire on his laptop.

"Where's Minji?" Yoohyeon asked, making Minjoon turn around to look at her. "Good morning to you too. She went for a check-up on her wound, why?" Minjoon asked, getting startled when Yoohyeon suddenly started coughing and hardly standing on her feet. The man frowned, standing up and walking towards her. He held his hand over her forehead, feeling relieved that it wasn't what he was thinking of, yet worried because Yoohyeon had a very high fever.

"You're literally burning Yooh! Just go lay down while I check your temperature. Minji can wait." The man helped Yoohyeon lay down on the couch, quickly rushing to the bathroom and coming back with a modernized thermometer. He put the device over her forehead, widening his eyes when it showed 40°C. "What the fuck!? Yoohyeon, don't you dare go anywhere with that fever of yours! I'll tell the headquarters that you'll be absent until you get better." Minjoon said, making Yoohyeon frown.

"I'm not that sick, just let me go-"

"Lay the fuck down before I beat your ignorant ass up. You have a fever Yooh, just rest for a while." Minjoon interrupted the girl by pushing her back down on the couch, quickly bringing a blanket to cover her. "I'll get medicine from the infirmary, so don't you fucking dare move from here." Minjoon sternly ordered before walking out the door, leaving the girl alone in the dorm.

Yoohyeon tried to stand up, instantly laying back down because of the shivers and unstoppable shaking. The girl couldn't deny it anymore, she really felt like throwing up and didn't have any energy to move. Soon, the door opened up and Minjoon rushed to Yoohyeon, giving her a bottle of water along with a pill. "Drink this and sleep for a bit. You'll hopefully feel better in a few hours." Minjoon said, surprised when Yoohyeon shook her head.

"I won't sleep.. I can't.." The girl said, shivering at the vivid scene from her nightmare. "Gosh- Fine, just take the pill and rest then." He worded, thanking the girl for finally listening to him and taking the pill. Yoohyeon laid back down, closing her eyes and turning around to bury her face in the pillow since she felt too sensitive of the sunlight. Minjoon just looked at her in worry since it was his first time ever seeing Yoohyeon so helpless.

Out of nowhere, the door opened and Minji popped up, surprised to see Minjoon crouching on the ground while staring at Yoohyeon. "What's going on?" Minji asked in worry, softening her gaze when Yoohyeon faced her and weakly smiled at her. The girl tried standing up and walking to Minji, stumbling on the way and almost falling down.

Minji widened her eyes, dashing to catch Yoohyeon and bringing her back to the couch. "I missed you.." Yoohyeon whispered to Minji, confusing the woman because of the sudden confession, but the older definitely didn't mind it.

"I- Me too Yooh, but what happened?" Minji worriedly asked, gasping in shock when she cuped the girl's cheeks and felt the very high fever she had. "Oh my god pup, you have a fever! How did this happen?" Minji asked while caressing the girl's cheek with her thumb, turning to look at her twin brother for an explanation. He just shrugged, standing up to go sit on a chair. "No idea how it happened. She just woke up and had a very high fever. Just like that.." He informed, sighing in worry. Minji looked back at Yoohyeon, pouting when the younger had closed her eyes to sleep because she was way too weak. The girl was so tired, that a simple and gentle touch by Minji managed to make her fall asleep.

"You can go do your stuff, I'll stay here with Yoohyeon." Minji said to Minjoon, making him tilt his head. "What about you though? Is your wound okay?" He asked, feeling relieved when Minji nodded with a smile. "I'm feeling okay, don't worry about me. The doctor said the stab wasn't too deep and it will heal soon if I rest properly. Can you inform the higher-ups about my leave for today as well?" Minji asked, smiling when Minjoon affirmed her request. "Of course. Take care sis." He caressed his sister's shoulder before exiting the dorm, leaving the two girls alone.

"My poor puppy.. Did this happen because of your nightmares..?" Minji weakly said to herself, caressing Yoohyeon's head with a pout. "I'll be with you the whole day, don't worry." Minji softly spoke, kissing Yoohyeon's forehead and sitting on the ground while laying her head on her hands, keeping watch over the sick girl at all times.


