The New Dragon Age

By Havingfunwithfanfic

299K 8.3K 512

Daemon and Rhaenyra married. Their first child was sent by the Gods to save them all. Deirys Targaryen was bo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 15

6.7K 196 28
By Havingfunwithfanfic

This chapter will have a 3 year time jump. We see the relationship between Deirys and her little sister Aemma. We also get a glimpse of Daemon's and Deirys's relationship. They have a sweet moment together. Daemon Rhaenyra also welcome a new child into the world. We will finally get so see Viserys's view on some things, including the issue with Daemon's jealousy. Daemon almost looses his s**t when he hears an interchange between his oldest daughter and her uncle that brings him back memories, and he is not happy. And finally Corlys makes a small appearance and Deirys has to make some things clear for him. High Valyrian will be in italics. I hope you guys like it. ❤️

                                     Deirys Targaryen (13 years old.)

                                              Aemma Targaryen (5 years old.)

"You are aware that our mother will kill me for agreeing to this?" Aemma rolled her eyes. "I do not know about you, but I would prefer to live."

"Do not be so dramatic. Mother will not kill you." Aemma was not even looking at her. The little girl was concentrated on her task. "Besides, she is heavy with child. I believe you can outrun her if needed."

Deirys shook her head once more. She did not understand how was it that a child who had been named after one of the sweetest women who ever existed was so much like Queen Visenya. It was laughable since Visenya was the opposite. Her sister Vysenia was the sweetest girl. At eight years old she still hated fighting and preferred to spend her time reading her stories about handsome knights and spending time with her dragon Vermax. Visenya was kind, and delicate and hated violence of any kind. Aemma was the opposite. She was the happiest when training with her siblings and father. She loved playing with the boys and getting dirty. Her mother was always running after her and most of the time would send their father after Aemma, who could be found covered in mud. The only dark spot in Aemma's life was the fact that she had not been able to bond with a dragon. She had decided that today would be the day and had convinced Deirys to take her to Dragonstone on dragon back. Her mother was about to go into labor at any time and Deirys had not wanted to bother her. After Aemma had begged her for hours, she had finally given in. Which is how she found herself standing by the entrance of the dragon mount, with her little sister.

Aemma had tried to bond with the dragons that had hatched a few years before but kept insisting she did not feel any kind of connection with any of them. So here they were, and Deirys was pretty sure, she would be dead by the time the day was over. Her mother would murder her, child or not. Aemma just kept staring at the entrance to the dragon mount but did not move.

"It will be dark soon. We will need to return." Aemma glared at her and she raised her hands in surrender. "I was just saying."

"I do not know how to do this. How do I know what to feel? How did you claim Vermithor?"

"I do not know. I was one at the time. I do not have any recollection of what happened that day." Deirys saw Aemma's face fall and let out a sigh. She approached her little sister. "Close your eyes. Now, forget all about what you have heard other people say about dragons and empty your mind. You need to look deep within yourself. If your dragon is close by, you will feel a connection, like a string being pulled." Aemma did as she was told. A few minutes passed and nothing happened. After a while Aemma turned away from the dragon mount and towards the hill. She took a step forward then stopped herself. "Once you feel it, you need to follow that feeling. It will not guide you wrong."

Aemma looked at her for a moment then headed to the hill. Deirys followed a few paces behind. They both climbed the hill, once on the other side Aemma headed farther, towards the trees. But before she could make it they both heard a roar. A large black dragon landed in front of Aemma, letting out a roar so loud that the ground shook. Aemma fell on her backside and scrambled away. Deirys could feel the dragon's emotions. He was angry at the connection he could feel forming. Deirys cursed, of course, her little sister would claim the Cannibal. Aemma attempted to crawl back but stopped when the Cannibal lowered his head.

"Aemma you need to stay calm. He can feel your fear." How was she supposed to explain to her mother her little sister had been killed by a dragon? "Aemma, I need you to close your eyes." She saw her little sister follow her instructions and made sure her voice was calm and clear. "Deep within yourself, you need to find the voice you and the Cannibal share. Your souls are kin. When you speak to him as his equal, he must obey your will."

"Calm, Cannibal." Deirys saw Aemma stand up and looked at the dragon directly in the eyes. "Serve me." Cannibal growled, trying to resist the bond, but Aemma would not give up. Her voice was much stronger now. "Listen to my voice and serve."

Cannibal lowered his head and this time he did not growl or attempt to burn her sister. Aemma approached the large dragon and put a hand on one side of his snout. The dragon closed his eyes and Aemma ran her hands over the lower part of his face.

