Sekiruuyetei: Book of Concept...

Autorstwa RageRevan

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A boy who once walked the path of heroism, now after being humiliated and ignored for his deeds, choses to wa... Więcej

Prologue: Having Enough
Chapter 1: Unbearable Truth
Chapter 2: The Fall of an Ice Mage
Chapter 3: Roses of the Underworld
Chapter 4: Fall of Grigori
Chapter 5: Reality Check
Chapter 6: New Allies, New Enemies
Chapter 7: Broken Pride
Chapter 8: Play My Game
Chapter 9: Adjusting to a Normal Life
Chapter 10: Factions Situation
Chapter 11: War against a False Hero
Chapter 12: Demise of a False Hero
Chapter 13: Peaceful Resolutions
Chapter 14: Double Demise
Chapter 15: Chaos in Kuoh Academy
Chapter 16: Calm and Tranquility.
Chapter 17: Unknown Suffering
Chapter 19: Aggressive Negotiations
Chapter 20: Reunion of a Vampire with a Dragon
Chapter 21: Party Crashing
Chapter 22: Fall of a Symbol
Chapter 23: Relaxation Time
Chapter 24: Preparation for the Assault
Chapter 25: Fall of Heaven
Chapter 26: Time for Pleasure (18+)
Chapter 27: The God Tribe
Chapter 28: Relationship by Bonds
Chapter 29: The Darkest Night
Chapter 30: Divine Destruction
Chapter 31: Fortuitous Endeavors
Alternate One-Shot: Ending the Factions Permanently
Chapter 32: Claiming the Divinity (18+)
Chapter 33: Dual-Side Developments
Chapter 34: Beginning of the Finale
Chapter 35: Preparation for the Norse Assault
Chapter 36: Ragnarök
Chapter 37: Hopeful Times
Chapter 38: Dealing with the Dog
Chapter 39: Fall of Olympus
Chapter 40: Shiva's Choice
Chapter 41: Vampiric Exorcism
Chapter 42: Shinto Destruction.
Chapter 43: Fall of the Supernatural (Season Finale)
Epilogue: No More Supernatural
Some Facts about Conceptual Records

Chapter 18: Assault on the Pendragon Mansion

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Autorstwa RageRevan

Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

Bold + Italics: Songs lyrics, Voice on speaker

Bold + Underline: Dimension change information

(A/N: All the images or gifs or videos used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Previously we saw Hestia talk with Artemis and Hermes about Athena's situation. She understood that they had to visit Issei, and even Artemis agreed that she needed Athena to be away from that man, she had to play along with them. Hestia then plans on how they could reach Issei without any problems. As this was going on, Sona and Ingvild have a conversation with the former being in disbelief of the latter's choice of joining Issei. It was made clear that she had no intention of listening anymore. Sona tries to convince him, but Ingvild sees through her and chokes her to death, before slamming her, causing the others to come in due to the commotion. Issei then forces her out of the house, leaving everyone confused and dumbfounded, including Issei about what just happened. Once upstairs, Quinella joins Issei and Nyx, on his work with the gears, as Issei asks her about Charlotte, which causes the girls to be jealous, he then reveals that he cares for all of them, and also states on the relationship Dai Hyoudou had with his harem, as he also states that they were insecure, as they often used to fight for his attention, they then continue to watch him doing his work. Team Slashdog have a party, where the truth is revealed causing them to fall into more despair, the incidents that have happened in the factions, as they realise that they are losing more and more of their time. Rias also reveals Ingvild planning to leave the team, worsening things. Soon after Issei and his group arrive, where Rias makes the foolish decision of threatening and taunting Nyx, causing Issei to give them a stern warning that he will not hesitate to deal with her if she does this again, and even her brother cannot stop him, as he leaves with the group, but not before making her silent. After that the group has a conversation with Ingvild, who was interested in joining them, he warns her that if she betrays him, she dies, to which Ingvild agreed without hesitation. Two days later, Hestia and Artemis visit the place, as they were greeted by Issei, after Hestia begs Issei, he lets her visit her fellow goddess, she then greets Athena, where she comes to know that Athena is safe and alright, and Hestia was happy for them, she then teleports away. After a while, Issei and the rest of the group plan their attack on the Pendragon Residence.

Pendragon Residence, 4:00 PM

The sound of several screams, laments and pleas were heard throughout the mansion, this place was none other than the Pendragon Residence, in England, where Grievous watched with a cold gaze, as his droid army massacred anyone that stood in his way, showing no mercy to anyone that got in his way.

"General! I have some bad news!" One of the OOM-Droid Commanders, approached Grievous, as he asked

"What!?" The Commander responded, "The servant has escaped and is being escorted to a safe location!" Grievous growled in response, as he spoke in a furious tone.

"I will deal with them, myself!" Grievous removed his cloak as he jumped into the battlefield, before he could go to deal with them, Issei approached him and spoke

"You will be wasting your time.." Issei spoke in a neutral tone, as Grievous looked at him surprised as he asked

"Then what should we do?" Issei responded to Grievous's question as he spoke, "You see castles like these have hidden entrances, thankfully I managed to foresee every single location of them, with relative ease..." Issei showed the several pathways, and their exits.

Understanding this, Grievous sends the locations to his Droid Commanders and commands.

"All units head towards the different locations, blockade them, and capture the target alive!"

"Roger Roger!" All the droid commanders responded, as they headed their units to the location.

"Grievous, I want Elaine, and her companion alive, is that clear?" Issei asks seriously, to which Grievous gives a nod, as he heads to the location, he then looks at Gondul, as he informs them.

"Well, it's a good thing you could come.." Issei spoke seriously, as he continues, "Elizabeth couldn't make it due to helping Michael and the other Seraphs trying to calm the seeds of rebellion taking place in the factions."

