The New Dragon Age

By Havingfunwithfanfic

420K 11.6K 759

Daemon and Rhaenyra married. Their first child was sent by the Gods to save them all. Deirys Targaryen was bo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 2

16.8K 411 39
By Havingfunwithfanfic

This chapter will explain how Aemond lost his eye. Is not a super exciting event. I just needed a way to explain how he lost his eye since in this story Lucerys doesn't exist. Also in this story Laena Velaryon is 9 years older than Rhaenyra. In this story Alicent will be 10 years older than Rhaenyra and married Viserys at age 14. The age gap between Daemon and Rhaenyra is the same as the books. High Valyrian will be in italics. I hope you guys like this chapter. ❤️ 💝 🤩

"Your grace" Rhaenyra bowed and smiled at her father. Her smile left her face when she looked at her stepmother. Her bow was less deep this time and her voice held no warmth "Your grace."

"Daughter, brother. Is good to see you both after so long" Her father looked pale and sickly, but not as bad as she thought from the rumors she heard. He kept looking at Deirys "My granddaughter looks more beautiful every day. She has grown so much. I brought her some gifts for her name day."

"I'm sure she'll love them all" Rhaenyra guided them all to the table. Once they were all sitting down. One of the servants served wine. Rhaenyra smiled at her father once more before looking at her siblings. "You have all gotten so tall since I last saw you. Helaena, are you happy with your betrothal?"

"Of course she is happy. She is marrying her older brother and he would take care of her. There is no reason for her to be unhappy"

"I believe I was asking my sister how she felt" She tried to be civil with Alicent for her father's sake, but sometimes she wanted to feed her to Syrax. Rhaenyra was aware that she shared some of the blame for not being close to her siblings. But Alicent had not helped. She had made it almost impossible for them to have any kind of relationship. "You don't always have to answer for them. I believe they are old enough to speak their minds."

"I don't want their words to be misinterpreted" Alicent glared at her and her hand tightened around her cup "After all if they do something you don't agree with one of them might lose another eye."

"Alicent, that's enough" Rhaenyra loved her father, even with all the mistakes he had made, he had always done his best with her. But she was aware her father was a weak man. Which is why she was shocked he had just yelled at his wife in front of all of them. "You both need to keep a civil tongue, especially in front of the children."

"I believe your wife is the one that should hold her tongue. After all, she is the one that has been spreading rumors about how my wife is to blame for what happened to her son" Daemon was not going to allow anyone to speak down to his wife. Especially not some second son's daughter, who had reached far above her station. "You might want to look at why your son's sworn shield failed to protect him instead of casting the blame on someone else."

"It was one of your supporters who maimed my son" Alicent stood up and slammed her hands on the table "You are all so scared the people love my son, but I never thought you would resort to kinslaying."

"Alicent!" This time it was her father who slammed his hands down. "I believe you should retire. You are tired from the trip. You shall be more agreeable after some rest."

Viserys waved one of the servants forward and Rhaenyra nodded, making sure they knew to take her stepmother to the chambers that had been prepared for her. Once the queen was gone Rhaenyra looked at her siblings once more. Aegon looked to be into his cups already, almost falling asleep at the table. Helaena looked lost in her thoughts and Aemond was looking only at Deirys.

In a way, Rhaenyra felt bad for what had happened to her brother. She was aware that it was not her fault, not really. But Otto Hightower had made many enemies since becoming the hand of the king. He only looked out for himself instead of the realm. After Otto had killed one of Lord Walys Mooton's brothers, Ser Florian Greysteel, had taken it upon himself to seek justice for his lord and friend. Otto had taken my things from house Mooton, but the death of Jonah had pushed the old knight over the edge. Rhaenyra had just given birth a few days before when Ser Greysteel had snuck into Kings Landings undetected. No one knew what his actual plans were, but when he saw Aemond at the dragon pit he decided to take his revenge using the small prince. Aemond was leaving the dragon pit when the knight attacked him. Aemond had been able to get away and injured the knight, but it had cost him his eye. After stabbing the old knight in the side, the man slashed at Aemond's face with his blade, taking his eye. The kingsguard present had heard the commotion and had been able to stop the knight from killing the prince. Unfortunately, they had killed Ser Greysteel before he could be taken to the king for questioning.

Both Otto and Alicent were aware of the reasons the knight had sought revenge on them. Otto used what happened to his grandson to try and turn the people against Rhaenyra. After all, everyone knew that Lord Walys Mooton was a loyal supporter of the princess. Some people believed the tales, while others knew better. Rhaenyra would not become a kinslayer. She knew that curse would follow her for the rest of her life. And while she did not have the best relationship with her siblings that did not mean she wanted them dead.

Her father had heard the rumors, he had not believed them, but he also had not done anything to put a stop to them. Rhaenyra had left Kings Landings a month later. She would not stay in that snake pit a moment longer. She would not expose her daughter to being hurt, or worse killed by the greens. This was the first time she had seen her father, the queen, and her siblings since she had left. She knew there was more to this visit than just her father wanting to visit his daughter and granddaughter. Otto must have convinced her father to make the trip, she just wanted to know the reason behind it.

