Aurum ✧ Peter Parker

Oleh IncognitoInkwell

5.8K 169 2

Ava Stark, the rebellious and sarcastic daughter of the renowned Tony Stark, finds herself at a boarding scho... Lebih Banyak

✧ ˚ · cast .
✧ ˚ 1· one .
✧ ˚ 2· two .
✧ ˚ 3· three .
✧ ˚ 4· four .
✧ ˚ 5· five .
✧ ˚6· six .
✧ ˚ 7· seven .
✧ ˚ 8· eight .
✧ ˚ 9· nine .
✧ ˚ 10· ten .
✧ ˚11· eleven .
✧ ˚ 12· twelve .
✧ ˚13· thirteen .
✧ ˚14 · fourteen .
✧ ˚ 15 · fifteen .
✧ ˚ 16 · sixteen .
✧ ˚17 · seventeen .
✧ ˚ 18 · eighteen .
✧ ˚ 19 · nineteen .
✧˚ 20· twenty .
✧ ˚ 21 · twenty-one .
✧ ˚ 22 · twenty-two .
✧ ˚ 23 · twenty-three .
✧ ˚ 24 · twenty-four .
✧ ˚ 26 · twenty-six .
✧ ˚ 27 · twenty-seven .
✧ ˚ 28 · twenty-eight .
✧ ˚ 29 · twenty-nine .
✧ ˚ 30 · thirty .
✧ ˚ 31 · thirty-one .
✧ ˚ 32 · thirty-two .
✧ ˚ 33 · thirty-three .
✧ ˚ 34 · thirty-four .
✧ ˚ 35 · thirty-five .
✧ ˚ 36 · thirty-six .
✧ ˚ 37 · thirty-seven .
✧ ˚ 38 · thirty-eight .
✧ ˚ 39 · thirty-nine .
✧ ˚ 40 · forty .

✧ ˚ 25 · twenty-five .

82 3 0
Oleh IncognitoInkwell

┌─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐

Ava's first week at Midtown High had been a whirlwind of new faces, new routines, and adapting to the demands of her classes. As the weeks passed, the school routine became a familiar rhythm, and she found herself settling into a routine that balanced her student life with her responsibilities as Aurum.

A month later, Ava had managed to establish a circle of friends at school, including her growing friendship with Peter. Their interactions had become more frequent, filled with shared laughter, inside jokes, and the kind of companionship that eased the challenges of teenage life. Although Ava's connection with Peter was growing stronger, neither of them had revealed their secret identities as superheroes, keeping their superhero lives hidden from each other.

Ava's time-management skills improved as she learned to juggle her classes, homework, and extracurricular activities alongside her patrols and missions as Aurum. Her determination and dedication were evident in the way she strived to excel both academically and as a superhero. Yet, beneath the surface, the strain of maintaining this double life was starting to take its toll.

The weight of her responsibilities began to wear on Ava, and the delicate balance she had managed to maintain between her two worlds was becoming more challenging. There were nights when exhaustion settled deep into her bones, and the lines between being a student and a superhero blurred.

Ava sat at her desk, a sense of accomplishment washing over her as she finally completed her algebra homework due the following morning. She glanced at her watch, realizing that she still had a few hours left until sundown, her other life as Aurum beckoning her with the setting sun.

Just as she was about to relax and enjoy a moment of respite, her phone buzzed insistently from beside her. Glancing at the screen, she saw her dad's name flashing. Curious, she answered the call. "Hey, Dad."

"Hey, sweetie," Tony Stark's voice came through the line, warm and tinged with a touch of weariness. "I know you've been busy with school and everything, but I was hoping we could grab dinner tonight. It's been a while since we spent some quality time together."

Ava's heart swelled with a mix of emotions. Her relationship with her dad had been a rollercoaster, with the ups and downs of her dual life adding to the complexity. She managed a smile, despite the turmoil of emotions within her. "Of course, Dad. I'd love to have dinner with you."

"Great! How about we meet at that Italian place you like? Around 7 PM?" he suggested.

Ava's smile grew more genuine. "Sounds perfect."

"Looking forward to it, sweetie. See you there," Tony's tone held a touch of optimism.

