Sekiruuyetei: Book of Concept...

By RageRevan

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A boy who once walked the path of heroism, now after being humiliated and ignored for his deeds, choses to wa... More

Prologue: Having Enough
Chapter 1: Unbearable Truth
Chapter 2: The Fall of an Ice Mage
Chapter 3: Roses of the Underworld
Chapter 4: Fall of Grigori
Chapter 5: Reality Check
Chapter 6: New Allies, New Enemies
Chapter 7: Broken Pride
Chapter 8: Play My Game
Chapter 9: Adjusting to a Normal Life
Chapter 10: Factions Situation
Chapter 11: War against a False Hero
Chapter 12: Demise of a False Hero
Chapter 13: Peaceful Resolutions
Chapter 14: Double Demise
Chapter 15: Chaos in Kuoh Academy
Chapter 16: Calm and Tranquility.
Chapter 18: Assault on the Pendragon Mansion
Chapter 19: Aggressive Negotiations
Chapter 20: Reunion of a Vampire with a Dragon
Chapter 21: Party Crashing
Chapter 22: Fall of a Symbol
Chapter 23: Relaxation Time
Chapter 24: Preparation for the Assault
Chapter 25: Fall of Heaven
Chapter 26: Time for Pleasure (18+)
Chapter 27: The God Tribe
Chapter 28: Relationship by Bonds
Chapter 29: The Darkest Night
Chapter 30: Divine Destruction
Chapter 31: Fortuitous Endeavors
Alternate One-Shot: Ending the Factions Permanently
Chapter 32: Claiming the Divinity (18+)
Chapter 33: Dual-Side Developments
Chapter 34: Beginning of the Finale
Chapter 35: Preparation for the Norse Assault
Chapter 36: Ragnarök
Chapter 37: Hopeful Times
Chapter 38: Dealing with the Dog
Chapter 39: Fall of Olympus
Chapter 40: Shiva's Choice
Chapter 41: Vampiric Exorcism
Chapter 42: Shinto Destruction.
Chapter 43: Fall of the Supernatural (Season Finale)
Epilogue: No More Supernatural
Some Facts about Conceptual Records

Chapter 17: Unknown Suffering

6K 107 103
By RageRevan

Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

Bold + Italics: Songs lyrics, Voice on speaker

Bold + Underline: Dimension change information

(A/N: All the images or gifs or videos used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Previously we saw Issei wake up in the morning looking around only to see something that would surprise him, to no ends, it was Quinella that was sleeping next to him, in her lingerie along with Charlotte and Nyx doing the same, as he tries to escape, Quinella brings him closer, as she wakes up after a while, it is then revealed that she loves him, to which she confesses, they have a moment, as Nyx and Charlotte teased him, they both then go to sleep, however Sirzechs and Rias show up, they demand to wake up, for Quinella to zap Rias. After a while, Sirzechs questions Issei about the location of Serafall, to which Issei responds with nothing, Rias once again tries to demand on what happened, however she is shot down by him, and he warns her that things will get messy, to which Sirzechs calms her down, he then leaves, as Issei and the others decide to take a vacation. A while later, everyone that tormented Issei are facing repercussions, for their actions, their lives are as good as gone, and completely ruined, Issei works on the Balance Breaker of Unknown Dictator, he then notices Quinella coming near him. As she rests her arm, she asks Issei whether they could go on a date tonight. Issei thinks about it and accepts it, much to her happiness. As this goes on, Issei explains to her about the sacred gears and how they work, as Quinella intently listens to everything, once he is done, he manages to trigger Balance Breaker, known as Game-Breaker, which has absolute control over any technology, which made Issei's Television futuristic. After a while, Issei and Quinella go on a date as they enjoy a lot of things, they have fun which did not happen since a very long time, once they head back home, Issei ponders over the things that have happened, and how much of a long way he had come, his life was a nightmare and fate loved to screw him up, he had been screwed up so many times, that he even wanted to die. Ironically, Rizevim called him an idiot to help the factions, and play the hero, in a way, he started to make Issei doubt them, and eventually realised that the factions never cared for him, however it was his time with them that made him turn against them. Thankfully Ddraig helps him with this situation. Meanwhile, two girls wonder whether Issei would remember them, however they would remain in the biggest shock when she realises that Issei was not the man she loved.

The Next Day,

Greek Pantheon, Mount Olympus, 9:30 AM

A black haired woman, was talking with Artemis, she had long eyelashes, and blue eyes, she had long black hime-style hair, in a two tail hairstyle, additionally she wore red ribbons, and she wore a blue kimono decorated with floral patterns, she also had a red outer cape.

Like most of the gods of the Greek Pantheon, she was also angry with Zeus for literally giving away his daughters to the Red Dragon, this was Hesita, the virgin goddess of the hearth, the right ordering of domesticity, the family, the home, and the state.

Additionally, like Artemis and Athena, she is considered a virgin goddess, in addition she also ensured that the house had the highest level of moral values that she embodied were observed, that being rectitude, kindness and generosity.

"It's been days, and Athena has not even talked to any of us" Hestia spoke with a tone that hinted at sadness.

"I think that the only one that knows about Athena is Artemis, since they live closer" Hermes spoke in response.

