The New Dragon Age

By Havingfunwithfanfic

419K 11.6K 759

Daemon and Rhaenyra married. Their first child was sent by the Gods to save them all. Deirys Targaryen was bo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 38

5.8K 193 13
By Havingfunwithfanfic

Small time jump. Deirys is 6 months pregnant and missing her husband, he finally returns and things get a little hot. 🥵. They are so adorable together. Second half of the chapter shows Deirys on her 8.5 month. Things do not go as planned and things get a little dangerous. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

                                 Deirys Targaryen (18 years old. 6 months pregnant.)

Deirys was about to lose her mind, she was uncomfortable and hot. She was also missing her husband, he had been in the Crowland borders for the past two moons. There were some issues with raiders and pirates from the Iron Islands. Aemond had been sent by her grandsire to help the lords from the region, while Deirys had to stay in Kings Landing. She had not been able to ride Vermithor since she reached the fourth moon in her pregnancy. Vermithor refused to get off the ground and it had become really hard for her to even climb on his back. Now she was just sad, she needed her husband with her, which made her sound like a needy little girl, but she missed him. The doors to her chambers opened and she looked up in time to see Aemond walk in.
"You are here." She put the book down, a smile taking over her face. "I cannot believe you are finally back."
"I have missed you so much." She had barely gotten out of bed and all of a sudden he was there. His lips were on hers, his tongue in her mouth. Deirys moaned at the feel of his hard body. She had missed him so much. He pulled away too soon. "I cannot believe I am finally here. You look so beautiful. How is our babe?"
"He or she is doing very well." He lowered his head, kissing her belly and the baby kicked. The smile that came over his face when he felt the babe was radiant. "Kicking a lot as you can feel. Sometimes is hard to fall asleep."
"Well, we will need to fix that. You need to be nicer to your mom baby. She needs to get some rest." He was talking to her belly when there was a knock on the door. Seconds later a few maids walked into the room with buckets of hot water, they bowed and walked directly to the bathing chamber. "I asked for a bath, I do not want to come to bed stinking of dragon."
He kissed her once more before walking to the bathing chambers. Deirys waited until the maids had left and the door was closed before walking to the bathing chambers. She found Aemond laying back on the big bathtub, he had let down his hair, and taken off his eyepatch. Deirys bit her lip, watching his broad shoulders. Since she had gotten with child, her appetite for her husband had grown exponentially, which she did not even think was possible. The past few months without him had made things even worse. Deirys walked to the side of the tub and her purple nightgown was off before Aemond even noticed she was there.
Deirys climbed into the tub, being careful with her balance. Aemond eyes widened when he saw her. When her body first started changing due to her pregnancy she had felt self-conscious, but Aemond had shown her several times and in several different ways how much he loved the way her body had changed. Judging by the look he was giving her now, he liked what he saw. Deirys straddled his thighs, pushing her sensitive center against him and making him moan. Deirys ground herself against him, moaning when his big hands squeezed her breasts gently. Aemond's eyes were full of heat as her fingers curled around the base of his hard cock. Deirys leaned forward a bit, taking his bottom lip between her teeth. Aemond cupped the back of her head, his fingers raking through her hair. Deirys sucked his tongue into her mouth, making him pant against her mouth.
Aemond lost whatever patience he had left because the next thing she knew he grabbed her hips and pulled her down onto his length. She was not able to get control, Aemond did not care she was the one on top of him. Aemond held her hard as he slammed into her from below. Deirys's hands gripped his hair, and she moaned loudly against his mouth. Every thrust hit her deeper than the one before, pushing against the spot inside her that drove her out of her mind. Deirys did not even attempt to gain control, she loved surrendering to Aemond, he knew how to play her body until her mind went blank. Aemond took one of his hands off her hips and dipped his thumb between her folds. Deirys's head fell back and Aemond sucked at the base of her throat, as his thumb circled her clit and he pounded harder into her. His lips traveled lower, clamping over one of her nipples and sucking hard. A scream left her throat as her release hit her hard, making her entire body shake. Aemond thrust into her a couple more times before finding his release. They both panted and Deirys tried to stop her body from shaking.
"You really missed me, didn't you?" She laughed and kissed him, enjoying the way his hands were caressing her back. "If this is how you are going to welcome me back maybe I should go away more often."
"No." Her voice was whiny and he smiled against her lips. "You are not allowed to go away again, or I will need to find a new husband."
"No, you are mine. I am the only husband you will ever have, the only man to see you and have you this way."
They kept kissing until the water turned cold and Aemond insisted they had to get out or she would get sick. Once they were laying in bed Deirys smiled against his chest. She was so happy he was back. Now she could be a bit more calm. She did not like to have him so far away.

