Aurum ✧ Peter Parker

By IncognitoInkwell

6.4K 171 3

Ava Stark, the rebellious and sarcastic daughter of the renowned Tony Stark, finds herself at a boarding scho... More

✧ ˚ · cast .
✧ ˚ 1· one .
✧ ˚ 2· two .
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✧ ˚ 4· four .
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✧ ˚6· six .
✧ ˚ 7· seven .
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✧ ˚11· eleven .
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✧ ˚14 · fourteen .
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✧ ˚ 16 · sixteen .
✧ ˚17 · seventeen .
✧ ˚ 18 · eighteen .
✧ ˚ 19 · nineteen .
✧˚ 20· twenty .
✧ ˚ 21 · twenty-one .
✧ ˚ 22 · twenty-two .
✧ ˚ 23 · twenty-three .
✧ ˚ 24 · twenty-four .
✧ ˚ 25 · twenty-five .
✧ ˚ 26 · twenty-six .
✧ ˚ 28 · twenty-eight .
✧ ˚ 29 · twenty-nine .
✧ ˚ 30 · thirty .
✧ ˚ 31 · thirty-one .
✧ ˚ 32 · thirty-two .
✧ ˚ 33 · thirty-three .
✧ ˚ 34 · thirty-four .
✧ ˚ 35 · thirty-five .
✧ ˚ 36 · thirty-six .
✧ ˚ 37 · thirty-seven .
✧ ˚ 38 · thirty-eight .
✧ ˚ 39 · thirty-nine .
✧ ˚ 40 · forty .

✧ ˚ 27 · twenty-seven .

86 3 0
By IncognitoInkwell

┌─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐

One year had passed since Ava Stark first stepped into Midtown High School, and life had taken some unexpected turns. They had moved out from the Avengers tower into a more secluded facility upstate. The transition to the new facility had its challenges for Ava. While she had become accustomed to her double life as a student by day and a superhero by night, the move to the secluded facility brought a new level of complexity to her routine. The distant location made it more difficult to slip away unnoticed as Aurum without raising suspicions with her father.

Speaking of her father, he had become more reserved after a rough breakup with her step-mom, Pepper. In the days that followed the breakup, Tony immersed himself even more deeply in his work, throwing himself into one project after another. The familiar hum of his workshop became a constant backdrop to their lives, a refuge where he sought solace and distraction from his emotional turmoil. Ava watched from the periphery, wishing she could offer him the comfort he needed.

Their interactions had changed too. While Tony remained a loving and protective father, there was an underlying tension in their conversations, an unspoken sadness that lingered between them. Ava longed for the heart-to-heart talks they used to have, the times when they would laugh over shared jokes or discuss the wonders of technology and science.

Ava was truly flourishing at Midtown High. Her time there had become a period of remarkable growth and achievement. Not only did she excel academically, consistently earning top marks in all her classes, but she also showcased her extraordinary athleticism by consistently securing victory in every gymnastic competition she entered. Her dedication to excellence and her relentless work ethic made her a standout student.

The robotics project, a collaborative effort between Ava, Ned, and Peter, had been nothing short of a resounding success. The trio's combined expertise and creative synergy had resulted in a project that impressed both their peers and their teachers. 

Yet, Ava's achievements extended beyond the classroom and the gymnasium. Through her genuine interactions and her approachable nature, she had managed to captivate the attention of her fellow students. Her willingness to lend a helping hand and her knack for making others feel valued had endeared her to many, ultimately leading her to become one of the most popular girls in the school beside one of her closest friends, Liz.

However, amidst the achievements and popularity, Ava's feelings for Peter Parker persisted. Each stolen glance, every stolen moment, fuelled her affection for him. Yet, the complexities of her life made it challenging to express her emotions openly, and the fear of jeopardizing their friendship held her back.

Ava walked briskly through the bustling halls of Midtown High School, her backpack slung over one shoulder. The school was alive with the energy of students rushing to classes, laughter echoing against the lockers, and the sound of footsteps that created a rhythm of its own. Ava's presence drew friendly waves and nods from her classmates, evidence of the friendships she had cultivated over the past year.

She approached her locker, the metal door covered in stickers and notes that reflected her personality. As she turned the dial to unlock it, she noticed a group of familiar faces gathered nearby. Liz, Michelle, and a couple of other friends were engrossed in a conversation. Ava smiled and greeted them as she swung her locker door open.

