The New Dragon Age

By Havingfunwithfanfic

419K 11.6K 759

Daemon and Rhaenyra married. Their first child was sent by the Gods to save them all. Deirys Targaryen was bo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 25

8.6K 235 6
By Havingfunwithfanfic

The first part of this chapter will be from Visenya's POV. We will get a little inside look into her mind and her character. We will also see more of her interaction with Xanner. The second part will show how Aemond and Aegon are getting along after the big fight they had years earlier, and we also see how Aegon behaves now. We will get another glimpse at Aemond's relationship with Alicent. High Valyrian will be in italics. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

                                              Visenya Targaryen (12 years old.)


                                              Xanner Strong (15 years old.)

Visenya walked along the garden wall and let her fingers trail over the flowers. She loved the gardens, walking in them was one of her favorite things to do, besides reading. Here she felt at peace, the only other time she felt like that was when she was on her dragon, flying over the clouds. Visenya was not like her siblings, she was not outgoing or a warrior. She hated conflict and preferred to spend her time reading instead of with people. She could always be found with a book in her hands, like now. Her brothers Rhaegon and Baelon used to make fun of her because of it until her father put a stop to it. He had made it clear he would not allow that type of behavior from them or anyone and that Visenya was to be respected and protected. Visenya had wished several times that she was different, a warrior like her sister Deirys or brave like her little sister Aemma. She had wished they had never named her Visenya, she was nothing like the warrior queen. Visenya hated fighting, she preferred more delicate things like her dresses, books, and flowers.
Visenya loved all her siblings, but especially her sister Deirys and her younger sister Alyssa. Deirys had never made her feel like she needed to change or act differently. When Visenya was little she would be sad most of the time due to not having a dragon. Her uncle Aegon often told her the Gods had not deemed her worthy of having one, that she was an embarrassment to her family and should have never been named Visenya. Deirys had been livid when she found out and confronted their uncle. Something must have happened because she had not seen her uncle for over a moon after that. Then her father had come to see her and talked to her. He made it clear that he did not expect her to be a warrior or to be like any of her siblings. He told her she was free to be whatever she wanted and made sure she knew he loved her no matter what. Visenya loved her father, he was her knight in shining armor. He always defended her against everything. So did her sister Deirys.
Then Visenya's dragon had hatched and her happiness had been complete. Still, as she grew she was very aware of how different she was from her siblings. She would hide sometimes when something happened so no one would see her cry. Then when she was ten she had been training with her dragon and was hurt when he butted her a little hard. Tears had filled her eyes and her brothers had laughed, even Aemma had laughed. Visenya had left the dragon pit and hidden, so she could cry alone. Her hands were scrapped and she hated being weak. That was how Xanner Strong had found her, hiding beneath a tree, in the farthest corner of the gardens. Visenya knew who Xanner was, after all, his mother was one of her mother's ladies in waiting and also her friend. But she had not spent too much time with Xanner, he was always training with her brothers or with his father. She had expected him to make fun of her as her brothers had, instead, he had cleaned the scrapes in her hands and had smuggled a lemon cake out of the kitchens for her. He sat with her for hours and told her stories about his home and asked her several questions about her dragon and what she liked to do. And just like that, Visenya's heart was taken by a boy with auburn curls and gentle, smiling hazel eyes. After that, she would seek him out and he would bring her books when he realized how much she loved reading. He would ask her about the books she was reading and gift her her favorite flowers.