"Good. I believe we should name you something different." Her sister seem to think for a moment, then brightened. "What about Aegarax? My sister said he is the god of all creatures and created the first dragon."

The Cannibal, well now Aegarax, purred at the new name. Aemma ran back to Deirys and hugged her waist.

"Thank you." She hugged Aemma back and kissed her head like she had seen her mother do many times. "Now we can both return before our mother kills us both."

"Aemma, had you thought how you will return to Kings Lanadings?" Aemma frowned. "You do know I cannot allow you to ride Aegarax? He does not have a saddle. Also, mother and father might confine me to my chambers for life, so I would prefer if it did not include torture for letting you ride a wild dragon."

"But I have to ride him." Now she was getting a headache. "He is mine, I just claimed him."

"I'm aware, I was here." She grabbed Aemma's hand and dragged her towards Vermithor. "It does not mean you are allowed to ride him yet. Once we go back to Kings Landings you can talk to father. If he says is ok then you can ride Aegarax as much as you like."

Aemma allowed herself to be helped onto the large dragon with a sullen look on her face. You would think her little sister would be happy she decided to face her parent's wrath to help her claim a dragon, but did she get a thank you? No, she got an upset little girl who, Deirys was pretty sure, was thinking about feeding her to her new dragon. Deirys climbed after her sister and secured the chain around them.

"Sōvegon, Vermithor." Deirys gave the command once she was sure neither of them would fall to their deaths. Vermithor launched into the air with a roar, making Aemma giggle. Deirys saw Aegarax take flight after them. Aemma was giggling. She had always loved to fly. "Evasive maneuvers."

Vermithor dove all of a sudden, flying from left to right in quick succession. He was close to hitting the water, when at the last minute he leveled, and then flew straight up. Vermithor rolled as he broke through the clouds then extended his wings and soared calmly above the clouds.

"Again, do it again." Aemma was laughing uncontrollably and clapping her hands. "How did he know to do that?"

"I have thought him some tricks over the years." Deirys smiled at her sister's happiness. She loved flying and she loved flying with her siblings. Her brothers Rhaegon and Baelon had just started flying their dragons a few moons before. Their dragons were finally large enough to fly. They just could not fly long distances. Aemma's twin Aenys was still not able to ride his dragon. Vermax was not large enough to ride as of yet. He still had a few years to go. That was why Deirys took him flying whenever she was able. "Uncle Aemond also showed me some tricks. Since Vhagar is the oldest dragon in the world and has seen battle."

"When is Uncle Aemond coming back? He has been away a long while."

"He should be returning soon. He is fighting a war, but he will be back soon." The triarchy had decided to attack the ships coming through the Stepstones once more. It had become an issue. At first, her father had also been fighting, but as her mother got closer to the birthing bed he had decided to return. He had come back a moon ago. Her uncle was still gone and she did not know when he would be coming back. "He sent me a letter a few days ago. He said the war is almost over and that he will be back soon."

They arrived at Kings Landings and Deirys made sure to land Vermithor next to the largest cave on Blackwater Bay. They would be able to enter the castle using the secret tunnels. Deirys dismounted the dragon and then helped Aemma. She ran a hand over Vermithor's neck.

"Where have you two been?" Deirys looked behind her to see Anari standing at the mouth of the cave. She looked angry. "When you said to cover for you I did not think you would be gone most of the day. Your mother has started her labors."

"What? Is she well?" Deirys grabbed Aemma's hand and pulled her toward Anari. "I thought she still had a few more days."

"Apparently not. She entered the birthing bed early this morning. Last I heard was about two hours ago, the healers said she was close." Anari followed them through the tunnels to the secret door to Deirys's chambers. Deirys opened the door quietly and looked to make sure there was no one in. All of them entered and Deirys closed the door behind her. Anari gave her a worried look. "I will check on your mother and see if there is any news."

"You do not have to worry Anari." All three girls jumped and turned to see Demon sitting by the balcony. He did not look happy. "I believe I can inform my daughters of what has happened while they were gone. You may leave us."

"Yes, your grace." Anari bowed, before looking at her. "Princess, I will bring your supper later."

Anari walked out, closing the door behind her. Deirys played with the rings on her right hand. It was a nervous gesture she had picked up from her mother. Her father stood up, walking closer to her.

