The New Dragon Age

By Havingfunwithfanfic

304K 8.5K 527

Daemon and Rhaenyra married. Their first child was sent by the Gods to save them all. Deirys Targaryen was bo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 23

6.1K 174 12
By Havingfunwithfanfic

Aemond and Deirys have another moment, a little more heated than the last one. Deirys knows how to push his buttons and he is not very level headed when it comes to her. Deirys also discovers something about her sister Visenya and decides to give her a little help. Another character will be introduced in this chapter. High Valyrian will be in italics. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

                                     Deirys Targaryen (17 years old. Dressed as a peasant.)


Deirys looked at the small building in front of her, it looked much better than she thought it would. This was one of the buildings that belonged to her mother. She knew that her mother had done several renovations since she bought the building a few years back. She also had the outside of it painted. Deirys saw the guards standing by the front doors, they were also part of her mother's improvements. All of the pleasure houses belonging to her mother had guards. They were in charge of the safety of all the workers. Deirys pulled the hood of her peasant cloak lower on her head, making sure her hair was covered. The last thing she needed was for her parents and grandsire to find out she had been here. Not that her father or mother could say much about it. Everyone knew her father had taken her mother to a pleasure house when she was young, and due to that her grandsire had no other option, but to annul her father's first marriage and marry him to her mother.

Deirys made her way into the building, people were drinking and laughing. Some of them had almost naked women sitting on their laps. There were women dancing around the room in very little clothing. She had never been inside a pleasure house before. She was not stupid, she knew exactly what happened here, but she had never seen it with her own eyes. She moved closer to the woman serving drinks and looked around. She was looking for a specific person, and she found her closer to the stairs. Deirys signaled without other people noticing and waited until the woman acknowledge her. Once she was sure the woman had seen her she followed her up the stairs and into a small room. There was a small bed pushed against the far side of the wall. The room was clean and organized. Deirys closed the door and lowered her hood.

"Your grace." Deirys gave her a small nod and the girl reached for a small wooden box, hidden behind a wooden panel, took out some letters, and handed them to her. "Here are the messages that came in the past three days. The spies in the Citadel have started gathering the information you asked for. They will send it as soon as they can."

"Good. Have we heard anything from Lord Bourney?"

"The Lord has plans to meet with Jason Lannister in nine days. They will meet at one of the minor houses in the Westerlands. Lord Lannister plans to travel to Braavos after the meeting. He will be meeting with the iron bank."

"Thank you, Sirala." Deirys pulled out a small pouch filled with silver coins and handed it to the woman. She nodded her head in thanks. "I am thankful for all your help."

"Is an honor, princess. After all, you were the one who freed me."

Deirys opened her mouth when the sound of fighting reached her. She put her hood over her head and opened the door carefully. She looked out and after making sure there was no one in the hallway she stepped outside. She had to leave the building before someone recognized her. She made it down the stairs when she saw what the noise was. A fight had broken out between a few men and when the guards intervened the fight had gotten larger, more people piling in. She could see about ten gold cloaks involved. The fight was almost finished as the gold cloaks took control of the situation quickly. Deirys was moving along the far wall, making sure her face was turned away. Someone crashed into her, almost sending her to the ground, if the man behind her had not stopped her fall by grabbing her hips. Deirys turned around and her eyes widened when she looked into her uncle's eye.

Aemond's eyes widened when he realized who he was holding, then his eyes narrowed and he grabbed her arm, dragging her up the stairs. He opened the door of one of the first rooms he came across and pushed her inside, slamming the door behind him. Aemond ripped the hood off her head. For a moment he just stared at her, like he could not believe she was actually in a pleasure house.

"Have you lost your mind?" He turned away and then turned back to her. "What are you doing here? Do you have any idea what would happen if anyone found out you were in a pleasure house?"

"Why would they say anything?" Deirys crossed her arms over her chest. "Men come to pleasure houses all the time and fuck as many women as they want."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Nothing, I was just giving you an answer." He looked like he was seconds away from strangling someone and since she was the only one in the room. He had never looked at her that way, which made her want to push him even more. She gave him a seductive smile. "Why can't I fuck who I want?"

Before she had a chance to say anything else her back hit the wall. Aemond's hand gripped her hair, pulling her head back and his mouth was on hers. Deirys did not hesitate to return the kiss, opening her mouth to let his tongue in. Deirys hands' wrapped around Aemond's neck, kissing him back with everything in her. Their mouths devoured each other, and their tongues tangled together. Aemond pushed his hips into hers, making her moan. Deirys body felt hot and heavy, she could feel heat pulling low in her belly. She wanted to melt into him. Aemond's hand gripped her hair tighter, making her scalp tingle and she moaned louder. Aemond's other hand went to the back of her knee, lifting her leg and opening her to him. Deirys wrapped her leg around his hip and gripped his neck tighter when he ground his hips into hers.

