court of lies | robert's rebe...

De songofsapphire

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Atera Hightower joins the Red Keep as the lady-in-waiting of the future wife of the crown prince, Elia Martel... Mai multe

characters pti
characters ptii
characters ptiii
characters ptiv
pti | the royal wedding
the call
the ladies
the proposal
the dorne
the princess
the storm's end
the feast
the joust
the court
the wedding
ptii | the florent revolt
moodboards; pti
moodboards; ptii (fashion)
the fool moon
the baby dragon
the rush hour
the funeral
the rains
the labour
the amber skies
the fine print
the lion and the king
ptiii | the unfinished business
the family line
the dangerous game
the prophecy
the sign of the times
the champagne problems
the sun and the spear
the skyfall
the divine move
the shadow of doubt
the summerhall
ptiv | the kingswood
the fighting pit
the icarus
the poisoned bond
the brotherhood
the sept of baelor
the princess and the queen
the burning embers
the sworn sword
the heartbreak weather
the emperor's new clothes
ptv | the year of the false spring
the harrenhal
the lotus
the kingsguard
the harbinger of war
the mystery knight
the broken crown
the lost stars
the winter roses
the dawn will come
the song of ice and fire
ptvi | the war of the usurper
the north remembers
the labyrinth
the below of the surface
the war council
the bells
the winter solstice

the death of a queen

197 6 9
De songofsapphire

"he remembered who he was and the game changed"

Eleventh moon of 280 AC, King's Landing

Four hundred and ninety-two steps.

There were four hundred and ninety-two steps until one reached to the council room from the sparring yard and Gerold counted every step.

He walked with firm and quick steps, he was aware that the useless nobles in the halls were looking at him and whispering behind the stone columns, thinking he did not notice them. He was feeling that so-called Targaryen madness in his veins ever since he heard of the news. One of his squires went to him with a red face and a tensed nature, gave him a letter he had sneaked from the Grand Maester's rooms.

Apparently his niece murdered his nephew.

The moment they saw him, the Targaryen guards in front of the room crossed their spears. One was brave enough to speak. "Forgive us, Ser Gerold but the king had ordered clearly that you are not allowed to enter this session. This is a private council."

Gerold pulled up the small dagger in his sleeves and put it to his throat. The other was apparently braver than the other, dared to put a hand on his sword but stopped after seeing Gerold's death glare. They had no choice but to open the doors. "I can burn down the whole realm when it comes to my family.", he said with a cold tone. "Do not ever test me again."

When he entered, his anger increased due to hearing Lucerys' yell. "I do appreciate your concern, your grace but maybe instead of talking who tried to kill who -because Gods knows I do not care about Leyton at all, we must talk about assuring the safe return of my grandson."

Aerys was listening to him with a deep scowl so he did not noticed him. Varys and the rest were too busy watching the way Lucerys acted like a mad dog but Tywin did notice him and his tensed face crossed with a scowl, identical to Aerys'.

"Leyton might die for all I care and Atera seems to be as psychopath as her mother-"

"Enough!", Aerys yelled with a red face, he was sick of listening Lucerys but then he stood up with fury, when he saw Gerold's approaching figure. "How dare you cross my word and come here, Ser?"

Gerold then realized that he was not mad. Because if he were, he would kill everyone in the room due to the growing rage inside of him. And he would start with Aerys. Instead he spoke with a frozen tone. "I am the uncle of the girl you accuse mistakenly. I am the unlce of the man who is suffering in his home. I have more right than any men to be here."

"Get out now, Gerold, or else!", his lips were a thin line. "Guards!"

But Gerold did not care and sat down to his usual spot, right across Lucerys who was looking at him with hawk-like, terrorized eyes. "My dear, cousin,", he began to speak with a shock. "have you lost your wits just like that niece of yours?", Gerold rose his chin and Tywin seemed like he was going to try and stop Gerold physically if he would made an attempt to beat Lucerys. "How can ou sit here like this when the king gave you-"

"My dear cousin,", he gritted his teeth and leaned forward, he was feeling like he was going to die because of anger. "did you know that the number of soldier my nephew can raise quintuples the number of soldiers you can.", then he leaned back under the cold gaze of other members. "I believe this is such an interesting number."

"Are you threatening the council, Ser?", Varys almost hissed with pleasure. "This is high treason and punishable by death."

"I do not waste my time with threating individuals.", he spat, looking directly into Varys' rat-like eyes. "I do what I told."

Other 'neutral' lords in the council; Owen -who was a fellow Reacher and was desperate to marry his grandson with a Hightower, Qarlton -who was a fellow Crownlander and hated Leyton because of the money loss, Maester Pycelle -who was a Maester of the Citadel and was loyal to the Hightowers above all else and Tywin -who was going to support Lucerys in this because Leyton had answered his insolence with a counter one and refused to back his daughter and instead, sent his sister to the Martell girl, they all leaned back and watched the four men; Varys who stood by Lucerys who hated Leyton and the King who -weirdly, stood by Gerold who was Leyton's uncle.

Everybody was trying to understand the power balance.

"Very well,", Aerys said finally with a relatively soft tone, apparently he too realized that Gerold's existence was essential or else he would have to support them all by himself. "Ser Gerold is my Lord Commander and has a right to sit amongst us, he can stay.", but then his cold blue eyes -that were identical to Gerold's, focused on his second cousin. "His existence will not affect any decision after all."

Tywin sent him a look.

"My Lords,", Lucerys rose one more time. "instead of being with my grandchildren and being there for them while they grieve for their father, I am sitting here, trying to convince you to punish his assassin -even though it is his own sister. Instead of celebrating my grandson's ascension to his new seat, I am sitting here, trying to convince you to send a proper batallion to Oldtown to secure his return. From my point of view; this council session is useless and unnecessary because what we should do is obvious."

"Atera is a Hightower through and through.", Gerold hissed. "And Leyton is her brother. She would never do such a thing, she would never even imagine such a thing. Give us one reason to believe this."

"Well do I have to?", Lucerys opened his arms with a fake confusion. "Everybody knows how much she hates Rhea, we all heard that. She knows when Leyton dies and Baelor takes his seat, she will rule the Hightower household as her aunt until he gets married.", he raised his eyebrows. "Maybe she wanted to elevate her station."

Gerold almost wanted to laugh. "If Atera wanted to elevate her station,", he said with a mocking glare. "I am sure that the target would be someone other than Leyton."

Lucerys sat down with a slow motion and a deadly look on his face. "What are you trying to say?", he asked sharply. Tywin narrowed his eyes slightly with suspicion.

"I think you can guess the answer if you use your brain, Lucerys.", he leaned back and rised his eyebrows. "Of course, if you have one."

"Enough!", Tywin warned them both while Aerys rubbed his face. Lucerys was looking at Gerold as if he was going to physically attack him. Well, Tywin guessed that Gerold would like that very much. He seemed like he was going to kill someone. "Gerold if you don't have something to say-"

"Five days.", he interrupted him with closed eyes and clenched jaw.

"What?", Aerys asked with confusion and Gerold rose.

"You are going to give me five days to prove you that she is innocent and whoever did this is someone else. And you will not do anything in the mean time."

"The council cannot be taken as a hostage with empty threats.", Tywin deadpanned.

"I swore to you as my honour as a Hightower,", he leaned to Tywin and they actually noticed the way the Hand's eye got widened. "you are going to regret it if you do not do as I say.", then he turned to Aerys' unfazed eyes. "And these are my last words."


Eleventh moon of 280 AC, Oldtown

A day before

"You are telling me that you had stabbed her and yet, you think she is alive?", Rhea asked with a heavy head. She was having a hard time even managing to open her eyes due to her fever and headache. She cried too much, until there were no tears left. "Have you gone mad?"

"She jumped.", Jacen shrugged. "And in patrols, my men had seen a weirdness in the harbour."

"Small boats always comes and goes.", Rhea's voice was hoarse and it even hurt to speak. "Leyton-"

"Leyton lies uncounciouss in his bed, trying not to die-"

"Leyton shows faouritism to some Merchant Princes in Pentos.", Rhea raised her voice a little but it was a bad idea, her throat burned when she tried to swallow. Her ladies were rubbing her wrists. "They sometimes have the right of a free pass, without paying taxes. It very well might be that. She probably is a fish food now."

"Arys and Victor are nowhere to be found. Jacaerys Velaryon's ship had seen to roam near by and my cousin dearest had not been found.", Jacen narrowed his eyes. "Don't you think this is all highly suspicious?"

"Do you think it is?", she counter-asked but then sighed. "Do whatever you wish to do Jacen, as long as you bring my boys to me."

"Our boys.", he went to her and held her hands but she pushed them away. Her maids shared a look and Rhea would strike him if she was not that tired. Jacen rolled his eyes to her antics. "There is no need for caution. Once our boys are here, our rule will begin and no one will be able to go against us."

"Except the High Septon."

"Do not think about it.", he said with a dangerous tone. "It will not be a problem if I'll have my way."

"What are you going to do about her?", even hearing or thinking her name was sending all the blood in her veins to her brain and her headache was going worse.

"I'll sent a letter to the king's council immediately. And to the castles nearby. I'll write one specially to my mother.", he pursed his lips. "And we'll send one to ever Lord Paramount -Mace will be triggered but he is an oaf of lord and Alerie would probably die of hysterics so we'll be fine."

