The New Dragon Age

By Havingfunwithfanfic

306K 8.5K 527

Daemon and Rhaenyra married. Their first child was sent by the Gods to save them all. Deirys Targaryen was bo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46

Chapter 45

3K 95 0
By Havingfunwithfanfic

Rhaegon and Aemond enact Rhaegon's plan, not everything goes as well as they hoped. The entire family receives some bad news they were not expecting. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

                                                      Rhaegon Targaryen (18 years old.)

Aemond ran a hand over his hair and swallowed the sigh attempting to escape his lips, he hated this plan. Why had he agreed to dye his hair black? He felt and looked strange. He pulled the hood lover over his head and glared at Rhaegon, who just smirked at him. Aemond was also having trouble recognizing his own nephew, his hair was just as black as his. They made their way to the citadel, people moving around, not paying attention to them. Aemond could feel Vhagar, she was high up in the sky, staying out of sight, just like Meraxes. Both dragons waiting for their riders' command. On the other side of the wall, Baelon and Gaelithox were wreaking havoc on one of the smaller villages. They had made sure to move all the people living in the village to a safe place and made sure to pay them for the loss of their homes. Daemon would be sending for builders to make sure the people would have their houses built as quickly as possible. The good thing about Gaelithox burning the village to the ground was that it made for a great distraction, which is exactly what they needed since they were sneaking into the Citadel.
There were no guards at the doors, once they made it inside the building it appeared to be empty. There were no people around, but Aemond had seen several maesters in one of the higher balconies looking towards where Baelon and Gaelithox were burning things. Rhaegon moved around one of the pillars looking around the tables and the books scattered over them. Several of the chamber doors were wide open and Aemond could see none of the chambers were occupied. Rhaegon indicated one of the spiral staircases to their left and Aemond nodded. They climbed the stairs as quietly as possible, Aemond looked around and all of a sudden he felt someone grabbing him and pulling him behind one of the pillars. He reached for his dagger and felt a hand stop him. He looked behind him to see Rhaegon shaking his head, holding a finger against his lips. Rhaegon gestured with his head and Aemond looked to the side, noticing two maesters were walking towards them. The first maester was focused on the large book in his hands, while the second one seemed to be lost in his thoughts. Once the two men walked past them Rhaegon waited until the first man was a bit farther away before he put a hand over the second man's mouth and pulled him into one of the chambers. Aemond followed and saw Rhaegon slam the man against a wall, a dagger pressed to his throat. The man's eyes widened, but Aemond did not see any recognition in them.
"I am so glad you agreed to speak with us." Rhaegon's voice was low and menacing, Aemond snorted at his choice of words. "I will uncover your mouth and if you scream or do anything to give us away, I will slit your throat before anyone can come to your aid."
The man nodded frantically and Rhaegon moved his hand. The man looked terrified, and his eyes moved to Aemond when he stepped closer to them.
"We want to know where everyone is." Aemond also made sure to keep his voice low. "I am sure it is not usually this empty in here."
"Some of the maesters are in a meeting with the high Septon." The maester attempted to move, but Rhaegon kept him pinned to the wall. "Some of the other maesters are on one of the balconies, they want to see the extent of the damage that dragon out there is causing."
"Well, do not worry about the dragon out there." Rhaegon's smile was scary. "You should be more worried about the dragons in here."
"You are.." The maester was now looking terrified.
"Yes, I am Prince Rhaegon Targaryen and this is my uncle, Prince Aemond Targaryen." Aemond nodded at the maester. "And I cannot tell you what a pleasure it is to make your acquaintance. Now, what is your name."
"I am maester Harald Barler, my princes." The maester looked to Aemond and then back to Rhaegon. "How did you both get in here?"
"That is not how this works." Aemond moved until he was standing next to his nephew, both of them facing the other man. "We will be the ones asking the questions. Now, where is this meeting taking place?"