"Imagine my surprise when I came into your chambers earlier this morning to find you gone. I asked your maid and she tells me you had gone dragon riding and that you had taken Aemma with you. That's all well, but then hours passed by and there was no news of you. No reports of any dragons flying over the city." Daemon walked closer to her and Deirys swallowed. Her father had always been gentle and loving towards his children, but he also did not hesitate to punish them when they did something wrong. "So tell me Deirys. Where have you been all day?"

"We went to Dragonstone." Her voice was low and apologetic. "I did not think it would take this long or that mother would go into labor. I am sorry."

"Yes, papa. I finally claimed a dragon." Aemma ran up to him and hugged his legs. "I was able to claim Cannibal with Deirys help. But she would not let me ride him. She said he did not have a saddle and I was not allowed until you said so. I renamed him Aegarax ."

"That is amazing, little hatchling. Why don't you go visit your mother? You have a new little sister." Aemma nodded excitedly and ran out of the chamber. Daemon crossed his arms over his chest, looking at his daughter. She twisted harder on her rings. "Now tell me, what in the hells were you thinking Deirys? You could have been hurt or killed. Aemma could have been hurt or killed. Do you have any idea how irresponsible what you did was?"

"I am sorry, papa." Her eyes filled with tears. She hated when her father was upset with her. "I would have never let her get hurt, you have to believe me. I made sure to stay with her the entire time."

"You will be punished for this. From now on you will not ride your dragon without permission from your mother or me. You will not leave this castle without our express authorization." Deirys nodded her head but did not say anything. "Now, go visit your mother and meet your new sister."

Deirys walked out of her chambers and went to her mother's. She knocked on the door and waited until she was bid to enter. Her mother was laying on the bed, she had been washed and the chamber had been cleaned. Deirys could smell the lavender oil that have been used in her mother's bath. She had a small bundle in her arms.

"There you are, little hatchling." Rhaenyra extended one hand toward her and smiled. "Come closer, I want you to meet someone."

Deirys approached the bed carefully, she did not want to wake the babe. Her mother handed her the little girl and Deirys smiled. Her new little sister was beautiful. She had silver-blonde hair and lilac eyes. Her mouth was pursued like she was nursing. She was so tiny. Even smaller than all her other siblings, even the twins.

"She is beautiful." Deirys smiled at her mother and then kissed the babe's forehead. She even smelled sweet. "I'm sorry I was not here."

"All is well, you are here now. Her name is Alyssa." Deirys ran a finger over Alyssa's face, her skin was so soft. Her mother sat back on the bed, rearranging the furs on her lap. "Aemma told me about Aegarax, formerly known as the cannibal."

"I know, I should have not taken her." Deirys let out a sigh. "You do not have to yell or punish me. Papa already took care of that."

"I do not believe he yelled at you." Her mother smiled and shook her head. "When has he ever yelled at you? Or at any of you sisters?"

"He does not need to yell. His silence is worse." She lowered her head, hiding her tears. "His disappointment is worse, it feels like a blade to the belly."

"Oh love, he is not disappointed." Her mother raised Deirys's head with a finger under her chin. "What you saw was fear. He was terrified that something had happened to you. Do you remember your sixth name day? When you begged us to allow you to go on the hunt with your uncle?"

"Of course."

"When he arrived to see your uncle fighting and found you had been taken, he was afraid. Then he heard your voice and saw a chance to get you back. When he got there and saw you being engulfed in dragon fire, his soul died for a moment. For a few minutes, you were dead, at least in his mind. Since then he has lived in fear of losing you."

"Why does he think he is going to lose me?" Rhaenyra took Alyssa from her arms and placed her on the other side of the bed. She gestured for Deirys to sit beside her then cradled Deirys's face in her hands. "You are so much like your father. You may look similar to me and have my small stature, but your spirit, that's all your father. He sees that, he sees the same restlessness he had within you, and that makes him afraid. Every time he looks at you, he feels like you are slipping through his hands and he is doing everything he can to hold on to you."

Her mother kissed her forehead and let her face go. Deirys felt like her heart was a piece of stone in her chest. She did not like this feeling, she had never fought with her father before. She did not like how it felt, she did not understand how her mother had fought with her grandsire so much if it felt like this. Deirys kissed her mother's cheek and left her chambers. She started walking to her chambers and then stopped, heading in the opposite direction. She knocked on the door and opened it before being given leave.

"Can we speak?"

"Of course." Her father was sitting near the fireplace. These were his chambers but he never used them. The only thing he did in this chamber was work. She knew because she has sat on the floor for hours, playing with her dolls while he worked. She missed those times. "Come closer."