"And what will that letter contain?"

"That Leyton is on the verge of dying and it is Atera who did it.", he shrugged. "And she had escaped from our grasp. A million gold dragons to whoever finds her?"

"She doesn't worth a million.", she spat.

"We know that.", he glared at her. "But not others."

The news had been welcomed with disgust and anger but not towards Atera, towards Rhea and Jacen because frankly no man with wits would believe into such a thing and they both just shot themselves with this one.


Eleventh moon of 280 AC, King's Landing

Gerold had been taking his anger out of his fellow kingsguard, Barristan Selmy. They had been sparring for hours. While Barristan were more talented for all to see, Gerold had the advantage of his height. He was also more muscularly-built than Barristan and he also had the wining advantage.


They went on and on. Harlan was feeling good enough to escort the queen and the young prince and Jonothor was with the king. Oswell and Arthur had been go with Rhaegar -which Gerold was smelling something fishy on that matter. The council had agreed -with his pressure, to not to send a batallion yet Rhaegar had been given the charge and went the next day and now Lucerys said something like the batallion had returned without the prince and Gerold's knights.

If only he gave a fuck about them.

He was busy worrying for his family, he had no time to worry for others. Arthur was the best knight he had ever seen, Oswell was hard to kill -as he proved time and time again, and Rhaegar knew what he was doing. Whereas his nephew had mostly likely been poisoned -no other reasonable excuse hit him and now his niece, his only niece, Jenica's daughter, had been blamed by doing the act herself.

As if Atera was that stupid.

Barristan and Lewyn were his best friends for years and years. They fought together, they ate and drank together, and even though he was their Lord Commander, they were true brothers at the end of the day much to everyone's surprise. Lewyn was a Dornish, a prince no less, Gerold was a Hightower and Barristan was a Marcher. They all were programmed not to like the other yet they did.

He missed Lewyn and wanted his presence in the capital too. He was going through dark days and he was only an insult away from killing Lucerys, hence becoming a kinslayer. They were first cousins. He, Daella's youngest child and Lucerys, Rhea's youngest Velaryon child. Though the blonde man was a lot older than him, nearly a decade, at the same age with Gerard. He grew up not so attached to his family for reasons he did not know. He found himself other brothers to replace Gerard but now Lewyn was at Dragonstone with his niece. He felt bad for the girl, she still did not wake up as much as to his knowledge.

Atera could be in her place now. Gerold was torn between deciding which fate was better. Getting blamed by the murder of your own brother while you are in Gods knows where or battleing with the Gods to stay alive after a painful birth. He was not sure which he would wish upon his niece if he knew what was going to happen.

He refused to believe Atera would do such a thing. She was no kinslayer and while she had her differences with Leyton, he still was her brother and guardian. She might yell and curse and storm out from Oldtown, not return there for more than a year and cut all the communication and all but poisoning him? She would rather die herself than to see harm upon her brothers. She was not the monster these rumours were trying to make her be.

Gerold realized with slight surprise that he cared about Atera's situation more than Leyton now. Whoever did this, could kill Leyton at anytime they wanted. Him still being alive meant only that he would continue to stay alive and his assasins, his true assassins, were waiting for something. Gerold thought whatever this was, Atera had prevented it or had to do with it some kind and it was why the blame fell upon her. Leyton's survival was ensured as long as Atera herself was alive, or he wanted to believe that. But he had no idea where his niece were. Not in Oldtown, this was clear. He noted to make a list of places she can go once had the right mind. The letter did not mention about Arys but it was signed by Jacen -which was another reason of his anger.

What had gotten into Jacen for him to entertain such a blatant lie and infrom the king no less?

They were a family. They should have handle it like a family. His mind were travelling around the possible ideas, even in this state of mind. He was aware that his brain was going into places he did not want to go but he was also aware that he was about the catch the tail of the fox in those places.

He tilted his head and closed his eyes, he had a moment to breathe or he was going mad and he would be useless if he would go mad now. Barristan knew him well enough to know to give him a moment but when his eyes caught a red-faced squire running to them with a letter in his hands, he cleared his throat and Gerold's pale blue eyes opened, the same eyes that belonged to Aerys, same eyes belonged to Lucerys, same eyes that belonged to Atera.

Another thing he did not want to think about.

"Ser Gerold.", the squire bowed his head with respect. It was one of Gerold's squires, a boy from the Reach, brother -and heir apparent, of some young lordling. Caswell or Ashford, he was not sure. "I had received a letter from my brother that addressed to you."

"Who's your brother?", he asked shaprly, he was in no mood for gossip now.

"Lord Ashford, Ser.", he said with a nod. "Lord Daven Ashford."

"And why Daven Ashford sends me a letter?"

"He is a good and devoted friend to your nephew, Ser Garth, Ser.", if two knights had realized the way the boy became even redder, they did not comment on it.

"What does he say?", he reached out to take the letter, his eyes quickly realized the sigil was not broken yet.

"I did not opened it, Ser."

Gerold hummed from his throat and nodded, shared a look with Barristan, took the letter and read it with closed lips. His face getting sterner and eyes got darker with every word. Barristan knew better than asking to him. Gerold made a head gesture for the boy to leave and Barristan just looked at him, waited for him to answer the unasked question.

"It seems that the men in this family has a terrible talent to choose wives.", he only spat and turned around sharply on his heels, his destination was the king's personal chambers and maybe in exchange of this information, he could learn what the hell happened to Rhaegar, his own knights and to the batallion the council sent without his information.


Eleventh moon of 280 AC, Starfall

It was a peaceful day.

Weird enough.

It was the most peaceful day they had ever since the former Lord Dayne had died and his lady wife shortly after than him.

Andric was sitting at the head of the table, eating his breakfast while reading the letters that were sent to him about state matters. Cassella was sitting across him, was entertaining the room by staying silent. And Allyria was sitting on the right side of Andric, waiting for her brother to stop working so she could ask him the questions she so desperately wanted to ask.

Their guests were not in any position to eat with them, neither physically nor physicologically.

When the guards from the harbour came to him and informed him about his guests, he kept a straight face but laughed on the inside, didn't believe a word that came out of their mind but turned out they were right and not conned.

Atera Hightower was barely alive when he came here. He stood there with a deep scowl and watched the way his Maester had examined her. There were many bruises on the girl's body that he did not ask where it came from. His Maester had applied creams to it and silently informed him that they were actually not that bad but the girl's skin was too plale so they looked almost like black, he also mentioned that the sensitivity of her skin. She was here for almost five days now, the third week of the moon was about the end and most of those darkened bruises had started to turn into ugly yellow, looked like some coffee or tea stain. His Maester also applied creams to her back. It was more serious, he told, she was lucky that her bones did not break and he also guessed that she was going to suffer from intense back pain for at least a few weeks -moons, he predicted due to her being thin, almost too thin.

Her right wrist was almost broken. Maester Malone had wrapped it soundly but expected a quick healing from it. The bruises on her neck however... He said that the choking was not made for the intention of killing but more in the way of expressing anger. So there were no shattered bones or muscles but speaking was going to be hard for her for a while.

They both had been informed that she almost drowned in a very cold weather and when she came, her lips were still almost purple and skin too pale. Which was very unlucky of her because in his thirty years of life he had seen storms in Oldtown only twice. Ironically the first one took place the day the girl was born. Dorne was hot, Starfall not so much. It was still hot enough to sweat and make a hard time breathing but it was not as hot as Sunspear or likewise. They were the border region, they shared almost similar weather with Oldtown -only the latter was a tad colder at nights.

They wrapped her in hot blankets to keep her warm. Her not being able to breathe and basically drown would affect her health, the Maester declared. To what degree they were not sure. Some had a hard time physically afterwards. Becoming cripples and such. Their body needed to breathe to stay alive, cutting it would have tremendous affects. Andric had never seen someone healing from that situation but the Maester assured him that he had seen before. But the worst was still an option; there could be something wrong with her brain. Which had no cure.

But the worst wound in the girl's fragile body was the stabbing wound on the below of her ribcage. Andric raised his eyebrows with curiosity when he saw it. It was still bleeding when they came here -which the Maester blamed the paleness for. Malone had cleaned the wound and stitched it almost neatly. It was going to leave a scar, not so big because the dagger did not get in fully, almost cut it with the edge of it and it was too sharp. Andric guessed it was the first time that dagger was used -if it was not Valyrian Steel. It was not a clean cut by any means but it was not brutal either. He decided maybe the girl was lucky after all because the wound did not get affected after everything and the blood loss seemed to get healed when her colour started to get better with every passing day.

Andric and Leyton had bad blood for years when it was their father who ruled their respective regions. Leyton was eight years older than him but it didn't change the fact that he was pain in the ass. He was maintaining a rather aggressive relationship with Oldtown in the past two years -ever since he became the lord of his house.

But he was no monster.

He knew, in deep down, Leyton would offer the same hospitality to his sisters if (Gods forbid) such a horrible thing would happen to them. Which led him to wonder what the fuck happened to the girl and why on earth Leyton did not reach to him yet.

His answer came to him in his morning read. Allyria saw it all too clear and even Cassella had seen the way her husband's face change. "Bad news?", she asked with interest. Normally she did not care about Andric's business but odd things were happening and she had never seen such a glimmer in Andric's face. "Something about our guests?"

Andric looked at her only for a second. "Irrelevant."