"She would have, but she had a job to perform so that Michael doesn't get suspicious, right?" Gondul responded with a smile, as she continued, "So what is my role?"

"You are backup, along with Miyuki, Quinella and Charlotte, and if Elizabeth manages to make it back, then inform her that she will join the assault as well." Gondul nods, as they watch the Droid Army mercilessly kill anyone that got in their way, even Magicians and Knights did not stand a chance against them.

Opening Start

Issei is walking across the fields.
Malak is surrounded by the burning remains of Grigori

Issei and Nyx are seen side by side looking at the screen.
A book shows up, as Issei comes in his Strongest Red Dragon Armor.
Dai Hyoudou is seen with a sinister smirk, with Rias standing next to him.

Asia and the other girls are fighting against Malak, using magic.
Aika looks above, walking through a puddle.
The ORC, Student Council, Vali Team, and Team Slashdog are shown, all as a pair of angry eyes glare at them.

Issei looks at the book, remembering his past well, he visions the factions falling apart.
Ingvild looks at a figurine of Dai, as she crushes it, tears falling from her eyes, anger on her face.

Artemis, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Quinella, and Gondul watch their factions with disdain.
Ingvild closes her eyes and looks at Dai with a determined look. Miyuki grits her teeth remembering her sisters
Issei is on his knees, his past haunting him, as a family photo shows up, with a slash on it.
Issei is separated from his family.

He looks at Sirzechs, as they both radiate their aura.

Opening End

Pendragon Residence, 5:00 PM

A young British woman in her early twenties. She has black hair that is tied above her head and wears a maid outfit. They both were outside, as they managed to leave through one of the unguarded exits.

This was Elaine Westcott, the love interest of Arthur Pendragon, and the guardian of Le Fay Pendragon. Among her was another woman, a very beautiful pale skinned girl with hip-length silver hair that had bangs hanging over her face where it mostly hangs over on the right side and clear sky-blue eyes.

She wears a jacket-like trench coat, with a white button-up shirt and black skirt. She is seen wearing a blue pendant gemstone with red ribbons, possibly indicating her royalty status. She also has golden chains looped around her left shoulder.

"These droids are everywhere, they know almost all of our secret escape tunnels!" Elaine exclaimed with worry, as the woman gritted her teeth in fury, she tried fighting them with magic weapons, but it had no effect on them, they had barely escaped with their lives, as they went through the secret tunnels.

Earlier they were talking about the attacks that have been happening around the factions thanks to the newly named Droid Faction, as well as the bad reputation due to Le Fay, contracting Dai Hyoudou as her contracted magician.

But that was when they heard a loud explosion, and moments later a whole battalion of B1 and B2 Super Battle Droids had showed up, they gunned all the guards and magicians mercilessly, Lord Uther Pendragon tried to stop them, but he was overwhelmed by the relentless horde of Battle Droids, the last thing they saw was him trying to defend himself and his wife from the Battle Droids.

The two girls were travelling as they watched the Battle Droids mercilessly gun down, when Elaine stopped them all of a sudden, sensing something was wrong. She looked around, as Elaine asked

"What's wrong?" La Folia looked around, as she spoke, "The silence is unnerving, it is quiet, too quiet..I can't feel anyone's presence, but I feel like we are being watched" She then sensed something, as she pointed her gun, to the shadows.

Moments later, an arrow came by as the girls dodge, the arrow barely misses her, it was an energy arrow, moments later, someone comes from the shadows, it was Goddess Artemis that showed up.

"Bravo! It seems like you managed to dodge an arrow I fired as a simple threat, that caused them to stop" Artemis spoke in a mocking tone, clapping, as the girls were shocked to see her in front of them. The Dusk Light shone on her face, revealing her complete look.

"That's impossible, you're with them!?" Elaine exclaimed in shock and fear, that a goddess had joined their side. "You were with the Greek faction right!?" Elaine asked with fear.

"I was, but then that bastard Zeus abandoned me" Artemis spoke with slight anger in her voice, "Besides, it's nothing special, I was just a mere pawn, you could say that I am a traitor to the faction" Artemis spoke after calming down.

"So you are with the Droid Faction?" La Folia asked with horror, as Artemis merely nodded, and exclaimed with excitement and a touch of mockery.

"Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!" La Folia and Elaine were on guard, as Artemis muttered to Grievous her location.

"Why are you even doing all this!?" La Folia asked with anger in her voice, to which Artemis responded with annoyance

"I told you before, I hate Zeus for what he did to me, and besides, Malak removed the blindfold that was on my eyes, I thought that I was on the path of peace, but I couldn't see a lot of things, Malak showed it to me and ever since I have been grateful to them" Artemis spoke in gratitude, not wanting to reveal Issei yet, since they would meet him soon.

"Just because of this, Malak is only using you!" La Folia shouted, as Artemis shook her head as she spoke with slight fury in her voice.

"No! He showed me the truth, he showed me how bad I was, and made me realise the error of my ways! And how dare you doubt him? When you know nothing about him!" Artemis spoke while reading her bow.

"You have become his slave..." La Folia aimed her gun at the Goddess, as she spoke, "Where was the Goddess that hated men!?" La Folia tried to make her see reason, but Artemis only shook her head, and responded.

"That fool long died, Malak made me see, how foolish I was, he showed me that all men are not like him, at first I did not see, but he showed me, the error of my ways, I resisted, but he never gave up, and I joined him on my own accord." Artemis spoke with a smile on her face, as La Folia and Elaine tried to look for a way out of this situation but couldn't find any, they gritted their teeth in fury, for being in this situation.

"Like it or not, we are leaving here, and then, we will reveal everything to the-" La Folia couldn't complete as suddenly a Telekinetic push sent her behind.

