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The group arrived in the middle of Hogsmeade late at night. The entire town was silent and covered in snow. Kai looked at a lamp post and saw it covered in wanted posters with Harry's face on it. She walked towards it and gently tore one off, then folded it and stuffed it in her pocket. The golden trio gave her a confused look.
"For my scrapbook." Kai shrugged.
      Just as she started walking back to them an alarm went off the group made a run for it not wanting to get caught. A voice beckoned them and at a glance it looked like-Dumbledore? The man hurried them inside his house and shut the door. The group walked inside and looked around the house. Kai saw a portrait of a young woman smiling sweetly at her.
                                "You bloody fools why have you come here?" The man scolded them.
                               "You're Aberforth, Dumbledore's brother. You're the one that's been watching me through this mirror, you sent Dobby." Harry realized.
                              "Where did you leave him?" Aberforth asked.
                              "A safe house." Kai told him vaguely.
                             "Good, I like that elf." He nodded.
                            "How did you get that mirror?" Harry asked.
                           "It was sold to me by Magnudus Fletcher." Alberforth told him.
"Dung had no right selling that to you it belonged to-" Harry started.
"Your god father, Sirius Black, I know. Albus told me. He also told me you'd likely be hacked off if you ever found out, but asked yourself where would you be if I didn't?" Alberforth said placing a trey of butterbeer and cookies down on the table. Ron and Hermione's rushed towards the refreshments but Harry and Kai stayed put.

Harry looked at Kai, silently telling her to eat. She just slightly narrowed her eyes at him, and he slightly smiled, knowing she wouldn't. Kai didn't know this man, she couldn't trust him, let alone the food he was freely giving them. Plus she wasn't hungry, and she had gone far longer without eating than this.
"Do you hear from the others much? The order?" Hermione asked.
"The orders finished. You know who's won. Anyone who says otherwise if kidding themselves." Alberforth said.
"If that's so then I'm the funniest person I've ever met. Do you have any useful information or resources for us, or just your uplifting optimism." Kai spoke for the first time.
"Albus talked of you as well, the girl with the silver tongue and silver daggers." Alberforth said.
Kai slightly smirked at the words.
"We need to get into Hogwarts, tonight. Dumbledore gave us a job to do." Harry said.
"Did he now? Nice job? Easy?" Alberforth sarcastically asked.
"We've been hunting horcruxes, and we think the last one is inside there, but we need your help getting in." Harry told him.
"It's not a job, it's a suicide mission. Go home boy, live a little longer." Alberforth told him.
"Dumbledore trusted me to see this through." Harry said sternly.
"What makes you think you can trust him? You think you can believe anything my brother told you? In all the time you knew him did he ever mention my name? Did he ever mention hers?" Alberforth asked.
"Why would he-" Harry started.
"Keep secrets? You tell me." Alberforth interrupted.
"I trusted him." Harry said.
"That's a boys answer. A boy who goes chasing horcruxes in a word of a man who wouldn't even tell him where to start. You're lying, not just to me, that doesn't matter. But to yourself as well, that's what a fool does. You don't strike me as a fool Harry Potter. So I'll asked you again. There must be a reason." Alberforth walked towards him.

"I'm not interested in what happened between you and your brother. I don't care that you've given up. I trusted the man I knew, and we need to get into the castle tonight." Harry told him.
Alberforth just stared at him then looked at Kai. She grabbed Harry's hand and rolled her shoulders back. If Harry was going into that damned castle, she would be going in right behind him. He looked at the painting and gave it a nod. The girl in the painting walked away. Alberforth left the room and soon enough the girl walked back. The portrait swung open to reveal Neville.
"Neville! You look-" Harry started.
"Like hell, I reckon. Seamus is much worse though. Hey Ab, we've got a couple more coming through. Come on guys." Neville smiled.

Kai smiled back and gladly climbed into the hole. She was ready for another adventure. The other followed behind and started walking down a dark tunnel.
"I never saw this tunnel on The Marauders map." Harry said.
"That's because it never existed till now. The seven secret passages were sealed off before the start of the year. This is the only way in or out. The grounds are crawling with deatheaters and dementors." Neville told them.
"How horrible is it with stinky Snape as headmaster?" Kai asked.
"Hardly ever see him. It's the Carrows you need to watch out for." Neville said.
"The twins. My father wrote about them before, they are quite the freaks." Kai said.
"Your dad was right. They are in charge of discipline. They like punishment, the Carrows." Neville gestured to his bruised face.
"They did that to you? Why?" Hermione asked.
"Today's dark arts lesson had us practice the torture curse, on first years. I refused. Hogwarts had changed." Neville explained.
"That's sick. I think I'll enjoy killing them." Kai said.

They all gave her a sideways glance. Kai noticed their stares and realized her mistake.
"I meant to say that last part in my head not out loud." Kai said.
They arrived at another portrait and Neville swung it open.
"Hey listen up you lot. I brought you a surprise." Neville announced.
He stepped to the side to reveal the group of four. The group started cheering and they clinked the latter down to see everyone. Kai was surprisingly met with hugs from all sorts of students that she knew, but didn't particularly get along with or talk to. She didn't push them away however, because she knew her presence with Harry was much more than just a reunion, a was a sign of hope for these students.

"Kai!" A small voice said.
She turned and saw a familiar blonde.
                                    "Oh my moon, you're okay." Kai rushed to her best friend.
The two girls hugged tightly. After a few seconds Kai pulled away and looked at Luna's bruised and cut face. She immediately became angry, she really was going to love killing those twin bastards.
                                    "Are you alright?" Kai asked.
                                    "Oh yes, nothing that won't heal over time." Luna smiled.
Kai smiled back and placed her arm over Luna's shoulders as they turned to face Harry to hear the plan.
                                    "We are looking for something." Harry told them.

                                    "What is it?" Seamus asked.
                                    "I don't know....but it will be something small, something concealable." Harry told them.
                                    "Where is it?" Neville asked.
                                    "We don't know that either. I know that's not much to go off of." Harry noticed the blank stares.
                                    "That's nothing to go off of." Seamus shook his head.
                                    "It has something to do with Ravenclaw. Any ideas?" Harry asked.
                                    "Well there's Rowena's Ravenclaws lost diadem." Luna suggested.
                                    "Boom, there we go. Rowan's  diamond." Kai snapped her fingers and pointed at Luna.
                                   "Rowena's diadem." Luna quietly corrected.
                                   "Rowena's diadem." Kai snapped her fingers again.
The duo was meet with confused stares and even a few eye rolls.
                                  "Has no one ever heard of it? It's quite famous." Luna said seemingly less confident.
                                  "Yes, but Luna, it's lost, for centuries now. There's not a person alive who's seen it." Cho butted in.
Kai resisted every urge in her body to look over and glare at Cho.

     Suddenly fast footsteps ran in and they all turned to look at who was coming in. Kai smiled seeing Ginny. Surprised Ginny smiled and rushed to her. Kai separated from Luna to hug the ginger.
                                      "I missed you." Ginny pulled back.
                                     "I missed you too kid, what's wrong?" Kai asked.
                                     "Snape knows. He knows Harry was spotted in Hogsmeade." Ginny reported.

           Kai turned to look at Harry. He had a dark stare. He glanced towards Kai and she could see the wheels turning in his head. She knew whatever he was planning was risky and dangerous. Good thing for her, those are the kinds of situations she thrives in.

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