The New Dragon Age

By Havingfunwithfanfic

304K 8.5K 527

Daemon and Rhaenyra married. Their first child was sent by the Gods to save them all. Deirys Targaryen was bo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 6

9K 236 26
By Havingfunwithfanfic

Time jump. This will be 4 years after they left Dragonstone. Now we are going to start with a little Valyrian magic and some prophecies. This might get a little strange. We will also meet Daemon and Rhaenyra's other children. After all, there is no way they were going to stop at 1 child. High Valyrian will be in italics. I hope you guys like it ❤️

Deirys Targaryen 5 years old (almost 6).


Deirys looked around her. Everything appeared dark. There was what looked to be smoke in the air, but she could not smell anything burning. Looking down at herself she was still in her nightgown and barefoot, the same as when her father had put her to bed. She held her small toy dragon to her chest. Her uncle Aemond had it made especially for her, for her third name day. It looked just like Vermithor, it was made out of the softest velvet, and they had even gotten the eyes right. The eyes were made of amber topaz. She had slept with it since her uncle had gifted it to her. It kept away her nightmares when her uncle was away from Kings Landing. Now, she was glad to have it because she did not know where she was or how she had gotten here.

"Be welcomed, Deirys Targaryen. Future Queen of the seven kingdoms." Deirys gasped and turned around. The woman standing there appeared to be almost made of light, her pale skin glowed from the inside out. She had long white hair, her dress was completely black. It appeared to swallow the light around it. She had what appeared to be a black shaft in one of her hands, but the most shocking thing of all was her eyes. They were completely black. Deirys could not see any white in her eyes at all. She should be afraid, but somehow she knew the woman would not hurt her. "I'm named Kalix, keeper of the gates to the spirit world."

"Why am I here? Am I in trouble?"

"Of course not, little one. You are here to learn."

"Learn what?"

"Learn about your family, your history." Kalix wove a hand and all of a sudden they were standing in what appeared to be an abandoned city. She could see several tall towers, taller than anything else she had ever seen. There were large dragon statues, some of them appeared to be broken. Ash so thick she could barely see, covered the entire area. Deirys looked up at the sky and saw it was red. Kalix looked around with a sad look on her face. "This is what is left of what once was the greatest empire in the world. This is the place your ancestors came from princess. This is the Valyria Freehold."

"Is that why you are sad? Because your city was destroyed?"

"It is something to be sad about, little one." Kalix gave her a sad smile "Millions died, including the dragons. The greatest empire in the world was brought down by the greed of men. Their selfishness turned everything to ash. Since then, the world has not recovered"

"It will be all right. You do not have to stay here alone."Deirys grabbed Kalix's hand and smiled up at her "My mother says everything is better when you have good people around you. You can come to my home with me. The Red Keep is very large and there are lots of people there. You would not have to be alone. You could also see the sunlight there. It looks a bit scary here."

"Thank you, princess. That is a very generous offer." Kalix traced her face with a delicate touch "You truly are a treasure, no darkness in your heart at all. You are a special gift from the Gods. Sent to your parents so you could fix a very dark future."

"My papa says I'm a gift from the Gods, but he also says my brothers Rhaegon, Baelon, and my little sister Visenya are gifts from the Gods. The Gods give my parents a lot of gifts. But my uncle Aemond calls me his little treasure. He loves me the most, he even gave me a toy dragon that looks just like Vermithor." She held up the small dragon so Kalix would be able to see it. "He knows that storms scare me, but my father and mother will not let me sleep with Vermithor. So my uncle gave me a smaller Vermithor to keep me safe for when he is not in the castle."

"Your uncle Aemond is very special to you, isn't he?"

"Yes, he is the most amazing. He lets me ride on Vhagar, since I'm not allowed to ride my dragon on my own yet."

"Listen to me carefully Deirys" Kalix framed her face in her hands and locked eyes with her. "Aemond Targaryen is part of your destiny. He will protect you in the battles to come. You were sent to your parents by the Gods. With you comes all the knowledge of Old Valyria. You will bring back the age of dragons and save the world from the Long Night. You do not know what this means yet, but From your blood comes the prince that was promised, and his will be the song of ice and fire. Your blood will save the world and you, dragon lord, will save your family. You were chosen by the Fourteen of Valyria and you carry all their blessings within you."

