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  Blaise and Kai stood on the platform waiting for the Hogwarts Express.
" I don't know if I can look at you the same, now that your a murder." Blaise whispered the last word.
" I have some news that will actually shock you." Kai looked over at him.
The Hogwarts Expressed wizzed past them until it came to a screeching halt. They picked up their trunks and walked onto the train and straight to their usual compartment. They placed their trunks in the overhead rails and flopped down onto the seats.

Blaise reached into his pocket and pulled out some coins.
" Wanna go halfsies on sweets?" Blaise asked.
" You're literally one of the richest people on this whole goddamn train." Kai scoffed.
" So is that a yes or?" Blaise started.
The door slid open and Pansy, Theo and Daphne joined them.
" Hello everyone." Daphne smiled and sat across from them.
" Hi Daph. Good Christmas?" Kai asked.
" It was good thanks, you?" Daphne asked as Pansy and Theo sat next to her.
" It was fine, very productive." Kai nodded.
The train started off on its journey.

" I'm still pissed at you for not attending my Christmas Party, Romanoff. You and Draco both." Pansy crossed her arms over her chest.
" Well, I can't exactly speak for my cousin, but I was in a different country." Kai told her.
" We had so much fun. There wasn't that many people there this year actually, you would have liked it." Theo said.
" It was actually complete bullshit. The Malfoy's usually host every year and it's packed. But the one year we get host barely anyone shows up." Pansy rolled her eyes.

" It's probably because everyone that usually attends the Pureblood balls are too busy being deatheaters." Blaise told her.
" So what? My party is way more important." Pansy huffed.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door. The Slytherins all looked around at one another. Kai stood up and slid the door open. When she did, she became face to face with Harry.

" Erm Hi." He gave her a lopsided smile.
" Hi." Kai said back.
" Can, I uh talk to for a moment?" Harry asked glancing behind her at the glaring Slytherins.
" Sure." Kai nodded.
Harry stepped back so she could walk out. Kai closed the door behind her before gesturing for Harry to lead the way. Which he did, towards an empty compartment.

They walked in and Harry shut the door behind them.
" Where's Ron and Hermione?" Kai asked crossing her arms over her chest as a way to comfort herself.
" Hermione is sitting with Ginny. Her and Ron are having some troubles. And well Ron went off with-" Harry started.
" The trouble?" Kai finished.
" Exactly." Harry chuckled.

Harry sat down and waited for her to do the same.
" So you sent me a letter making some accusations against Draco." Kai said sitting across from him.
" Yes. I think he's a deatheater, and that Voldemort has given him a mission." Harry explained.
" And you want to know if I know anything about it?" Kai asked.
" No. I just want you're opinion on my theory." Harry shook his head.

" Well, we both know Lucius is a deatheater. Draco being one isn't that big of a stretch. However Voldemort giving a sixteen year old a mission? Seems risky to me." Kai told him.
" I think that they are planning something in Hogwarts. That's why they need Draco, cause he'd be the only one with access in the castle." Harry told her.
" What could be in the castle that could help the deatheaters?" Kai asked.
" A vanishing cabinet. Before school I saw Draco, his mum and a few other deatheaters in Borgin and Blotts looking at one." Harry explained.

" But where would a vanishing cabinet be in Hogwarts?" Kai asked.
" I have no clue. I was hoping you could help me find it." Harry's eyes gleamed with hope.
" You know I'm no good with magic." Kai shook her head.
" But you're a spy." Harry said.
" You want me to spy on my own cousin?" Kai raised her eyebrow at him.
" For the greater good? Yes." Harry nodded.
Kai sighed and looked away from him, thinking about it.

Then she just stood.
" I'll do what I can without losing the trust of my cousin. If I find out anything worth telling, I'll let you know." Kai told him.
" Thank you." Harry smiled up at her.
Kai didn't let her face reflect the ache in her heart and just nodded before leaving him alone.


" Luna! My love, my moon!" Kai opened her arms.
" Hello Kai." Luna smiled sweetly and hugged her.
Kai hugged her tightly, resting her chin on top of her head. Luna gave her a good squeeze also.
They pulled away and sat down on a seat next to a window in the corridor.
" How was your Christmas?" Kai asked.
" Lovely. Me and dad made fudge and cookies and we even went out to see mum." Luna told her.

" That sounds like a very nice holiday." Kai nodded.
" It was. Although, the nargels did come and steal some of our fudge." Luna said.
" They were probably just trying to get in the Christmas spirit." Kai told her.
" Thats what I thought too. How was your Christmas?" Luna asked.
" Nice and relaxing. But I did bring this back for you." Kai reached into her pocket and pulled out a small velvet box.
She handed it to Luna who carefully took it. She opened it and he eyes widen.

" What a beautiful crystal." Luna smiled.
" It's an obsidian crystal. Muggles use it for protection and healing." Kai explained.
" I love it." Luna smiled.
Kai smiled back. Personally she didn't believe in crystals but Wanda hadn't shut up about them all break. This particular one was used to block away any negative energy and to help people amplify their true selfs. Which Kai thought was perfect for Luna.

" Thank you Kai." Luna hugged her.
" You're so welcome, moon." Kai hugged back.
They pulled away and Luna placed the crystal back in the box and into her pocket.
" Maybe it will help keep the nargels away. At least till next Christmas." Kai said.
" I'll be happy if it last till Easter." Luna joked.
Kai chuckled and shook her head.

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