"I'm sorry Father. I did not mean to scare you. I just did not want to see my sister suffer." she wiped her tears away. She hated crying, especially in front of her father. "I know I should have asked you. You would have supported me as you have always done."

"I would have. I understand better than anyone what is like to wish for a dragon. I just did not want you to put yourself or Aemma in danger."

"I'm sorry, papa." She wiped her tears again. "Please do not be disappointed in me. Do not be angry."

"Oh, little hatchling. I am not. I could never be disappointed in you." He stood up and wrapped his arms around her. She wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face in his lower chest. Sobs wracked her body. She hated that she had made him feel inadequate like he had failed. He had always been her greatest protector. "I was afraid something had happened to you girls."

"I know, I'm sorry. I will be more careful next time." She tightened her arms around her. "I promise I will do as you ask, I will not go dragon riding or leave the castle without asking you first. But please do not be upset with me. I do not like it when we fight."

"My little love, I am not upset." Her father kissed the top of her head several times. "I also will not stop you from going dragon riding. I was just scared when I said that. Do not cry, everything will be all right. I'm sorry, you have always seemed so wise, knowing things you should not have known, talking to the Gods, that sometimes I forget you are just a child."

Deirys loved her uncle Aemond, they had a special connection she could not explain. She had always felt like they were twin flames. But her father was her hero. He had been the one to dry her tears when she fell and instead of helping her stand back up, he would make her believe she was strong enough to stand up by herself. He had made it very clear that being a woman was no impediment for her to do whatever she wished. He had told her since she was a small child that no one could stand in her way. Deirys appreciated her father, especially after seeing the way other Lords treated their daughters; like they were nothing but something to be battered with to create alliances. Her mother and father had made it clear that she would never have to marry anyone she did not wish to. She would be free to pick her husband one day.


                                         Rhaegon Targaryen (11 years old.)

                                           Baelon Targaryen (11 years old.)

                                          Visenya Targaryen (8 years old.)

Viserys smiled while looking at his family. He was happy that they were all together. He would be the first to admit to being upset when Rhaenyra told him that she would only marry Daemon and no one else. He had threatened to remove her from the line of succession, but he had been wrong. For all the things people say about his brother, Visery could see how much Daemon and Rhaenyra loved each other. They had been married for fifteen years and still acted like newlyweds. Viserys had heard the gossip about both of them being found in the hallways kissing and groping each other. They had seven beautiful children together. His grandchildren were the joy of his life. He was especially in awe of his eldest granddaughter. Deirys was blessed by the gods, unburnt. He still remembered the day she had been taken while on a hunt and her dragon set the robbers aflame while she has in the middle of it. Deirys had been engulfed by dragon fire and come out without a scratch. That was the day he learned that the gods spoke to his granddaughter. She had been sent by the Gods of Old Valyria. Deirys possessed knowledge of things that she had never seen or heard about. Viserys was aware that he had not been the best king, but since he started listening to his daughter things had changed for the better. His daughter would make an excellent queen, and so would his granddaughter.

"I like my new doll." Aemma was sitting on Aemond's lap, looking at the gifts her uncle had brought her. It made Viserys happy that Aemond and Helaena had a good relationship with their Rhaenyra children. Viserys was aware Aemond's change of heart had been thanks to Deirys. Since the moment they met when Deirys was one, they had connected in a way Viserys had never been able to understand. He had only seen that connection once before, with Daemon and Rhaenyra. Aemma smiled up at her uncle. "I have to show it to Jaehaera. She always likes playing with me."

Aemma jumped off Aemond's lap and ran out of the room, her kingsguard running after her. Aemma was a force of nature, just like her older sister. The little girl was nothing like his late wife. Out of all his grandchildren, Visenya was the one most like Aemma. Visenya was sweet, kind, and delicate. She hated violence and could always be found in the gardens reading a book. Which is why Aemond had brought her several books as a gift. Rhaegon and Baelon had gotten swords. Aemond had gotten the swords off one of the pirate ships. They were well forged and perfect for the two young princes. Aenys had gotten a wooden chest filled with the most exquisite wooden carved toy soldiers. Aemond explained that one of the triarchy ships had been transporting several amazing treasures.

Aemond had been gone for two years, fighting at the Stepstones, and Daemon had been gone for a little over a year and a half. He would return every few months to visit Rhaenyra and the children, just for a few days. Then he had finally returned a moon ago when Rhaenyra had been in the last stage of her pregnancy. Aemond had stayed behind and now the war was finally over.

