✍ Home Sweet Home: A homely p...

By idiosyncraticforever

29.4K 1.1K 820

Welcome to my humble abode. Ever wondered about what went on behind the scenes of your favorite wattpad book... More

1.✍ @Cazzalovesmusic✍
✍ @CaitSarai ✍
✍@RubixCube89201✍ DARK confession
7.✍@seasidestyles✍ ON the seaside
10.✍@ 1d_jollygood✍
✍@_HakunaMatata_✍ In motel 6
13. ✍bel watson✍
✍@11tay99 Triplet confusion Triple fun✍
16. ✍@pialikesfood✍
@✍RobThier IN Sir Rob's Castle !!✍
22.✍@MelonDiaries (watermelons required while reading)✍
✍@beautifultragedies : AN EXCLUSIVE WITH ARCHER WEST!✍
25.✍@Cherry_Cola_x with little alfie!✍
➰@MommaShifter ➰Beta of @Clawpack ➰
✍ @yabookprincess AN EXCLUSIVE WITH KAI ASHER✍
34.✍ @YvetteRussell✍
✍ @cru3lla (previously LiveLikeLouis)✍
✍ @butterflytattoo✍
37.✍ @knightsrachel✍
✍ @styonce✍
✍ @CrestFallenStar✍
40.✍ @sweetyanisha2307(i.e Anisha the sweetest of house kindness)✍
@Sannyaahhh(our own modern day belle)✍
✍ @AishwaryaKadam4 (the MANANHOLIC )✍
43.✍ @withasmileandlaugh✍
little note
✍ @letmelivetonight✍
✍ @sruthilaya13✍
46.✍ @Midika✍
✍ @AmythestWinter(A. L. Winter)✍
✍ @sasa_lee(Melissa)✍
49.✍ @XxNixonxX✍
50.✍ cherrypop12✍
!A Very Important Announcement and I mean it!
@joecool123!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *fangirls*
!!!!!!Interview with @royal888(Sarah Royal )!!!!!!!
@Mk1120 : Author of Our Story


201 9 2
By idiosyncraticforever

Bonjour to french people around here!!!

I'm officially sleep drunk so apologies for the crazyness in advance!!!

The beautiful person I've Interviewed today is Our Sweet Amber!!!


She is a famous vampire/werewolf author and I m sure you must have hear of her at least once in your wattpad life ! so here she is !!! that also reminds me that I updated artemisia !! have fun reading both (if you do)


1. Describe everything and anything about yourself that you want us to know? What type of person are you in real life?

Amber: In the real life I'm pretty much the same person as I am on Wattpad. At least I hope I am. I try not to put up any facades on site as well in my real life. I'm an open book and if you ask me any question I'm going answer it honestly. I also like to stay pretty open to people on here. It's one of the reasons that if a fan has taken the time to write to me I try my best to take the time to write back. Consideration. It all boils down to consideration of others.

2. How and why you started writing and joined wattpad? What your little story behind being a writer?

Amber: I was looking for free werewolf books online. I had just finished all the books I'd read and as a poor stay at home mom, I needed more. So I did a quick internet search and found Wattpad. I joined the site so I could save stories to my library, initially. Then, as I started reading I was starting to get inspired. I liked the stuff I was reading but there seemed to be something missing. A lot of the stuff was good but I wanted to write stuff I wasn't seeing being catered to on this site. So I sat down and started brain storming. Then, when I got enough guts to, I started posting.

3. Make a list of your fav and hobbies. List 20 random yet interesting facts about yourself and your characters.

Amber: One- My favourite movie is hard to pick. I have a collection of about 300 movies. Though anything by Wes Anderson is automatically in my top ten.

Two- I'm also a multimedia artist. I have my art hanging around my house. Originally my life goal was to be an artist.

Three- If you could crack my skull open, movie quotes and useless historical facts would pop out like a jack in the box.

Four- I listen to music all the time. I am an epic air drum solo artist.

Five- My favourite artist of all time is Frida Kahlo.

Six-Singing in the shower at the top of my lungs is not below me. I do it often.

Seven-My favourite food of all time is grilled cheese. That's followed by steak and a good greasy burger. Obviously I'm on a diet.

Eight- I know most of the lyrics to the all the over 2,000 songs on my I-pod.

