Sekiruuyetei: Book of Concept...

By RageRevan

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A boy who once walked the path of heroism, now after being humiliated and ignored for his deeds, choses to wa... More

Prologue: Having Enough
Chapter 1: Unbearable Truth
Chapter 2: The Fall of an Ice Mage
Chapter 3: Roses of the Underworld
Chapter 4: Fall of Grigori
Chapter 5: Reality Check
Chapter 6: New Allies, New Enemies
Chapter 7: Broken Pride
Chapter 8: Play My Game
Chapter 9: Adjusting to a Normal Life
Chapter 10: Factions Situation
Chapter 11: War against a False Hero
Chapter 12: Demise of a False Hero
Chapter 13: Peaceful Resolutions
Chapter 14: Double Demise
Chapter 15: Chaos in Kuoh Academy
Chapter 17: Unknown Suffering
Chapter 18: Assault on the Pendragon Mansion
Chapter 19: Aggressive Negotiations
Chapter 20: Reunion of a Vampire with a Dragon
Chapter 21: Party Crashing
Chapter 22: Fall of a Symbol
Chapter 23: Relaxation Time
Chapter 24: Preparation for the Assault
Chapter 25: Fall of Heaven
Chapter 26: Time for Pleasure (18+)
Chapter 27: The God Tribe
Chapter 28: Relationship by Bonds
Chapter 29: The Darkest Night
Chapter 30: Divine Destruction
Chapter 31: Fortuitous Endeavors
Alternate One-Shot: Ending the Factions Permanently
Chapter 32: Claiming the Divinity (18+)
Chapter 33: Dual-Side Developments
Chapter 34: Beginning of the Finale
Chapter 35: Preparation for the Norse Assault
Chapter 36: Ragnarök
Chapter 37: Hopeful Times
Chapter 38: Dealing with the Dog
Chapter 39: Fall of Olympus
Chapter 40: Shiva's Choice
Chapter 41: Vampiric Exorcism
Chapter 42: Shinto Destruction.
Chapter 43: Fall of the Supernatural (Season Finale)
Epilogue: No More Supernatural
Some Facts about Conceptual Records

Chapter 16: Calm and Tranquility.

7.3K 111 86
By RageRevan

Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

Bold + Italics: Songs lyrics, Voice on speaker

Bold + Underline: Dimension change information

(A/N: All the images or gifs or videos used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Previously we saw Miyuki introduce herself to the Hyoudou Residents as a new member, she was introduced as Miyuki Shiba so as to not attract attention, Issei manages to make it into a situation where no one is bothering her. They all then convince Issei to let them come to Kuoh Academy, as Issei reluctantly agrees to do so. Once inside the academy, Nyx introduces herself as the teacher, much to Issei's surprise, and then the kids come in, as they sit with Issei, much to the Academy's surprise, and anger, they desire to split him up. Meanwhile Rias and Sona converse on the new students and teacher, when Rias brings up Miyuki to Sona which causes her to be surprised, as she pales that this would be her sister, she then heads to the class deciding to check on her at a later time. After a while, Miyuki is stopped by Sona, who demands to say that she is her sister, Miyuki was against this and Issei intervenes assuring that she is not her sister, pretending to be unaware of Sona having a younger sister causing her to back off. The next time, they all try to deal with the Kuoh Students, as Quinella and Charlotte expose them one by one, they expose the perpetrators as they all watch in horror, however the girls are far from done, they make it clear that the others are equally complicit in their actions, as they make it clear that they will not be forgiven no matter what happens. They also expose the Kendo Duo and Aika Kiriyuu, as they reveal them to be substance abusers and a sex offender respectively, as they then leave, the group tries to go to class, only to be stopped by Sona and Rias, they deal with them and then go to class. Meanwhile, the Faction Leaders discuss what they have to do now, now that the Youkai Faction has fallen, as they needed to bring the Red Dragon Emperor to their side at all costs, they also discuss what Serafall last location was, as they decide to talk to Issei since he was their best bet on what they would know. As this happens, Issei was visited by Kunou who begged him to save her mother, as Issei coldly refused her any request, many were surprised by how cold he had become, as Aika tried to reason with him, but he ignored her and went back to his room, with his group following him.

The Next Day,

Hyoudou Residence, 7:30 AM

Issei woke up, however, he suddenly felt heavy all of a sudden, as he was not able to move his hands, Ddraig knew of the situation he was in as he was laughing his ass off.