"Where is Deirys?" Aemond looked at Rhaenyra, and then back towards the door. When Aemond had arrived they had decided to have supper together in Viserys's chambers. Supper had not even been served yet. But Aemond kept asking about his niece. "She has been gone for a while."

"Rhaenyra has told you five times already that Deirys was doing some charity work for the common folk." Daemon rolled his eyes. "Just because you keep asking the answer will not change."

Viserys chuckled, he had always found it ironic how much Daemon hated the connection between Deirys and Aemond. The two men had been competing for the girl's attention since she was one. Daemon resented the fact that Deirys had walked for the first time towards Aemond, that she had said dragon for the first time for her uncle. He resented that they seem to be in their own little world when they were in the same room together. Aemond rolled his eyes, standing up and walking to the table pouring himself some arbor gold. Aemond did not drink much, but every once in a while, he liked a cup or two. Viserys knew that Aemond's refusal to drink more than two cups was due to Aegon's issues with spirits.

"Kepus." Deirys walked into the chambers followed by her maid, who seem to go everywhere with her. Her face lit up when she saw her uncle. "I cannot believe you are here."

"Little treas...." Viserys could tell the moment his son saw Deirys for the first time in two years without looking at him. Aemond stopped mid-sentence and the smile froze on his face. Viserys saw him run his gaze over Deirys's body before his eyes snapped back to her face. His granddaughter was a beautiful child, just on the cusp of womanhood. Even though it had been only two years she had changed much. Her silver-blonde hair was longer, framing her face in curls. Her eyes were still the same deep purple color, but her figure had started to change. People could tell she was becoming a woman and that she would be a beautiful one. Daemon and Rhaenyra got betrothal propositions from almost every Lord in the seven kingdoms and some from the free cities. Deirys did not seem to realize her uncle's predicament as she ran towards him, the hood on her pink cloak falling off her head as she slammed, into his body and wrapped her arms around his waist. "I..uhm."

"I'm so happy you are back. You have to tell me everything that happened. Did Vhagar enjoy fighting once more?" Deirys seem to realize her uncle was not responding because she leaned back a bit and tilted her face up to look at him. "Are you well? Do not tell me you got an illness from the pirates."

"Uhm, no." Aemond swallowed and finally smiled at his niece, running a hand over her face in a gentle manner. "You look beautiful, little treasure. You have changed so much, I almost did not recognize you."

"The only thing that has not changed is my height." Deirys gave a dramatic sigh. "I'm cursed to be this small forever."

"There is nothing wrong with being small." Rhaenyra had a look of mock outrage on her face as she glared at her daughter. "I'm small as well and I believe I have done pretty well for myself."

"Yes, but papa is very tall." Deirys glared at her brothers, who stuck their tongues out at her. Even though they were two years younger they were several inches taller than she was. "And so are my brothers and Uncle Aemond. I believe people would take me seriously if I was taller."

"You are perfect just as you are." Aemond kissed the top of her head and chuckled. "But if anyone gives you any trouble, just let me know. I will handle it."

Deirys nodded eagerly and hugged Aemond once more. Viserys hid his smile behind his cup at Daemon's sullen look. Even Rhaenyra was smiling. Aemond let go of his niece and walked towards the table where all the presents he brought had been placed. Alicent was sitting close by, she looked like she would rather be anywhere else, but Viserys ignored her. His wife became angrier as the years passed. Aemond took something from inside a box and held it behind his back before anyone could see what it was. He turned to Deirys, smirking.

"I brought you something." Viserys noticed Daemon sit up straight and glared at them. Aemond walked closer to Deirys and showed her whatever it was he was holding. Deirys body was blocking the view. "Do you know what it is?"

"Is Valyrian steel, like dark sister," Daemon growled and Rhaenyra choked on her wine. Viserys could tell she was laughing and trying to keep quiet. His granddaughter ran her hand over her gift, turning it over. "I love it. The sapphires are the same color as the one you have in your eye."

"I'm glad you like it little treasure."

Aemond kissed Deirys's cheek and Viserys thought Daemon would lose it. His face was so red, it almost turned purple. Rhaenyra's shoulders were still shaking with laughter and Viserys was a little confused. He did not know why Daemon reacted that way, is not like it was the first time Aemond gave Deirys a gift. Deirys turned to them and showed a beautiful blue and silver dagger. There were sapphires encrusted in the handle and what appeared to be sapphire dust partially covering the blade. Viserys could tell the blade was made of Valyrian steel. It was a beautiful blade and probably cost a fortune. Viserys smiled as Daemon's glare grew harder and Rhaenyra's laugh grew louder. Payback had never felt sweeter.