Ava ended the call, placing her phone back on her desk. With the sun not setting until around 8 PM, she knew she had a little over an hour to transition from dinner with her dad to her responsibilities as Aurum. The tightrope walk of maintaining both aspects of her life was a constant challenge, and tonight would be no different. 

She rose from her seat, her footsteps carrying her to the closet where her clothes were neatly organized. Just as she was about to select an outfit for dinner with her dad, the familiar chime of her phone interrupted the quiet of her room. Ava retrieved her phone and saw an incoming call from Peter, her heart quickening with a mixture of excitement and curiosity. With a tap of her finger, she answered the call, her voice a blend of warmth and anticipation. "Hey, Peter."

"Hey, Ava!" Peter's voice carried a cheerful tone, the sound instantly putting a smile on her face. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything important."

Ava shook her head, even though Peter couldn't see her. "Not at all. I was just about to pick something to wear for dinner with my dad." Her voice carried a warm tone, a blend of familiarity and comfort in their conversation.

Peter chuckled on the other end, his voice light-hearted. "What are your options then?" 

Ava chuckled softly, her fingers idly playing with the hangers as she considered her choices. "Well, I'm thinking something casual but not too casual. You know, the perfect balance between 'I made an effort' and 'I'm not trying too hard'."

Peter's laughter echoed through the phone, and she could almost picture the amused grin on his face. "Ah, gotcha. The 'I'm casually put together' look."

"Exactly!" Ava replied, a playful spark in her eyes that Peter couldn't see but could almost feel in her tone. "I want to give my dad the impression that I've got everything together even though school and life have been a whirlwind lately."

Peter's voice turned sympathetic. "I totally get that. Sometimes it feels like we're all just juggling a bunch of stuff and hoping not to drop anything."

Ava nodded, even though he couldn't see her. "Yeah, exactly. So, I'm going for a nice top and some jeans. Casual yet presentable."

Peter's agreement was immediate. "Sounds like a solid choice."

Ava's smile widened, her voice holding a grateful note. "Thanks, Peter. Your input means a lot."

Peter's response came with a warm undertone. "Anytime, Ava. You know I'm here to help."

Ava's smile remained, her gratitude evident in her voice. "Well, I appreciate it more than you know."

Their conversation flowed naturally, a mix of playful banter and genuine connection. As they eventually said their goodbyes, Ava felt a sense of reassurance settle within her. It was moments like these that grounded her amidst the chaos of her dual life.

Once she ended the call with Peter, she slipped into a comfortable pair of jeans and paired them with a soft lavender blouse that struck the perfect balance between casual and put-together. As she examined herself in the mirror, her watch buzzed with a message from FRIDAY.

"Emergency situation detected in progress, Aurum. Threat level: High. Immediate intervention required."

Ava's heart skipped a beat as she read the message, her mind racing through the possibilities of what could be happening. She knew that as Aurum, she couldn't ignore the call to action. But her father was expecting her for dinner, and she didn't want to disappoint him either. The conflicting emotions tugged at her, torn between her responsibilities as a superhero and her desire to spend time with her dad.

Without hesitating, Ava grabbed her bag, and changed into her suit, pocketing her phone. She made her way to the balcony, glancing out at the cityscape beyond. Her dad was waiting for her but  she had to make a choice – one that went beyond her own desires.

As much as she wanted to share dinner with her dad and catch up on their lives, she knew her duty as Aurum was calling. She couldn't allow herself to be swayed by personal wishes when there was potential danger looming. With a heavy sigh, Ava made a quick decision. She couldn't let whatever emergency was unfolding go unchecked. 

The scene that greeted her was chaotic and alarming – a group of armed thugs were robbing a store, their weapons seem to be powered by Stark tech. The situation was dire, and there was no time to waste. She couldn't allow Stark technology to fall into the wrong hands, not when its potential for destruction was immense. With a deep breath to steady herself, she launched into action, her movements a blur of precision and determination.

Just as Ava was gaining the upper hand, a sudden shot pierced the air, and she gasped in pain as a bullet grazed her side. She stumbled, her grip on her powers faltering for a moment. It was then that a red-and-blue blur swung into the scene, landing gracefully between her and the remaining thugs. Spider-Man's presence was a welcome sight, his acrobatic skills and swift reflexes immediately shifting the balance of the fight.

"Need a hand?" Spider-Man quipped, his voice laced with a mix of camaraderie and confidence.