"Lady La Folia!" Elaine shouted in fear, and worry, rushing to her aid, La Folia managed to get up, as three more figures came from the shadows.

La Folia widened her eyes when she saw who they were, she knew her chances of escaping were next to none, as she recognized them to be Malak and Grievous, but what surprised her was the fact that even Gondul was here.

Rossweisse's Grandmother being involved in this, horrified her to no end, as she was a master magician, their chances reduced to next to nothing, but even then, La Folia spoke angrily

"I would rather die than be killed by any of you!" La Folia's tone was cold, as Gondul responded

"Not really, someone wants you alive..we don't need you, but we cannot let you escape" Gondul spoke with a smile pointing to La Folia, as Malak speaks

"But we can't let you go and warn the factions, it will take away the fun." Grievous spoke with a mocking tone, as she was surrounded by several others.

"Damn all of you!" La Folia shouted at the top of her lungs, as Grievous twirled his hands and brought out his four light blades.

"It's time to take care of you, permanently." Grievous spoke with a cold tone.

"In that case, Gondul, join with Grievous and take care of her, and I and Artemis will handle Elaine." Malak commanded, as Grievous nods, he and Gondul prepare to deal with La Folia, who points her gun at the Metalloid Monstrosity, and fires a light missile, Grievous deflects it, to him the bullet was in slow motion.

(A/N: I don't own this gif or Strike The Blood)

Angered La Folia keeps firing more bullets, aiming her gun at the Metalloid Monstrosity who keeps deflecting them with ease. Gondul had a smile throughout the battle

"Don't underestimate me!" La Folia exclaimed, as Grievous cackled in response, his laugh unnerved her, but she was resilient, she refused to give up.

The fight between the six was watched by Issei at a distance, after a while, Valery, Ingvild and Elizabeth teleported next to them.

"Why are you attacking the Pendragon Residence!?" Valery exclaimed, she and Ingvild were both unaware of this, as Issei asked a simple question.

"Is it not obvious? They are my enemies, remember?" Valery calmed down, as she looked in horror, Issei then responded coldly, "And you do know that this would happen? Be grateful I did not send you to do the deed."

Valery gulped and nodded, she understood that Issei was dealing with them himself.

"I have performed my task, as you wanted, Lord Michael and the others suspect nothing." Elizabeth spoke with a smile, to which Issei smiled at her and responded

"Good job Elizabeth, we watch the fight, it is anyways coming to its conclusion."

Elizabeth watched, as Valery and Ingvild also joined Issei, Ingvild then asked

"So who are the targets this time?" Issei looked at her and responded

"Elaine Westcott and La Folia Rihavein.." Valery paled, as Issei spoke looking at her pale look.

"Relax, we intend to capture them alive, I have some purpose for them." Issei spoke, as Valery nodded, she understood another will be joining them, "I always wondered what will happen if Dark Light touches a human body."

Valery was confused at this, as she asked

"Dark Light? What is that?" Issei looked at her and spoke, "Another secret that Lucifer has kept to himself, it is a light that is designed to convert an angel into a Dark Angel."

"I-I didn't know of this..." Valery spoke with a tone of surprise, as she asked, "Who else knows of this?"

"As of now, no one, except for me, and probably Lucifer, but if you want more detail about them, ask Elizabeth."

"Yes, I will explain it to you sometime in the future, but for now, let's watch, the battle is coming to its conclusion" Elizabeth spoke seriously.

"Speaking of which, how did the spying missions go?" Issei asked both Valery and Ingvild.

"No, they suspect nothing, they are unable to do anything, because now they are trying to convince you to help them." Valery spoke as Ingvild continued.

"They are convincing me to stay in the DXD Team, and they are not paying attention to you anymore." Ingvild spoke seriously, she seemed to be devoted, as compared to Valery.

"I see...very well, let's watch, the match is almost done anyway." Issei and the remaining watch the final moments of the fight.

Meanwhile, La Folia was on her knees, her clothes were partially torn, as her body had several burnt wounds, she couldn't move, as Gondul used Gravity Magic to prevent her from escaping.

"No...this can't be..." La Folia spoke with fear, as Grievous twirled his blade and kicked her towards a distance, she was knocked out cold, as Gondul approached her and carried her.

Elaine is in a similar situation, as she was breathing heavily, she was out of mana, as Artemis used her bow and arrow, as she unleashed an arrow of light energy.

(A/N: I don't own this gif or Fate Franchise)

Elaine took a direct hit, as an explosion took place, she was on her knees, as she tried her best to get up. She then looks at them, and shouts.

"Why!? Why are you even doing this?! I have never done anything to you!" Malak cackled, as he brought out Dark Light infused with Nails from Alphecca Tyrant, as he spoke

"Your biggest mistake is to trust a liar of the factions. It's a shame that you failed to see the truth, until it was too late."

"What will you do to me?" Elaine spoke with fear, as Malak responded

"You will be seeing it will kill your own lover Arthur, while you can't do anything about it."

Malak brought Dark Light closer, as Elaine started to pass out, her vision became blurry, as she looked up, looking at the moon, muttering.

"Please, save me Arthur..." Elaine lost her consciousness as a tear fell from her eyes, she wondered what the Droid Faction would do to her.

Malak then carried the knocked out Elaine, as he then proceeded to perform the final command. Her apron fell down signifying what had happened.

"Yasaka! Destroy the Castle, leave no trace of anything!"

A voice boomed from the entire arena, as Yasaka showed up in her giant Fox Form, which was 10 metres in height. Malak and the others along with their armies teleported back to the meeting location.

"As you wish Lord Malak!" Yasaka unleashed a giant bomb made of FoxFire, at the castle destroying it to smithereens leaving no trace of it, except for a burnt ground, no one survived the blast, as no trace of a human or anything else was present.

