Classroom of The Elite : The...

By Featherpen287

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Set in four years after the graduation of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, the story is now focused on an entirely new ca... More

Chapter 1 : First Day
Chapter 2 : S-system
Chapter 3 : Class C
Chapter 4: Karaoke
Chapter 5 : Class B
Chapter 6 : Danger and Curiousity
Chapter 7 : Class Leader
Chapter 8 : Sukeban
Chapter 9: Triangle
Chapter 10: Scammer
Chapter 11: Dark Eyes
Chapter 12: May 1st
Chapter 13: Crossroad
Chapter 14: Study Group
Chapter 15: The Biker
Chapter 16: Fist
Chapter 17: Mini-test
Chapter 18: Passing Grade
Chapter 19: Mid-term Exam
Chapter 20: The Handshake
Higashi Teiichi's SS: Siblings
Kasai Himiko's SS: Threads
Kurose Yukie's SS: Their Crush
Satonaka Ayase's SS: Guilt
Bonus Chapter: Characters Profile (first batch)
Chapter 21: Inquiry
Chapter 22: Uneasiness
Chapter 23: The Gap
Chapter 24: Dinner
Chapter 25: Her Secret
Chapter 26: His Regard
Chapter 27: Dating Advice
Chapter 28: Birthday Party
Chapter 30: Superiority Complex
Chapter 31: Snare
Chapter 32: Troublemaker
Chapter 33: Assault or Accident
Chapter 34: Investigation
Chapter 35: Testimony
Chapter 36: Preliminary
Chapter 37: The Trial
Chapter 38: Second Suspect
Chapter 39: Compromise
Chapter 40: Special Exam
Nanahara Mari's SS: The Bad Ones
Higashi Teiichi's SS: Catalyst
Satonaka Ayase's SS: Girl's Talk
Ishikawa Sousuke's SS: Interference
Bonus Chapter: Characters Profile (second batch)
Chapter 41: The Cruise Ship
Chapter 42: Reputation
Chapter 43: The Island
Chapter 44: The Rules
Chapter 45: Securing the Base
Chapter 46: Managing the Camp

Chapter 29: Tether

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By Featherpen287

Yesterday's party was pretty fun apart from some unexpected things. I've gotten to know more Class B students, but in the end, I still couldn't find any suspicious people in that class. Either because this White Roomer didn't come or because they hid well at the party. That day I decided to message Kasai and we agreed to have lunch together on the roof like the other day.

When I got to the roof, I saw that she had arrived first. The girl sat leaning against the fence, eating dumplings from her lunch box. Meanwhile, I just bought a piece of soba bread and some juice.

"You didn't bring lunch today?" she asked as I sat down next to her.

"I'm not that hungry," I replied as I opened the plastic bag of my soba bread. When I ate it apparently it tasted much better than I thought. Maybe I'll buy this every day from now on.

"You have something you want to report?"


"Speak then..."

"Yesterday Shinji and I went to a class B's birthday party."

"Everyone was there?"

"No, those present were around 20 or so people."

"Tell me in detail."

I tell her everything from everything that happened to who was present at the party. Kasai listened as she ate her dumplings and occasionally nodded in understanding as I recounted events. Kasai was as relaxed as ever but I could tell that her mind was currently capturing various information that I couldn't.

"So what conclusion did you come to? Have you found anybody...suspicious?" Kasai asked after I finished my story.

When I look back, I don't think there's anything worth of note. Masaki is too stiff and blatant. Shiraishi also seemed to be just an ordinary model student. The only acquaintance of mine in Class B who might be a little suspicious is Hayashi Rika. She is quiet but she tends to observe her surroundings and is close friends with Shiraishi. If she was a White Roomer then it would make sense for her to get close to Shiraishi. Unfortunately, at this time it was only an assumption that I wasn't even one hundred percent sure of yet.

"None of them are least so far. It's also possible that they didn't even attend the party."

