court of lies | robert's rebe...

By songofsapphire

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Atera Hightower joins the Red Keep as the lady-in-waiting of the future wife of the crown prince, Elia Martel... More

characters pti
characters ptii
characters ptiii
characters ptiv
pti | the royal wedding
the call
the ladies
the proposal
the dorne
the princess
the storm's end
the feast
the joust
the court
the wedding
ptii | the florent revolt
moodboards; pti
moodboards; ptii (fashion)
the baby dragon
the death of a queen
the rush hour
the funeral
the rains
the labour
the amber skies
the fine print
the lion and the king
ptiii | the unfinished business
the family line
the dangerous game
the prophecy
the sign of the times
the champagne problems
the sun and the spear
the skyfall
the divine move
the shadow of doubt
the summerhall
ptiv | the kingswood
the fighting pit
the icarus
the poisoned bond
the brotherhood
the sept of baelor
the princess and the queen
the burning embers
the sworn sword
the heartbreak weather
the emperor's new clothes
ptv | the year of the false spring
the harrenhal
the lotus
the kingsguard
the harbinger of war
the mystery knight
the broken crown
the lost stars
the winter roses
the dawn will come
the song of ice and fire
ptvi | the war of the usurper
the north remembers
the labyrinth
the below of the surface
the war council
the bells
the winter solstice

the fool moon

215 6 12
By songofsapphire

"I didn't want to fall in love, not at all. but at some point you smiled and i knew it"

First moon of 280 AC, King's Landing

"You made a horrible mistake.", Rhaelle entered to her husband's chambers a week after Rhaegar and Elia sailed to their new home. "One that you can never take it back."

Aerys was watching the see with unfocused eyes. "Is that so?"

"You alienated your own son, humiliated your own daughter-in-law. I just wonder; with whose words?", she looked at him with disappointment. "Tywin or Varys?"

"Should I remind you again who I am?", he turned to her with a glimmer in his eyes that she knew all too well. "The king, your husband. I am not making decisions based on the opinions of others, do not mistake me for yourself."

"How could I?", she unintentionally let out a small laugh. "I did my duty to our son, you did not."

Aerys approached her. "My dear wife, are you upset because our son had left home or is there another reason for your presence in here?", he stood in front of her. "You haven't been in my rooms for a while now."

Rhaella forced herself to have a calm expression. "I merely came here as a worried mother, nothing more, my king. I was fearing that these last incidents may have hurt our son more than they should.", she tried to look sincere. "I am just hoping your actions were not against him, as an insult."

Aerys looked confused but Rhaella knew it was an act. "And what happens if it was an insult?", he asked and she shivered. "What if I did it deliberately as an act against him? Then what?", he leaned to her. "What will you do?"

"Humbly beg for you to remember that he is your son and heir.", she was still standing with elegance but the fear had covered her whole. "Pray to the Seven that whoever is ...telling you lies about him gets caught, nothing more."

"People are telling me other things as well.", Aerys almost whispered to her face and she tried too hard not to grimace. "Things that I am not sure if they are a lie or not."

Rhaella's heart was beating fast and she felt the urgent need to hold somewhere before she collapses but she had to stay strong, any sign of weakness would sign her own death warrant. "I have no idea what you are suggesting, husband."

"You better not.", he raised his chin. "I have warned you before that a second warning will not come, Rhaella. Whatever you plan with your little brain, know that it will fail and the next time you even think of attempting such a thing, I will choke you to death myself."

"Aerys,", she swallowed. "whatever lies you had been told, I am not sure, but I am busying myself with Viserys and with him only. I only wanted an audience because I am worried about Rhaegar's feelings. There was no need to hurt him like this."

Something snapped in Aerys' face and he swiftly raised his hand, Rhaella tried not to flinch and not to let out a whimper when his hand hold her face strong enough to leave bruises afterwards. "Do not concern yourself with things that are none of your business. Do not try to get in between me and my son."

"I only want to-"

"Who cares what you want?", he tightened his grip. "Rhaegar is my son, if you don't go and whisper into his ear, we will be fine."

"I would never-"

"You can fool everyone with this sweet act of yours. Pretending to be innocent, weak, playing the victim...", his face darkened with hatred. "But we both know what kind of a lying, scheming bitch you truly are. If you do even so little of thinking of poisoning my son against me, I will make a spectacle of you. Is that understood?", Rhaella did not answer and he tightened her hold even more and spat. "I asked you a question?"

"Understood.", she managed to say with struggle and Aerys let go of her with such force that she stumbled, and tried not to fall.

"One word to Rhaegar about this,", he pulled her from her hair when she turned back to leave the room. This time she did let out a whimper, her back was pushed to his chest and he was pulling her hair strong enough to redden her scalp at that moment immediately. "one word to him about any of these and I will kill you.", he whispered into her ear with a poisonous tone. "And then I will kill him. Do not ever forget that."


"You told me the wedding would not take place."

Tywin found her under the Heart Tree. Once again she ran away from her lessons, cursed her Septa and this time went as far as to make her guard hit her across the cheek. Tywin was not above hitting a servant or two to teach them a lesson but they were in the king's court and sullying a follower of the Faith like that in such dire times was a stupid move.

"I have no time for your hysterics.", he said with a cold tone. They were paying for Cersei's own failure, he was not going to listen to the way she tossed out the blame. "I am here to inform you about your return back to Casterly Rock."

"What?", she yelled with fury and stood up. "You cannot send me away!", she hit her foot to the ground and Tywin's face got sterner.

"Would you like to repeat that again?", he asked with a warning tone. "I am your father and lord and you will do as I say. You had disappointed me, my daughter, and humiliated our family. Lost in a competition that you had already won against a kitchen maid like Elia Martell.", he looked at her with disgust. "Your mother always saw something in you and I thought she was right on that."

"It seems we both failed, then.", she raised her chin and send back her tears. "She always told me that you bore love for us but now I see that she was wrong on that too. I was nothing but a piece that you moved on the board. I will never have the same value as Jamie in your eyes."

"Everything I do,", he took a step towards her. "is for the good of this family. So that we can build a legacy that will last on thousands of years. Your brother is doing his duty by training himself to be a good knight. He is going to do his duty by getting married and siring sons and daughters, all to improve the status of this house, our house. But you had given me nothing but disappointment and shame. How can you expect to be held in the same regard as my golden child?"

"You do not care about me.", she seemed broken only for one second. "You only wished to use me as a broodmare for the prince so that your grandson may inherit this realm one day. You do not care about me being the queen.", she said like she was seeing it for the first time. "You care about the crown your possible grandson may wear one day in the future more than the crown I was supposed to wear. You wouldn't care if I survive the birthing bed if Pycelle would put a baby with a cock in your arms."

"The greatest achievement a woman can make is to give an heir to her husband.", he pressed the words. "This is how houses are made, this is how legacies are protected, this is how the world works. Not by the tears and fears and-and emotions of women.", he spat. "I raised you to be better than this."

"You did not raise me.", she raised her chin with a proud look. "How could you, you were too busy trying to pimp me out."

Tywin clenched his jaw and tied his hands behind his back. One hit across her cheek would teach her a lesson but she was a Lannister, blood of his blood, he would not humiliate his ancestors like this. "You are going to pick your things up and leave the castle before the sun goes down. You are returning back to Casterly Rock, under your uncle's care and wait for future orders.", he put a hand on her cheek only for a moment and then lowered it with disgust. "And you will not fail me this time. Or the consequences will be dire."

He left afterwards, and did not see nor hear her cries.

He also did not see the careful approach of Varys towards her. Things would be different if he would spare her one single glance but he never did.


Second moon of 280 AC, Starfall

Servants and maids were carrying lots of chests to the high floors of the castle, only one lower than the lord's chambers. There was chaos ruling there, everybody was preparing for something.

Something Cassella didn't know even though she was the lady of the castle.

"My lady,", one of her personal guards approached to her. "I was coming to your side."

Cassella sent a tired glance to the movement around her, Andric was up to something again, she wagered. It was fine by her, as long as he stood inside the castle. She did not mind the people he invited there. She was able to keep an eye on him.

"I went to visit Allyria but she wasn't there.", she said in a questioning manner. She and Ashara never saw eye to eye and she and Andric were hating each other openly. Only Arthur and Allyria showed sympathy to her. "Is everything alright?"

"Lady Allyria went to the gardens with Lord Dayne, my lady.", he explained shortly. "Her name-day gift had reached the castle. A beautiful shining silver mare, dressed in Myrish silk and saddled with amethysts."

"I hope everything is ready for my good sister's name day feast?", she seemed interested. Allyria was always kind, not that both shared affection but Allyria showed empathy towards her. This marriage wasn't only hell for Andric. "I want perfection, nothing less."

"We prepared it in the way you ordered, everything will be ready in two days' time."

"Good.", she took a tired breath. "And guests?"

"Started to arrive.", he seemed nervous all of a sudden. "Lord Dayne will visit the harbour afternoon, to welcome family members.", Cassella only nodded and made a move to turn from the corridor but the guard stopped her. "My lady, maybe you would wish to use this way instead."

Cassella looked at him and then at the servants around them. She did not want to assume but it was obvious that something happened. "What is happening Cygnus?"

"Nothing, my lady.", he bowed his head, didn't want to look at her. "I just don't want you to get bothered by unnecessary things."

She narrowed her eyes and then realize the hurry around her. "What are they doing?", she asked carefully. When he did not answer she made the turn and looked at the crowded hallway.

"Lady Blackmont-", she turned to him sharply. "-had arrived a little while ago. They are preparing her chambers.", he swallowed. "It seems she is going to stay here even after the feast.", he shared a look with the other guards. "Lord Dayne had ordered her to be placed only a floor below himself, next to the family library."

She tried too hard to keep an expressionless face but her eyes got a bit red due to not blinking. She could feel the rising anger inside of her, she pursed her lips while gritting her teeth. Then raised her chin and entered the corridor. Larra was there, wearing a usual black gown. Her mocking eyes found her frame easily.

"Lady Qorgyle.", she greeted her. She always referred to her by her maiden name, never as Lady Dayne. "We thought you would never do the courtesy of showing up."

"Lady Blackmont.", she said with a voice that contained no warmth or respect. "We thought you would not lower yourself by daring to come and stay here.", she raised an eyebrow and observed her up and down. "It seems that we both were wrong."

"Why would I be lowering myself for attending to the naming feast of a fellow Dornishmen?", she asked with a playful manner, leaning to her. "Unless you are not saying that your good sister does not deserve such respect?"

"You know exactly what I meant.", she snapped.

"Oh I do.", she snapped back. "But I cannot take you seriously while knowing the things you had done, the way you lowered yourself in order to gain this position.", a smirk appeared on her blood-coloured lips. "At least I did not sell my dignity in return for a useless title."

"You will not insult me in my own home.", she spoke between her gritted teeth. "I will not allow my husband's mistress-", this erased the smirk from Larra's lips. "-to speak to me like this.", she raised her head and looked down upon her. "What do you even know of dignity? Of honour? You are nothing but a shame of Torrentine, sleeping with married men."

"I sleep with only one married man to be exact.", she tilted her head and wrinkled her nose. "I do wonder, Lady Qorgyle, did you ever show your displeasure to your husband? Did you ever look for answers from him? Did you even ask him before you made your aunt order him to marry you?", she pouted. "Because then we wouldn't be having this conversation right now if you had the courtesy of asking for consent first. Because his answer would be 'no'."

"Is this your excuse for fucking another woman's man?", she raised her voice. Thanks to their luck there were no high-class nobles around them, only a few minor ones. "You got no shame."

"I don't, you are right.", Larra raised her voice too. "There is no shame in love. There is no shame in getting what you want. You thought crying to your aunt would solve all your problems and Andric would be all yours. You thought he would give up on me. You never thought I would not.", she was taller than Cassella, so it was easier for her to look down upon her. "Andric and I belong to each other. I will never feel shame for feeling such a pure emotion. And my days of feeling sad for your wretched soul are over. I gave you too many chances that you never took. You made your own bed, why would I feel bad when you sleep on it now?"

"What you are doing is called adultery. It is a sin and both of you will burn in the seventh hell."

"Well,", she took a playful breath. "it seems you will not leave us even in there."

"You insolent-"

"Don't.", she warned her calmly. "You are merely a lord's wife -unwanted wife if I must say. I am a ruling lady. Choose your words carefully. You being Princess Lorenza's niece means nothing in that side of the Torrentine because we all do know what kind of a joke you are."

"You could have every man you wanted.", she said with spite. "Why did it have to be my husband?"

"He was mine long before he was forced to be yours.", Larra's anger was rooted deeper than hers. It was more destructive than hers. "You took my man from me against his wish, you forced yourself into his bed, into his castle, into his life all while knowing what is going to happen. And now you want what? For me to show mercy? Wake up sweetheart, it is not going to happen. You will lay alone in your bed until the last of your days while mine will be filled with him.", she seemed understanding for a second. "Despite all, I will advise you once more; give up Cassella, accept the separating terms and find your own happiness. Instead of forcing something never is going to happen -something you don't even want. Give up now, before I force you to bite yourself like the scorpions in your house sigil."


Second moon of 280 AC, Driftmark

"And exactly how long do you wish to stay here?", Corlys asked with a fake tone and Ravella rolled her eyes.

"Forgive your brother, you may have forgotten that he is a man-child."

They were in Ravella's solar. Jace and Aurane were sitting on the floor, playing with baby Aurora while Ravella was working with needle and thread and Corlys was pacing around. He sent a look to his wife.

"Ravella is only japing, do not take her seriously."

"I am wise enough to know that she is the one that I need to take it seriously.", he raised his head to wink and his good sister. "I will stay here as long as I want, Corlys. This is my home too, should I remind you that?"

"I did not ask in that way.", he smiled fakely. "I just want to know to host you better."

"Host me better.", he repeated and laughed to himself. "This is my home too, Corlys.", he said again. "You are not hosting anyone. Father may have named you as Castellan in his absence, but it doesn't mean you are the lord of the castle.", he raised his eyebrows. "And in any case, it is Ravella who is doing the hosting job, not you."

"He just doesn't want you to know about his secret plots.", she sighed dramatically. "He will continue into them once you are gone, hence the desperate questioning."

"Uuu,", Aurane leaned back, put one elbow to the ground and laid upon it. "who do we plot against this time, brother."

"No one.", he said sharply towards his wife and Ravella only wrinkled her nose at him. "She just likes to taunt me."

"It's Leyton, I wager.", she whispered towards them. "As usual."

"I have never met with a man as relentless as you brother.", Aurane smirked. "You plot and plot, yet Leyton beats you without doing anything."

"And he never gives up.", Jace joined them, tickling Aurora and making her giggle while taunting her father. "It is starting to turn into an obsession, I fear."

"Quit it, both of you.", he snapped at them. "I am in no mood for childish words."