A few moments later Artemis came inside, as she looked at her fellow gods and greeted them, who returned her greeting, she did not want to be here, primarily due to the fact that she saw the reality of the Greek Gods, however it was because of Issei's sake, that she is even here. The only ones she did have care for was Leto, her mother and Apollo, her brother. Artemis heard everything, as she spoke in response.

"I can keep an eye on the red dragon emperor, and if that does not work, I can ask my faithful followers to do so." Artemis's words were agreed by everyone, "Plus, I cannot let her be near that man like him, even less a dragon..." Artemis spoke feigning fear and disgust, she couldn't show that she admires him, in front of her fellow gods, otherwise things would be difficult for her lord.

This did not make anyone suspicious of her, as she looked around, she saw that Hestia was not happy with the situation, as she exclaimed angrily.

"Things have been like this since Malak attacked us!" Artemis wanted to shoot her for insulting her ally, but kept an angered look on her face, this was to remove any suspicion.

"Either way, we can't do anything, Artemis, can you tell us what kind of a man Hyoudou is? After all, you do live with them." Hermes asked Artemis. Artemis wanted to reveal all the good qualities, however she spoke with a calm voice. She couldn't reveal that she has started to have feelings for him.

"He seems nice and calm, he did not try anything with us, but I don't trust that man at all." Artemis spoke with a serious tone, however it was feigned, if there was anyone she trusted more than anyone else, it was Issei.

"I see..." Hestia spoke seriously before changing into a smile, "If that is coming from you, that means he seems to be better than most men."

Artemis had to agree, comparing Issei to most men would be disgraceful, as they all discussed what they needed to do, they knew that Hyoudou would not listen to them, or anyone due to his profound anger towards Zeus, primarily because of his attitude.

Opening Start

Issei is walking across the fields.
Malak is surrounded by the burning remains of Grigori

Issei and Nyx are seen side by side looking at the screen.
A book shows up, as Issei comes in his Strongest Red Dragon Armor.
Dai Hyoudou is seen with a sinister smirk, with Rias standing next to him.

Asia and the other girls are fighting against Malak, using magic.
Aika looks above, walking through a puddle.
The ORC, Student Council, Vali Team, and Team Slashdog are shown, all as a pair of angry eyes glare at them.

Issei looks at the book, remembering his past well, he visions the factions falling apart.
Ingvild looks at a figurine of Dai, as she crushes it, tears falling from her eyes, anger on her face.

Artemis, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Quinella, and Gondul watch their factions with disdain.
Ingvild closes her eyes and looks at Dai with a determined look. Miyuki grits her teeth remembering her sisters
Issei is on his knees, his past haunting him, as a family photo shows up, with a slash on it.
Issei is separated from his family.

He looks at Sirzechs, as they both radiate their aura.

Opening End

Hyoudou Residence, 10:30 PM

Ingvild Leviathan was sitting on the couch with an annoyed look on her face, the one in front of her was Sona Sitri, who had to mask her aura to enter inside, so that Issei does not sense her.

"For the last time, I decide what I do, and when I do!" Ingvild exclaimed with an annoyed tone, as she spoke, "If I want to join Issei, I will, and you will not stop me!"

"I don't understand how you can do this!?" Sona exclaimed with equal anger in her voice, "He does not support the factions, and you doing this will only mean you are turning your back, just like he did!"

"And? How is that a problem? Tell me! I listened to all of you, thinking that Dai Hyoudou was the one to save me, not his brother Issei Hyoudou, and you force him to work for you, even after everything you did to him!" Ingvild exclaimed, her anger was close to snapping, one of the changes that happened after Dai's truth was revealed coupled with Issei's completely changed personality had an effect on her as well.

"I don't even know you anymore..." Sona spoke with disbelief, as she saw her getting closer to Issei, however Ingvild did not intend to do that, she was lied to and she realised the truth first and it devastated her, many told her that Dai spoke the truth and Issei, the lie, and she fell for that, it was the biggest mistake of her life.

The worst part was that Sona did not even research the rumours or lies spread by Rias, and just accepted it. She was supposed to be smarter than Rias, but it turned out, she was even more foolish than even Ingvild could realise.

"What are you trying to say?" Ingvild spoke with surprise, "I have learnt the truth, a long time ago, I matured, I am still learning from my mistakes, and only an idiot repeats the same mistakes again." Ingvild spoke seriously

"But he could be toying with your feelings..." Sona spoke seriously, "He is not a good person for you Ingvild, he is just like Dai."

"First, don't you dare compare Issei with Dai" Ingvild spoke with her hair covering her eyes, "It was Issei, that saved me, not Dai, he risked his life, for my sake, and do you know what was the cost?" Sona shook her head, due to fear, "He nearly got killed, and would have even died for my sake, and despite what I did to him, he even cured my illness, without expecting anything in return, and what did I do to him? I treated him with inhumane treatment!" Ingvild shouted at Sona, who flinched in fear, "But even then, I am equally saddened that it is my fault as well" Ingvild spoke sadly, as Sona spoke trying to defend herself.

"Ingvild, he does not want to help the faction.." Ingvild did not respond as she grabbed her by the throat, Sona looked in horror, as Ingvild started choking her, "Let go of me, please..."

Ingvild, has had enough, as she releases her, Sona smiles in relief, however before she could react...