"She seems to like you Aemond" Rhaenyra was brought out of her thoughts by her father's voice. It took her a moment to realize what her father was referring to. Deirys, still in her father's arms was smiling at Aemond and kept extending her arms towards him, like she wanted him to pick her up. Viserys laughed "I believe she wants you to play with her."

                                                          Rhaenyra Targaryen (18 years old.)


Daemon was not happy having his brother and his cunt of a queen in Dragonstone. He had never liked Aegon. Helaena was a sweet girl, always lost in her thoughts and with her bugs. Daemon would not say it, but he had always liked Aemond. He was the one most like him. Now, he was rethinking his liking of the boy. At his brother's insistence, he had put his daughter down, who had immediately crawled to Aemond. They were now a few feet away from the table. Aemond seem to like Deirys, which seemed strange since he seem to like no one, except for his mother and his sister.

His daughter was laughing and playing with Aemond's necklace. He was sure the boy could feel him glaring but had not even looked toward them once. His brother and the other two children had retired to their chambers already, Aemond had asked his father to stay a while longer. The king was happy that the family was finally getting along and had allowed him to stay.

"Stop looking at the boy. They are just playing."

"I don't like how he looks at my daughter."

"Daemon, He is eleven years old. He is not looking at her in the way you think."

Daemon still didn't like that his little girl liked being with her uncle. It reminded him of the way Rhaenyra had been with him when she was young. Viserys had always been jealous of their bond. Daemon had always been Rhaenyra's favorite person and throughout the years their feelings had changed from familiar love to romantic love. There was no way he was going to allow his daughter to marry Otto Hightower's grandson.

"All the preparations for my father's welcome feast are complete. The lords will be here in the morrow. I want everything to go well" Daemon was aware that some of the lords had been invited and were in contact with Otto Hightower. At first, he had been upset that she had invited them to the welcome feast, but then she had informed him of the spies she had put in their houses. His wife had been playing the game so well that not even he had realized what she was doing until she had informed him. "All the chambers had been prepared and the servants' quarters are ready."

"Are the Velaryons coming?"

"Princess Rhaenys never answered my letter, but I did not expect her to. Lord Corlys is still very upset I rejected his son and married you. He will not let his anger go as easy as when my father passed over his daughter."

"Corlys has always been ambitious. We know that he wants his blood on the throne. There won't be much we can offer him that will make him change his mind."

Before Rhaeryna could answer, they heard a squeal and turned toward Aemond and their daughter. Aemond had moved a few steps away and was on his knees holding out his arms.

"Come on, you can do it" Deirys was standing on her own, which surprised Daemon. She had been standing on her own for a few seconds before she would decide to hold on to something. Now she was standing on her own and refused to look away from Aemond "Walk towards uncle."

Daemon's eyes widened when Deirys took a small step then another. Rhaenyra stood up and walked closer to the two children. Daemon did not move from his chair. He was happy that his daughter was finally walking. But he could not lie and say he was not jealous that an eleven-year-old boy had managed what he had not. He had always been his daughter's favorite person, and he did not want that to change. Deirys took two more steps and then squealed when Aemond picked her up and threw her in the air, before pulling her close.

"You are such a big girl, walking and all" Rhaenyra ran a hand over her daughter's head and smiled at Aemond "We have been trying to get her to walk for a few months now, since her name day, but she refused. I can't believe she picked now to finally do it."

"She wanted to play. I knew I could get her to walk to me" Daemon's eyes narrowed at the boy's self-assured tone, then narrowed even more when Aemond looked at him and refused to look away. Aemond smirked "Maybe she just needed the right incentive."

"I think is time you retire to your chambers" Daemon stood up and took his daughter from Aemond's arms. "Is time for Deirys to go to bed. I also do not think your mother would be very happy that you are still here at this time of night."

"You do not know my mother or what makes her happy" Daemon could have sworn he heard Rhaenyra chuckle, but when he looked at her face, it was serious. Aemond gave a mocking bow "Sleep well, princess."

Once Aemond was out of the room Deirys started whimpering. Rhaenyra took their daughter and kissed the top of her head.

"Do not fret little one. Uncle will be back tomorrow." Rhaenyra moved from side to side, then smiled over at him before looking back at their daughter "Mother and father will take care of you now."

"I really hate that boy"

"You are just jealous because you thought you would be the first person she would walk towards." Rhaenyra kissed his cheek and walked towards the doors "I'll put Deirys to bed then retire for the night. You should try and get some sleep. Tomorrow will be a busy day."

"I'll be up in a moment."

He had already instructed the guards what he expected while the king was at the castle. He also gave instructions about the queen. He would not let her walk around without a shadow. Whatever she was planning he would be certain that there would be no harm to his wife and daughter. If he had to kill the queen, then that would be a bonus. At least that way his brother would be rid of her poison. 

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