Ava managed a tight nod, her side throbbing as she fought through the pain. The two of them moved in sync, their teamwork a testament to their unspoken understanding. Spider-Man's agility and quick strikes complemented Ava's energy manipulation, creating a formidable combination that left the thugs reeling.

As Spider-Man engaged the remaining criminals, Ava focused her energy on disabling the Stark tech weapons. Her golden energy crackled and surged as she aimed precise shots, rendering the weapons useless one by one. Spider-Man's web-slinging and well-timed moves kept the thugs off balance, preventing them from regaining their footing.

Finally, the last of the criminals was incapacitated, the store's atmosphere shifting from fear to relief. Ava's chest heaved as the adrenaline began to ebb away, her breaths heavy but steady. She glanced at Spider-Man, his masked face turning in her direction as if acknowledging her efforts. The police arrived to secure the scene, and Ava felt a deep sense of satisfaction in knowing that she and Spider-Man had prevented a potential catastrophe.

With her duty fulfilled, Ava leaned against a nearby wall, her breathing gradually slowing as she observed Spider-Man exchanging a few words with the police officers. The weight of her dual life settled on her shoulders once more, a reminder of the challenges she faced in maintaining her responsibilities as both a student and a superhero. The exhilaration of the fight mingled with the pang of regret for missing dinner with her dad.

As Spider-Man approached her, Ava managed a weary smile. "Thanks for the assist."

Spider-Man's masked expression seemed to soften. "Anytime."

Ava's heart swelled with gratitude for the masked hero who had come to her aid. The weight of her dual life was heavy, but in moments like these, she found solace in knowing she wasn't alone. As the police finished securing the scene and the adrenaline slowly subsided, she glanced at her side where the bullet had grazed her. It stung, a reminder of the risks she faced as Aurum.

"Are you okay?" Spider-Man's concern was palpable through the mask.

Ava nodded, a mixture of exhaustion and determination in her gaze. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Just a scratch."

Spider-Man's gaze lingered for a moment, as if trying to gauge her sincerity. "You're one tough cookie, Aurum."

She managed a soft chuckle, appreciating his attempt to lighten the mood. "You're not so bad yourself, Spider-Man."

With a nod, Spider-Man glanced towards the police officers who were busy cataloguing evidence. "I should stick around for a bit, but it looks like they've got things under control here."

Ava understood his duty and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I should get going too. Thanks again, Spider-Man."

As they shared a brief nod of understanding, Ava turned and used her energy manipulation to propel herself up onto a nearby rooftop.

With a sigh, Ava's gaze settled on the stars above, a reminder of the vastness of the world beyond her immediate struggles. As much as she valued her role as a superhero, the tension between her two lives was becoming harder to ignore. Her dad was waiting for her, unaware of the ordeal she had just faced. The clock was ticking, and she had to make a decision – continue patrolling or rush to her dinner with him.

Ava's fingers danced across her phone screen, a message quickly typed and sent to Tony. "Hey, I'm not feeling too good. Can we reschedule dinner? Sorry for the short notice."

She exhaled, the throbbing pain in her side a constant reminder of the close call she had just experienced. 

With a heavy sigh, she steeled herself and used her energy manipulation to launch herself off the rooftop, determined to find a quiet moment to tend to her injuries and reflect on the choices she had made.

When she returned home, the lights in her room were dimmed, casting a calming glow across the space. Ava closed the door behind her, her steps quiet as she moved across the room, shedding her suit along the way. The events of the night replayed in her mind, and she couldn't shake the mixture of adrenaline and fatigue that clung to her.

Sitting down at her desk, she carefully examined the graze on her side, wincing as she touched the tender area. It wasn't a serious injury, but it was a stark reminder of the dangers she faced as Aurum. Her phone buzzed with a message, and she picked it up to see Tony's response. "Of course, sweetie. Take care of yourself. We can reschedule whenever you're feeling better. Love you."

Ava's heart softened at her dad's understanding response. Despite the complexities of their relationship and her dual life, she knew that her family cared for her deeply. She typed back a quick "Love you too, Dad" before setting her phone aside and allowing herself a moment to unwind and take care of her wound.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚

The next day at Midtown High, Ava's tiredness was noticeable in her sluggish pace. The injury on her side hadn't completely healed, causing her to grimace with discomfort whenever she shifted.