While I was talking, Kasai spilled the drink from the water bottle into the large lid and then took a small gulp before speaking. "Are you looking for them while using me as a yardstick?"

"Well...Yeah, you're the only White Room student I know..."

"Makes sense," she said. "But too bad, that was a mistake. Didn't I tell you a few days ago? Just because we were all educated in the White Room doesn't mean we are the same. Your view will be limited if you think like that."

"Indeed, but what other choice do I have? In the end, I have to start from something."

"Whatever, the point is you still haven't found anything right?"

"Unfortunately yes."

"It's okay, it would be really disappointing if you could find them that fast, more importantly, what about the three kittens you're taking care of?"

Kittens? Oh, she probably meant Komugi, Nanahara, and Kazami. She did ask me to take care of them. "So far Komugi and Kazami living their life as usual, they're in the same study group as me so it's easy to keep an eye on them, the problem is Nanahara. That girl until now still doesn't want to be disturbed."

"You better do something about her, as soon as possible" Kasai suggested. "Some unsavory rumors are going around about her, it looks like the candy hair girl has made an enemy."

"What rumors?" due to her loner nature, my classmates tend to have unreasonable prejudices about Nanahara. Most of it was nothing more than the ravings of jealous girls but if Kasai take note of this one then it must be something really bad.

"There were rumors that she abused three Class D students and broke their noses. Besides that, some say that she is a prostitute who seduces various men."

The latter was obviously nonsense, but the former worries me. Given her temperament, it's not out of the question for Nanahara to punch anyone who irritates her. If she does get into fights with other class then our class will be in big trouble. Looks like I'll have to speak with her.

"Can you confirm the truth behind those rumors?" I asked.

"Of course," answered Kasai. "But I don't think you need to worry."


"Because Class D hasn't reported it to the school."

If those rumors were true, then Nanahara should have been called by the school staff this morning. Since nothing happened, those rumors might just be lies, even so, I'd better be careful. There is a possibility that all of this is part of a grand plan carried out by another white roomer.

"...I think I'll have to meet her just in case."

"Do whatever you want, and while you're at it don't forget to throw in a bit of your charm."

"What? Charm? What do you mean?"

"It's about time you pulled her over to your side. Ishikawa-kun has already established his position in class D. Shiraishi-san has officially become the class B representative, and the rest of class A has also started forming its own line-up. Our class is the only one that still doesn't have a clear hierarchy."

She couldn't be serious. If I really had that kind of charm, then Nanahara wouldn't ignore me to such an extent. I think she said that just to make fun of me.

"Easy for you to say," I sighed as I leaned my head against the fences. "Nanahara doesn't like me, and there's no way all of the Class C students would obey me just because I asked them to. Besides, what do you mean by hierarchy anyway? We don't need all that...I don't intend to be a ruler or anything."

"Hierarchy will always exist in a group, the question is 'what type' of hierarchy," Kasai said as she twirled dumplings with her chopsticks. "But if you don't want to think about that then it's fine, even so, don't you remember that I was on your side? If you want, I can get them all to acknowledge you in three days."

I was silent for a moment hearing her words. Three days, huh? Given her cunning, she could definitely pull it off. With her help, I can definitely become the leader in this class. Unfortunately, the risk is too high. Who knows what she will do to lift me to the top. There was no guarantee that she wouldn't do something that would harm the other students. Since I've agreed to cooperate with her, one day I still have to step up, but at least I want to do it with my own ability.

"I'm sorry but I guess I can handle it myself," I wasn't confident about that but I had to do it anyway. Thus, the trust my classmates have poured on me will not be misplaced. Positions achieved by lies will always be fragile.

"Okay, if that's what you want..." Kasai smiled. Is she impressed? Or maybe she's underestimated me? Whatever, I'm still not counting on her for this one.

Kasai's lunch box was almost empty and there was only one dumpling left, but instead of eating it, she lifted it in front of my face with her chopsticks. "Want some? I made it myself, you know?"

