The New Dragon Age

By Havingfunwithfanfic

305K 8.5K 527

Daemon and Rhaenyra married. Their first child was sent by the Gods to save them all. Deirys Targaryen was bo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 19

5.6K 165 3
By Havingfunwithfanfic

This chapter will introduce a new important character. Deirys starts plotting and making some political maneuvers. We will get to see how her personality has grown in the few months away from her family. I am aware that the events are different from the books, but again this story does not really follow the books timeline. High Valyrian will be in italics. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

                                           Deirys Targaryen (13 years old.)


                                          Anari Waters (13 years old.)

"Have you gotten a response from your parents?" Anari had insisted she wrote to her parents as soon as they had returned to Braavos. "I would think they worried about you when they were told you had left and no one knew where you had gone to."

It had taken Deirys over three moons to make it back to Braavos. Deirys had used the Unsullied to help get control of Astapor. Some of the slave masters had escaped. A few had stayed behind refusing to leave the city and agreed to work with her in exchange for staying in charge of Astapor. She had given the slaves the riches left behind by the slave masters who had fled. She had also been able to establish a treaty with the two masters that had remained in the city. She had worked with them to come up with laws that would help the old slaves in the city. Under the new laws slavery was abolished, except as a punishment for a crime, where the person underwent a fair trial and had been found guilty, as long as the charge was not serious enough to warrant an execution. The punishment would last for a certain period of time, depending on the crime. All Astapor's citizens were to be paid for their services.

Deirys had taken hold of half of Astapor's fleet as payment for taking her lady and for the master's trying to kill her. They had given her two hundred ships, it still was not enough to transport all the unsullied. Deirys had used some of the gold she had brought and bought two hundred more ships from Pentos, Volantis, and Tyrosh. She had sent Anari ahead to prepare all things needed to accommodate her new soldiers. She had named Black Rat as the commander of the unsullied. They were still working on the names. She did not like the fact that the old masters had named them after a color and a fruit or an animal.

"I wrote to them about the problem in Astapor, but did not tell them the whole story." Deirys sighed. "They would have found out about the battle in Astapor since the slavers escaped and some of the slaves returned to the cities they had been stolen from. Everyone has been talking about what happened. The only thing they do not seem to know is that the unsullied decided to follow me."

"I still do not understand how you kept it from the slavers left in the city." Anari laughed. "It is hard to miss ten thousand men."

"Black Rat told the masters the unsullied would be leaving with my help." Deirys did not want the Hightowers to find out she now had ten thousand of the deathliest men in the known world under her command. She did not know what he would do, but she knew it would not be pleasant. She was afraid they would try to make her grandsire believe she would attempt to claim the iron throne for her mother. "I made sure to be very vague about where they would be going next. I also made sure the masters knew the Unsullied were free to go wherever they pleased."

Deirys was happy Anari had recovered from her ordeal with no issues. She had not been severely hurt. She had a few bruises on her hands from where she had been tied up. Deirys had been worried about what the men had done to Anari, but she insisted nothing had been done to her, except being pushed around. They had planned to sell her to a pleasure house in Lys, they would get a better price for her if she was a maid. Deirys still felt like there was something wrong. The way the slavers had come across the ship, Anari had been the only person taken. Deirys felt like she was missing something, she just could not figure out what it was.

Deirys had started training with the Unsullied. They were excellent warriors and had battle moves she had never seen before. The training was hard, but she enjoyed it. She did not like to be dependent on guards or her dragon to protect her all the time. There would always be times when she would not have a guard or her dragon with her, it had already happened once. Her father had trained her since was five, but she could always improve.

"Your grace." Ser Luthor bowed. "There is someone requesting to speak with you."

"Did they introduce themselves?"

"No, princess." Some of the unsullied were standing guard around the palace. Deirys had changed their uniform so they would be harder to recognize. Deirys preferred to meet with people outside the palace so the Unsullied would not be recognized and people would not ask questions. "She appears Dornish, but would not say her name. Ser Erryk is accompanying her, we escorted her to the blue solar."

"Thank you Ser Luthor, I will be there in just a moment." Why was someone from Dorne asking to speak with her? Westeros and Dorne did not have a good relationship, especially since the Dornish had allied themselves with the triarchy the last few times they had attacked the Stepstones. "Anari, can you please have one of the maids take some refreshments to the solar? I will have Ser Erryk stand outside the door. If you see or hear anything strange have Ser Erryk come and get me."