"Hey, Liz. What's up, Michelle? New book?" she said, her tone friendly and warm.

Michelle looked up from her book, her expression a mix of curiosity and amusement. "Hey, Ava. Yep, just got my hands on this one. It's supposed to be a real page-turner," Michelle replied, her voice carrying a hint of excitement.

Liz, who was leaning against the locker beside Michelle, chimed in with a grin. "You know Michelle and her never-ending collection of intriguing novels."

Michelle couldn't help but roll her eyes playfully. "Well, you both seem remarkably fine for two people who seemed to have drank a bit too much last night."

Ava chuckled, appreciating her enhanced healing that spared her the torment of a hangover. "I wouldn't say we were that far gone."

Michelle leaned closer, her gaze shifting between the two. "Ava, my friend, I distinctly remember you serenading 'Dancing Queen' while performing acrobatics on the sofa."

Liz chimed in with a grin before Ava could reply, her voice dripping with good-natured teasing. "You know, Michelle, that sounds like something we'd do even if we were completely sober."

Ava burst into laughter at Liz's comment, nodding in agreement.

"True, true," Michelle conceded, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "So, Ava, what's your secret for avoiding the morning-after struggle?"

Ava chuckled, enjoying the playful conversation. "Oh, you know, just a combination of good genes and luck."

Liz raised an eyebrow, a knowing grin on her face. "Come on, Ava, spill the beans. You can't fool us."

Ava pretended to look thoughtful, her lips curling into a playful smile. "Well, let's just say I have a magical remedy that involves lots of water and an early night's sleep."

Michelle burst into laughter, shaking her head in amusement. "Ava Stark, the keeper of mystical hangover cures. Who would've thought?"

Having neatly organized her books, Ava snapped her locker shut and fell into step with the group as they strolled down the bustling hallway.

Liz, the inquisitive one, couldn't resist probing further. "So, Ava, how did Daddy react to your late-night return, especially in such a state?"

Ava couldn't help but roll her eyes, a subtle grin touching her lips. "You know, Liz, Daddy has his own troubles to contend with since the separation from my step-mom. Conversations between us have been somewhat few and far between."

Ava's friends exchanged understanding glances, acknowledging the complexities of Ava's life that often remained hidden from the casual observer.

Michelle's expression softened, and she placed a comforting hand on Ava's shoulder. "Well, if you ever need someone to talk to or just hang out with, you know we're here for you, right?"

Ava couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and gratitude as Michelle's comforting hand rested on her shoulder. Her friends' genuine care meant more to her than words could express. She nodded, her smile reflecting the depth of her appreciation. "I know, and I'm really lucky to have friends like you both."

As Liz's playful remark triggered another round of laughter, Ava's heart felt a little lighter. Their banter and camaraderie were like a soothing balm, easing some of the weight she carried. The hallways echoed with their laughter as they walked, and Ava couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of connection with her friends.

When they finally reached their first lesson, Ava and Michelle exchanged their farewells with the rest of the group. Walking into the classroom, Ava couldn't help but carry the warmth of her friends' presence with her, making the day ahead seem a little brighter.

Ava sat in her usual seat, waiting for Ned and Peter to arrive, the classroom buzzed with the chatter of students settling into their desks. 

As the minutes ticked by, Ned entered the classroom with his trademark enthusiasm, and Peter followed closely behind. Their arrival brought a smile to Ava's lips, and she greeted them with a nod.

"Hey, Ava! Ready for another exciting day of education?" Ned's playful energy was infectious.

Ava chuckled, shaking her head. "Always, Ned. You really make school sound irresistible."

Peter's grin was radiant as he settled beside her. "Morning, Ava. How's it going?"

Ava's heart skipped a beat, her gaze meeting his with comfort born of familiarity. "Morning, Peter. All good."

Peter's playful grin emerged. "So, Ava, a little birdie told me you had a wild night?"

Caught off guard, Ava's cheeks flushed, embarrassment mixing with amusement. "Which birdie needs a talking to?"

Peter's laughter filled the air, genuine and warm. "Actually, it was you. A series of drunk Snapchats about how cute I am."

Ava's eyes widened, mortification giving way to laughter. She groaned, covering her face before peeking out. "Oh no, did I really?"

Peter's chuckle was endearing. "Oh, you definitely did. Highlight of my day."

Ned leaned in, eager. "Wait, Ava sent you drunk Snapchats? That's legendary!"

