Born to Die

By CheyGuy96

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Aemeryn Velaryon is the first born child of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Laenor Velayron. Upon birth, she was betro... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Face Cards

Chapter 11

811 21 0
By CheyGuy96

Lady Jeyne Arryn refused to give Aemeryn an answer immediately. She eyed Aemond lustfully from her seat in front of them.

"Tell me, dear Prince, have you given thought to my offer from when you first arrived?" Aemond stiffened slightly as her voice grated on his nerves. They had been with the dear Lady Arryn for four days now, and she had crudely propositioned them for a threesome shortly after her arrival. "A climax for an alliance," she had daunted them with.

"My answer remains the same."

Aemeryn was about to launch herself at the woman and rip her tongue out alliance be damned. Jenye clicked her tongue and shook her head in disappointment.

"Then I want dragons."

Aemond and Aemeryn both stared at the woman in front of them. Her dark hair was pulled tightly back from her face and made her seem years older than she truly was.

"I'm sorry?" Aemeryn asked in confusion. "Not anyone can claim a dragon, my lady."

"I don't want to claim one, Princess. I want protection. That is my price for my alliance with your mother."

"Agreed. Should war come to your door, dragons will protect your skies."

"Prince Aemond, my offer still stands," Jeyne said with a grin before the two could leave the great room. Aemond sneered before walking away. He kept his arms crossed behind his back until he heard the door close with a bang behind them. Aemeryn was walking beside him in silent fury, and he reached for her hand with his own.

He didn't hold her hand completely; he simply hooked his index finger with hers. He had been doing that since they arrived at the Eyrie. Small, simple touches that assured Aemond that Aemeryn was truly beside him when his guilt became too much.

"Can you believe her?" Aemeryn growled when they entered the chambers they had been staying in. She removed the gown she was wearing quickly and tugged on her riding leathers. Aemond stayed silent as he packed their things in their respective bags. "How in the Seven Hells can I be related to that by blood? Who makes fucking part of their demands?"

Aemond smirked and pulled Aemeryn to him. She had already made this same argument over the course of their stay, and she became more angry every time they dealt with Lady Arryn. Aemeryn scowled up at him and pulled his eyepatch so it flicked his cheek.

"Quit smirking at me."

"Why? You're extremely entertaining when you're mad at someone else."

"She better be glad I can't harm a hair on her head without feeling the wrath of my parents. We better go, Aemond. There's still time to get a head start to Riverrun." Aemond pressed a kiss to the side of her head and nodded.

Vermithor let Aemond attach Aemeryn's bag to her saddle without a fuss. As long as Aemeryn was nearby, Vermithor would honor the bond his rider had with Aemond.

"Is that a heart?" Aemond called down from his spot on Vermithor. Aemeryn looked up and grinned. Vermithor had lifted his head enough for Aemond to see where the saddle was wrapped around his large body.

"I had always loved the heart Syrax had on her saddle. Mother surprised me with a saddle like that for Vermithor."

"Rogue Princess my ass," Aemond grumbled as he climbed down the massive dragon to climb his own.

Lately, everytime he rode Vhagar, he had flashbacks to the noise Arrax made when her jaws closed around his small body. Aemond shook his head and took to the skies after Aemeryn. Vermithor and Vhagar seemed to get along well enough that Aemond didn't worry about Vhagar trying to attack his wife's dragon. Would they end up fighting against each other anyway? Could he command Vhagar to attack his wife if the need arose?

He shook his head to rid himself of those thoughts. Surely Rhaenyra wouldn't put her daughter against him. However, she was closer to Daemon, and Daemon would definitely put Aemeryn across from him in the battlefield. Aemond watched as Aemeryn tilted her head back again and felt the sun warm her skin. She was finally happy, and it tore Aemond's heart to shreds.


Daemon pulled his hood closer around his face in the crowded pub. Why they wanted to meet in possibly the most crowded pub in Flea Bottom, he would never understand, but they were the best. Two chairs being pulled back caused him to look up.

They weren't attractive men in the slightest. Their faces both bore scars from various battles. One of them was shorter than the other, and Daemon could smell him from here. The other, Daemon had known since he was Commander of the City Watch.

"Be my guest, gentlemen," Daemon said sarcastically as he held his hand out to the chairs they had already sat in.

"What's the job?" Blood asked, already cutting to the chase.

"Where's the gold?" Cheese asked directly after. Daemon sighed and tossed the gold onto the table in front of them.

"I need the head of one of Aegon Targaryen's sons."

Blood and Cheese looked at each other before looking back at Daemon. Blood was the one to lean forward and speak first. "That's suicide, Prince. Assuming we could even get into the Red Keep, there are guards everywhere. What makes you think we can even get to those children?"

"You two are the best, are you not? I'm paying you to figure it out," Daemon said as he tossed more gold on the table. Cheese grabbed it greedily and shoved it into his pockets. "Do not harm the little girl, and do not harm Helaena. They are to be left alone, do you understand me? I will not have my wife cutting my balls off because her beloved sister is harmed by you two."

