Kai Romanoff

Por waveylays

346K 10.7K 1K

When Clint Barton found Natasha Romanoff that special day in Budapest, he also found her with a little girl... Más

Authors Note


916 41 8
Por waveylays

        Kai strolled around The Black Manor drinking in every last detail. Being true to her word, she completely redid the mansion. It looked much more livable than it used to. Every room, besides her fathers and Sirius's room were completely changed. She did however decide to keep the family tree tapestry, burning herself off it. It gave her a nice chuckle every time she saw the burned spots of the people she loved.

     She took down the heads of all the house elves and buried them properly. Took down all the black drapes and decorations, letting light and color wash away the obvious pain and suffering that lingered. However, she could not for the life of her figure out how to take out Walburga's portrait, so that unfortunately stayed in the hall. But don't worry Kai had decided to hang all her pictures of Hermione, Harry and the Weasley's right across from her portrait, so her grandmother would have to stare at her pureblood granddaughter fraternizing with blood traitors and mudbloods for eternity.

            "Kreacher, darling, could you bring my things down?" Kai called out to the house elf.
             "Certainly mistress!" Kreacher called back.
There was a knock at the door and Kai quickly made her way to it and opened the door, revealing Remus.
                "Rem! Have you come to collect me?" Kai asked smiling.
                 "We both have!" Tonks jumped out from behind him.
                 "Awe the newly weds!" Kai said as Tonks hugged her.
Kai hugged back before pulling them into the house.

                "Wow, the place looks great Kai." Tonks complimented.
                 "Thanks, I try." Kai shrugged.
                 "This doesn't even look like the same place. It's different, it's better. I know Sirius would agree." Remus told her.
Kai and Remus shared a sad smile over her uncle. However it didn't last long as Kreacher came down the stairs with, Kai's trunk.
                 "That's all the stuff you have?" Remus asked.
                 "Oh yeah. Uh ya know just clothes I had left here, and some clothes my aunt Laura sent me." Kai said taking the trunk from Kreacher.

      Tonks and Remus shared a look as Kai took her trunk to the fireplace.
                   "The Burrow." Kai said throwing floo powder over her stuff.
Green flames engulfed her trunk and disappeared.
                  "Ready to go? I don't want to get there too late." Kai asked.
                  "Anxious to see Harry?" Tonks asked.
                 "Extremely." Kai admitted.
                  "Then let's start heading out." Remus nodded.

    Kai nodded back and turned to Kreacher.
                   "I'm not sure when I'll be back, but you know what to do." She told him.
                    "Of course mistress. Kreacher will patiently awake your return." Kreacher bowed.
Kai smiled softly at him before joining Remus and Tonks. They left the house, Kai locking it behind her, and towards a car. They got in and started their journey towards Harry's house.


They pulled up to the house after dark and noticed people already inside. Kai opened the door and stepped out, looking at the house. This was it, the place that Harry had complained about for as long as she's known him. It didn't match the way Kai had built it up in her head. It was simpler, less like a hell hole. But she guessed any place could be one depending on the people living there.

"Better head in, even in the Muggle world it's not safe to be out in the open." Remus told her.
Kai nodded and followed them across the street to the house. They walked in hearing a conversation between Charlie and Harry.
"Just remember Fleur, Bill takes his steaks on the raw side now." Remus joked.
"My husband the joker." Tonks laughed.
"You weren't this funny on the four hour trip here." Kai teased walking into the room.

Harry looked at her with practical heart shaped eyes.
"Kai-" Harry breathed out.
"Hello my love, did you miss me?" Kai asked walking towards him.
Harry ran to her and picked her up in a hug causing Kai to squeal. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. He pulled her impossibly close to him and buried his face in the crook her neck, taking in her scent. Kai placed the side of her head against the top of his and kissed it. After a moment he pulled away to look at her.
"I'll take that as a yes then." Kai smiled.
"The biggest yes." Harry kissed her passionately.
Kai cupped his face and pulled him closer. God, when did his lips get so addicting?

