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They road in the car, with Sam driving, Steve in the passenger seat, then Nat, Kai and Sitwell in the back.
" HYDRA doesn't like leaks." Sitwell told them.
" Then why don't you try sticking a cork in it?" Sam suggested.
" Insight's launching in 16 hours. We're cutting it a little close here." Nat said.
" I know, we'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the helicarriers directly." Steve told them the plan.
" What? Are you crazy? That is a terrible, terrible idea-" Sitwell started but was pulled out of the window and tossed out into oncoming traffic.

" Oh fuck-we got company." Kai said noticing the metal arm that ripped the HYDRA agent o of the car.
Kai moved to the far left and Nat jumped into Steve's lap. A car rammed into them from behind making Kai lurch forward a tap.
" Kai! Are you okay?" Nat asked.
" Yeah I'm fine kinda passed thought now." Kai said pulling out her gun. She shot at the car behind them giving them some distance. Then the Winter Soldier punched through the top and ripped the steering wheel out of the car.
" Shit!" Sam said.

Both Kai and Nat started shooting at him. The Winter Solider moved from their car to the one behind them.
" Sam grab Kai!" Steve told him.
Sam reached back and helped Kai into the front with them.
They all held on as Steve broke the passenger side door and they fell out of the car using it as a shield.

Sam and Kai rolled off and Nat and Steve continued to slide. Then Steve pushed Nat away and was blasted back by a grenade. HYDRA agents lead by the Winter Solider started shooting at them. Kai rushed behind a car and reloaded her gun. She began firing back at them, killing one. Then the Winter Solider started shooting at them.

" Under, Down!" Kai shouted a coded message to Nat.
" Down, lift!" Nat shouted back.
Kai then dropped down rolled under the car to the other side and jumped off the road. Before she fully fell she placed a plunge arrow into the side and held onto the rope attached. She safely made it down on the real road and started running. She heard shooting behind her and saw some agents coming after her.

She jumped onto a hood of a car and then jumped over the top landing behind it. She started army crawling under the car with her dagger held in her mouth. She waited a second for them to get close then took her dagger into her hand then stabbed it into their foot. They cried out and she got out from under the car pulling her dagger out.

She kicked them back and pulled out gun and shot him. Only two left. Then she threw her dagger at one, going straight between his eyes and shot the other in his thigh then chest. Kai breathed heavily as she walked towards her dagger and pulled it out of the man.

She turned around and saw Steve fight the Winter Solider. Kai started running towards them. However they stopped.
" Bucky?" Steve asked.
" Who the hell is Bucky?" He asked before advancing.
But then Sam flew in and kicked Bucky down. Again Bucky went to shoot Steve but Nat shot him with a grenade.

When Steve turned around he was gone. Kai saw Nat's condition and ran towards her. She didn't have enough time to really help her because they were being surrounded by agents.
" Get down! On you're knees now!" Rumlow shouted.
They all put their hands behind their heads and knelt down. Two agents came and grabbed Nat and Kai into cuffs. Then loaded them into a car.


On the way back to headquarters Steve finally broke the silence.
" It was him. He looked right at me like he didn't even know me." He said.
" How was that even possible? It was like, 70 years ago." Sam said.
" Zola. Bucky's whole unit was captured in '43. Zola experimented on him. Whatever he did helped Bucky survive the fall. They must have found him and-" Steve drifted off.
" None if that's your fault, Steve." Nat told him.

" Even when I had nothing I had Bucky." Steve said.
Kai looked at Nat who was across from her. She had her eyes closed and her head back.
" Hey, Nat no don't close your eyes. Hey-keep them on me, okay." Kai told her.
Nat looked at her, she looked so tired.
" She needs help. We need to get a doctor here. If we don't put pressure on that wound she's gonna bleed out here in the truck." Sam told one of the disguised agent sitting with them.

They threatens the electric stick at him. Then they electrocuted the agent next to them and kicked them unconscious.
" Ah, that thing was squeezing my brain." Maria said as she pulled the helmet off.
" Thank you, gender fluid god." Kai looked up.
" Who's this guy?" Maria asked looking at Sam.


Maria, Steve, Nat, Sam and Kai got out of the van and started walking into a secluded building.
" GSW. She's lost at least a pint." Maria shouted as they walked down the hall.
" Maybe two!" Sam added.
" Let me take her." An agent called.
" She'll want to see him first." Maria said as she lead them to another room.

They walked in and saw Fury laying in a bed.
" About damn time." Fury said.
" Wow gender fluid god is just giving so many blessing today." Kai said.

They sat Nat down and started getting her patched up.
" Are you alright?" Steve asked.
" Lacerated spinal column, cracked sternum, shattered collarbone, perforated liver, and one hell of a headache." Fury told them.
" Don't forget your collapsed lung." The agent helping Nat said.
" Let's not forget that. Otherwise I'm good." Fury told them.

" They cut you open. Your heart stopped." Nat said.
" Tetrodotoxin B. Slows the pulse to one beat a minute. Banner developed it for stress. Didn't work so great for him but we found a use for it." Fury explained.
" Why all the secrecy? Why not just tell us?" Steve asked.
" Any attempt on the Directors life had to look successful." Maria said.
" Can't kill you if you're already dead. Besides I wasn't sure who to trust." Fury explained.

" And now?" Kai asked.
Fury looked at her.
" Now I do." Fury nodded.

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