"They are in the main chamber on the top floor." The man answered fearfully.
"How many are present in this meeting?" Asked Aemond.
"There are twelve people present." The man swallowed, looking down at the dagger pressed against his throat. "Including the high Septon."
"Good." Rhaegon finally took the dagger away from the man's throat but kept a hand on his chest. Aemond saw his expression become questioning. "Why are there only twelve people at the meeting? Are maesters usually excluded from them?"
"Is not the usual, but since the army arrived at our gates the high septon has been meeting with these elven maesters for hours every day." Rhaegon and Aemond frowned.
"Why these specific maesters?" Aemond was the one who was confused now. "Are they higher in rank than other maesters here?"
"No, not all of them." Maester Harald was the one frowning now. "Actually some of them are lower in rank than some of the maesters here."
"Maester Harald, you are going to show my nephew where this meeting is taking place." Aemond waited until the maester nodded. "I also want you to tell me where the high Septon chambers are."
Aemond made sure no one saw him while he made his way to the high septon's chambers. The high septon was too smart to keep incriminating documents out in the open. He would also make sure that he could blackmail the people that try to turn against him. There was a reason the man had kept his position for so many years. Aemond closed the door behind him, and looked around, the chambers were in perfect order. He walked over to the desk first, looking over the papers on top of the desk, it was nothing incriminating, just things about the faith. After opening every single drawer he stopped himself from slamming his fists against the wall. There had to be something in here, he could feel it on his bones. Aemond heard yelling and steel clashing, apparently the rest of their forces had decided to make an appearance.
Aemond moved around the room once more and closer to the bookshelf that covered the entire far wall. All the books were in perfect order. Aemond took a step back looking at the bookshelf in front of him critically, then he noticed one of the books did not match the other ones. Aemond pulled the book out and looked behind it, looking at the small latch that had been hidden. He pulled on the latch and heard something click, the noticed a corner of the shelve was sticking out. Aemond pulled the shelve back and realized it was a door. There was a small chamber behind the shelve and Aemond's eyes widened when he saw what was inside. They had written the names of several members of his family on one of the walls. It took him a moment to realize that all the names on the wall were of people that were already dead. There were several books scattered over a small table and another table had maps on it. The maps were of several different keeps, including the Red Keep. Aemond opened one of the books and read a few pages, it was a journal. The high Septon had written down the names of the maesters working against his family, most of the maesters were already in Kings Landing, some were at the Citadel and there were a few in different keeps, including Casterly Rock.
Aemond heard a dragon roaring and the ground shook, he walked out of the hidden chamber, still holding the journal he had been reading. Apparently, Caraxes was tired of waiting and had set one of the buildings on fire. Aemond looked out one of the windows and saw several people running. He hated how the faith had used the same people they were supposed to protect to hold back an army. None of the civilians had any fighting experience, it would have been a massacre, except that Aemond and Daemon had made sure to tell their forces the civilians were to be left alone unless they attacked them. Their forces were doing a pretty good job of getting the civilians out of the city. Aemond heard the door behind him open and turned, sword in hand to see Rhaegon run in. His nephew looked around the chambers, eyes widening when he notice him close to the window.
Aemond opened his mouth to ask what was wrong when Rhaegon ran to him at full speed. His nephew crashed into him at the same time an explosion made the entire building shake and they were both flying in the air, the window glass behind them breaking and both men flew out of the window. Aemond had the sensation of falling, he saw green at the edge of his vision and then a huge shadow was over both of them before everything turned black.