"Partner, you might want to look beside you!" Ddraig exclaimed mentally as he continued laughing making Issei confused, sighing he decided to look sideways, he was about to scream, but kept his mouth to not wake them up.

He saw both Quinella and Charlotte sleeping on either side of him, with Nyx taking his right hand along with Charlotte. But that was not the issue, they both were sleeping in a lingeries, even Nyx was sleeping in a somewhat similar position.

"Couldn't you tell me this earlier?" Issei spoke with slight anger in his voice.

"I could, but I chose not to." Ddraig spoke in a mocking tone, making Issei completely embarrassed, "But you can't deny it...they are quite the looker."

"Even then, I...I was not expecting this, when did this happen, how did this happen? What is even going on?" Issei spoke in disbelief, as he looked at the girls, Ddraig then explained to him.

"You see, the girls have developed a liking to you, not just liking but true love, they care for you like your own, and I was expecting you to see it." Ddraig spoke in a cheerful yet surprising tone, as he continued, "Even Nyx saw it, the girls love you for who you are, Issei, and I believe this was the combined plan of the three girls."

"I see..." Issei spoke with a little regret, he couldn't deny it, that both Charlotte and Quinella loved him, he started to develop a liking for them, something even he failed to notice, moments later, Quinella started to pull him closer towards him, as Issei spoke in worry.

"Umm...Quinella, please wake up" Ddraig then spoke

"Have fun, partner!" Ddraig disconnected the connection as Issei shouted in worry, "Hey Ddraig! Don't leave me alone!"

"Ise, please don't go..." Quinella muttered in her sleep as she hugged him, he was in a weird position, his hand was being used as a pillow by Charlotte and Nyx, while Quinella pulled him towards him, Issei looked up to see her being worried, understanding that she had a nightmare, Issei used his free hand to rub her head, making her be alright, Issei had an idea that she must have been abandoned in her childhood.

Quinella calmed down, as she eventually wakes up, she groggily rubs her eyes, Issei looked at her, as Quinella speaks with a smile,

"Morning, Issei..." Issei looked at her and asked

"Quinella, can I ask you something?" Quinella smiled and gave a nod, seeing that she had brought Issei close to her chest, she became flustered and released him, she sat up on the bed, as Issei asked her.

"Is it true? Have you fallen in love with me?" Quinella looked away upon hearing this, she had a flustered look, as a blush creeped on a cheek, it was obvious, even to Issei, that she was in love with him.

(A/N: I don't own this gif or Dress Up Darling)

"Y-yes...I have fallen for you.." Quinella tried to make eye contact with Issei Hyoudou, as Issei smiled towards her, he looked at her and spoke

"I guess....I am surprised, I am not going to lie, and I would like to apologise for not seeing this earlier, but I think I am also falling for you."

"Huh?!" Quinella exclaimed, in surprise, as Issei spoke

"You defended me from the factions, calling them out for the hypocrites they are, you even went so far as to expose the Kuoh Academy Students, you and Charlotte both, both of you were one of the reasons, why my life has become better, and I guess, even I have fallen for you" Issei spoke with a slight blush.

Quinella was silent for a while, before suddenly smiling genuinely, and with a smile that was completely filled with light, she was happier than ever before, as she spoke.

"Issei..." Issei shook his head, as there was then sudden coughing, as it revealed a glaring Nyx, and an annoyed Charlotte.

"Issei..." Nyx growled, making Issei shiver, as he exclaimed

"Wait! I can explain, and-" Nyx's expression then changed to that of a smile, as she then spoke

"Oh I knew of their feelings, I actually encouraged them to confess one day, although I was not expecting them to go down this route.." Nyx then changed into a sly smile, "So Ise, how is my lingerie?~"

"Umm...well..." Issei was a blushing mess, as he looked at the girls, their bodies were clearly seen in front of his eyes, he couldn't help but blush looking as the girls were happy seeing that their strategy worked.

After a while, Charlotte asked,

"Issei, do you see me as the same as Charlotte?" Issei gave a nod, making the girl beam in happiness, she was happy that Issei accepted her into her life, as Issei then spoke

"I think we should go to sleep." Nyx then responded

"Agreed, it is a holiday anyway.." Quinella spoke soon, "Yep!"

They all then go to sleep knowing that today is a holiday, so they can sleep till late.

