Chapter 11

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Lady Jeyne Arryn refused to give Aemeryn an answer immediately. She eyed Aemond lustfully from her seat in front of them.

"Tell me, dear Prince, have you given thought to my offer from when you first arrived?" Aemond stiffened slightly as her voice grated on his nerves. They had been with the dear Lady Arryn for four days now, and she had crudely propositioned them for a threesome shortly after her arrival. "A climax for an alliance," she had daunted them with.

"My answer remains the same."

Aemeryn was about to launch herself at the woman and rip her tongue out alliance be damned. Jenye clicked her tongue and shook her head in disappointment.

"Then I want dragons."

Aemond and Aemeryn both stared at the woman in front of them. Her dark hair was pulled tightly back from her face and made her seem years older than she truly was.

"I'm sorry?" Aemeryn asked in confusion. "Not anyone can claim a dragon, my lady."

"I don't want to claim one, Princess. I want protection. That is my price for my alliance with your mother."

"Agreed. Should war come to your door, dragons will protect your skies."

"Prince Aemond, my offer still stands," Jeyne said with a grin before the two could leave the great room. Aemond sneered before walking away. He kept his arms crossed behind his back until he heard the door close with a bang behind them. Aemeryn was walking beside him in silent fury, and he reached for her hand with his own.

He didn't hold her hand completely; he simply hooked his index finger with hers. He had been doing that since they arrived at the Eyrie. Small, simple touches that assured Aemond that Aemeryn was truly beside him when his guilt became too much.

"Can you believe her?" Aemeryn growled when they entered the chambers they had been staying in. She removed the gown she was wearing quickly and tugged on her riding leathers. Aemond stayed silent as he packed their things in their respective bags. "How in the Seven Hells can I be related to that by blood? Who makes fucking part of their demands?"

Aemond smirked and pulled Aemeryn to him. She had already made this same argument over the course of their stay, and she became more angry every time they dealt with Lady Arryn. Aemeryn scowled up at him and pulled his eyepatch so it flicked his cheek.

"Quit smirking at me."

"Why? You're extremely entertaining when you're mad at someone else."

"She better be glad I can't harm a hair on her head without feeling the wrath of my parents. We better go, Aemond. There's still time to get a head start to Riverrun." Aemond pressed a kiss to the side of her head and nodded.

Vermithor let Aemond attach Aemeryn's bag to her saddle without a fuss. As long as Aemeryn was nearby, Vermithor would honor the bond his rider had with Aemond.

"Is that a heart?" Aemond called down from his spot on Vermithor. Aemeryn looked up and grinned. Vermithor had lifted his head enough for Aemond to see where the saddle was wrapped around his large body.

"I had always loved the heart Syrax had on her saddle. Mother surprised me with a saddle like that for Vermithor."

"Rogue Princess my ass," Aemond grumbled as he climbed down the massive dragon to climb his own.

Lately, everytime he rode Vhagar, he had flashbacks to the noise Arrax made when her jaws closed around his small body. Aemond shook his head and took to the skies after Aemeryn. Vermithor and Vhagar seemed to get along well enough that Aemond didn't worry about Vhagar trying to attack his wife's dragon. Would they end up fighting against each other anyway? Could he command Vhagar to attack his wife if the need arose?

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