Chapter 31

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Two months had passed since Borros Baratheon had charged Dragonstone. Aemond had sent a raven to every kingdom in the days following Baratheon's death and saved the final raven for King's Landing. For two months, Aemond and Aemeryn had awaited word from Aegon about what he wanted, but none had come. Aemond watched every raven that came to Dragonstone, and Aemeryn kept a lookout for orphans when she ventured into town.

Jace had taken the news of being Lord of the Tides like everyone suspected he would. He completely freaked out. Rhaenyra had been the one to break the news to Jace the day after he woke up, and Aemeryn was the one that had to help calm him down. Once calm, Jace was adamant that he would not go to Driftmark until the war was over. He told Aemeryn if the war was lost, then she could have Driftmark for herself. Aemeryn had refused and claimed she would take Dragonstone once Rhaenyra passed on. Rhaenyra had moved Jace and Baela's wedding up to be at the month's end.

Daemon had slowly descended into some form of madness that was worrying Rhaenyra and Aemeryn. Daemon did not speak to Aemond; he would only glare if they were around each other. He had taken to muttering to himself about things when he thought no one was around. Shouting outbursts were becoming the norm, but he didn't raise a hand to any of his children or his wife again. Rhaenyra had sent him to Harrenhal at the beginning of the week, and he still hadn't returned.

Aemeryn was currently pacing in front of the throne that her mother was sitting on. Her hand was cradling her rather large baby bump absentmindedly, and Rhaenyra was watching her with an amused expression as she walked back and forth.

"Between you, your father, and your husband, these floors are going to have permanent trails." Aemeryn stopped pacing and looked over to her mother with a small grin. "What's troubling you, sweet girl?"

Aemeryn couldn't be completely honest with her mother about worrying if Aegon would contact them today, so she told her only a partial truth. "I'm worried about Kepa."

Rhaenyra nodded and looked down at her fingers. "I worry for him as well. Hopefully sending him to Harrenhal was the best course of action." She shook her head and looked back up to her daughter with a small smile. "Are you going into town today?" Aemeryn returned her mother's smile and nodded. "Well, don't go alone. Take Ser Erryk with you."

"Why would she go alone?" Aemond asked as he walked into the throne room with her cloak draped over his arm. He already had his own cloak clasped around his shoulders and the hood was hiding his silver hair. Aemeryn had slowly been buying Aemond more black clothes to replace his green, and she had armor made for him that was supposed to be finished today. Aemond draped the cloak over her shoulders before clasping it and covering her hair with the hood. Aemeryn smiled up at him, and he pressed a kissed to the end of her nose.

"Well be back soon, Mother," Aemeryn said with a smile as Aemond grabbed her hand and led her outside. Ser Erryk did what he did every time he went into town with Aemeryn- he stayed back far enough to where he simply looked like he was doing rounds.

The more they walked into town, the more Aemeryn's thoughts ran away. She truly was worried about her father, perhaps more than she was worried about hearing from Aegon. Aemond took one look at her face under her hood and knew instantly something was wrong. He tugged her into an alleyway gently and pressed her against the wall. His hands rested on her bump, and he couldn't help the smile that tugged on his lips when the baby kicked against his touch.

"What's wrong?"

Aemeryn wanted to lie. She wanted to say that nothing was wrong, and she was fine, but she took one look at Aemond and knew she couldn't.

"I'm worried about Kepa."

"What about him?"

Aemeryn huffed out a humorless laugh and shook her head. "He's changed Aemond. The man I knew and loved, the man that I could confide in and trust to never harm me is gone. It's like my father died, and a stranger stole his face and is wearing it around my home. My father died when his brother did."

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