Yoohyeon instantly sat up, feeling a lump on her throat because of having a yet another disturbing nightmare. It was the same one as before, but it still didn't feel any less scary to see the person you felt closest to get killed by your own hands.

"It's okay pup, I'm here for you.. Everything is okay." Minji instantly hugged Yoohyeon, feeling the girl's body shiver against the embrace. "Minji.. I'm so sorry.." Yoohyeon weakly said, struggling to keep her tears to herself. "No need to be sorry, you did nothing wrong. It was just a dream, it's not your fault."

It's all your fault!

Yoohyeon shook her head, pulling away from the embrace and just looking at Minji with tears swelled in her eyes. The words the woman spoke in Yoohyeon's nightmare were still running on the younger's mind and she was having even more trouble looking at Minji without feeling any guilt for keeping such secrets from her.

"Yooh? Is everything okay?" Minji worriedly frowned, cuping the girl's cheeks and caressing them. "I'm an awful person Minji.. I'm so sorry.." Yoohyeon weakly said, looking down and letting her tears finally escape her eyes. "Don't say that pup, you're the nicest and most amazing girl I've met my whole life.. It was all just a dream, nothing but a little nightmare." Minji sat down next to the girl, pulling her in a hug while Yoohyeon was silently crying against Minji's shoulder and cuddling closer.

"Will you ever hate me..?" Yoohyeon abruptly asked, making Minji pout because she thought the girl had the same nightmare of how she killed Yoohyeon. "I already told you, I'd never hate you. Not even in a million years.. It's impossible for me to hate someone like you." Minji softly said, kissing the girl's temple and hugging her weak body even tighter. Yoohyeon sighed, wondering if the woman would still feel like that if she knew the truth.

"I'd never hate you too, I just care too much for you.. I'd never hurt you.." Yoohyeon said, making Minji smile. "You're so cute sometimes, you know?" Minji said, making Yoohyeon whine. "I'm serious! You're way too important to me to ever want to do something that would hurt you without a reason." Yoohyeon said, earning a chuckle from Minji. "Does that mean you'd hurt me if there was a reason for it?" Minji jokingly said, laughing when Yoohyeon whined even more and shook her head.

"I'm kidding! I know what you meant puppy, don't worry. I would never hurt you too." Minji said, bringing her hand to move Yoohyeon's head so she could look straight into the woman's eyes. "And that's a promise." The woman added, making Yoohyeon lean closer for a kiss, but she instantly pouted when Minji teasingly turned her head the other way so the girl would kiss her cheek.

"I'm sorry pup, but we'll kiss once you're not sick anymore since I don't want to have a fever too. All I can give you is this." Minji said, placing her finger on her own lips before moving it to Yoohyeon's ones. "But I want to kiss you.." Yoohyeon sulkily said, leaning in once again, but Minji pulled herself back with a cheeky smile.

"Nuh-uh. I'll let you kiss me anywhere you want to once you're feeling better." Minji said, noticing the visible blush on Yoohyeon's cheeks. "Did that make you flustered, hm?" Minji teased, making Yoohyeon bury her head in the crook of the older's neck and slightly nod as an answer. The woman smiled to herself, humming in confusion when she felt Yoohyeon's body getting heavier, meaning the girl was falling asleep again.

"Sleep tight, my pup." Minji softly said, kissing the girl's shoulder and carefully adjusting her to comfortably sleep on the couch. The woman glanced at Yoohyeon's sleeping face, feeling a slight ticklish feeling in her stomach that made her smile. Minji didn't understand what that feeling was, but she never found it uncomfortable since it happened only whenever she was with Yoohyeon. The girl had that effect on Minji that always made her happy by just thinking about the small things Yoohyeon did everyday.

"I'll take care of you.."


Minji was drinking water while sitting on a chair in the dining area when she heard a sound from the living room. The woman put the cup down and rushed to see what that sound was, seeing Yoohyeon sitting up and scratching her head.

