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Kai, Harry and Hermione made their way up the stairs. They found Ron sitting with a bloody leg still holding his rat.
" Ron are you okay?" Harry asked.
" It's a trap! He's the dog!" Ron pointed behind them.
They all turned around as the door shut and revealed Sirius Black. Kai placed herself in front of her friends.

" If you want to kill Harry you'll have to get through me first." Kai told him.
" Only one will die tonight." Sirius told her.
" Then it will be you." Harry pushed past her and tackled Sirius to the floor.
He held his wand to his head.
" Are you going to kill me Harry?" Sirius laughed.
" If he doesn't I will." Kai threatened.

Suddenly the door burst open.
" Explerimus!" Remus shot Harry's wand away.
They looked at him. He moved his head to the side and Harry got off of Sirius.
" Well, we'll Sirius. After all these years, seems the madness on the inside finally caught up to the outside." Remus said.
" Well you'd know all about madness eh Remus." Sirius said.

Remus smiled and helped him up. They hugged and had a hushed conversation.
" No! I trusted you! He's a werewolf!" Hermione told them.
Kai's eye widen.
" How long have you known?" Remus asked.
" Since Snape set the essay." Hermione told him.
" Well you really are the brightest witch of your year." Remus said.

" Come on Remus let's kill him." Sirius said.
" Wait." Remus told him.
" I did my waiting 12 of it in Azkaban!" He yelled.
" Unfortunately all that waiting will be in vain. Everyone drop your wands!" Kai pulled out her hand gun from her thigh holster that was hidden by her leather jacket.

" What-how do you have-" Harry started.
" I'm afraid I haven't been all that honest with you three either." Kai said keeping her gun on the two men in front of her.
" Ha what's a kid with a toy going to do?" Sirius asked.
" This is more than toy. And I'd be happy to use you as my example. But I have to worn you I never miss." Kai told him.
" Kai-" Remus started.

" No! You were suppose to be my friend. I trusted you with my deepest secret. You betrayed me." Kai yelled.
" Please let me explain. Everything." Remus said.
Kai looked back at Harry.
" Explain then." Harry said.
" At first I thought Sirius killed your parent too. But then I found out someone was alive that I thought to be dead. I figured out the truth. Sirius didn't betray your parents." Remus told them.

" Then who did?" Harry asked.
" Peter Pettigrew! And he's here in this room. Come out Peter! Come out!" Sirius screamed.
But then the door burst open again and Snape walked in.
" Dear lord who's going to walk in next, the pope?" Kai asked.
" Oh sweet karma. I wish I'd be the one to catch you. I told Dumbledore you were helping an old friend not I have proof." Snape said.
" Incredible Snape, you put your brilliant mind to a situation and yet come out with the wrong conclusion. Now excuse us we're busy." Sirius told him.

Snape put his wand to Sirius's neck.
" Give me one good reason. I beg you." Snape said.
" Severus don't be a fool." Remus told him.
" He can't help it, it's habit by now." Sirius said.
" Sirius be quite!" Remus told him.
" Oh be quite yourself Remus!" Sirius told him.
" Listen to you two bickering like an old married couple." Snape said.

" Why don't you run off and play with your chemistry set?" Sirius asked.
" I could do it you know. But why denied the dementors? Their so longing to see you. Do I detect a flicker of fear? Oh yes the dementors kiss, can't imagine what that's like to endure. Says it's unbearable to witness but I'll do my best." Snape told him.
" Severus please." Remus tried.

" After you." Severus told the kids and gestured to the door.
Harry started walking forward, then pulled a wand out. He pointed it at Sirius then last second pointed at Severus and sent him flying back on a bed, knocking him unconscious.
" Oh holy shit. Okay, never let them know your next move I guess." Kai nodded.

" Tell me about Peter Pettigrew." Harry said.
" He was at school with us. We thought he was our friend!" Remus told him.
" No he's dead. You killed him." Harry looked at Sirius.
" No, he didn't. I thought so to until Tuesday showed me him on the map." Remus stepped between Harry and Sirius.
" The map was lying then." Harry said.
" The map never lies. Pettigrews alive and he's right there." Sirius pointed at Ron.

" Oh shit-what a plot twist." Kai looked at Ron.
" Me? He's mental!" Ron said.
" Not you! Your rat." Sirius told him.
" That actually makes more sense, cause Ron's pretty thick." Kai said.
" Scabbers? No he's been in my family for-"
Ron started.
" Twelve years. A curiously long time for a common garden rat. He's missing a toe isn't he?" Sirius asked.
" So what?" Ron asked.

" All they found of Pettigrew was his-" Kai started placing the pieces together.
" Finger! The bloody coward cut it off so everyone would think he was dead! Then he transformed into a rat!" Sirius explained.
" Show me." Harry said.
Sirius took the rat and put him on the piano. He started to run away but before he could get through the hole in the door he turned into a man.

" Ugh-that's so disgusting." Kai gaged.
The man got out of the hole and stood up.
" Remus? Sirius? My old friends!" Pettigrew said before trying to run off.
Sirius and Remus stopped him and pushed him back.
" Harry! Look at you! You look so much like your father, like James. We were the best of friends him and I." Pettigrew got close to Harry.

Kai walked to Harry and stood slightly in front of him just as Sirius rushed to them.
" How dare you speak to Harry? How dare you talk about James in front of him!" Sirius shouted as they chased him around the room.
" You sold James and Lily out to Voldemort didn't you?" Remus asked.

" I didn't mean too! The dark lord, you have no idea the weapons he possesses! Ask yourself Sirius what would you have done?" Pettigrew asked.
" I would have died rather than betray my friends!" Sirius told him.

Pettigrew ran under the piano and to the door that was being guarded by Harry and Kai.
" Harry, James wouldn't have wanted me killed. Your dad, he would spare me show me mercy-and you I knew your dad too. He wouldn't want my blood on your hands." Pettigrew looked between Harry and Kai.

" Well my hands aren't exactly clean. And my father didn't raise me." Kai pushed him off and into Sirius and Remus's arms.
" You should have realized Peter, that if Voldemort didn't kill you then we would, together!" Sirius shouted.
" No!" Harry said.
" Harry this man is-" Remus started.

" I know what he is, but we'll take him to the castle. After that the dementors can have him." Harry said.
Peter whimpered while Remus and Sirius nodded. Harry turned back to Kai and looked down at the gun in her hand.
" We will be talking about this yeah?" Harry asked.
" Later." Kai nodded.

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