"Understood, boss," Blood grumbled as he stood. Cheese followed after and stared Daemon down.

"If anything happens to those two girls, I'll kill you myself." Blood and Cheese left the pub without looking back. Daemon sighed and ran his hands down his face before standing and leaving to find Caraxes.

The dragon was still on the beach where he left him. He knocked into Daemon's body with his snout in a welcome. Daemon patted his giant snout before climbing up his body to sit in the saddle.

"Sōvēs, Caraxes."


Aemeryn stared down the old man in front of her. Lord Grover Tully was a foolish and stubborn old man. After their arrival yesterday, Aemeryn and Aemond made the decision to stay in a local inn after a less than warm welcome.

"I am staying neutral, Princess. Dragons do not terrify me, nor do Targaryens. Tell me, Prince Aemond, why do you fly with Princess Aemeryn when she does not support King Aegon's claim?"

Aemond stiffened slightly and looked at the old man in front of them. They were sitting at a table that Lord Tully insisted on doing all of his business at. Aemeryn sat across from him, and Aemond had chosen to remain standing behind her. They looked like a terrifying united front this way and rather enjoyed it.

"I support my wife, Lord Tully."

"You do realize the two biggest dragons are currently outside of your city walls, correct?" Aemeryn's voice was quiet but full of rage.

Lord Tully's grandson, Elmo, shifted his gaze from the floor to Aemeryn. Pure fear shone in his eyes as he stared at her. Aemeryn smiled and looked at the terrified boy. Aemond smirked and ran his hand down her hair. That was smart. Lord Tully may not be afraid of dragons, but it seemed his heir was.

"I have already told you I'm not afraid of a dragon, Princess."

"I heard you the first time, Lord Tully. But do tell me, why the neutrality? You are surrounded on one side with supporters of Aegon and the other with supporters of Rhaenyra. You are in the perfect position to sway how the battles could go."

"That is my reasoning, Princess."

Aemeryn smirked and looked back to the still terrified Elmo Tully. "As you wish, Lord Tulley." She stood and nodded once to the men in front of her before turning around.

Aemond walked beside her with his arms behind his back once again. He was proud of her; some of the fire she had in her veins finally came out once again.

"Princess Aemeryn?" Aemeryn and Aemond turned when someone called her name out.

Elmo came running out of the room in a panic. Aemond looked down to his wife with a smirk.


"My Grandsire's health is failing," Elmo panted out from his run. Aemeryn looked up at Aemond in confusion before looking back to Elmo.

"I'm sorry."

"He will be bedridden, Princess. He should be now, but he insisted on speaking with both of you. He may not fear dragons, but I do. Rhaenyra Targaryen will have the support of House Tully." Aemeryn smiled and nodded once. Elmo looked between Aemeryn and Aemond with fear still etched on his features.

"My mother will be grateful for the support, my Lord," Aemeryn said before taking Aemond's hand in hers. Aemond squeezed her hand softly before leading her back outside.

"Very impressive, lady wife," Aemond whispered into her ear.

"I didn't think it would work," Aemeryn admitted with a laugh. "I just noticed that Elmo looked nervous anytime a dragon was mentioned since we sat for that ridiculous meeting."

Aemond followed Aemeryn silently through the streets of the small city. She was humming softly to herself as she stopped and smelled some flowers that were for sell. An old woman smiled softly at the two of them as they continued to walk on. Aemond stopped and glanced over his shoulder. Aemeryn looked up at him as she stopped humming, and he kissed her head quickly before walking back over to the old woman and her flower stand. He picked the flowers up and handed her more gold than they were worth.

"Is she your wife?" The old woman asked as she pocketed the gold. Aemond looked over at Aemeryn and smiled. She was still standing where he left her and was staring at him with a shocked smile on her face.

"She is."

"Pretty little thing. She'll remember this always, young man. I remember all the good things my husband did for me before the Stranger took him from me."

"What about the bad?" Aemond asked softly as he looked back at the old woman. She stared back at him with brown eyes wise with her years and sighed.

"Yes, but I always forgave him. Love is a powerful motivator for things of that nature."

Aemond nodded and gave the old woman a smile before walking back to Aemeryn. She grinned up at him as he smiled down at her and handed her the flowers. She stuck her nose in the middle and inhaled deeply.

"Some might say that was romantic, Aemond," Aemeryn narrowed her eyes as she gazed at him. "What did you do?"

Aemond worked with everything in him to not show the panic he felt on the outside. "What do you mean?"

"You're being....nice. What did you do?"

Aemond tucked her arm in his as he began to walk to the inn once again. His heart felt like it was going to pound out of his chest. I had your brother killed, nothing major.

"Can I not try to be the husband you deserve, little dove?"

"Little dove?" Aemeryn asked in surprise.

"Hmm," Aemond hummed as he led her into their room. He took the flowers from Aemeryn's grip and laid them on the table by the door.

