The New Dragon Age

By Havingfunwithfanfic

304K 8.5K 527

Daemon and Rhaenyra married. Their first child was sent by the Gods to save them all. Deirys Targaryen was bo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 7

8K 218 13
By Havingfunwithfanfic

This chapter will have a little family time. Daemon and Rhaenyra's children getting into a little mischief. I want to remind you all that this fiction does not follow the books or the TV show completely. I have created new characters and made them older or younger than they actually are in the books. We will also meet Rhaenyra's ladies in waiting. This chapter is more of a filler chapter. I had to introduce Rhaenyra's ladies since they will have somewhat of an important role in the story. High Valyrian will be in italics.

                                                   Rhaenyra Targaryen (22 years old.)

Rhaenyra read the message she had received before attending the small council meeting. Her spies were working even better than she had expected. She had known for a long time that Jason Lannister was an idiot that had no idea how he was being used. He was still holding a grudge due to the fact that she had rejected a match with him. She had noticed how close he had gotten to Otto in the past few years. When she decided to put a spy in his household she had known it had to be someone no one would suspect. Her lady in waiting Ellyn Baratheon needed a husband and she put her eyes on Ser Tyland Lannister, Rhaenyra had not protested the match too much. What better spy than a wife? Rhaenyra would have never pushed for the match, except that she realized that Tyland Lannister had actually fallen in love with Ellyn.

Ellyn kept her husband from betraying Rhaenyra and also provided her with valuable information. Like this message from Jason Lannister, he had actually given gold to Otto to buy an army. Apparently, Otto was dead set on war. They were attempting to get support from the more influential lords, getting ready for when her father died. Rhaenyra smiled and handed the note back to Ellyn. She would have to return it before her husband noticed it was gone.

"When will Lord Jason and his wife be arriving?"

"I believe they should be here later this afternoon, your Grace" Ellyn hid the note in her dress, before continuing "They have to travel slowly due to Lady Johanna being with child. I believe she is having troubles with the pregnancy."

"Well, we should invite her to tea once she is feeling well." Rhaenyra felt bad for anyone that had to stand the stupid Lord but that did not mean she could not get some use out of Lady Johanna. If Jason Lannister supported Otto once her father died, he would not be alive to run the Westerlands for much longer. "Please make sure to extend my invitation to her."

"Yes, your grace."

Once Ellyn was gone Rhaenyra walked to her bed and picked up Visenya, who was cooing and attempting to eat her fist. Rhaenyra smiled down at her daughter. She did not get too many moments alone with her children. Deirys was always running after Aemond or Daemond. Rhaegon and Baelon loved spending time with her, but since Daemon had recently started their training, they also did not have a lot of time. Then there was her youngest daughter, who was still a babe and loved being in her mother's arms. Unfortunately, Rhaenyra's duty as heir kept her from spending as much time with her family as she would like. Even when she was not meeting with the Lords, or helping the people, there was all the lying and the scheming. Some days she was so exhausted that she just wanted to run away. She missed Dragonstone.

"An assassin could have snuck in and you would have not realized it" Rhaenyra smile when she heard her husband's voice but did not turn around. "What has you worried?"

"Not worried exactly. Just thinking about our lives and how different it would be if we were on Dragonstone."

"I'm sorry love" He wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. "I know this can be very exhausting. All you do for the kingdom and then all the stupid cunts that keep trying to make our lives harder. And you still take the time to take care of me and the children."

"You do a lot for us too." She turned around and kissed him. She loved that Daemon did not need her to explain what was wrong, he just knew when something was bothering her and tried her best to help her. "Also, taking care of you and our children is the most rewarding task I do."

"You say that now, but wait until you see Rhaegon and Baelon." He gave her an amused smile and took Visenya from her arms, kissing her forehead. "You might change your mind."

"Oh, Gods. What did they do now?"

"Well, when I went to the nursery they were very upset. Something about Deirys and dragon riding. We went to the dragon pit so they could spend time with their dragons. Then on our way back, we walked past the training grounds. There was some kind of argument about who was faster and it lead to a competition."

"Gods Daemon, I do not like where this is going."

"Everything was going well. They were running to the set finish line when Rhaegon pushed Baelon and made him fall. It would not have been bad, but they were passing the stables and Baelon fell into a giant pile of horse manure." Rhaenyra was pinching the bridge of her nose, asking the Gods for patience. "This made Rhaegon stop running and start laughing, which just angered Baelon even more. Then Baelon stood up and pushed Rhaegon into the pile of manure."

"What, but....."

"I'm not done yet" Her eyes widened, how much worse could it get? "Then both of them started fighting and were rolling on the ground. And Rhaegon crashed into one of the buckets holding the rotten food the kitchen maids were throwing out and dumped all the contents on top of themselves."

"So you are telling me that our sons are running around the keep covered in horse shit and rotten food?" Daemon nodded and took a few steps away from her, she knew he was aware that the only thing keeping him safe from her was the fact that he had their daughter in his arms. "What exactly were you doing while all of this was taking place?"

"Laughing?" At her murderous look, he had the decency to at least look a little guilty "It was funny."

"Where are they now?"

"I had their kingsguard dunk them a few times on Blackwater Bay."

"You what?" Her voice echoed in the room and Visenya started whimpering. She took her from Daemon's arms and made soothing noises. Once Visenya had calmed down a little bit, she glared at Daemon "Daemon Targaryen, you will retrieve our sons this instant and make sure they are given a proper bath and are cleaned in time for the midday meal, or you will be sleeping with the horses for the rest of the year."

Daemon left the room faster than she had ever seen him move. Once the chamber's door closed Rhaenyra burst out laughing. She had to admit the situation was a bit funny, but there was no way she was going to let him know that. He would make sure their children got into more mischief if she showed the slightest bit of amusement. One thing was for sure, their lives were never dull.