Sona was sent flying towards the wall, the sound was loud enough to gather the rest of the house residents, who were all shocked to see what has happened,

(A/N: I don't own this gif or Super Science Friends)

"Issei is right, you Factions only see him as a tool, nothing more, nothing less!" Ingvild exclaimed with fury in her voice, "How dare you!? Did you see me as a friend?! Or as a tool for breeding, tell me Sona Sitri!?" Sona could only look away, as Ingvild dropped her, Miki then asked

"What just happened?" Ingvild spoke to her in a cold tone, "Nothing much, the talk is over!" Ingvild stormed out of the room, as Quinella watched the scene with amusement, yet there was some disappointment in her looks.

"This is too tiring, maybe it is time to switch things up" Quinella muttered, as she looked surprised by Ingvild's changed attitude.

Quinella was aware that the usual destroying the factions was a bit outdated, not that she was against it, but she believed that if there were more inner agents, it could be useful. She looked at Issei, and pondered on all possibilities.

"Well I wonder if I can destroy the factions, I have a few ideas in mind, I wonder if Issei will let me." Quinella thought with a smile, as she saw Issei approach Sona, and grab her by the collar and he spoke

"What the hell are you doing in my house!?" Issei spoke with anger laced in his voice, with Sona gulping in fear, as she muttered.

"U-umm, well...." Issei was not having any of it, as he shouted, "If I see you again, I will make sure to kill you myself!" Sona gulped in fear, while some of the house residents were worried about what might happen.

"NOW. GET. THE. FUCK. OUT. OF. MY. HOUSE!!" Issei screamed onto Sona, who was nearly about to pass out, she managed to teleport out of there. Issei calmed down, as he looked at the residents.

"A little harsh, don't you think?" Valery asked in confusion to which Issei sighed and responded

"I just hate her very presence, both her and her sister, I hate them!" Issei spoke angrily, making some of the audience gulp in fear.

"B-but why?" Valery spoke with small hints of fear, as Issei calmed down, and spoke

"I will tell you another time, now if you will excuse me, I need to do some work" Issei said, Valery nods, not intending to anger him even further, as he left the room, he needed to work on the Sacred Gears belonging to the Shroud of Turin, and the Crown of Thorns and attempt to unlock their Balance Breakers, as well as Star Buster Star Blaster and Aeon Balor, which he had recreated.

The only ones that understood his hatred were the ones that were affiliated with him, minus Valery, and Miyuki, who equally hated Sona.

They all left, as there was nothing they could do, Quinella decided to talk to Issei later about her request, since his mood was spoiled due to Sona Sitri entering his house without permission.

*Scene Change*

Hyoudou Residence, 1:00 PM

Quinella entered Issei's room, as he was working on the Crown of Thorns. He was seen next to Nyx, who was also helping him make the Crown into a sacred gear.

"This is harder than I thought" Issei spoke with slight frustration in his voice, as Nyx was next to him, as she responded

"You need to have a little bit more focus, I think what happened today must have irritated you." Nyx spoke with a tone in worry, causing Issei to groan, he is unable to focus on the Sacred Gear, due to this, as Quinella asks

"Did I come at the wrong time?" Issei and Nyx turn their attention to Quinella as she looks at Issei, who has a look of worry.

"Not really, just unable to focus on this." Issei spoke with a tone hinting of sadness.

"I see" Quinella spoke looking at the Crown of Thorns, as Issei speaks

"This can give you visions of the future depending on the path you have chosen" Issei explains, as he then continues, "I still wonder why the angels haven't used this.."

"I guess they still believe that they are in the right.." Nyx explained with a tone of annoyance, as she looked at Issei, who sighed in frustration.

"Speaking of which, where is Charlotte?" Issei asked with concern, causing some jealousy to brew in Nyx and Quinella.

"Oh she is with Ophis, she had some things to do, Ophis needed her for some talks" Quinella spoke with a pout, as Issei sighed, this was jealousy that the girls experienced.

"Don't worry, you girls are as important to me as she is.." Issei spoke with a smile, causing a blush to creep among the girls, Issei then spoke

"And on the bright side, none of you are insecure.." Issei spoke with a sad smile, which caused Quinella and Nyx to turn their attention to Issei in confusion, as Nyx asked

"Why? Why would we be insecure?" Quinella nodded in equal confusion to which Issei nodded and responded.

"Well the girls that belonged to Dai Hyoudou, or once belonged to them always fought with each other, they wanted to take Dai for themselves, and this sometimes even escalated into Magic duels." Issei spoke, surprising the two girls, "This has resulted in me having several sleepless nights thanks to them, causing me to change rooms."

"I see, so they were insecure thinking that Dai wouldn't love them?" Quinella asked, to which Issei nodded.

"Exactly, they often used to fight, even in school, that was no exception, and well, you know how much trouble the girls caused me right?" Issei spoke as both Quinella and Nyx felt slightly sad for him.

"I see...Well Ise, I and Charlotte see each other as sisters, and me and Nyx too, as sisters, I don't know if Nyx sees us that way.." Nyx responded to Quinella's words.

"I do, we are all family, and we all will stick together, I even consider Malak and Grievous as family." Nyx spoke with a smile, turning to both of them, causing Issei to genuinely smile, there were only a few he could trust with his heart and soul, and Nyx, Charlotte and Quinella were a few of them.

"Speaking of which, when do we head back to the Underworld? I really want to meet Hades and Persephone again." Nyx asked in an excited tone, never did Issei expect to see the Primordial Goddess of Darkness ever consider Hades and Persephone, as someone she cherished, as Issei responded

"In a few days, since right now the factions are watching me, and any problems that happen because of this, well....we might have to destroy the factions sooner, no torment will take place." Issei spoke with a sigh, as Nyx nodded, they then continued, to help Issei work on the Crown of Thorns, and make it operational as soon as possible.

*Scene Change*

Hyoudou Residence, 1:30 PM

Team Slashdog had recovered from their wounds. They were with the Vali Team, and Azazel who all had managed to recover themselves to the point they could move properly. Rias and her peerage were also present to celebrate.

Their friends gave them a small recovery party, as they settled down, but none of them were happy, since the loss of Kouki Samejima and Baraquiel was well known at this point. Furthermore, Lavinia Reni being in this condition was almost too much, Malak and Grievous's attacks left a complete scar on them, which may never recover.

"Damn him! Not only were we unable to hurt him! But he sent all of us to the slaughterhouse!" Tobio thought with frustration, as he saw Valery approach him.

"Hey guys!" Valery greeted them, however none of them showed the same enthusiasm as Valery did, many were furious, internally, one of them was Natsume, she was furious that she was helpless and was unable to do anything against him.

Shigune was saddened by what was going on, Lavinia only had a few years to live, and many were killed during their assault on Grigori, she blamed herself for being weak.

Suzaku, on the other hand was furious by what happened to Lavinia, she vowed to hunt Malak down, and make him pay in the worst way possible, she was going to make him and Grievous suffer for what they did to Baraquiel, Kouki and Lavinia.

Sae felt the worst since she was helpless against the fight which caused Kouki to die from the aftermath. She did not know what to do now, to add insult to injury, none of them would be in fighting condition for at least a week.

"Is there any way to take down the Droid Army!?" Suzaku spoke with frustration, at this point, it was well known in the factions, that the droid army is what they are called right now.

"I am afraid now, the only one that could take Malak and Grievous along with the army down is Issei Hyoudou, but even now he refuses to help." Bikou spoke with a sad tone, causing Suzaku to clench her fists, she wondered what it take for Issei to help them now.

"And that was not the only thing that had happened.." Le Fay spoke with a sad tone, as she went on to explain everything that had happened while they were in the hospital. The Slashdog team was horrified at what happened during this time, they did not know what to think, or how to react due to Issei being revealed as the true hero.

"Please...tell me that it is not true.." Natsume spoke with tears forming in her eyes, she did not want to believe Dai was a liar, to which Le Fay shook her head.

"It is, Dai was a fraud, while Issei was the real hero, he tried telling us about it, but we didn't listen. I didn't listen." Le Fay spoke with tears in her eyes, Tobio and Suzaku clenched their fists in anger, due to being betrayed and toyed with by Dai, but at the same time, they blamed themselves for falling for his lies.

"You know....I won't be surprised if it turns out that Issei Hyoudou would side with Malak at this point." Tobio's words surprised many, as Suzaku responded

"Are you serious?" Suzaku exclaimed with fear and surprise at the possibility of their only hope turning against them.

"I hate to say this Suzaku, but what we have done. We have treated him like garbage, worse, we listened to that damned liar and fraud, while he did the work for us. Even after knowing that he had the strength to defeat Malak, we still treated him as a weapon or a tool, rather than an actual human being. We have really screwed up." Tobio spoke with an angered tone for falling for the lies of a fraud, a liar.

"So what now!?" Sae asks in fear, as Tobio responds

"We can only hope that Hyoudou considers helping us, in the near future, even though it won't happen, we can still hope." The other members of Team Slashdog, could only nod, despite knowing that Issei won't help them.

"I am sorry guys, I may be forced to kill you in the future..." Valery thought with tears in her eyes, she was afraid that all Issei has to go is to give her the command, and then she will have to kill those she considered as a family.

"You brought this on yourself Valery, even though I hate what Red has become, but his goals were understandable." Albion spoke mentally with equal sadness, he viewed Vali as his own daughter, and hated that she was being controlled by Issei, she had no choice, she accepted the bet between her and Issei, and lost,

"I know Albion, but I don't know if I have the strength to even kill them, when Lord Issei gives the command..." Valery responded to Albion, with the latter hoping that Issei would come to at least tolerate Valery in the near future.

Valery watched in silence, as the team were saddened by all the possibility of what would happen soon.

"There is another bad news that I need to give." Rias said, gathering the attention of everyone, "Ingvild Leviathan is planning to leave the DXD Team." Rias spoke with a sad tone, causing some to clench their fists, if they hadn't listened to Dai, none of this would have happened.

Out of all the people, Azazel had a look of sadness, he remembered Quinella and Charlotte's words, and he knew that he was also responsible, although he did not intend to see Issei as a weapon, Issei could clearly see it as that way.

Furthermore, Sona and her peerage couldn't show up, primarily because of the fact that Issei threatened her, this morning. She was afraid of showing up, due to Issei and Ingvild. Both of whom now terrify her.

Not to mention, Serafall has been missing for days now, with no contact, the search parties have doubled since her being missing, unknown to everyone that Issei had long killed her, the day she went to the Arcade, the Satans and the Devil Council had no choice but to declare her dead and replace the Satan position with someone else, they were considering Ingvild Leviathan, since she was the only one worthy of taking up that position, but wondered what Issei Hyoudou would think, since all of them came to an agreement that they shouldn't anger him.

"Not to mention, both Beelzebub, and Asmodeus are dating him" Rias spoke with a tone of annoyance, to which Tobio responded

" all that remains is the relationship between Ingvild and Valery, and he will be dating against all four Satanic descendents." Valery only looked away at this, and thought.

"He won't Tobio, he hates me, he hates all of us.." Valery thought with tears in her eyes, she hated herself for believing Dai over Issei, and everything that they had done to him.

"Is there a chance we can ask or beg for his help against the Droid Army?" Suzaku asked, to which Valery shook her head and responded

"No, he won't help us, he ignored Kunou's pleas for help against the army, he has become really cold to our suffering" Valery spoke with a tone of sadness, while the others remain equally sad, he no longer wants to help them, because of what they did to him in the past.

"Although I am surprised by his attitude, he can literally do anything, and dare the Faction Leaders to do something about it." Azazel spoke with a tone of amusement, but he was saddened by what had happened, he did not expect Issei to become this aggressive.

"True, but how did he manage to release Nyx from her prison?" Tobio asked with surprise, that was one of the few actions, he still did not believe, how was this possible.

"You won't believe it..." Azazel spoke remembering how Shemhazai told him about the incident, however before they could do anything, Issei had come alongside Quinella, Nyx, Charlotte and Miyuki, all four of whom were surprised by the amount of guests in the house.

"Wow, this seems like quite the party..." Nyx spoke with a mocking tone, causing many to have their guard up in front of them, the guests did not trust her due to her past actions, as Rias demanded the group.

"You better go somewhere else, Nyx!" However Issei walked towards her, causing her to lose her confidence, as he spoke, he was not going to let her insult Nyx, his girlfriend right in front of their eyes.

"This is my house, Rias Gremory, she can go wherever she wants, and if anyone should go somewhere else, it is you." Rias gulped at this and went wide eyed, as Issei saw her as nothing but scum, yet she had the galls to insult someone he cared for. He was not going to allow it, no matter what happens. Rias tries to reason with him.

"B-but, don't you k-know she can be-" Issei was not in a mood to deal with this idiot as he grabbed a nearby donut and flung it in her mouth, silencing her.

"This is how we deal with idiots without wasting much effort.." Issei spoke with a mocking tone earning nods primarily from Miyuki and Nyx, as he then became serious, "On a serious note, Rias Gremory, let me tell you right here and right now, I can bring out the True Longinus, and use Truth Idea on you, erasing you from existence completely, or I can use the Hallucinator, and give you hallucinations of Dai Hyoudou, if you ever disrespect Nyx or any of my other girls, if you have a problem with them, talk to me, any questions!?" Issei spoke coldly, to which Rias looked at him in fear, he was not the man she loved, she was terrified of him, as the donut dropped from her mouth, she thought that Issei was joking on erasing her, but she knew that he wasn't, after all he did nearly kill them before, and she was testing his patience, he then looked at the donut and spoke feigning sadness.

"What a waste of that donut..." Issei then became serious, as he responded, "I am in a good mood, so that is why I left you with a warning, test my patience at your own peril, and not even your older brother will save you from me." Issei walked away, with his girls leaving a shivering Rias at wake.

"Well, he only shows kindness to those he deems close to him.." Azazel spoke with a neutral tone, sighing seeing the shivering Rias Gremory, her attitude was going to get her killed, as she was basically asking Issei to kill her.

*Scene Change*

Hyoudou Residence, 3:00 AM

Issei, Nyx, Quinella, Charlotte and Miyuki were present sitting on one of the couches, as on the other side, Ingvild Leviathan was sitting across them. This surprised them, as Ingvild constantly requested to talk to them. Upon Ddraig's suggestion, Issei decided to talk to her.

"I really hope I don't regret this....what do you want now, Ingvild?" Issei spoke seriously, he made sure to prevent anyone from intervening or spying on them.

"Umm...I wish to join you!" Ingvild declared herself to Issei, which earned a look of surprise from everyone, even Issei himself was shocked at Ingvild's declaration.

"Ingvild, this is no time for jokes! You desire to join us, even when you know what we are doing right now!" Miyuki looked at Issei remembering when she found out his real truth of being the leader of the Faction that is destroying the other factions.

Instead of rejecting him, she joined him without hesitation, like Quinella and Charlotte, the reasons were similar to why she desired to take revenge from the Sitri Clan.

Ingvild shook her head in response, as she spoke,

"I do wish to join you.." Ingvild spoke with a determined tone, "You know, today Sona showed me the truth, like you I was also nothing but a breeding stock, I was also a tool to them, if anything I do not desire to join a faction like this. I want to join you, and that is my choice!"

"Ingvild, we are destroying the factions, your friends, they will all die by our hands, if you wish to join us, even after hearing this-" Issei was not able to complete, as she speaks, "I know you can't tolerate, and perhaps won't tolerate me, but I would rather die, than be used as a tool for the devils!"

Quinella and Charlotte can relate to the situation, they were also aware of being used as a breeding tool, although they did not trust Ingvild, they could relate with her, and they believed that Valery would also be going through this.