Ava's embarrassment transformed into playful resignation. "Well, the secret's out. Note to self: no Snapchats after a few drinks."

With a playful salute, Peter teased, "Noted. So, what other gems did those Snapchats hold?"

Playfully swatting at him, Ava grinned. "You'll never know."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚

The school day passed in its usual whirlwind of classes, assignments, and interactions with friends. As the final bell rang, signalling the end of the school day, the trio gathered their belongings and made their way out of the classroom.

"So, any exciting plans for the evening, Ava?" Peter asked with a grin, his eyes shining with curiosity.

Ava shrugged playfully. "Well, nothing too wild. Probably some gym time, catching up on reading, and maybe a movie."

Ned's mischievous grin caught the light, his eyes dancing with excitement. "Oh come on, Ava, where's the adventure in that? You should totally join us for some gaming."

Ava's laughter rippled through the air, a melodic sound that mirrored the warmth in her eyes. She shook her head playfully, her expression a mix of amusement and consideration. "While I can't deny the appeal of virtual adventures, I think I'll stick with my more low-key plans for tonight. But you guys have fun conquering those virtual worlds."

Peter, never one to miss an opportunity for humour, lifted his hand in a mock-salute, his tone playful. "Will do, ma'am. Enjoy your evening of reading and relaxation."

With a final round of smiles and farewells, Ava made her way out of the school, the late afternoon sunlight bathing the surroundings in a golden glow. She had already informed Happy that she didn't need a ride home, craving a bit of solitude before stepping back into the whirlwind of her life. The offer from Pepper to live with her had been tempting, a chance to escape the complicated dynamics of her home. But the thought of uprooting her life, leaving behind her school, her friends, and everything that had become familiar, was a decision that weighed heavily on her.

As she walked, her steps were unhurried, allowing her to soak in the tranquillity of the moment. The gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze, the distant hum of traffic, and the distant chatter of other students heading in various directions created a serene symphony around her. Ava's thoughts danced between the carefree camaraderie she shared with Peter and Ned and the more complex aspects of her life that she kept hidden beneath the surface.

Stepping into the deli, Ava felt a sense of familiarity wash over her. The soft chime of the bell above the door greeted her, a soothing melody that signalled her arrival. The smell of freshly baked bread and a hint of warm coffee enveloped her senses, instantly making her feel at home. Her footsteps carried her further into the space, her gaze sweeping over the neatly organized shelves that held an array of delectable treats and essentials.

Her attention settled on a packet of sweets that caught her eye, and she reached out to pick it up, the crinkling sound of the packaging punctuating the quiet ambience. Placing the packet on the worn counter, she glanced around, taking in the cosy deli that held so many memories.

"Miss Stark, the usual?" Mr. Delmar's warm voice broke through her reverie, accompanied by a friendly smile that lit up his face. His familiar face exuded the kind of genuine warmth that made Ava feel like more than just a customer.

Returning his smile, Ava nodded appreciatively. "Yes, please."

Mr. Delmar's hands moved deftly, assembling the sandwich with practiced efficiency. As he worked, Ava's gaze wandered over the deli's interior, each nook and cranny holding a piece of history. Her interactions with Mr. Delmar and the other staff had become an integral part of her routine, a comforting thread that connected her to a sense of stability amidst the chaos of her life.

Ava's gaze returned to Mr. Delmar as he finished preparing the sandwich, placing it into a paper bag. His eyes held a fondness that bespoke the genuine care he had for his customers, especially one as familiar as Ava.

"Thanks, Mr. Delmar. How is Isabella?" Ava inquired, her voice laced with genuine interest. She retrieved her purse from her pocket, ready to complete her purchase.

A soft smile played on Mr. Delmar's lips as he leaned on the counter. "She's doing great, top of her class thanks to your tutoring. She misses you, you know."

Ava's heart warmed at the mention of Isabella. She had spent countless hours helping the young girl with her studies, watching her grow and flourish. "Tell her I miss her too. And remind her to keep working on her algebra," Ava chuckled, a playful glint in her eyes.

As she handed Mr. Delmar the cash for her purchases, Ava's generosity mirrored the sense of community that thrived within the walls of the deli. "Keep the change," she said with a smile.

Mr. Delmar's smile grew, gratitude evident in his eyes. "Thank you, Miss Stark. We'll see you soon, I hope."