                                   Deirys Targaryen (18 years old. 8.5 months pregnant.)

"I cannot believe you decided to show up to this." Aegon was not happy she had shown up the Flea Bottom, in the middle of the day. "Aemond will lose his mind when he finds out, I cannot believe you did not tell him."
"If I had told him then he could not have let me come." Deirys glared at Aegon, she had convinced him to come with her, since her brothers, father, and other family members refused to ignite her husband's ire by taking her out of the red keep. Since she had reached the eighth moon in her pregnancy everyone in the Red Keep treated her like she was made of glass and would break at the tiniest hit. "I had to bring the things for the orphanage. My mother was busy with everything else, she missed last week because she has taken over all my other duties."
"Are you not about to give birth?"
"No." Aegon helped her stand up since her belly made it almost impossible for her to stand on her own. She used to be so graceful and now she could not even walk. She waddled everywhere. Once she was up she put a hand over her belly as the babe landed a strong kick. "I still have a little over a fortnight."
"Oh well." Aegon rolled his eyes and Deirys almost hit him. "That makes me feel better."
"Aegon, I brought you because my husband will be less upset if I had a family member with me." She headed for the doors. "Do not make me regret it. I brought all the things the orphanage desperately needed, now we can go."
"Perfect, perhaps my brother would kill me quickly instead of dragging it out since we have only been out of the castle for about an hour."
"You need to stop being so dramatic. Aemond is not going to kill you." Aegon helped her into the wheelhouse and climbed in after her. "We have only been out for a short time, and I will not tell him that it was you who accompanied me."
Aegon gave her a thankful smile, she knew he and Aemond were getting along much better now. She did not want to be the reason they would get into another fight. She should have thought things better before asking him to go with her. She had been staying locked in the castle, not doing much of anything for the past three moons. She would have stayed in her chambers today, but she had seen how busy her mother had been since Deirys had stopped helping her. Sometimes her mother would not go to bed until the hour of the wolf, and she was always swamped with contracts and other papers. When her mother had missed her weekly meeting at the orphanage the week before she had felt bad, but when she found she would not be able to make it again this week, she knew she had to help. The children at the orphanage needed the things her mother delivered every week, so Deirys had decided to help and take the things herself.
She knew her family would refuse to accompany her since they were afraid of what Aemond would do, so she had convinced her uncle Aegon. He had relented after much pleading from her. The unsullied were busy working with her father, some of them were working with her brothers and the others were helping the gold cloaks and securing the city. She had taken Ser Erryk and Ser Luthor, and Aegon had Ser Arryk with him. Aemond would not be happy knowing that she had left the Red Keep without half the kingsguard and the unsullied with her. Deirys shifted in her seat, she had been having back aches for a few hours, and they were getting a bit stronger. The wheelhouse came to a halt and Deirys frowned, moving the curtains aside and looking out.
"What is happening?" Aegon looked out the opposite window. "Why did we stop?"
"Your graces." Ser Erryk opened the wheelhouse doors. "There seems to be a problem a little bit ahead, but several people are blocking the road. We are waiting for the gold cloaks to come and get everything under control."
Deirys could hear people fighting ahead and she could see Ser Erryk was getting nervous. The sounds seem to be getting closer and she could hear the kingsguard at the front of the wheelhouse yelling for the people to get back. Ser Erryk turned to them and now there was fear on his face.
"We need to get you both away from here." Ser Erryk took her hand and helped her off the carriage, Aegon getting down after her. "We have to find a way to return you safely to the castle."