"Does that mean it is not about them or that you do not care about what is written?"

"The latter.", he said with a deep voice and stood up but Allyria clinged to his arm.

"I have questions to ask."

"Ask it to the Maester."

"But he tells me to ask to you.", she widened her beautiful lilac eyes, lighter than Ashara's. "That he cannot answer me without your permission."

"Arthur is alive and well.", he said with a distasteful look. This was another matter for him to handle. "Know this, the rest should not concern you."

"But it does concern me.", she pouted and Andric took a deep breath, placed a kiss on her head and went to his guests.

Before he managed to grasp what was happening with the Hightowers, because neither of the girl's companions were in a good shape to tell, his new guests arrived. If he thought Arys Oakheart and Victor Tyrell were closed box, his mind changed once he saw Oswell Whent.

The silver prince was lucky that he did not lost that arm but it was going to leave an ugly scar and ache for days to come. The blow of the longsword had fell into his left shoulder but Andric knew that he was left-handed, just like Arthur himself. Both were trained to use both hands because in fighting, left arm provided little to no easiness. But both used their left arm for literally everything else. So yes, it was going to hurt a lot. He had arrived two days ago, was still sleeping -but due to sleeping draughts. Malone thought he needed to rest. He had lost too much blood and that wound of his was going to hurt a lot. Other than that he was fine.

His squire was too scared and had vivid nightmares so Malone gave him sleeping draughts too. Ser Oswell on the other hand, was very grim and refused to interact with anyone if he didn't have to. Which was such a stark contrast with the things he had heard about the man, with the things he had seen with his own eyes. He was a merry figure with a cheerful manner and cheeky figure. That man was looking like some gingerish copy of Tywin Lannister.

But the worst, the thing that went to his nerves was the state his brother was in.

Arthur was his everything while growing up. Arthur and Ashara. After not wanting another child for years, his parents finally gave in to his wishes for a sibling and three more followed Andric. Arthur was his only brother and he was eager to taught him everything in this world.

He did not like to remember those days because they made it too hard for him to maintain his anger.

Nobody knew what happened except Andric and Arthur. Even Larra was not aware of the full picture though she knew almost all of it. He would never admit it out loud but it was his fault that Arthur had left them and became a kingsguard and for that, for causing that, he knew that he was going to burn in seven hells but there was no way to change the past and they had to live with their choices. He made his and Arthur made his.

This didn't mean he liked to see him injured.

This didn't mean he liked to learn that his brother had sacrificed his life to protect his prince.

Who the fuck was Rhaegar Targaryen in next to his brother? Many would think differently but to him, the prince was the colleteral damage for the king and the queen had another son and Elia could easily find herself another husband.

Andric had only one brother.

And he was battling for his life for a prince that did not deserve it.

Apparently the arrow he was shot with was poisonous. It did not reached to anywhere dangerous but still, Malone had to use leeches to get rid of the poison for good. And now he had fever that they all were anxiously waiting for to pass.

None of his guests were aware of the others.

Ser Arys refused to explain something until his cousin woke up and Ser Victor hesitantly agreed with him. He was no idiot, both men were squires of Leyton Hightower -one was kin, they did not trust him but he sensed they trusted Atera Hightower's judgement. Which was odd, given both men were a lot older than the girl, closer to his age than hers. It was unnerving to him, to see the girl there. She was not aware of it probably but once his father had announced Arthur's betrothal to her, Andric went batshit crazy.

It was the start of the chain that ended up Arthur in kingsguard which led him to try not to die in his family home.

It was like a fucking loop.

But now he had buried every annoyance and went to his guests with determination. Because apparently the girl he was protecting in the past five days -secretly, had murdered her own brother.

Ser Arys had to answer to that.


Eleventh moon of 280 AC, Dragonstone

It was night when Elia finally woke up enough to stay awake. Oberyn and Ashara were already on her side, Maester Yondel examining her thoroughtly. Her body was fragile and weak and she required much rest than everything else but she was going to live. When her mind opened enough for her to think straight and evaded Oberyn's tearful eyes with success, she asked the deadly question.

"Where is my child?"

Ashara and Oberyn shared a look, Lewyn was standing near the window. "You had a beautiful daughter, El.", Ashara said with a smile and kissed her hand. "She looks exactly like you."

"She has our colouring, sister.", Oberyn jumped to the conversation after Ashara's little head movement. "And your beautiful wild curls. Looks like a true Martell Princess."

"But she is not a Martell Princess.", hearing these made her happy but she was not a fool. She was aware of the dangers of such looking. Baelor Breakspear was loved by all yet people whispered all kind of things about him simply because he lacked the silver hair of the Valyrians. "She is a Targaryen one."

"And she took her father's eyes.", Lewyn was barely able to see Rhaenys before Rhaegar left but those eyes had carved into his memory, she was looking so noble, so regal. And if they were in Dorne, she would be a ruler by her own rights. "Lighter than his but still purple."

"She also got a Targaryen name.", Ashara took a troubled breath, she knew they had to explain everything to her shortly. "The prince wanted for you to wake up but it was dire that she was named immediately."

"What did he name her?", she asked with a frown. It did hurt, not being able to name her own daughter. She thought maybe Rhaegar would grant her this right. But she also understood the reason of being quick. "Rhaella? After his mother?"

They were all Dornish inside of the room and the three of them were already fuming about his name choice.

"Rhaenys.", Oberyn said with a bad taste in his mouth. He loved his niece dearly but not her name. "After the Conqueror."

"Are you telling me he named my daughter,", Elia tried to lean her back to the pillows and Ashara helped her softly. "after the woman who burnt down my region and forced my people into submission?"

"No, no.", Ashara quickly dismissed her thoughts while Lewyn and Oberyn chose silence. "He named her after the woman who dared to go against the Dornish and paid it with her life.", she showed her another point of view.

"He named her after the Queen Who Never Was.", Elia raised her chin with annoyance. "A woman whose birthright was stolen. Just like my daughter's birthright will be stolen too whether I give birth to a son or not."

"He named her after the woman who was loved and respected by all.", Ashara forced herself to think a better excuse. "A true warrior queen who died by a true dragon rider's death. She was bonded with Meleys the Red Queen and rained hell onto the Greens during the Dance. She was the most formidable ally of the Black Queen."

"What is next?", she rose her eyebrows. "I'll have a son and he will name him Aegon? After the Conqueror who burnt down my region, after the Usuper who stole his sister's birthright, after the Dragonbane who never knew happiness his entire life, after the Unworthy who tried to invade my region and after the Unlikely who almost burnt down his whole family due to his madness?", she was aware that her voice was sharp and Ashara had no answers to give. She repeated her earlier question. "Where is my child?"

"At the capital.", Oberyn thought pulling the bandage fastly was the right choice. "Rhaegar took him to the king's court to present her."

"And could not wait until I wake up?", she asked with disgust. "Couldn't wait until I meet with my daughter? Or did he thought I was going to die and did not wish to remain at my side?"

"I will not let you slander him.", Oberyn grimaced. "I never thought one day I would defend him to you but you are being unfair to him -though you are totally right but the blame is not on him but the king.", he sent a small galre to Lewyn, he did not know about this. "He chose you, when the Maester told him it might come to your life against Rhaenys' during the birth. And he chose you.", Elia's face turned into a neutral one. "And he stood by your side until the formal summon came from the Hand. He did not attempt to name Rhaenys until that point and declared it should be you, not him. And when the summon came, he refused to go at the beginning but we all agreed that it was a must. He did not wish to leave your side."

Elia did not answer to that, her feelings were mixed. Things got worse when the door opened and a pale Jon Connington entered with a clenched jaw. "I am glad to see you awake, your grace. I hope you are not in so much pain."

"I am not, Lord Connington.", she said with a dry voice. "And I will get better once I see my daughter and my husband."

Jon's jaw became tenser and Lewyn knew something was wrong. Yet the ginger man continued to small talk. "I congrulate you on your successful birth. I had the honour to see Princess Rhaenys, she had took her beautfy from you."

Elia knew he was being kind but still it did surprised her to hear it. "Thank you, my lord."

His eyes roamed around the room. "Princess Rhaenys is on her way in here, it should please you to hear this. Lord Velaryon is bringing her personally."

"My uncle?", she tilted her head, her face was almost stern. "Why not my husband?"

"Unfortunately I have some ...distasteful news from the South, your grace.", his pale eyes found Ashara for a moment. "From Lord Dayne, if I must be specific."

"Andric?", Ashara asked with confusion. "What does he has something to do with the prince?"

"Prince Rhaegar had been sent into a campaign in Oldtown, the details of it is irrelevant as we do not possess any trustable information about it yet.", he took a deep breath. "But apparently something went wrong and Prince Rhaegar had been maimed rather badly."

"What?", Elia's heart skipped a beat and Oberyn slowly stood up. "Is he dead?"

"Gods forbid, no!", Jon said with a scolding tone. "After the incident he took shelter from Starfall and he needs to remain there until his condition is suitable for such a journey.", he looked to Ashara with the same irritation. "Lord Dayne also informed us that your brother, Ser Arthur is too gravely wounded while trying to protect the prince."

"Is he well?", Ashara asked with worry. She would not forgive herself for not offering an olive branch to Arthur if something would have happen to him.