Jace and Aurane shared a look. "If you are so mature now, maybe it is actually the time for you to grow up, husband.", Ravella spoke sweetly. "Instead of fighting with the ghosts in your mind."


Third moon of 280 AC, Dragonstone

Time was flying quick in the island of the dragons.

Two months into her marriage had already passed and while it was not terrible by any means, Elia was an honest person, it was not satisfying either. The first week after their wedding was full of bliss and passion. That one week they spent in their chambers, away from the whole world had made her believe that maybe her marriage would be worthy of fairy tales. She still vividly remembered the way he pulled her body to his, was attentive to her needs and actually encouraged her to try new things.

But after they went to Dragonstone, that peaceful bubble around them had disappeared and with the dark and gloomy state of the island, their relationship quickly turned into sourness. For the rest of their first moon together, Elia barely saw her husband at all. He was too busy with state matters due to him being away from his seat for more than a year. She had learnt that Jon Connington -his favourite courtier, had been taking care of things but he had to drop them off and go to Griffin's Roost for an urgent business and then instead of coming here, he went to the capital to escort the prince. And the secondary castellan that was appointed in his stead -a Rosby no less, managed to ruin Rhaegar's whole system and now he had to work relentlessly to build it back again.

He was waking up too early, not eating breakfast -Elia realized shortly after that it wasn't due to circumstances but he simply preferred not to eat something in the morning, and then going to the villages nearby and not returning until the sun already went down and Elia already ate her dinner, alone. She asked his squire, Myles, if he was eating anything at all and the young boy gave her a detailed explanation to erase her worries. Her prince was taking care of himself -or well, his squire was taking care of him well enough.

He would work until late at night with his advisor and one of the kingsguards beside him. Elia had refused their constant company of them. Ser Oswell was waggish, she did not deny it. The jokes he made were risible and he was easy company altogether. Always had a kind smile on his face and she heard him making ...relatively dirty jokes once or twice, which allowed her to take a deep breath. It eased her to have a man like him in her household when people added 'your grace' at the end of every sentence. She was a princess by birth and was now married to the crown prince himself but she still was a human at the core. She wanted to have fun and Ser Oswell reminded her of Oberyn in many aspects.

But this was also the main reason she did not want him around that much.

She was homesick and the person she missed the most was Oberyn. Sure, her brother had been travelling the world for quite some time now but she would see him every so often to a point that she never had the chance to miss him that terribly. And even when he could not visit her, he would write her tons of letters. Water Gardens were closer to the Free Cities while Dragonstone was a lot further than it. And since her prince did not possess an actual dragon, she was missing Oberyn to a point that broke her heart.

And of course, Doran was another person she missed and dreamed of at night. Her older brother was like a father to her in many ways that it counted. She reminisced the time when she had trouble sleeping and he would sneak her off from the castle, they would lie down in the gardens and watch the stars for hours. Being fostered by Ansel Dayne, he would know almost every star and constellation and she would fall asleep while listening to his calming voice.

She missed Mellario, her dearest sister-by-law, and Arianne, her little niece. Both were the joy in her life, especially in recent days. Ashara was too broken over everything that happened with Oberyn and needed time to heal, and Tara and Robyn, now both at the proper age to get married, were not a constant company in her life. Her good sister, also not being loved or wanted by her mother, would visit her and she stayed for almost a moon once. And since Elia always loved children a little more than she probably should, Arianne's existence was making everything easier.

And now her family were gone and her husband, the person she had to form another family with sooner than later, was not there.

She thought about asking Arthur to guard her when she saw displeased look on Rhaegar's Gods-carved face but as much as he made her feel at home, he also made her feel nervous. Things that happened between Oberyn and Ashara were hurtful for Elia too but the third party that got hurt the most was definitely Arthur. Also, he had other problems with his sister and she did not want to be selfish, she did not want Ashara to endure his constant presence when it was too clear the Dayne siblings were still not on speaking terms. It needed Arthur to get gravely wounded or Ashara to fall from the stairs to the sea, so they could let go of their pride and meet on common ground.

Her ladies were always with her and they all had different personalities. Tara and Robyn being her close friends took care of the more private details of her life. Baths and waking her up in the morning were their duty. It was they who were in charge of her gowns and undergarments and the protection of her jewelry.

Ashara was her eldest and best friend, her chief lady-in-waiting, and her personal assistant in more ways than one. It was she who almost immediately got in touch with disgruntled Jon Connington in order to form a foundation in Elia's name as soon as possible. It was she who organized a meeting with the ladies nearby, and the chief women in the villages. It was she who organized her whole day.

And she had two rather unfamiliar companies as well. Lady Catelyn was her youngest lady, still didn't even come off-age. She was a reserved, dutiful little thing, eager to please Elia. She spoke with her with the most dignity and respect and sent small annoyed looks to her Gargalen ladies and Ashara when they forgot to address her by her royal title. She was the one that spent the most time with Elia as she waited inside her chambers alongside her maids.

She also had Lady Atera in her service and the blonde woman, her once rival, was still a box full of mysteries to Elia. She did not speak much though still managed to annoy the shit out of Arthur. Atera did not have a specific duty. She helped whoever needed help but most of the time she accompanied Elia with her handwork. Though the young princess quickly realized -with much amusement, that her new lady had little to no patience at all and was terrible at embodiments. Elia decided to count the number of times she accidentally cut herself with the needle but it was an impossible task. She would silently huff, Elia was sure she did not realize it herself too and someone who didn't know better could have thought she worked too hard that day due to her being completely drained-looking. Elia thought about releasing her more than once or offering her to do something else but then she decided not to.

She wasn't a person that trust easily and in order to gain it, the other person had to trust her first. She truly believed it needed to go both ways. If Atera was thinking that she would not show her understanding, then she was not going to offer her such. She needed to make the first move and it was entertaining to watch the way the blonde woman bit her lips and sent secret glances her way during those long and silent hours.

Two other constant companions in their household were young Myles Mooton, her husband's squire and young Jon Connington, her husband's apparently 'most trusted' advisor. Myles was a wide-eyed, extremely cute young boy who was always shy but always so respectable and did his duty near perfection. Jon Connington on the other hand only offered greetings when Rhaegar was present, otherwise refused to acknowledge her presence at all. She caught him sending mocking or observing looks with his shining blue eyes.

Well, it was not like she liked him either.

Her second month with Rhaegar took a ...drastic turn in its second week when she finally realized that he was not going to visit her bed. He wasn't that absent, he joined her for supper when he can and always sent Myles to inform her, personally went to her chambers to say goodbye when he was leaving the castle and all but they were strangers that lived in the same place, nothing more. So when she realized he was not going to do her duties as a husband, she decided she was going to do hers as a wife.

It was late at night and only Ashara was with her when she decided to take the first step. She took a long and relaxing bath with spicy flowers, applied lotions and perfumes to her skin, and wore a see-through bronze nightgown that ended above her ankles and a thick orange robe on top of it. Ashara helped her apply black eyeliner inside her eyes and curled her hair.

"For what is worth,", she found the situation very amusing or so it seemed. "I think you are doing the right thing. He has no right to neglect you like this. Either he'll tell you he has no interest in it or will apologize for his past behaviour.", she shrugged. "You have to conceive an heir sooner than later."

"I am not doing this to get pregnant.", Elia murmured while wearing her golden rings. Ashara was putting a thin circlet around her head. "As a queen, if I wish to have power, if I wish to be known as more than a broodmare, I will need his fidelity.", she started to explain with a calm tone. "After I secure that, I will need his love and lastly his respect.", she sent a look to her best friend. "We both know this all starts with a healthy sex life."

"Well I don't think he neglected you for the wenches in the brothel in villages he visits.", Ashara clasped her necklace. "It seems maybe he does not have ...urges like that?"

Elia raised an eyebrow. "He does, I am sure of it.", she looked at her reflection in the mirror. "I doubt that he would stay away from my bed without any explanation though. I am curious, more than anything, what his reasons might be."

After she got ready she opened her door, Ser Oswell was taking the night duty -until she slept, then he would go to his own room to rest. He couldn't help but observe her choice of clothes.

"Are we going to the Sept, your grace?", he asked with a curious tone. The princess did visit the Sept every morning to pray but he never escorted her to it at night like he had done with the king in the past. Even Rhaegar once did that.

Elia did not answer his question and started to walk towards her husband's chambers with Oswell and Ashara behind her. She was nervous, of course, she was. She had no idea what would be Rhaegar's reaction. He always showed her his kind face, he was never disrespectful nor he ever made her feel unease. But maybe he did not like her and it was why he stood away from her chambers.

Well, she couldn't afford it.

It was more than pride or hurt feelings. Rhaegar's dislike towards her meant a shadow life for Elia. She didn't need him to be overly devoted to her, she did not expect him to fall in love with her but at least she had to secure repeated visits. At least until she gave an heir and was crowned queen. Afterwards, she could handle her own but not before. Not when everybody was waiting for her to fall -before she even rose. Not when her own father-by-law did not attend her wedding.

She simply couldn't afford it.

When they reached to Rhaegar's chambers, Oswell sent a look to Ashara -who was trying to keep a straight face. Arthur was surprisingly standing outside of the door though it was now a usual sight for them. Oswell never remembered a day when Arthur chose to stay vigil instead of accompanying the prince in his chambers. Not when they were merely friends, not when he was his sworn protector and not when he swore himself into kingsguard. But ever since they came to Dragonstone, things started to change between them. It started as a one-time thing but then the frequency of it increased and now he barely kept company inside the door. There was a prominent scowl on his handsome face and he was barely talking, painfully obviously avoiding both Rhaegar and Oswell and neither had any clue about what was wrong.

"Your grace.", Arthur bowed his head with respect though Oswell could hear the slight confusion in his tone. "Did something happen?", he asked with a neutral tone, sending a secret glance to Oswell.

"I didn't know that I needed a reason to visit my husband's chambers.", Elia narrowed her eyes at her fellow Dornishmen. "Is that a problem, Ser?", she asked when Arthur made no movements to open the door.

"His grace has company, your grace.", he sent another look to Oswell, he knew he had company. "It is not my place to say but maybe it would be more suitable if you visit him later."

"Who is his company?", she pursed her lips in a questioning manner.

"Ser Jon Connington and Myles.", it was an ordinary company, yes, but still it was company and Arthur might have sworn into chastity -loosely implied or not, but he was not a virgin and surely was old enough to know what happened between a husband and wife and had the common sense to know what her appearance meant. "They are discussing over the border placements of the extra guards that his grace the king had sent recently.", he offered her an explanation so she wouldn't feel like Rhaegar ordered him to keep her away from his chambers.

"It seems to me that they can discuss it in the morning.", she changed her stance and glared at Arthur until he relent.

"Let me announce your presence first.", he sent another look to Oswell and opened the door.

Rhaegar was sitting on his desk with his head between his hands, and Jon and Myles were sitting on chairs. All looked very tired -or bored, more likely. "Her grace, Princess Elia wishes for the audience, your grace.", Arthur answered Rhaegar's shocked eyes -probably he thought Arthur was going to join them in their discussion.

"At this hour?", he asked with worry while Jon and Myles shared a look. "Did something happen?", he stood up.

"She said that she didn't know she had to ask before she came to your chambers.", Arthur raised his eyebrows.

"Oh.", Rhaegar made a small noise and bowed his head, his fingers were playing with the papers on the desk.

"Maybe Ser Jon and Myles would like to come tomorrow?", Arthur offered when he saw the shy state his friend was in. "So Princess Elia wouldn't have to wait longer?"

"Yes!", he exclaimed and then cleared his throat. "Yes, please, do not wait the princess.", he looked at Jon and then averted him. "We can continue tomorrow, we all deserve a rest. We weren't going anywhere."

Jon sighed but stood up, bowed to him and Myles follow him, Arthur kept the door open for them and then made a head motion to Elia to enter. "Your grace.", she curtsied and Arthur left the room.

"Do you think should I wait here?", Ashara asked both kingsguards and they shared a look.

"A maid should wait here if her grace leaves the room early.", Oswell explained to her with a side smirk when Arthur refused to speak. "It is not my place, Lady Ashara, but I believe you should send a maid and went to rest instead."

"Your prince wouldn't send her away, I wager?", she raised her eyebrow at her brother. This was the first direct contact they had ever since they arrived on this grim island.

"I cannot know that.", his eyes found her purple ones. "But I doubt it. Ser Oswell is right, go and rest. I will call for you if something happens."

"If you say so.", she narrowed her eyes at him and left, did not forget to send a maid in her place.

"You too Oswell.", Arthur turned to his friend. "Go and rest, I'll take care of it here."

"You should rest too.", Oswell said with a flaming tone. "I never see you eat or sleep in these days."

"It means you haven't been looking well enough.", his voice was far away from being humorous. It was dry and collected -cold, even. Oswell looked at him as if he was seeing his soul.

"Does it ever occur to you that maybe I know what you know?", he asked and saw the way Arthur's face got darker and more defensive. "Maybe I too am well aware of my surroundings, maybe more so than even you?", Arthur opened his mouth to say something but then closed it again, one hand was playing with the hilt of the sword that was hanging from his waist the other was thrown to his back. "Maybe talking at least with me would offer you some comfort?"

"I do not need comfort.", he said with a reserved tone, didn't want to be rude but was not in the mood to accept sympathy. There was no room for him to be emotional. "And I have no idea what you are possibly talking about."

Oswell took a deep breath. "You take us as fools then? Is that right? I never knew you were that arrogant."

"This has nothing to do with arrogance.", Arthur tried to defend himself while he wanted Oswell to strike him as hard as he could so maybe his senses would come back to him. "I am trying to save you. You are-"

"I am a kingsguard.", Oswell snapped. "Not less than you, not more than you. We both are the same thing, sworn into the same damn oath, our job is the same thing.", he leaned to him and whisper while her eyes were burning with adamance. "To protect the king's secrets."

"Our job is to protect the royal family.", Arthur snapped back, heart beating fast as usual. He wondered if this nervousness would come back to him in the future as a disease. His uncle had blood pressure problems -like Aethan and Lorenza both did, possibly inherited by Doran and Elia -both had rather fragile health than Oberyn. "All of them.", his blue eyes were shining with deeply located tears and his whisper was trying to convince himself.

"But not from him.", Oswell took a step back, straightened his spine and answered with a forced unbothered tone. "Our duty is to the king first, then to the queen, then to our crown prince and then to Prince Viserys.", he looked up and down. "That's our priority.", he spat. "You knew you had to leave your emotions behind when you swore yourself into this. I had warned you about this."

"What we are asked to do is ...dreadful.", he said with disgust that was too obvious for Oswell's liking.

