Summer Consequences (Camila/y...

By oddcabello

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In the heat of the summer you're so different from the rest {GxG Y/N GP} More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 10

1.7K 85 18
By oddcabello

Y/N's POV:

I felt myself dozing off during my lecture. I let a deep yawn out as I stretched my arms in my seat

"That's like the fifth time you've yawned" Maria said

"Sorry I didn't get much sleep last night" I said

"Having sleeping troubles again?" She asked

"Uh sort of" I said not wanting to go into details

We were currently in our morning class and I was trying my best to stay awake

Let's just say having to see a certain someone last night made me only get like four hours of sleep

Maria spared me by choosing to continue listening to the lecture and no longer ask me anymore questions

I looked down at my phone as I saw that I got a text from Camila

Camila: why did you leave before I woke up? :(

Me: sorry I had class today. I didn't want to wake you

Camila: aw you should've told me you had class. I wouldn't have made you stay up so late 😅

Me: no worries at all. I wanted to stay up with you lol

Camila: 🙈🙈

I grinned amused at her last text and gave it a like with the heart reaction and left it at that to try and catch up on the lecture but my mind kept running

Camila and I have been friends with benefits for about a month now.

I don't know how to exactly explain it but I loved being by her side. She was just so unique and a beam of light that illuminated my dark world.

It was great in all honesty. I still haven't let her touch or see all of me but I please her well and that's all that matters

The first two weeks I basically saw her everyday. She could not get enough

As time passed we saw each other like three times out of the week as I grew busy in my life and as did she. She had spent so much time with me she forgot all about her other boys

That is until now...

Tomorrow she has a date or whatever scheduled with one of them.

A dick appointment as her friends call it

I have hung out with them a few times as Camila says they grew fond of me

To be honest I only show up because Camila asks me too. If it wasn't for her wanting me there I would not show up if I had the choice

"Yo y/n" Maria got my attention

"Hmm what's up?" I asked breaking out of my thoughts as we walked through campus

"Did you listen to anything I said?" She asked

"In all honesty no" I replied and she groaned annoyed

"I said, are you hanging out with us tomorrow?" She asked

"What's tomorrow?" I asked confused

"We're going to a show to see a bunch of bands play. Are you coming?" She asked

"Oh damn I didn't know" I said

"We've talked about it like the past few days in the group chat" she said

"I'm sorry I didn't see. You know I'm a terrible texter" I said

"Lies. You've been texting someone all morning" she said and raised an eyebrow "is it camila?"

"Uh yea" I said not being able to hide my smile

"Ooh how is that going?" She asked with a smirk

"Really well actually" I said

"Did you fuck her yet?" She asked

"Language" I said making her laugh

A part of me debated on telling her because I hadn't even told Kevin yet. I've kept this to myself because I honestly didn't want anyone to know. It felt like my private thing that I didn't want anyone to take away from me

But I did plan on telling Kevin soon and Maria has been so supportive on me going for Camila

"I'm just messing around y/n" she said as we kept walking past other students

"It's not a no but it's not a yes" I said making her stop us in our tracks

"What?" She asked totally shocked

I playfully rolled my eyes at her and continued our journey

"I've uh- I've gone down on her" I said lowly as I felt embarrassed even saying it

"Oh shit" she said smacking my arm "no fucking way"

I could feel my cheek burning from how much I was blushing

"Why haven't you gone all the way yet? Don't tell me she's a pillow princess?" She said and I laughed

"I'm not ready yet and she's been respectful about it thankfully" I said and she nodded

"Understandable then. I'm glad she's being respectful of your wishes" she said

Maria being Stacy's best friend ended up finding out my secret. She was very supportive though and always there for me.

"How long have you guys been going at it?" She asked me

"About a month" I said

"Damn that's why we never see you anymore" she said making me laugh

I have been distant with my friends since I've started with Camila. I haven't had the time to hang out with them

"Yea I'm sorry about that" I said

"Don't be. I'm happy you're getting some. Even though you're not fully getting anything" she said making us both laugh "when do you think you'll be ready?"

"I'm not sure. I think she really wants to go all the way but you know how my insecurities are" I said

"I think you're overthinking it y/n. If she wasn't turned off since the start I think you'll be safe with her. If she's bi you're honestly a dream come true" she said "like Stacy. She used to always talk about how perfect you were"

I smiled at her saying that. Stacy did always reassure me and made me feel comfortable and loved. Letting me know I wasn't what my insecurities told me I was

"Yea well maybe I'll just go for it sooner or later" I said

"As you should" She responded "anyways I have to go to my next class. So are you coming with us tomorrow?" She asked and I nodded

"Yea for sure. I'm in" I said smiling at her

We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

I missed my friends and I needed a distraction anyways. I'd go crazy if I was alone with my thoughts just wondering what or who Camila was doing

It was the next day, a Friday.