"He was shot with a poisoned arrow.", he said dryly. He did not like Arthur one bit but he always respected him and this incident only increased the amount of it. "And it seems he had pull it off.", he hold himself for not to shook his head with a tired manner. Surely a man in Arthur's calibre knew he should have not do that. "He is well now, thanks to the Gods, and will not have any permanent problems -neither will Prince Rhaegar. But it seems they will stay in Starfall at least for a fortnight."

"I need to write to Andric.", Ashara rushed from the bed to her own private chambers and Oberyn shared a look with Lewyn.

"Did Andric mentioned anything about the situation in Oldtown?", Oberyn approached to the ginger man. "Why on earth the king sent men there?"

"The word says that Lord Leyton is dead and his sister is to blame.", he deadpanned. "This did not came from Lord Dayne, Prince Oberyn. Every lord in this realm is aware of it because apparently she is missing."


Eleventh moon of 280 AC, King's Landing

"...and after the batallion had returned by your orders, Prince Rhaegar had went to Starfall with Ser Arthur and Ser Oswell -his little squire had accompanied them, your grace.", Varys said with a humble bow.

They were in the king's private chambers, the council members, informing him about the latests of news.

"Why would his grace go there?", Owen asked with a frown. "While it is not my place to discuss your orders, your grace, I must state that I find it the most peculiar; your action to take back the batallion because in this situation it almost looked dire but what I find even more out of the scene is that his grace had chosen to retreat to Dorne in a situation like this."

"Ser Arthur is a Dayne.", Qarlton huffed. "Maybe he wanted to visit his family when he is that close to his home and his grace had accompanied him.", he looked to the other lords. "It is not the first time such a thing happens."

"It doesn't seem like Prince Rhaegar, that's all."

"I am sure that he is fine.", Lucerys said with a fake smile. "There were no battles or anything, they had returned from half way basically.", he was the one who insisted to send a batallion and he was the angriest because Aerys called it back.

"Of course his grace is alive and well.", Varys said cooly and Tywin almost made a cynical sound through his nose.

"It might be an unnecessary detail to you, Varys, but I think his grace must know that his son had been maimed through his shoulder-", somebody gasped but Tywin had no idea who did. "-and the lords of this council must know that his situation is rather dire."

"What are you talking about?", Aerys abruptly got up from his bed and shook Tywin from his soldiers. "What maim?"

Tywin played it cool. "Whatever orders you had given to the guards in the said batallion, they felt the need to attack to the crown prince and almost kill him, your grace.", this time more than one people gasped and Aerys' eyes got darker. "No men would dare to harm the Prince of Dragonstone without the knowladge and the permission of the king."

"I have no idea what you are talking about!", and he truly seemed overly confused, Varys was not sure if it was because he was a good actor or he was truly surprised because expected another way to get rid of him. "Varys?", he turned to him with rage.

"My little birds did not inform me about such a thing."

Tywin hold up the letter high. "I had received this from Lord Andric Dayne himself. He informs the council about the presence of the prince and his situation. Not only that,", he turned to Gerold when Aerys let him go. "Ser Arthur is hurt too. Apparently he took the vow of 'protecting the royal family with body' rather seriously and threw himself to the way of a poisoned arrow, thus saving the prince."

"How bad is he hurt?", Aerys asked, his lips barely moved.

"Lord Andric says he will live.", Tywin's pale green eyes were focused on Varys' rat-like ones. "But a hit through his shoulder? He also writes that it is a miracle the wound was attainable."

"And Arthur?", Gerold rubbed his face. He too received a letter from the said lord but was not informed about this. He hoped that Tywin was not informed about the letter that came to him. "You said poison, is he going to live?", the boy was too good, too young, did not deserve such a fate.

"He will. Lord Dayne gives lesser details about his brother's condition but we would know if he wouldn't."

"What do you order us to do, your grace?"

"Kill every commander in that army.", he said coldy and the other lords looked at each other but especially to Gerold. Aggravating the soldier was never, ever, the right solution. "Teach the world the consequences of hurting my son and heir."

Varys stood there speechless. His plan had failed -due to fucking Arthur Dayne and Oswell Whent, and now he knew he would not get any other chance.

And that he had to move on to another target because he could now handle failure.

And that Tywin knew who exactly did this.


Eleventh moon of 280 AC, Starfall

It was hot when he woke up.

It was too hot, his skin was burning from inside. And it was the first thing, the only thing, he thought while regining his counciosuness back. Second thing he thought was Elia's face -which surprised him and the third was how thirsty he was. He was feeling too overwhelmed with everything and when he opened his mouth to ask for water, he realized his throat was dry and that he could not open his eyes just yet.

Then suddenly a pair of hands sofltly held his head -the surface of the hands were raspy and had contain callus, he thought of Arthur then. The hands held his head high and helped him drink. He had to fight back with the urge of spitting out, he took his sips slowly and when he was done, he forced himself to open his eyes to see the man who was helping him.


He gave a relieved huff through his nose. He was safe. His baby blue eyes were not shining as they once did. His face was appeared tired and exhausted. His beard was longer than usual -though not that long. And his face was almost yellow.

"Can you understand me Rhaegar?", his pink lips moved once more and Rhaegar realized that he was talking all this time but the compression in his ear was making it impossible for him to hear. The most reasonable thing for him to ask where he was or what had happened but when he opened his own white lips, he blurted what he was thinking the whole time.

"It is too hot."

Oswell sighed and moved to the biggest window in the room and opened the curtains. Rhaegar grimaced and a pain hit behind his eyes, the bright morning light hurt him more than he thought it would but the soft summer breeze helped him. He quickly pushed the thin blanket from him. He did not have enough energy to move to the window and the wind wasn't enough but at least he felt like he could breathe once again.

His eyes roamed around the room while Oswell approached to him once again. It looked all too familiar but also too strange. The main shade of the room was a dark tone of purple with silver crests all around it. His eyes found the window once again and realized what was outside. A flower garden -mainly filled with shades of pink and purple, a white stony road to walk, fountains with marble statues and a small hound.

"We are in Starfall.", he heard himself muttering. "Arthur's home."


Now, that name had completed the puzzle in his mind and everything that happened came to him in flashbacks.

He remembered him waking up at some point and Oswell having a panic attack in near the rocks, desperately trying to get rid of his armour while Arthur trying to guide him into calmness with a solid voice and gritted teeth all while trying to cut the arrow in his arm and then pulling it back. He remembered Myles' ashen face, begging Arthur for not to move the arrow or to touch it at all, warning him that it might be poisonous and a moment later he was trying to catch at least one of the horses. He remembered Oswell finally throwing his breastplate away and screaming in anger and agony, standing up, trying to tie his shoulder with the some cut of cloth.

"Do you remember how we got here?", Oswell asked solemnly. Rhaegar realized his friend was not well still.

There was a sharp pain in his shoulder and it was bandaged tightly. He was aware that he was breathing fast when he nodded to Oswell's shallow face. His stomach was basically boiling, when a sharp pain of nausea hit him hard he desperately tried to stand up and lost his balance, fell back to his bed. Thanks to his luck Oswell had realized what was going on and gave him a bucket to throw up until his muscles got relaxed. When he was done, Rhaegar threw himself back to bed, his vision was blurred.

Oswell removed the bucket, muttered something to whoever was outside of the room and returned back with a bowl of fresh water. Helped Rhaegar to clean his mouth and then refreshing his breath with rosemary. Then he offered him a yellow drink.

"Centaury Syrup.", he explained when he saw Rhaegar's empty eyes. "To help you get relaxed."

"Relax?", he was shievering now. "My own father just tried to murder me and you want me to get relaxed?"

Oswell sighed with sadness and put the glass to the little nightstand on the right and then sat to the bed with slow movements. "I am so sorry for what happened, Rhaegar, I truly am."

Rhaegar would rather him to be carefree, impervious and cheerful as usual. Seeing him this upset and serious unnerved him. He was not used to Oswell being a responsible adult. He did not need condolences, he needed a refreshment.

"How many days had passed?", he asked with a distant voice. He was only an answer away from falling right back to his melancholia.

"Four.", Oswell chose to answer and then offered some explanation. "You'll live and you'll be able to use your arm. But you lost too much blood until we reach here, this is why you slept this much."

"Elia?", he blurted and a horrible feeling grasped his heart. If his father finally went mad enough to order his death, only Gods knew what he had done to Elia and Rhaenys.

"Lord Dayne sent a letter in secret to Dragonstone, directed to Jon and to Jon only because we didn't know if her grace had woken up yet.", he gritted his teeth. "It was a miracle that Jon was still there. He increased the defences. Lewyn is still there, Prince Oberyn is still there. We only have allies within the island, no enemies. She is safe."

"Rhaenys?", he still wanted to believe that his father would not harm an innocent baby, a new born baby but he did not trusted him.

"Lord Velaryon is bringing her to Dragonstone as we speak.", Oswell hesitated but then added. "Princess Elia had wake up, Rhaegar.", Rhaegar's chest filled with a strange emotion he did not know what it was. Softness and warmth? It felt stronger than them. "Lewyn and Prince Oberyn had wrote back to Lord Dayne and she wrote a small letter to you too."

"So she knows what happened to me?", he asked with sadness. Now she was going to see him as a craven and a failure.

"She is worried, understandtably. She wanted to come here but her health did not improve that much."

"And Arthur?", he finally asked the question he was dreading to ask.

Oswell turned his head, refused to look at him. "Did not wake up yet."