"Untie me?" Aemeryn asked sweetly as she turned her back to Aemond. He walked over to her immediately and began to untie the laces along her back. Her gown pooled around her shoulders, and Aemeryn shrugged out of it. She stood before him in her corset and shift, and Aemond untied the corset for her as well. Aemeryn groaned in relief as she tossed the corset across the room. Aemond couldn't resist and placed a kiss between her shoulder blades.

Aemeryn grinned at him over her shoulder before pulling her shift over her head to stand before him completely nude. She went to turn, but Aemond put a hand on her hip to stop her. Aemeryn began to frown, but shuddered instead when she felt Aemond lick along her spine. He led her to the bed by her hips and pushed her down gently.

Aemeryn rolled over before he could stop her and looked up at him. His good eye gazed down at her body, and Aemond smirked. Aemeryn blushed under his intense stare, and Aemond bent down to kiss her neck. He nipped at her neck before sloppily kissing down her chest. First one nipple, then the other found their way into his mouth before he licked down her torso. Aemeryn groaned and closed her eyes. She couldn't take the erotic image of Aemond looking up at her anymore.

Aemond lifted and spread her legs open. "Look at me, Em." Aemeryn whimpered and opened her eyes to look down. Aemond had taken his eyepatch off and kept his gaze on her face as he parted her lips with a strong stroke of his tongue. Aemeryn hissed and bucked her hips, but Aemond simply pinned her hips down with one arm as he began his sensual assault with his tongue. He sucked on her clit gently, and Aemeryn let out a strangled groan before flopping on her back. Aemond chuckled and slid a finger into her slowly.

"Seven Hells, Aemond," Aemeryn groaned above him. Her fingers were tangled in his hair as she tried her best to ride his face. Aemeryn felt herself quicken and tugged on his hair roughly. Aemond smirked and sucked harder as he added another finger. Aemeryn came while moaning his name over and over.

Aemond stood and undressed quickly. As much as he loved watching his wife come undone, it always pushed him over the edge. Aemeryn sat up quickly in her postorgasmic daze and grabbed his cock before sucking the plush head into her mouth. Aemond wasn't expecting it and groaned above her. Aemeryn bobbed her head slowly and looked up at him. Aemond bit his lip so hard he was sure it would bleed as he reached down to cradle the back of her head. Aemeryn picked up speed as her tongue found the vein on the underside of his shaft.

Aemond backed away with a hiss. He didn't want to finish in her mouth today. Aemeryn tilted her head at him, and he couldn't help his grin. Her hair was a mess, and her lips were swollen. He lifted her and sat down on the bed before impaling her on his waiting cock. Aemeryn let her head fall back on a groan. The ends of her hair tickled Aemond's knees, but he barely paid any attention as he stared at Aemeryn.

"So fucking beautiful," he whispered as he took her hips and began to move her along his length. Aemeryn swatted his hands away as she grabbed his shoulders and began to grind her hips. Aemond placed one hand on her back and the other on the back of her head as he pulled her into a kiss. Aemeryn moaned into his mouth as she began to move faster. Aemond panted beneath her as he broke the kiss. He ran his nose down her own and looked up at her. Aemond was almost positive an unknown Goddess of the Seven was bouncing on his cock that twitched in response. "Look at me, Em. I need you looking at me."

Aemeryn opened her eyes again and looked down at Aemond. His pupil was dilated so much that his eye was more black than violet. His cheeks were flushed, and his hair was a mess from Aemeryn's fingers.

"This is all for you, baby. Be a good girl and take it," Aemond groaned as he thrust into her hard a few times before he began to come with a groan. Seeing him come undone under her sent Aemeryn into another orgasm. They were both panting messes when Aemeryn climbed off of his lap and landed on the bed with a bounce. Aemond immediately pulled her to his chest and sighed. Aemeryn drew random shapes on his chest with her finger, and Aemond ran his fingers through her hair.

He had noticed over the past few days that his guilt would ease when he was being good to Aemeryn, or when she was happy. Even though he knew it was for selfish reasons, he vowed silently to himself to be good to her from now on. If he wasn't, he was sure he would drown from guilt, and Aemeryn would find his corpse.

Aemeryn's breathing had even out while Aemond was at war with himself. He knew the Seven had probably turned their backs because he was responsible for Luke's death. They turned his back because he wouldn't tell Aemeryn about it. She was so happy, and he didn't want to ruin it. They were doing business for her mother, and she didn't need to be distracted either. Surely she would understand that. Surely she would understand that he hadn't mentioned it because he was trying to be the husband she deserved.

"Aegon killed Luke because of me," Aemond whispered to his sleeping wife. She didn't even stir. "And you're going to hate me, and I'm sorry. You have no idea how sorry I really am. I'm going to make it worse by not telling you while you're awake. I already know that. I can only hope that you love me enough to forgive me like the old woman did her husband. I would've stopped him, Em. I should've."

Aemeryn simply let out a light snore on his chest. Aemond sighed and kissed the top of her head before staring at the ceiling. If he was lucky, he would be killed before Aemeryn found out about Luke. No one in their family was that lucky, and Aemond knew it. He held onto Aemeryn a little tighter as he drifted off to sleep himself.

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