Deirys made sure everything was in place before she entered the solar. The woman was definitely dornish, she had straight brown hair, olive skin, and brown eyes. She was not very tall but there was an air of authority around her. She looked like someone who was used to being in charge. In a way, the woman reminded her of her mother, even though she was much younger. Deirys touched the side of her tight, where her dagger was usually kept. The dagger helped her feel reassured. The woman stood up and gave her a polite smile, which Deirys returned.

"I was told you wanted to speak with me."

"Is a pleasure to meet you, princess." The woman gave a small bow, and Deirys nodded her head. "I'm princess Aliandra Martell of Dorne."

"Is a pleasure to meet you, princess." Deirys gestured for the princess to sit down before doing the same. "I have to admit being surprised, my family and yours have never been friendly."

"I am aware." Aliandra's smile was less friendly this time. "Your family thought just because they had dragons they could just take whatever they wanted."

"Well, at least my family does not torture women for the pleasure of it." Deirys was six years younger than the dornish princess, but that did not mean she was going to allow the woman to speak down to her in her own house. "Also, let us not forget that you are the one that requested to speak with me."

"Yes, unfortunately, I'm in need of your assistance."

"Well, next time you need someone's help try not to start the conversation by speaking badly of their family."

"You are right." Deirys could tell that Aliandra would rather be anywhere else. "A year ago, my father sold me and my younger brother to the Dothraki. He wanted us out of the way for his youngest daughter to have a clear path to the Dornish throne. I was able to escape before my captors met with the khalasar, unfortunately, my brother was not so lucky. He was killed while trying to escape."

"My condolences for your brother's death." Deirys could not imagine any of her siblings dying, especially after being sold by their own father. "I just do not understand how I can help you."

"I need you to help me get my throne back."

"You want me to go to war with Dorne?"

"My father will not rest until he is convinced that I am dead. The only way I can be safe is if I'm able to take the throne and imprison my father."

"I do not mean to tell you what to do, but I do not think imprisoning your father will help with much." Aliandra gave her a questioning look. "I have never met you before, but I know a bit about your family. Last I heard you were working as a justiciar for your grandsire's court, which meant that you held a position of power. I also know that you were a favorite of your grandsire, he supported you taking the throne. The fact that your father waited until your grandsire's health deteriorated to the point where he could not intervene on your behalf, means he was planning to get rid of you for a long time. Your father has people loyal to him all over Dorne, which I am guessing is the reason you sought me out."

"What is your point princess?"

"If you imprison your father he will just have one of his supporters release him and you will be in danger once more."

"Are you suggesting I have my father killed?" This time Aliandra's look was furious. "You want me to become a kinslayer?"

"No, I'm just telling you what you already know."

"Tell me, princess, would you be able to kill your father?" Aliandra glared at her. "I also know about you and your family. From what I hear you are your father's favorite, and you have a very special relationship with him. Would be willing to kill your father?"

"No, I would not. But my father did not sell me as a slave to be raped and killed. My father did not cause my brother's death." Deirys tilted her head to the side. "Do not misunderstand me, princess, I'm not judging you and I am not asking you to have your father killed. I'm just letting you know that imprisoning him will not work for long."

"I did not come here for your advice on how to handle my father. I want to know if I can count on your help."

"Princess I am sorry for your plight, but I cannot go to war against Dorne." Aliandra stood up and started walking to the door. "That does not mean I will not help you."

"How are you going to help me?" Aliandra turned to her. She still did not look happy. "I need your dragon and your family's help. That is the reason I came all the way here."

"Aliandra, if you thought you would be able to convince me to help just because I'm younger than you and more easily manipulated then you are wrong. I will not drag my family into a war that has nothing to do with them. Believe me, we are already fighting a war of our own. But there is something else I might help you with." Deirys gave the princess a mischievous smile. "You said your father wants you dead and will not rest until he sees it done, am I right?"


"Then how about we give him what he wants?" Aliandra stared at her like she had lost her mind. "What if we kill you?"


                                             Alandria Martell (19 years old.)