"Is everything okay?" Minji asked, noticing Yoohyeon looking at her with an awkward smile. "Yeah, it's just that I.. umm, I accidentally hit my head on the coffee table.." Yoohyeon shyly admitted, making Minji chuckle. "You're clumsy even while you're asleep. What an idiot." Minji joked, laughing at the sulky expression of the girl.

The Icebreaker sat down next to Yoohyeon, feeling her forehead with her lips and slightly smiling when she felt that the fever had gone down a little bit. Minji took the thermometer from the table and checked Yoohyeon's fever, seeing that it showed 38°C. It was still pretty high, but better than before.

"How are you feeling? Did you have another nightmare?" Minji asked, pulling Yoohyeon in a hug. "I did have a nightmare, but I do feel a little better than before." Yoohyeon answered, resting her head against Minji's one. "Was it like the one from a few nights ago?" Minji asked, kissing Yoohyeon's hand to assure her that she didn't have to tell her if it was hard to share.

"It was a different one.. It was me killing you." Yoohyeon answered, making Minji tilt her head. "Oh? What happened that lead to that?" Minji asked again, patiently waiting for Yoohyeon. The girl was in thought, wondering if it would hurt if she actually told the story to the woman without actually saying that it had something to do with the real truth. It was risky, but in the end, she decided to tell the woman.

"We were fighting since I apparently had a connection with SYM and you tried to kill me, but I had turned to an infected that killed you in an attempt to save myself.." Yoohyeon hesitantly answered, surprised when Minji laughed. "Oh wow, I definitely would do something like that if it was true." Minji said, not knowing that what Yoohyeon did was basically reveal her connection with SYM. "Thankfully it's not, because I have no idea how I'd feel if I found out you were a part of SYM." The woman added, making Yoohyeon awkwardly chuckle out of nervousness.

"Y-Yeah, thank god.." Yoohyeon stuttered out, hugging Minji tighter. Minji hummed, caressing Yoohyeon's shoulder. "Why are you so tensed up?" The woman asked, making Yoohyeon snuggle even more. "I'm just glad that you're here.. I'm happy that we met." Yoohyeon weakly uttered, making Minji pout and look at the girl in awe.

"You're really making it harder for me not to kiss you right now, but I don't want to get sick as well." The Icebreaker squeezed the younger's cheeks, letting out a chuckle when Yoohyeon looked at her with a smile.

"Is a little fever really going to stop you from kissing me?" Yoohyeon cheekily said, suddenly sitting on the woman's lap while facing her. The older widened her eyes, surprised by the sudden switch up. "Weren't you basically whining just a few seconds ago?" Minji moved her hands lower towards Yoohyeon's waist, biting her own lip while staring at the younger's needy eyes.

"That was a few seconds ago. Now, I'm desperately in need of your healing kisses." Yoohyeon said, licking her lips from excitement while eyeing the latter from top to bottom. "And who said you had to kiss my lips? You can kiss me anywhere on my body~" Yoohyeon seductively whispered, winking at the woman.

Minji sighed, not managing to hold it in anymore and pulled the girl, sucking on her jaw. Yoohyeon smirked to herself, pushing herself closer so Minji could comfortably do her magic on the younger. The Icebreaker moved lower, hungrily biting on Yoohyeon's neck and smiling against her skin when the girl released a soft moan.

"Fuck, you're so good.." Yoohyeon whispered, biting her bottom lip when Minji left a hickey on her collarbone. The woman moved back up, kissing the girl's ear and leaving soft pecks on Yoohyeon's nape, earning a few chuckles from her. Minji left two big smooches on the girl's cheeks as a finish before looking back at her with a smile.

"How was it?" Minji asked, being taken aback when Yoohyeon suddenly pushed her to lay down on the couch and hovered over her. "I'll show you, my princess." Yoohyeon whispered against the older's ear, instantly nibbling on it and licking her way down to kiss her nape. Minji closed her eyes with a smile, shivering at every action the girl did. Yoohyeon aggressively sucked on the woman's neck, leaving bite marks on her collarbones. She moved up to kiss every part of the woman's jaw with a smile, making Minji giggle when Yoohyeon finished with the same two big smooches on the woman's cheeks.