"No man is immortal.", Oswell shrugged, his own blue eyes clouded. "He will die too one day. Your job is to be sure that he will be the last one to die.", his eyes found the rocky door and he sighed. "And the more you act like you are going to fall to your own sword, the more Rhaegar gets uneasy. The more Rhaegar gets uneasy, the more he gets committed.", his sharp eyes found Arthur. "And the more he gets committed, the more he gets closer to the truth.", he raised his chin, somebody had to play the adult in this equation and weirdly enough, it was his duty. "We both know what would happen once he learns that truth, no?", Arthur bowed his head with a defeated sigh. "And this goes directly against our orders.", Oswell's eyes got softened for a moment, and he took a step towards his sworn brother and put a hand on his neck. "We cannot have the crown prince murder the king.", he begged him to understand. "What you and I personally feel does not matter. Once we got that cloak, we turned it into a sword. And our only job, above all the rest, is to protect the king and the king only."

"That cloak had to be white.", Arthur's lip trembled and he cursed himself for that sign of weakness. "It matters not once it gets sullied."

"A king's sins cannot sully it.", his eyes found the door once again. "But a prince's can.", Arthur turned his head away and Oswell took another breath. "This is what the queen wants too.", Arthur swallowed. "Or she would have told it to him already."

"You chose to listen to her, not because it is right but because it is easy.", Arthur looked at him with disappointment. "We are knights before we are kingsguard and our primary oath is to protect the weak, the innocent, women and children. What kind of a knight would hurt a defenceless woman, a queen?"

"Did you hurt her yourself?", Oswell tried a new approach. "No. And you have no power against the man who did. It is horrible, I agree. Rhaegar deserves to know, I agree. But none of the people who are actually in this awful equation; the king and the queen, do not want him to know. And as his friend, you shouldn't want him to know either. Because trust me, my dear friend, you will not be able to live with yourself either, if he runs through his sword to the king's chest. You wouldn't wish a man as your friend who committed patricide, regicide no less.", Oswell squeezed his shoulder. "If you tell it to Rhaegar, you will be torn between your friend and your duty. What do you plan to do if the king orders you to harm Rhaegar? Even kill him?"

"I would rather fall to my own sword.", Arthur tried to say as casually as possible and Oswell hit the back of his head.

"The best thing for all of us is for you to stay silent."

"Not for the queen."

"And you think the queen would be happy if her son would kill her husband, is that so?", Oswell raised an eyebrow. When they heard the upcoming footsteps of Elia's maid, they straightened their spine. "I am going to bed now, but we will continue this talk tomorrow.", he declared and Arthur did not meet his eyes.

Meanwhile, on inside of the room, Rhaegar was leaning the small of his back to his desk. He was wearing night clothes, comfortable black pants, white shirt -though unlaced, his lightly muscular chest was showing a little and he was wearing a thick robe, unbuttoned, coloured in scarlet red and gold on the ends. He crossed his arms but there was a hesitating, almost flustered look on his face.

Elia on the other hand was looking scintillating.

"Should I apologize for visiting your chambers that late in the evening, my prince?", she asked with a light voice, the slight tilt of her head made Rhaegar feel like she was toying with him. "I know usually a husband-", her voice got slightly sterner, Rhaegar would not notice if he wouldn't watch her every movement like a hawk and try to interpret every single thing she said. "-would make the travel between bed chambers but I wanted to make a vicissitude-", which meant she was unpleasant, which made fell Rhaegar fell more flustered. "-or else it didn't seem to me that you would do your duty."

"My duty?", he asked with a dry voice, trying too hard not to frown or else she could take it in the wrong way.

"Yes, your duty.", she took a step towards her, like a hunter, approaching her prey. "As my husband, is it not your duty to keep my bed warm, your grace? Or is there something I had misunderstood?"

"I was busy.", he said without thinking and saw the mocking eye narrowing in response. "I-I mean, I, did not want-"

"You claim that you wished me as a wife for more than a year.", her voice was sweet but Rhaegar was not brainless enough to get fooled by that. He knew the poison would strike soon enough, she was a viper after all. A pretty looking one, almost luminous -definitely luminous, very regal but a viper at the end of the day. "You directly went against your father and my mother to have me as a wife.", she paced slowly, her eyes observing the royal bed chamber of her husband. Even in the place of sleeping, he had a desk, filled with an endless amount of papers. "And now you neglect me-"

"This was never my inten-"

"I am still talking, your grace.", Elia raised her eyebrows ever so slightly, so her face was more challenging, not rude. "If you let me finish?"

"Of course."

Rhaegar's breath stuck in his throat, he tried to clear his voice. He had no idea why he was acting like a boy, he was not for a very long while. He had women before, maybe his history was not as colourful as Oswell's but he surely had more adventure than Arthur himself. He also had his wife, that week of pure bliss still reminded itself in his sleep. He had no idea why he couldn't bring himself to her bed.

He did have an idea but didn't know how to explain it to Elia because it sounded very ridiculous now. He was terrible at communicating with his wife a man who was known for his charming silver tongue and the easy company that inspired people.

"I do understand that you are a busy man.", she offered him a small smile -which he did not believe it. "That you had been away from your job too long and villages, near banners, the realm needs your attention maybe more than I do.", she had an understanding face that was shining with playful wickedness underneath. "If you would hint me a promise of taking care of me as intensely as you now taking care of state matters that you long neglected, I would never pressure you like this.", she tilted her head and pouted. "But I don't think this is the case now, right?"

Rhaegar let out a small chuckle of stress. One hand started to play with the feather on his desk while the other rubbed his forehead. "I do admit that I had failed you in our marriage bed-"

"You had failed me as a husband as a whole.", her face was emotionless now. "You are acting very strange for a man who claimed to want me rather ferociously, don't you think?", she took another step while her olive eyes got darkened, under this light they almost look black -black like her brother's. "And now I am left to wonder to think that if your absence in my bed means your presence in one another's."

Rhaegar's eyes got widened with stew. "I would never-", he tried to speak but his throat was too dry that his voice sounded like a bird fluttering. "-never-,", he repeated again with much disgust. "-humiliate you like this.", his face got softened with understanding and he quickly approached to Elia, held her warm hands with his cold ones -exactly opposite of their wedding night. "I do offer you my most sincere apologized, my princess, I am aware that I had wronged you but I would never show such a sign of disrespect towards you."

"Many men would not see it as disrespect.", she trusted only Gods, mortel men had to earn it first. Her husband had a long way down for her to even consider trusting him. She knew what kind of a monster lay in every men's soul, she was not the kind of a person whom he could buy with pretty words. "Royal ones would even encourage it."

"I am not like most men.", it sounded too cheesy even in his head but he said it anyway while cursing to himself. "I do believe that a marriage should be a sacred bond between man and wife, there is no place for a third party."

"It is a good thing that we are on the same side at least on this then.", she lowered her eyes to their connected hands. "Is there any explanation you can offer me?", she seemed uneasy suddenly. "Look,", she took a troubled breath and from this close angle, Rhaegar saw the way her neck got blushed a little. "I do understand if you have other ...attractions.", she offered with a warm tone. "They are not uncommon in Dorne, and I would understand if you would...", she did not finish her sentence and Rhaegar blinked one too many times at her that she took a deep breath. "If you would prefer the company of men instead of women."

"Oh.", Rhaegar blurted, feeling the way he turned red. "I thought I had shown you enough that I do have a desire for women.", it seemed he was wrong and that blissful weak was only blissful to him.

"It is also not uncommon for people to desire both.", like me, Elia wanted to say but she did not trust him enough for that. "And it is completely normal even in that situation you desire one side more than the other."

"I-", Rhaegar began to speak but felt relieved, not for him, no, he had eyes only for women -only for one woman to be exact, but he felt relieved for Jon. If someday, somehow she would hear of his desires, she would approach him with an open heart. "-I do not desire men, my lady.", he offered her a kind smile that dropped seconds later, he knew he owed her the truth. "I did not want to force you into something you didn't want to."

"...what?", Elia managed to ask, too dumbfounded to form an actual sentence.

"It is widely accepted that a woman's duty in marriage is to keep her husband's bed warm and fill his lineage with children.", he shrugged. "I do not want our marriage to be like this. I do not want to force you into accepting me into your bed without your own craving for it. I do not wish you as a broodmare to give me heirs.", he placed a small kiss on her hands. "I wish to have a true marriage with you, to have children with you. I thought maybe waiting for you to approach me first, without pressuring you into it, would be better.", he grimaced. "I see now that it was a terrible idea and I had upset you and for that, I once again want to state how sorry I am. I will do better in the future.", he promised her, not knowing he will not be able to keep it. "I will be better at communicating."

"Maybe next time you want to visit my bed,", she took a step towards him. "ask me first to know if I crave it or not.", she leaned her head to his ear and whispered while his hands unintentionally wrapped themselves around her hips. "Though you should know the yearning for one's husband's touches is rather normal in newlyweds."

"Is that so?", his voice was deep now and he felt the way his eyes closed when she wrapped her arms around his neck and started to kiss him.


And now it was a moon later, the duo seemed to get better. Rhaegar joined her for breakfast, he changed his diet to match hers. He gave up from lunch to be with her in the morning, then he left for state business and came back again for supper. They shared the same bed multiple times in a week though he never stayed. Elia wondered if it was because she never asked him to but she could not deny that she wanted. She never went to his chambers again, Rhaegar would come to her personally most of the time. Always with a kind smile and never with pressure. He would ask her permission to enter her room and a few times, not more than five, he sent Myles instead of his presence when he was rather busy with state matters.

But things got worse in the last week of the third moon because of Elia's terrible sickness. Rhaegar had no clue but she had to refuse him three times in the past fortnight already and she tried too hard to keep the food she ate in her stomach. Now it was late at night, she long sent her ladies and she bore no trust for her maids. The hour was too late that Ser Oswell -or was it Arthur that night?, had already gone to bed and now she was left alone to deal with her heartburn.

She slowly got up from her bed, she was wearing a rather thick cream-coloured night gown, she quickly found her favourite velvet orange robe and started to walk in the corridors until she saw a guard or servant. She was lucky that before she had to walk too much with a light head, she saw her husband's squire, talking with Ser Oswell.

"Princess Elia?", Oswell turned to the light footsteps and saw the wife of his prince in a troubled state with one hand on her stomach. "Did something happen?", it wasn't usual for her to be alone late at night. At least one of her ladies -Lady Ashara or one of the Gargalen girls most likely, would escort her.

"Myles,", she closed her eyes and spoke with a queasy tone. "can you please bring me some lavender tea from the kitchen? Make them add mint too. I have terrible stomach pain and nausea."

She seemed like she was going to gag but she put a hand on her mouth. Myles and Oswell shared a look. "Of course, I would your grace.", Myles seemed overly nervous.

"Did something happen, my lady?", Oswell took a step towards her. The olive-skinned princess was seeming very pale and sweaty under the dark candlelight. "Do you wish me to escort you back to your chambers?"

"That would not be necessary.", she tried to offer him a faint smile but failed, she swallowed another gag and put the hand on her stomach to the wall. "I was having nausea for a while-", she passed out before she managed to finish her sentence.

Oswell's movements were quick and calculated. He took one large step and managed to catch her before her head hit to the marble floor. Myles was already rushing to the kitchens but before he turned from the hallway, he saw the way she passed out and rushed back to them again.

"What should I do?", he asked.

Someone should inform Rhaegar -who was probably in the middle of a conversation with Arthur. His bits of advice did not work, and even made things worse and Rhaegar, while always a paragon of patience, was so very stressed about her best friend. Someone also should have summon the Maester. And her ladies and there was also the tea she asked for. His brain was working too hard under the pressure. He knew what to do but wasn't sure how to do it.

"Find a guard to alert the prince and rush to the Maester. Arthur is already with him, he can call for his sister and forget about the tea for now.", he made a swift move and take Elia in his arms completely, starting to walk towards her chambers.

Elia woke up in the sunlight, there was only Rhaegar in the room, standing with his back turned to her, his front facing the open window. It was weird weather on the shores of Dragonstone. The sun was warm and bright and the small sea breeze almost reminded her of home. Rhaegar's hands were tied at his back and she could not see her face.

She did not understand what was happening at first. It was late when she remembered, she had heartburn and nausea, she remembered seeing Myles and Oswell and then... she passed out? She did not remember that part well. Her chamber was untouched except for the long breakfast table. She frowned, she said time and time again that she had little to no appetite in the mornings. A warm milk with blood oranges (that Doran sent from Sunspear) would be sufficient enough. And Rhaegar would prefer peppermint tea with black bread and salty cheese.

Neither were breakfast people.

But now the table was filled with numerous foods and vegetables and fruits and drinks and she had no idea why. Were they expecting guests? Maybe Rhaegar's courtiers or her ladies? Or maybe foreign dignitaries? Her uncle? Her cousins?

"Rhaegar?", she whispered and her throat hurt. She needed water. Rhaegar turned to her immediately with a warm expression and after seeing her dried lips, he fetch water for her before she asked and helped her drink. "Thank you."

"Your welcome.", she was leaning on the soft pillows and he was sitting on her bed, playing with her hand. There was a smile he could not surprise. "You finally woke up.", he breathed. "Are you feeling alright?"

"How did I come here?", she frowned.

"You passed out in the hallway.", he said with a worried tone, one hand raised to caress her cheek softly. "Oswell had brought you here and Myles summoned me. The Maester had examined you."

"What happened then?", she wondered. "Something I eat had some bad effect on me?"

Rhaegar's smile widened, she had never seen him like this. He put a hand on her belly and the other hold her cheek completely, he looked deep into her eyes. "You are pregnant, my dearest. You are carrying our child.", her olive eyes got widened with emotions and she couldn't help but let out a cheerful laugh while Rhaegar placed a heart-warming kiss on her hair.


Fourth moon of 280 AC, Dragonstone

"Your grace!", the Lysene merchant stood up when the Prince of Dragonstone entered to his shop with the blonde/ginger kingsguard.

"Votto!", he greeted him as cheerfully as he could. He was drowning in his headache once more due to studying until late at night and then taking care of Elia when she had yet another nausea attack. He decided to spend his free time with her today, to buy her a small present. "Let me see your new brooches."

They were beautiful but Rhaegar doubted that she would wear them. The first had a bronze inner circle and it was shaped like the sun, like a Martell sun, and was covered with high-class diamonds. The other was a silvery thing with big and small diamonds, shaped like daisies.

Elia was wearing heavy jewellery most of the time. Small head pieces, not crowns, not yet and did not prefer earrings but you could always see many rings on her fingers, thick bracelets, long and heavy necklaces and such. Rhaegar did not see her wearing many brooches -this could be guessed as she did not like them but Rhaegar also realized it she was using them to clasp her cloaks and since she never used cloaks under the shining Dornish sun, she probably did not have many of them.

So he thought it was a marvellous idea to gift her something she would use regularly.

Votto probably sensed his disfavour and bend down to show him another one, one of his most precious ones. "Your grace, look to this one, if you would."

This one was a lot more beautiful and a lot more like Elia's taste. A diamond phoenix, carrying a single drop of tear between its beak. Symbolizing the Rhoynish resistance. Rhaegar hold it high for Oswell to see and he shrugged.

