(Sidon x Reader) The Out Of B...

By SpiritOfSidon

8.5K 350 83

Being a resident of Lurelin Village, you happened to be quite unlucky in a lot of regards. It was as if there... More

1: The Start Of A Legend
2: The Start Of A New Life
3: Sidon, Prince Of The Zora
4: The Beginning of Strange Correlations
6: An Adventure With The Prince
7: Rumors And Memories
8: The Secrets Of The Spirit
9: A Break In The Domain
10: The Talk Of Town
11: The Budding Of Something
12: Morfran, Prince Of The Abyss
13: A Promise With A Smile
14: Out On The Road Again
15: Another Piece To The Puzzle
16: The Purity Of Spirit
17: Head Over Heels
18: An Unexpected Engagement
Author's Notes: Additional Content
19: The Korok's Game
20: The Straw That Snapped
21: A Personal Problem
22: The Princess Of Hyrule, Zelda
23: The Champion Festival
24: Sowing The Seeds Of Fate
25: The Catalyst
26: The Multitude Of Mysteries
27: The Unknown Future
28: Past Stories

5: An Audience With The King

328 14 0
By SpiritOfSidon

Ever since that night where her first swimming lessons began, (Y/n) would spend her nights with Sidon, feeling both comfortable in his presence and at the same time embarrassed that she didn't appear to be making any major progress in the swimming front. She would still drift slowly away, and hit the bottom of the lake. Maybe all she would ever be was a rock, maybe a rockfish if she was lucky.

(Y/n) would subtly discuss her woes with Kodah, who she made quick friends with, since she decided she would be staying at the inn permanently.

"I do not know, Kodah... It seems no matter what I do, I do not appear to be getting better, no matter how much I practice. It's times like these that really get me down... Even more so than if a monster was attacking me." (Y/n) sighed, as Kodah looked sympathetically at her.

"Oh, dear... Mastering such a difficult technique has to take some time. Not even the best of blacksmiths can make the greatest of weapons until they are at least all wrinkly. Dento couldn't make the Lightscale Trident until recently, so do not let this get you down. You are still a very talented jeweler, and a welcome addition to Zora's Domain. I have heard all the girls just raving about your pieces." Kodah smiled at (Y/n), trying to cheer her up.

Kodah thought (Y/n) was lamenting about not being able to manage a certain difficult technique for a kind of jewelry she wanted to make, when (Y/n) really was talking about her inability to swim. Upon Sidon's assistance, however, (Y/n) decided to keep this inability a secret. It seemed it would raise a lot of unwanted attention on her, and the only attention she wanted was with her store.

(Y/n) perked up. "Really?" She grinned, as Kodah nodded in confirmation. "Yes. Finley has been dressing in only your accessories recently. Apparently, she has been getting a lot of compliments from her boyfriend about her new look, especially that one belt with the little sapphires on it." Kodah giggled, which made (Y/n) beam with pride. That was what she wanted to achieve with her wares, that her customers feel beautiful with them. The making of such accessories was a tradition passed down throughout the ages, and (Y/n) was more than happy to keep her family's tradition up.

"I can only imagine what the gentleman you have your eye on would think when you craft something for him." Kodah teased, which immediately made (Y/n) tense up.

For some reason, her mind immediately went to Sidon, which made her instinctively shake her head. What was her brain thinking, immediately thinking of him? He was only her swimming instructor! Nothing more, and nothing less!

"Well, it is still a bit... early for that, don't you think? I am still getting settled in." (Y/n) sheepishly murmured, causing Kodah to giggle. "That is quite alright, dear. There is no rush, you just focus on that shop of yours, and everything will soon fall into place." She smiled, before giving her a playful wink. "Which also means you understanding what those strange dreams of yours means."

(Y/n) sighed upon recalling them. Yes, those dreams that felt far stranger than the dreams she was used to. They felt more like she was getting a glimpse into the past, a distant past that somehow always gave her a sense of deja vu.

When she returned back to the inn after her first swimming lesson with Sidon, she had another strange dream when she fell asleep...

This one... About a strange being. One she has never seen before.

What (Y/n) had seen was a strange, slender bodied being, with the biggest ears she has ever seen, standing on a wooden pole of sorts, reaching for some game he presumably hunted. It was laying atop another wooden stake at an awkward angle, and when his hand missed to grab it, he lost his footing on the pole he was standing on, and yelped as he fell into the bog below, now drenched in muck, which came at a contrast to his flowing, mainly white hair.

(Y/n) couldn't help but snicker at the comical sight, before hearing double as she then turned, seeing the strange woman from the previous dream also giggling as she saw the same sight that she did.

"Oh, my... Perhaps you should have gone for a less... trickier game." The woman giggled softly, all the while throwing a rope for him to grab onto, as she helped tug him out of the bog, while the male being's large ears lowered in embarrassment, his bright blue eyes averted as he got out of the bog. "Y-Yes, well... I heard this bird had the most tender meat in all the land."

"Perhaps a wash is in order before we proceed to talk." The woman gave him a smile, as the camelid being nodded his head slowly. "Why, uh, yes... Though if I could... Could I have your name? I am Rauru." He stood up straighter, despite being still drenched in muck, which made the woman laugh.

"You may. I am Sonia. I have a feeling that you and I will have a lot to talk about, if you have the time." She smiled at him.

"Of course. I am grateful for your help."

Getting lost in her memories, (Y/n) had missed the sight of a certain captain of the guard entering the inn, his golden eyes staring right at her, as he bowed his head.

