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Kai walked through the halls of Hogwarts for the last time of her fifth year, trunk in hand. She was mentally talking herself up. She had to be strong for Harry. When she gets home then she could grieve and cry all she wanted, but for now, she needed to be strong.

Kai walked out into the courtyard and saw Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Neville. She took a deep breath and walked towards them.
" Hey gang." Kai smiled.
" Hey beautiful. How are you?" Harry asked.
" I'm okay. How are you?" Kai asked.
" I'll be okay." Harry said.
Kai nodded and grabbed his hand.
" Well I for one am looking forward to nice long relaxing summer." Hermione said as they started walking towards the train.

" Me too. Training at five with Nat and Steve, sleeping in my incredible new room at the tower, pranking Clint till he's literally begging for me for mercy." Kai said darkly at the end.
They all gave her a concerned look.
" Uh but anyways..what's everyone else looking forward too?" Kai asked.
" Seeing Fred and George's new shop is going to be super cool." Ginny said.
" I wish it was open now. So I could pull pranks on you all summer." Ron smirked.
" I'd like to see you try Ronald." Ginny scoffed.

" What about you Neville?" Kai asked.
" Seeing my mom and dad." He told them with a smile.
" That's a good one." Kai nodded.
" Hello everyone." Luna joined them.
" Hey moon. What are you most looking forward to doing this summer?" Kai asked.
" Hm that's a hard question. But probably working at the Quibbler with my dad." Luna smiled.
" The only newspaper I trust. The daily prophet can go fuck itself." Kai nodded.

" After everything that happened this year, I have to agree with you darling." Harry agreed.
" Well I'm most excited train for quidditch." Ginny told them.
" Lame." Ron said.
" Like you could even make the team." Ginny rolled her eyes.
" Haz?" Kai asked.
" Um probably sending you letters. All of you." Harry told them.
" Awe that's so sweet. Mione?" Kai asked.
" I'll be doing something actually beneficial, and studying for our advance potions class next year." Hermione said.

Everyone groaned and mumbled about how she says something like this every year.
" What? What, if I want to be the top of our class, I have to study hard." Hermione said.
" See you lot next year!" Kai waved sarcastically and walked away from them knowing she would be seeing them in the next five minutes on the train.


Kai hugged Harry one last time after getting off of the train.
" Write me if you need anything. And if you decide you do wanna stay with me this summer I'll be at your house so quick you think I had apparated to you." Kai told him.
" I know. But I'll be okay, I love you." Harry said pulling away.
" I love you more." Kai said.
" Impossible." Harry smiled.
Kai lend in and kissed him softly.

" See you in September." Kai said.
" Can't wait." Harry said.
Kai smiled and walked away from him and threw the wall back into the real world. Harry watched her leave with a heartbroken face. After what happened to Sirius, he couldn't lose her too.

Kai's day got a million times better when she saw Nat, Steve, Bruce, and Clint all waiting for her on the platform.
" Natty!" Kai cheered and ran towards her.
" Kai!" Nat smiled and held out her arms.
The two girls happily hugged each other tightly. This has been the longest that they had gone without seeing each other probably since they first met.
" I missed you kid." Nat told her.
" Ugh I missed you too." Kai sighed.

" Are you okay after-" Nat started.
" Let's talk about it later yeah? Cause first I have to see Clint." Kai said and moved from Nat to Clint.
" Hey kid, we missed you this Christmas." Clint told her as they hugged.
" I missed y'all. Let me tell ya, Christmas at school is not it." Kai shook her head as they pulled away.

" How was your school year Kai?" Steve asked.
" Not my favorite to be honest." Kai told him.
" Has any year been your favorite?" Bruce chuckled.
" Touché Banner. But this year, reached a whole new level of sucky-ness. Where's the other two?" Kai asked.
" Thor's coming back to Earth today and Tony is planning your welcome home party at the tower." Nat told her.
" Oh how sweet. Y'all have better been nice to Cedric." Kai said as they started walking out of Kings Cross Station.

" He's a good kid." Steve told her.
" Yeah he's smart too." Bruce nodded.
" I wasn't worried about y'all. I was worried about you two and Tony." Kai looked at Nat and Clint.
" How rude, we are delightful to be around." Nat said.
" Yeah and we'll kick your ass to prove it." Clint added
" Child abuse!" Kai shouted as they loaded into the van.


" Ceddy boy!" Kai cheered as she walked into Avengers Tower.
" Hey Kai." Cedric smiled walking towards her.
They hugged each other happily.
" How's the job going?" Kai asked.
See Cedric had left a week before school was to actually get out and moved straight New York.
" The last three days have been great. How was the last week of school?" Cedric asked.
" Definitely interesting. I'll tell you tonight at dinner, before the party." Kai told him.

" Oh um I don't think I'm invited to either of those Kai." Cedric said.
" Well, of course you are. Newest and only member of Stark Industries to be switched to Avengers Tower." Tony said walking into the room.
" You work for the Avengers now?" Kai asked with a smirk.
" No, he works for me now." Tony told her.
" So you stole him from Pepper?" Kai asked.
" Can't steal what's already yours. Besides, kids good at keeping all of you in check." Tony said.

" More like keeps Stark in check." Nat said walking past them towards the elevator.
" And Banner too surprisingly. No telling what kind of trouble the science bros get up to when their alone." Clint teased following Nat.
" Oh hey Barton, you left your phone in the vents again." Tony told him.
" Wait, you actually live in the vents? I thought Stark was just messing with me." Steve said joining Nat, Clint and Bruce in the elevator.

Kai chuckled at them.
" Mister Stark, Happy is waiting for you in the car." Cedric told Tony.
" Perfect, uh you know the drill. I'll be back in an hour." Tony said.
" Yes Mister Stark." Cedric nodded.
" Yes Mister Stark." Kai mimicked.
" Get in the elevator." Cedric laughed.
Kai smiled, wrapped her arm around him and walked them to the elevator.

Kai Romanoff Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя