An Omegas Curse [BOOK FOUR]

By Hstowe

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Being an omega sucks! And do you know why? Because every alpha out there thinks they are these drop dead hunk... More



221 9 1
By Hstowe


{"So you are coming back to the lake?"} Beau questioned on the phone as I sat in my room.
"Yeah, I just had to talk to my family tonight, I'm sorry for up and abandoning you like that." I responded.
{"Nah I get it, as long as everything is okay now, that's all that matters. I still have questions about Asher though."} He commented.
It made me bite my gum sitting there.
"You and me both, but he's still here and according to him he's not going anywhere. Can alphas have major personality switches?" I questioned.
{"Maybe if their heads are not on straight."} Beau joked as I grinned.
"So not helpful." I told him.
{"Not trying to be."} He responded but I could hear the playfulness in his voice as I stood up from my bed.

"Of course not, but I'll see you later after we get done eating. Do you want us to pick you and Mateo up a pizza or something?" I offered.
{"Sure! We haven't had anything to eat yet and pizza sounds bomb as fuck right about now, can it be Hawaiian?"} He requested.
I smiled softly.
"Yeah weirdo, see you guys in a bit."
{"Alright see ya bitch."} He said before hanging up.

I stood in my room for a moment, my arms were crossed before I let out a soft sigh running a hand through my hair.
I wanted to say I was doing the smart thing by telling my parents about Memphis and the others.
But whose to say I didn't just really screw up?
It made me nervous thinking about it.
I knew I could trust my parents, I had a feeling they could handle themselves.
I think it was just dragging them into my problems, that had me feeling bad.

I paused and looked at the door to find papa there.
I frowned softly.
"Sorry, Beau's a bit of a chatter box." I told him.
Papa blinked but he shook his head with a soft smile.
"I wasn't coming to tell you food was ready anyway, the pasta is still boiling and your dad is giving Asher quite the grief on how to cook." He told me walking further into the bedroom as I stepped back.

"Poor Asher." It made me smile as I looked away but my eyes were quick to fall back onto papa who stood there before his arms crossed.

"I just want to hear it from you, was Asher serious in there about wanting to change for you?" He asked me.
"Or is this whole thing an act where I'll have to be the real bad guy in the end?" He added.
I blinked but smiled softly.
"You being the bad guy? No way.." I joked looking away from the other, hoping to lighten my mood.

"You don't think I can be the bad guy?" Papa asked as I looked back at him.
"I'm sure you can be." I didn't deny it now as he studied me before his arms crossed and he let out a soft sigh.

"I just want to make sure you, your siblings and dad are kept safe. I wasn't lying in there when I said I've killed people when my family has been threatened." Papa looked at me now.
"Before I found you, your brothers Jinx and Omega were in a clan that targeted Iggy all because your grandmother found Omega all alone, just to find out he was also an Eve, but according to Omega that clan was real nasty. They only wanted him to create more Eve's, but we saved him from that and then brought Jinx here, just to find out who he saw as his older brother was nothing more than this abusive vampire who was a complete child when it came to getting his way." Papa looked down at me as I stood there with knitted brows.

"I know at times it may feel like you don't belong here, but trust me you do, you may even feel like you're bringing your problems to us. But like any parent, we can handle anything Quin, so don't think you're burdening us with anything, because at the end of the day, do you know what we really care about?" He asked me.
I frowned softly shaking my head but it made him smile softly.
"Your happiness, and if that boy in there makes you happy, then that's good enough for me. But the moment he breaks your heart, that'll be the end of it. No one fully trusts him because of the way he's treated you up until now, but if he's really serious about changing, then I definitely want to see him as an alpha change." He told me.

My arms crossed as I frowned softly.
"Is it possible for you to give him pointers? He said he doesn't know how to really act because his parents are both omegas." I said.
Papa smiled softly.
"Unfortunately Quin, I'm a vampire so I can't give him any pointers except on how to be a better person. He needs an alpha to show him the ropes and just hope it's a decent one, because trust me, there can be a lot of rude alphas out there. Your aunt and uncle are two of them." He told me.

I blinked.
"You mean Aunt Lexi and Uncle Mistral?" I questioned.
He nodded.
"They only care about themselves, there came a time when we really needed them but because things were too heavy and there was a chance they could get hurt, they chose themselves over your dad and because of that selfishness, your dad disappeared for many months before we finally managed to find him again." He told me.
It made my brows knit.
"I bet that scared you." I frowned.
"Oh I was terrified, but I didn't let anyone know that because I had to be strong for everyone else around me." Papa said.

"Oh really?"
We turned to find dad at the door with his brow arched looking at papa who smiled softly.
"Exactly what all did you hear just now?" He asked him.
It made dad smirk softly.
"Oh not much, just that you openly admitted you were terrified when you have sworn up and down, nothing can terrify you." He teased.
Papa left my side as he walked up to dad, grinning softly as his hands gently pressed to the others stomach before kissing his mate.
"You definitely misheard me Moxie Grimes, I said nothing glorifies me more than your amazing chicken parmesan." He grinned.
Dad laughed in response.
"You're a horrible liar Magna Grimes." He told the other with a smile, kissing him again.
"And it's time to eat." He told us.
I sat at the table next to Asher and in front of Jinx while Omega whispered something to the younger vampire.
Jinx arched a brow at the other before shaking his head which made Omega pout.