"The arrow was poisonous.", he said with a shattered hearth. Oswell only nodded and then closed his eyes tightly.

"Lord Dayne also sent a letter to the king's council because he had to. The king is apparently very worried and wants you to go to the capital at once when you feel better."

"Fuck his worry!", Rhaegar raised his voice with shock. His indigo eyes were as wide as they could get. "What kind of a filth would do such a thing to his own blood?", he stood up sharply and his vision got blurred, he had to held on to the nightstand. "We are returning back to the capital at once, alright. He is going to pay for what he had done."

"Rhaegar, no.", Oswell said sharply. "It is not safe."

"What does that mean?", he knew what it meant.

"You know what it means.", Oswell said with a quite voice.

"The king's rule had ended four days ago, Oswell.", something different, something powerful was shining in the prince's eyes. "It is time for him to stand back."


Eleventh moon of 280 AC, King's Landing

"Did you order it?", he asked with the last remaining of his patience.

Aerys turned to him with a weirdly calm demeanor, identical pale blue eyes were looking at each other. "Do you think I would do such a thing to my own son?"

"I just asked.", Gerold offered him a smile and Aerys nodded, then turned to him with a fake smile.

"Why didn't you tell me that Rhagear had left his banner a few moons ago? Why did you lie to me when I ask?"

Gerold seemed to taken aback. It was forbidden for Rhaegar to leave his banner without the permission of the king and yet he did it. Arthur and Oswell did their best to hide but Gerold found out about it, chose to keep it away from Aerys, there was no reason to aggravate the father and the son further. A visit to Griffin's Roost was not the end of the world.

"I wanted to fix the matter without informing you first."

"You wanted to protect Rhaegar, didn't you?"

"It is my duty."

"You protect who from whom, Gerold?", his smile died and face got sharper. "He is my son, blood of my blood. Rhaegar is not a child anymore but my heir. Those days of innocence that you protected him is done."

Gerold seemd truly confused. "When you were the Prince of Dragonstone,", he looked to his face with almost sadness. "I protected you with my life, always. Did I betray your father, my cousin, the late King Jaehaerys with doing so?"

Aerys seemed taken aback. "Are you hearing what you are saying? What are you accusing me of?"

"What are you accusing me of?", he was almost hurt. "Do you think I would betray you after all these time? I just wanted to prevent you going against your own son so that you wouldn't make a decision that might upset both you and him. This is the truth, believe it or not.", he took a step back. "This is what I always have done. But now I see that your new friends have different approaches to this matter.", his anger came back. "And you finally took that drastic choice, it seems."

"I did not-"

"I never actually believed you would, not after what your own father did to you.", Aerys seemed like somebody had slapped him across the face but Gerold had no pity for him any longer. "But you befriended with eunuchs and lowered yourself enough to order the death of your son."

"I did not-"

"Then you wonder why...", he did not finish his line but Aerys understood it well enough. "Atera is innocent.", he said what he wanted to say. "You know it."

"If you say so.", he muttered. "What do you suggest?"

"Do nothing.", he adviced. "Do not let anyone do anything. I am going to fix this."

"You said five days Gerold. It had been five days, I cannot hold the council away forever."

Gerold didn't trust him one bit but he trusted the others less, pulled up the letter that came to him from Daven Ashford. "Here's your proof. Now, hold the council away forever."


Ever since she had heard about what happened to her son, she knew the end was coming for her sooner than later and it came to her that night when she was waiting with anxiety. It came with fluffy robes and disgusting perfume, it came with rat-like eyes and a belittleing smile, it came with a poison and the promises of another dragon rising to the throne.

Queen Rhaella died on the last day of the eleventh moon of 280 AC in the same keep she born thirty six years ago.

And the realm bled for it.


Twelfth Moon of 280 AC, King's Landing

Everybody was shocked of what happened but Maester Pycelle had made his examination and declared that the queen died of natural causes. He did not give into Gerold or Tywin and stood by his report.

Aerys was torn between many emotions, not knowing what to feel exactly. He hated Rhaella as long as he could remember. She was his biggest enemy, the person who caused him the most damage. She was a terrible human being and frankly, he did not feel sad. He felt almost happy, almost relieved and a small part of him thought she lived too long already. She did not deserve to live after everything she had done.

Viserys on the other hand did not exactly grasp what happened and was depressed still. Aerys refused to see him and Rhaegar was away. He had no one. Gerold did not feel sad over what happened, it was one of the few instances that he agreed with Aerys no matter how horrible the situation was. Rhaella Targaryen was a soft and loving mother to both of her sons but it did not erased her past sins. She caused too much pain and agony to others, to Gerold himself and he was nowhere near forgiving her. Tywin on the other hand was very suspicious of what happened. While Aerys and Gerold didn't give a fuck about it basically, he knew it was Varys who did it and he knew he was a force to be stopped.

Though it had to wait because first they had to plan the queen's funeral.

They could not wait until a delegation comes from all of the Seven Kingdoms but they had to give at least a week for some of the high importance lords to come. He knew it was his job to plan everything accordingly to the Targaryen customs and worthy of a queen. And he started a week long organization the first day of the last moon.

Aerys was wearing black, his face was pensive and he did not mind while nobles all around the realm offered him his condolences. He just sat in his throne with Gerold and Barristan behind him, watching the crowd with hawk-like eyes. Harlan was pacing around the hall, watching for possible threats and Jonothor was with Viserys. While Tywin was standing at the sides, welcoming the nobles in king's behalf, Varys had approached to him with a sly smile.

"You must be enjoying this.", he said with an unappropiate manner. "Acting like the king."

"I am the King's Hand.", Tywin did not look at him. "I am merely doing my job. Some of us know where to stop."

"But you are not amongst those people, aren't you?", he wondered. "You think so highly of yourself, you dream to high for yourself. You are merely a servant to the crown.", Tywin's eyes went paler. "Yet you imagine your grandson on that throne in the future."

"Prince Rhaegar is married to Princess Elia."

"A Dornish whore.", Varys said with distaste.

"And what are you?", Tywin asked with unamused voice. "A foreign eunuch. At least that girl is Westerosi."

"The queen was Westerosi too and now look at her.", he pouted with sarcasm and if it were upto Tywin, he would lose his ugly head at that very moment. He basically committed regicide and still dared to roam around with that smug face of his. "People die, no matter where they are from."

"Princess Elia is alive and well.", Tywin deadpanned. "There is no reason for her to die."

"Who said I wish for her to die? It is you who desires this my lord. I got what I wanted."

"The queen was not a piece in the board. Killing her did not gain you anything.", he said with a low voice but Varys' eyes got narrowed with pleasure when he saw the demure figure of the young girl who just entered the room.

"The queen is the least important peace in it.", he turned to Tywin's shocked face. "You remove one and add another almost immediately and people scarcely notice the difference."

Cersei Lannister walked towards the king all while the nobles turned to look at Tywin with disgust, thinking he brough his daughter to pimp her out to the king all while Varys smiled with satisfaction.


Twelfth moon of 280 AC, Starfall







The light sneaks out from the closed windows.

Sweet winter wind.

The cracks of the burning wood.

The fire that's surrounding her.

She opened her eyes and look at the wide ceiling for a few seconds.

Then closed her eyes again.

She used to see dreams.

Dreams of ancient times, dreams of runes and magic, dreams of powerful women and cunning men, dreams of a high tower, dreams of dragons, dreams of an endless summer and the dreams of a very long night.

She had heard a song once, she did not remember when. Maybe thousands of years ago maybe a mere minute, or maybe she did not even hear it yet.

She did not remember where she heard it either. Maybe in her dreams or maybe in her head. It was a sacred song that shouldn't be heard.

She heard her own voice in the depths of the sea while she was covered in darkness.

She could be sleeping for an eternity, peacefully, at the bottom of the sea. Like the Valyrians of the Old did before they had the fire of the dragons.

She remembered how she let the sea fill up her lungs.

She remembered how she was ready to take her last breath.

But she was still there, still alive, still fighting.

Because she couldn't even manage to die.

And then she opened her eyes.


"Is he going to be alright?"

"Why? Do you care about how he is going to be?"

"I wouldn't ask if I was not worried about him."

Andric never wanted Arthur to leave their home.

He objected when their father Ansel sent him to the capital when he was only a boy to squire for Lewyn, he objected when their mother Alena accepted Arthur to swore himself to Rhaegar as a shield, and Gods knew how much he objected when Gerold Hightower put that white cloak around him.

But he also objected Arthur to marry with the Hightower girl.

He would never accept a mistake he had done, he saw no reason to pity oneself and chose to move on all the time -but with blaming others in the mean time.

Like the way he blamed Rhaegar for everything that happened to Arthur.

He would not be Lewyn's full-time squire if the prince did not choose him as a friend, he would not sworn himself to him if the prince did not offered him shelter and he would be named kingsguard if the prince (then regent due to Aerys' capture and absence) did not accept it.

It was an easy way to toss out the blame and get rid of the guilt.

But now his brother, his baby brother, his only brother was laying uncouncious on his own home, in his own room and in his own bed and Andric was left alone with the devils inside of his mind and there was no one else to blame but him. Every action he made, due to nothing but his own selfishness, had lead them there and still, he refused to own it and blamed Rhaegar instead.

