always been you| javon walton

By yourmom-1890

146K 1.2K 2.4K

Isabella is a fun laid back girl to be around, when her mom told her they were moving she didn't care knowing... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17 (part A)
chapter 18 (part B)
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
rest in peace
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65

chapter 48

2K 13 90
By yourmom-1890

how old are you guys? don't lie about your age tho.
me: i'm 16
                                     (isabella point of view)
"baby i need your pussy."javon kissed below my ear.

"javon im tired. it's 3 in the morning" i yawned trying to go back to sleep, after i peaked at my phone noticing the time was 3:08am.

he kissed my shoulder a couple times before bringing his hand to massage my breast.

when me and javon sleep at my house, which is almost everyday, he sleeps in just boxers and i sleep in just my underwear. that's why he has such easy access to my boobs.

with my back facing him, i turn laying a little more on my back as he softly pinched my nipples.

he knows that makes me wet. i grab his hand and guide it inside my panties. he rubs little slow circles on my clit.

i lightly moan from the sensation on both my clit and nipple.

"i want you to sit on my face." he said placing a kiss on the nipple he was playing with.

i started shaking my head 'no' not agreeing with his statement.

"what if you can't breath." i panted out, feeling him push two fingers inside me.

"babe, i lift your weight, i'm sure if i was to start suffocating i'll lift you up." he said placing a kiss on my lips.

i pull away from him.

"no kissing unless you let me go brush my teeth." i said trying to get up.

he pulled me back to him.

"no kissing then." he said not wanting me to leave the bed.

i hummed in pleasure when he start thrusting his fingers in and out my wet pussy.

my mouth opens as breathless moans come out, from the feeling of him slamming his fingers in and out of me at such a fast pace. him trying to make me cum just so he could eat the fuck out of my pussy.

"i want to suck your dick." i moaned reaching to grab his dick and free it from his boxers.

"after" he said watching me as he chased my orgasm.

"mhm right there." i grabbed his hand trying to slow him down from how fast he was going. he removed both my hands with one of his. he slightly got up to pin my hands down above my head while he fingered me so good.

"i'm gonna cum." i moaned arching my back a little. when the pressure became too much i was so close to cumming. until javon pulled his fingers out of me not letting me.

"no please. javon please." i begged him squeezing my legs together trying to create some type of friction to make me cum.

"you don't deserve it" he said. i didn't understand why, but i was too caught up in the moment i didn't ask questions.

"get up, bring your sexy ass." he said motioning towards his face.

being upset with my denied orgasm i refuse.

"no." i say with a attitude and furrowing my eyebrows. oh he didn't like that.

he put his hand around my neck and forced me to look up at him. with tight pressure on my neck.

"quit acting like a brat or i'm gonna fuck you all night and i won't let you cum or have a single orgasm." he looked mad which made me even wetter.

"i just wanna cum." i said softly. trying to ease him so he's not mad anymore. i don't want him to angry fuck me for the first time when my family is in the house.

"then be a good girl." he said still looking mad.

i nodded my head. he let me go and placed a hand on my waist guiding me to hover over his face.

"such a pretty pussy." he mumbled while i started to lower myself onto his face.

as soon as i felt his tongue circle around my clit. i knew it was gonna be a sleepless night.
                                     (javons point of view)
"i need help." ella said and grabbed my hand trying to lead me to her room.

i just woke up and came upstairs. isabella is still asleep. i'm not sure what time we fell asleep at. i think i was between 5:20 or 5:40 i'm not completely sure.

"good morning to you too ella." i said picking her up in my arms and carrying her to her room.

"this broke, can you fix it?" she asked me pointing to a box of a brand new swing for dolls.

"it's not broken it just wasn't put together." i said grabbing the box and setting her down on her bed.

"can you fix it?" she asked me

"how about this. we eat breakfast then after we can both build it together?" i asked her.

she nodded her head agreeing to what i said.

"i'm starving." she said wrapping her arms around my neck.

"you were helping your mom with breakfast?" i asked her. when i first walked into the kitchen i saw isabella's mom at the stove and i saw ella sitting on the counter next to her.

"yeah, and i was sneaking pieces of bacon." she giggles.

we walked downstairs, only this time when we get to the kitchen giselle and Esme are in this kitchen.

i place ella at a chair at the island.

"here javon you need the practice." giselle passed me the baby.

"can you put her in her thing so she can eat." she asked me.

it wasn't a high chair. it was one of those things that you put the baby in. so the baby sits on the counter and you can feed him or her. i'm this case giselle's baby is a girl.

"i need our baby to be a boy, there's too many girls over here." i said. isabella's mom starts laughing.