My fingers tapped on the glass counter as I had my music playing over the speakers in the store.

Looking down at my homework concentrated
I heard someone clear their throat to get my attention

I looked up and saw Camila instantly bringing a smile to my face

"Hey cutie" she said

"Hey... y-you" I said awkwardly since I still didn't have a pet name for her

"what are you doing here?" I added

"Just wanted to say hi, and get some new CDs" she said

"Oh alright hi" I said shyly and she grinned at my sudden shyness "you're not here for me?" I asked laughing lightly

"Well before we started our... thing" she said trailing off not knowing how to describe us "this was my me time. So i still would like to continue that. But getting to see you is just another perk" she said making me smile

"I'm just messing with you. And we actually got a new shipment of random CDs you can go check them out" I said

"Thanks cutie" she said lowly then brushed her hand over mine low key as she walked away

I just laughed lightly and continued to do my work

Scanning over the store to see that we were actually kind of busy with customers.

I rang up a few people at the register and did some inventory. I eventually lost sight of Camila as she was exploring throughout the store. I decided to get back to my homework when no one else needed my assistance

I sighed out deeply and scratched my head as I grew annoyed

I've been staring at the same problem for the last ten minutes and I'm so frustrated with it I just decided to circle a random answer

"It's wrong" I heard someones voice say

I looked up and saw Stacy

"It's B not D" she said laughing lightly

I stared at the question along with the answer

"I don't know if you're right but I don't care" I said and then continued to change the answer

She giggled "I took this class last semester I think I know" she said

"If I fail I'm blaming you" i said

"You won't, you're too smart" she said "anyways here I decided to bring you an iced coffee because you look like you need it" she said handing me my usual order

"Aren't you a gift from heaven?! Thank you I did need this" I replied immediately taking a sip

Stacy worked at the coffee shop a few doors down from where I worked

"Are you done with your shift already?" I asked her making small talk

As mentioned before, I didn't hate Stacy. She was actually a very cool and chill girl when she wasn't trying to jump my bones every second. We were really good friends before the whole friends with benefits thing started and I'm glad that we didn't let that get weird between us or ruin our friendship.

"Yea. I was on my way out and saw your text in the group chat how you were basically falling asleep" she said "I thought I'd drop by plus we haven't talked in like forever"

"Yea I know. I'm sorry I've been missing in action lately. I've just been busy with school and in here" I said

"No need to apologize. Just know that you are missed at our hangouts" she said placing her hand over mine

"I appreciate that" I said truthfully and smiled at her as I squeezed her hand

Our gaze on each other and hand touch lingered a bit too long until I snapped out of it and pulled away

I cleared my throat and changed the subject

"it must be ugly to work at a coffee shop near the summer time" I said laughing

"It's so hot I feel like I'm gonna melt" She said laughing "but you'd be surprised, a lot of people still order hot coffee in summer it's so weird" she said as she jumped to sit on the counter next to me as she always does whenever she comes to visit me

"They're missing out. Iced coffee just hits different" I said as I took a sip of my drink making her laugh lightly

In the midst of all of this, I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched.

My eyes looked up and I immediately saw Camila watching us intently but when our eyes met and she saw I caught her she quickly averted her eyes back down to the CD in her hand

"Are you going to with us tonight to the show?" She asked me

"Oh right that's tonight" I said totally forgetting already

"Yes.Plus that one band you really like is playing. You've talked about wanting to see them forever" she said

"Oh yea!! I saw the line up. I was out of town the last time they performed I can't miss this one" I said

"Yea it's gonna be a good show. You better not flake" she said dangling her feet over the counter

"I won't. I'll be there" I said saluting her making her laugh

"Are you going with Kevin?" She asked

"I am not sure. I haven't talked to him but I'll probably just pull up on my own" I said

"You want to go with me?" She asked and I stared at her debating. It wasn't a bad idea

"I could pick you up. And we can get something to eat before like we used to do" she said

I could tell she missed me. The good thing was she wasn't being overbearing and it seemed like she wanted a genuine friendship like before

Fuck it. Why not?

"You know what sure-" before I could fully finish my sentence I was cut off

"Excuse me, I'm ready" I turned to my side and saw Camila next to the cash register with her CDs in hand

I let out a breath and Stacy just stared in between us and looked away uncomfortably

"I'm going either way, but I'll text you later" I said to Stacy as a way of dismissing her

"Alright, see you later" she said looking disappointed with her eyes not even meeting mine as she jumped off the counter

"Thanks for the coffee I owe you" I said giving her a sincere smile

"It's no biggie don't worry" she said with a weak smile walking away and out of the door.