Ava nodded, a sense of belonging filling her heart. "Definitely. Take care, Mr. Delmar."

With a final nod and a warm exchange of farewells, Ava left the deli, the soft chime of the bell accompanying her departure.

With her meal in hand, Ava continued her journey home. The walk was meditative, allowing her to process the events of the day and prepare for the challenges that lay ahead. The facility's imposing gate came into view, a threshold that marked her transition from the outside world to the realm of her responsibilities.

Presenting her ID card to the security personnel, Ava entered the facility. The familiar hum of activity greeted her, the staff going about their tasks with a sense of purpose. As she made her way through the corridors, Ava exchanged nods and smiles with those she passed, each interaction a reminder of the connections she had forged.

Finally reaching her destination, Ava stood before her room's entrance. Swiping her ID card, she entered the room, the door gliding shut behind her with a soft hiss. The transition was palpable, a shift from the outside world to the sanctuary of her personal space.

In the room's comfort, Ava's thoughts drifted to the events of the day. The connections she had with her friends and the challenges she faced were all part of a tapestry that made up her life. The emotions she held for Peter were like an undercurrent, a constant presence that added depth to her experiences.

A voice, rich with a Sokovian accent, broke her reverie. "Did you get it?"

Turning her attention, Ava's gaze landed on the figure reclining on her bed – a figure who had become not only a friend but a chosen family. Wanda, greeted her with a knowing smile, a twinkle of curiosity in her eyes.

"A six with extra jalapenos," Ava chuckled, her voice laced with amusement, as she playfully swung the bag she had been carrying towards Wanda. Her eyes sparkled mischievously. "I'm pretty sure Mr. Delmar now thinks I'm crazy for ordering the spiciest sandwich on the menu every week."

Wanda's lips curved into a grin as she seamlessly employed her powers, gracefully halting the sandwich mid-air. The suspended sandwich served as a testament to the enhanced abilities that both Wanda and Ava possessed, evoking a soft chuckle from Ava. The moment held an unspoken understanding, a connection formed through shared experiences.

Guided by Wanda's powers, the sandwich descended with precision, landing gently on the bed beside her. The mingling scents of jalapenos and the carefully crafted ingredients filled the air, promising a delightful culinary experience. Their silent communion created an atmosphere of ease, where words became secondary to the profound connection they shared.

Ava's steps carried her deeper into the room, each movement reflecting a sense of familiarity and comfort. Her posture exuded a relaxed confidence, a testament to the countless hours they had spent together. Reaching the bed, she settled on its edge, finding a spot that allowed her to recline comfortably, her head nestling against the plush cushion of Wanda's legs.

With a playful groan, Ava stretched her arms overhead, her fingers tracing the edge of the bedspread. "Prepare to be entertained by the tales of my daring escapades from last night," she quipped, her voice blending amusement with an undertone of exasperation.

A knowing glint illuminated Wanda's eyes as she unwrapped her sandwich, fingers deftly peeling away layers of packaging. "Let me guess, aside from the thrilling adventures of getting drunk, you also had to go through the ordeal of blackmailing Happy to keep the secrets from Tony?" Her smile held both playfulness and understanding, the camaraderie between them evident.

Ava's response was a theatrical groan, a vivid expression of her mock annoyance. "Oh, you have no idea. I embarked on a brave journey of sending a series of snapchats to none other than Peter Parker himself," she admitted, her tone a delightful blend of embarrassment and sly mischief. "In those snaps, I may or may not have declared him 'cute'."

Wanda's reaction was a delightful combination of amusement and genuine laughter. A snort of laughter escaped her before she could contain it, and she shook her head in good-natured disbelief. "Well, well, little Stark, that's one way to cut to the chase and let someone know you're interested."

Ava turned her head, meeting Wanda's amused gaze with an unabashed smile. "Apparently, subtlety isn't my strongest suit, especially after a couple of drinks."

Their laughter wafted through the room, intertwining in a harmonious symphony that gently lifted the atmosphere.

Wanda savored a bite of her sandwich, her contemplative chewing giving way to thoughtful words. "You're fortunate that your powers spare you from the typical aftermath of a hangover."

Ava chuckled, a nod accentuating her agreement. "Absolutely. Dealing with the whole headache and nausea routine wouldn't be my idea of fun."

Amusement sparkled in Wanda's eyes. "Well, at least your powers have their practical uses."