(A/N: I don't own this gif or Naruto)

Yasaka was then teleported out of there, with the help of Malak.

*Scene Change*

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Issei playing Shelly in Brawl Stars and winning the tournament.

The Next Day,

England, 9:30 AM

The Leader of the Fallen Angels, Shemhazai along with Azazel watches the home for the Pendragon family in sadness, the complete annihilation of the Pendragon Residence, gathering the attention of both the Human and the Supernatural world. There was only one thing that remained, and that was Elaine's tattered maid apron.

"That cursed Malak is a monster for doing all this!" Shemhazai exclaimed furiously.

"Worst of all there is no trace of them, to know what happened." Azazel exclaimed as anger was present in his voice

Valery Lucifer had a look of anger on her face, she hated what happened to Arthur, and his family, as both Lord and Lady Pendragon were confirmed to have been taken out due to the blast, they are both dead. Azazel knew that she was not going to rest until Malak was slain by her hands.

"I can't imagine the pain they are going through..." Azazel thought with sadness, knowing how much Valery cared for her team.

"This shouldn't be happening, how dare that bastard attack my family!" Arthur exclaimed with fury in his voice, as he controlled his tears falling from his eyes.

"Don't worry, we will destroy that bastard and find your maiden in love" Bikou spoke trying to cheer him up, but Valery only retorted angrily.

"This is not the time to make jokes, we have to plan the next move, if we need to beat him." Bikou rubbed his head, as he looked away, he was equally sad and furious at what happened.

*Scene Change*

Malak's Base, 10:00 AM

La Folia Rihavein woke up in the Malak's base, she rubbed her head, in pain remembering what had happened. She looked around to see that she was in a dark room, she remembered how she fought against Grievous and Gondul, their attacks were too overwhelming, and Grievous either deflected or dodged her attack. While Gondul gave her difficulties in maintaining her form. She eventually fell as a result.

She tried to move, but was unable to do so.

"Ah!" She exclaimed in pain, she looked to see that her wounds were still healing.

"I would suggest you to not move..." La Folia looked to see a purple haired woman, sitting on a chair.

"So you are a traitor too!?" La Folia angrily exclaimed, as the woman, identified as Quinella, spoke with a smile.

"Traitor? I was never part of the alliance to begin with.." La Folia got angry at this, as she spoke

"The Faction Leaders will realise who their enemies are, and they will win and eliminate you!" La Folia shouted.

"That's funny, you should work as a comedian, and the best part is that you don't even know who the biggest enemy is, you will lose.." Quinella spoke with a chuckle, as La Folia retorted.

"Don't sing of victory!" La Folia retorts, however she was quiet when she heard pairs of footsteps, the voice who was that of a man, spoke

"Do you die a hero, or as a villain?" The man spoke, as he entered, La Folia widened her eyes in shock, as she saw who the people were, it was Issei Hyoudou and Charlotte Beelzebub.

"No.." La Folia spoke in disbelief, as she continued, "You were the hero, why are you even doing this...?"

"I am sorry, never was the hero, I tried to be, but I was always the bad guy." Issei spoke coldly,

"That's not true, everyone knows you are the hero." La Folia retorted, as Charlotte responded coldly

"The reason was that Issei revealed the truth, I am pretty sure, if he did not, the factions would have been under the blind faith that Dai was their hero."

"That's right, but that's only now, before they saw me as trash or a threat.." Issei spoke mockingly to which La Folia remained silent, "That's what I thought, everyone wants me to be a hero, why should I be the hero to hypocritical people like you."

"I am sorry! I am sorry for coming to think you are a nuisance!" La Folia spoke with tears in her eyes, as Issei shouted with fury.

"See!! You are sorry now, because I am a mass murderer, the villain and the enemy of the factions!! Once I wanted to help people, and defend them! And what did they do to me, you know!?" La Folia shook her head in confusion, "They turned their backs on me! And I broke my bones and hands for nothing!!" Issei shouted in fury, as Charlotte and Quinella calmed him down with a worryful look on their faces.

"But this is not the way, we can talk to the-" La Folia tried to reason with Issei, as he interrupted her, "I refuse, I will take revenge against all those that ruined me!"

"Why are you doing this? Is it revenge!" La Folia asked fearfully as Issei responded.

"Revenge is one of the goals, I desire to create a beautiful world, where humans and supernatural beings co-exist, but that cannot happen with the factions around, they will not accept it, and that is why I am carrying out my plan, eliminating those people, and carrying out peace in this world!" Issei declared with a smile in his words, as tears appeared in his eyes.

"You are going to kill innocent people for your stupid war!?" La Folia asked angrily, to which Issei looked at her coldly.

"Innocent People" Issei scoffed, "The same people, who saw me as a nuisance, who humiliated me and never gave me the opportunity to show what I am capable of" Issei spoke coldly, "Are we talking about those Innocent People, Miss Rihavein?" Issei spoke to which La Folia kept her hands on her face, and tears started to fall from her eyes.

Issei, Quinella and Charlotte leave the room, closing the cell as La Folia remains in prison, as she cried endlessly, Issei did not know what to do with her, he would think of her fate later on.

*Scene Change*

"So what are going to do with La Folia?" Issei asked his allies, to which Malak responded

"I would suggest killing her, we see no reason to keep her alive, if anything her abilities can be used by even Elizabeth, and myself." Malak spoke, as Elizabeth responded

"Her skills can be useful as a Sleeper Agent, she can be used to turn against her loved ones." Malak was surprised by this, as Grievous spoke

"I agree, with the Angel, I will personally train her and we can use her skills against Pendragon's allies."

"You sure about this, I could easily take her place if you wanted to?" Malak asked with a tone full of surprise that Grievous spoke this, knowing his personality.