"I really hope I am not intruding, but his majesty wishes to meet you, (Y/n). He has gotten word of your little shop in the Domain, and wishes to meet the one responsible for giving us a new fashion trend." Captain Bazz gave her an enthused smile, which perked (Y/n) right up. She... was asked to see the king?! Did she look okay? No bags under her eyes? This would be the very first time she would be meeting a king, and it was quite exciting and frightful. What if she did something to accidentally offend him? Would she get executed on the spot?

"Now, now, calm down. Just speak to his majesty as you would to any other person in the Domain. I will be right behind you." Captain Bazz encouraged, going to gesture her to follow him, as Kodah gave a thumbs up to her. "You will do fine, (Y/n). Just be yourself!" She told her, which made (Y/n) have to fight back an instinctive snicker.

Be herself... Personality wise, she can do that. Physically, however... She was kind of not in her own body at the moment. (Y/n) had her fingers crossed that they would only be discussing her new business in the Domain, and no swimming would have to be involved.

She also somehow hoped that Sidon wasn't there, despite being the prince, and it making sense that he would be there. He was quite the... noticeable Zora. (Y/n) would find it quite difficult not to cast a glance at him ever so often. He was just so... noticeable. Yes, that was it...

After following Bazz up some flight of stairs, (Y/n) found her mouth dropping upon seeing a whale of a Zora sitting upon the throne. He was huge, and suddenly, (Y/n) felt even more nervous being in his presence, as Captain Bazz went to give a proper bow to the king.

"Your majesty, this is our latest Zora resident, (Y/n), the one responsible for starting a new fashion trend in the Domain." Captain Bazz explained, before stepping back, as (Y/n) sheepishly looked up at the King, who gave her a friendly smile.

"Welcome to our Domain, young one, I am King Dorephan, the king of Zora's Domain. I hear you plan to be a permanent resident here. I hope you are enjoying your stay at the Domain, and that your business flourishes here." The mighty king told her, as (Y/n) gave a bit of a shaky curtsy.

"O-Of course, your majesty... I plan to do my very best for the Domain. Everyone has made me feel right at home here, and I am more than happy to have my shop operate here." She gave a shy smile, trying her very best to maintain eye contact, so she did not appear rude before the king. After all, this was his kingdom, and (Y/n) really, in her current body, had nowhere else to go if she managed somehow to screw this up and have herself kicked out of the Domain.

The king gave a hefty chuckle upon hearing her soft words. The poor little one looked so nervous before him. "I am glad to hear that the Domain has been treating you well. I can see we have gained another helpful addition to the economy of the Domain. We seldom get many visitors, but I am sure with the addition of your business, we may have yet to expand our inn." He gave a hopeful grin, as (Y/n) gave a quick nod. "Y-Yes, that is also something I'd like to see, your majesty."

King Dorephan then seemed to pause, having recalled something, as he then had a thoughtful look in his eye. "Besides your very welcomed business in our Domain, I am afraid I must ask you a question of great importance. It is imperative that you answer honestly, for we rarely get Zora from elsewhere that come to settle here." The King told her, which made (Y/n) nervously gulp.

An important question? Did he... Did he somehow find out about her secret? Did Sidon somehow finally get what she actually meant all those nights ago, and went to confide in his father?... No, no, she was just being paranoid. She didn't see the prince doing something like that without telling her... He did tell (Y/n) that her inability was a secret only the two of them would know about, and he seemed far too honest to do something like that.

"How are the waters... Outside the Domain? We have been getting some unsettling reports of... Strange waters from our guards, and we are curious if this is the usual outside of our Domain, a symptom perhaps of the Calamity finally coming to an end." The king curiously inquired.

(Y/n)'s face contorted into that of confusion. "Strange waters?... I am afraid to say I do not believe that is normal of the waters outside the Domain, your majesty."

King Dorephan frowned. "...As I have suspected. I am afraid I must ask you a big favor, (Y/n), since you are a Zora from outside the Domain. Assisted by my son, Prince Sidon, I must ask you two to go investigate these strange waters, since I am afraid this could be a bad omen to the well-being of the Domain... Not to mention the reports of sickly Zora being discussed among the younger Zora. With your knowledge of the land outside the Domain, you are the one best suited to help my son in this important task." He informed her, which made (Y/n) softly gasp.

She was being asked to be sent on a quest to actually find those creepy Zora she had heard so much about from the little minnows? She wanted to badly deny this, to say she was not suited for some sort of monster hunt, and that they would probably eat her alive, with the poor Prince having to help her out of there, all the while she was paralyzed with fear.

"I promise you will be well compensated for taking up this task. I wish I could ask one of my guards to go embark on this journey, but all they know is this Domain. My son will protect you from any potential threats, all you would have to do is be his guide." The King told her, as (Y/n) gulped nervously once again. This sounded very dangerous!

But, she would be with the prince... Which meant more practicing, and more time to get to know each other... And she needed to reel her mind right back in.

"Why, I... I can not deny I am... a bit nervous to have such a big responsibility handed to me... But if it helps the Domain, then I shall accept." (Y/n) forced herself to say, faking a brave front.

King Dorephan grinned brightly. "Thank you very much, brave (Y/n). Whenever you are ready to head out, just come back here so you and Sidon can head out immediately." He informed her, before she was dismissed, and being led out of there by Captain Bazz, who looked just as surprised as she was at the new task she was given.

"Well... If it helps, our Prince is the strongest Zora there is. No way some strange monster can take him down, he helped quell our rampaging Divine Beast!" Bazz tried to reassure (Y/n), who was grateful for his efforts.

She just hoped that these rumors had no basis to them, that they were just some easily explainable, harmless phenomenon. She could do decently on her own to defend herself, if need be, but she was no warrior!

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