"most of my family is girls. and so is isabella's dads family" she told me passing me a plate of food. i told her thank you.

"well my family is mostly boys. my older sister and mom are the only girls in our house." i said cutting a piece of my pancake and putting it in my mouth.

"we aren't going to know for a while." isabella's mom said making two other plates of food.

i'm assuming for her and isabella. considering everyone at the island is eating.

"who's baby?" ella asked. getting everyone's attention.

i looked at isabellas mom confused, thinking ella would have known.

"you don't worry about it, okay baby?" sierra said passing ella a cup of juice.

"how is bella still asleep it's almost 11." Sierra said looking at her apple watch them looking at me.

"she couldn't sleep last night." i said and shrugged.
after eating me and ella got straight to work with building her dolls a swing. she helped or at least tried helping. she grabbed the screwdriver for me, after asking her mom where it's at.

isabella still isn't up, i think. i haven't been to her room because she's sleeping with absolutely no clothes on. when i was about to go check on her ella really wanted to go with me.

so i decided i'll just wait for her to come upstairs.

Esme is helping us too, well if playing with the dolls is considered helping.

"can you hold me." ella said grabbing onto my shirt.

"i'm tired." she continued saying when she sat in my lap putting her arms around my stomach.

"when are we leaving?" she asked me with her cheek right against my chest.

"when your sister gets up and eats." i said placing a kiss on her head before screwing in the seat part of the swing.

she continued laying all up on my while i finished putting the swing together.

randomly she jumped out of my lap and squealed.

"sissy." she said.

i turned around and saw isabella.

"hey baby." she said to ella placing a kiss to her head.

"my love." she came to me placing a kiss on my lips.

"what are you doing?" she asked me.

"putting together a doll swing, the normal." i shrugged looking at her.

"ima eat and change then we'll go?" she asked me

"yeah that fine." i told her.
                                    (isabella point of view)
"i'm just nauseous." i told javon when he kept asking me why i look grossed out.

"i feel like i need to eat something." i muttered.

"ella love, can you get me a snack out of your bag i gave you." i asked ella pointing to her little lunch box.

"yeah." she said and rushed to take a snack out. she passed me the first thing she saw. which were mini m&m's.

"thank you angel." i told her opening the bag and eating them.

"you good? do you need anything." javon asked me.

i shook my head indicating i'm fine. this is the new normal when pregnant. being nauseous, throwing up, losing hair, getting fat, being tired, emotional, hungry, more bipolar then i already am, it's all normal now.

i'm actually so horny right now it's not even funny.

how dare javon bond with my sibling and my best friends  daughter when he knows we are expecting a baby, that turned me on. seeing him be good to kids already. he's gonna be such a good dad.

"what nail color are you going to get?" i asked ella

"pink ones." she said looking at her nails.

"what about on your toes." i asked her.

"um, pink. to match my hands." she said looking at her toes through her UGG sandals she has on.

i found them at footlocker and i had to buy them for my little ella, she loves them.

"i'm getting these." i showed a picture to javon and ella.

"those are nice babe. they look like they're missing something though." javon said glancing at my phone while he drives us.

"you like them?" i asked ella.

"yes!" she yelled with a big smile on her face.

i looked back a javon.

"what do you want me to get your name on them?" i asked him teasingly.

he shrugged his head.

"you do" i laughed.

"only if you pay for them." i told him.

"of course ima gonna pay for them." he said looking at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"what's a gold digger?" ella asked randomly getting both our attention.

"um. it's when a person is using another person for money. or they are only interested in people for their money." why baby?" i asked her

"this girl at school told me that her older sister said you were a gold digger, to javon." she explained.

"a lot of people say that." i said looking to javon before looking back at ella.

"but your not right? you love javon?" she asked.

"i do love javon, so much." i agreed with her.

"then why so people say that about you?" she asked.

"because javon likes to buy me so much stuff then people think i'm using him." i look to javon.

"i don't want you hanging out with people that say bad things about people, okay?" i told ella.

"okay. i'm sorry." she apologized.

"don't be sorry, you were curious. that's okay. just don't surround yourself with bad people." i told her.

"okay." she agreed.
"stand right here let me send a picture to mom." i told ella. having her stand right in front of me.

my moms blowing up my phone about is ella okay? does she see anything she likes?, did her pedicure hurt?, does she want to go back home?.

she's at work so she isn't even home to watch her. she's always like this.

mommy: has ella ate yet?

me: attachment:image

me: mom she's fine, stop worrying so much.

mommy: aw she looks so cute. make sure she eats food.

me: we are gonna get panda when we get hungry.

me: no more questions.

i tucked my phone back into my pocket, when ella starts pulling our hands to go to claire's.

after leaving claire's with a happy ella because she got these pens that have huge diamonds on the back of them and some brackets we walk into Abercrombie.