Why did I suddenly feel like an asshole!??

I watched her leave and I felt like a piece of shit. I heard a throat clear and I saw Camila stare at me with an annoyed expression

I sighed then went to Camila and grabbed her CDs and continued to ring her up

"You two seemed pretty close" Camila said

"We were literally just talking" I said laughing breathily

"I saw the hand holding and eye stares. Geez y/n you guys basically fucked in front of everyone" she said still with sarcasm

I stared at her confused. What the hell was she on?!

"You're insane" I said laughing to break the tension "she just brought me an iced coffee because she saw my text"

She gasped at my reply

"I texted you like five times and you haven't responded to me" she said and my eyes widened

"Oh shit I am so sorry I haven't seen" I said feeling like I was in trouble

"No but you have time to text her to bring you your favorite drink I see" She said

Call me crazy but she sounded jealous...

"It's not like that. It was in our friend group chat. I mentioned how I was feeling tired and she saw it and she works in the coffee shop a few doors down so she was being nice" I said

"Okay noted" she grabbed my drink and read it "now I know your favorite coffee since I keep you up so late at night" she said slamming my drink down

I laughed to myself because this was honestly amusing. She looked really cute when she was angry like this

"Why are you laughing?" She asked

"Nothing you're just cute" I said and she looked away annoyed but I can tell she was blushing

"Besides I was up late doing homework. I didn't even finish it because I fell asleep" I said pointing at my homework on the counter

"Still no excuses. Don't take coffee from other girls" she said and I laughed again rolling my eyes

It's not like we were a couple anyways. She wasn't my girlfriend

"To be fair coffee was one of mine and Stacy things. We loved going to new coffee shops-"

"So now you guys have things" she said

"Camila why are you acting like this?" I asked grinning

"Like what? I'm just saying, you love to complain about how you don't want her in your life anymore but somehow she still pops up" she said still looking annoyed

"I never said I don't want her in my life. I just didn't want to continue hooking up with her. I think she's really trying to be my friend again and I missed that" I said

"Yea right she's probably just trying to slowly get back into your pants" she said in a mocking tone

I just rolled my eyes and then finished ringing her up and then handed her the bag

"Is there anything else I can help you with miss?" I asked trying to change the subject

"You have a date with her tonight?" She asked ignoring me and still pursuing this topic

"No just gonna happen to be at the same place at the same time" I said

"That sounds like a date to me" she said

"We just have the same friends who hang out whenever we all go to shows" I said

"But she invited you to dinner before you do go" she said

"Damn should we have included you in our conversation? It seems you heard the entire thing" I said and she gasped like she just got caught

"I only heard the ending because you guys were so loud" she said and I stared at her with a be fucking for real look

"Well I haven't made up my mind yet if I will go with her or not" I said shrugging

"It seemed like you were about to say yes" she said

"And what about it Camila? A part of me kind of wants to" I said

The look on her face had me so confused. She really did look bothered but hurt? It was the look that Stacy gives me when I'm with Camila

Why did this bother her so much?

She cleared her throat and gained composure

"Well I guess we both have dates tonight. I on the other hand am looking forward to my night" she said and I just looked away clenching my jaw a little

"he's taking us to one of my favorite restaurants in the hills and then we're going back to his place and who knows where that could go" she said

It seemed like she tried to make me jealous but honestly I didn't give a fuck right now. I couldn't fucking understand what I was feeling

Why did she give me so much shit about hanging out with Stacy when she can flaunt about the guy she's going to fuck tonight to me

"Sounds great Camila" I said basically blowing her off not caring about what she was saying

I could tell she noticed my behavior and pursed her lips then sighed

"Okay well I hope you have fun tonight" she said and this time it didn't come out sarcastic

"Thanks you too" I said lowly still not making eye contact with her as I did some things on the registers computer

I could tell my attitude was affecting her and she looked somewhat sad

I sighed not liking the way she frowns

"I'm not going to hang out with Stacy alone" I said and she looked up at me "I work late tonight and am going to go the venue from here" I said

"Oh. I mean you can do whatever you want" she said lowly

"I'm just letting you know" I said reassuring her because I know how much it seems to bother her

"have fun tonight" I said winking at her

I meant that in a innuendo kind of way to make a joke but she ended up blushing at me

"You too. See you later y/n" she said with a warm smile

"See you later" I responded smiling back at her

She grabbed my hand on the counter and quickly squeezed it before walking out of the store

If there's one thing I learned today is that I need to keep Stacy and Camila far apart from each other!!

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