Qoren Martell thought his daughter was dead, she had been told he hired the faceless men to carry out the job. Fortunately for Princess Aliandra, the faceless men served her. He had acted like a grieving father in front of the dornish people, Deirys had to admit he was a very good liar. If she had not known what the actual situation was she would have believed he was actually sad his daughter had died. Deirys had sent one of the faceless men into Sunspear. They had confirmed Alandria's story. The man had actually sent his two elder children to be killed, he did not have any remorse. Alandria had been staying with her, the woman did not like being idle. Deirys had never argued so much with anyone and she had lived in a castle with Alicent, Otto, and Aegon. Deirys felt horrible about what had happened to Alandria, she could not imagine how she must be feeling, there was also the fact that her father would still be trying to kill her if he discovered she was alive.

"That woman is making me lose my head." Anari walked into Deirys's chambers, throwing her hands up. "She has been flirting with every man here. Do you know she has been fucking the servants?"

"Yes, I am aware." Deirys lowered her head, attempting to hide her smile. Anari and Alandria did not get along, they had some kind of rivalry Deirys did not understand, she had been trying to stay out of the way, but both girls made it impossible sometimes. "Were you particularly interested in one of the servants she's been fucking?"

"What?" This time Deirys could not hide her smile, Anari had a disgusted look on her face. "Of course not, why would you think that?"

"You seem particularly upset that she is fucking the servants."

"It is not about the servants, is about her." Anari threw herself on the chair across from her and Deirys put down the contract she had been trying to read. "She shows no decorum, she spends most of her days drinking wine, flirting with men, or fucking the servants."

"Anari, she is trapped in this place, she cannot leave without disguising herself. She is bored." Deirys picked up the contract, she needed to make sure everything was in order before sending the paperwork back to her mother. "Leave her be, hopefully, we will be able to find some information to help her and then she will be gone."

"It does not bother you?"

"As long as she not forcing herself on the servants I do not particularly care who she fucks." Deirys handed Anari a few of the contracts she had already checked and also the letter allowing her to retrieve money from the treasury to pay the unsullied and the other guards. "If you can please make sure those are archived and then send a copy of the contract to my parents."

"What are these for?"

"These are new contracts for the trade of dragon glass." Deirys pointed to the dragon glass candle on the table. "My mother and I have decided to start the export of dragon glass to the free cities. We have come to an agreement with Asshai. These are the contracts I procured. My mother needs them before she can start setting up the transport."

"I thought dragon glass was pretty much useless." Anari frowned down at the papers in her hands. "The only thing I have ever seen made out of dragon glass are the candles you have."

"Not useless, you can actually use it for several things. The people in old Valyria made several different ornaments with it, including jewelry."

"But she is not sending you ornaments or jewelry. The contract says is just dragon glass."

"Yes, I have recruited three of the best jewelers in the city to work on it." She put the quill down. "I will oversee the ornaments and jewelry made and then have them shipped to Asshai."

This would help bring some money to the crown. Before she had left Deirys had convinced her mother to purchase some of the pleasure houses in the street of silk. Especially the one that had been owned by Mysaria. She advised her mother to do it in secret, the small council did not need to find out, and it would also help her mother have more spies. Her mother had listened to her and purchased three of the pleasure houses in the street of Silk, she had also shut down the children fighting rings. Since the idea to buy the pleasure houses had been hers and they were all doing so well, her mother had been giving her half of all the earnings collected. Deirys had sent several of the slaves she had freed from Astapor to her mother. She had explained the situation and her mother had agreed to give them work. Some of them had been sent to Dragonstone, others were working for her mother in the Red Keep, and some of the women had been pleasure workers and had decided to stay in their trade. Her mother had them work in her pleasure houses, they were under her protection and her mother made sure they were treated well.

"My queen." One of the unsullied entered the room and bowed. He handed her a message. "This message has come for you."

"Thank you." Deirys took the message, it was from the faceless man she had sent to Sunspear. Deirys's eyes narrowed. "Bring me Princess Alandria."

The man bowed and left the room. Deirys put the contracts aside and looked at Anari, her friend was smart and Deirys had made sure to continue her education. After all, it served her to have a smart and well-educated maid. Everyone underestimated maids, most of them did not know how to read or write. Anari was one of Deirys's secret weapons. She was also great at managing their finances. Anari's grandsire had been a very successful merchant and had thought her much about negotiating and managing money. For all her smarts, Deirys had not been able to learn to speak Valyrian, she knew a few words but was unable to speak the language. Which made things a bit harder, since Deirys had put her in charge of teaching the unsullied about money and owning property. Anari had a hard time communicating with the unsullied and had actually started teaching a few of them to speak the common tongue. Deirys tried to speak the common tongue in front of her friend, Anari did not like not understanding what people were talking about. She felt like they were plotting something.