"It was just like that." Yoohyeon said with a smile, making Minji smirk in satisfactory. "Why do I feel like you did it even better than me?" The woman smugly smiled, making Yoohyeon look shyly away. "You're so cute when you're shy." Minji teased, giggling when Yoohyeon scoffed and sat on the other end of the couch.

"I'll go back to sleep, so don't you dare come near me. You meanie.." Yoohyeon informed by mumbling the last part, repositioning herself to sleep. Minji smiled, looking at the girl from the other side and giggling at her cute gestures. Yoohyeon then glanced at Minji, making a free spot behind her for the Icebreaker. "Do you want to sleep as well?" Yoohyeon shyly asked, noticing the mischievous smirk on the woman's face.

"Sure, I'll go to the bedroom since you don't want me here." Minji said, secretly glancing at Yoohyeon and pursing her lips as an attempt to hide her smile because of the girl's widened eyes. "W-Wait I wasn't being serious, I want you near me!" The younger whined, tapping on the free spot behind her. "Can you sleep beside me?.. Please?" Yoohyeon asked, earning a visible grin from Minji. The woman felt tingles in her heart just because of the way how Yoohyeon wanted her beside her at all times, even while she was sleeping.

Minji laid down behind the girl, pulling her closer by hugging her waist and spooning her. Yoohyeon smiled, feeling the older's lips pressing against the skin on her neck and leaving continuous pecks on it. Soon, both Yoohyeon and Minji fell asleep for a bit.


Surprisingly, Yoohyeon didn't have a nightmare, but a rather confusing dream. She was alone in a big room and she was given two choices - to press the red button or not, which would determine her future. The dream ended right there and Yoohyeon woke up, feeling Minji moving behind her and hugging her tighter in case she had another nightmare.

"Hey pup, are you feeling okay?" Minji asked, surprised when Yoohyeon turned around and smiled. "I didn't have a nightmare!" Yoohyeon exclaimed, hugging the woman's neck and happily kissing her nape. "I told you that your healing kisses would make me feel better, they always do." Yoohyeon mumbled against Minji's skin, leaving a last peck before looking at her.

"I think my fever is gone too, I feel so much better." Yoohyeon added, taking the thermometer from the coffee table and putting it against her forehead, it showing 36.6°C, meaning the girl was all better again. Minji just gulped, feeling a slight skip on her heartbeat when the words Yoohyeon said were still lingering on her mind. The woman was way too flustered after hearing that her kisses were what made Yoohyeon feel better.

Minji took the thermometer and put it away, instantly pulling the younger in a kiss filled with lust. Yoohyeon slightly widened her eyes at the sudden action, but didn't take long to fully indulge herself in the makeout session. Minji gently pushed the girl to fully lay down on her back while hovering over her, not breaking off the kiss. For an unknown reason, the Icebreaker didn't want to stop making out with Yoohyeon even for a slight second. She was way too desperate for the girl's lips.

Yoohyeon wrapped her legs around the older, pulling her close to intensify the very much needed kiss. Minji soon was the one that pulled out to take a deep breath while staring at the younger, smiling at her.

"I'm glad you're feeling okay now. I missed kissing you." Minji uttered in a breathy whisper, still panting because of the intense kiss. "Am I that good of a kisser that you can't get enough of me?" Yoohyeon teasingly said, eyeing the woman while caressing her cheeks. Minji rolled her eyes with a grin, standing less than a centimeter away from kissing Yoohyeon again. "You don't even know how good you are." Minji said with a breathy chuckle, snickering when Yoohyeon hummed and looked away while biting her inner cheeks.

"You're so damn good with your words, I hate it.." Yoohyeon said in a jokingly annoyed tone, surprised when Minji forcefully made her look back at the woman. The girl gulped, noticing the visible provocativeness in Minji's eyes. Yoohyeon could swear she felt a different kind of heartthrob when she heard the woman's next words. The girl couldn't hold it in anymore, she was way too excited because of Minji's behavior and instantly stood up to carry the woman to the bedroom and lock it from the inside.

"And you're so damn good with
those lips of yours.. I can never get enough of you."


Welp... now what..

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