"Ingvild, look, you can live your life normally, I am not going to force you to join, if you don't want to, find another who would love you, for who you are, nobody is going to judge you." Issei spoke almost on the verge of getting up, as Ingvild exclaimed

"Stop!" Issei stopped momentarily, as she spoke, "The Devils won't leave me in peace, they want me to be affiliated with the Leviathan Clan, and not only that, since Dai Hyoudou was ousted as a fraud, they will want me to marry someone who I don't even know, a high class devil, who is strong, resulting in strong children, I don't even have freedom to choose who I want to be with." Ingvild spoke with a sad tone, making Charlotte and Quinella relate, they knew that they would be suffering the same fate had the Devils found them first, this made them even more happy and grateful that Issei found them first, Ingvild then spoke with a sad smile, "In a way, being Dai Hyoudou's queen, allowed some protection from this. But with him gone, I don't have that, it is only a matter of time before I fall into this."

"I see.." Issei spoke, as he then asked, "So they won't let you live in peace, unless you go into hiding?" Issei knew of this, but he wanted to see whether Ingvild would be willing to kill those she once deemed as friends.

"They won't, Issei, they won't..." Ingvild spoke with a tone of anger, she couldn't even live in peace without soon the Devils demanding her to become engaged.

Issei was pondering, if they should accept her or not, however, someone surprised him, as she spoke

"I think we should let her join.." It was Quinella who spoke, she was serious, as she then turned to Issei, and spoke, "I know you don't trust her, even I don't but we can make sure, if she tries to betray us, or even exposes us, then we can eliminate her. She will be in the same situation as Valery"

Ingvild gulped at the prospect of being killed, however she understood the lack of trust they had in her, as Charlotte then spoke seriously

"If you are willing to accept these terms, then only you can join." Ingvild then responded to it in an equally serious tone.

"I accept them, and besides I haven't told anyone about you guys, even when Ophis showed me the truth, didn't I?" Ingvild's words had some weight, she kept her word. Issei sighed as he spoke.

"Fine, then, you are in..." Issei spoke, as he got up, he then turned to her, and gave a glare, "If you even think about turning against me, or telling anyone about our conversation to anyone, I will make you beg for death, is that clear?"

Ingvild gulped at this, but nevertheless nodded, as she saw the group walk away, she sighed, as a small tear came from her eye, she rubbed it, and was determined, she would definitely make him tolerate her one day.

That was the goal she and Valery set up, they will make Issei tolerate them first, and then they will see what can be done next.

*Scene Change*

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Issei and Chibi Quinella watching the Hyoudou Residence burn in a blaze of glory.

Two Days Later,

Hyoudou Residence, 10:30 AM

Issei had completed the Sacred Gear Crown of Thorns, which he had called Crown of Futiere, which could give him foresight and prophetic visions. This allowed him to predict what his opponents would do, and can see who and what will happen in the next few days. It worked similar to Aeon Balor, another of his sacred gear, but except this one sees what the factions are doing without letting anyone sense this. This also gave him a severe advantage on their planning allowing him to plan his next attack, and see all the possible outcomes.

"What the-" Issei sensed a presence, he recognized Artemis, but an additional presence came along with it, he then teleported to the entrance to see who it was.

Meanwhile, Artemis and Hestia, were near Hyoudou Residence, as they started to enter, a voice then called out to them.

"I believe you are supposed to let me know, when you bring guests Artemis." The duo then turned around, to see Issei with an amused look on his face, as he spoke

"I never thought that Hestia would herself visit my humble abode.." Issei spoke with a mocking tone, as he then continued, "So, what brings you here, after all this time? I thought the Greeks wouldn't care for the two of you, after what big daddy Zeus did!?" Issei taunted her in a mocking tone.

Hestia got angry that the Red Dragon compared her and the rest of her kin to her brother, but soon calmed down, she knew he could take her down if he wanted to.

"We are here, because you have kept Athena against her will!" Issei looked at Artemis, who had a look of apology, he understood that Artemis has to play her part of hating men, so he let it be,

"Look Hestia, I am no Bowser, and Athena is definitely not my Princess Peach, I have no reason to lock her up in a cage..." Issei spoke seriously, as Artemis spoke in slight anger

"We are here because she shouldn't be with you, you damned Man-thing!" Issei pretended to be slightly offended,

"She has been playing too much Resident Evil, it looks like.." as he spoke in response,

" seems like even after years, your scuffle with Orion has taken over your head, you man-hating goddess!" Issei spoke, to which Artemis wanted to cry, as she thought.

"Too far, Lord Issei..." Hestia was angry at this, as she then shouted,

"How dare you!? You don't even know, the pain she went through" Issei shrugged in response, as he spoke in a mocking tone,

"Not my monkeys, not my circus." Issei did not want to waste time with this goddess, as he walked away, Hestia then shouted.

"Wait!" Issei looked at her slightly annoyed, as he asked, "What?"

"We need to talk to Athena, we want to ask her, how is she doing!? You think that we don't care for her, because of what Zeus did, but can you let us talk!" Hestia did not want to do this, but she pleaded from a dragon, something a goddess would think twice before doing, "Please, we beg you.."

