The New Dragon Age

By Havingfunwithfanfic

295K 8.2K 464

Daemon and Rhaenyra married. Their first child was sent by the Gods to save them all. Deirys Targaryen was bo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 43

3.2K 95 0
By Havingfunwithfanfic

Rhaenyra talks to Daemon about finding a husband for Visenya, then makes plans with Mysa Strong to help their children's relationship. Deirys finally gets the proof she needs against the faith. Plans are put in motion. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

Rhaenyra was a bit apprehensive, she did not know how she was supposed to talk to Daemon about Xanner and Visenya. Her husband was not known for being very level-headed, especially when it came to their daughters. He had just stopped glaring at Aemond after the birth of his children. Rhaenyra liked Xanner, he was a great man, very sweet and polite, and more importantly, he loved her daughter. Rhaenyra had known about Xanner and Visenya's feelings for a long time, but she had been waiting for her daughter to tell her. Then last night she had gone to the gardens and saw Xanner and her daughter kissing. She had been happy Daemon had decided to stay with her father, she had no idea how her husband would react if he saw them, but she knew it would not be pleasant. Rhaenyra had waited for Visenya in her chambers, she would not lie, she had found it amusing how Visenya blushed while trying to explain her feelings for Xanner. Her daughter reminded her so much of her mother that sometimes it was uncanny how much the two women had in common. Rhaenyra wanted her daughter to be happy, and this marriage would also be beneficial for the crown. Xanner was a lord from the Riverlands and he was related to the Tully's. Now she just needed to make sure her husband understood this.
Daemon was sitting across from her and eating quietly. He had been working all night on a new project they were working on. They would bring it up at the small council meeting in a few days. Their children had decided not to eat with them this morning, Rhaegon was having the morning meal with Aegon, Jaehaerys, Jaehaera, and Helaena. Baelon had decided to eat with Alyssa, Aemma, and Aenys. Visenya had decided to eat with Deirys and her family, that way Rhaenyra would be able to speak with Daemon without their children present.
"I would like to speak with you about something." Daemon put down the papers he had been reading and looked at her. Rhaenyra decided to just come out with it. "I believe we should start looking for a husband for Visenya."
"What?" Daemon's expression had been pleasant before, now not so much. "Why do we need to worry about Visenya's marriage? She is still a child."
"No, she is not." She had to stop herself from rolling her eyes. "She is of age, Daemon. I am not saying she has to be married tomorrow or in a sennight, but we should start looking now, that way we can find someone she likes and can get along with."
"Why are we worrying about this now?" Daemon had stopped eating at this point. "I thought we agreed that our children would not be used as political tools."
"I am not speaking about using her as a political tool." This time she did roll her eyes. "I am not saying we sell our daughter for a political alliance, but we need to speak about this. Visenya needs to find someone to start her own family with."
"Do you have anyone in mind?"
"I was thinking we could start with some of the lords that are staying here in Kings Landing." She gave Daemon a smile. "Visenya already knows most of them, so she would feel comfortable talking and getting to know them."
"It sounds like you have planned everything." He was glaring at her now. "I just do not understand why you are speaking to me about it."
"Because I do not want you scaring everyone away." Now she was the one glaring at him. "I understand you do not like to think of our daughters growing up and getting married, but we need to face reality. They are not going to be children forever and Visenya is of age."
"I promise not to kill any of the lords preening around our daughter." She arched an eyebrow and he let out a sigh. "I will also not maim any of them."
"I just want this to go well." She took one of his hands, running her thumb on top of it. "Please, just do not do anything that will make my father exile you again."
He snorted then burst out laughing, making Rhaenyra smile. She liked when he was happy. Daemon finished his meal and kissed her, before leaving their chambers. A few minutes later there was a knock on the door and Lady Mysa Strong walked in.
"Princess." Mysa bowed before moving closer. "Your maid said you wanted to see me?"
"Yes." Rhaenyra gestured to the chair across from her. "I would like to speak about our children, specifically Visenya and Xanner."
"Oh." Mysa's expression became nervous and Rhaenyra stopped herself from smiling. "I am sorry, princess. I did not find out until last night what was happening between them. Xanner spoke with Harwin and I, he assured us his intentions are noble and I would never allow..."
"Mysa, calm down." Rhaenyra gave her a calming smile, touching her hand to stop her from rambling. "I am not upset or think Xanner was doing anything inappropriate. I know Xanner is a wonderful and caring young man. I also spoke to Visenya last night, she told me Xanner asked her permission to court her. She said he wanted to speak with Daemon and I about courting her."
"I am aware. Xanner said the same thing to Harwin and I."
"I can see there is something bothering you." Mysa was looking at her with apprehension. "Were you looking for someone else to marry Xanner?"
"No, is nothing like that." Mysa bit her lip and Rhaenyra did not say anything, she just waited until her friend felt comfortable saying what was on her mind. "To be perfectly honest, I am worried about Prince Daemon. We all know how he is where his daughters are concerned. I would prefer if my son did not die too young and was able to keep all his limbs attached to his body."
"I understand that." Rhaenyra could not help but laugh at her friend's description of what Daemon would do. "I have spoken to Daemon about looking for a suitable husband for Visenya. I suggested having her get to know some of the lords already living in the city."
"You lied to your husband?" Mysa was laughing now.
"Well, I could not tell him our children are in love without risking Xanner's life or limbs." Rhaenyra gave Mysa a sincere look. "I want my daughter to be happy, and your son seems to have that ability. I also would not mind having you and Harwin as part of my family."
"Thank you. We feel the same way." Mysa squeezed her hand. "Visenya is a lovely girl, she is so sweet and kind."
"So, we just need to make sure our children have a chance to spend more time together," Rhaenyra smirked. "Do not worry, I will handle my husband."