                                          Deirys Targaryen (21 years old, 8.5 months pregnant.)


                                              Visenya Targaryen (16 years old.)

Visenya was looking at her with concern as Deirys ran a hand over her belly with a grimace on her face. The closer she got to giving birth the more uncomfortable she got. The baby spent most of his or her time kicking and moving around, sleeping was almost impossible. She also hated how Rhaelys would cry when she wanted her to pick her up, Deirys hated not being able to hold her children. She had gotten several letters from Aemond and could tell how frustrated he was getting by the tone of the letters. He was missing them just as much as they were all missing him. Her mother had also been a bit more short-tempered lately. She was missing Daemon and two of her sons. Deirys did not know when all of this was going to end, but she really hoped it would be soon.
"You have been grimacing for the past two hours." Poor Visenya, was afraid Deirys would go into labor at any point. "Are you sure you are feeling well?"
"Yes, is just the babe is in a very uncomfortable position." Deirys shifted in her seat, smiling at her sister. "Do not worry about me, I want to hear about you. How are you and Xanner doing?"
"Mama talked to papa and convinced him that I should spend some time with the lords in Kings Landing, to see if I found any of them appealing." Visenya blushed. "I was only able to spend a few days with Xanner before he had to go with our father and uncle Aemond to fight the faith. I am hoping papa did not realize that in those days the only lord I spent time with was Xanner."
"Do not worry about it. Papa has other things to worry about."
"That is true. Mama said she would keep him distracted if he started to act out." Deirys and Visenya laughed. "She actually told him not to do anything that would make grandsire exile him once more."
"Yes, I believe our father was exiled a few times before we were born." Deirys gave Visenya an amused look. "According to mama the first war at the Stepstones was not approved by the crown. Lord Corlys convinced our father it would be a good idea to go to war at the Stepstones even though our grandsire refused to sanction the war and our father had been exiled and wanted to marry a whore."
"I cannot imagine our father marrying someone else besides our mother. They have always been so perfect together and so in love." Visenya frowned. "I do not think I have ever heard of our father fucking whores in my entire life."
"Not since he married mama." Deirys shook her head. "From what grandsire said papa acted like Rhaegon."
"That is a scary thought."
That was another thing that was worrying Deirys. Since Rhaegon had left Jaehaera was more melancholic than usual. The girl spent most of her days in her chambers and was only seen when Visenya forced her to take a walk with her in the gardens. Deirys knew Visenya was also extremely worried about her friend and the way she had been acting. Helaena had spent hours in Jaehaera's chambers, trying to talk to her and make her feel better. Her grandsire was not getting much better, the poison Otto had used for years had taken a toll on his body and his mother was the one running the kingdom most of the time. She had been helping her for the past few moons, but the nearest her labors got the less energy she had. In the past month, Deirys had been reading most of the documents from her chambers. Which is why Visenya was now sitting with her, instead of walking in the gardens or flying her dragon. Her poor sister spent most of her time taking care of her and Jaehaera.
"Would you like some food?" Deirys looked up from the letter in front of her, it was the last one Aemond had sent her. "You have not eaten in a while."
"I am fine, you do not have to worry. If you are hungry I can just ask one of the maids to bring us some food."
"No, I will go and get some food for both of us." Visenya stood up and kissed her cheek. "I could use the walk."
Deirys smiled watching her sister leave the room. The poor girl hated being stuck inside all day, that was why she spent so much time in the gardens and flying. She was not one for being indoors. Deirys read Aemond's letter for the twentieth time. She had already sent her response, but she liked reading the letter, it made her feel a bit closer to him. Her mother kept telling her how sickening in love she and her husband were. Aemond had sent her over twenty letters, which was more than one letter a week. She had answered every single one of them. Over thirty minutes went by before Deirys started getting worried, Visenya usually would not take this long. There was a screech, it almost sounded like a cry. Deirys groaned as she stood up, she could not wait until the babe was born. She was dying to be able to see her feet once more. She had barely taken two steps when her chamber doors crashed open and Visenya ran in, panic all over her face.
"They are back. Papa, and the others, they flew back."
"That is good news, why do you look so scared?" Deirys felt her heart stop for a moment. "Is Aemond hurt?"
"No, well he has a few scratches, but he seems well." Visenya was breathing hard and her face was panicked. Deirys knew something was wrong. "Is Rhaegon."
"Rhaegon?" Now she recognized the sound, it was Meraxes. "What happened to him?"
