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Kai landed in Florida, expecting to see Nat or Coulson here to pick her up. She was looking around when a man with red cheeks and a receding hairline walked up to her.
" Are you Sky Rushman?" He asked.
" Yes..." Kai nodded.
That was here undercover name, this guy must be someone from S.H.I.E.L.D.

" I'm Happy, I'll be taking you to your mom." Happy told her.
" Happy? Happy Hogan?" Kai asked.
" Yes that is my full name-" Happy started.
" Starks driver?" Kai asked.
" Well I'm actually more than a driver I'm the head of security-" Happy started.
" Okay, I'll go with you. Come on." Kai nodded
" I Uhh okay-let's go." Happy nodded as they started walking out to the car.

Happy got into the driver seat and Kai got in the backseat.
" So I'm going to take you to Stark Industries, that's where your mom is. Then you'll get changed and you, your mom, and Miss Potts will be going to the Stark expo tonight." Happy told her.
" That thing is still going on?" Kai asked.
" All year." Happy replied as they started driving from the airport.

" Who's the headliner tonight?" Kai asked.
" Justin Hammer." Happy told her.
" Ugh that guy is annoying. And you know he only wears those glasses to look smart." Kai scoffed.
Some how, Hammer had gotten S.H.I.E.L.D's phone number and calls headquarters ALL THE TIME. Obviously no body answers, so he leaves voicemail, after voicemail. Like S.H.I.E.L.D really needs to buy weapons from him.

" Tony's going to like you." Happy chuckled.
" Anyone who thinks Hammer is annoying is a possible friend of mine." Kai told him.
" Are you hungry? We have some time we can stop and grab something." Happy asked.
" Ya know a good old fashion American cheeseburger sounds fabulous actually." Kai told him.
" They don't have cheeseburgers in England?" Happy asked.
" Not to sure. The boarding school I attend first serve them, and you mostly just spend time on campus." Kai shrugged.

" Well than let's get you some American food." Happy told her.
" Gladly." Kai lend back into the leather seats.


Happy and Kai walked into Pepper Potts office where she and Nat were.
" Oh mother! You're pride and joy is here!" Kai announced as they walked in.
" My pride and joy indeed. Come here youngling." Nat rushed to her and they hugged.
Kai hugged her tightly, so happy to back with her. Still holding each other Nat looked down at her and Kai looked up.
" How did the rest of the year go?" Nat asked.

" You aren't going to believe it. We'll talk about it later. But you were right about Harry." Kai told her.
" Knew it. After the expo we'll go home and talk all about it." Nat said.
" Can't wait." Kai smiled
Nat smiled back at her. She truly missed this kid-her kid. She just made her life so much more full.

" Miss Potts, this is my daughter Sky." Nat moved to the side facing Pepper.
" Nice to meet you Sky. I'm Pepper Potts. Your mom has told me all about you." Pepper told her.
" Nice to meet you Miss Potts. And my mom has also told me all about you and what a great boss you are. Thank you for letting me tag along tonight." Kai said.

" We're happy to have you." Pepper smiled.
" You're dress is hanging inside the bathroom to the left. Go change and we can head out." Nat told her.
" A dress?" Kai whined.
" Yes, it's a formal event and a big deal for Miss Potts. Change now." Nat told her sternly.
Kai bit her tongue and Nat smiled victoriously. Kai couldn't really argue with her like she usually would, because she was suppose to be Nat's actual daughter.

" Fine I'll go change, Mother." Kai said and walked out of the room.
Before Kai fully walked out she poked her head back in.
" мы секретные агенты." Kai said.

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