"Alright, alright, that's enough lovey dovey nonsense for tonight. We have work to do." Mad Eye grunted loudly.
The teens pulled away and Kai sneered at Moody playfully for breaking up their moment. Harry laughed and snuck one last kiss on her jawline before placing her down.
"Potter, your still underage which means you still have the trace." Moody told him.
"The trace? What's that?" Harry asked.
"Let's just say if you sneeze the ministry knows who wiped your nose. So we'll have to travel in undetected ways. Brooms, thestrals and the bike. We go in pairs. That why if anyone's out there waiting for us and I reckon their will be, they won't know which Harry Potter is the real one." Moody explained.
"The real one?" Harry asked.
"I believe your familiar with this particular brew." Moody pulled out a flask.

"No, absolutely not." Harry shook his head.
"Told you he'd take it well." Hermione said.
"If you think I'm going to let everyone risk their lives for me-" Harry started.
"Never done that before have we." Ron teased.
"No, no not like this. I mean taking that, becoming me. No, no-" Harry protested.

"I mean non of us really fancy it mate." Fred told him.
"Yeah I mean imagine if something went wrong and we ended up a scrawny, specky git forever." George teased.
"At least Kai would be all over us then." Fred smirked.
"Cool it. Listen Harry we've all agreed to this and everyone here has already lost the trace. We want to this Harry, because everyone here loves you, some a bit more than others." Kai winked running a comforting hand through his hair.

Harry lend into her touch and Kai quickly plucked a strain of hair from his head and handed it to Hermione who handed it to Moody.
"You tricked me." Harry said shocked.
"I'll make up for it later." Kai brought his head down and kissed it.
While Moody explained to everyone taking the potion how it taste Harry tugged Kai away.
"I don't want you apart of this. I don't want you getting hurt." Harry told her.
"I'm going to be fine my love. I'll be with Ron, or rather Ron as you." Kai said.

Harry opened his mouth to say something but then saw a whole bunch of Harry's in front of him. Kai looked and smiled.
"I'm certain I had a dream like this one time." Kai joked.
"Wow, we're identical." Fred and George said.
"Not yet your not. Potter you'll need to change to." Moody said dumping out matching clothes for them to wear.

As they dressed, Kai watched the real Harry undress and bit her lip.
"You're literally a pervert." Harry joked.
"I literally don't care." Kai smirked.
Harry finished dressing and walked back to her, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"Everyone get with your partner. Potter you'll go with Hagrid." Moody instructed.

"I brought you here, sixteen years ago when you were no bigger than a bowtruckle. It's only right I take you away." Hagrid told him.
"Yes, yes very moving. Let's go." Moody limped out.
Everyone followed behind and Ron got on a broom.
"One minute." Kai told him before running to Harry who was in the side car of Hagrid's motorcycle.

He looked up at her and opened his mouth to say something but she beat him to it.
"I love you more than anything." Kai told him.
"I love you too, darling." Harry nodded.
She kissed him one last time before running back to Ron. He helped her up and Kai got ready to fly.
"On the count of three, one, two, three!" Moody counted.
"Hold on tight, ginger. I'm bout to drive this thing like the mother fucking Quinn Jet." Kai told him before taking off.

They all flew through the night sky rather peacefully until-the ambush found them. Kai pulled out her metal rod that had high bolts of electricity sprouting out the end, Yelena had given it to her before their departure. She held it out to the side with one hand while the other controlled the broom. Any wizard that dared get close enough to them got beat with stick until they fell off their broom.

"Damn Kai, how many weapons do you own?" Ron asked.
"A fucking lot!" Kai shouted back as Ron blasted them with spells.
Kai saw just how many were around and pulled her rod back into her holster. Grabbing the broom by the neck she flew them upwards and dodged attacks with her flying skills. One wizard shot the killing curse right at Kai but Ron shot him off his broom and she was able to dodge the curse. They went through the force field around The Burrow and started heading down.
"Shit, looks like this is going to be a Quinn Jet landing too." Kai said as plummeted back down to earth.