Once they doze off to sleep, a magic circle opens up in their room, this was revealed to be Sirzechs Lucifer and Rias Gremory. The former had a sly look on his face, while the latter was feeling jealous seeing those three next to the one she loved.

"It should have been me!" Rias angrily thought, not happy by what they were seeing. Sirzechs composed himself and spoke with a serious tone.

"Hyoudou, we need to talk?" Sirzechs tried to wake up Issei, but he did not respond, he was fast asleep, as Rias was not having any of it, she then shouted.

"Wake up, Issei!" Sirzechs tried to stop his sister, however it was too late, as Quinella had her hand raised out, and exclaimed in annoyance.

"Shut up! People are trying to sleep!" Electric current had been released from her hands electrocuting Rias, and sending her flying, she was partially charred and completely knocked out, her hair was completely ruined, as Sirzechs could only facepalm seeing this.

(A/N: I do not own this gif or Star Trek)

Opening Start

Issei is walking across the fields.
Malak is surrounded by the burning remains of Grigori

Issei and Nyx are seen side by side looking at the screen.
A book shows up, as Issei comes in his Strongest Red Dragon Armor.
Dai Hyoudou is seen with a sinister smirk, with Rias standing next to him.

Asia and the other girls are fighting against Malak, using magic.
Aika looks above, walking through a puddle.
The ORC, Student Council, Vali Team, and Team Slashdog are shown, all as a pair of angry eyes glare at them.

Issei looks at the book, remembering his past well, he visions the factions falling apart.
Ingvild looks at a figurine of Dai, as she crushes it, tears falling from her eyes, anger on her face.

Artemis, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Quinella, and Gondul watch their factions with disdain.
Ingvild closes her eyes and looks at Dai with a determined look. Miyuki grits her teeth remembering her sisters
Issei is on his knees, his past haunting him, as a family photo shows up, with a slash on it.
Issei is separated from his family.

He looks at Sirzechs, as they both radiate their aura. 

Opening End

Hyoudou Residence, 10:00 PM

Sirzechs and Rias were seated on the couch of the room, with Rias having a sort of messed up afro like hairstyle, moments later Issei comes out with the girls, all fully dressed, as Issei spoke in a deadpan tone.

"I don't even want to know about your choice of hairstyle." Rias was embarrassed as she looked away, with Sirzechs chuckling, Issei looked at them and asked, "Why are you even here?"

"We just want to know what happened to Serafall Leviathan?" Sirzechs changed his tone into a serious tone, as Issei feigned surprise as he asked

"Why would I know?" Sirzechs shook his head and spoke seriously.

"Don't misunderstand me, did you go to the mall on 14th of April?" Sirzechs asked to which Issei nodded, as he responded, "Were you at the Arcade around 9:00 PM?"

"Yes. And how do you know about this? Have you been stalking me?" Issei asked seriously with slight anger in his voice as Sirzechs shook his head, he did not want to anger him, "We saw Security Recordings of the mall, and we knew Serafall came to the same arcade at the same time, that is why we assumed that you would know it."

Issei shook his head and lied to him, "I didn't even meet her, if you think that I would, I was busy helping Miyuki with her games."

"I see..." Sirzechs spoke, however Rias ran her mouth.

"If you lie to us, then-" Sirzechs tried to stop her from doing a mistake, as Issei glared at Rias and spoke

"Or else what, Gremory?" Issei spoke with anger in his voice, "Threatening me is not wise, didn't you remember what happened last time?"

Rias gulped in fear, and she started to fear, Sirzechs clenched his fist in anger, they remembered how Issei nearly killed them, and dared them to do something about it.

"Is there anything else?" Issei asked, as Sirzechs calmed himself and spoke

"I was going to negotiate with you for your help against Malak, but, I don't think now is the time, considering." Sirzechs gave a side glare to Rias, who shivered, both Sirzechs and Issei were angry with her, "She ruined your mood."

"You would have been wasting your time anyway." Issei spoke in a mocking tone, as Sirzechs sighed expecting this, he could only teleport with Rias in tow, she had plans of coming back to the house sometime in the future.

Miyuki, Artemis and Elizabeth came into the house soon later, as they spoke

"We sensed a devil here" Miyuki asked, as Issei responded

"Sirzechs and Rias showed up, they wanted to know about Serafall." Miyuki nodded, while controlling her anger, as she asked

"So what happened?" Issei responded, "Nothing much, they suspect nothing."

