The New Dragon Age

By Havingfunwithfanfic

304K 8.5K 527

Daemon and Rhaenyra married. Their first child was sent by the Gods to save them all. Deirys Targaryen was bo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 44

3K 84 0
By Havingfunwithfanfic

Aemond says goodbye to his family before going to fight the faith. Second half has a 3 month time jump. We see Rhaegon's point of view and find out he has a lot of things in common with his father. Damon has to take a look at how he has been acting and take a step back. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

                                   Deirys Targaryen (21 years old, 5 months pregnant.)


                                           Daemon Targaryen (3 years old.)

                                                 Aegon Targaryen (3 years old.)


                                                Rhaelys Targaryen (1 year old.)

Aemond hugged both his sons, he picked them up and now he had no idea how to let go of them. He hated leaving his family behind, which was different from just a few years ago when all he wanted was the glory of battle. He had spent as much time as he could with his wife and children for the past four days. He and Deirys had tried to explain to little Daemon and little Aegon that he was leaving, but the children were too young to completely understand what was happening, his daughter did not even realize what was happening. Both children kissed his cheek and then ran to their grandsire and uncles when Aemond put them down.

"Kepa." Rhaelys was holding out her little arms.

"There is my beautiful girl." Aemond took her from Deirys's arm and kissed the side of her head. "I am going to miss you, sweetheart."

Rhaelys wrapped her small arms around his neck and he kissed her chubby cheeks several times. She would giggle every time he kissed her and he swore his heart melted. She was so tiny and Aemond was hoping this war would only last a few weeks so he did not have to miss her growing up. He did not want to miss any of his children's milestones. He wanted to be present for everything. After a few minutes, Rhaegon walked over to him and gave him a questioning look, to which Aemond nodded before handing Rhaelys over to him. Rhaegon walked away toward his father and brother. Aemond turned back to his wife, moving closer to her.

"I will miss you." He could see tears fill her eyes and hugged her. She became very emotional while she was with child. "Please, I am asking you to take care of yourself. I do not want you to try and do too much."

"When do I ever do too much?" She gave a watery laugh, making him smile. "Do not worry about me, I will be fine."

"I worry about you."

"You worry about me?" She raised an eyebrow. "Correct me if I am wrong, but you are the one going to war. I will stay behind in a comfortable castle. I believe I get the better deal out of this."

"Yes, but you are staying behind with three small children." He kissed her mouth, then her cheek. "You are also with child and helping your mother with the running of the kingdom, while my father is ill."

"Please, do not worry." Deirys caressed his face. "Write to me often and please let me know if there are any issues."

"I will. I am hoping we will finish this war soon, but I also want to know if there are any issues with you." Aemond kissed her belly. "If the war takes longer than we expect, please send news as soon as you have our child."

"I will."

They stood there for a few minutes before Aemond finally pulled away and walked toward Daemon, Rhaegon, and Baelon. Little Daemon and little Aegon were running around the adults, while Daemon was holding Rhaelys and speaking to her like she understood what he was saying. They had already said goodbye to the rest of the family, but the children had wanted to stay longer and Aemond wanted as much time with them as he could get. Rhaenyra had taken a sullen-looking Aemma away, the girl was upset she was being left behind. She insisted on going to war with them. She kept saying her dragon needed to experience war. Rhaenyra had finally had enough of her whining and had taken her away.

Aemond let out a sigh when it was finally time to leave. He could not delay it any longer. He kissed his children again before kissing his wife. It took him a few seconds to let go of her. He did not want to. The kingsguard helped keep the children in place while Deirys held Rhaelys in her arms. Once Aemond climbed on Vhegar, he waved goodbye to his family before ordering his dragon to fly. He was going to make the faith regret ever conspiring against his family. He was going to make them regret keeping him away from his family.


3 months later.

"Dracarys." Meraxes's flames burned out one of the smaller buildings close to the Citadel, sending people running to get away from the flames.

His dragon turned, letting out a roar that had the people below screaming and running faster. Meraxes climbed higher and flew back towards their war camp. Once Meraxes landed some of the soldiers jumped away and Rhaegon smiled before climbing off his dragon. He moved towards the main tent, the guards pulling the tent flaps aside as he walked in. His father, brother, uncle, and several lords were standing around the map table, arguing. They all got quiet when Rhaegon walked in, and he stared at them, raising an eyebrow.

"We all saw that." His father gave him a hard look. "Why did you set fire to one of the outer buildings?"

"Boredom?" Rhaegon shrugged and walked closer to the table. "I was just making sure they remembered we are still here, and that we are not leaving."