"It would be fun to turn her against her own family, the grief would be so enjoyable!" The Cyborg General exclaimed, earning sweat-drops from everyone.

"But Elizabeth is correct, our chances of victory will be higher, since she has insight of the Pendragon allies, her memory will be useful to us, since she can give us access to many of the Pendragon's secrets..." General Kalani spoke with an insightful tone.

"I see...then even I don't mind." Malak responded with a neutral look.

"I do not see a reason to kill her, the more sleeper agents, we have with us, the more advantage we will have against the factions." Artemis spoke in agreement, as Gondul nodded in agreement.

Valery and Ingvild were absent because they weren't trusted enough to be a member of the table, same went for Yasaka, since Sleeper Agents are more or less slaves meant to listen to commands without hesitation. Miyuki was absent because she was training.

"Well then it's settled then, we will let her remain in consciousness for a while, before we perform the conversion, speaking of which way is Elaine?" Issei spoke with curiosity.

"She is unstable, the best way to describe her is an angered rabid dog, the Dark Light is not compatible with Human Blood it seems, the good thing is that she can be kept under control, but she has lost all sense of humanity and has become a feral beast" Kalani explained, to Issei, who nodded, he then spoke

"Very well, report me any changes in her, we will be leaving, we cannot let the folks at home suspect us.."

Malak, Grievous and Kalani nodded, as Gondul and Elizabeth teleported, and Artemis, Issei, Quinella and Charlotte headed outside the base to head back home.

*Scene Change*

Hyoudou Residence, 12:00 PM

Athena was walking towards Issei's room, as she wanted to ask him for something, she knocked the door, as she asked

"Issei? Are you there?" When she got no response, she knocked again and called his name, however she once again got no response, as she entered the room.

She looked around to see the room darkened, with no lights on, his Quilt was on the bed, unfolded, she checked the bathroom next, only to find that there was no one present.

"I am glad there is no one in the bathroom.." Athena spoke with a little embarrassment, as she remembered their previous encounter, she had no choice but to wait for him in this room.

While sitting in the room, she wanted to ask Issei about some things, she wondered what he thought of her, as she thought.

"Should I ask Issei about this?" Athena looked worried, Issei did not show any hatred towards her, or anger towards her, she was even more happy that Issei let her talk to her fellow Olympian Hestia, as she remembered how much he could have stopped her or eliminated her.

Athena remembered her past, as she became furious with Zeus for giving her away to Issei, but in reality, it turned out it to be a blessing, Issei never forced her or forced himself on her, which made her happy, she started to be grateful to him, but she wondered, what he really thought of her, given that she tried to prove that he was with Malak.

Furthermore, she was also one of the few that agreed with Zeus of making Issei bind to the factions, such things caused immense regret in her heart. She did not want to do this, but had no choice, she had to follow the decision of her father and the others, and she hated that.

Sighing, she decided to leave, since Issei was not present, in the room, she got up, ready to leave, and decided to talk to him, at another time.

Once she got out of the room, she was caught by an unexpected person.

"Lady Athena?" It was Seekvaira, who had a look of surprise, as she asked, "What are you doing in Issei's room?"

"Umm, well..." Athena was embarrassed, being caught like this, Seekvaira would misunderstand her, as Athena tried to explain, "It is not what it looks like.."

"No, I know Issei is not in the room.." Seekvaira shook her head and responded, she was the one of the few that she trusted without a problem. She looked around as she spoke, "So why were you in his room?"

"I just wanted to ask some questions.." Athena responded as Seekvaira looked at her, Athena then asked, "What's your thoughts on Issei now?"

"He is not that bad, he never tried to do anything with us, and gave us freedom to do so, he is a good friend.." Seekvaira spoke with a smile, before changing into a expression of slight fear, "But I fear, he hates us, even if it is a little, he hates me, and Latia because we are devils, even if he does not hurt us, physically or mentally, or intends to do so, but he might hold some animosity against us.."

"I know you fear him, but he is nice, just talk to him Seekvaira, and if he does hurt you, you can come to me, you should conquer your fear on your own." Athena spoke seriously, earning a nod from the Agares Heiress, as she spoke

"I will give it a try, maybe in the future..but not now.." Seekvaira spoke, earning a smile from Athena as she responded

"You should, believe me, you won't regret it.." Athena spoke, as she left to head to her room, Zeus giving her to Issei actually benefited her rather than harm, her.

*Scene Change*

Hyoudou Residence, 2:00 PM

"Things are looking pretty complicated..." Issei said, while he was creating gauntlets that were meant for his two sacred gears, Innovate Clear and Telos Karma, he remembered the information he had received.

"Hmm, it seems like, this Mitsuya Kanzaki was able to perform this, from the information I had gotten from Grigori, before it was destroyed, by Malak's hands." Issei spoke, remembering the information he had gotten, it seemed like Grigori was not a big fan of this Mitsuya, as he was deemed dangerous, but when he found out more about him, he was surprised to see that he was a human.

But what surprised him was that he was the first known person to have Two Longinus with him, that being Innovate Clear and Telos Karma. Both gears are known to make him impersonate god, the first was capable of creating an ideal dimension allowing him to create his own ideal world, with even living beings involved in it. The second one, on the other hand, can manipulate the probabilities to the user's favour, he wondered what would happen, if both get involved.

"Partner, are you sure of this!? Using two sacred gears, that are polar opposites of each other! That's crazy!" Ddraig exclaimed in surprise, as Issei responded

"Well this ain't my first rodeo, right Ddraig" Issei spoke with a grin, as Ddraig gave an exasperated sigh, he remembered how he was able to create the Vanishing Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker, it was a struggle but he was able to do it.

"Although I wonder if I use the Balance Breaker of all Longinus Sacred Gears at once, I wonder how powerful I will become..." Issei spoke, which made Ddraig wonder what his partner was thinking, he also wondered what would happen and how strong would Issei become.