Nine-Mu music taste is highly varied so I have no favourite bad. I like everything from Nina Simone or Billie Holiday to Slipknot or Metallica.

Ten-I hate settling in one place to long. I'm nomadic, even in my hobbies.

Eleven-I'm only child but I like writing about siblings. I think it's my lonely only child syndrome showing through.

Twelve-May favourite thing to do is drive around aimlessly and listen to music.

Thirteen- I write a little every day. No matter how bad it is. That's probably my biggest 'hobby'.

Fourteen-I have more encyclopaedias in my library than anything else. I read them often.

Fifteen-I LOVE doing research.

Sixteen-I like to watch movies until I have them memorized.

Seventeen-I like to make lists. Doesn't matter what kind of list it's for. I just like lists. So this dream.

Eighteen-I have had every single hairstyle my main characters have had. From long and curly to a Mohawk. I've done it all and in various colours.

Nineteen-I never give everything away about my characters. You have to read the entire story to get a full picture of them and even then I like to leave a little mystery.

Twenty-I create soundtracks in my head for my stories.

4. Do you have Mary sure syndrome? How? Do you wish to be a writer in future? Why/why not?

Amber I'm not going to lie, I had to look that up. I don't think I have a Mary Sue syndrome. All my characters have flaws and there situations are never ideal. I do want to be a writer in the future but only because this is the only thing I'm really good at.

5. What is the best and worst thing about: (at least three?)






Amber: Wattpad: Best thing is the fans and readers. They really are amazing. Worst thing is the people who come onto my stories and try to tear it apart or write nasty comments.

Writing: Best thing is creating. I love making a new world. Worst thing has to force myself to write to meet a deadline. It kills me every time.

Reading: Best thing about reading is getting into someone else's head and world. Worst thing is when things don't go the way you think they should. I mean come on! Why kill that guy

6. Do you think we could ever be ruled by supernatural creatures? Why/why not? Do you believe in them?

Amber: I don't believe in supernatural creatures, in theory. At night when I'm all alone in my bedroom and something makes a weird noise. I may change my tune. I don't think we'll ever be ruled by supernatural creatures even if they were though. A lot of the human race can hardly handle different ethnicities or different religions in the same space as them. Imagine what they'd do to a werewolf.

7. What would you like to say to your fans and community? Do you have a name for them? What are your views on the writers of today?

Amber: To my fans in the community all I can really say is thank you. It sounds super cliché to say it but I really couldn't do any of this without you. My nickname for them is the best damn fans in the world! My view on writers today is that they are lacking some imagination. I want to see some diversity and really new ideas in the coming years. Recycling the same crap with different names just isn't doing it for me anymore.

8. Share some amazing secret recipe regarding writing amazing for young inspiring authors?

Amber: My amazing secret recipe is to add just a pinch of salt. Really gives it a kick. No, really, it's not to be afraid to experiment with your writing style. Try writing in third person or first person. Try to do a new kind of character. Be fearless with your vision.

9. Share some hidden talents, things no one has bothered to ask and some weird obsessions.

Amber: Weird obsessions and talents? Well I can do accents really well. I have the gift of shocking people by asking really random and crass questions. Their faces never fail to amuse me.

10. What would you do?

<If you had one day to live

<could time travel

<bring someone from fantasy to reality.

< Could switch bodies with anyone live, dead, fictional?

Amber :} If I had one day to live I would probably do a lot of nasty and illegal things that I won't describe right now. I have only one day to live. Might as well make my mark while I have the time.

If I could time travel I'd also do nasty and illegal things. Why not? I assume I can get back to my normal time before they can catch me. Maybe I'd graffiti Atlantis or kick George Lucas in the balls before he tried to premaster Star Wars.

If I could bring someone from fantasy into reality I'd bring Harry Potter into the real world and put him in an American school. I'd like to see how all the magic works then. He'd probably be still living under a staircase.

11. Do you think the mate thing, moon goddess, alpha- mate thing has gone cliché, overused? Give your views regarding all these? How did they originate because they are not so popular in the world of books.

