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    Kai sat in the Quinjet and watched through the window as they entered Sokovia.
" This is where y'all grew up?" Kai asked.
" It used to be nicer." Pietro defended.
" Still better than where I was raised." Kai said.
" Come on kids, time to get the people to evacuate." Steve told them.
They nodded as the jet landed and the started to unload. Kai, Wanda and Pietro stood next to each other looking over the city. Kai looked at Wanda, and noticed something.

" Is that Nat's jacket?" Kai asked looking at her red leather jacket.
Wanda just shrugged.
" Pietro ran around the city and warn the police and people that live at the edge of the city." Steve instructed.
Pietro ran off in a blue haze.
" Wanda, use your powers to get people out of their homes and out of the city." Steve told her.
Wanda nodded and gave a quick glance at Kai before walking towards the middle of the town square.
" Kai, you, me and Clint are going to help direct everyone to safety." Steve looked at her.

" Aye, aye, Captain." Kai saluted him before walking off.

It didn't take long before people started frantically walking around the town square trying to get out. Kai directed people out of harms way, and tried to keep people calm. She looked over and saw Wanda's powers reaching hundreds of people. She entranced Kai so much that Kai almost didn't notice all of the robots starting to break through the ground.

" Oh fucking shit." Kai said pulling out her gun and shooting one in the head.
Everyone started to scream and running.
" Go! This way! Come on!" Kai shouted.
Another robot blasted at her. Kai dodged it, and pulled out her dagger and threw it. It went straight through its head. She then turned and shot another one that was creeping up behind her.

Another one started to break through the ground but Kai just stomped on it's head before it could even get fully out. When she did that she felt the ground start to rumble. She looked up confused, like she knew she was a super Solider but damn. Then the ground started to float up. Kai ran towards the edge, grabbing her dagger along the way and saw a growing crack. A whole chunk of the city was being broken off from the rest and floating towards the atmosphere.

Kai heard cracking and saw Wanda standing next to the edge too. But her spot was about to break. Kai rushed over to her and tackled to her the side just as the spot she was standing in crumbled. Wanda looked at the missing piece of rock.
" Thank you." Wanda looked at Kai.
" Yeah no problem, rookie." Kai smirked before standing up and rushing towards the middle of the floating rock.

She started shooting the robots again. Wanda joined her side using.
" Stark you make sure the city comes down safe. The rest of use have one job, tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt them back. You get killed, walk it off." Steve came over comms.
" Wow, he's pep talks are really going down." Kai joked.
Wanda just looked at her as she fought robots.
" Right, not use to me making jokes as a coping mechanism." Kai remember.

Kai saw the Hulk start smashing robots.
" Nat." Kai whispered to herself.
She shot the last robot in that area before running off to find Nat.
" Wait, don't leave me." Wanda called after her as she followed.
They ran down an alley and found Clint with a hoard of robots above him.

Kai immediately jumped into action and ran on top of a car and jump towards one. Pulling out two daggers and slicing them down the robot. Clint started shooting them and Wanda tried to keep up. Kai shot another and then killed two with her dagger. One blasted at her, hitting her shoulder making Kai fall to her side on the hood of the car. It also didn't help that a piece of broken glass cut her right above her eyebrow.
She groaned and pushed herself back up wiping away the blood that was about to drip over her eye.

More started to arrive.
" I need to reload!" Kai shouted as she ran inside a building.
Clint and Wanda following. Wanda crawled towards the way mumbling to herself.
" Hey, hey, you okay?" Clint asked Wanda.
" This is all our fault." Wanda said.
" Hey look at me, it's your fault, it's everyone's fault. Who cares? Are you up for this? Are you? Look I just need to know. Because the city is flying. Okay, look the city is flying. We're fighting an army of robots, and I have a bow and arrow, non of this makes sense. But I'm going back out there cause it's my job. And Kai is probably bleeding out right now but I know she'll go back out there too. Okay? But we can't do our job and babysit. It doesn't matter what you did or what you were. If you go out there, you fight, and you fight to kill. Stay in here, your good. I'll send your brother to come find you. But if you step out that door. You are an Avenger. Alright, good chat. You ready Kai?" Clint asked.

Kai Romanoff Where stories live. Discover now