"You drive me to distraction." Aemond's lips left her mouth and traveled down her neck, he would stop along the way to suck on her skin, making her moan and grind her hips against his. "I cannot think of anything else, but you."

"I also think of nothing but you."

Deirys sucked in a breath when Aemond sucked on an especially sensitive spot between her neck and shoulder. This time it was Deirys who gripped Aemond's hair and brought his face back up to hers. She drew his bottom into her mouth, sucking on it, and his hips pushed her body tighter against the wall. Deirys did not know it would feel like this, her body felt hot like it was on fire, and she wanted to burn. Someone slammed against the door and their mouths separated. Aemond looked into her eyes, their breathing fast, and unhooked her leg from his waist, bringing it down. Aemond stepped back until he was a few feet away from her and Deirys had to hold on to the wall to keep herself upright, her legs were still shaking. The way Aemond kept looking at her did not make things any easier. Deirys ran her gaze all over his body and that's when he noticed his uniform.

"Are you with the gold cloaks?"

"Yes." Aemond looked down, fixing his uniform and rearranging his gold cloak. "I'm acting commander of the city watch."

"I thought Lord Harwin was the commander."

"He still is, in a way." Aemond ran a hand through his hair, still trying to catch his breath. "Since his father died and he had to take over Harrenhal, he has been away from the city. I took over until he is ready to resume his duties."

"Oh." She had not known her uncle was now in charge of the gold cloaks, she had to admit the uniform fitted him extremely well. "I believe I should go, the last thing I need is for someone to recognize me and my parents to get word that I was here."

"I will accompany you to the Red Keep." She opened her mouth to protest, but her uncle gave her a look that made her mouth snap shut once more. "If you believe for a second, that I will allow you to walk back to the Red Keep by yourself then you have really lost your senses. I will make sure you get there safely."

Deirys knew better than to argue with him or attempt to change his mind. Her uncle was incredibly stubborn and she would not mind spending some more time with him.


                            Deirys Targaryen (17 years old. Council meeting.)


                                          Visenya Targaryen (12 years old.)

"The trial will be held in two days' time." Viserys voice was firm. "We will have the tourney and feast two days after that."

"Feast?" Deirys took her eyes away from her uncle, who was sitting across from her, and looked at her grandsire. "What feast, your grace?"

"You do not think I have forgotten you celebrated your name day, the day before you arrived on Driftmark?" Deirys stopped herself from groaning. She loved feasts and tourneys as much as the next person, but she did not feel like celebrating anything at this moment. Not that she could tell her grandsire that. "We also have to celebrate your return. I want everyone to see my beautiful granddaughter."

"Your grace, I do not believe that is necessary." She smiled gently at her grandsire. "We have more important things to take care of."

"None sense." Deirys could tell there would be no talking him out of it. "It is time you start getting to know our lords once more. We should start looking for a husband for you."

Deirys saw Aemond's hand clench on his cup so hard his knuckles turned white. She also felt her heart jump, Deirys never had any problems with her grandsire, but she knew this could become a serious issue if it was not handled carefully. Her parents had promised her since she was a child that she would marry who she wished, who her heart desired. Her grandsire had made no promises, but she would not be used as a political tool. Deirys would have her uncle Aemond and no one else.

"I believe we should go back to the trials." Aemond's voice was cold and annoyed. Deirys saw her mother attempt to hide her smile, while her father just glared at her uncle. "We should speak about the guards needed and who will have access to the prisoners."

"I believe the people who have access to them now is enough." Deirys glared at Otto, daring him to argue about it. The other man looked away and said nothing. She knew he was planning something. "The unsullied will continue to guard the prisoners until the trial. Only the people already approved will be able to have contact with them."

"We still need to see this proof you speak of, princess." Deirys smiled. Otto was so predictable. "We also need to see the witnesses you said you had."

"Do not worry, Lord Hand." Deirys gave Otto a nasty smile. "You will see the proof and have the opportunity to interrogate the witnesses on the day of the trial."

Otto glared at her but did not say anything, she would have to keep an eye on him. The meeting went on for a few more minutes before they were all dismissed. Deirys knew her parents wanted to speak with her, especially her father, who had not taken his eyes away from her the entire time. She walked out of the small council chambers and walked fast down the halls.

"Deirys!" She came to a stop and attempted not to flinch at the tone in her father's voice. She waited until both he and her mother were in front of her and gave them a dazzling smile. "I have been meaning to speak with you."

"Of course, papa." She walked between her mother and father and tried to calm down. "I was not aware you were looking for me."

"Where were you last night?" Deirys took a deep breath but before she could say anything her father continued talking. "I sent for you last night and was told you were gone. Your sworn shield had no idea where you had gone to."