Amber: Yes! It is overused and cliché. I'm trying to get away from the Luna thing for starters but people are not having it. They LOVE to correct me like I'm ignorant. To me Luna is such a shit title. I don't like it and I know a lot of others don't but apparently there are trophy wives even in werewolf fiction. The idea of a soul mate is fun, I'll admit that but it's so overdone. I'm guilty of it too but I want to get away from it. Alpha isn't even a real thing in wolf hierarchy. The guy who originally classified that hierarchy isn't even behind it anymore. It's just an idea or some buff possessive guy who takes away the entire girl's responsibility. It's a fantasy, I get that but it's boring. The moon goddess thing, well you can do stuff with it but even that seems like a gimmick. Sure we're writing about werewolves here but let's try to make it seem at least a little believable. That's my goal as I move forward with the werewolf genre. It's time to strip all the crap and try something new.

12. Which superpower would you wish you could have? What would you do if you had the power to create anything, destroy in this world?

Amber :} I would love telekinesis. If I have the power to destroy or create anything in the world I don't know what I'd do. Probably use it sparingly. Don't want to overdo it.

13. What are your views on the world of today? How are you different from others?

Amber: I don't think I'm that different from others. To be honest I don't think about who I am compared to others. I just like to live my life as I like to and see how it works out. I think that's something the world in general is missing. We're so concerned about keeping up with the joneses that we never think about what we want or what we need. As selfish as it sounds, sometimes it's okay to put yourself first and think about how to make yourself happy. Only after that can you help others find their own happiness.

14. What is the hardest aspect of writing for you and why? What do you books teach the world?

Amber: The hardest part of writing is the deadlines. If I put too much pressure on myself I get blocked. When I get blocked I produce subpar chapters and then no one is happy. I just like to let everything flow organically. I would hope that my books can teach the world that you may be messed up or imperfect but that doesn't mean that you don't have purpose. It doesn't mean you're less than anyone else.

15. " Is day dreaming life ruiner" what are your views?

Amber: Day dreaming is what keeps my books coming. That where I get all my ideas. It's okay to have your head in the clouds as long as you have you feet planted firmly on the ground. Have a dream but execute it with realistic standards.

16. Which book could one day become reality in your view? Why? What would you say to me that would make me read your books immediately?

Amber: I have no idea what to answer for that one. If we're talking about my books I'd say that write mostly fantasy so that's hard to say. Maybe 'Rebel Girl' because it's teen fiction. I don't know. That's a hard question. If I wanted to convince you to read my books I'd probably say that my books are different. I try to stay away from cliché and I try to keep my stories in the realm of possibility. If that appeals to you, I have the stories for you.

17. Which genre is you best and worst writing at and why? What are your inspirations? What are the turn offs for you when you meet a new person?

Amber: I have no idea what genre I'm best at. I want to write at least one story in each genre so I'm hoping to find that out for myself. My inspirations are mostly things I want to address. If I don't see something that I want to see that inspires me to make it myself. My turn off when meeting a person is if they don't have a sense of humour or can't go with the flow. If you're too uptight or judgmental we can't hang out. I just don't have the patience for it.

18. What are the things in a book that instantly makes you want to read that book? Why? What would you do if you could kidnap any one person in this world legally?

Amber: } Above all else, an interesting concept. If your idea grabs my attention and your execution is spot on, I'm up for it. I don't want to be bored. If I'm bored I don't get past the first page. If I could kidnap anyone legally I'd kidnap Bill Gates and then eat his brain to gain his knowledge.

19. would you rather rule the world, be pm of up or president of use? Why?

Amber: Rule the world duh! Go big or go home.

20. Prepare a speech you would say to wattpad or the entire world before it ends?

Amber: Okay here it goes: *clears throat* Hello world and Wattpad, you're probably wondering why I'm standing before you in a lilac kimono with a wig on and the answer to that is, why aren't you? This silk feels amazing! Anyway, I've gathered you here today to tell you that we're all going to die. The world is ending and if now is not the time for social restrictions. You have a week to do everything you ever wanted to do. I don't care what it is. Do it because you're going to die soon. We all are and there are no strip malls in heaven. Everything there is high class or nothing so get your nasty stuff out of the way before we all croak. I've done everything I wanted to do in life, including this ensemble and I regret nothing. So go forth and destroy! *bows clumsily and grabs the giant bottle of wine of the podium*

21. Do you like the interview? What people would you want to see interviewed?

Amber: I did like the interview! You had some very interesting questions! I would like to see @BeautifuL17KhaoS interviewed. She's awesome.

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