Issei continued working on the gauntlets, he could use both Innovate Clear and Telos Karma, but he wondered if he could achieve the full power of both the gears, at once like Mitsuya Kanzaki has.

He deemed him as a problem, since he could alter the probabilities of his victory, but judging by his past records, so far, he has not found any attacks from him or his organisation Cross Times Kiss against Malak or his allies.

"But I must prepare, he can be a potential problem" Issei spoke, he would be a fool if he did have preparations against him, he then remembered a certain someone who had managed to find a way to nullify sacred gears and render them useless.

"I wonder if Rizevim would help me with this.." Issei spoke in thought, if he didn't he would just extract the power from him.

Issei worked on the gauntlets, he had two choices if Mitsuya were to ever become a problem in his plans, the first was to use his power against him or, to manage to get his access on the Sacred Gear Canceller, which can perform as intended.

*Scene Change*

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Issei making Chibi Mitsuya and Chibi Tobio get along.

Malak's Base, 7:30 PM

Issei entered La Folia's prison cell along with Nyx and Malak, as he had a recording orb with him, as he opened the door.

La Folia looked at him with surprise in her eyes, her cheeks have been dried due to the endless crying, as she had dull eyes looking at Issei's cold eyes, Nyx then commanded

"Get up!" La Folia did so, but her movement was sluggish, she was dull, as she looked at Issei, and asked in a weak tone.

"What do you want...?" La Folia looked at him, her hair was partially ruined due to the fact that she did not care for it.

"You don't believe how far the factions have fallen, right?" Issei spoke, as La Folia retorted.

"The Factions will soon know about you, and will stop you, Hyoudou Issei, they will find a way" Issei chuckled as he spoke

"Oh I plan on doing the great reveal myself, but there is still a lot of time for that." Issei spoke, in a mocking tone, "And besides, I am not aligned with any faction, so how am I a traitor?"

"You must be stopped, you are a threat!" Issei got a bit annoyed, as he spoke, with anger in his voice.

"Oh this reminds me, remember when I had come to your place, and asked your family something, did you know what your family did!?" Issei exclaimed, as La Folia started to have tears in her eyes remembering the incident, she remained silent, "Tell me, what did they do to me!?"

La Folia was quiet, remembering what happened, Issei then screamed, "ANSWER ME, DAMMIT!!"

"I..." La Folia started to cry, "We did nothing! We left you to your fate and ignored you!" La Folia shouted as Issei started to make a small laugh and spoke

"You see, it wasn't so hard, now was it..." Issei looked at her, as he continued, "They were just interested in power, and yet they failed to see someone who could have helped them." Issei spoke coldly, "I could have saved many people, if it wasn't for him.."

"I-I don't understand, what do you mean, save many people?!" La Folia asked in confusion, as Issei spoke

"Do the names Rondo Rihavein and Pascalia Rihavein, ring a bell.." La Folia widened her eyes, as she nodded, "They do, remember the attack that Rizevim orchestrated on your clan that cost their lives?"

"My sisters, what do you mean, you were able to save them?" La Folia asked in confusion, as Issei spoke

"I would have, or could have, if it wasn't for someone interrupting me.." Issei spoke with slight frustration in his voice.

"Was it Dai Hyoudou?" La Folia asked with confusion, as Issei responded

"Exactly, he knocked me down to hog the glory, and because of his foolish actions, it cost the lives of your sisters, here take a look" Issei activated the memory orb, it activated as she saw everything.


Issei was looking around, several Stray Devils were surrounding him, he was breathing heavily, as he was using hand to hand combat defeating several of them, but they were too overwhelming. He looked around, to see several of them chuckling seeing his condition.

"I guess I have to use my sacred gear..." Issei mutters, looking around the scene, he begins to cover himself with an attack.

However, someone struck his leg with a black flash, causing him to kneel, his leg became injured, as he looked at his attacker.

"Thanks for doing my work again, you moron!" Dai spoke with a sinister grin, as Issei shouted in anger, "Dammit Dai!! Now is not the time to hog glory, people are dying here!"

"Oh I know, that is why I thank you, now let me take it from here.." Dai tried to fight the devils but he was overwhelmed, he was overwhelmed by fear as he spoke

"Wait! Don't kill me!" Dai exclaimed with fear, "Kill them, kill those two girls!" Dai pointed to Rondo and Pascalia, as the demons pointed towards them, who were unconscious as Issei watched in horror, the demons brutally maul the two girls to death.

[Recording End...]

"I could have saved them, had I activated my Boosted Gear, but couldn't because my brother wanted to hog all the glory, I can't believe that your family and Le Fay's now deceased family would let some demons in your castle" Issei spoke with disappointment, "At least be happy that we haven't taken things further, yet" Issei spoke with mockery.

"My sisters.." La Folia spoke with sadness, as Issei spoke

"And the worst part was that the Pendragons declared them to be Martyrs, just some children that lost their lives, such a shame, it had to end for them this way" Issei spoke feigning sadness, as tears fell from La Folia's eyes.

"I am sorry..."

"Oh don't you dare apologise! You remember what you did to me, right!?" Issei shouted, causing her to cover her head, as she begged.

"Please stop!" Issei nevertheless continued, "You told me to never step foot in your house ever again, and I would regret it!"

"No, please I am sorry!" La Folia exclaimed in regret, as Issei looked at her dead in the eye, he had his Alphecca Tyrant ready to make her serve him, however, as he was ready to remove some Nails, he heard a surprise exclaim.

"Wait!" La Folia asked, as Issei stopped momentarily, as he responded, "What?"