"And what will happen if they do come to know?" Artemis asked with curiosity, as Issei responded

"Nothing, they can only sit there clench their fists or grit their teeth, that is what they can do, they know what will happen if they try to even attack me or any of us.." Artemis nodded upon this, as Elizabeth spoke

"Well, with the civil wars going on, the factions have to try and keep their reputation" Elizabeth spoke remembering how the Seraphs are having a troublesome time due to handling the situation.

"It is bound to happen, when the situation is done, there will be no factions, the leader's time is ticking, soon they will know that there is no escape, and their demise is unstoppable, and at this point, they are only delaying the inevitable." Issei spoke seriously as Elizabeth and Artemis nodded. Nyx then asked

"But what will you do about Valery, Gondul and Ingvild? Unlike us who joined you willingly, they still have not joined you." Issei nodded, he couldn't deny that they may pose a problem sometime in the future. This also made Artemis and Elizabeth a bit concerned. They remembered asking to deal with Valery herself, but Issei had decided to deal with her himself.

" that you mention it, Gondul still has faith in the factions, but from what I have heard from her, her inner self is starting to lose their faith, and as for Valery, she will die the moment she thinks of betraying me, and finally Ingvild, I am not so sure, what she is thinking, she is willing to do anything, for my approval, but honestly I don't give a damn what she does, and she cannot break her promise by revealing to anyone" Issei spoke with a shrug at the end, as he knew that they can't do anything.

"Even then, I was genuinely surprised, out of all the girls, these two are the only ones who are not trying to get me to like them." Issei spoke remembering how most of the Gremory girls, along with Kuroka and Le Fay are apologising thinking that Issei will like them. They have been nothing but a headache to him at this point.

"Not to mention, I still remember Ingvild being the only one, who has started to grow a spine, that's a first. I assumed the truth would break her down" Issei's words earned a shook head from Nyx, as she speaks with a little venom in her voice

"But that won't change anything, I doubt she would even destroy the factions she calls her home." Issei nodded in agreement to Nyx's words.

"Exactly, Valery is only with me, because of the bet she lost, otherwise I am pretty sure she would be beside Azazel right now" Issei spoke coldly, leaving the other girls in agreement, especially Charlotte and Quinella.

"So what is the next course of action?" Quinella asked seriously, as Issei responded

"We lay low, relax ourselves for a while, and watch as the chaos in the factions take place, but I do believe that there is one faction that is barely affected by this" Issei spoke seriously.

"What is that?" Elizabeth asked with curiosity as he responded

"The Hindu Faction, this was due to the fact that they joined the alliance only to deal with Trihexa, I remember Azazel talking to Shiva about asking him and the others to join the alliance, and I even met him once, he did not seem to be as dangerous, when I first met him, and he was surprisingly mature, but then again, he was convinced by Dai's lies, and even ignored the visions of the future, if anything, he did the least damage, so his faction is stable, for now at least, if he or the other Hindu Gods screw up, then even they are done for" Issei spoke seriously earning nods from Elizabeth and Artemis.

"Plus, even I want to have a vacation, I want to relax for a while, before we take down our next faction" Issei spoke with a smile, earning sweat-drops from most girls, as they all sighed, Issei wondered what he should do for his vacation, while the other girls also decided to follow what Issei asked, and lay low, and watch the chaos unfold.

*Scene Change*

Hyoudou Residence, 11:00 PM

Ingvild and Valery have been discussing on their next plan ahead, as the factions have not been doing well, Valery then spoke

"So what now?" Valery asked Ingvild, they were among the first to know about Issei being Malak's superior, as Ingvild spoke seriously.

"I don't honestly know, Issei is only formal with us, and avoids us like the plague whenever he does not want to be near us" Ingvild's tone did hint of some sadness, she was not sure of turning against the factions like Issei and Valery did, with the latter doing it out of force.

"Agree, he really hates us, but then again, we are responsible for this, right?" Valery spoke, with equal sadness, she never officially fell for Dai, but at the same time she did have feelings for the man that saved her, and she, along with the rest also had looked down upon Issei, with both her and Ingvild attacking Issei, with Ingvild attacking due to Issei insulting her back then lover and Valery doing this, out of anger and grief.

"Even then, we cannot just give up yet, Issei, still kept us alive, he could have killed us, and not even anyone could stop him, we should at least repay him back, for everything he has done for us." Ingvild spoke in a determined tone, with Valery nodding in agreement.