"Really?" the shape was too perfect so I thought she bought it from the convenience store.

"Yeah, I just learned it yesterday. Try it!"

Kasai sometimes tends to act nice like this. Given what she's been up to, it's hard to tell if she's sincere or not but it's not surprising that Iwa is attracted to her, now that I think about it. Even though I'm not hungry, the dumplings smell really good, so I thought there was no harm in trying them. I ate the dumplings without saying anything and Kasai kept staring at me, waiting for a comment.

"Delicious," I said. "Just as good as the one I ate in Shinjuku. I think you have a talent for cooking."

"I'm glad you like it," Kasai looked very satisfied.

I gulped down my drink after checking the time on my phone. Lunchtime is almost over so we should be back soon. "The bell will ring soon, we have to go back."

"Sure," Kasai started to tidy up her lunch box. "Don't forget to call me if you need anything."

"Yeah...I'll remember that," after saying that I stood up followed by Kasai. We both walked towards the door keeping a little distance. I hope we don't cross paths with our classmates halfway.


I tried to find a chance to talk to Nanahara, but I thought she would shut down more if I talked to her in class that's why I waited until after school. I had refused Shinji's invitation to go to the game center with Iwa and Gilang, and when the bell rang, I saw Nanahara immediately go by herself as usual. When I was about to follow her, someone called me.

"Kurose-kun, Minami-kun!" Miwa approached us. "We are planning to go to karaoke, you guys want to come?"

"Sorry, I'm not coming this time," I said as I hurriedly left the class. Even Shinji must be confused to see me in a hurry. After leaving the classroom I immediately chased Nanahara who was walking down the corridor.

"Nanahara, wait!" the girl with the ribbon stopped and turned to look at me with a sour face. As usual, she was not very pleased to see me. "Can we talk for a minute?"

"Sorry, I'm not in the mood to talk with you," her tone was also harsh as usual.

"Just for a moment. It's about the three people who met you a while ago..."

Nanahara immediately fell silent and looked at me with a suspicious look. As if I was a salesman who was offering a strange item to her. "How do you know?"

"I heard rumors...would you like to talk to me now?"

"Fine, but you better not doing anything weird."

"Let's go, then. You don't want anyone to hear, do you?"


Nanahara didn't want to go far so I took her to a corner of the building where people rarely passed by. Here we can see anyone coming closer and it's further away from the classroom or teacher's room, so we don't have to worry about anyone hearing us. Nanahara was currently leaning in a corner with both hands in her pockets.

"I heard you beat three people and broke their noses?" I get straight to the point.

"I didn't go that far," Nanahara answered nonchalantly. "I slapped one of them, punched the other, and left the last one alone so she could help her friends."

My goodness. "What did they do to you?"

Nanahara sighed. "They accuse me of flirting with their crush or something...a bunch of idiots. I don't even know the man . Those people slapped me first so I pay them back."

So the two rumors turned out to be related. There's also the possibility that those three people spread it out of spite for her. If what she said was true, then maybe we shouldn't worry too much since they were the ones who started it, after all, they outnumber her three to one so we can argue that it was self-defense. If this case were reported, I think we can still handle it.

"Has anyone seen you?"

"Why are you so curious?" Nanahara started glaring at me. It seemed she's started to feel that I was interfering too much.

"Because if something happens to you our class will be affected. Our points can be deducted because of this."

Nanahara snorted. "Of course, that's all you care about."

I ignored what she just said. "So...has anyone seen you or not?"

"A girl is hiding near the toilet...if I'm not mistaken, she's also from class D."

She's from class D as well? Wow, looks like this is going to be a problem. "How did you know that she's from class D?"

"She introduced herself but I can't remember her name. She's trying to act nice to me even though she's just a two-faced bitch."

"You didn't do anything to her, right?"