"I decided to take a walk in the gardens." Deirys hated lying to her parents, but after her father's reaction when he caught her with Aemond in the armory the day before, there was no way she could tell him where she had been. He would lose it. "I was having trouble falling asleep and decided to go for some fresh air."

"And you could not use your chamber's door for that?" Her mother touched her arm gently and gave her an amused smile. Her father just glared. "You had to use the secret tunnels to go for a walk in the gardens?"

"Papa, you are aware that if I tried to leave, then Ser Erryk would have followed me." Deirys gave him an innocent smile. "I wanted to be alone. I'm sorry I made you worry, I did not take too long."

"I know you are l....") Her father's voice got louder.

"Daemon!" At her mother's voice, her father's mouth snapped shut. Her mother patted her back and smiled at her. "Now is not the time. We will speak to her later. Off you go sweetheart, I need to speak to your father."

Deirys did not question it, she kissed her parent's cheeks and almost ran away from them. She knew her mother would understand, her father was a different story. He did not understand when it came to his daughters. Deirys headed to the training grounds. She wanted to ask her brothers if they would go dragon riding with her. Once she reached the balcony overseeing the training grounds, she did not see her brothers, but her sister Visenya was standing on the balcony watching two knights train. Deirys frowned for a moment, her sister did not like training and Deirys knew that had not changed. Deirys looked at the two knights training and realized it had Lord Harwin Strong and his eldest son Xanner Strong. Her sister was focused on the younger lord, she followed his every move. Deirys moved closer until she was standing next to her sister, who did not even realize she had company.

"He is very handsome." Visenya jumped, almost dropping the book she was holding against her chest. Her sister looked at her with wide eyes. "Lord Xanner, I've been told he is almost as strong as his father."

"I do not know what you speak of." Deirys smiled when Visenya's cheeks turned a rosy color and she avoided her gaze. "I was just watching them train."

"Yes, I can see that." Deirys could not blame her sister. Xanner Strong was fifteen, and already as tall as his father. He had auburn curls and hazel eyes. He was muscular and very handsome. "Let us go for a walk."

Deirys hooked her arm around her sister's and they both walked down the stairs. Deirys walked towards Lord Harwin and Xanner, the other knights training stopped and bowed as they passed. Deirys and Visenya stopped at the edge of the fighting ring and watched the two men fight. Deirys still felt horrible for Lord Harwin, he did not deserve what his brother had done. Deirys had made sure to speak with him and his wife after Larys Strong was arrested. Harwin had not wanted to believe her at first until she showed him proof of what his brother had done and told him that his father's death had not been an accident. Once Harwin realized his brother had killed their father, that he sent men to Harrenhal to burn him alive, his eyes hardened. Deirys had also made him aware of the plan Larys had made Prince Qoren to kill him and his children. Harwin had left her there and did not meet with her until the next morning, and then told her to do as she wished and he renounced Larys as his brother. Deirys was glad to see he was doing better and training with his children once more.

"Princess Deirys, Princess Visenya." Both men bowed and moved closer to them. Harwin smiled at both of them. "We did not realize you were watching us."

"My Lords." Deirys made sure to smile at both of them, at her side Visenya was tense and had a death grip on the book. "My sister and I were taking a walk when we saw you both training. My congratulations Lord Xanner, you fight very well. I believe you will be knighted soon."

"Thank you, princess, that is my hope." Deirys saw Xanner look at her sister, and his eyes softened. So that's how it was. "Princess Visenya, was the book to your likening?"

"Yes, thank you for allowing me to borrow it, my Lord." Her sister gave him a shy smile and extended the book toward him. "I have already finished reading it, I was going to return it to you."

"There is no need princess." Xanner was in love with her sister. Deirys resisted the urge to smile while watching them. "You can keep the book. Is not like I will read it again."

"Thank you." Visenya's cheeks got even redder and this time Deirys did smile. "I appreciate it."

"Have you finished your training, my Lords?" Deirys asked both men.

"Yes, princess." Harwin took both training swords. "I believe is enough for today."

"Great. I was hoping I could ask a favor of you Lord Xanner." Deirys gave the young man a dazzling smile. "My sister is wanting to go visit her dragon. Of course, her sworn shield will be present, but I was wondering if you would not mind accompanying her. I would feel better knowing you will be with her."

"Of course." Xanner's smile got wider. "It would be an honor princess."

Visenya looked at her with wide eyes and flushed cheeks, but Deirys just smiled at her. Xanner did not need to know she had just made up the trip. Her little sister would never approach him on her own, there was nothing wrong if Deirys gave them a little push. It would also be good if her father did not find out, if he wanted to kill Aemond she did not want to know what he would do to poor Xanner, it would be best if she kept it a secret for now. 

                                          Xanner Strong (15 years old.)

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