                                                  Ellyn Lannister (Baratheon) 22 years old.

                                                 Mysa Strong (Tully) 25 years old.

                                                Sara Stark 21 years old.

                                                 Maia Stokeworth 18 years old.

"Lady Maia Stokeworth, your grace."

"Thank you, Mysa." Mysa Strong Tully had been Rhaenyra's lady in waiting for four and a half years now. She was a sweet and kindhearted woman. Rhaenyra placed her cup on the table and smiled at the young woman bowing in front of her. Maia Stokeworth was very pretty. She was tall and had long brown hair and green eyes. At just eighteen years old she would be Rhaenyra's youngest lady in waiting. "Welcome Lady Maia, I hope your trip was pleasant. I apologize for not being there to greet you, but I had to deal with a small family issue."

"Is not a problem, your grace." She straightened and returned Rhaenyra's smile "Is an honor to meet you, princess. I wanted to thank you for the invitation to be your lady."

"You are most welcome. I'm very pleased that you accepted." Rhaenyra introduced her other ladies. "Maia, this is Lady Ellyn Lannister, Lady Sara Stark, and of course, you have already met Mysa Strong. Ellyn is my most senior lady in waiting, if you have any questions she can help you."

"Is a pleasure to meet you all, my Ladies"

"Maia, you do not have to be so formal when we are alone" Rhaenyra gestured to the empty chair "Sit down."

It took a bit of time for Maia to relax in Rhaenyra's presence. She was aware that being her heir to the iron throne made some people fear her. Rhaenyra was lucky to have found true friendship with all her ladies. Ellyn was loyal and a great listener. Sara had been more difficult to incorporate at court. The Lords and Ladies of the realm had attempted to make her feel less for being a bastard. Rhaenyra had made an example of some of them and convinced her father to legitimize Sara. She was a beautiful woman, with long black hair, gray eyes, and a slight figure. She was not very tall, but she was fierce. Rhaenyra had seen her fight. Mysa was beautiful, everyone could see the beauty of the Riverlands in her. She had red hair and green eyes. She also had a very pretty face and a pleasing figure, even now that she was carrying her second child. Mysa was the most shy of all her ladies, but she also had a strong character and was not afraid to stand up for what she believed was right. She had gotten better at expressing herself since her marriage to Harwin Strong. Rhaenyra had joked with Lord Lyonel that it had been love at first sight between them. Now, she would have to see what kind of woman Maia was. Rhaenyra needed to make sure she could trust her.

"Muñā." Deirys ran towards Rhaenyra and threw her hands around her waist. Rhaenyra kissed her head and her little girl gave her a dazzling smile "I'm back."

"I can see that." Deirys cheeks were still flushed from the dragon ride and from happiness. "And where did your uncle take you this time?"

"We flew to a small island close to Dragonstone. Uncle Aemond said he would take me farther one day." Her little girl looked pensive for a moment "Muñā, when will I be able to fly Vermithor? I want to ride my own dragon."

"I know my love, but you are too young." She caressed her daughter's hair "You just have to wait a little bit longer and then you'll be able to fly on your own and go to new and amazing places."

"That's what I've been telling her" Aemond approached them and bowed to the ladies present, before looking back at her "We went to see Vermithor after our flight and she was very upset she could not ride him. She said he is going to get jealous because she keeps riding other dragons."

"He will not" Rhaenyra laughed and turned her daughter around "Maia, I want you to meet my daughter and heir, Princess Deirys. My love, this is my new lady in waiting, Maia Stokeworth."

"Is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Maia." Her daughter smiled at the girl. She loved meeting new people. "I like your dress."

"Is a pleasure princess, and thank you."

Maia stood and bowed once more at her daughter. Rhaenyra noticed her looking at Aemond and saw the girl's cheeks flush. Rhaenyra smirked, she could not blame her lady, her brother was a very handsome man. At sixteen years old he was almost as tall as Daemon, with silver shoulder-length hair, and a lean body with strong defined muscles. Even the injury to his eye did not take away from his handsome face and sharp jawline. Rhaenyra had seen more than one lady look. She knew her brother visited one of the brothels in the Street of Silk, but unlike their brother Aegon, he was discreet about it.

"And Maia, this is my youngest brother, Prince Aemond."

"My prince" Maia's cheeks flushed even more when Aemond kissed the back of her hand. "Is a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise my lady."

Rhaenyra saw the moment Deirys's attitude changed. While before she had been smiling at the other woman, now Deirys was glaring at her. Deirys waited until Aemond let go of the woman's hand before snatching it and dragging him away. They all sat back down and Sara was the first one who burst out laughing, Mysa followed, then Ellyn and Rhenyra could not hold it in anymore. All four of them were laughing uncontrollably and poor Maia looked hopelessly confused. Rhaenyra finally took pity on the poor woman.

"You will learn that my daughter is very possessive of her uncle" Rhaenyra wiped her tears away with a silk handkerchief before looking back at the woman. "She does not like when other women pay attention to him, or he pays attention to other women."

"What?" Poor Maia, her face looked like it was on fire. She looked around nervously. "Your grace, I would never...."

"Maia, calm down" This time it was Sara who spoke. She just kept smirking "There is nothing to be ashamed of. Prince Aemond is a very handsome man, there is no shame in looking. I say that if the Gods put such a beautiful specimen on this earth, it is only fair that we look as much as we want."

All four of them burst out laughing once more, while poor Maia twisted her hands on her lap.

"You can admire all you want." Mysa said between laughs "Just make sure Princess Deirys does not notice."

They all just kept laughing. Maia would need to get a thicker skin if the expected to survive Kings Landing.

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