"I am willing to repay you, you tried to help us, we didn't listen, I didn't listen..." La Folia spoke with sadness, before pleading, "So please give me a chance?" Issei looked at her, he identified that she was not lying, as Issei spoke

"You didn't listen, so why should I listen?" Issei asked coldly, as Nyx and Malak wondered what she was going to do next.

"Just this once, I promise you won't regret it...." La Folia pleaded Issei, however he was not in a mood, he was ready to turn her into a sleeper agent, but a hand came in front of him.

"Nyx?" Issei asked to which the Primordial Goddess looked at Issei, as she spoke.

"What do you propose? If you tell us something that is valuable, then we may change our plans, otherwise, we will turn you into a Sleeper Agent just like Yasaka is." Nyx's tone was cold, it even brought chills to Issei and Malak. She was dead serious at this.

La Folia shivered, she gulped in fear hearing the Battle Droids talk about the Sleeper Agents, they are more akin to slaves that Issei would turn her into even committing suicide for his goals. She feared having that fate.

"My Family is quite influential in both the Supernatural side, as well as the Human world, we also know about how and which companies the devil families operate on, we can help you in ruining them financially, so that they can no longer receive income, and then you can use that to attack them, wiping them out with ease." La Folia spoke with fear in her voice, as Issei scoffed, in response

"You think I wouldn't know!? That is why I want to wipe out the Pendragon Family as well as the Rihavein family, along with any of their mage family allies!" Issei exclaimed in annoyance, as La Folia shook her head in response

"No, I mean, I can convince them to your side, I want to avenge my sister's demise from the Factions!" La Folia spoke coldly, "I can bring them to your side, and have them as an ally, Lord Issei, I can even serve you as a knight, if you so wish!? I want to make amends for my actions in the past, won't you give me the chance..." La Folia spoke with regret, as Issei did not see much weight in her voice, as he spoke

"That's not enough, I will only be satisfied till your family falls down, goodbye La Folia, you will be my sleeper agent." Issei spoke with a cold tone, as he brought out several nails to make her into a sleeper agent, as La Folia begged for a second chance, as she begged.

"I don't mind serving you, but I want to serve you willingly, and not by this method." La Folia pleaded Issei, as she continued, "I would rather die than let an imposter serve you from my body, than my own free will, I desire to serve you on my own accord!" La Folia spoke seriously as Nyx who saw her resolve spoke

"Issei wait!" Issei stopped, as Nyx crouched to her level and spoke, "So you really think that your family will listen to you? What if they are blinded by loyalty? Tell me then...should we kill them then, just like we originally intended to do so."

"No, my family is one of those families that repays debts, no matter what happens, we have that as our family motto, if I tell them what happened to my sisters, they will be convinced...They will be..." La Folia pleaded, as Issei looked at her, none of her words were of lies, as Issei was till in disbelief, Nyx sensing this and spoke

"I think we should let her talk to her family, if she can convince them to join us, then it would make our job much easier.." Issei looked at her and responded

"You sure?" Nyx nods, as she continues, "Otherwise, we will wipe out their family using the Leviathan." Malak nods in response, as La Folia felt a little bit hope, Issei then sighs and responds

"Very well, but if you do betray me, you will die a horrible death! And to make sure you keep your promise..." Issei generated a small Dragon shot and compressed it into a ball, as he enchanted the ball, the ball then went inside her body, as she felt something off.

"If you do think or try to betray me, this ball will explode killing you before you can do anything, you will die in a horrible way" Issei spoke seriously and coldly, as La Folia gulped in fear, she was even barely trusted to have faith, as Malak, Issei and Nyx leave the room, leaving the cell door open, as he speaks

"When you head to your residence, I will be joining you. In an event the negotiations don't go as planned, I will personally eliminate your parents and wipe out everyone from the Rihavein family, is that clear?" La Folia nods in response, as she decides to leave as soon as possible, as she speaks.

"You won't regret this!" La Folia exclaims, however Issei was long gone from the location, along with Nyx and Malak.

"Say, why did you want to give her a chance, Nyx?" Issei asked, he was not expecting Nyx to do this, given her nature, as she responded

"Her skills will be useful to our goals, and her not being a sleeper agent like Valery and Ingvild will manage to bring one of the most influential families in both worlds to our side, and if La Folia claims what she is capable of, we can use this to our advantage, we can ruin the Devil Faction completely, and coupled with Miyuki's truth they will be in complete tatters" Issei nods to Nyx's explanation, as he speaks

"So we can bring their riches to our side, interesting..." Issei spoke with a deep thought, as Malak asks

"Should I prepare the army in case Rihavein's choice does not work?" Issei nods as Malak leaves to do so, with Issei and Nyx walking into the darkness of the base, planning their next move.

*Scene Change*

Issei and Nyx were walking throughout the base, it had increased in size compared to before as Quinella and Charlotte interrupted them, as Quinella asked.

"Ise, can we ask you for a favour?" Issei looked at them and smiled,

"What is it?" Issei asked as Charlotte responded

"We want to help you destroy the factions..." Issei was surprised as he asked

"How so?" Charlotte and Quinella responded

"We want some of the Holy Nails from Alphecca Tyrant, we want to bring in more sleeper agents!" Quinella spoke, as Charlotte asked

"Would you please let us do so!?" Issei looked at the girls and responded

"You don't need to plead, here, just give me a minute, I will have to make some changes, since the two of you are half-devils, alright?" The girls nodded and grinned, while Nyx smiled sweetly, Issei shivered when he sensed that as two battle droids spoke

"Oh! It seems like the Supreme Leader is in trouble~" One of the droid spoke, as the other responded,

"This is called a marital spat, we will be seeing a lot of those here!" Nyx turned to them, and exclaimed

"I would suggest the two of you not to get involved in other people's matters, otherwise I will make you regret it, is that clear!?" Nyx generated her aura, making Issei look at them with fear, they both understood that Issei will not save them, as they exclaimed

"Roger! Roger!" Both the Battle droids ran as fast as they could, leaving everyone bewildered at what just happened, the others did not bother speaking due to the situation.