"There was an incident and he is badly hurt." Visenya burst into tears. "They do not know if he is going to survive."
Deirys did not even answer her, she just walked out of her chambers, walking as fast as she was able. The kingsguards did not say anything as she approached her brother's chambers, just opened the doors. She walked in to see her mother crying in Daemon's arms. Baelon was standing in the corner, not looking at anyone, and her husband was standing between her parents and Baelon, looking at the bed. Aemond had a small cut on his head and a few scratches, but he did not seem gravely injured. In the bed, her brother was unconscious, his face pale and had a long deep gash that went from his hip and disappeared around his back. He also had several bruises around his torso. There were four healers around the bed. Aemond saw her and ran to her, wrapping her in his arms.
"What happened?" Deirys looked at Aemond, before looking toward the bed. "How was my brother hurt?"
"It was because of me." Aemond looked guilty and sad. "We both snuck into the Citadel, once inside we interrogated one of the maesters who took Rhaegon to where the traitors were having a meeting, while I snuck into the high Septon's chambers to look for proof of what they have been doing. While we got them distracted the rest of our forces snuck in and were able to get the civilians out of the city so we could attack with only minor casualties. We did not count on the high Septon filling the lower chambers with wildfire. They had a plan to set it off, for the building to explode if we attacked. Once we had all the traitors detained Rhaegon found out about the plan and that it had already been put in motion. They were all able to get out, but Rhaegon went looking for me. He covered me with his body as the building exploded, throwing us both out of a window."
"Then how is he hurt so badly?" Deirys noticed for the first time that her brother's hair was black, she looked at Aemond and noticed her husband's hair was also black. "How is it possible you are not as injured as he is?"
"Meraxes felt Rhaegons fear and pain." Aemond looked even more guilty now. "She dove from the skies and grabbed us in midair before we reached the ground. Since Rhaegon's body was still covering me he was hurt the worse when Meraxes claws grabbed us. I was unconscious and woke in the back of Gaelithox with Baelon, we were already flying here. Since we were not sure of which one of the maesters were traitors, your father did not want them to treat Rhaegon."
Now it was Deirys turn to burst into tears. She was so happy her husband was back and that he was safe. But her heart hurt thinking that her brother could be dying. Her little brother, who was reckless and did crazy things, but had a heart of gold and could make anyone smile. Her mother just kept sobbing and while her father was attempting to console her, she could see he was also heartbroken. At one point in time, the healers asked them all to step out of the room. They all wanted to protest, but in the end, they knew it would be the best for Rhaegon so they all left the room. Her father was pacing, her mother kept crying, hugging a crying Visenya, and her husband just kept staring that the chamber doors. Deirys walked to her brother, who was leaning against the wall, he had not said anything the entire time and he had not looked up once.
"Baelon?" Deirys touched his elbow, he still did not look up. "He is going to be fine, he has to be fine."
"I should have gone with them." This time her brother did look at her and she saw the tears running down his face. "I should have never let him go by himself."
"Oh, Baleon." Deirys held her brother as close as her belly would allow her. He laid his head on her shoulder, his body shaking. She ran a hand over his back. "This is not on you, on any of you. You all did the best you could, this is the high Septon's fault. He did not care who he hurt or how many people died as long as he could take as many Targaryens down as he could."
The chamber doors opened and they all turned to see the main healer walking toward them. They all moved to the man, who had a take a step back since he was almost run over.
"The prince has several fractured ribs, the injury to his side is deep and made him lose a large amount of blood. Thank the gods the dragon claws did not damage any organs. He also received a serious hit to his head." The healer looked at her parents. "We have to wait for the prince to wake before we can check the extent of the damage. We also have to make sure the injury to his side does not fester. One of us will stay with the prince at all times until he wakens."
"I will also stay," Deirys spoke before anyone else had time to say anything.
"My love, you cannot." Deirys turned to her husband, glaring at him, but he just shook his head. "You are heavy with child and have three small children to take care of."
"Aemond is right." Her mother gave her a placating smile. "I will stay with Rhaegon, do not worry."
Deirys knew it would not do her any good to fight with her husband and her mother. She would just make sure to visit her brother as much as possible. She will also make sure the traitors received the punishment they deserved. 

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