Billionaire 's Irresistible L...

By honey_bee_writes

59.1K 2.4K 207

Ava Shetty, a girl with an enchanting aura, had the power to sprinkle happiness wherever she went. With her p... More

Ch 1
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Ch 6
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Ch 8
CH 9
CH 10
CH 11
CH 12
CH 13
CH 14
CH 16
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CH 18
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CH 20
CH 21
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CH 31
CH 32
CH 33

CH 15

1.5K 70 0
By honey_bee_writes

Ava was nervous saying would be an understatement. She could feel Aditya checking her out from top to bottom. Surprisingly she didn't feel uncomfortable, instead she felt kinda flustered. He was wearing a black formal shirt with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and black pants. His muscles were bulging out of his sleeves. And he was looking gorgeous as always.
Although Ava was also checking him out , her expressions were not that obvious.

After looking at Ava for a while , he exclaimed "You look beautiful"
She cleared her throat and replied with a small 'thank you'.
Aditya then opened the car door for her and jogged to the other side to drive the car.
'Quite a gentleman' Ava mumbled.

Aditya was driving the car and Ava was feeling curious about where they are going.
"Hey? Where are we going?"
"And where is that somewhere?" Ava asked being annoyed.

Aditya finally replied after seeing her annoyed
"Ok I'm sorry. Don't be angry. " He said glancing at her while driving. He then held are hand and said softly
"It's a surprise actually . Just trust me okay?"
Feeling his sudden touch Ava was lost of words. She felt her cheeks heating up. She just gave out a little ' hmm' and looked at the window side to not let him see her flushed state .
Aditya didn't say anything but a small , almost an   unnoticeable smile could be seen on his lips.

After 30minutes, their car stopped  near a movie theatre. It has been so long since Ava went to watch movie so she was kind of excited. Aditya opened the door for her and she stepped out and looked around.

"Good choice" she complimented him while walking.
"Glad you liked it" He replied calmly .  Although he looked quite composed from outside but only he knew how nervous he was inside.

"What type of movie would you like to watch?" Aditya asked .
"Anything is fine. I like all genres." She said shrugging off.
" How about a horror movie?"
"Uhm okay! I like horror movies “She said with twinkling eyes.
Aditya then went off to buy tickets for them.

"Ava was standing on the side waiting for Aditya when she heard a familiar voice
“ My my! Look who is here!”   Ava turned around to see , it was none other than her long time school bully "Riya Malik" with her little gang.

She was standing there wearing a short red dress , looking at Ava as if she was insignificant in her eyes but somewhere 'hidden jealousy' could be seen in her eyes.

"What to do you want?" Ava asked impatiently
Someone from Riya's little gang exclaimed "What is - a ugly girl like you- doing here?"
"Of course doing the same thing as you. To watch movie" Ava replied rolling her eyes.
"Don't try to be smart with us Ava. Remember those days where you used to beg us to let you go?" Riya asked with a smirk.

Ava didn't faze a bit and said " Of course I do. How can I forget that? Some dumb bitches ganging up and bullying a  girl! But do you know what's the difference between that girl and me?
That I'm no longer afraid of raising my voice and making you regret your doings! So don't annoy me!"  Ava roared at them .

"Ohh ? So you have gotten wings huh? How do you have the cheek to come here and argue when you infact killed your whole family for the 'CEO' position?!" Everyone gasped.

Ava's hands trembled hearing her words. All the memories of her family came crashing down to her. She tried to calm her breath.
"I-I-I didn't k-kill my family!" Ava tried to rebuke.
"Oh come on! All of us know that, you are the only one left of your family apart from your parents and sibling. How come all of them are dead and you are only alive? " Riya asked.

Ava  was taking high breaths. She tried to to talk back but she was unable to do so. Her father's last words. Her mother's dying face. Her always cheerful and protective brother 's emotionless dead body. Everything came crashing down to her.

"You are the one who killed your parents"
"You are such a Jinx"
"You are a murderer"
"You killed them!"
"You don't deserve to live"
"You should have died on their place"
"You ugly freak! Killed your own family!"

"No- No -No ...I-I didn't I didn't " but all the unpleasant words didn't stop . All the accusations she heard. Everything kept playing on repeat in her ears.  Everyone else in the hall surrounded her. They kept whispering on themselves.
"OMG! She even killed her own parents for money."
"Such a shameless girl! After killing her parents, she is now living a luxurious life!"
"Such a inhuman girl!"

Ava crouched on the floor with her hands closing her ears . "NO-No-No ..I'm not a killer. I-I  didn't kill th-them" "No please"
"Believe me!"
"I didn't"
She started feeling difficult to breathe. She felt like everything around her were screaming "You killed your family"
No one was believing her.
She didn't kill them . She wanted to say again. But no one will believe her. She was feeling suffocated  but she kept saying " I didn't.I didn't. I didn't. Believe me"

She started feeling darkness surrounding her when suddenly she felt herself in a warm embrace and heard a very warm voice. It was an ounce of warmth in a whole cold island.

"Breathe darling ! I believe you"

Okay guys! Hope you liked the chapter! Thanks for reading.
And ‘I hate Riya too'
And please press the vote button! Means Alot!

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