"Let's not make Issei like us, no, the girls of the Gremory, Kuroka and Le Fay think by doing this, Issei will love them, but no, instead, let's focus on our efforts to make Issei, not love, not trust, but to tolerate us, let's make him tolerate us, first, and see what happens after that." Valery suggested Ingvild, to which she nodded, as she speaks

"I agree, like that once we can make him tolerate us, at least he will listen to us, and then we can see what we can do in order to repay his actions."

Valery nods in response, both the girls were determined to make Issei at the very least tolerate them, they both then left to make a plan for that, hoping that one day, he tolerates them.

*Scene Change*

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi BKRM! Ingvild scolds Chibi Ingvild for betraying Chibi Issei, while both Chibi Issei's sigh in disbelief.

A few days later,

Hyoudou Residence, 3:00 PM

Things haven't been going well in Kuoh Academy, due to what happened, that day, several of the students were expelled, due to their actions, among them was Dai Hyoudou, as he was the primary culprit, not knowing that he was long dead. His mother accepted this, as his sister was even more devastated that he was scum even in school.

The boys Matsuda and Motohama were expelled on the spot for being complicit in the rumours, they were petitions for the boys to be arrested, but the judge instead gave them a mercy plea, and sent them to a Juvenile detention centre, where they were to be kept until their education was done, it may not be like prison, but it was prison to them.

Not to mention, the girls that loved him all broke up with him, while feeling guilty for being complicit in what they did to Issei, due to listening to their lies. Motohama was the worst affected as the girl slept with a man behind his back, which shocked and devastated him. Both the boys accepted their punishment and hoped to be better men.

The girls Murayama and Katase, were also expelled due to assault on fellow students, their titles were stripped away, and they issued a life long ban on them from ever participating in Kendo. This broke the girls internally, and when they were in the court, the judge did arrest them, and they were put on a 90 day arrest, with a 6 month probation.

Aika Kiriyuu, was also expelled and put on a twelve month probation, due to her actions, she was also asked to be away from any males, due to her actions, and was sentenced to go to a Psychiatric facility, either way, her whole life was completely ruined, there was little to zero chance her life will be the same again.

This was true for all the human tormentors of Issei Hyoudou, their life was ruined, and their parents desired to have little contact with them, and would disown them if they did not change their ways.

As for the devils, Genshiro Saji narrowly escaped being expelled, since it was his final year. The main reason was that the devils manipulated the school board preventing his expulsion, since if they had to do so, then several others would have to be expelled as well.

However, he was given probation, which did not make him happy at all, he hated the two girls Quinella and Charlotte for ruining his life, and he will make them pay, after that he was sentenced to keep his distance from Issei and his allies, else he would be expelled and imprisoned in Tartarus, which did not make him happy at all.

Rias and Sona, on the other hand, were not spared, both of them had to suffer the consequences of their actions, Rias was the worst affected, she couldn't complete her studies in Kuoh anymore, which greatly hurt her, she hated the decision, Sona was also affected, due to her lack of action, Sona and her peerage were called incompetent and worthless due to their lack of action, which greatly affected her, Sona was even more fearful due to Miyuki's presence, and Serafall not showing up. This forced the Devil Elders to remove her, and the seat of Leviathan was left vacant.

But that was not the worst part, their reputation was as good as gone, people hated and looked down upon them, and it was not just Kuoh Academy, but the entirety of Kuoh Town, anytime they were seen on the streets, and that was to those that were not arrested, they were either being talked behind the back or they were hated completely, and people even sometimes booed or jeered behind their backs.

Issei was working on something else, as Quinella came close to him and sat beside him, as she spoke to her lover.

"Hey Ise..." Issei looked at Quinella, as he was working on his Unknown Dictator, as she looked at it, she rested her head on Issei's shoulder, as Issei spoke looking at her with a smile.

"What's up?!" Quinella looked at her with a loving smile, as she asked

"I was wondering, can we go on a date today?" Issei looked at her, as she wondered what Issei intended for her to do, as he spoke

"Well I have some work to do, and then we can go about the date. So tell me where do you want to go?" Issei asked, making Quinella happy, as she spoke

"I would like it if we went nearby!" Quinella spoke with a genuine smile, as she then responded, "But I would be happy with the places of your choosing!"

"I see..." Issei looked at her, and gave a nod, he needed to finish this quickly, and then head for his date.