"Looks more expensive."

Rhaegar rolled his eyes at him. "It is not about its price, I just want her to be happy."

"I do not wish to undermine this gift of yours, your grace, but I believe Princess Elia would be happy even if you would give her a simple handkerchief.", he shrugged again. "She seems truly to believe that it is the thought that it counts, not other things."

Rhaegar just shook his head at him. "I am going to take this one and prepare it."

"As you wish, my prince."

Sadly, Rhaegar's hopes of giving it to her personally had to change when a sudden emergency took away all of his attention. So he sent the brooch to Arthur through Myles, so he could give it to her.

"Lady Atera?", Arthur was waiting in the main hallway for one of Elia's ladies to come and take the brooch from him, so he could continue to do his job. He expected his sister or his cousins, Tara or Robyn. Not her.

"Were expecting someone else, ser?", she tied her hands behind her and asked with an almost playful tone. "Are you disappointed that it is me who came?"

Arthur was in no mood for games. A scowl was basically carved into his face entirely in the past moons, his talk with Oswell only made things worse and he was glad that his talk with Rhaegar had been interrupted and his prince did not approach him again.

He was fearing of blurting out the truth.

Ashara was refusing to speak to him, not that he complained about it. His cousins were nice but not as close as before. Lady Catelyn was obviously afraid of him and Atera Hightower was Atera Hightower. He had not seen her frequently but when he did, she made sure that his eyes lingered on her.

Not out of anything positive though, because of her loud remarks and innuendos that only he understood.

Arthur would normally apologize, he thought about apologizing to her before but his aunt told him that she knew nothing about the betrothal so he kept his mouth shut. When he realized she knew, he tried to approach her but things were too complicated and everything happened all at once and then saying sorry seemed like a direct response to her actions which was not. He wanted to apologize to her himself, the thought so, not because he realized his mistake later. And it seemed that now, her biggest enjoyment was to see the way his mouth twitches every time he wanted to say something to her but didn't because he was not a child.

Like right now.

"Prince Rhaegar had requested this to be given to Princess Elia. He also sends his apologies for not being able to give it to her personally, and states that unfortunately, he will miss the supper tonight."

Atera raised her eyebrows but decided to say nothing, took the box from him, and their fingers touched slightly, neither of them knew at that moment that soon enough this slight movement was going to be something both craved, and left for the princess' solar.

Robyn sat down next to Elia, tried to read the small letter when it seemed that whatever the prince wrote made her happier than the small fortune in her hands. And her sister Tara declared loudly. "Read it out loud, do not make us wonder!"

Elia tried to surpass her smile but failed, she was grinning like devoted lovers of old. "My heart is just like this phoenix, will rise through its ashes under your sun."

Tara sighed and lay down on the couch. "I want a romantic love like this one."


Fifth moon of 280 AC, Dragonstone

She woke up alone in her bed.

"Robyn? Tara?", she asked first. Nobody answered.

"Catelyn?", her eyes roamed around her room, everything was seeming as usual.

"Atera?", she realized that her voice was echoing and it was dark, still no one answered her.

"Ashara?", lastly she called for her best friend, there was anger inside of her, but she had no idea why.

When no one answered, she stood up and went to the rocky door -she was in her chamber in Dragonstone. When she opened it, she saw no kingsguards. Neither Oswell nor Arthur was there, neither Martell nor Targaryen guards.

She found that odd.

She started to walk inside the castle while calling for names. "Oswell? Arthur? Myles? Jon?"

But there was no one who was answering her. She went to the kitchens and found it empty, the grand hall, the chambers of her ladies -the island was empty. There was no one inside the castle. Suddenly she felt like she couldn't breathe.

"Rhaegar?", she asked with worry and rushed to his chambers. When she entered, she found it empty like the rest.

The only weird thing in the room was the letter that was standing on his bed, signed by her husband's royal sigil, his wedding ring was next to it. She frowned with fear, she had no idea what was going on.

"Rhaegar where are you?", she called desperately.

Then she saw the open balcony door and moved there with caution. At first, everything was normal but then the air got cold, she heard strong wing clappings and before she understood what was happening a dragon appeared, his eyes were shining red -like rubies. She couldn't help but feel mesmerized only by looking at him. But then his movements got faster and he opened his big mouth. The only thing she heard before the flames hit her was her own scream.

"No!", she woke up with a beating heart and a dry mouth.

"Elia are you alright?", Rhaegar woke up right after her with an apprehensive look on his face, he tried to put a comforting hand on her arm while her eyes roamed around the room but she flinched and he quickly pulled it back. "I am sorry darling, are you feeling well?"

Elia put one hand on her belly and the other rubbed her forehead when she realized she was awake now but the heartburn was still there due to her waking up with sudden moves. When she realized she couldn't help but to get sick, she quickly stood up and rushed to her private bathroom. Rhaegar rubbed his face and followed her. Elia never liked his presence in moments like this but he couldn't leave her.

He bend down slowly and pulled her hair back with gentle moves while one hand rubbed her back in a comforting manner. Elia stood in that position for minutes, she was sure that her stomach was totally empty at this point. When she finally felt enough strength to stand up, Rhaegar helped her wash her face and mouth. She was looking sickly pale and sweat had covered her forehead. Rhaegar wiped the water drops and offered her a supportive smile. It wasn't unusual to wake up with her nightmares. Ever since she got pregnant, she had trouble sleeping.

Rhaegar wrapped an arm around her waist and helped her to reach the bed and get comfortable in it. "Do want me to call a Maester? Or one of your ladies?"

"No.", she tried to say but couldn't find her voice just yet, her throat was hurting. She cleared it and tried to speak again. "No, I am fine."

"Are you sure?", he hesitantly holds her hands, half expecting her to reject his touch but she clings on them.

"I am just tired.", her eyes were red, he wasn't sure if it was because of lack of sleep or because the nightmare affected her. "I wish to continue to sleep."

Rhaegar only nodded and moved to the other side of the bed, getting inside of the covers. He usually would sleep on his back, something he got from Arthur. And Elia would turn her back on him to sleep on her side. So he felt rather surprised when minutes passed and he felt Elia's movements. She turned and put her head to his chest, he quickly wrapped his arms around her.

"Is that okay?", she asked with a small voice and he tightened his hold.

"Of course."


Sixth moon of 280 AC, Sunspear

The news of Elia's pregnancy had reached all across the Seven Kingdoms. Truth be told, only a few were happy because of the news. Many couldn't handle the fact that a Dornish was going to give birth to their future king. And the rumours of Elia being weak and fragile were also roaming around.

Nobles loved betting.

Many said both she and the baby would die at birth, the other one that was commonly said was that she would have a miscarriage soon enough. Though every variation of events had at least a dozen defenders. They said she would die in the birth -a girl, but the baby would live, they said the baby would die in the birth -a girl, but she would live, they said she would be healthy but she would give birth to a girl, and they add if the previous scenario does happen, it would be a sign that she could not get pregnant again.

Of course, nobody said that when Rhaegar's friends or someone who can alert him was in the room but nobody had to be a genius to guess it.

"Do you think she'll be able to do that?", Aethan crossed his legs on Lorenza's desk. "Give birth to a son, I mean, on her first try?"

"I did.", she shrugged. "But if the baby she possesses does not have a cock by now, nothing can make it grow one, I'm afraid."

"Do you think she'll have a second chance?", he asked with a careless expression. Women died in childbeds all the time. He would mourn her of course, but he would rather ease her pain with a possible grandson. "It is dire of that baby to be born with a cock."

"A Martell prince.", she smirked. "Tywin would try to get rid of him."

"Tywin can do nothing. You hear the talks to Lorenza, she'll die.", he shrugged. "People die all the time, it is dire of her to leave a son behind her. Not a girl."

"Maybe Rhaegar would not marry again? And maybe he is smart enough to betroth the girl -if it would be a girl, with Viserys. They will not be that far away in age, they can grow up together and once he gives her a son of her own, we can get rid of him."

"And then we can take the Iron Throne.", he raised his wine glass.

"And then we can take the Iron Throne.", she repeated.

If she would live long enough to see it, of course.


Seventh moon of 280 AC, Dragonstone

"I am so happy that you came.", Elia said with a big smile on her face. Seeing her brother after more than half a year, made her forget her pain.

"I would pierce the mountains of Torrentine, just to see you smile.", Oberyn sent her a wink. "You look as beautiful as I last saw you sister, this baby only made you shine even more.", he sent a side eye to his brother-in-law. "I hope people this far North know how to cherish you."

"My dearest wife is the only light in this gloomy island.", Rhaegar sent a smile to her. "We all are grateful for her existence. She makes life a more beautiful place."

Doran sent Oberyn to give morals to Elia after they heard about her health issues. Seeing that those were mere rumours and did not state the fact made him happy. They were having supper in the great hall with Rhaegar and Elia sitting on two heads of the table. Jon and Arthur were sitting on Rhaegar's two sides while Oberyn and Ashara sat on Elia's. That night Oswell, Myles, Tara, Robyn, Catelyn and Atera all accompanied them.

Atera and Ashara were whispering to each other something while Oswell was having a loud conversation with Oberyn and Myles when Oberyn remembered something and stood up.

"I need to give these before I forget their existence.", he pulled a few letters from his pocket and turned to his sister. "Doran sent this and Mellario and Arianne sent this.", he smiled at her and then it disappeared when he went to Rhaegar's side. "Doran sent this to you.", and then he turned to Atera. "And your brother had sent this to you.", she reached out to take it but before he gave it to her, he added. "He also wanted me to inform you that he is going to travel to Runestone."

"To the Vale?", she frowned and looked up from the letter. "Why?"

Oberyn went to his place and sat again. "He did not explain well but as much as I understood, he is going there to court Rowena Royce."

"Rowena Royce?", her frown took a little mocking shape. "Why would Lord Royce marry his eldest daughter with some lord's third brother when his own liege's heir is still unwed?"

Oberyn leaned back in his chair. "I believe there is a new trade deal about to happen between Lord Leyton and Lord Royce, your brother is going to try if they can crown it with a marriage contract.", he narrowed his eyes. "It has something to do with Lord Swann, I wager."

"Oh.", Atera's frown disappeared and an almost amused look was placed into her eyes.

"I heard many things about some incident that included you and him.", Oberyn tilted his head. "Doric never managed to tell the whole story without bursting into laughter. Will you do me the kindness? I am rather intruged."

"Intrigued?", Ashara asked him with raised eyebrows.

"Marcher Lords getting humiliated always amuses me, as you know well."

Ashara rolled her eyes. "I do wonder about that too, Lady Atera. I heard many contradicting stories, what happened in truth."

"Nothing important.", she said with a dismissive tone. "People are exaggerating."

"Well I heard you broke a flagon of wine in Lord Swann's eldest son's head.", Elia joined the conversation while Myles' eyes got widened and Jon shared a look with Rhaegar. "I too am intrigued. Please do share the actual story."

"I did not do such a thing.", she said in a defeated manner. "It was his father, Lord Swann, who forgot himself after I rejected his proposal. He dared to try to drag me to the dance floor and I took the nearest thing and hit him with it.", she shrugged. "I didn't know it would break."

Oberyn let out a loud laugh while even Elia chuckled. Only Catelyn seemed horrified. "Don't you think this was a rather rude and unseemly act?"

Atera's blue eyes found hers. "I think men preying on women who are old enough to be their great-granddaughters are more unseemingly than those women rejecting them.", she said with a sweet tone. "Don't you think, Lady Catelyn?"

"Well he obviously forgot himself.", she said with a condemning frown and realized everybody was listening to them. "But you could bring the matter to your brother, surely he would give him the right answer."

"Yes but it wouldn't be the answer I wanted.", she wrinkled her nose. "Leyton would find a diplomatic way to solve this without destroying his little trade arrangement. But I think this did teach him a lesson.", she seemed satisfied. "Now, he will never dare to do such a thing. I do not regret my actions."

"But this can affect your future matches for marriage.", Catelyn pressed. "I am not saying you did something wrong, but you have to admit it was unladylike."

"I don't think it will cast an effect.", she shook her head. "And even if it does, I am not interested in marriage.", Elia and Rhaegar shared a look.

"But you are beautiful.", she blurted. "You surely must get many marriage proposals.

"Well, thank you Lady Tully.", she smiled at the younger girl. Since her mother was dead and her father did not marry again, the title of Lady Tully belonged to her. "Half of the realm wishes to marry me if you would believe my brother's exaggeration."

"Then why you don't want that? Your brother is very rich and powerful, he can find you a very good match."

"In our time, marriages are not about individuals but they are about families and contracts.", she put her elbows on the table. "My brother is rather rich and powerful, please do not take it as an insult-", she sent a look to Catelyn, Oswell, Elia and Oberyn. "-but while Dorne and Riverlands can raise 20 thousand men in total, my brother can do that singlehandedly.", she shrugged. "Also the only bank in the realm resides in Oldtown and the only way to have funds and get credit from there is through marriage contracts. The Tyrells are our liege lords but in nearly two centuries that we had that bank, they never had a place in there. Only when Lord Tyrell married my niece Alerie, they had the right to enter the board. So in conclusion; all those men who claim to wish to marry me, actually want to marry my brother.", she opened her arms. "I came as a bonus. A pretty looking broodmare to pop out heirs left and right."

Catelyn's looks changed and Elia cleared her throat with an amused look. "Not all marriages like that Catelyn."

"No, of course not.", Atera widened her eyes a little. "I just meant the general code.", when she saw the way the young girl's dropped face -she remembered she was betrothed to the young Stark boy, she added. "Alerie is married to Lord Tyrell and they have a fairytale marriage. Both love and respect each other very much. And of course, we do witness Prince Rhaegar and Princess Elia's marriage-", she sent a look to Elia which she answered with a smile. "-not every marriage is like what I described but well,", she wrinkled her nose again. "we should accept that exceptions are not rules."

"I heard it was supposed to be you should have married Lord Tyrell.", Ashara wondered with a curious frown. "If he is this kind and sweet, then why did you reject him?"

"I was a ward to his mother, Lady Olenna.", she reminisced about the past with a broken smile. "We grew up together, and in our youth, he was a squire to Leyton -that's how he met Alerie and they fell in love. He is basically like a brother to me, it is weird and a bit disgusting to imagine him in a different context."

"And Lord Redwyne?", Elia raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Should we expect a public announcement soon?"

"You should actually, yes.", she nodded and Elia raised another eyebrow with surprise. "But with Lady Mina Tyrell, not with me."

"You two seemed closed in the capital.", Rhaegar joined the conversation while chewing his meal. "We thought you two were about to get engaged.", he added with a small smile and pointed to Oswell.

"And then you went and proposed to a woman you thought was going to get betroth soon enough?", Oberyn asked with a tight voice and all the amusement in the room disappeared.

"Oberyn.", Elia warned her brother with a straight face.