"If you were worried about him you would prevent this.", he stood up from Arthur's bedside and turned to the dragon prince. "He sacrificed his life for you, you cannot stand there and tell me you are not happy because it is him and not you."

"I can and I am."

Rhaegar never liked Andric because Andric never liked him. Ever since day one, he was the enemy in eldest Dayne sibling's eyes and nothing he might do could change that and Rhaegar was aware of it. Andric Dayne was a man who protected his possessions, his treasures and he stole Arthur away from him -or so he believed in.

He truly did not know what provoked Arthur to take the white because it was never a destiny he wanted. He only knew it had something to do with Andric -recently he started to think maybe it had something to do with the betrothal due to his actions around Lady Atera. But he could not guess the exact reason and there was no way Arthur would have tell him now.

He was terribly sorry for what happened. He would never want Arthur to sacrifice himself, risk his own life for him. He never believed he was worthy of such devotion. And the idea of someone can get hurt to protect him made him sick ever since he understood what it meant to be the crown prince.

And yet here they were. Arthur was wounded, Malone could not guess when he would wake up and Rhaegar hated him -and loved him, at the same time.

If it weren't for this, he would never forgive Arthur but how could he be mad at a man who sacrificed his life for him? What choice did he had but to forgive Arthur despite his sin?

And what kind of a friend would he be if pity and gratitude would be the sole thing that kept him close to Arthur?

He did not know how to live without him. He did not know how to breathe without him. Jon and Oswell were his closest friends, yes, but Arthur was his brother and now he felt like his heart was breaking unrepearably. But the physical pain was too much, he could not think about Arthur, he could not worry about him and he could not lose him right after he made a crucial decision. He needed Arthur by his side and surely his anger and hatred would pass with time.

And even if they do not, Rhaegar was a good actor since he was a little boy.


Arthur woke up that day, the first day of the last moon, and he was alone.

Until he was not.

He did not know what to tell to Rhaegar, he couldn't even look at him after everything he had done. He had been teraing himself apart, dying slowly each day, keeping a secret from him was like a poison in his veins and he would never want him to learn things this way. He always knew, ever since the day he decided to keep it as a secret, that Rhaegar would never forgive him and he would loose everything they had shared once but he always thought Rhaegar would learn it from him so at least he would have a chance to say goodbye first.

Now he lost everything.

His best friend seemed as clueless as he did. He probably didn't think he would be awake and was going to check him. No, no, Arthur internally shook his head. He could not think that Rhaegar would care about him after everything. This thought would only damage him further.

Rhaegar stood at the door frame with a scowl and stern face, his eyes were avoiding Arthur all together. "You woke up."

"I did.", he had to clear his throat which was burning but he was not going to stay silent now.

"You sacrificed yourself for me."

"I did.", his deep blue eyes were observing Rhaegar. He was looking tired and paler than usual -maybe because of the moonlight that crack through the room, there were thck bandages on his shoulder and his hair was looking weak. "You got wounded."

"I did.", Rhaegar nodded without looking at him and then took a deep breath. "Do not do that ever again.", he used his authorotical voice, it was a clear order.

"It is my duty so.", Arthur tried to shrug but it hurt like hell. The arrow shot him from the exact spot he got wounded by jousting with Jon more than a year ago. "I am a kingsguard, remember?", it was a fucking stupid question. How many days passed, it didn't matter, everything was new still. Of course Rhaegar knew he was a kingsguard. "I took a vow,", he made the wound worse by digging it. "I will always protect you, whether you like it or not."

"You are going to protect me from my enemies and from myself, did I understand it right?", he asked with sarcasm but when he accidentally looked to Arthur, his whole face got softened immediately. He guessed he was looking bad but Arthur was worse. The fever and the poison made a number on him. "Arthur,", he sighed and took one step inside of the room. "should I call the Maester? Are you feeling well?", his voice was filled with warmth even though he wanted to sound like stone cold. There was an obvious affection he could not prevent.

"I will be better.", this was a fixed answer Arthur gave everytime he got hurt ever since he was a boy. He never admitted he was in pain, he would rather focus to the moment it would all go away than to drown in it. "There is no need to alert the castle."

"Your brother was worried, I venture.", Rhaegar muttered lowly and Arthur huffed.


"He is your only brother, isn't he?", Rhaegar almost snapped with his raised chin. Usually it was Rhaegar who claimed that Arthur had two brothers because he too was his brother, whether they were tied with blood or not. But now seeing him so casually denying it hurt Arthur more than the arrow and the poison ever did. "He stood by your side most of the time.", he admitted with a low voice. "I did not wake up that earlier than you though. I managed to open my eyes more than five minutes only yesterday and couldn't stand up until today."

"How is Oswell?", Arthur changed the subject. "Myles? He is just a boy, he shouldn't have witness this."

"Myles is off-age now.", it seemed it was not only Oswell he switched personalities with but Arthur too. Usually it would be Oswell who would be angry and want to crash the capital and it would be Arthur who would claim Myles was old enough to join them in battle. And Rhaegar would go against both of them, urging Oswell to calm down and trying to convince Arthur that Myles was only a child. "He should get used to these kind of things."

"We did not take him to the battle-"

"But it could be a battle, we rode with a batallion after all.", he closed his eyes and shook his head. "Which was a ruse since the beginning.", he muttered to himself. "I doubt there was ever a problem in Oldtown. Just a clean way to get rid of me."

"I doubt the king-"

Rhaegar closed his eyes tightly and rose a hand high to stop him. "Don't.", his voice was as sharp as a Valyrian Steel. "Do not ever dare to defend him against me.", he said almost with disgust.

"I wasn't going to.", Arthur muttered to himself. "I was going to say; I doubt the king would send a batallion just to kill you with an assassin. It would be easier and cleaner to actually ruse a battle."

"I would be a tragedy then.", Rhaegar's indigo eyes fround Arthur. Only thing he wanted was to get support from his best friend and he was too tired to fight anyways. Maybe he could lower his defences, put down his sword just one time. "He did not want it. He wanted to erase the memory of me."

"How is Elia and your daughter?", Arthur asked with a lump on his throat and Rhaegar took hesitant steps inside of the woom and sat on Arthur's bed. "Did the king harm them?", Arthur asked while tired to lean his back to the pillows and Rhaegar helped him to do so.

"I will never forgive you, Arthur.", Rhaegar said instead of answering him. "You were more than a friend, you were a brother to me. And you betrayed me.", he lowered his head and let out a pathetic laugh. "I understand your reasons, Gods know that I do and while it is hard for me to admit this, I think I would have done the same if I were you but I cannot forgive you.", he looked at him again. "I cannot forget the way you lied to my face for a year while my mother suffered under the king. I cannot put this aside, I cannot trust you ever again."

"I know.", he said with a hoarse voice and then cleared his throat. "I too will never be able to forgive myself."

"Good.", he nodded with closed lips. "I want you to remember what you have done and suffer for all eternity.", he was not sure which one of them was more in pain; him or Arthur? "I want you to see this in your nightmares and think about it every second you are awake."

"I will.", he said with a very low voice but Rhaegar heard it.

He rose his head to the ceiling and tried to send away his tears. "But I cannot send you away.", he said with a broken smile. "I cannot stay away from you, I cannot live without you."

"I know."

"You were like a brother to me.", he looked at him with a tear fell to his face. "You were the only person I trust wholeheartedly. Not even Jon and Oswell amanged to get me this close, not even Elia, my own wife. No one but you and you betrayed me for the king."

"I know the hurt I caused in you.", Arthur couldn't look at him and looked to the blankets instead with a deep scowl. "And I know that nothing I do can change that. I am ready for every punishment you have for me."

"I am not going to punich you.", Rhaegar took a deep breath while rubbing his face. "Because no matter how angry I am with you right now and how much I hate you, I cannot walk on this road alone."

"What road?", Arthur tilted his head. "Rhaegar, what are you going to do?", his heart started to beat fast, he had a bad feeling inside of him.

"When I look into the past,", he started to speak. He was left alone with his own thoughts with Oswell being overly solemn and Myles still in shock. "and try to see at which part our destiny had changed...", he looked directly into his eyes. "I should have raised my banners the moment he disinherited me when he returned from Duskendale.", Arthur began to shook his head but Rhaegar held his hand tightly. "He was mad.", he spat. "You know that he was mad and I could have save the world yet I feared to go against my own father."

"What changed ever since?", Arthur shook his head while leaning towards Rhaegar. "That wasn't a decade ago Rhaegar, barely three years had passed."

"I have a family now.", he said with determination. "People I have to protect. And it was him who drew the first blood, not me."


"I don't ask for your opinion.", Rhaegar cut his speech. "I am asking you a whole different question. Do you wish to earn redemption for your sins?", Rhaegar was going to realize much later that he was aware that he was playing dirty but in the mean time, he was going to refuse it. "Do you desire my forgiveness?"

"Of course.", Arthur breathed while his brain was screaming 'no'.

"Then there is a choice in your path. You are going to choose either me, your best friend and prince.", he stood up and straightened his spine. "Or the king, who is cruel and monstrous. There is no middle ground, Arthur."

"I pledged my sword to you a lot before that I pledged my body to the king.", Arthur said solemnly, knowing he was making a big mistake. "I chose your path over his, always and forever."


"I thought you were supposed to calm him down, not encourage him even further.", Oswell entered to his room only minutes later Rhaegar left and he was looking older than he was due to his serious face. "I thought you were the sensibile one amongst us."