Kalix kissed her forehead and the next thing she knew, Deirys gasped awake. She looked around franticly. She was in her chambers. Nothing appeared to be moved or missing. Her heart was beating fast and now that she was back in her chambers by herself, she was scared once more. She grabbed her toy dragon and jumped from the bed, running towards the door that connected her chambers to her parents. She opened the door quietly and sneaked inside. All the candles were out, but the fireplace still had a fire going. She ran to the bed and stood close to where her father was sleeping.

"Kepa, wake up" She poked one side of his face with her finger and then repeated a little louder "Wake up please."

"Little hatchling?" Her father rubbed his eyes and straightened up a bit more "What is wrong, little love?"

"I had a bad dream. Can I sleep with you and mother?"

"Of course, my love." he picked her up and placed her between him and her mother. He made sure she was covered and kissed her forehead. "I will protect you now."

She pressed herself closer to her father and fell asleep. Maybe she will not dream this time.


Deirys Targaryen (5 years old.)

Rhaegon Targaryen (3 years old.)

Baelon Targaryen (3 years old.)

Visenya Targaryen (9 months.)

"Kepa said you had to wait for us." Rhaegon was the oldest of the twins, which made him the most annoying one. Deirys stopped running and turned to her brothers. Rhaegon gave her a triumphant look "We want to go dragon riding also."

"Well, you can't." Deirys loved her brothers, but they were always following her around. She was usually fine with it, but not when she was spending time with her uncle Aemond. Those moments were for them alone and she did not want her brothers intruding. They already got to spend time with him since her father had started their training already and her uncle helped. " Kepus said that he would take me dragon riding since tomorrow is my name day and we will not be able to go for a while due to the festivities. He said he would take me alone, so neither one of you is allowed to come."

"Yes, we are" Rhaegon was glaring at her like she was supposed to be scared. She rolled her eyes "Papa said so."

"No, he did not." This time she did stomp her foot. She glared at both Rhaegon and Baelon. "You are not coming."

"What is happening here?" Deirys turned around to see her mother walking towards them with Visenya in her arms. Her little sister was the only one who did not make Deirys feel like she wanted to pull her hair out. That was probably because she could not walk or talk yet. Her mother looked her up and down, noticing her new dragon-riding clothes, before looking at her brothers "Why are you fighting?"

"She won't let us go with her" Baelon pointed accusingly at her "She said Uncle Aemond only wants to take her dragon riding, not us."

"Yes, she is being salefish" Rhaegon was still glaring, but her mother was smiling now. Rhaegon crossed his arms in front of him. "We want to go also."

"Rhaegon, I believe the word you were trying to say is selfish. Your sister and Aemond had already made plans to go dragon riding this morning. Neither one of you is allowed to go." Both of her brothers groaned, but her mother just shook her head "You are both supposed to be in with your septa, not bothering your sister."

"But mama....."

"No Rhaegon" her mother answered more sternly "You both will go back to your septa and in a little while your father will be along to take you to the dragon pit. Now, run along, back to your chambers."

Rhaegon and Baelon looked at her accusingly before turning around towards their chambers. Ser Lyonel and Ser Loreth followed behind them. Ser Erryk was standing a few feet away, giving her and her mother privacy. Her mother walked closer and ran a hand over her head, then down to metal shoulder plates.

"That dragon-riding outfit is beautiful. I have never seen it before. Did your father have it made for you?"

"No, Uncle Aemond gave it to me." She looked down at her outfit. The trousers were black leather, the tunic was red and there was a golden dragon embroiled on the front of it. Her uncle had gotten a blacksmith from Pentos to make a special metal for her outfit. It was more pliable than the regular metal used to make armor and it weighed less. Deirys loved it. She even had Lady Ellyn braid red flowers into her hair. "He said it was an early name-day present."

"Well, that was very nice of him. I believe he is waiting for you at the training grounds."

"Great." She moved to her mother, who bent down so Deirys could kiss her cheek, then kissed Visenya's. She ran past her mother, yelling over her shoulder "I will see you later."