"I believe they are aware we are still here." He could tell Lord Tyrell was having a hard time not snapping at him. "We do not want to kill any innocent people."

"I am sorry." Rhaegon moved closer to the lord, not taking his eyes away from him. "Should we just keep dragging this out? Would that make you feel better Lord Tyrell?"

"Of course not my prince." The man lowered his eyes. "There is much knowledge inside the Citadel, we cannot allow it to be destroyed."

"My lord," Rhaegon rolled his eyes at the man, he was so whinny. "All that knowledge is the only reason I have not burned the entire thing to the ground. That is the only reason we are all still here. But I have to be honest, I am getting a little tired and annoyed of being stuck in this place. Sharing a tent with my brother is not my idea of fun. We have not shared chambers since we were in the nursery and I do not like reverting to that time. Plus, my brother snores rather loudly."

His uncle Aemond let out a laugh, turning his face away when his father glared at him. Rhaegon was not a patient man, he did not like waiting and being idle. If it had been up to him he would have set the Citadel on fire the first day they arrived. But the lords were not pleased with that plan, they said all the knowledge was too valuable to be destroyed. Unfortunately for him, his father and uncle had agreed with them, but Rhaegon was starting to lose patience. How much longer do the lords expect them to be camped outside this horrid place? He was getting tired of being here, there was no good wine and barely any women.

"Rhaegon." He felt the need to roll his eyes but knew that would not go over well with his father, especially with how frustrated he seemed. "We all agreed to wait before attacking the Citadel. We are supposed to be coming up with a plan."

"Yes, well, I am hoping you will get on with it." His father's eyes hardened. "I am tired of sitting on my ass waiting for the solutions to fall out of the sky."

"Everyone out!" The lords looked at each other nervously before walking out of the tent. His uncle Aemond lead Baelon to the exit, slapping Rhaegon's back on the way out. His father crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at him until Rhaegon looked down. "I really try to understand you, but sometimes your actions baffle me. You do not think before you act, you are reckless and irresponsible. I do not know how to speak to you sometimes."

"Why? Because I am not Deirys, Baelon or Visenya?" His jaw tightened as he clenched his teeth. He took a step closer. "Because I do not act the way you want me to? Because I make you look bad in front of the lords? Or is it because I act exactly like you when you were my age?"

"Rhaegon." His father shook his head. "I do not expect you to be like your siblings."

"No?" His fists clenched. "Because all I hear every day is how amazing Deirys is, how she has a connection to the gods. How Baelon is such a great commander and has such patience. How Visenya is so sweet and kind. All I hear from you is how much of a disappointment I am."

"That is not true." His father stepped around the table, moving closer to him. "I have never said you were a disappointment."

"You did not have to." Rhaegon looked him directly in the eyes. "I hear it loud and clear."

"Rhaegon." Daemon took Rhaegon's face in his hands, making sure he could not look away. "I am so sorry that I ever made you feel that way. I have never, not for an instant thought of you as a disappointment. I had no idea you felt that way, or that I was the cause of it. The truth is that out of all my children, you are the one who is most like me. And I promised myself that I would never make any of my children feel the way my brother and grandsire made me feel. I did not want to be the kind of father that makes you feel like a failure. I just do not want you to repeat my mistakes. I hated the way the lords and my brother saw me, and how they spoke about me. They used to call me Lord Flea Bottom and I resented them for it. I just did not want them to speak about you the same way."

"I do not mind being like you."

"I do not mind it either." His father gave him a genuine smile. "I just do not want people to speak badly of you. Rhaegon you are my firstborn son, and I have never been anything but proud of you. Baelon is a great commander, he is good at leading people and motivating them, just like your mother. But you are a great strategist, you have amazing instincts. I just wish you would think a little before acting sometimes."

Rhaegon let out a laugh and his father smiled. Rhaegon loved his father, Daemon was his hero, but he had always felt like he was not good enough. He was happy to know his father was not disappointed in him. Maybe he should have talked to him sooner, he would have saved himself a lot of grief if he had just told his father how he was feeling.

"I know setting that building on fire seems reckless, but there was a reason behind it." His father took a step back and gave him a questioning look. "I am aware that the knowledge stored in the Citadel is important and needs to be preserved, but we cannot stay here waiting forever. The maesters know that we will not attack the building because of that, which is the reason why they refuse to step outside and speak with us. That building fire will work as a great distraction. I have a plan."

Rhaegon held up a glass vial, his father looked confused for a moment before a smile took over his face. Hopefully, this would be the beginning of the end for the faith. 

                                                 Rhaegon Targaryen (18 years old.)

                                               Baelon Targaryen (18 years old.)

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