"Ever since I was old enough to understand things, I always said the truth.", Arthur said with anrrowed eyes, his focus was on the blankets.

"You cannot possibly think-"

"This is the first time I chose otherwise."

Silence hit them.

"In a desperate need for forgiveness, you are committing high treason.", Oswell hissed. "You should have stop him not support him, Arthur, the only end of this path is absolute death, as we both know."

"The king tried to kill him.", Arthur tried to convince both of them. "Do you think he is going to stop now that he failed or will he try again with full force? Our duty is to protect him too and we cannot do that as long as the king sits on his throne. He is not safe and neither Elia nor Rhaenys. Should we just let him die?"

"Targaryen civil wars end up bloodshed.", Oswell was feeling like he was going mad. How could Rhaegar and Arthur could be this blind? "This is a war Rhaegar can never win."

"One of those civil wars happened because Maegor thought the throne was his and usurped his nephew. Second of it happened because Rhaenyra thought the throne was hers and tried to usurp her brother. Third of it happened because Daemon thought the throne was his and tried to usurp his brother. Rhaegar is not after the throne nor the crown. He is not after power. He is trying to do what is right."

"I cannot believe that I am talking to you now.", Oswell shook his head with disappointment. "You do not think straight, Arthur. You are acting on a whim-"

"Rhaegar had a chance to kill the king but he didn't.", Arthur snapped. "He doesn't want to kill him or dethrone him. He is going to force him into abdication."

"And you think Aerys will do that?", Oswell raised his voice a little. "Or do you think people will allow it? Men like Tywin Lannister and Varys? Will the high lords just stand aside and watch Rhaegar changing the sucession by force? Do you think the Marchers will let Elia to become the queen or Dornish influence to increase? Who would support Rhaegar?"

"It is not going to happen over night. He is not going to declare war but there are other ways to gain allies. He is trying o save the realm, not selfishly destroying it."

"Arthur,", Oswell took a deep breath. "Rhaegar might not be the one who is going to get burn when this is over because Viserys is still too young but the rest will. He is going to destroy every one of his supporters, the king is not stable."

"And it is the greatest reason why Rhaegar should do this."

"What happened to the boy who tried to talk him out of it all those years ago in Dragonstone?", Oswell asked with determination.

"What happened to the man who tried to convince him to rebel against the king all those years ago in Dragonstone?", Arthur snapped back and Oswell took a step back. "Let me tell what happened to both of those men; they died a week ago.", Arthur rubbed his face with one hand. "Rhaegar is not going to force anyone or threaten anyone. He wants to do this in the right way."

"There is no right way in planning a coup.", he spat. "I hope you are going to snap out of it, both of you, before you get all of us killed."


Two days had passed ever since Atera and Arthur woke up and both were refusing to have more visitors. But Arys could not take it any longer and entered her room that night.

"We need to talk."

She was sitting on the day bed near the window with her knees pressed to her chest. She was hugging to herself and her head was leaned to it, she was watching the stars. She rose her head with an obvious tiredness when she saw her cousin. Her always shining pretty face was pale and exhausted.

"I do not want to talk.", she said with a voice that was not louder than a whisper. "I want to be alone."

"You've been alone in the past two days, I gave you space but every second you stay silent, they win more and more."

"I don't care who wins what, I just want to be alone.", she leaned her head back to her knees.

"And I don't care what you want.", Arys said with determination. "You would hate it if I would get depressed in a middle of such an important situation. Do not expect emphaty now."

"I don't expect anything from you. You clearly do not respect me.", she said and Arys frowned. "I gave you a clear order, get the fuck out of Oldtown. You should have left me there and yet here we are, in Starfall. While you should have go to Highgarden more than a week ago. You are the reason of the failed plans, not me."

"You expected me to let you die?", his face was twisted with anger. "You are my cousin, my blood-"

"And Jacen is your brother, your blood.", she said with a sigh. "You can go and support him, you can back the winning side. We had lost already."

"Atera I know would never say such things."

"Atera you know died.", she turned her head to him while still leaning to her knee and raised her eyeborws. "You should have never save me."

"Because you planned to die. Because you knew they were going to blame you.", Arys closed his eyes and realized the cold truth. "You planned to sacrifice yourself to take away their only ammunition."

"And you ruined it like the idiot you are."

Arys only nodded to himself and smiled with disbelief. "There is only one idiot in this room and it is not me, cousin, I asuure you.", he looked at her longly and sighed. "I wrote a letter to Doric, sent it to Runestone."

"And not to Mace, I hope? Or to our uncle?"

"Victor and I agreed not to trust anyone within the Reach. And those we trust; we cannot trust that our letters would reach them."

"At least two of you can form one single brain and think accordingly. But I doubt something would happen to the letter you send to our uncle."

"I trust him, make no mistake. But he is a soldier.", he straightened his back. "Soldiers know only one way to fix problems and we could not control him."

"When did you sent that letter to Doric?", she wondered. Her brother was not an idiot but he was a reckless fool who would try to go Oldtown alone. "A few days ago. It probably just reached him."

"What did you wrote?"

"What Rhea and Jacen had done.", even saying their names made him clench his jaw. "And your situation."

She rose her head and raised her eyebrows and looked at him with a subtle warning. "Please tell me you did not stated our location?"

"As I said, I am not an idiot.", he pressed the words. "Of course I did not."

"Good, you can leave now.", she dismissed him but Arys tilted his head.

"There is something you should know."

"There is nothing I should know.", she buried her face to her knees. "I should have die that day."

"But you are alive and you will stay alive.", he snapped. "I am not going to lose you.", she did not say anything. "Prince Rhaegar is here with two of his kingsguard; Ser Arthur and Ser Oswell."

"What a peculiar time to visit here.", she muttered to herself.

"It is not peculiar at all.", Arys smiled at her knowingly. "The king sent a batallion with Prince Rhaegar on charge of it and then somebody tried to kill him."

"What?", she blurted while raising her head and putting her feet to the ground. "Who would dare to do such a thing?"

"The king.", Arys raised one eyebrow. "It seems we are not the only ones who got betrayed by their kin."


"You reckless fool.", his brother's dearest voice spoke with a hinted affection through the door while Arthur was trying to tie the collar of his shirt. It was the fourth day of the last moon now and it was the time for him to get up. "You could have died."

"But I didn't.", he sighed with annoyance. When he made a move to wear his coat, Andric stopped him, took it himself and helped him wear it. "What do I owe the pleasure of you treating me like a human being?"

"It feels disrespectful to act otherwise in the house of our ancestors.", Andric didn't step down. After Arthur wore the coat completely with a low grunt, he moved to his front and started to tie it. "Also you are the blood of my blood. How could I not care about you while you were bleeding in the bed I've read you books thousands time before?"

Arthur briefly raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips. "Thank you."

"Your prince is planning something.", Andric rose his head and tied his hands behind his back. "Do not get involved with it."

"He is my prince.", Arthur was in no mood of fighting but he was not going to let him order him around. "I am bound to serve him."

"Serve him without committing high treason.", Andric was no fool, he could guess what was all this fuss about. "I ask you as your brother."

"Once I asked you something similar as your brother.", he let out a disappointed huff and Andric's eggplant eyes got colder. "You rejected me, claiming it was love what was driving you."

"Is this a confession?", Andric rose his eyebrows, unamused. "Do you love the prince?"

"Of course I love him.", he scoffed. "As a brother, nothing more. Which is more valuable than your excuse."

"You chose a prince,", Andric grimaced. "a man who can order you to fall to your own sword over your true brother?"

"Just like the same brother chose a woman over me.", Arthur raised his chin. "You made your decision and I made mine. There is no need to discuss those matters once more Andric, but you are in no position to judge me or condemn me."

"I just do not want you to die.", Andric confessed it but then put on his emotionless mask. "The girls would get upset and we have many other family members who would mourn you."

"Are you one of them?", he asked with a weirdly shy tone. He felt like a boy again.

But Andric did not answer him.


"You know what you are getting blamed with, I take it?", Rhaegar went to her chamber after finding about what was happening while he was sick. "I do offer you my condolences for your brother, Lady Atera but as the Prince of Dragonstone I must ask you."

"I do not need your condolences, your grace.", she said with a low tone, she was sitting on the day bed once again with a sangria-coloured sleeveless dress, her feet were bare and knees were pressed to her chest. She did not curtsy when the prince entered, her wound made it impossible. "My brother still is alive."

Rhaegar tilted his head. "It seems like there is a story."

"Was that a question or a declaration?", she was in no mood of games yet she couldn't stop herself. "I did not kill him, your grace and I do not only mean the fact that he is alive, I did not poison him either."

"I wish to believe you but-"

"You have a brother of your own.", she stood up slowly. "Can you imagine even causing him distress, let alone posion him in cold blood?"

"Of course not.", he objected with a grimace. "I would never do such a thing."

"And neither would I.", she said with determination. Her face was returning back to its own colour and the dark shadows under her eyes were barely visible. "Leyton is my brother and my guardian. I would rather die than to mourn him."

"Who did this then?"

"My cousin said that we both found ourselves in similar situations.", she straightened her spine and even though her wound hurt, her face didn't give it away. "Your father tried to kill you and my cousin tried to kill me."

With that Rhaegar's face got darker. "Tell me your story, my lady, do not comment on mine."