Hestia fell to her knees, and kneeled in front of Issei, with the latter being taken aback by this, never in his life did he expect this from a Goddess, a Greek Goddess, who are known to be prideful, in nature, he knew that they are known to be extremely reserved, and expect everyone else to worship them or bow to them.

(A/N: I don't own this gif and ignore the lighting effects)

Hestis was embarrassed to do this, but it was necessary, since this was the only way she could talk to Athena, without provoking or angering Issei, who could kill her without hesitation, Artemis was equally surprised, as she thought.

"You care for her....I am surprised by this, Hestia.." Artemis looked at Issei, expecting an answer from him. Issei looked at her for a moment, and decided to let them be, as he spoke,

"Upstairs, you might want to go now, since after a while, she would be busy." Issei teleported back to his room, as the two Goddesses headed to Athena's room.

Hestia wanted to talk to Athena, and she was happy that Issei did not stop her, Artemis wanted to talk to Issei sometime in the future.

*Scene Change*

Athena was inside her room, reading a book as she then suddenly heard knocks on the door. She looked at it, as she muttered

"Lord Issei?" Athena thought that Issei had shown up with some advice seeking her wisdom, as she opened the door, only to expect a surprise on the door.

"Athena!!" Hestia shouted as she hugged Athena, the latter was completely overwhelmed by Hestia dashing, they twirled around for a moment, after Athena was able to calm down as she spoke.

(A/N: I don't own this gif)

"H-hestia!?" Athena looked down to see Hestia being worried, Athena was surprised, but she was nevertheless happy that someone came to see her.

The three virgin goddesses were always close, and seeing Hestia here, meant that she cared for her, despite what Zeus did to her, she looked at Athena with a smile, as she asked

"How have you been?!" Athena looked away and smiled, as she spoke

"Sit down Hestia, I am glad you are here.." Hestia nodded, as the trio settled down, Athena then spoke

"When I came here, I was not happy at all, both me and another one, cried endlessly for the first few days, and truth be told, what Zeus did still haunts me...I will never forgive him for abandoning me like this, he never even came to visit me." Athena spoke with anger in his voice, a tear fell down, as Hestia hugged her to calm her down.

After calming her down Athena then continued, "Back then, I thought I had no one, I was engaged to the brother of the Faction's pillar, and sold to him, without hesitation, I knew he would violate and toy with me, even assault me." Athena spoke with slight sadness, this sadness was directed at herself, since she did not know what kind of a person Issei was, and she hated herself for doubting Issei.

"So did he?" Hestia spoke with worry to which Athena shook her head, as she responded

"He never did, the first time I came here, he asked me that I could leave whenever I wanted to, but I had nowhere to go, and I will not return to my father, who didn't think twice in leaving me. He gave me my own room, and let me settle in his house, and he gave me time to adjust" Athena spoke with a smile, as she continued, "When I met Latia, who was in a similar situation by me, we all decided to stick together, to only trust the ones that are engaged to him, you can ask Artemis about this, even Issei was no exception. The reason was because he had hatred towards all of us."

Athena spoke with a slightly sad tone, she understood Issei's hatred at this point, with Artemis being well aware, she despised Zeus, and will not hesitate to kill him, if Issei asks her to do so. Hestia also understood, to some extent, after all the factions did not treat him well.

"After that, we came to know of the truth, and we had one interaction, and that showed me what kind of a man he is" Athena spoke with a smile, remembering that he gave Athena privacy, "When I came from bathing, he was there, but upon realising the situation, he went out to give me some time to change, he respected my privacy, something which most male gods in Greek don't do so..."

Hestia and Artemis nodded in agreement, they had to agree that some gods don't know when to not stick their privates into other women, case in point Zeus, himself.

"After that, he asked me a question, and kept a respectable distance from me, he then left and thanked me, and truth be told. He never forced me to be in this house, or forced himself on me." Athena spoke with a smile, to her being with Issei, seemed to be more of a blessing at this point.

"Even I can't deny that, whenever we talked to each other, he always kept a respectable distance from me as well." Artemis spoke with no lies, as Athena agreed to her words. Hestia then responded

"I see..." Hestia spoke with a smile, as she looked away, "I guess I was worried for nothing then, he is taking good care of you..." Hestia got up and was ready to teleport, as Athena speaks

"Oh no! I am actually glad you visited me, unlike some others I was sometimes expecting..." Athena spoke with a smile, as Hestia genuinely smiled at her, Artemis then joined her as they both teleported back to the Greek Pantheon.

"That felt good meeting someone I loved..." Athena looked around, as she lay on the bed, she then spoke, "Well...I should thank Issei for this, he really let me meet Hestia.." Athena spoke with a blush on her face, as the necklace glowed for a while, her eyes changed colour as it reverted back to normal.

"Am I falling for him..? No way..." Athena shook her head, as she still had a blush, unbeknownst to her, she was falling for him.

*Scene Change*

Malak's Base, 12:00 PM

Issei, along with Artemis, Elizabeth, Gondul, Quinella, Miyuki, Charlotte and Nyx, headed to Malak's base, as he looked to see Malak and Grievous waiting for them. Both Valery and Ingvild were spying on the Vali Team, and Team Slashdog, and Ingvild towards the Hyoudou residents to make sure they are updated.