"No, no,", Rhaegar frowned with guilt and turned to his brother-by-law. "you are right, what I had done was untasteful. I put Lady Atera, Elia and your house in jeopardy because I did not think through my actions well enough.", he had a kind, compassionate and sincere face. "And for that, I wish to apologize once again."

Atera murmured a small 'thank you', she was tired of this topic and Elia's bothered eyes never left Oberyn's face.


Eighth moon of 280 AC, Highgarden

Baelor and Garth had been on a hunting adventure for a few moons now. Staying in castles, doing some work for their father and just spending some brotherly time. And their last stop before returning back home was their sister's castle, Highgarden. After feasting and drinking and playing with their nephews, they all went to their chambers.

It was the hour of the wolf when the servant Rhea assigned sneaked into the young lord's chambers with a knife placed in her ankle. He did not sleep with guards at his door, didn't find it necessary and there was no one near. Killing a knight that is good as Baelor Hightower in his most vulnerable state while sleeping would be easy.

She opened the door so slowly that it wouldn't crack. It was a large room. Since he was going to stay there only for a night, they didn't arrange for him fully solar. It had a bed right across the door and a desk and chair on the right. It was luxurious but nothing complicated. She closed the door behind her so no one would suspect anything and she held her breath, approached the bed and put her feet on the small seat and pulled out the dagger. She then kneeled to the bed and raised it but just before she stabbed him through the heart, Baelor's blue eyes opened with confusion and he quickly rolled over to his side to avoid the blade.

He always had a light sleep.

His brain still did not comprehend what was happening but his body worked fast. He straightened himself and held the girl's arm, then threw her to the bed by her waist and hovered over her. Took the blade by force and put it to her neck. "Guards!", he roared, surely Mace was not stupid enough to leave the whole area open. When he heard the approaching footsteps he hissed to the servant. "Who sent you here?"

"Brother?", Garth entered the room, he was in his sleeping attire and was breathing fast. "Brother, let me handle it."

"Speak, woman!", Baelor yelled loudly.

The girl's fear was obvious and Baelor knew people thought that she would not give him an answer, he sighed and pulled the girl from her arm and pushed towards Garth and the soldier, letting go of the dagger.

"Take her.", Garth scowled at the soldiers. "Are you alright brother?", he seemed worried.

"Where is Alerie?", Baelor said, still breathing fast, sitting on the bed. "I think we owe her an apology."


Alerie was the Lady of Highgarden for almost five years now and not even once she had visited the dungeons. She never had a reason to do so and even if she had, she would simply call for the criminal to her solar. A lady had no business in the depths of the black cells.

But she did make an exception for the servant who dared to murder her brother.

She was in her own chambers when her maids alarmed her. She and Mace preferred to sleep in the same bed unlike most of the nobles and Alerie only used her own chambers during her confinements of pregnancy ever since she got married but that night was an exception. Mace was going to watch the stars with the boys outside and she had to wake up very early in the morning. She couldn't risk her sleep. When she heard the news she just looked at them with blank eyes, stood up, wore a baby blue robe and walked towards the dungeons. Neither her guards nor maids knew what to do or say, they just followed her.

When she entered the cell, she saw the girl on the floor. She recognized her in an instant. She had been serving House Tyrell even before she married Mace. She never liked her from the beginning, always saw something in her but Olenna had dismissed her worries time and time again, accusing her of being paranoid.

Well, apparently she was right.

She was right on the maid and she was right on Rhea.

"I always knew there was something in you.", she said to the girl once she stood up and dared to look her in the eye. "But you got me there, I never thought you were stupid enough to serve Rhea."

"I am no traitor.", the servant said with a dare and Alerie actually smiled.

Then raised her hand and slapped the girl hard enough to make her fall.

The guards got startled and one of her maids gasped loudly. Alerie was the sweet one in her family. She was dutiful and obedient, charming, kind, niece, and compassionate. She hated violence, and couldn't even stand jousting unless it was not about chivalry. She was the perfect courtly lady. She wouldn't plot nor scheme or visit dungeons late at night or slap a person.

Evidently, she had it in her to do all of those things.

She hovered over her, her marble face was cold. "You dare to attempt to kill a highborn lord, an anointed knight, my own brother at my home while he was sleeping.", her voice was soft though, always bubbly and filled with honey. "What are you then, if not a traitor?", she did not lose her composure, not even now.

"There are other lordlings who were born from different ladies.", she was holding her face and looked at Alerie with hatred. "You are trying to protect your brother, but there are others who are trying to protect their sons."

"Their bastards, you mean."

"I only did my duty. Just because I am not loyal to you doesn't mean I am not loyal."


"Is that so?", Baelor asked a mere hour later. Garth, Alerie and Mace were inside the room and no one else. "Rhea gave the order?"

"It can very well be a trick to put you against your father.", Mace gave them another perspective. "Can Rhea even order such a thing? Would she dare?"

"She dared to attempt for Atera.", Alerie reminded them. "You cannot possibly believe that a servant randomly tried to kill her at the capital, right? And the only person she had a quarrel with was Rhea."

"She wasn't the only person.", Mace grimaced. "You know what I think about this matter. I know you don't want to even entertain the possibility but Jace was there and we both know Corlys had been threatening her."

"You think my uncle tried to kill my aunt?", Baelor turned to him with disbelief. "It was neither. Obviously, Princess Lorenza did it. Or that husband of hers.", he tilted his head. "Though if it's Aethan, technically my uncle did try to kill my aunt after all."

"Princess Lorenza?", Garth made a mocking face. "Why would she do such a thing? I bet it was the queen."

"The queen?", Alerie sent him a tired look. "The queen herself sent a mere servant to kill Atera? Why would she do such a thing, they don't even know each other?"

"You think she is lying Mace? Is that what you are saying?", Baelor rolled his eyes at his siblings and turned into his brother-in-law.

"I am saying that we need to think about all the possibilities.", Mace tried to calm them down. "Because the name that girl said is not an ordinary name. Rhea is not just your father's wife or the lady of your home, he is also the mother of your siblings."

"Hah!", Alerie snorted loudly. "Siblings, is that so? I am telling you I hear-", she bit her tongue as soon as she realized what she was seeing and Mace sent her a look.

"What was this?", Garth raised a finger to point to Alerie. "She had been doing this for a while now, what is this?"

"Do we even want to know?", Baelor sighed, Alerie turned her back. "Fine then, what are you suggesting Mace?"

"Execute the girl.", he shrugged. "Forget this ever happened and move on.", all three Hightowers looked at him with disbelief. "Because your actions may cause unwanted consequences."

Baelor nodded and sighed again, he had a point. "Maybe you are right but maybe I will regret the actions I didn't commit more than the ones I did. Because if this is truly Rhea, and if it was truly Rhea too in the capital... The more we stay silent, the more she will rise."

"I completely disagree with Mace.", Alerie approached him and put a hand on his arm. "It is Rhea, brother. Don't you believe me?"

Baelor's eyes got softened. "It is not that I don't believe you. But Mace has a point, sister. Even if we do claim it was her, we may never find proof or even if we do, there is always a possibility that father will not believe us."

"It is your decision.", Garth leaned against the wall. "Tell us what to do and we'll do that."

Eighth moon of 280 AC, Dragonstone

" must be hard not being able to laugh.", they heard Oberyn's childish taunt. Arthur's reserved comeback didn't take long.

"I do have a sense of humour and I do laugh."

"I've never heard you laugh before.", Elia could imagine her brother's raised eyebrows.

"It probably is because I never heard you say anything remotely funny before.", his voice contained no emotions and the couple decided to interfere before things went go south.

"Brother,", Elia interrupted their speech. "Let's take a walk.", Oberyn's eyes lingered on Arthur's stone face but didn't reject his sister. "Do not taunt him.", she warned her brother when they move away from them. "He might snap at you."

"You think Arthur can beat me?", he scoffed.

"Of course, I think Arthur can beat you, everybody knows that.", she made a sweet face. "But I do not wish you to taunt him for his own good. Attacking the brother of the Princess of Dragonstone surely would come with punishments even if neither I nor Rhaegar would want that.

"So you care about that traitor more than your own brother?"

"Arthur is no traitor.", she said harshly this time. "Him being a kingsguard has nothing to do with you and it was you who wronged him in your friendship."

"I just don't understand how you can trust him.", he said with a low voice. "We both know what kind of darkness lies inside of him. Pretending like the paragon of chivalry, pretending like that dark side does not exists doesn't make it go away.", Oberyn stopped walking. "Arthur is like a volcano, he snapped once and make no mistake sister, he will snap again. I suggest you send him away before that happens."

"You sound like he is some kind of a villain, some evil mastermind.", Elia couldn't help but chuckle. "He punched you once because you slept with Ashara behind his back and surely, you would do worse than him if roles would be reversed."

"You are saying this because you did not see the things I had seen.", Oberyn was so serious, eyes focused on the sky. "It was like another person came out of him."

"You are exaggerating, as usual.", she rolled her eyes. "Arthur is one of the best men I know. He is kind and compassionate, he is a true knight."

"We'll see about that."


Eighth moon of 280 AC, Oldtown

Mace volunteered for Leyton's anger. Even though he did not agree with the choice Baelor made, he rode for Oldtown, alone.

Olenna never approved of his marriage with Alerie and never wanted it to happen. She had raised Atera personally to be witty and strong, Alerie was the opposite of her. She was emotional and fragile. You are inviting trouble to our walls, she said the night before his wedding while his father just stood there and just winked at him. She is a bad omen, son of mine, do not let her pretty face to distract you.

Oh, but he did let her pretty face to distract him. She was looking too similar yet too different from Atera and Mace knew her since both were children but Alerie had one thing Atera didn't and never could; humanity. Atera was a passionate person, everybody knew that but when she was not yelling nor arguing, she was as cold as the Lands of Always Winter. She was Visenya to Alerie's Rhaenys and Mace fell in love with the second, as many before him.

He had rejected Atera -not like she wanted him at any point, and he had six years of peace with Alerie, ever since they got officially betroth. But in the past year or so, he began to understand what his mother meant. He was never enough in Leyton's eyes, Baelor and Garth saw him as a joke, Doric thought he was unworthy of Alerie and Alerie herself never manage to leave her old family to build a new one. And instead of being with his boys and ruling his seat, he was going to Oldtown like a messenger to absorb his good father's fury and once again become the object of his distaste.

Yet, he couldn't resent Alerie even if he wanted to. It would take only one smile for him to forget every pain and humiliation he had to endure for her name. He kept telling this to himself when he finally reached the beautiful city and went to Leyton's side.

"Father.", he bowed his head as a sign of respect.

Leyton never bowed him back, not even before he married his daughter. For Leyton Hightower, Mace Tyrell was nothing. Not worthy of his respect or love, not worthy of his beloved daughter, not worthy of being the father of his grandsons, not worthy of ruling such an important region.

"Mace.", he looked at him with surprise, he was on his balcony, reading a book. "Did something happen to my daughter?", he didn't stand up, asked calmly.

"I came here personally to inform you about something that you should know.", he said after a moment of stopping.

"I am listening.", he stood up now, and tied his hands at his back, he seemed almost happy that day.

"Ser Baelor and Ser Garth had come to Highgarden four days ago,", he began to tell and his hands began to sweat. "they were on their way to Ashford, I assume."

"I am aware of it.", Leyton nodded. "They were supposed to stay only for one night if I remember correctly."

"They were, yes, but they are still staying there. For safety measures."

"Safety measures?", he frowned slightly. Hightowers loved to frown and make the others nervous. "Something happened?"

"They will bring a girl here a few minutes later.", he couldn't swallow, his throat suddenly became very dry and he had to clear his throat all while Leyton's eyes got heavier with confusion. "She was serving my family in Highgarden.", he turned to the guards behind him. "Bring her.", the girl entered, Leyton observed her up and down, trying to understand what was happening. "My lord, we caught her in the castle. She attempted to murder Ser Baelor."

Leyton's confused looks first turned into disbelief and then to rage. "Is my son alright?"

"Ser Baelor is quite fine, my lord, do not worry.", Mace spoke quickly. "Thanks to the Gods, she did not reach her evil aim."

"Who are you girl, who do you serve?", Leyton asked loudly. Surely there was someone behind this. There was someone behind all of this. First, a servant dared to choke his sister and now another one dared to attack his son. He felt like the answer was right in front of him but he could not see it -or maybe Atera was right and he was choosing not to see it deliberately. "Speak."

"Ser Algerdin, my lord.", the girl said with a shaky voice and Mace's neck snapped towards her.

He knew it was a fucking trick.

"Who is this Ser Algerdin?", Leyton straightened his spine.

"He is a spy that serves Lord Dayne.", Mace's mouth opened slightly and Leyton tilted his head with disbelief. "I am serving him and to him only."

"Did you catch that Ser Algerdin?", Leyton asked behind his teeth, Mace had never seen him this angry -almost like a wild haze was covering him, he had only seen it on Atera before.

Mace turned to look at Leyton with his mouth open and tried to say something but no words came out, he then turned to look at the girl and then at Leyton once more.

A wise man would leave it there, play along, return back home and wait for another day, for another opportunity. But Mace wasn't a wise man, he was in love. And Alerie would be very upset if he wouldn't press the issue.

The things he had done for love.

"I am sorry my lord,", he said with a choke. "I do-", he closed his eyes. "Ser Alge-", he bit his lips when Leyton turned to him with his anger growing more and more every second. "I don't know that such a person existed.", he said finally. "This is the first time she is telling such a thing."

"What's that mean?", he spat. "Someone dares to attack my son under your roof and you cannot even question her properly?"

Mace took a troubled breath. "My lord, Ser Baelor himself questioned the girl personally.", he prayed to all the Gods to make Leyton believe his words. "But he surely doesn't believe in her words, and neither do I.", he forced himself to stay calm.

"What did she say?", Leyton yelled suddenly and Mace flinched, panic starting to choke him.

He sent another look to the girl. Suddenly he realized that he left her alone with his sons, Willas and Garlan. Their faces appeared on Mace's mind and he turned to look at his father-in-law with determination. "She said that the order was given to her by Lady Rhea."

"What are you saying Mace?!", Leyton took a few quick steps towards him and Mace had to use all the willpower he had for not to flinch or run away like a child. There was a mad look on Leyton's face, mad with anger.

"You wanted me to say this.", the girl made her finally hit and Mace felt like he was going to be sick. "You told me that if I blame Lady Rhea, you would pardon me. You told me that this was Lady Alerie's wish.", Mace turned to her with wide eyes and an open mouth. Leyton took a step back and looked at him with disgust. He didn't realize the sly smirk on the girl's mouth. "But I am not going to let that happen.", she sent him one last look before she threw herself from the balcony. Leyton and Mace watched her fall, not understanding what was happening.

"Mace!", Leyton roared once his shock passed. "Explain immediately, what did she try to tell?"

Mace turned to him with panic once more. Had no idea what to say. And had no one to protect him from the older man's loss of patience.