"I told her to show me her phone in case she recorded something, that's all. I left her after it's done."

Hmm, so Nanahara checked her phone. I'm glad that she can be careful. Even though Nanahara was not the one who started it, a video could incriminate her if it didn't show the first part of the confrontation. Still, the presence of eyewitnesses in that place worries me. It could be that the girl was deliberately there because of someone's orders. Instantly Ishikawa's dark eyes flashed in my mind.

"Take out your cell phone," I told her.


"I'll give you my number. There is a possibility that they will come for revenge and if something happens, please contact me before doing anything."

"I'm sorry, but what makes you think I will obey you?" Nanahara said coldly. "If they want more broken bones then let them come."

"Who said they would face you head-on? There are many ways to bring someone down. You don't need to trust me right now but at least save my number, just in case."

"Why do you always like to meddle with me? Seriously, it's annoying."

"Because there could be something bigger behind this. To you, maybe the competition between classes is just a trivial matter but some people are willing to do anything to get to class A. Even if they don't care about class A, at least they'll want extra pocket money."

Nanahara still looked skeptical. "So you're saying that someone set me up on purpose?"

"Could be, I have no proof at this point but better to be safe than sorry."

For the first time, Nanahara seemed to consider my words. Half of it may sound exaggerated, but everything I say is true. I hope Nanahara can realize the danger behind her current state.

"Sorry but I still can't trust you," was what she said. I didn't ask her to trust me right away though. I'd only offered a little insurance she could use in an emergency, but it was still too much for her. I'll say it again, something must have happened to make her unable to trust other people that much. She must have been betrayed by someone close to her, and who knows who it is.

"If you don't have anything else to say then I'll leave..." she ended the conversation. I didn't even try to stop her as she left this place.

After Nanahara was gone, I didn't leave immediately. I took out my cell phone and I called someone who might be able to help me with this problem. Right now my gut tells me that Nanahara is an easy target for anyone who tries to mess with our class, and I have to do something before anything happens to her.

"Hello?" I heard a feminine voice through my phone. Thank goodness she wasn't busy.

"Hello, Satonaka? I'm sorry if I disturbed you."

"It's okay, I'm not doing anything important. What's wrong Kurose-kun?"

I hear the voices of several people. It seemed Satonaka was with her friends. "I'm sorry Satonaka but can you go to a quieter place?"

"...Is it too noisy? Or you just don't want anyone else to hear us?"

"The latter... this is quite important."

"Okay," I heard Satonaka's voice saying something then after a pause for a few moments, her voice came back.

"Nobody can hear us now...So, what do you want to talk about?"

"This is about Nanahara?"

"What about her?"

"You know, a while ago she was confronted by three girls from class D. They accused her of seducing their crush, so she got angry and beat up two of them..."

"Wait...I've heard of that, so that was true?"

"Yeah, I just talked to her,"

"...This is a big problem,"

"Nanahara wasn't wrong, and they apparently still haven't reported it to the teacher, but I'm worried they might try to get revenge on her. Because of that...uh...could you help me to keep an eye on her? Ask your friends to listen to any news or whatever that revolved around her."

"Okay, I'll be happy to help, is she still with you?"

"No, she just left,"

"Is that so? Alright. I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you, Satonaka, you were a great help."

"Don't mention it, of course, I will be glad to help our classmate."

After a few pleasantries, I ended the call. It would have been quicker if I had asked Kasai directly, but she had entrusted Nanahara to me, so it would have been embarrassing if I had begged her for help this soon. Of course, I will still report to her. If she still decides to step in behind my back then so be it.

Now I must broaden my view. It would be too stupid if I only look towards Class D. The White Room students from Class A and Class B were still unknown and they could make a move at any time. No, they could have made their move already that's why I had to gather as much information as I could think of. 


Sorry for the slow update. Right now we began to enter the main conflict. The trial will happen in this arc but I will try to not make it too identical to the original trial. See you in the next chapter.

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