Once he was done creating the nails, he gave 30 each to both Quinella and Charlotte, once he was done, he turned around and embraced Nyx, making her lose her smile, and become a blushing mess, as the girls behind him pouted, Issei then released her, and turned to the girls, as he hugged them as well, making them both blush, they kept the nails down, Issei sighed in relief.

"Look, I love all of you, so please, don't be jealous for such things, cause you kind of scare me, please..."

The girls chuckled at this, as they knew that Issei really loved them, Issei had a wry smile on his face, as the girls calmed down, Issei then asked

"Speaking of which, what candidates have you chosen?" Issei asked, as Quinella spoke with a smile,

"I was thinking of going after Gasper and Kuroka, from the devils, then we have Gabriel from the angels, she can be useful, we can use Penemue from the Fallen Angels.." Quinella responded to her series of targets.

" Let me take some from you. I can go after Akeno and Xenovia, Valerie from the Vampires and we can use Rossweisse as an additional support for the Norse.."

"Hmm...not bad choices, but won't Gasper be a problem, I discovered that his Forbidden Balor View can turn into a Longinus." Quinella shook her head as she responded

"Once we have found a way to ambush him, we can easily turn him to our side, he has been even more introverted ever since Dai's betrayal, he will easily be turned to our side." Quinella spoke, as Issei responded with a nod.

"And we do have infiltrators in the Greek Faction, and we can deal with the Hindu if necessary, since there is a chance that they may pull out from the treaty"

"So I hope you don't mind..." Issei shook his head, and responded

"No, make sure to bring them to me once you are done, and plus Valerie was supposed to be one of the engaged girls given to me, I always wondered where she was..." Issei spoke with surprise, as he was not going to waste his time asking Elmenhilde about this.

"I assume that they managed to find a way, since you didn't bother asking, so she did not come." Nyx responded, as Issei nodded, he was certainly going to enjoy her as a sleeper agent, along with her friend Gasper.

"Well I think I should be heading towards La Folia's residence, I believe the negotiations will begin soon.." Issei spoke as Nyx nodded, she then commands the droid army to cloak themselves and surround the mansion, as if the negotiations go south, he would eliminate the whole family.

Issei left the room, as the girls began their tasks to deal with the factions, Nyx decided to prepare in taking down the Angel Faction, she wondered what happened to Gabriel, her distraught expression, would no longer take it, and soon she might turn into a fallen.

*Scene Change*

Vampire Territory, 7:00 PM

Gabriel was talking to the pink haired girl and the white haired girl, she remembered that she was one of the few that knew of their existence, as she spoke

"So you want to meet Issei, right Moka?" Both the girls looked at the Seraph with a serious tone, as the white haired girl spoke seriously, she was Moka Ura Akashiya, she was the colder one of the twins, and won't hesitate to hurt anyone that threatens her family, she is sadistic of the two twins as well.

"We do, but what brings a Seraph like you here, and how would you let us meet him?" Moka Ura spoke seriously, she did not trust Gabriel or any of the faction leaders.

"And how do you know of our status, we clearly faked our deaths, and we even wiped out I-Kun's memory so that he would not come after us, because of our clan.." Moka Omoke Akashiya, was the Pink Haired girl, she spoke in a sad tone, she was not someone to hurt others, only doing it when necessary.

"I have my ways.." Gabriel spoke with a sing along tone, as she then changed into a much more formal and serious tone,

"I can let you meet him, with nothing in is my way of thanking him..for his help" Gabriel spoke seriously as she then warned the girls.

"But he is not the same I-Kun you once knew him as.." Gabriel's warning brought shivers to Moka Omake, as Moka Ura, glared at Gabriel, but even she was nervous about it.

"What do you mean by that?" Moka Ura spoke seriously, as Gabriel spoke with a sigh.

"Things have changed in the supernatural, and he is one of the changes that will shock you.." Gabriel was being cryptic, but she was not wrong, as she continued, "But even if you want to meet him, then I will help you with that, even after seeing his changes."

"We accept!" Both sisters spoke in unison, as Gabriel smiled, she then spoke, "In that case, meet me tomorrow at sundown, I will take you to his house."

Both the sisters nodded, as Gabriel teleports away, leaving the two girls excited as Moka Omake exclaims in happiness.

"I am so excited to meet I-kun" Moka Ura smiles at her twin's happiness, as she responds

"Me too, sis, me too!" Moka Omake hugs Moka Ura in happiness, who returns the hug, as they both were happy with what happened.

Unknown to them, Gabriel's warning would come true, shocking the girls, as their Issei has changed a lot since the last time they saw him.

*Scene Break*

(A/N: Bang that's it for this chapter,  the next chapter will be the 'negotiation' between Issei and the Rihavein family)

(A/N(2): La Folia along with the rest of the Rihavein family, are based on the same from Strike the Blood, I don't own her or the character)

(A/N(3): Both Mokas, are from the franchise Rosario Vampire, I don't own her or Rosario Vampire, or her character.)

(A/N(4): Both the Mokas and La Folia will be playing a vital role in this story, as they will be important for what will happen next, Moka will also play an important role in Issei's life)

(A/N(5): The Sleeper Agent targets will begin by tomorrow.)

(A/N(6): Massive thanks to Shubh030201 for helping me with this chapter)

(A/N(7): All the gods and characters are completely fictional and the world is also Draconic Deus they have no relations or connections to any god, religion or mythology of our real world or Planet Earth. Some characters may seem villainous, but that is how it is, this Issei is the first villain Issei, but it should have been obvious at this point.)

Please let me know what you think in the comments, and I will catch y'all later



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