"your not even gonna fit jeans in a couple months." javon whispers in my ear.

"which is exactly why i need to get them so i can wear them now." i smiled at him.

"plus i don't care what size i am after this baby, but i am getting back to my pre- pregnancy body. i don't care if i have to work out every hour of everyday." i told him. still in a whisper.

"that's gonna suck for you. ima get your pregnant again and again." he said.

"absolutely not." i laughed picking up a pair of jeans that are my size.

"excuse me." someone said at the side of me.

i looked up and saw a teen girl. she looks a little bit younger then me.

"yeah?" i asked because she was just staring at me.

"are you Isabella Romano?" she questioned with a smile

"yeah? do i know you?" i asked her confused on how she would know me.

"no, i just know you, not personally, i just know what the internet knows about you. i was wondering if i can get a picture with you?" she asked looking shy.

"yeah sure." i said. she passed javon her phone and she stood right next to me.

ella was standing right next to javon with one of her arms around his leg.

"your even more beautiful in person." she laughed awkwardly. when javon passed her phone back.

"thank you so much." i said.

"what's your name?" i asked her.

"karla." she said.

"um, i don't know if you guys know but, there's paparazzi i think, and fans like right outside the front of the mall." she informed us.

"what?" ella asked nervously.

"thank you for telling us we appreciate you." javon told her.

"send me that picture." i told her.

she nodded quickly and stumbled away while she walked.

"let's go into kay's." javon said leading us to it.

"you guys looking or do you need any help?" the worker said.

"looking." javon said.

i picked up ella so she can she's then from the top.

"i love this, it's so beautiful." i said pointing to the diamond looking ring that caught my eye. it wasn't huge. i didn't look like a wedding ring. but it was so nice.
"do you love what you got?" i asked ella as we are our food.

"yes i love everything." she said shoving fried rice in her mouth.

"ella when we leave i'm gonna hold you and i'm gonna cover you with my sweater." i told her while i ate my broccoli and beef.

"but why? i want people to see me." she said

"you want people to talk about you? and know exactly who you are?" i asked her.

"yeah." she agreed.

"ella i don't-"i started before getting cut off

"please." she begged.

"i really want to." she continued begging me.

" you hold onto my hand. tightly." i told her compromising.

"okay." she agreed and finished eating her food.
"javon did you and your wife adopt a daughter?"

"javon are you married?"

"she has no ring, did you divorce?"

"isabella why don't you have a dad?"

"i do have a dad." i replied annoyed that they would ask that.

"isabella is this your sister?"

"yes this is my sister, please don't push me into her." i said trying to walk passed everyone .

"isabella why are you and javon together?"

"do you guys love eachother?"

"have you guys lost your virginity?"

"is isabella acting now?"

"isabella why kind of nails do you have?"

"what's the little girls name?"

"is isabella your mommy?"

ella was about to respond

i picked her up and held her to be close to me.

"don't answer." i whispered in her ear.

"isabella can you and javon kiss for a picture?"

we ignored most of the questions only answering a couple of them. well only i answer a couple of them. javon just ignores them. so rude.

he did get mad at a person because they touched me.

i didn't know javon can be so aggressive.

"i fucking hate paparazzi." javon said when we made it into the car.

people where still kinda around the sides of the car.

"hey, that's a bad word." ella pointed at him.

"i'm sorry i mean freaking." he corrected himself.

"i kinda like it." i said and shrugged.

"of course you would. you love attention." he said drinking my water bottle i left in the car.

"i'm gonna punch you. if you don't go." i told him.
Authors note: my moms in surgery right now. so i'm so fucking nervous. also back to school is coming up and i haven't even went shopping. i applied for like 20 jobs and i haven't heard anything back. sooo annoyed.


i love you guys. this is for the people who asked me everyday if i'm gonna update cause they love my book.


i love each and everyone of you. if you ever need any help or motivation to start a book or you ran out of ideas pls just text me i'll be happy to help you with your amazing books. ive been there before. having no motivation but still having to update cause people actually like the book. i won't judge.

but pls and i mean please. don't add anytime of sentences with all caps. or exclamation marks on most sentences. how i got better at writing is i just wrote it how i pictured it in my head. however you see it just write it out. i try not to have too many grammar mistakes. but a little thing about me is i don't double check my writing so i'm sorry if i make grammar mistakes.

3,045 words

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