Visenya walked to the Godswood and stopped when she saw Xanner sitting beneath the heart tree. Unlike his usually happy demeanor, he looked sad today, defeated, his wide shoulders were slumped and his head was down. Visenya hugged the book tighter to her chest and walked closer to where he was sitting. She was about to reach his side when he noticed her and stood up swiftly.
"Princess." He bowed and looked away. "I apologize, I will leave."
"No!" Her voice was louder than she intended and his head snapped back to look at her. She bit her lip and looked at her book nervously. "You do not have to go."
She walked closer and sat down beneath the tree, after a few minutes he sat next to her, but did not say anything. He kept looking at the ground. Visenya did not know what to do, this was not the same happy boy who told her stories and stole sweets for her. He looked defeated.
"Is something the matter?" He looked at her and she smiled nervously. "I'm sorry if I am overstepping, you do not have to tell me. Is just that you look sad, and you have always helped me when I'm sad, so I thought that maybe this time I could be of some assistance."
"Thank you, princess, but I do not wish to bother you."
"It is not a bother. I might not be able to do anything significant to help you, but I can listen."
"My uncle was executed the day before last." Visenya nodded, she was aware. She and her other siblings, except for Deirys, had not been allowed to go to the trial or the executions, but they all knew what had happened. "He killed my grandsire, he had him burnt to death and he planned to kill my father, my siblings, and I. Just because he wanted power, he wanted to be the Lord of Harrenhal."
"I am sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine how hard it must be for you and your family."
"It should not be." When he looked at her his eyes were hard. She had never seen him look like that before. He shook his head. "He was a traitor, he betrayed the realm and his own family."
"Yes, but he was still your uncle." Now he had a frown on his face. Visenya smiled gently at him. "You can still grieve for the person you thought he was, for the family member that is now gone. There is nothing wrong with that."
"I cannot, he was a traitor and did horrible things. Now my entire family will pay for his disloyalty. People will not look at us the same anymore."
"I look at you the same." He lifted his head and looked at her strangely, she gave him a small smile. "You are still the same, nothing has changed. Xanner, when someone betrays you is a reflection of their character, not yours."
His eyes widened and he looked at her like this was the first time he was actually seeing her. Then his beautiful smile returned, wider than the last time she saw it.
"You are very wise, princess. Thank you."
"I do not believe I am that wise, but I am glad I was able to help you feel better." Visenya took one of the irises her crown was made of. Her cousin Jaehaera was always making flower crowns for them, or sticking flowers in her tiara. Visenya handed him the flower. "You always give me sweets or a book when I am sad, or melancholy. I do not have anything to give you at this moment, so you can take the flower for now and I will find something you like to replace it with."
"No." He smiled at her, it was his sweet smile once more, there was no sadness in it. "I like the flower, I believe is the best gift I have ever received."
"It is not that great of a gift, is just a simple flower. You can find hundreds just like it in the gardens."
"That is not true." He pushed one of her curls behind her ear and Visenya felt her heart skip a beat. "There is no other flower like this one, this one is the most special one."
"I do not understand." Visenya frowned at the flower, it was pretty, but not the prettiest one she had ever seen. "What makes this particular flower so special?"
"Because you gave it to me. No other flower can ever replace this one."
Visenya's cheeks flushed as he smiled at her in a way that made her skin tingle. She had never met anyone like this kind boy.