She ran down the halls as fast as her legs could carry her. She loved riding Vhagar and could not wait until she would be allowed to ride her dragon. Her mother and father were afraid she would be hurt if she rode by herself while she was still so young. She hated that they thought of her as a child. She hear Ser Erryk running behind her and slowed down to a walk. She had forgotten about him. The poor knight was always running after her, and with all that armor, he had to be tired.

She was very excited about her name-day celebration. Her grandsire had invited all the Lords and Ladies in the seven kingdoms. Tomorrow there would be a tourney, followed by a grand feast later that night. Her grandsire had wanted the celebration to last for three days, but her mother had not approved. She said that there was no need to spend all that coin, instead, they would use the rest to buy food for the people in the city and clothes for the children in the orphanages. Her mother and father had only agreed to the tourney, the feast, and a hunt on the second day.

Deirys was also excited about the hunt. Her uncle Aemond had promised to take her with him. Since she was still small, she was not allowed to participate in the hunts as of yet. Her father always said there would be plenty of time for her to do all these things once she was older. She hated when he said that. She wanted to do them now. It was her name day, why could she not participate in festivities that were being given in her honor?

"Kepus." Her uncle Aemond was standing close to where the training weapons were stored talking to one of the knights. He smiled and waved at her when he heard her voice. She ran towards him and wrapped her arms around his waist. "I'm sorry I'm late, but my brothers were following me and refused to leave. Mother had to tell them they were not allowed to come."

"Little treasure" he kissed the top of her head then looked at the night "Ser Harwin, I will talk to you later. Do not worry, I will make sure the issue is handled by tomorrow."

"Thank you, my prince." The big knight smiled at her then bowed "Princess."

"Ser Harwin" Once the knight walked away she turned back to her uncle and gave him a dazzling smile. "So, where are we flying today?"

"Where do you want to go?"

"I do not know. I just like flying." They both got in the carriage, then she perked up "I know, we could go to Storms End. Ellyn said is beautiful at this time of the year."

"I am sure the poor people of Storms End would not appreciate having Vhagar there."

"Why not? Vhagar is one of the greatest dragons in the world. She is very nice and smart."

"She is nice only to you and me, little treasure. Other people are not able to get too close to her without losing a limb or being eaten whole."

"That's ok. We can go somewhere else then. One day I will fly to Essos on Vermithor, we will also go to Pentos and Volantis."

"Really? And you would leave me here alone?"

"Of course not, you will come with me. We will go on adventures together."

"And what if I'm married? Where am I supposed to leave my wife? Or will she be coming with us?"

"Married?" Her nose scrunched up and she felt a weight in her heart at the idea that her uncle would marry. She did not like to think about it, after all, Kalix had said Uncle Aemond was meant for her. He was supposed to be her champion, no one else's. She glared at him. "You do not need to get married now. I will marry you when I'm older."

"What?" She could see the surprise on his face. Then he laughed "You will? What will we tell your parents?"

"We will tell them the truth. You are meant for me, the Gods said so."

"The gods?" Now he looked confused "What do you mean?"

"Kalix said you were my destiny. She said you would protect me in the battles to come."

"Who is Kalix?"

"She is the gatekeeper of the spirit world" Deirys smile turned smug "She said she would teach me about my history."

"Little treasure" He picked her up and moved her to his lap. There was a curious look on his face, there was also what appeared to be fear. "When did you meet with this Kalix?"

"Last night. She came to me in my dreams." She played with his necklace "Well, I believe it was a dream because I was in my nightgown, and when I woke up I was in my bed, but it did not feel like a dream. It felt different."

"Have you told your parents?"

"No, I did not have the chance."

"Were you afraid?"

"No, I knew that Kalix would not hurt me. She said I was a gift from the Fourteen of Valyria."

"Yes, you are" Aemond kissed her forehead and gave her a smile she mirrored "You are my greatest gift."

Deirys rested her head against his chest and smiled. She liked being her uncle's favorite. And now that she knew he was meant for her, she would not let anything keep them apart.

                                                    Rhaenyra Targaryen (22 years old.)

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