"So if it tastes bad, Asher cooked it." Dad teased as Asher looked at him.
"I'm teasing." Dad smiled softly at the other.
"If you're going to start seeing our son, you will have to get used to the teasing and being picked on part." He told the other.
Asher blinked.
"Right, I'll work on that." He commented.

I smiled softly before taking a bite of the meal and just the flavors made my mouth water.
"Oh, after we leave here, Beau and Mateo requested for us to pick them up a pizza." I told Asher.
Asher looked to me.
"We left in my truck, Beau's car is still there, why can't they leave and go get it?" He questioned.
I shrugged.
"To make our life harder I guess?" 
"No kidding." Asher rolled his eyes.
"Talk about lazy." He added and it made me grin.
"You're talking about Beau and Mateo, what did you expect?" I asked him.
He blinked but smirked softly.
"You're right, I nearly forgot that Mateo is the definition of lazy." He commented taking a bite of the food now.

"So Asher, you said your parents were omegas, are they of the same gender or one is the opposite?" Dad questioned to make conversation.
Asher looked at him.
"Oh, I have two moms, Chrissy and Kailani are their names." He answered.
Dad blinked.
"Kailani sounds exotic, is she from here?" He asked the other.
Asher shook his head.

"Kailani is originally from Hawaii but she came here for college and that's where she met Chrissy, fast forward a few years and the family drama later, they adopted me." Asher explained.
"And because I was an alpha, no one had faith in either of them raising me right because they were omegas. I guess at one point the people were probably right, because I got out of hand and became intolerable." He shrugged frowning now.

"People can change and that's the beauty of it, I mean look at you right now, you're sitting next to Quin wanting to change for him, so the people weren't completely right on that." Dad told him.
Asher blinked before looking to me.
"I guess you're probably right about that." He commented.
"Get back to the house safe." Dad said following me and Asher to the door as papa trailed behind the other with his arms crossed.
I nodded looking at the two.
"We will, I'd say I would text you when we got there, but the signal isn't exactly the best." I told them.
Dad nodded.
"That's fine, just try to have some fun and don't worry about those pesky vampires either, like we've told your other brothers and sister. Just enjoy yourself and be a teenager, don't stress over the stuff your papa can handle." He told me.
I blinked but smiled softly with a nod.
"Right, I'll see you guys on Monday." I responded as they both nodded watching the two of us leave.

"Your parents seem real protective over you." Asher commented back in the truck as he drove down the road.
I sat there before bringing my knees to my chest, resting my chin on top of them.
"They really are, I'm still not really used to it, but it's a nice feeling." I looked to the other with a soft smile.
"Compared to how I was brought up and where I ended up before they found me." I looked away now with a troubled look.

Asher looked to me before looking ahead.
"I really was no help last year when you came to crossroads high either."
"It's in the past-"
"I was a massive jerk to you Quin." His brows furrowed.
"When you arrived, all I heard from the other students was that you lived on the streets and I thought it was pathetic.. And then I saw you for the first time and it made me wonder how someone as beautiful as you were, could end up on the street unless it was daddy or mommy issues, either way I made it my mission to make you more miserable than you already felt, without knowing the real truth and now that I do?" He pulled into the pizza shack before sitting there, his eyes back on me.

"I can't apologize enough." He frowned.
"Asher, it's fine, I already forgave you anyway." I shrugged.
He arched a brow.
I unbuckled my seat belt and moved closer to him, my hands pressing to his chest as he pushed the seat back so I could straddle him.
"I forgave you the moment you called me by my name and not street rat, then you kissed me which really sealed the deal in forgiveness." I smiled softly leaning in as my lips pressed to his.

"And then you met my family, you stayed the whole time even after knowing how they felt about you, but I really think you're winning my parents over. It may take time with Jinx though." I told him as his hands fell onto my hips.
"Well he's fixing to see a lot of me with this project we have, because if it's alright with you, I'd like to do the project at your house because at mine? My parents can be a bit, much? And I'd rather breathe and deal with your siblings glaring daggers at me the whole time." He smirked softly.
It made me smile as I leaned more into him, my chest on his as he held me there.

"I could get used to this." He commented as I looked at him with an arched brow.
"How so?"
"I mean, you're so little and easy to hold." He teased as I blushed pushing away but he only pulled me right back into him, his lips taking mine.
"And I like how soft and pink your lips are-"
"Stop." I blushed harder as he grinned wickedly at me now.
"Then there's your blushing face-"
"Asher!" I whined as he laughed.
"Okay okay, I'll stop, let's get the pizza then get out of here. I'm sure those two are probably starved by now." He grinned getting out of the truck as I joined him.

"Knowing Beau? He's probably already eaten Mateo by now."
Asher smirked.
"Not that kind of eaten you pervert." I grinned as he took my hand leading me into the pizza shack.

Yeah, something like this?
I could get used to.

I just hope.

It sticks.

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