Chapter 41

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Aegon sat on the Iron Throne and stared at the door. Helaena, Alicent, and Criston were holed in the throne room with him as they waited for the Blacks to attack King's Landing. They didn't have as many men as Rhaenyra did, but Criston had convinced all of the Hightowers to stay as well as most of the Lannisters.

Rhaenyra's men had arrived in the night. They hadn't attacked yet, and, much to Criston's rage, Aegon did not attack them. Helaena and Aegon knew that they would not be fighting against Rhaenyra. This was all Criston's call.

Aegon watched with vaguely veiled humor as Larys nodded to himself then his mother before walking over to the door. Alicent frowned and took a step toward her precious master of whispers.

"Larys, we should all stay together. It will be safer." Alicent announced in an attempt to keep him in the throne room.

Larys turned and blinked at Alicent for a moment before smiling at her. Helaena had never liked it when Larys smiled at anyone; it made her spine hurt. She turned her head and looked at Aegon instead. His violet gaze was focused on Larys as he stared at his mother.

"With all due respect, Your Grace, I would much rather face this wrath in my own chambers."

"He's running from his brother," Aegon huffed out a laugh. Larys finally turned his gaze to Aegon and dropped the fake smile he always gave Alicent. Aegon knew that he was correct and simply smiled.

"It's been an honor, Your Grace," Larys rushed out when he looked back at Alicent. He turned and walked through the door as quickly as he could. The only sound in the throne room was the door slamming shut behind him.

A hoarse roar sounded from near Dragon Gate, and Aegon smiled. "Caraxes." Two other roars he didn't recognize sounded from around River Gate. "Those must be Moondancer and Silverwing."

Alicent looked at her son like he had lost his mind. Why was he smiling as dragons descended on King's Landing?

"Aegon-" Alicent started, but he held up another finger as a roar sounded right above them. Alicent froze as Aegon smiled again. She knew that dragon roar as well as she knew Caraxes.

"Syrax." Aegon's voice had taken on almost a dreamy quality as he stared at the ceiling. There were only two dragons that he was waiting to hear. Two dragons that he wanted to hear. Minutes in silence passed. Alicent had begun to pace and pick at her nails. A roar sounded out from near Dragon Gate, and Aegon closed his eyes and smiled. "Finally."

"Vhagar," Helaena whispered with a smile. Her brother was finally home. Criston kept his dark gaze on the door in front of them.

Criston had a hand in raising that boy. He hoped that would be enough for him to come back to their side. "Your Grace, surely your brother will fight for us now that he is here."

Aegon opened his eyes and looked at Criston before laughing. "You're a fucking idiot, Cole."

"Aegon!" Alicent shrieked before she looked at Criston. "He didn't mean that Ser Criston."

"I most certainly did, Mother. Aemond chose Aemeryn the day he left with her. Even with everything that happened after that, he still chose her. If you truly think that he is going to turn on his wife, then you are sadly mistaken. Aemond isn't here to help us; he's here to kill us."

"Aemond won't kill us," Helaena whispered softly beside Aegon. Aegon turned and smiled softly at his sister wife before gripping her hand in his own. A final roar sounded from above them; a roar so loud that it seemed to shake the entirety of the Red Keep. Aegon let his head fall back as he laughed again. He laughed so hard that tears leaked out of his eyes.

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