"Very well,", she nodded to herself. "Jacen, second son of my aunt, is the one who killed Claron."

"You claim he killed his own brother while talking me about how you wouldn't do such a thing?"

"Some people are born without honour.", she shrugged.

"And he is the one who poisoned Lord Hightower?"

"No, that would be his wife. Rhea Florent."

"But it was Ser Jacen who sent out the letters that framed you?"

"They are having an affair. Everybody knows it. Including my brother. It seems to me he finally woke up from his deep sleep and this is why Rhea decided to eliminate him."

"And she couldn't because you murdered her sons?"

A mysterious smirk appeared on her lips. "Desperate times requires desperate measures."

"No.", his tongue hit the roof of his mouth and made a 'click' sound. "You did not kill those innocent boys."

"So you believe to that but don't believe that I didn't kill my brother, your grace?", she wondered.

"The whole situation seems very complicated to me. And what I believe does not matter."

"The whole realm must have learnt about the accusations by now. But there isn't a formal arresting order for me.", she tilted her head. "It seems neither the king nor his council believes into these accusations either, your grace."

Rhaegar's stern face disappeared and looked at her with empathy. "It is a terrible thing to get betrayed by the ones you trusted the most.", he said rather softly. "I do understand your pain.", he took a step towards her and lowered his voice. "And your thirst for vengeance.", Atera did not answer to that. "Just be careful. You served my wife faithfully and for that I am thankful to you. And it seems that you've been through enough. Revenge is not the answer all the time."

"Will you let it go, your grace?", she asked with a poker face. "If the king tried to kill you once, surely he will try again. Will you do nothing?"

"What happens between me and the king is not your concern.", his face was still soft. "This is a family matter."

"And what happens between me and them is also the same, your grace. You are not the king,", with that Rhaegar took a troubled breath. "you cannot officially order me to behave."

"I wouldn't even dream of.", he forced himself to stay patient. "If I cannot stop you then, maybe I can help you."

"With what?", she tilted her head.

"We are going to have a council meeting at midnight at the library.", he looked at her longly. "Join us if you wish to know."


Twelfth moon of 280 AC, Dragonstone

"A letter had arrived from the capital.", Oberyn knocked on her door, it was late at night but he knew she was not sleeping. Lucerys had brough Rhaenys a few days earlier and Elia was spending every moment with her ever since. "And according to the messenger, it is at most importance."

Elia and Rhaenys were laying on the bed. His niece was sleeping and Elia was caressing her face. She stood up when she saw him. Then Oberyn realized Ashara's sitting figure on the chair, reading a book.

"From the capital?", Elia frowned. "Do you think the king summons us or it is about Rhaegar?"

"I have no idea.", he mumbled while cutting the letter with a fruit knife. "It is the sigil of the Hand.", he raised his eyebrows but they fell and his face got darker with every word he read.

"What is it?", Elia took a nervous step towards her little brother. "Is it Rhaegar?"

"No, it is the queen.", Oberyn frowned.

"The queen?", Elia seemed confused. "Is she fallen sick?"

"Did the king caused her harm?", Ashara stood up with worry.

"She is dead.", Oberyn blurted, barely managed to look at them out of his shock. "She had died five days ago.", he began to explain while Elia gasped loudly and put a hand on her mouth and Ashara rushed to her side. "He says that the funeral should have take place two days later but they had to delay it due to the storm that horrendously affected the Northern regions. It will happen at the end of the fortnight. We must go to the capital immediately."

"Why did she die?", Ashara asked. "It's not like she died all of a sudden, no?"

"He doesn't go into detail, only says it was natural causes."

"Poison.", Elia's eyes were focused to the floor and she was looking pale all over again. One hand was on her belly, it was still a bit puffy, and the other hand was holding Ashara's hand. "They first tried to murder my husband and now they had poisoned the queen.", she seemed horrified.

"Who would wish harm to the queen?"

"The king.", she said with determination. "Of course the king, who else?", she looked at her brother. "Bring Ser Jon here, it is time for us to have a serious talk. He might dislike me but I am sure he is very interested in Rhaegar's well being."


Twelfth moon of 280 AC, Driftmark

It was almost midnight when he reached to the shores of his home in secret. Thanks to his luck his father had been in the capital and his uncle in Dorne. Aurane was probably accompanying their father in the king's court since he did not trust either of his true born sons to take care his youngest properly and Corlys could not see him approaching even if his ship was on fire.

Since all the ships at harbour knew who's banners it was, they did not alarmed the castle guards or the watchers on top of the small lighthouse -not as grand as the mighty Hightower. He left the island more than a moon ago to join the funeral of Claron Oakheart and nobody questioned his absence ever since.

Jace had no idea what to think about that.

It wasn't unusual of him to disappear into the depths of the night and not reappear for moons to come but still, one raven wouldn't be that bad. He tried not to focus on that because the carelessness of his family actually helped him to improve the plan.

Him and Atera had a very complicated past, not long by any means but it included many things and made many people fuming with anger and irritation. Only both knew the full story (and Aurane). Leyton knew more than the others because Atera wanted to anger him. Alerie (and Mace, Baelor, Arys and Jace guessed Paxter) knew the lies Atera made up. His father and Corlys (and Ravella, he guessed) knew the lies he made up.

Lucerys hit him out of anger, he cursed him, he sent him to exile for more than a year and refused to interact with him. Still Jace did not gave up just yet. He wasn't in love with her, he was not that stupid but also he did not had any malicious intentions like Corlys might hope. He just loved the chase and Atera was always a good player, an entertaining one. It was a lovely push and pull game that kept the excitement on and right now it was his turn to pull her hence he threw his whole family into a game they would loath to be assosiacted with.

When Atera approached to him with that determination on her face, he knew it was a lost game and he would do anything she asked him to do. And thanks to his luck, this time the price was easy.

He just had to kidnap two boys from their bed and hide them until Atera decided it was time for them to come out.

And what place was better than High Tide to hide them? Who would guess to look for them in the ruins of once a glorified castle?


Twelfth moon of 280 AC, Starfall

"You wish to say something, my lord?", Atera asked with an eye roll, Andric Dayne entered the room with a charming smile.

"I just wanted to tell you that,", he turned to his side and pointed out the marbled door. "this is a door.", Atera raised her eyebrows with a hint of a slight amusement. Andric turned the door handle. "You can open it from here too."

"Thank you for teaching me this. I had never seen a door before.", she offered him a fake smile.

"You are not a prisoner here, that's all I wanted to say.", he took a step inside with narrowed eyes and freshly applied perfume. "Your cousin had mentioned a thing or two to me, enough for me to let you stay here a little longer but if you want a proper sanctuary, you should start to speak, Lady Atera.", she liked the way he said her name. "I am not a patient man, as, I take it, you would know."

"My brother mentioned a lot about you.", she played along. "All the bad qualities you have and more."

"How lovely to know that.", Andric let out a laugh. "Leyton knows me well and he is not a man to exaggarte, as you would know, he is your brother after all. So whatever he said about me, he was probably right."

"He told me that you are a dangerous man."

"Very much indeed.", he took another step.

"And that you would never do a favour without gaining something in return.", she straightened her shoulders. "So instead of trying to fish for information, my lord,", she stood up. "tell me directly what you want to keep my presence here as a secret."

"Normally I would have offer my geneorosity freely.", he was genuine, she could tell that much. "I have two sisters and I know that your brother would offer the same kindess to them but now there are rumours roaming around and they might be declared as more than a rumour by the crown all of a sudden. I have a family to protect too. I need assurance."

"What do you want then?", she tilted her head. "Gold? Troops? Contract? A betrothal?"

"Gods forbid no.", he scoffed. He did everything he could to prevent one Hightower-Dayne match. He was not going to create another. "What I want is a leverage."

"I am not going to rat out my brother who is in sick bed.", she seemed disgusted almost but with every passing day, she was getting used to her situation more and more and her old self, the one that she created to fit to the game, was returning partly. "Name another price."

"I did not mean for that.", Andric made a 'tsk' sound. "It's a two way street. I am going to help you now and you are going to help me later."

"And what will you want from me? Or when will you want?"

"I cannot know that now, can I?", he tilted his head and sent her a handsome smile. "We will see what the future brings us. Give me your word now and I will offer my protection to you."

"And what makes you think I need your protection?"

"What ally do you have?"



Mace and Alerie.

"More than you, or so I've heard.", it was a known thing, the political loneliness of House Dayne.

One of his uncle was ruling High Hermitage which was of no importance, his other uncle was married to Lady Santagar, again was of no importance. Only his aunt made a respectable match and had close ties with important houses but she was playing neutral. His wife's family and the royal house of Dorne was hating him the Yronwoods were his mortal enemies and his brother was a traitor in the eyes of the Dorne because he chose to be a kingsguard. One of his sisters was known as 'The Great Whore' by his enemies because of her well-known sexual relationship with Prince Oberyn (another now loved figure and also was known as 'The Great Whore') and his youngest sister was too young to build alliances.

He only had the support of his mistress, the Lady Blackmont.

Which meant he was alone. Atera at least her family -or whatever was left from it.

Andric's smile never faltered. "You are not a prisoner here, if I must repeat. Enjoy my castle while you can."

She entered the library at that night with her bare feet and Rhaegar's eyes got narrowed with determination.

It seemed both found new allies in their fight against their family.

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