"So which faction are we attacking this time?!" Grievous spoke with an excited tone, as Issei spoke

"Not exactly a faction, but more accurately a very influential family, in the supernatural, the Pendragon Family will be our next target." Issei spoke seriously to which Gondul asked

"Why the Pendragon Family? I mean, they are not that strong, right?" Gondul asked with a confused tone, as Issei responded

"You see, but they are influential, two of the members can be a problem, that being Arthur Pendragon and Le Fay Pendragon, our aim is to break their morale, by capturing one of the people he cherishes, that being Elaine Westcott." Issei explained to the group, "You see, Elaine is cared for by both Arthur and Le Fay, and if we capture her and turn her into our side, we can break the Vali Team completely, and besides, I wonder what kind of effect Dark Light would have on ordinary humans.." Issei spoke with deep thought, earning nods from several.

"So you want to break the Vali Team, one of the most prominent teams in the DXD Team?" Gondul asked, earning a nod from Issei, as he spoke

"Valery is already on our side, and Kuroka is mentally broken due to Dai's betrayal, the only people we have to deal with are Bikou, Fenrir, Arthur and Le Fay, even though one might argue that Le Fay's mental state is not the same." Issei explained, as Artemis then asked

"So who do you want us to go for the assault?" Issei looked at her and spoke

"Grievous and the droid army, along with Malak, and this time, even you, Artemis will join them, any questions?" Issei looked at his team, as Elizabeth asked in an annoyed tone

"Why can't I go?" Issei responded to her

"Because Michael and the other seraphs have had their hands tied, they are desperate to make their faction have faith in them, and you have to pretend to have that.." Issei spoke seriously, as Elizabeth did not seem happy, with Issei's words, as she exclaimed in slight sadness.

"But I don't want to be near those men, they are nothing but deceitful angels, Lord Issei, I beg you, I don't want to be with them anymore!" Elizabeth's eyes became watery as Issei also felt slightly sad because of what happened, his hatred for Michael and the other seraphs was already high, but he understood that Elizabeth couldn't handle it much longer, as Artemis calmed her down, understanding that she is also having the same thoughts as Elizabeth is.

"Just a little more, you just need to tolerate them for a while longer, because after we deal with the Pendragons and their respective allies, we will go after the Angels next, sounds good?" Issei spoke with a small smile, to which Elizabeth reluctantly nodded, Artemis then gave some words of her own.

"Even I hate being among Zeus, but all you need to do is just keep some distance from them, and you can visit the Hyoudou Residence anytime you want, nobody will stop you, even Michael can't stop you, remember?" Elizabeth looked at them, and rubbed her eyes as she looked at Artemis and gave a nod.

Gondul looked at her inner self and spoke mentally,

"You see, the factions have broken this poor girl, and look at how she is crying, don't you see that they won't care for you..."

"No, I don't think Lord Odin would do what Michael did to her, I still have faith in him..." Inner Gondul responded angrily, she had a little faith in Odin, but that was soon going to disappear.

"See for yourself then, you will realise just like Artemis and Elizabeth have..sooner or later, and you will ask Lord Issei to willingly join you, just like they did." Gondul spoke to her inner self before cutting off the communication.

"I understand Lord Issei, I won't disappoint you..." Elizabeth spoke with a determined tone, as Issei nodded.

He then remembered a certain Fox, they had managed to capture, he looked at Malak and asked

"Speaking of which, what happened to our Fox Yasaka?" Issei asked Malak, who gave the signal to two Battle Droids, who went inside, moments later they brought the captive Yasaka in the room.

She looked the same, as she was captured, however her expression was completely gone, her eyes were completely dull and her facial expression was almost lifeless, it was almost as if the woman in front of her was a broken husk of her former self.

Even her movement was almost sluggish, as if there was no life to her, this was the first sleeper agent, furthermore, she looked at Issei, her lifeless eyes and expression, unnerved Elizabeth and Charlotte, however the others were unaffected, Issei then commanded coldly.

"Yasaka, you shall go on the mission to deal with the Pendragon Clan, any objections?"

"No Lord Issei, I do not have any objections, anything you ask me to do, I shall fulfil, and any request you have, I shall fulfil to its completion, and see to it that happens. Even if you ask me to die, I shall follow as you demand me to do so.." Yasaka spoke with an emotionless tone, as Issei had a sadistic grin, and spoke

" may leave now..." Yasaka nodded, as the B1 releases her, she then walks further into the base to prepare for the attack.

"I would suggest, you guys prepare, the attack will begin in a few hours, today is the day the Pendragon Family falls." Issei spoke seriously, earning nods from Malak, Grievous and Artemis.

They all then prepare for the assault on the Pendragon Family, they won't have much time left.

*Scene Break*

(A/N: Bang that's it for this chapter, the next one will be the attack on the Pendragon Family)

(A/N(2): The next chapter will be chaotic, to the Pendragon Family, as it will also involve several more characters.)

(A/N(3): Hestia's character will play a minor role in the story, since she is close to Artemis and Athena)

(A/N(4): Massive thanks to Shubh030201 for helping me with this chapter)

(A/N(5): All the gods and characters are completely fictional and the world is also Draconic Deus they have no relations or connections to any god, religion or mythology of our real world or Planet Earth. Some characters may seem villainous, but that is how it is, this Issei is the first villain Issei, but it should have been obvious at this point.)

Please let me know what you think in the comments, and I will catch y'all later



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