Peter, standing by Ava's locker with Ned, observed her deliberate movements. "Hey, Ava, are you alright?"

Ava offered a tired smile as she opened her locker, her movements careful to avoid any unnecessary strain on her side. "Yeah, just feeling a bit worn out. Didn't get the best sleep last night."

Ned's eyebrows furrowed with concern as he leaned against the nearby lockers. "Everything alright? You look like you're in pain."

Ava's attempt to brush off the concern didn't go unnoticed. Peter's gaze was sharp as he studied her. "Ava, seriously, what happened?"

Ava offered a dismissive shrug, trying to downplay her condition. "I'm just a bit sore from... you know, gymnastics practice."

Peter's gaze remained fixed on her, his concern evident in his eyes. "Ava, that doesn't sound like nothing. Are you sure you're okay?"

Ava hesitated for a moment, realizing that her friends were genuinely worried about her. She couldn't reveal the truth about her secret identity, but she also didn't want to lie to them. "It's really not a big deal. Just had a clumsy moment, that's all."

Ned leaned in, lowering his voice conspiratorially. "Clumsy moment, huh? Did you trip over another chair?"

Ava chuckled softly, grateful for the attempt at humour. "Not this time, Ned. Just... minor mishaps."

Peter's expression softened as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Well, if you need anything, just let us know. We're here for you."

Meeting Peter's gaze, Ava caught his concern and offered a grateful smile. "Hey, thanks, Peter. By the way, Liz told me she'd lend me her history book again. I somehow managed to lose it... again. Anyway, I'll catch you guys in first period." She closed her locker with a warm smile and started walking, trying to pick up her pace a bit while holding back a wince of discomfort.

Liz sat amidst their shared group of friends in the bustling cafeteria. "Ava! Over here," she called out, her voice cheerful as she handed Ava her textbook. "Why not just buy a new one?" Liz inquired, a hint of curiosity in her tone.

Ava's smile was appreciative as she took the textbook. "I haven't gotten around to it yet, but I'll definitely do that. Thanks, Liz. You're a lifesaver."

One of the girls seated near Liz chimed in, directing her attention to Ava. "Hey, Ava. Are you planning to join the homecoming committee?"

"Homecoming?" Ava's eyebrows raised in curiosity.

"You're not familiar with homecoming?" Liz questioned, a mix of surprise and amusement evident in her voice. Ava shook her head in response, prompting Liz to explain.

 "Well," Liz began, leaning in a bit to share the excitement, "homecoming is this big event at our school. It's like a dance and a celebration all rolled into one. There's a lot of planning that goes into it, and the homecoming committee is in charge of organizing everything."

Ava's eyes lit up with interest as she absorbed Liz's explanation. "That sounds really cool, actually. I didn't know we had something like that."

The girl beside Liz nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's a pretty big deal. People get all dressed up, there's music, decorations, and even a king and queen are crowned."

Ava's lips curled into a smile. "Wow, it sounds like a lot of fun. Let me know if you need any donations."

The girl beside Liz grinned at Ava's offer. "Donations, huh? That's thoughtful of you."

Ava's smile was genuine, her eyes sparkling with warmth. "Well, it's a fantastic event, and if you guys need some extra support, count me in."

Liz's expression brightened. "That's really sweet of you, Ava. We'll definitely keep that in mind."

With a wave, Ava turned and began to navigate the bustling hallways of Midtown High. Dodging around groups of chattering students, Ava navigated the busy hallways with a practiced ease. Her mind was focused on getting to her first period class before the rush hit.

Sliding into her seat just in time, Ava felt a sense of accomplishment wash over her. The hustle and bustle of the hallway had given way to the relative calm of the classroom, and she took a moment to catch her breath. As the bell rang, signalling the start of class, Ava's thoughts turned inward.

As the teacher began the lesson, Ava's gaze settled on her notebook. She couldn't help but wonder if she could truly manage both aspects of her life—a dedicated student and a hidden superhero. But in that moment, surrounded by the familiar sights and sounds of her classroom, Ava felt a glimmer of hope. Perhaps, just perhaps, she could find her stride in this secret dual-life, navigating both worlds with the same determination that had brought her this far.

└─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

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