Owning Her| NEW

By Shawty_melodies

111K 2.9K 1.2K

This is the NEW version of Owning Her, the old one is still up on my page!! "So Professor Jones, does this me... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chaoter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Grayson's B-Day pt.1
Grayson's B-Day pt.2
Grayson's B-Day pt.3
Grayson's B-Day pt.4

Chapter Nine

2.2K 63 56
By Shawty_melodies

Brooke had talked some sense into me, she told me we should go back. This time we would actually go back, but wear the wristbands at least respect the rules.

This time we had our actual Id's and I was nervous to see Grayson. I wasn't sure about Elijah, but I was willing to talk to Grayson. I couldn't get the fact out of my head that Elijah ate my pussy out.

He fucking ate my pussy and thought I would just get forget about it. There was also Grayson, I wondered if he knew. Did Elijah already tell him or is he oblivious to this whole thing? I doubt it, he has to know. It's both or nothing.

I was curious to know why it was both or nothing. I was also going to hope I can find someone else of interest. See if I see any other guys there. We held each other's hand as we went in.

There was a different guy checking Id's this time so we were lucky. He let us in, but we had to go through an extra process. It was long, but it was alright. I now had a purple wristband on, unlike the first time. We had to wait for Rayna to come through as well.

We stand in front of the reception desk waiting for Rayna to come and lead us through. Rayna came out in a short dress that would show off her whole panties if she bent over. Her chest was exposed and it was barely covering her boobs.

I guess today was her special occasion, she seemed extra razzle and dazzle.

"I see you came back," she smiles.

"We did," Brooke smiles.

She looks us up and down, then her eyes zone in on the wristbands. She narrowed her eyes, but she didn't say anything.

"Just sign in like last time."

She bends over the desk and just as I suspected. It rode up her body and surprisingly she wasn't wearing anything. She gets a clipboard and hands it to me. She also gives me a pen.

There was a list of names and I flipped the page and wrote my name under the last one. I handed the clipboard to Brooke. She wrote her name and gave it back to Rayna. She puts it back over the desk.

Rayna spins around and leads us to the Lounge area and it was busier than the last time. It was the weekend, so that had to explain it.

There were people on the stage, there was a whole orgy happening. Other groups were watching and doing their own things.

"Do not engage in anything, I forgot to mention that last time. You have to be a member for one and need a recent STD test," she says.

She was mostly watching me and I nodded my head. I had no idea what I was doing back here. I really need to put my foot down when it comes to this girl. I came back expecting something, but now I felt desperate.

I wandered around and watched a few people. I found it so interesting that they liked to be watched. Do they not feel uncomfortable?

I went to the bar and ordered a shot of vodka. I wasn't much of a drinker, but I needed something right now. I couldn't get a shot since I was underage, dumb fucking wristband. I hated this.

"You're not allowed to drink?" He asks.

A tall guy with brown hair and brown eyes was staring at me. He had tanned brown skin, but I was guessing he was Latino. He had his own glass of alcohol and that swirled in his cup. He got closer to me and I ignored it. He looks down at my wrist.

"Aren't you the curious type," he comments.

"Just a bit."

"You're new," he says.

"Sort of, I came by the other day."

"What's your kinks then?"

I wasn't sure how to answer that question. I don't know what exactly I was into. I did enjoy having two pairs of hands on me. I look at the bar's counter top while trying to rack my brain for a lie.

He puts his fingers under my chin and turns my face back to him. He caught me by surprise and butterflies went through my stomach.

"Look at me while I'm talking to you," he says.

My lips go up on their own and I try hiding my smile. I looked away from him again and remembered what he said. I looked at him again.

I feel someone come behind me and put their hands on my waist. They pull me away from the guy. I was a bit shocked and I looked up at Grayson.

This is not the way I wanted to see him. I wanted to wait a bit. I needed a bit of time before I tried to go to him. Does that mean Elijah is here as well?

"Grayson," the guy says.

"Diego, it seems your conversation has ended," Grayson said.

"Actually we were-."

Grayson glared at me and I shut my mouth. His hold got tighter for a second and he eased up slightly. He took his hands off of me, but I liked the way he was being.

"It wasn't over just yet," he says.

"Talk to Julia or Veronica, she's off limits."

Diego now that I know his name does a double take of me. His eyes traveled up my body slowly and we made eye contact.

"She's not your type, but you already know that."