Leyton had many sleepless nights in the past moons.

On the nights when his wife's naked body lay next to him and the night when he couldn't stomach touching her so he spent alone, he couldn't remember the last peaceful night he had. He was dealing with monsters at his own home, he had lost peace and serenity in his own bed, he was trapped inside his own mind and had no one to confide in.

He would never go to his children for such a thing, Arvel was not an option, Doric had left home again -this time for a good reason though, Atera didn't want to see him, his aunt wasn't even the last person he wanted to talk with and he wouldn't go to his uncle Gerold in a matter like this. His Fossoway uncles would choose to make a comment on it.

He had friends, of course, he had. He was always a friendly person, the odd one out in the family. Arvel was always dark and gloomy like the stories he liked too much, Doric scared people and loved to be feared and Atera simply didn't like people. Leyton was the opposite of them.

Lord Mullendore's eldest son was his friend, and Vortimer Crane was both his former brother-by-law and best friend despite everything that happened with Meredyth, Mathis had always been a good drinking companion and they shared a few overly adventurous stories in their youth but what he was supposed to do? Go them and tell 'my wife of almost fourteen years might be cheating on me with my own cousin the whole time and having his bastards'?

How on earth anyone could say such a thing?

He had no one to talk to, no one to discuss such a thing with. He didn't want to entertain the possibility of this being true.

He was an emotional man, and he accepted it. He never feared showing his love and the vulnerability that comes with it. He loved his first wife, Alyssa, a part of him would always love her. They shared only a year together before she died but he did fell in love with her. He never denied the fact he never bore any kind of love to Vaella, it was a forced marriage and the young girl was too eager to replace her sister. Leyton woke up with nightmares and to this day, still suspected that she had a part in Alyssa's death. Meredyth was different. They knew each other for a very long time, she was twice widowed at such an early age and never a seed quickened in her womb and Leyton truly had enough of children. He was too twice widowed and lost two wives to childbirth in the span of two years. He swore not to have any.

Meredyth became pregnant suddenly two years later.

He would never force her to do something she didn't want to but he shamelessly asked if she would be interested in taking moon tea or something more powerful. Meredyth denied it, despite agreeing they would not have a child but Leyton understood her. House Crane was different from his family. While Vortimer was always a loving brother, their father was not a loving father at all. She was shunned from her family despite being married to Leyton now and she wanted to have that child to prove to them they were wrong.

And then came another, and another, and another.

Leyton felt like dying from fear with each pregnancy but thanks to the Gods Meredyth always had it easy. Her birth would start and end in under half an hour, he couldn't remember more than three instances that she felt pain during the pregnancy. And Leyton remembered the way he shamelessly begged for having Leyla in the first place. After the easy births of Garth and Denyse, he wanted a child of his own, for the first time. Not because out of duty like Baelor and Alyssa or for a marriage arrangement to work like Malora, or proving something to someone like Garth and Denyse.

Alysanne was a surprise to them both.

When he married Meredyth the twins were two and Malora was the only one, she was the only mother they knew and Meredyth had such a big heart that she welcomed them with an open heart. Alysanne was going to be their seventh child, but neither was ready within an hour, the world got darker and colder and Leyton felt like drowning in his sadness because he lost another wife to childbirth.

There were two sides in his head; one emotional and one rational. The emotional one sounded like Alyssa for some reason whereas the rational one was his sister.

And it whispered, reminded him of his old thoughts and fears, Meredyth's death was always too suspicious.

But how? He thought to himself. He met Rhea moons after she passed out. How and why she would get rid of Meredyth when nothing was clear? No one could plan such a thing that long before.

Despite the long years they spent, despite the serenity and happiness, they were only friends and nothing more. He never fell in love with her though he loved her very much and he knew Meredyth never fell in love with him too but they were family. She raised her own children, she raised Baelor, Alerie and Malora, and she even helped Jenica to raise Doric and Atera. She was a saint and Leyton suddenly felt a heaviness in his heart and feared if he cherished her enough back in the days.

Did he sully her memory by marrying another, and siring another child too soon?

Of course he did.

He remembered that night. He was a wreck after Meredyth's death, Jenica was just executed, he blamed his father for many things and Arvel was there for some reason, took him to a brothel and a moon later Rhea appeared at his door, telling him she was with his child.

He hit his head. Was he truly stupid enough to believe that?

Alerie said the boys weren't his, maybe Lynesse weren't his too?

But Lynesse looked like him. Sure, she had fair skin, silver blonde hair and light blue, almost purple eyes but unlike Atera, she did look like Leyton. He wasn't telling this to assure himself, everyone could see the resemblance, even when she was a baby.

So Lynesse was his but the boys were not? Was Alerie right? Was she telling the truth?

He didn't remember making Gunthor but then again, it was his name-day that night and he drank too much and Rhea claimed it was one of their best nights. He rubbed his face once more. Was she lying to him about everything? How could he even trust her ever again even if everything was a lie? How on earth was he supposed to let go of everything and trust her once again?

He was going to look at the children and wonder if he was taking care of another man's, his own cousin's, children.

He tried to remember a time Jacen spent time with them and with wonder, he realized it never happened. Jacen was never in the same room with them, Jacen never interacted with them.

He cursed to himself. Was it a coincidence or proof?

He suddenly missed his sister. Not that she would guide him to the light but she would curse him and yell at him enough to distract him. She would save him while trying to kill him. And he desperately needed that kind of a headache now or he was going to throw himself from the tower.

If Alerie was telling the truth; then his wife was an adulterer and a liar, his cousin was an adulterer and a liar, his children were not his children and those two had been cuckolding him for more than a decade now.

If she was telling the truth; then his wife tried to kill his sister, if she was right; then his wife tried to kill his eldest son to put her bastard in his seat.

If Alerie was telling the truth; then he fucked up too badly.


He entered Rhea's chambers that night, to see the truth himself, only to find her naked in the bed.

"I was waiting for you, husband.", she said in a seductive manner, there was a smile on her grape-coloured lips. "It's been ages since you last came to me."

A villainous voice inside of his head whispered vile things to him, wondered if Jacen had been there mere minutes ago and now was hiding inside of the chamber somewhere.

His mind knew the truth but his heart was still denying it.

"Mace came here in the morrow.", he said with a dry tone, looking everywhere but Rhea.

She changed her position and sat down in the bed, her legs curled under her, and she tilted her head. "Yes, I heard but my dearest son-in-law did not pay me a visit."

"He left rather early.", he realized that he was scolding deeply, the headache was too strong for him to endure this talk but he knew he had to. Mace left right after their talk on the balcony. Leyton would feel like he had wronged the boy if his mind wouldn't be this clouded. "Has things to do in Highgarden."

"He surely must have come here for a very urgent business, it also should be of importance, or else he would send little cousin of his."

Leyton nodded to himself, averting Rhea was not going to work, he had to look at her while asking her the question. "Very important indeed.", he murmured and finally had the courage to raise his eyes to hers. "Apparently somebody tried to kill Baelor."

"What?", she seemed truly surprised, he had to give her that. The way her eyebrows arched and her mouth opened just a little to let out a faint gasp. "Who would dare such a thing?"

A deafening silence hit them for seconds -or maybe years had passed, Leyton was not sure anymore. "You know the punishment of it, don't you?", he said sharply, not fazed by her act any longer. "Someone tried to murder my son, my heir, my firstborn child."

"Of course, I know it.", it seemed her heart was beating in her throat, suddenly she seemed too afraid only for a second, it passed as soon as it came but Leyton caught it. "Whoever had done that must be executed immediately. Lord Lucerys too would wish the same. Baelor not only yours but his pride as well."

"You, Rhea.", Leyton wanted to be deadpan but his voice came off as begging. "Mace tells me that you had ordered that."

"Leyton do not tell me you believed this.", the surprise was real, Leyton knew that much of it. The fear was abundantly clear to him now, it seemed as if she went a few shades paler. "No, Leyton, no. How can you even entertain such a possibility? How can you believe the words of him, husband of the woman who moons ago tried to blame me with infidelity?"

Leyton seemed so sad, so in pain, he wasn't sure what to think or believe any longer. "The girl they claimed to made the attempt had confessed it."

"Leyton,", Rhea quickly left the bed, wearing a robe. "you may very well get angry with me but first let me tell you this; it can be Alerie herself who had done it.", Leyton shook his head in denial and turned his back, Rhea hugged him from behind. "Baelor visits Highgarden almost a year later and he gets assassinated, is that so?", she whispered into his ear. "Don't you think it is a bit off? Surely killing him here or in Driftmark would be easier, even Old Oak is a better choice, where people know him and his habits. Your daughter changes the staff in Highgarden twice a year due to her paranoia. It means none of the staff knows anything about Baelor. What kind of an amateur would make such a mistake?"

"Mace told me she was one of Lady Olenna's servants.", he closed his eyes, wanting to push her but couldn't bring himself into doing it.

"And do you truly think I can sneak a spy under the nose of the Queen of Thornes?", Leyton wanted to believe her and he did believe her only for a moment. "I think you should open your eyes to the truth."

"And what this means?"

"That your daughter had finally lost her mind.", she whispered once again. "She blames me for the death of Meredyth, always believed-", Leyton pushed her hands around her and took a few frantic steps away from her, putting a hand on his chest to be able to breathe. "-always believed into those horrible rumours, never liked me. And finally lost her mind. First, she made those lies about me and Jacen, claiming that she had seen us in Storm's End-", something snapped in Leyton. "-then I bet it was her who tried to kill Atera and now Baelor!"

Rhea continued to rant on and on, but Leyton was focused on only one thing.

He had never told her that Alerie claimed to catch them in Storm's End.

Because Alerie never mentioned this detail to him either.


Ninth moon of 280 AC, Oldtown

Leyton didn't say or do anything about this matter, kept acting as if nothing had happened, and waited for his sons to return -which took more time than he expected.

"Sorry for being late, father.", Baelor entered the room in silence.

Leyton had called him with the first lights in the morning, his back was turned to Baelor, his hands were tied in his back and he was looking through the window.

Not even once he turned to look at his son during the whole conversation.

"You are not late, why apologize?"

"I was trying to be kind.", Baelor said softly. "I was wanting to talk-"

"I have a new assignment for you.", Leyton didn't listen to him. "It is a very important task to do and I cannot trust anyone but you and your brother."


Leyton nodded once. "You are going to Braavos with the first ship, prepare your things."

Baelor stood silent for a few minutes, a great disappointment filled his chest. "Did she ask for it?", he asked with a lump in his throat. "Is she planning to kill me there?"

"Your grandfather,", he raised his voice a little. "warned me about your uncle in there."

Baelor was taken aback by that. "My uncle Arvel?", it had been ages since he even heard about him. "What he could possibly do for you to send us there?"

"I heard he was getting close to the Golden Company.", his voice was cold. His brother was always half mad but this was treason and he was not stupid enough to let Lucerys deal with it. "Dangerously close."

"He wouldn't-"

"It was Lucerys who told me that and I made some research. It seems his grotesque habit of making wrong friends not only still continues but his talents in this specific area are getting increasingly worse.", he shook his head. "I don't want you to engage with him. Just go there, give me firsthand proof of his doings."

"Then what?", Baelor wondered. What lengths could his father go to stop his uncle?

"I will go there personally with my uncle. And I will hold him down while my uncle teaches him why getting in bed with the enemy is a bad thing."

"You want me to go there only for this, right, father?", Baelor cursed the crack in his voice. "Not to push me away because you think I am lying?"

"It's either I raised two liars or you have a point.", Leyton admitted, too tired of everything and Baelor's heart skipped a beat with hope. "But I do not want to learn it and the more away you and your sister are from me, the better.", he lied. "I don't want to see either of you for a while.", until I fix this mess, he added.

Rhea was fucking lying and it was his job to fix things but he was not going to risk his children in the meantime.

Baelor left without saying anything else, forever was going to regret not giving him one last hug that day.

Ninth moon of 280 AC, Highgarden

"My favourite second cousin,", Arys finally caught Alerie alone in an empty hallway when she was heading towards the bath. "you look beautiful as usual."

A troubled look did appear on her face but she dismissed it with a smile. "And you are weirdly kind, cousin.", her dimples were showing, making her look as charming as her twin brother. Normally, when near Baelor, she would be the one who was cold and collected not Baelor. "What do I owe this pleasure?"

"I am trying to make you feel guilty for lying to my face.", Arys shrugged. "Starting with compliments always work."

"Oh,", she send her eyebrows in an impressed manner. "it is rather very obvious you spend almost a year with Atera."

"Really?", he frowned. "Because I can never tell, she acts like I do not exist."

"It seems to me like it's her problem.", she leaned forward with a playful smile. "Doubt it has something to do with you.", then she turned her back but Arys' now cold voice made her freeze on her spot.

"Somebody tried to kill her once and she miraculously survived. Who is going to protect her when they try again?"

"You think you can?", she half turned to him. "She is in Dragonstone, with the prince and the princess. I doubt not even the Red Keep is safer than there. Also, you are here, Arys, thousands of leagues away from her."

"You know who did it, she knows who did it. Yet both of you are hiding it from me, at least tell me why of it?"

"I would tell it to everyone if it was up to me but both Atera and Mace had voted to keep it quiet. I simply do not wish to cross them.", Alerie tied her hands in front of her. "Maybe it is better if you don't know about it at all."

"Is it about Jacen?", he asked, fearing the answer. Alerie just sent him a long look and didn't answer but Arys understood it from her silence.


Ninth moon of 280 AC, Dragonstone

"...and now he had sent them to Braavos!", Lucerys roared and Atera rolled her eyes once more.

They were in Rhaegar's private study where he, Elia, Atera and Lucerys were in. He arrived on the island in the early morning and demanded an audience with Atera immediately.

"And what exactly do you want me to do, Lucerys?", she had a bored and annoyed face, and she let go of her calm manner. She was not a morning person and Lucerys' ugly loud voice was giving her headaches. "Scold Leyton so he would summon Baelor and Garth back?"

"I want you to explain the meaning of this!"

"It may surprise you but I did not know about this until you told me so.", her voice was sharp and she continued to talk, not minding Oberyn entering the room. "This is not the first time Leyton sends him or Garth somewhere for business. It is highly normal, every lord does the same.", she snapped. "Why is this such a big deal?"

"Did you not hear the part that his wife may have tried to kill him?"

"Then it is even better that he is leaving the continent.", she raised her voice too. "This way he would be safe."

And the alarms rang in her head. This could possibly mean that Leyton opened his eyes, saw the witchy he was laying with and send him away for their protection.

Or it could mean that he didn't believe them once again and sent them away to get rid of them.

Either way, it was a perfect opening for any move that Rhea had planned. Without their existence in the Reach, she could easily put her bastard son in Leyton's seat with ease. Whatever Leyton's reasons were, he managed to fuck it up once again.