                                                    Deirys Targaryen (13 years old.)

                                                  (Aemond's gift to Deirys)


Deirys was happy to have her uncle back. She had missed him while he was gone. Her grandsire had organized a great feast in honor of her uncle winning the war in the Stepstones. This feast would not be as grand as others since only the closest Lords to Kings Landing would be able to attend. Her uncle had only been back for two days. All the Lords couldn't travel so far in so little time. Deirys convinced her mother to invite Lady Jayne Arryn. Her mother was happy to invite her but said that the Vale was too far to make the trip in time. This is why Deirys had flown to the Vale and returned with her cousin on dragon back. Lady Jayne had a few soldiers follow her to Kings Landing. She would return with them to the Vale three days after the feast.

Deirys smiled as she watched Aemma, sitting underneath a tree in the gardens. She seemed engrossed in the book she was currently reading. Jaehaera was sitting next to her, she had a book on her lap but seemed to have more interest in the flower crown she was making. Aemma was running through the gardens, close behind she could see Aenys, Jaehaerys, Rhaegon, and Baelon running after her. Any other day her brothers and cousin would be training, but due to the feast, they had all been given the day to do what they wanted. Her father was spending time with her mother and their new baby sister. Deirys made her way to the Godswood, Anari should be waiting for her there. They had agreed Anari would be going to the feast with her, but the other girl was feeling apprehensive. Anari felt nervous about attending a feast with so many Lords.

"Do you have any idea what this could mean for me?" Deirys stopped at the entrance to the Godswood and frowned. Lord Corlys sounded upset. Deirys sneaked a look around the garden wall and saw him close to the table usually used for refreshments. He was glaring at Anari, one of his hands wrapped around Anari's thin arm in a tight grip. "How in the seven hells did you get into the Red Keep?"

"I work here." Anari tried to remove her arm from his grip, but Lord Corlys was not letting go. Deirys walked closer to them, making sure her steps were silent. "It has nothing to do with you."

"Have you told anyone about me?" Lord Corlys shook the girl and Deirys eyes narrowed. Her mother and father had been able to salvage some of the alliance with the Velaryons. They were still trying to make amends, but Deirys did not understand why, it was not like her mother had been betrothed to Leanor and ran away with her father. There had never been anything official. "I swear to all the gods..."

"Is something the matter, my Lord?" Anari looked at her and Deirys saw the way Lord Corlys tensed at the sound of her voice. He let go of Anari's arm and turned to her. "Is there anything I can assist you with?"

"Princess." Lord Corlys bowed then cleared his throat. "No, princess. I was just speaking to the maid. She refused one of my orders."

"Well, seeing how she is my maid I do not see a reason for her to follow your orders." Deirys tilted her head to the side. "But I can call another maid if there is anything you need."

"No, princess. All is well." He bowed once more, then started to walk away. "I will take my leave now."

"Lord Corlys?" She waited until he looked at her, then gave him a sweet smile. "The next time you put your hands on anyone under my care will be the last time you have hands."

Lord Corlys's eyes widened and Deirys just raised an eyebrow, waiting to see what he would do. Lord Corlys was not used to people defying him, much less a child. Deirys did not care, he would not bully her people into submission to hide his infidelities. He was the one to make the mistake, there was no reason for innocent people to pay in his stead. Lord Corlys left the Godswood in a hurry, having to step around Ser Erryk. Deirys walked closer to Anari, who had tears in her eyes but would not let them fall.

"Are you well? Do you need me to call a healer or a maester?" She took Anari's arm and turned it, making sure she was not injured. "I apologize, I completely forgot that he would be attending the feast."

"It is fine. He just took me by surprise." Anari took a step back and cleared her throat. "I know you might have questions about what you saw."

"Not really. Lord Corlys will just have to learn how to live with your presence in the castle. After all, he should have provided for you once your mother passed. That was his duty as your father." Deirys smiled at Anari's shocked look. "It was not a hard thing to guess. You come from Spicetown, you also look similar to your siblings, except for the hair."

"I should have known you would realize the truth." Anari linked their arms together guiding her towards the heart tree. "After all, you are blessed by the gods."

"And don't you forget it."

Both girls burst out laughing. Deirys was nervous about the feast. She had this horrible feeling that something bad was going to happen. 

                                             Anari Waters (13 years old.)

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