"Well, let's try to go in the evening, alright?" Quinella gave a nod, as she watched Issei work on the Unknown Dictator, he was planning to unlock the Sacred Gear's Balance Breaker, as he did not know any of the Balance Breaker's capabilities.

"Issei, why do you need a balance breaker for the Unknown Dictator?" Quinella asked, as she received the answer.

"Every Sacred Gear has its own balance breaker, or at least every sacred gear that was known to the factions have that, the ones that are unknown still don't have this feature yet. Case in point, Nereid Kyrie, usually Balance Breakers are considered 'bugs' in the Sacred Gear's systems, right?" Quinella nodded, remembering what she was informed about the Sacred Gears.

"I believe that certain factors can trigger this bug, as every Sacred Gear is connected to your emotions, hence, if we can bring out this bug, then we can do anything, this I did with all the gears that I had copied, and cloned, except for the ones that have just been created from scratch. The primary factors are a stimulus which triggers a strong emotional response, allowing us to do that." Issei spoke seriously, as Quinella responded

"So these factors depend on our emotions?" Issei nodded and responded, "Mostly yes, but you can forcefully trigger them, even false emotions can work, as long as you have that sense of feeling, that was how Dai Hyoudou unlocked his Balance Breaker, even though he trained, he never unlocked his Balance Breaker, so using emotions can be considered a way. Even myself, I unlocked the Boosted Gear, when I was overwhelmed by Raynare, and had the desire to protect Asia, 2 years ago."

"I that means if you have the correct emotion, and/or the correct amount of emotion, you can achieve Balance Breaker?" Issei nods again, as Quinella watches him work on something, as the phone then glows, the phone was the form Unknown Dictator had taken.

"It's working!" Issei exclaimed, as Quinella also had a happy look on her face, as the glow stopped moments later.

Issei activated the book, as he spoke.

"Balance Breaker: Game-Breaker!" Issei spoke, as he commanded a nearby television, he realised that he can not only hack and control the technology.

Issei also gained full autonomous control over the device, meaning he can control the Television, to convert them into its basic stage, for instance, he was able to turn a Smart Television, into a television from the 1950s, meaning he could rewind the device back in time.

Issei tried reverting it back, and he decided to transform into its most advanced stage. As the television disappeared, and it turned into several rods as they all started to glow, he then activated the television, and suddenly some projections started to come in front of it.

"So this is the most advanced version of the television?" Quinella asked with awe and surprise, as Issei responded

"I guess, judging by the looks, I think this is the most advanced version, and I think that this would be the maximum version of what you can call a Television, since technology is used to shorten the size, rather than increase, and become more convenient. So I think it is the maximum version, and I think it will be a small device." Issei explained, as he can watch anything he wants at the most high definition, meaning it is the most advanced television, he also found out that there are several other features.

Issei theorised that this is not the full potential of this Balance Breaker, it could affect anything with metal, more testing would be required.

*Scene Change*

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Issei trying to figure out everything with the Game-breaker.

Kuoh Outskirts, 5:00 PM

Issei was waiting for Quinella, as he wore a regular blue shirt, with a white jacket, he wore blue jeans, and his hair was well trimmed. He also wore red shoes.

"Now where is she?" Issei was waiting for her, as he looked around to see where she was.

Moments later, Quinella showed up, she wore two lavender earrings, her hair was left open, she wore a purple dress-skirt, black leggings, which covered her legs, knees, thighs and lower legs, and lavender heels. She also had a headband on her hair, as it matched her clothing. Her purple skirt had frills, which had extended all the way till her hips. She had a blush on her face, as she called out.

"Ise?!" Issei turned around to see Quinella, which was his date, he knew that unlike Raynare, this date wouldn't end in a disaster.

Issei had a slight flushed look, Quinella looked beautiful, as Issei spoke with a smile

"You look breath-taking..." Quinella had a blush upon this, as she spoke

"I hope you liked it, I decided to go with simple, since a much complicated dressing would be too much." Quinella turned away, as she spoke with a pout, "Stop staring, you are embarrassing me.."

"Heh!" Issei spoke with a grin, as he asked, "So where do you want to go!?"

"Anywhere you want, I think we should go on a simple date, not a complicated one." Issei agreed to Quinella's words, as she came close to him, and pulled his hand towards her and embraced it.