                                            Mysa Strong (39 years old.)


Deirys smirked while reading the letter, finally, something she could show the small council. Deirys walked to the council chambers, making sure to give the lords a nod when she entered. She sat down and said nothing once the meeting started, she waited until there was an opening. Since maester Mellos's betrayal had been discovered her grandsire had not allowed anyone from the Citadel to be a part of the small council. The lords had been pushing for a new maester to be allowed into the small council. Deirys only had to wait for them to bring it up once more, which they had been doing at every council meeting for the past two years. She had made sure maester Mellos's body had been found, everyone assumed he had been killed by robbers while running from the crown. 

"Your grace," Of course it would be Ser Tyland Lannister who would bring it up. "We have been receiving letters from the Citadel, they are requesting a meeting with you, they want to introduce some of the maesters, so you can pick the new grand maester, and we desperately need one."
"Do we?" Deirys pulled the letter from underneath her sleeve, handing it to her grandsire. "Because the high Septon has been recruiting people from all over Westeros for the past fifteen years and trained them to become the new Faith militant. After they lost the support from Oldtown they were able to get another lord to support them. This lord lent them his castle and some of his soldiers to train the new recruits. The high Septon has sent several of his new soldiers to several of the major houses and they are working on convincing the people to overthrow the Targaryens. The high Septon has been working on a new plot and all the people being presented to the king as candidates for grand maesters are part of the faith militant. Their job will be to kill the royal family from the inside. They have also been working on a potion to kill our dragons."
"This will not be tolerated." The king slammed his fists against the table. "I have had enough of the Faith trying to kill my family. I want to know who the lord helping them is and I want him arrested and questioned."
"I already sent the unsullied to arrest him." Deirys looked around the room. "They should be back anytime."
"With all due respect, princess." Ser Tyland cleared his throat. "As a princess, you cannot make the arrests without consulting the king or the small council."
"Actually, I can." Deirys smiled at her mother. "As long as I get the approval from the heir, which I did."
"My daughter came to me early last night with the proof." Rhaenyra smiled at Ser Tyland. "Since the king had been indisposed for the past sennight it fell to me to run the kingdom. Once I saw the proof I had her send the unsullied to arrest Lord Jason Lannister."
"What?" Tyland Lannister was shocked, Deirys could see he really had no idea what his brother had been up to. He looked between the king and her mother. "My brother cannot be involved in this."
"But he is." Deirys let her mother take over. "Lord Jason Lannister has been working with the faith and Ser Otto Hightower for the past fifteen years. Your brother even sent money to the iron bank and attempted to hire the golden company. Of course, we made sure he was not able to do it. Once Ser Otto, his brother, and most of his family were executed for treason the faith lost the support of Oldtown. Jason Lannister became the main supporter of the faith."
"Your grace." Poor Tyland, he really did not want to believe his brother was guilty. He was looking pleadingly at the king. "There is no reason for my brother to betray the crown."
"But there is." Aemond was glaring at Tyland, then he looked at the king. "Lord Jason Lannister agreed to help the faith overthrow the Targaryens and in exchange, they would make him king."
"Who is in charge of Lord Jason's arrest and transport to Kings Landing?" The king asked, glaring at everyone in the room.
"Prince Daemon Targaryen." Tyland sucked in a breath when Aemond said the name. "He flew to Casterly Rock this morning."
"Ser Tyland." The knight looked at her and she took a deep breath, this would not be good. "Your mother, lady Ceira, is also being arrested. There is proof that she also has been conspiring with the faith."
Tyland looked shocked and heartbroken at the same time. Deirys could not help but feel bad for him. Her mother had been working to find proof against Jason Lannister since Deirys was five. She was the one that had stopped his deal with the golden company when Deirys was six. But she had to give it to Lannister, he was smart and had known how to cover his tracks, he had learned from Otto after all.
"This is an act of war, your grace." Aemond looked at his father. "I believe we should attack the Citadel as soon as possible."
"I agreed with Prince Aemond." Rhaenyra looked at her father also. "We will have the lords call their banners and meet us on the way to the Reach."
"I really did not want to go to war once more." Her grandsire looked tired. "But I am aware how dangerous the faith can be. I do not want to have them poison me or my family once more. Fine, call the banners and prepare for war."
All the lords nodded and walked out. Deirys was happy that they would finally be able to take care of the faith, but she was not pleased that her husband and father would be going to war without her. Since she was with child, she would not be able to participate this time around. She hoped it would not take too long, she did not want the war to last for years and Aemond missing time with their children. She was also hoping he would be back in time for the birth of their child. He had been present for the birth of their three children, she did not want him to miss the fourth one. Once Deirys and Aemond reached their chambers he wrapped his arms around her, caressing her swollen belly.
"I know you do not want me to go, and to be honest I do not want to go either." He pulled her hair to the side and kissed her neck. "I will try to make it back to you as soon as possible."
"I know, my love." Deirys turned and gave him a small smile. "We all do as we must, even if is something we do not want to do. Just write to me as often as you can."
"I will."
Aemond kissed her, making her forget that he would be leaving in a few days. After a few minutes, he pulled back, smiling at her.
"How about we forget about our duties for the day?" Aemond kissed her ear playfully making her laugh. "We can spend the day with our children."
"I think that is a great idea."
She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the doors. She will try and spend as much time with him as she could. She would miss him and the children would miss him also. They would both have to explain to them what was happening, well, at least the twins. Rhaelys would not understand anything yet.

                                         Deirys Targaryen (21 years old, 5 months pregnant.)

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