They tumbled off the broom into the field. Both groaning they got up.
"You good?" Kai asked.
"Bit peaky, but I'll live." Ron nodded.
"Alright let's go." Kai said as they started running towards The Burrow.
When they got there, they saw Harry, Hagrid, Remus, Tonks, Shacklebolt, Hermione, Fleur and Bill.

"Everyone alright?" Kai asked.
Harry ran towards her and hugged her, and Hermione did the same to Ron. Kai saw them hugging and smiled.
"He deserves that. Saved my life, I'd would have been a goner without him." Kai told them.
"Really?" Hermione asked.
"Why always the tone of surprise?" Ron repeated her words back to her.
Harry pulled Kai towards them and they all hugged. Kai hearing Harry mutter a sincere thank you to his best friend.

Fred and Arthur apparated in front of them.
"We the last ones?" Arthur asked.
"Where's George?" Fred asked.
Kai felt her heart drop. Where was he? She hadn't seen him. Remus looked solemnly inside. Both Kai and Fred ran inside the house. Kai almost cried seeing the most up beat, kindest soul in the world, laying on the couch covered in blood.

Both her and Fred knelt by his side to see his ear blown off.
"How you feeling Georgie?" Fred asked.
"Saint like." George replied.
Kai and Fred shared a confused and worried look.
"Come again?" Fred asked.
"Saint like, I'm holy Fred, get it?" George joked.
Kai laughed in relief and Fred smiled.
"Out of the whole wide world of ear related humor and you go with I'm holy? It's pathetic." Fred chuckled.
"Reckon I'm still better looking than you are, isn't that right Miss Avenger?" George smirked.
"Oh my precious boy, you always were and still are." Kai grabbed his hand.

"Mad-eyes dead. Mundungus took one look at Voldemort and disapparated." Bill told them.
Fred and Kai looked over their shoulders at the rest of the group. Harry looked at Kai for some sort of answer.
"Moody was a great asset to our cause and he will be greatly missed. Be we must not lose hope. As for Mundungus-he's a coward and traitor and we should spare another thought on him." Kai told them.
Harry gave her a grateful smile as everyone seemed to agree with her.


That night Kai cuddled close to Harry, the first time in months actually getting a good nights sleep. However it all changed when early in the morning before the sun came up Kai felt Harry's breath and heart speed up indicating he was awake. She felt him shift under her but didn't open her eyes assuming he had just woke up by accident.

Harry stared down at Kai. God he loved. Like it physically applied pressure to his heart when he thought about her, or saw her, or touched her- when ever he was with her, he didn't get butterflies but a whole damn monsoon. He looked down at the hand resting on his chest, tattooed on it was I must be respectful to my superiors. He drug into so much danger and yet she never flinched, never complained, never said it was too much, never backed down. She would follow him to the ends of the earth, she would die for him. He couldn't let her do that anymore, he couldn't let anyone do that for him anymore. He would simple parish if something happened to Kai because of him.

       He slipped out from under her and got dressed, grabbed his backpack and walked out. Both Kai and Ron sat up quickly at that. They looked each other confused.
                       "Let me go talk to him, please." Ron stood up.
                       "Ron, I-" Kai started.
                       "I won't let him leave I promise. I'll knock him out if that's what it comes down too." Ron told her.
Kai nodded and watched him leave. She laid back down and stared up at the ceiling.

      After a few minutes she heard two pair of footsteps heading towards the room. She smiled and turned over on her side and pretended she was asleep. The door opened and closed and she heard Ron get back into bed. She heard clothes ruffling around and then a dip in the bed. Harry laid back down next to her and draped his hand around her waist and buried his face in her shoulder blade. Kai opened her eyes and saw Ron staring at them. They shared a knowing look before both closing their eyes and falling asleep again.

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