To an outsider, they seemed like lovers, as Issei had a blush on his face, he promised to make this date as good as he could, and thanks to his experience with taking Nyx on one, he knew exactly where to go.

They first headed to a local restaurant, where they ordered some Japanese Food, moments later they dug into the food, and they had an enjoyable meal.

A while later, they ordered some desert and once they were done, they paid for the bill and left.

Once they left, they decided to go to an amusement, park, where they decided to do some shopping for Issei, Quinella practically dragged him to the apparel shop where they made sure he got some clothing, she made him try a lot of clothing, she made him wear several of the clothing that she liked, and purchased.

Issei understood that she was more of a commanding type, as most Asmodeus were, that was a primary thing she had inhabited, either way, he enjoyed and liked the choices she had made for him.

They headed to the Arcade finally, as soon as he entered, Issei remembered the time when he had to deal with Serafall when she had tried to kidnap Miyuki, he shook his head, with Quinella asking in concern.

"Ise, is something wrong?" Issei then spoke

"Nothing...nothing is wrong, say what game would you like to play?"

"I will probably go for a claw game, haven't tried that ever since, well you know?" Quinella spoke, as Issei chuckled, he then responded

"Well then, let's go!" Issei pulled her to the claw game, making the Asmodeus Girl confused, as Issei put in a coin, as he released Quinella, she composed herself, moments later and started to move the claw.

She managed to get the toy within the first try, it was a plushie which she had wanted, as she was careful in not dropping it, she managed to pull it to the location, as she dropped it and moments later the toy was in her hands.

"You did it!" Issei exclaimed in surprise, even though he couldn't do this in the first try, "Congratulations! Quinella!" Issei congratulated her, making the girl blush.

"Thank!" Quinella gave the plushie to Issei, as he was surprised, by this, as he asked

"You are giving this to me? Why?" Quinella responded

"Is it not obvious, you gave me such a good time, and have been there with me from day one, you are the reason why I am so happy, I wanted to give this to you as a memento. So to remember our date?" Quinella spoke with a blush, making Issei completely speechless, she suddenly realised that they were in a public place, and spoke something else, to alleviate the situation, trying her best to maintain her composure, "And you should be happy that I showed you my skills."

"Of course, Quinella-sama, of course" Issei spoke with a sly smile, making the girl lose her composure, and become a blushing mess.

She kept her hands on her face, to hide her blush, making Issei chuckle seeing her like this, all in all, this has been a good day for Issei, Issei accepted the plushie and kept it in his pocket dimension. They soon played some other games and then they headed back home.

*Scene Change*

Hyoudou Residence, 9:30 PM

Issei rested for a while, the date will be remembered in his heart for a very long time. He was happy as he knew that while he could rest, the factions were having trouble.

The Chaos that they managed to do, Rizevim would have been jealous if he were still alive, he wanted to release Trihexa and even god did not know what his intentions were after all, he only revealed to release Trihexa, Issei wondered why did he always want that, like if he wanted to create chaos, then all he could do was just attack and make the Faction Leaders desperate, then again, he was not the smartest, amongst he devils.

It's ironic that the one that desired to perform Chaos, was now performing less Chaos than the once unsung saviour of the factions ever did. He wondered if he never got involved in the supernatural what would have happened.

Speaking of Rizevim, he remembered a conversation that had happened between them, a year ago.

He never truly understood how was he going to control Trihexa, let alone release them, but he had a few ideas, he believed that by using the Holy Relics it could be possible, but why, why was he so adamant on doing it now, and why he never tried this before, there has to be a reason. His answers were told by the man.

According to Issei, and Like many of the Lucifer descendents, Rizevim was a battle maniac, to some extent that was, he desired Chaos for the sole purpose to satisfy his 'True Devil' nature. He always believed the devils to be evil, wicked, brutal, bad, scum, wrong, brutes, as well as vicious, and it is the role of a Devil to kill every single person they don't like.

And he was a devout follower of that, Issei even lost twice against the man, before finally killing him for good. In his dying breath, he asked why did he protect the ones that looked down upon him, that humiliated him, and even tormented him, he had lost everyone to his brother, and when he had taken him down, he also stated that if Issei wanted to, he could take down the faction leaders if he so wanted to.