Ninth moon of 280 AC, Oldtown

"I am simply asking a question, am I not a part of this family? If I am not, just admit it now.", Arys yelled with frustration and Leyton rubbed his eyes. It was late at night and they were sitting in his study, sharing a flagon of the strongest Dornish wine. "Surely hearing it from you would be sufficient enough."

"I have no idea how you and Atera manage to come up with the stupidest things I ever had the misfortune to hear in my entire life.", he closed his hands to his face and let out a tired breath, he leaned forward and put his head to the corner of his desk, hands still covering it. "Of course, you are a part of this family, you are my cousin. I hold you in very high regard.", he raised his head a little and looked at his cousin between his fingers but when he saw his unsatisfied face, he rolled his eyes and straightened his back, putting his hands to the arms of his chair. "Our relationship goes beyond family blood, you had squired for me good six years, I was your master, and I taught you everything you know. You were more than a part of my household, I never treated you differently than my sons. How can you sit there and judge me with such a thing?"

"Then why are you hiding the truth from me as everyone else does?", he snapped back. "Atera lies to me, Alerie lies to me, Mace lies to me, Baelor lies to me. I am not sure if my mother had ever spoken the truth to me in my entire life. If you care about me this much, cousin, then bless me with the truth."

"Truths are scarcely a blessing.", he took his wine cup and shake it a little, watched the circling liquid and then finished it all. "They are a curse rest of the time. It had been for me, and I have a feeling it will be even worse for you."

"And you think you are in charge of what I shall feel?", he wondered. "Atera had always complained about it but now I see clearly for the first time. You truly are a control freak."

Leyton looked at him longly. Fine then, he thought. If it is the truth he wants, it is the truth I am going to give to him. He was so sick of trying to protect people who did not want to be protected.

He frantically stood up and started pacing in the room. "Alerie claims Rhea had been betraying me, both in her heart and in the body.", Arys spat the wine in his mouth and coughed loudly, Leyton didn't mind him and continued to speak. "She also claims the boys, Humfrey and Gunthor are not sired by me and they are mere bastards. So my wife is not only an adulterer and a liar but also did cuckolded me. She claims this had been going on ever since we married. Quite the fool that I am, if any of those words are true.", he shrugged. "Atera thinks Alerie misinterpreted something. Rhea declares Alerie is an obsessive maniac and makes it all up in her head.", sent a look to him. "Do you wish for me to continue?"

Arys only managed to nod while standing up to pour him another glass of wine.

"Atera thinks it was Rhea who tried o kill her in the capital, Alerie and well, pretty much everyone thinks the same."

"Count me too.", he said with a throaty voice.

Leyton sent him a look. "And last moon, during his stay in Highgarden, someone tried to kill Baelor too. Mace came here with the girl, he claimed that she had confessed it was Rhea's order. But the girl herself said it was Andric Dayne's order before she threw herself from my own balcony. Alerie refused to speak to me and Baelor seemed to think it was Rhea too. And when I went to confront Rhea she said Alerie done that as another scheme.", he opened his eyes and bit his lips. "Do you feel like part of the family now, cousin?"

"Who does Alerie claim that she had cheated on you with?", Arys averted his eyes, praying that his suspicions were not true.

Leyton observed his stance. "I think you already know who he is.", he said with disbelief.


Alerie came to Oldtown alongside with Arys and Victor and after having a terrible argument with her father she just went to Rhea's chamber. She was not inside the castle and sending away her maids was an easy job. She was sick of people implying she had lost her mind and Rhea was the paragon of morality. Surely she could find one clue.

"Yes,", Alerie looked at her with deep hatred. "I am waiting for your answer.", she said when Rhea entered the room. Her eyes first widened with anger but after seeing the black leather diary in her hands, she started to shake.

Rhea was breathing but felt like suffocating, her brain completely stopped working. She had thrown herself to Alerie's feet and kissed the skirt of her dress. There was no time for pride, she was cornered by all sides. She had to beg if she had to.

"Alerie, my stepdaughter, my lady, you are making a mistake, accusing me with no reason.", she kissed her skirt once more and looked at her with begging eyes, she still was on her knees. Alerie was not looking at her. "I am not guilty of anything, I beg you."

"I've read everything that was written inside of this diary.", her face was filled with mockery, finally she had the leverage, she had the proof. "It is quite clear what happened between you two. Treason."

"No, never.", Rhea shook her head strongly, and a few tears fell from her reddened eyes. "I never betrayed your father, I swore on my children, your siblings, I never did such a thing, I would never."

"Then how do you explain this?", she raised her hand to show the diary to Rhea once more. "Even if you manage to find a convincing lie for this, how will you explain what I saw with my own eyes?", she hissed.

Rhea closed her eyes and swallowed, slowly standing up. Her survival was more important than everything else. Surely Jacen could look out for himself. "It began a year or so ago when your father was on one of his Essos trips. Jacen was here to look after one of Claron's works and I had been lonely. We met in the common room one night, he was easy company and we were fast friends. Or so I thought.", she took a shaky breath, and prayed to every deity to make Alerie believe. "Soon after I had realized he mistook my kindness and friendship-"

Alerie raised her hand to stop her, she closed her eyes and tilted her head in a dismissive manner. She was almost going to laugh at her excuse. "Do not even try, Rhea. There are your own letters in this diary too, your own handwriting. You cannot deny them. And again, I had seen both of you.", she looked at her with mockery. "Kissing, plotting, making fun of my father and all. He did not believe me back then, neither did Atera but not even them can deny this."

"Alerie, I swear that I am telling the truth. There is only one love in my heart and it is your father."

"It seems to me your love was just a lie.", she said with a mocking whisper while shaking the diary in her hand.

Rhea wondered if she could just choke her to death and get away with it.

"No, it is not. If you don't believe me ask Jacen himself, he would surely tell you it all was in his head."

"Who cares about what Jacen says?", Alerie frowned. "He had betrayed his own kin, his own blood. His sin is even greater than yours, he is cursed under the eyes of the Gods. You may survive by devoting yourself to the Faith but he is going to lose his head for this.", she shook her head to Rhea's shock. "What did you think? My father can execute you as our laws would say but he would never do such a thing.", she seemed like she was pitying him. "Unlike yours, his love is true and sincere. And then there is Atera, he would never hurt her like this and the children, even though the boys aren't his, he would never harm them in this way. But Jacen?", she raised an eyebrow. "Even if my father would be satisfied enough to send him to the Night's Watch, Aunt Arwyn herself would take his head off. This is not the crooked family of the Florents. There is no place for such vile betrayals in our family."

"Alerie,", she tried once again. "Atera knows it too.", it wasn't that hard to guess. Leyton would tell this only to her and if she did not bring up this subject, not even once, despite all, it meant she was too traumatized to speak about it. It also meant Rhea could shape the truth in whichever way she wanted. "She knew it since the beginning, I had confided in her when she first returned. Don't you think she would tell your father if she thought I was guilty of this crime?"

Alerie's eyes got widened and she let out a cough, and couldn't breathe for a second. "What?", she managed to mutter, her eyes got narrowed unintentionally, her brain was trying to pick the pieces of the great puzzle.

"I told her, she knew it for months.", Rhea pressed her lie. The best way to close this subject, at least enough for her to come up with a plan, was to distract Alerie and there was no greater distraction than Atera, not on this subject. "But she knows that I am innocent, or she would tell it to Leyton at first chance."

Alerie's blood started to boil with rage, now things started to make sense. The reason for this whole charade was this. She never changed, she was never Rhea's true ally, she was manipulating everyone.

She cursed herself for not being able to see that before.

"Get out.", she hissed to Rhea.

"Alerie, just think for one second, Atera hates me. Don't youth-"

"I said get out!", she yelled frantically, her hands gripping the diary strong enough to turn her fingers into white.

Rhea sent her one last look, and decided this would keep her off of her back at least for a sennight, it was enough for her to decide what to do.

And Alerie too was left with a choice. She could easily go to her father and give him the diary but there was no way he would believe that. Not if it came from her.

But he would believe if it came from Claron. The only person who had no idea what was going on and the only person Leyton would believe in. He was Jacen's elder brother, surely if it wasn't true he wouldn't go to Leyton, it would mean Jacen's execution or exile. She decided to take the risk and send it to Old Oak, didn't know at the same time Arys sent him a letter, explaining everything.


Tenth moon of 280 AC, Old Oak

They sat next to each other.

"Brother, let me go.", Jacen said finally. "Just let me go."

"I will let you go, do not worry about it.", he said with a shouting tone. "You will go to the Night's Watch when this is all over.", he assured him. "Not into six feet deep, you have my word. I will calm Leyton down. But first,", he turned to him. "you are going to tell me everything."

Jacen sharply turned his head to the other side. "What am I going to tell you? I have nothing to confess."

"Jacen,", he took a deep breath. "speak, brother, you hearing me? Speak, now. Or you will not find the chance later. Or else I can neither protect you nor Rhea.", he tried to make him see reason. Surely two could play that game. "You are Leyton's own blood, even this does not secure your life as of now. What do you think he would do to Rhea?", nothing, most likely but if a little fear would make Jacen talk, he could tell everything at that moment. "You surely do remember what our uncle did to his own wife when so much of a word went around once about her infidelity. And now Leyton will have proof of it.", he observed his brother's side profile with distase. "Think about the children if you wish."

"Leyton would never harm little children.", Jacen snapped at him. He knew his cousin that much. "He is not a child murderer."

"No, he is not.", he murmured in an approving way. "But Leyton is one man. Do you truly think a man like Lucerys Velaryon would sit back and watch two bastards have claimed his own grandson's lands?", he saw the way Jacen's face broke down. "Maybe Alerie's generous heart could never bring herself to even wish harm upon those boys but Atera? Do you truly think she would do nothing after this all?"

"Do you truly think our cousin is capable of killing two children, her own nephews?", Jacen seemed truly wondering.

"We may be sired by an Oakheart but we came from a Hightower.", Claron shrugged. "We both know the dark history and secrets of that side of our family. Surely worse crimes than that had been committed in the recent past. Our uncle burnt down thirteen villages he was sworn to protect, with women and children, elders inside of it, when they asked sanctuary from a Sept. He burnt them all in the house of his own Gods that he was sworn to protect. And she is his daughter.", he let Jacen assume the worst. "Rhea is going to die either way if someone would not speak in her favour. Even Alerie would watch it with pleasure. Let me know the truth with its full aspects so I can protect her.", he pressed. "I will help you brother, I will swear."

"I met her at the wedding for the first time.", he put his head to the wall and closed his eyes, trying to reminisce about the past. "I was drunk a lot, it felt like Leyton's hundredth wedding or so, everyone was whispering how she was a whore and all. Of course, I couldn't believe that Leyton Hightower, our cousin, the most pious man in the whole Reach would go to a brothel and fuck a whore and,", he snorted. "he would marry her.", he smiled to that. "But then the whispers suggested that the girl was with child and suddenly it made sense because, of course, it made sense. A man like him, oh so honourable, so immaculate, so chivalrous would never sire a bastard after three loyal wives and seven true-born children.", he spat and Claron heard the jealousy in his voice for the first time. "So I sneaked out in her rooms right before the wedding, to meet her."

"To Rhea's chambers?", Claron asked, trying to seem interested while in truth he only cared about the affair part, he only needed a confession. "And nobody saw you?"

"The children were children back then.", he shook his head. "Atera was what? Six? Seven? Twins were not more than ten.", he tried to recall. "Leyton himself was in his mid-twenties and Rhea was only a few years younger than him. Uncle was still alive, Jenica just died, and nobody wanted this marriage to happen but Leyton came against his father for the first time so we all had to play our parts. But no one wanted to serve her so it wasn't that hard to catch her alone.", another soft smile appeared on his whitened lips. "I swore that I saw an angel that night. She was the most beautiful woman in the whole world. And she belonged to Leyton now.", he spat once more. "Like every other good thing."

"I was never aware of your hatred for our cousin.", he made an observation. "May I ask where it comes from?"

"You know where it does come from.", Jacen spat and turned his head away.

It was an old feud between cousins that Leyton was not even aware of.

Claron was the eldest cousin, he was in his early forties and then came Leyton and then Jacen. He was more closer to Leyton in age and Claron was always a distant figure. Jacen had always followed Leyton with doe eyes and admired everything he had done. With time, his admiration slowly turned towards Meredyth and he fell in love with her shortly enough. He never had the guts to tell someone, watched from afar that she married twice and got widowed. He thought the third time was the charm and when he built up enough courage to ask for her hand he had learnt that she already turned to Leyton.

Then his admiration turned into hatred and jealousy and started to blame him for something he didn't even know.

"We were friends too.", he spat. "But she chose him, of course, she chose him. Leyton Hightower, rich and handsome, and he was always oh so fucking righteous was he not?", his face turned red with anger. "What woman could say 'no' to him?"

"So this is an act of revenge, is that so?", Claron frowned at his brother's stupidity. "You did this all, conned him for years because you didn't have the guts to ask a girl to marry you?"

"It is not like that!", he stood up, Claron reminisced about the tantrums children threw. "I love Rhea!"

"Do you?", Claron asked with such doubt that even Jacen had to sit down and think.


It wasn't easy for Jacen.

He loved his brother, he truly did, in his sick mind but he loved Rhea more. She was the image of the Mother on the earth and Jacen had no duty but to worship her and to protect her and to protect their children.

Leyton would never believe Alerie, Atera would never entertain the idea of such a betrayal but Claron would tell it to Leyton, and Jacen could not afford it. Leyton had to die, they all knew it for a very long time and Jacen had no problem with doing that.

He lived too long already.

They also knew they had to kill Baelor and Garth, which was no problem at all. Baelor was a weakling, more Velaryon than a Hightower, even Leyton held him in low regard. Garth was a warrior though but lacked the brain. Jacen never liked them. It would be easier if they could get rid of Baelor that night -and put the blame on Mace and Alerie, but Braavos wasn't that far away and his being with Garth made things easier.

Two birds with one stone.

He had no idea who tried to kill Atera, it wasn't him, and it wasn't Rhea either. She as an individual was not a threat to them, as a mere woman, she had no importance. Neither were stupid enough to try to kill her and get Leyton's nerves up. Though Jacen wondered who was stupid enough to attempt such a thing in the king's court, why would anyone want harm upon her? His best choice was Elia Martell, women were jealous creatures and the princess was no match for his cousin. A petty attempt of trying to get rid of her biggest rival made sense to Jacen but Rhea was not so sure of it. Nevertheless, the plan was not to kill Atera -however tempted it might be, but to marry her to Rhea's brother. The rest of Leyton's daughters too would be married to their allies and Alerie could not bewitch Mace to take arms against them since they will have many precşous hostages.

Claron was the problem in this equation, a force that he needed to stop.

He did not hesitate when one of the men that were loyal to him sneaked up to his cell late at night and relieved him from there.

He did not hesitate when he hid in the darkness and found Claron at the stables before he started his journey to Oldtown to talk with Leyton personally.