The unsullied guard walked back into the room with the Dornish princes in tow. Alandria's hair was disheveled and she could tell her clothing had been put on in a hurry. The Dornish princess did not look happy. The guard bowed and left the room. Anari remained seated until Deirys cleared her throat and gestured with her head. Anari stood up and walked to the door, glaring at the Dornish princess before leaving the room.

"Your servant does not like me." Alandria gave a sarcastic laugh and walked closer to the desk. "What is it, princess? I was a bit occupied."

"I believe I have been a generous host. I accepted you into my home, gave you my protection, and kept you in the lifestyle you are accustomed to. You came here and asked for my help, giving nothing in return." Deirys stood up and walked around the desk, closer to the other woman. "Which is why I was surprised to hear it was Dorne who had the Astapor masters attack my ship and take my friend."

"What?" Alandria's eyes widened and she looked a bit shocked. "I did not know."

"Were you aware that it was your father who hired the faceless men to kill me?" Alandria's confused look made Deirys feel a little better, but she was not willing to trust the other woman yet. "And now your father has allied himself with the Triarchy to attack my family for the third time. Tell me, princess, what do you believe I should do with this information? After all, you are very against killing your father."

"Your grace, I did not know, I swear to you." Alandria swallowed, she looked fearful. "I have been away from Dorne for more than a year, I had no idea of the things my father had done. I did not know he had hired the faceless men, or that he had been behind the attack on your ship. To be honest, the alliance with the Triarchy does not surprise me."

"I know he has been getting information from Kings Landing, to be more specific from someone in my grandsire's court. They are planning to start another war, to make the kingdom weaker."

"What are you going to do about it?"

"Well, I have changed my mind about a war with Dorne." Alandria's eyes grew excited. "I will help you take Dorne from your father, but after you are the ruling princess Dorne will be annexed as part of Westeros. You will become another one of our territories."

"What?" The excited look had left the princess's face, now she looked angry. "That was never the deal."

"There was no deal princess, the only deal we had was I would help keep you safe, which I have. Do not forget that your head remains attached to your shoulders because of me. If I had not accepted you into my home, you would still be on the run, or worse, you'll be dead." Deirys walked closer to the other woman. Thank God, Alandria was a small woman, she was already six years older than Deirys, she did not want to be looking up at the other woman also. "You can still rule Dorne and you will keep your title as princess. Your costumes and laws will stay in place. The only difference is that Dorne will belong to Westeros. You can have a position in the small council to see to your interests, or you can appoint someone in your place."

"What happens if I say no?"

"Well, I cannot let you leave after telling you of my plans." Deirys smiled sweetly at the other woman. "If you do not accept I will keep you here as my guest until I can put my plans in motion. You will have guards assigned to you at all times and will not be allowed to leave the palace."

"I will be your prisoner."

"Not my prisoner. I have not thrown you in the cells, have I?"

"You know, I had heard a lot about you, after all, you are known across Westeros, Dorne, and the free cities as the unburnt, some even call you the holy princess. When you refused to go to war with my father, I could not see what people meant, but I can now." Alandria gave her an annoyed smile. "You really are your father's daughter. A worthy child of the Rogue prince."

"Yes, and I am very proud of that fact." Deirys crossed her arms over her chest. "What is your answer princess?"

"Is not like I have much of a choice, is as you say, I'm in your hands. If you keep your word and let us keep our costumes and laws, and I am allowed to keep my title, then I will deliver you Dorne without the bloodshed of the past."

"I will draw a contract and if the clauses are agreed to, then we will both sign it."

"Perfect." Alandria looked more excited than Deirys had ever seen her. "When do we go to war?"

"Do not be so hasty to start a war, princess. After all, a battle is not something to be entered without any kind of strategy." Deirys ran a hand over the lit candle, the flame tickling her hand, smiling at the other woman. "Your father is getting ready to start a war, we will wait until such times when the war is at its most arduous and then we will strike. After all, it is hard to fight a war on two fronts."

Deirys would have to let her mother and father know about the Triarchy, but she could not let them know about Alandria or about Dorne. There was a spy at court, she could not afford for the information to get back to Dorne. Deirys had some suspicions of who the spy was, but she knew her grandsire would never believe it or do anything about it without proof. It was time for Deirys to play a little game, after all, intrigue could be a fun pass time. 

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