"Can we wait for the gold cloaks?" Before Aegon could finish his thoughts a shout came from their right and they saw Ser Luthor and Ser Arryk engaged with the crowd. They were being attacked and that crowd had gotten larger. "How are we supposed to get safely to the castle?"
"I will get you there." Ser Erryk pulled her hand and dragged her towards an alleyway. Aegon was walking fast behind her. They should be running, but there was no way she would be able to run. Deirys felt a sharp pain in her lower belly and stopped, gasping and holding her stomach. "Your grace, we need to hurry if we want to get you both back to the Red Keep safely."
"I need to stop for a moment." Deirys's face was pained as she bent forward a bit, clutching her belly. "You go and get some of the knights from the city watch to help us."
"Princess, I cannot leave you here." Ser Erryk looked thorn.
"Well, this is not going to work." Aegon looked behind them, where men were running in their direction. Aegon walked up to her, picked her up, and looked at Ser Erryk. "Guide the way, I will follow you."
Ser Erryk took off running, and Aegon ran after him at a slower pace. Deirys stomach cramped once more and she could not help but groan. They turned onto another alleyway and seven men were waiting for them. There was something familiar about them, but Deirys could not place them. Aegon cursed and put her down, unsheathing his sword. Deirys grabbed the dagger she always carried with her and held it tightly. The men attacked her knightsguard and uncle, they did not seem to be attacking Aegon as much as Ser Erryk. Deirys felt a hand wrapped over her mouth and an arm trapping both her arms against her body. The man pulled her back towards the building behind them. They entered a small room and the man pushed her away from him.
"Well, hello princess." The man's smile was nasty and he gave her a mocking bow. "I did not expect to find you here."
"What the fuck do you want?" She gripped her dagger tighter.
"Well, that is a tricky question." He took a step closer and she took one backward, clutching her belly as another cramp seized her. "I want you to pay for what you have done to my family. I want you dead and to see your bitch of a mother suffer."
"What I've done to your family?" Maybe it was because she was in pain, but it took her a few minutes to realize who he was. "Ser Gwayne Hightower, you are Otto's son and the queen's brother."
"Bravo princess." He stepped closer. "I knew you would recognize me eventually. You did not think I was going to let you get away with murdering my father?"
"I did not murder your father." She had to swallow her pained moan. "Your father was a traitor, he was caught in a conspiracy against my family. I might have helped uncover what he did, but I not to blame for him being a traitorous cunt."
"I will cut that bastard out of your belly." He pointed his sword at her and she held her belly protectively. She would make sure this bastard go to hell before she allowed him to hurt her child. "And then I am going to take my time making you suffer."
Gwayne lunged at her and she was able to move out of his way, bumping her hip against a small table and dropping her dagger. Gwayne cursed and turned to her, Deirys stepped back until she hit the wall, and the man smiled. He knew he had her corralled and there was no way she could get away from him.
"The queen sends her regards." Deirys's eyes widened and his smile become more prominent. "Say hello to my father and tell him I will see him soon."
"How about you tell him yourself?" Gwayne gasped, looking down at the sword sticking out of his chest. A thin trail of blood was coming out of his mouth and then he fell forward. Deirys looked at Aegon, who just looked at his uncle in disgust, holding his bloody sword. Aegon looked at her and smiled. "Apparently, all of my mother's family are traitors."
"Thank you." Deirys could not believe it was Aegon who saved her.
"We need to leave now." Aegon took her hand and tried to guide her towards the doors. "We got rid of the men outside, but we do not know if they sent anymore."
"Aegon." Deirys felt water running down her legs, and her belly cramped even harder, making her groan loudly. "The babe is coming."
Deirys would have laughed at the look on Aegon's face if she wasn't in so much pain.

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