                                                Aemma Targaryen (9 years old.)


                                                 Jaehaerys Targaryen (13 years old.)

Aemond saw Aemma hit the ground and had to cover his mouth so she would not see him smile. The girl might be small, but she was scary, her and that dragon of hers. Aemond could see why his niece had been able to tame the cannibal, she was fearless, too fearless sometimes. He felt bad for her parents every time she did one of her antics, like the time she opened a hole in Jaehaerys's mattress and put horse shit in it. It had taken the staff over a week to figure out where the smell was coming from. Aegon and Helaena had thought it hilarious, his mother had not been so amused. Aemma slammed one of her fists against the ground and glared at Jaehaerys, who just smirked at her. Aemond saw Aegon approach their niece shaking his head.
"You are trying to match him in strength, which will make you lose. He is bigger and stronger than you are." Aegon moved closer to her and whispered so Jaehaerys would not be able to hear. "But you are quicker, so when he comes at you again all you need to do is move out of the way and hit him low."
"Should you be helping me beat your son?" Aemma looked at Aegon with suspicion, making Aemond smile. Jaehaerys was looking at them with narrowed eyes since he could not hear what was being said. "I do not know if I should trust you."
"You wound me, I am one of the most trustworthy people you will ever meet." Aemma rolled her eyes and Aemond did laugh out loud this time. Aegon smiled at their nice. "Fine, I made a bet with your uncle Aemond. I said you could beat Jaehaerys and he said you would not because you are too impatient. You need to prove him wrong and help me get some coins out of him."
"How much was the bet?" Aemma looked between them. "I should know if I am to win the coins for you."
"Four gold dragons." Aemma's eyes widened and Aegon gave her a pat on the head. "So you need to help me win."
"Fine." The little girl narrowed her eyes at Aegon. "But I want half. Since I am the one that is actually doing the work."
"What? I cannot believe you would try to extort money from me. Aemond snorted, while poor Jaehaerys was looking even more annoyed. "Fine, I will pay you half."
Aemma turned towards Jaehaerys and once they were in position Aemond gave the order for them to start. Jaehaerys moved fast and attempted to strike, but Aemma was faster, moving out of the way and hitting him in the stomach. Jaehaerys stumbled and almost fell, but was able to righten himself at the last moment. Jaehaerys turned back towards Aemma, but before he could do anything, the little girl was on him, she kicked him in the legs and was able to take his training sword away. Aegon and Aemond clapped, while Aemma bowed mockingly to them.
"What did you say to her?" Jaehaerys glared at his father, who gave the boy an innocent look. "She did not fight like that the first time."
"He sold you out for four gold dragons," Aemma smirked at Jaehaerys and then helped him stand up. "Well, two, since I told him he would have to give me half if I was to beat you."
"You sold me for two gold dragons?" Jaehaerys shook his head. "Your own son?"
"Not just for two gold dragons." Aegon glared mockingly at his son. "You also ate my dessert last night."
"Mother said I could have it," Jaehaerys smirked at Aegon and started at his belly. "Also you do not need any desserts, you are getting fat."
Aegon's mouth dropped open while Aemond and Aemma burst out laughing. Then Aegon took off after Jaehaerys who was running and laughing hysterically. Aemond shook his head, happy to see the changes in his brother. It had taken over seven moons for them to actually speak to each other after the beating Aemond had given him. Aemond had never apologized and he did not intend to, but he was happy their relationship was able to be salvaged. Rhaenyra had been a big help with Aegon's change, she even had talked to their father to spend more time with his sons and other daughter. Their uncle Daemon had also helped. Aemond thought Daemon would kill Aegon the first time he saw them train, but Aegon had gone through everything Daemon had pulled him through and he had become better. His drinking problem had also gotten better and he was a better husband and father. Aegon helped Jaehaerys train most days and would try to spend time with his daughter. Things with Jaehaera were a little more complicated since she was very shy and preferred to spend most of her time reading. Jaehaera could be found with Visenya most of the time, the two girls were really close in age, with Jaehaera being just a year older. The two girls would read together and Jaehaera would be braiding flowers in Visenya's hair while the other girl read a story out loud.
"Aemond!" Among let out a sigh. The only person that was not happy with how things were was his mother. She did not care that Aegon was better or that he was happier, all she could see was the control she used to have over her children was slipping away. "We need to speak."
Aemond smiled at Aemma and nodded for her to leave. There was no need for the poor girl to be exposed to his mother's poison. His mother hated all of Rhaenyra's children, especially Deirys and Aemma.
"Yes, mother." Aemond looked at his mother with a gentle expression, he knew she was suffering and felt bad for her. "How can I be of assistance?"
"You need to help me." She grabbed one of his hands, looking at him with pleading eyes. "We have to get your grandsire out of the black cells. He cannot stay the for much longer or he will die."