Ava playfully rolled her eyes. "Come on now, they're good for more than just warding off hangovers."

Wanda's smile softened, the teasing undertone giving way to genuine warmth. "Of course, Ava. You're a formidable presence, whether on the battlefield or in everyday life."

Ava's expression melted, a genuine gratitude reflecting in her eyes. "And you, Wanda, are pretty extraordinary yourself."

A comfortable silence embraced them, the unspoken words weaving a tapestry of profound understanding. It was in these quiet moments that their friendship's true worth shone—the shared laughter, the honest conversations that provided solace from their extraordinary duties.

Finishing her sandwich, Wanda crumpled the wrapper, skillfully depositing it into a nearby bin. "So, apart from adventurous snapchats, how's everything else going?"

Ava sighed, her gaze turning inward. "It's been a mix, you know. School's going well, and my friends there are incredible. But with my dad and all the other stuff... it's been a bit overwhelming."

Wanda's empathy radiated as she listened, her gaze a steady anchor. "Family matters can be intricate, especially when they intersect with everything else you're juggling."

Ava's sigh carried the weight of her contemplation, resonating in her voice.

Adjusting her position on the bed, Wanda slid her legs from under Ava's head, prompting an amused "oomph" from Ava as she sat up. "How rude," she grumbled, though her lips curved with amusement.

Wanda's playful grin mirrored the twinkle in her eyes. "Lying down on duty? Not the best idea."

Playfully rolling her eyes, Ava propped herself on her elbows. "I'll keep that in mind for next time."

Wanda's enthusiasm heightened. "Speaking of duties, guess what? I finally received my first mission briefing."

Ava's eyes widened, her previous concerns momentarily forgotten. "No way! That's incredible, Wanda!"

A radiant smile illuminated Wanda's face. "I know, right? It's hard to believe."

Ava's grin mirrored Wanda's, brimming with genuine happiness. "I'm seriously thrilled for you. You're going to rock it out there."

Wanda's excitement was palpable as she continued, her words spilling out with enthusiasm. "It's this assignment in Lagos. They've tracked down a Hydra agent there. Been working on honing my powers in coordination with Steve and Nat—kind of like we've been doing."

Ava nodded, her interest piqued. "That sounds intense. But I have no doubt that you're more than up for the challenge. Steve and Nat are some of the best mentors you could have."

Wanda's smile held a touch of gratitude. "I'm lucky to have their guidance. It's been intense training, but I can feel myself getting better."

Ava leaned back on the bed, her gaze fixed on the ceiling as she listened to Wanda's words. "You've come a long way since we first met. I remember when you were still grappling with your powers, and now you're about to kick ass on an Avengers mission."."

Wanda chuckled softly, her tone tinged with nostalgia. "Yeah, it's been quite a journey. But having friends like you and the others has made all the difference. You've always been there, supporting me."

Ava turned her head to meet Wanda's gaze, a warm smile playing on her lips. "Likewise. We've all grown together, faced challenges, and celebrated victories. It's what makes this place feel like home."

Wanda's eyes softened, and she nodded in agreement. "Definitely. And speaking of home, how are things with your dad?"

Ava's smile faltered a bit, a hint of sadness flickering across her features. "It's been a bit of a mess since the separation. Dad's throwing himself into work even more. I wish I could do something to help him through it."

Wanda reached out, giving Ava's shoulder a comforting squeeze. "You're a pillar of strength for him, even if it doesn't always seem like it. He's lucky to have you, just like you're lucky to have him."

Ava sighed, gratitude evident in her voice. "Thanks, Wanda. I'm hoping things ease up for him."

"They will, with time," Wanda reassured her, her gaze steady. "And in the meantime, you're on your own journey. Any more thoughts about spilling the beans to Peter?"

Ava's cheeks tinged with a hint of embarrassment, and she glanced away briefly. "I've kinda thought about it, but it's complicated. Our friendship's a big deal to me, and I don't want to mess that up."

Wanda gave her a knowing smile. "Sometimes taking a chance is worth it, Ava. Plus, I've seen how he looks at you. There's definitely something more there."

Ava's eyes found their way back to Wanda's, uncertainty mingling with longing. "You really think so?"

Wanda nodded, a reassuring grin on her face. "Absolutely. But whatever you decide, remember I've got your back, no matter what."

Ava's gratitude shone through as she returned Wanda's smile. "And I've got your back too, Wanda. Always."

└─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

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