When he responded that Issei wanted to be the hero. Rizevim called him an idiot, he stated that he doesn't need to be a hero for people that hate or look down upon him, and don't appreciate him. If he continues this, then he will prove that he has no self respect or self worth. Issei ignored this, and still desired to be the hero, as there was peace and tranquillity for the next few months. However, Rizevim's words started to leave some doubts in Issei, primarily the fact that no one appreciated him, and always gave his brother the credit. They hated and looked down upon him, even bullied and humiliated him for that.

However, there were two incidents that finally broke the Camel's back, and that was when his brother along with his perverted friends, finally taunting and goading about his achievements, that made him snap, and Ingvild choosing Dai's words over his, even after he tried to explain.

After that, he realised, the factions never cared or loved him, they wouldn't even bother if he died, or if he was in the hospital, this was true when even his family did not visit him, he tried his best to prove himself to be better, but that never happened, the worst part was when he found out the truth for himself, they were partying when he was literally fighting for his life, after that, he decided to never help them ever again.

Eventually, he saw how far the factions had fallen, many devils and other supernatural creatures still looked down upon humanity. And while making the alliance, many of the supernatural creatures ignored the grievances that many minority groups have experienced. This was true during the exorcist rebellion, where several had turned against the Alliance, due to them hating the fact that they have to befriend those that were potentially responsible for the death of their loved ones and family members.

Not to mention, wherever Issei went he was neither welcome in his house, the supernatural world or even the School. Due to Dai Hyoudou making his life miserable, he saw how the women he once loved were spending time with him, as he only saw them for trophies. He even remembered his words that he had said to him.

"This is something you will never enjoy..."

Issei took a deep breath, he remembered how when Raynare killed him, he was shocked, for once he hoped that things would be better, if she did kill him, he didn't mind dying, since that would free him from this hell.

But as fate loved to screw with him, as he was saved by Rias Gremory, it was revealed to be his younger brother's doing, he believed that he cared for him, but that was just to maintain his reputation.

And then every girl he had a crush on hated and/or rejected him, even those that he genuinely loved weren't spared, he still remembered their words, and he won't forget them no matter what happens. Especially their words. He did everything imaginable for them, and yet he was treated like garbage.

"Partner!" Ddraig screamed into him, making him snap out of his memory. Issei realised this, and calmed down.

"Thanks Ddraig" To which the concerned dragon nodded in gratitude, he was happy as Issei calmed down, those memories often caused him to go on near aggressive fits, he nearly activated the juggernaut drive multiple times due to his fury.

"Speaking of which, what should we do with Dai's gear?" Issei asked to which Ddraig responded

"You can either release him, where he will go to the next host, or you can do what you can to take him, Crom has even stated that he doesn't mind joining us." Issei nodded as he spoke

"I think it would be best to find a way to release him from his prison." Issei spoke, as Ddraig wonders, this question.

"How will you achieve it?" Ddraig asked incredulously and with surprise as Issei responds

"I will find out a way, there needs to be a way to reverse what the Biblical God has done." Ddraig nods, as Issei lies on the couch, thinking of all the ways he can to release Crom Cruach from his prison.

*Scene Change*

Outskirts, Vampire Territory, 12:00 AM

A girl was sitting on the tree of the territory, she still remembered how there was one person who made her life filled with happiness, but to save him, she had to fake her own death.

"I wonder if I-kun even remembers me..." The girl spoke with a sad tone, given how much she cared for him, she looked around, as her white hair flowed in the background, due to the air.

"Hey sister?" Another girl spoke from a distance, as she looked at the white haired girl, the girl had pink hair.

"Yes...?" The white haired girl responded, as the pink haired girl responded

"Do you think I-kun will remember us?" The Pink haired girl responded, as she spoke

"He should, I hope he does..." The White haired girl only looked towards the dark sky hoping that her love interest will remember her one day.

Unbeknownst to the two girls, the I-kun that they loved was long gone, and replaced by someone whom they would never expect to see in a man they loved.

*Scene Break*

(A/N: Bang that's it for this chapter, the next one will be a bit more intuitive.)

(A/N(2): Quinella and Charlotte are officially part of the harem, this is something I teased earlier)

(A/N(3): The girls will be revealed soon)

(A/N(4): Massive thanks to Shubh030201  for helping me with this chapter)

(A/N(5): All the gods and characters are completely fictional and the world is also Draconic Deus they have no relations or connections to any god, religion or mythology of our real world or Planet Earth. Some characters may seem villainous, but that is how it is, this Issei is the first villain Issei, but it should have been obvious at this point.)

Please let me know what you think in the comments, and I will catch y'all later



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