He did not hesitate when he attacked him from behind, made him fall to the ground and choked him in the water trough.

He felt no regret while taking off the saddle of his horse and making it look like an accident.

He felt no regret when he wrote a letter to Rhea to start their plan.

And he had no regret in pretending shocked in the morning and informing his mother of his death.


Tenth moon of 280 AC, Dragonstone

Atera woke up early for another sudden Velaryon appearance on the island. Though she had to admit, this one was at least a bit charming.

"Jace?", she entered the room with sleep on her face. Rhaegar and Elia looked solemn this time. "Did something happen?"

Her former lover was wearing a black leather outfit, as usual, he was always inspired by pirate fashion and Atera always had a thing for pirates. But his face was almost ...tragic.

"You may wish to sit down.", he said with a heavy voice. "I have bad news."

Leyton died, she thought immediately. He died, he died, he died, he died, he died.

I knew he was going to die, another voice said.

But don't worry, I will attend your funeral, I would never miss it, she remembered the last thing she had told him.

Her eyes got filled with tears she tried to send away and her hand found the chair in front of her. "Who died?", she asked with a forced tone.

"Claron.", Jace's answer was clear and sharp and there was a flicker of worry in his eyes but Atera's brain didn't understand it.


"Claron, he died.", he took a step towards her but wouldn't dare approach further than that when Elia and Rhaegar were inside of the room. "Three days ago. The news reached Ser Gerold and he ordered me to bring you to the capital. You are going to the funeral.", he turned to Elia and bowed his head. "Of course, her grace would allow it."

Elia put a hand on her belly. She was going to give birth the next month. "As much as I want you in my confinement, of course, I let you go. I am so very sorry for your loss."

"The crown also offers you its condolences, my lady.", Rhaegar said with a calm tone.

And Atera's brain froze, she did not remember what happened next clearly. She spoke something with Jace, that much she remembered, her uncle gave her a half hug, and she felt it, she probably either threw up or cried at some point, she was not sure. But it was like she was hit with a wave of silence

She did not think anything for a very long time.


Tenth moon of 280 AC, Old Oak

Every region and family had their own ways of burial.

Starks of the Winterfell buried them in the crypts, made statues of the kings, and armed them with real swords.

Most of the Faith followers had prepared an open casket, put stones in their eyes, and mummified them.

Ironborn threw their dead to the sea, and Velaryons of the Driftmark locked them in a statue and then threw them to the sea.

Targaryen cremated their deaths and put their ashes in crypts.

Tullys mixed them all, put their deaths on a boat after putting stones and then lit it on fire.

Things were a little different in the Reach.

Claron was half Hightower and half Oakheart. The Hightowers cremated their lords and threw his ashes from the beacon of the Hightower, and the rest custom followed their mother's funeral customs.

It meant that once Leyton dies, he would be cremated and then mix into the air of Oldtown. Alerie, Baelor and Malora would become statues under the sea. Cranes held temples of their dead and Florents preferred to bury them -just like Oakhearts. Arwyn and Gerold would be cremated like Targaryens, and Doric and Arvel's ashes would be mixed with a tree seed.

And Atera too would be burnt in a boat. Westerlings followed the Tully ways.

It wasn't a crowded affair, no. Amelia was there as the chief mourner as his wife, one hand was squeezing her belly. She wasn't sad, there were no tears in her eyes. She held no love for Claron and vice versa, theirs was a marriage of convenience but he was always kind to her and earnt her respect. It saddened her to know he would never going to meet their child.

Arwyn too stood straight with no visible tears. She refused to speak though, it was a shock to her. Gerold stood by her side the whole time, without suffocating her. Lucerys too was there, Arwyn was his cousin after all and he knew too well how much it hurt to lose a child, no matter how old they are. Jace was with him too. Claron and Aurane left at home with Ravella.

Leyton came, there was a troubled look on his face and he was looking rather pale, the shining tan of his skin was gone. He was looking extremely tired and older than he was supposed to be. Many took it as a sign of grief. Rhea was standing next to him, her claws holding his arm tightly.

Alerie and Mace joined too, they were family at the end of the day and Mace was their liege lord. Both looked overly startled and tense, even Mace couldn't find words to make small talk. Malora accompanied Leyton on his way. She and Alerie sent each other troubled looks the entire day.

There were Claron's friends, household, Amelia's family, a few other lords that lived closer to there and a Septon.

Atera went there just before the ceremony started, she was wearing a simple black gown with a long black veil. She was wearing a black and gold necklace. Her usually blonde hair was looking almost white under the cold sun and the dark clothes, falling to her back straightly without any waves and her face was pale, too pale, and her blue eyes filled with redness.

She went to Arwyn's side and offered her a deep curtsy. "I am so very sorry for our loss, Aunt. Claron was a loved member of our family.", her voice was barely a whisper and she was squeezing her own hand to prevent them from shaking. "I cannot even imagine the pain you are going through but please know that I am here if you need anything."

Arwyn didn't even send a glance to her and she shared worried looks with her uncle and Lucerys. She decided to leave her be but then Arwyn clutched her bare arm and sank her nails into it, making her turn back to her with widened eyes. "What do you know about my son's death?", her brown eyes found Atera's blue ones, there was no emotion in hers and her voice sounded like a mad woman's.

"Arwyn-", Gerold made a move to stop her but it made Arwyn tighten her squeeze, she gritted her teeth and Atera grimaced with pain.

"Lucerys told me you asked questions, and wondered whether it was a murder or not. What do you know about it?", she pressured.

Atera looked too lost for a moment, it took long enough for Gerold to actually start to suspect but then she made an excuse with a startled voice. "I, I was surprised that's all.", she said without breathing. "I wasn't expecting it so I was surprised and wondered what happened. Is that a crime?", she tried to shrug off Arwyn's hold but it only made her aunt sink her nails even more, Atera started to shake and let out a painful sound.

"You are terrible at lying as your mother once was.", she spat and Atera seemed to be taken aback. "Let's hope yours wouldn't step on other's tails so you wouldn't end up like her."

"Arwyn!", Gerold hissed and Atera strongly pulled her arm back, causing Arwyn's nails to drag on her skin. They were too sharp that actually a little blood appeared but she made no noise.

"Maybe if you would be more attentive to your sons rather than lickspitting to my father and being obsessed over my mother, your son would be alive today.", Atera hissed at her and turned around, going away from her as much as she could.

Arwyn only looked after her without blinking and Gerold shared a look with Lucerys. Arys was standing in the shadows ever since he found out what happened and Jacen was now with Rhea. He quickly followed Atera to the top of the hill, she was shaking due to the cold weather and the strong wind and her dress was sleeveless.

"If you are trying to make yourself ill, I must tell you that it is working.", he approached her from behind and saw the way she got startled.

"Arys?", she took a step back and tried to normalize her face. "I am sorry for your loss.", she averted his eyes. "It must be a terrible thing-", her voice cracked. "-to lose a brother."

"You think Jacen did this, right?", he looked at her without any emotions and asked a moment later.

Atera seemed lost, then a vulnerable expression appeared on her face. "Arys...", she whispered with tears in her eyes and she turned her back completely.

"Leyton told me everything.", his heart was burning and blood was echoing in his brain but he knew it was Jacen. In his bones and in his soul, he knew it was him.

Atera rubbed her face with cold and shaking hands and tried to swallow. She hated showing weakness in public. "I don't know what you-"

"My brother killed my other brother.", Arys deadpanned and Atera turned to him with widened eyes. "I think you can respect me more than this."

Atera pursed her lips in an anxious manner and look down, closed her eyes and tried to take a deep breath but failed, raised her eyes back to his face and met with his grey eyes for the first time that day. "Jacen is a leech, a plague that will ruin our family. He is a traitor and a kinslayer and he did all of this for that vile, scheming wench.", she raised her chin and tried to look confident. "Claron must have learned all of it, he probably did it to silence her."

"He knew because I told him.", Arys nodded to her surprised face. "And how long you knew about the affair?"

There was no point in lying. "Since the beginning.", her voice cracked and she cursed internally. "But I couldn't tell it to Leyton because-"

"You feared what he would do.", he finished her sentence with a thoughtful expression. "I never knew you thought this less of him."

"I don't.", she tried to take another breath but failed again. She was breathing but it felt like it didn't reach her lungs and she felt like bloating, she tried and failed again, and a sharp pain hit her from her heart. "Leyton is... he is-he's...", she rubbed her face sharply. "He is not like him.", she spat, her voice sounding conflicted. Everything was hurting. "I know he would never do such a thing but...", her eyes got softened. "She has children, cousin.", she made a crying face and took a shaky breath -one that didn't reach her lungs yet again, and a few tears did fell to her face. "I couldn't... Not after everything, not when it all happened this soon."

"And now my brother is dead.", he looked at her without expression.

"I know it is my fault.", she accepted. "I am-"

"I don't think it is your fault.", Arys scowled. "It is his and her fault, not yours. Or not Leyton's."

Atera blinked in surprise. "But-"

"No buts.", he shook his head. "I cannot spend time with your self-blaming. You need to tell me what happens next."

"Next?", she questioned again, her brain feeling frozen.

Arys took a deep breath and bend down a little to match her height, starting to talk as if she was a child. "Claron being dead means Leyton will follow him soon enough.", Atera shook her head strongly and Arys held both of her arms. "He is already looking like shit, they would never let him investigate this. Leyton might have played the fool to Alerie and Baelor but not to this. A person, a family member died. He would never let it go and they cannot risk it. They are afraid of him. Don't you see?"

"Baelor and Garth are in Braavos.", she whispered. "Leyton sent them there."

"I know.", Arys nodded seriously. "Jacen was my brother yesterday but not anymore. I will not let Claron's death go unpunished and I know that you have a plan, you always have one. Tell me now.", Atera looked at him with a weird expression and Arys tilted her head. "Don't you trust me?"

"Jacen is your brother and the boys are your nephew.", she said swiftly. "You surely must understand me."

"I am not Jacen.", he pressed every word. "Claron was my brother. I will not going to let them murder half of this family, our family.", he shook her gently. "Trust me or not, I will avenge my brother whether you help me or not."

Atera observed his dedication and the fierceness in his eyes, then she pointed out Jace who was standing with his father. "You are not going to like this plan."

Rhea and Jacen were standing side by side, watching the talk between Atera and Arys. "She is going to block my way.", she muttered to Jacen when Atera turned to her and their eyes met from distance.

Atera and Arys were against her and Jacen. But they were clueless that their plan had already ended.

"Then we will remove her from the story.", he muttered back.

Rhea made a move to walk towards her husband -for now, when the Septon finished preparing the scene and everybody started to gather around but Atera moved quicker than her, went to Leyton's side, and wrapped an arm around him.

Leyton seemed surprised for a second, his eyes then met with Rhea's and she saw the cold and dark suspicion in them, she knew she had little to no time and she had to end it all soon. Leyton's eyes never left her when he wrapped his cloak around Atera's shaking frame and placed a kiss on her hair. And she saw the way he muttered to her ear. "I am sorry."


Tenth moon of 280 AC, Oldtown

The journey back to Oldtown was long and painful and the moment Leyton stepped a foot to the soil, he fell down with a pale face and did not wake up ever since.

She was sitting on her private balcony, she was wearing nothing but a night dress. She did not remember how many hours she sat there, looking at the dark, starless sky with red eyes, tears already dried on her face but the pain in her heart only grew more.

"I failed.", she admitted when she felt the presence of another body sitting down on the floor, right next to her. "I got distracted. I should never go to Dragonstone, I should have listened to him and stayed at home where I could control things better. Then none of would have happened."

"If you would stay here, you would be dead by now.", Arys said with a dry tone. Just like Claron, he thought unintentionally. "You were safe at Dragonstone."

"And look where we did end up.", her voice was not more than a whisper. "Claron getting cold six feet under the ground and it seems Leyton is going to join him soon enough with the boys."

"You think she did then?"

"You were there.", she wanted to shrug but couldn't find the energy to do so. "It just doesn't make sense for me for him to get this sick this soon."

"No, no, you have a point.", he agreed with her with a tired breath. "Dare I assume that you also have a plan?"

"I don't know how to win.", she closed her eyes. "But I know how to make her lose."

"Suits me fine enough.", his eyes got darkened. "I swear to you and to you only, she is going to pay for her sins.", his face got more villainous. "They both will."

"Jacen is your brother."

"Not anymore, no.", he turned to her. "Give me an order and let me follow it to the grave."

Atera managed to grimace slightly and turned her pale blue eyes to her cousin's grey ones. "We have to trust someone you don't want to trust."

It took him less than a second to understand who she was implying. "And Paxter cannot do it instead of him because?"

"Paxter is our friend.", she almost smiled fondly. It felt weird to say that with confidence when everyone around her had betrayed her. "They would suspect him, also it will take him time to come here from Arbor. We simply do not have that much time. Only till dawn."

"You think they will strike tomorrow?"

"That's what I would do.", she tilted her head. "It is a perfect time. The blame will be put on me for sure now that both Baelor and Alerie are away. Truth be told, it is almost clever. Leyton is perfectly fine then I came and he dies the next day."

"You think they will dare to actually kill him?", he asked with denial.

"If our plan works, they cannot.", her eyes looked so lifeless.

"What is the plan then?"

"The children."


She was right about what she had thought. When she woke up in the morning the tower was too quiet and when she went to the door of her chamber she found it locked. She smiled at first and then it turned into a cry. She slowly turned around, leaned her back to the door and slowly fell to her knees, crying to herself silently.

She was never a believer but she prayed to all the Gods her brother always held in high regard and named as their protector, she prayed for her plan to work so that Leyton could see another day.

Even if she would not.


Hello everyone!

I want to inform you all about my new Patreon account, which I created only today and will start to use effectively soon enough. The basic idea of it is that I publish extra and bonus scenes (scenes like what Arthur and Rhaegar were doing in this chapter), cut scenes, scenes that belonged to the original draft, character insights and fan art there exclusively (including the five-part epilogue I am planning to do) and all you need to do in order to reach those special content is to choose one of the membership plans -which the numbers are completely rational.

Of course, this is not an obligation and you would not miss anything story-wise if you do not, perhaps only the epilogue chapters but it is core, it is just a way for the readers to support the author if they choose to do so. I just want to state that I would be grateful if you decide so, thank you to all of you for reading this book up until this book, I hope it was an enjoyable journey for all of you, I am glad to say that we are not even the halfway to the end and the actual story (I lost the count of how many times I said that) started in this chapter, now things will start to be a little more like the cannon.

If you want to check out at least my page, here is my Patreon account;

And of course, you can always find me on AO3 with the same user name (@songofsapphire) or follow me on TikTok (again, as @songofsapphire) if you want to get spoiler-filled content for the new chapters (as I will publish one today about Atera and Rhaegar and their dynamic all throughout this phase) and/or insights on characters.

Thank you all for reading. Do not forget to leave comments, they make my day.

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