"Mother." Aemond let out a sigh, he felt for his mother, but she could not be that blind. "You know that he will die anyways once he is found guilty of treason."
"How can you say that? He is your grandsire."
"Yes, and he is the reason why we were almost killed and your grandchildren were terrified." This time he glared at her. "Did you forget that thanks to him Jaehaera was held with a knife to her throat? They threatened to kill her if we did not comply. How can you defend the man responsible for that?"
"We do not know that h..."
"Yes, we do." Aemond wanted to shake his mother. Why was she so blind? Did she truly not see the snake she was living with? "He is a traitor and he will not be leaving the black cells until his trial. Do not ask me to help you."
Aemond started to walk away, he did not want to fight with his mother. He was tired of justifying himself to her.
"This is all her fault." He should have known she would follow him. His mother did not know when to leave things alone. He continued walking until she opened her mouth once more. "Is all thanks to Deirys. That little whore planned it all."
"Do not." Aemond turned around, his eyes narrowed. "Do not speak about her that way."
"It is the truth." Alicent walked closer to him, her mouth set in a hard line. "That little whore has poisoned you against your own family. She is the one who has ruined our lives."
"I am warning you, mother."
"You do not see it. What has she done to you?"
"She has done nothing." That was not strictly true, she made him feel like he was bursting out of his skin. When he saw her for the first time after four years his mind had gone blank and he had forgotten that he was tied up and some idiot was threatening to kill him. He shook his head. "She did what she needed to do, to protect herself and all of us."
"She does not even follow the seven. She does not act like a pious woman. Have you seen the way she dresses?" Oh, he had noticed. Everyone had noticed. Deirys dressed in the fashion of Old Valyria, which meant her dresses were tight and highlighted her body to distraction. Some of them had necklines so low they went all the way down to her small waist, leaving a lot of cleavage gloriously displayed. His body reacted in a way he had not been completely comfortable with. He was used to having full control of his body, which is why he had attempted to stay away from her those few days after she returned. He should have known better, his little treasure was not one to be ignored, she had followed him and he had almost kissed her, if not for her father arriving he would have. Daemon had threatened him with several different forms of bodily harm, not that Aemond cared. Then he had found her at that pleasure house and for a moment he had been furious, thinking about her safety. And then she had opened her gorgeous mouth and started talking about fucking other men and he had lost it. Once he kissed her, he had been done for. He had never felt half the pleasure when fucking other women that he felt from just kissing his niece. His mother's voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "We need to do something about her Aemond, we need to convince your father to send her away. She cannot be allowed to destroy our family."
"She is not the one destroying our family." His mother could see everyone's faults, but never her own. "Let me make something very clear, Mother. Deirys is untouchable. She is not to be hurt."
"I will do whatever I need to make sure my father is safe."
"Is not her fault Otto is in the black cells, is his own. He has schemed and lied to get his blood on the throne. He is the one that has betrayed his king and his own family over and over again. Do not blame others because your father is a cunt who only cares about power."
This time he saw the hit coming and grabbed her arm before she could make contact. Aemond glared at her until she flinched. She attempted to get out of his hold but Aemond would not let her. He tightened his grip on her, not enough to hurt, but tight enough that she was aware that she would not be leaving until he allowed it.
"Let me make something clear for you." He saw her flinch but did not stop. "If you do anything that endangers Deirys, or have someone do something to her, I will go down to the black cells and tear Otto apart, piece by piece. I will then put his head by the city gates so everyone knows what happens to traitors. Do not test me, mother. You will not like my reaction."
He dropped her hand, turned around, and walked away. He had craved his mother's love for so long, that sometimes it was hard to separate the boy he had been from the man he was now. Then he had understood that his mother's love came with conditions. She never gave anything for free. She expected total obedience. Aemond thought that was normal until he saw the way Rhaenyra and Daemon acted with their children. Rhaenyra gave everything to her children and did not expect anything in return. She always made sure to spend time with them and they all knew they were loved. He had never seen any of his nieces or nephews afraid that their parents would hit them.
Then there was Deirys, his little treasure. She loved him unconditionally, she always had. He had expected things to change as she grew, especially because she had been away for four years, but things had never changed. Aemond had been shocked when she confessed she had kept the arrest of his grandsire a secret from him so he would not fight with his mother. She had also refused to stop protecting him. Deirys was his and he would burn the entire seven kingdoms down before he allowed anyone to keep them apart.

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