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About a week later Kai and Viktor were outside by the black lake stretching in workout clothes.
" To be completely honest with you Vik, I'm surprised that you ask me to work out with you." Kai told him.
" I like training on off season. Though it gets quite lonely without my teammates. You are only one at school that is-fit. Not in that way though. Like can keep up with me-you understand?" Viktor asked.

" I totally get ya. You ready?" Kai asked.
" Yes." Viktor nodded.
They started at a slow jog around the lake.
" Romanoff. How do you know Bulgarian?" Viktor asked as they ran.
" I was raised in Russia. I picked up on some other languages close to my own. Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Polish, Czech, Serbian, Croatian and a few others." Kai explained.

" You also know French?" Viktor asked.
" Yeah. I guess I like to train my mind as well as my physic." Kai told him.
" I like that." Viktor nodded in approval.
" Thank you." Kai chuckled.
" You have American accent." Viktor observed.
" I've lived in America for awhile now. Would you rather me speak like this?" Kai asked switching into her Russian accent.

" It's more familiar for me." Viktor told her.
" Me too." Kai nodded.
Viktor for the first time Kai's known him smiled. They continued their run and eventually had to pick up the speed because Viktor's fan girls started chasing after them.


Kai walked into Great Hall after her and Viktor's work out. She found her friends and found them.
" Hey guys." Kai said sitting down and poring herself a cup of water.
" Hey love. Why-why are you wearing um that." Harry gulped looking at her leggings and sports bra.
" My eyes are up here Potter." Kai teased.
" Sorry." Harry immediately looked away.

Kai chuckled at his charm she knew he was oblivious to.
" Me and Krum worked out together this morning." Kai told them.
" Really? I didn't know you two were friends." Harry said.
" Me neither to be honest." Kai grabbed an orange and started peeling it.
" Is he as amazing as everyone says he is?" Ron asked.

" Honestly, he's a good guy. A bit dull, but all in all a stand up guy." Kai nodded as she placed an orange slice in her mouth.
" Oh great! She's done it again!" Hermione exclaimed.
" What's wrong Mione?" Kai asked.
" Rita Skeeter. Listen to this-Hermione Grabber an ambitious young girl has a thing for famous boys. Sources tell me her new boy toy is Viktor Krum, no word on how Harry Potter is taking this heartbreaking news." Hermione read.

" Well Haz, how do you feel?" Kai teased.
" Absolutely shattered at the news." Harry said before pressing a kiss to the side of Kai's head.
" You're not mad?" Hermione asked.
" No why would I be? This is funny as fuck. Plus you and Harry would be the worst cheaters ever. Neither of you could be nonchalant about it. No offense." Kai told them as she ate another orange slice.
" Non taken." Hermione said.

A little boy walked up to Ron.
" Parcel for you Mister Weasley." He handed Ron a box.
" Thank you Nigel." Ron took the box.
Nigel looked at Harry and Kai and smiled.
" Not now." Ron shooed him away
" What's that about?" Hermione asked.
" I told him I'd get Harry and Kai's autographs." Ron told them.

" Ugh this famous teenager stuff is hard-work." Kai ate her orange.
Ron opened his parcel and pulled out a long dress robe.
" Mum sent me a dress?" Ron asked.
" Well it does match your eyes. Does it have a bonnet? Ah ha." Harry pulled out another piece of the dress robes.
" Nose down Harry. Ginny these must be for you." Ron told her.

" I'm not wearing that, it's ghastly." Ginny told him.
Hermione started laughing.
" What are you laughing at?" Ron asked.
" Those aren't for Ginny. There for you. There dress robes." Hermione told him.
" Dress robes? For what?" Ron asked.
" Maybe that's what McGonagal wants to talk to us about later." Harry said.

" Snape also asked to talk to us." Kai added.
Then owls started flying into the Great Hall and Leia landed next to Kai.
" Hi sweet girl. Here have some non branded cheerios." Kai poured a bowl for her.
She started opening her letter. Thankfully it was just from Nat. Kai read the letter, then immediately stood up.
" What's wrong darling?" Harry asked.

" Tony is missing." Kai told him.
" Oh I'm sorry Kai." Hermione said.
" Yeah, this sucks like really sucks. I'll be right back. If anything else comes for me-" Kai started.
" I know the drill." Harry told her.
Kai nodded before walking away.

She headed towards the Hufflepuff table. She spotted Cedric and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and smiled at her.
" Hey Kai what's up?" He asked.
" I need to talk to you for a minute." Kai told him.
" Oh okay. Be right back." Cedric told his friends before standing up.
They walked out of the great hall and into a empty classroom.

" What's going on?" Cedric asked.
Kai just handed him the letter. Cedric read it then looked up at her.
" So, this complicates things a bit. However, lots can change between now and the summer." Kai told him.
" Maybe I should just give up. I mean two bad things have happened in New York. Maybe their signs." Cedric sighed.
" Listen Ced, bad stuff happens to these people all the time. You are not the reason, trust me. If you want to do this I think you should go for it." Kai reassured him.

" Thanks Kai. I am sorry about Tony though, I know you two must be close after what you lot went through." Cedric said.
" Definitely more than peers." Kai joked.
Cedric chuckled.
" Keep me updated yeah?" Cedric asked.
" Always." Kai told him as he handed her the letter back.


Later on that day Kai changed into her uniform and met Snape and the rest of Slytherin house-fourth year and up-in the potions classroom.
However all the tables were pushed to the side leaving a huge empty space. Kai sat next to Pansy and Daphne, because apparently their all good with each other now.

" Quite! Now, I know you all have been wondering why I've called you here today. Well, as you're all aware Hogwarts is hosting the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Along with this is a celebration on Christmas Eve called the Yule Ball. And as the name suggests, The Yule Ball is a dance. So Professor McGonagal has encouraged all Head of Houses to teach their students how to waltz, so that no will make a fool out of Hogwarts." Snape told them.

Everyone started whispering excitedly.
" Now everyone stand. Grab a partner and start practicing." Snape instructed.
They all stood and grabbed partners. A group of boys argued for a moment before one of them walked up to Kai.
" Kai Romanoff." He smirked.
" Blaise Zamibini." Kai said.
" Would you dance with me love?" Blaise asked.

" As long as you know, this doesn't mean anything." Kai told him.
" Oh I know you're down bad for Potter. But it would would make me look incredibly cool in front of my friends." Blaise offered his hand to her.
" Fine. I like to give to charity." Kai took his hand.
" Oo, you certainly have a talent for bruising egos don't you?" Blaise asked as he pulled her into him.

" Yeah I do. I'm actually better at that then fighting aliens." Kai told him.
" I'm frightened." Blaise teased.
Kai laughed as music started playing. Kai watched Pansy and Draco for a moment studying their steps. They started to waltz.
" Have you waltz before?" Blaise asked.
" No, I just watched Draco and Pansy." Kai told him.

" You're a quick learner." Blaise observed.
" Very." Kai nodded.
They continued dancing for about another minute of two before separating.
" So save me a dance at the Ball?" Blaise asked.
" Maybe." Kai told him vaguely before walking out of the classroom.

Kai Romanoff Where stories live. Discover now