He looks at me while he says that and don't get it. How am I not his type? Are we talking look wise or kink wise? Suggesting by his attitude both.

"Funny how you know what I like, are you sure you're not imagining my cock in your ass right now?"

Diego laughs and shakes his head at Grayson. Grayson's demeanor still hadn't changed, he wasn't even laughing.

"Always, you know you like fucking my ass well," Diego laughs.

Always? I looked between them and Diego seemed to be enjoying this. I'm guessing that means they have fucked before. I didn't expect Grayson to like dick. The rest of his word were in Spanish, so I didn't understand but wow.

"What's your name by the way?" He asks, still laughing.

I was going to tell him my name, but I looked at Grayson. His face wasn't giving the most pleasing look. I don't know why I was being so iffy.

I would normally tell Diego, but having Grayson here was strange. Maybe it was because he had me feeling a sort of way.

I looked at Diego, but it couldn't have been that serious. If I tell him what's the harm in doing that.

"Iris," I answered.

Grayson lets out a sigh, but he doesn't say anything. Diego smiled and reached for my hand. He pulled my hands up to his lips and kissed my knuckles.


He let my hand go and I looked up at Grayson again. He rolled his eyes and he still held my waist. Diego walked away and it was just us alone now. He turns me around by the waist and we start walking.

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere," he grunts.

I nod my head and he continues to lead me off down a hallway. This area was restricted to me. I wasn't supposed to be over here.

I was going to get in so much trouble with Rayna. He opens a door and slams it shut behind me.

He comes close to me and I back up. I was against the door and was trapped. He was a lot taller than I imagined. I was guessing he was 6'5 something.

"Grayson," I whispered.

"Shh, don't say anything," he says.

I was scared to say another word so I was going to keep my mouth shut. I avoided his eyes and just stared at his chest in front of me.

"Sit," he orders.

I quickly sat down on the couch that was in his room. I took in his office and it fitted him properly. His couch was soft and comfortable. His desk was all black and he had a Macbook Computer and Macbook Laptop up.

Two flattened dark beige chairs were in front of his desk. The floors were made of white tiles. The walls are a dark Gray with light colored lights. He had a thing for dark colors.

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"I wanted to talk to you," I answered.


"The offer, you and Elijah gave me. I want it, but I know that since Elijah is my Professor it's difficult. I'm willing to try with you if you give me the chance or even try with another Dom," I expressed.

I slowly let our eyes meet, but I looked away for a second. He sat down on the white cushioned couch from across from me. His face held no expression, but his thick brows creased.

"You want to be dominated, why?"

"When I was with the both of you, it was something I never experienced. I have had my fair share of experiences, but nothing like th-that. It makes... makes me wa-want more."

My voice was unsure and a bit stuttery, but I couldn't care. I still said what I thought. I told him that I wanted him sort of.

"Do you know what you're telling me?"

"Yes. I'm telling you that I want you and Elijah told me it was either both of you or nothing. I want to know why."

He leaned back on the couch in the room and I looked into his eyes. I bit my lip anxiously unsure of what he was going to say. His were such a vibrant green that it made me not want to look away. Although his eyes were pretty they held coldness and distance in them. Somehow I feel like I know him.

"Elijah is more of the emotional support, if you want to cuddle, kiss, do fun things with and aftercare you go to him. I might not be able to give you the attention you need, so in a way we created a partnership," he explained.

"Oh, so it's just an arrangement for emotional wise, but still sharing?"

"Yes," he nods.

Alright then, I guess that wouldn't work out then. It was a shame that's how it was gonna have to work out. Grayson's door opened and Elijah walked in. He looked at me first, then Grayson. He shut the door behind him. I wasn't expecting to see him.

Not unless Grayson told him I was here. Shit. I don't see this looking good at all for me. How am I going to explain to Elijah why I'm here?

"Elijah," I say, shocked.

"Iris, I didn't expect you," he said.

"I came unplanned, I wanted to talk to Grayson."

Elijah went and sat down next him, he moved a cushion out of the way. They glanced at each other and Elijah had a curious expression on his face.

"What exactly did you want to talk about with him?"

"My offer that both of you gave, but Grayson explained your partnership."

I tried not to sound disappointed, but I tried to fake a smile. I wasn't sure why I wanted them specifically, but if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be here. I had to think of something somehow.

Elijah was my professor there was no way around it. I wanted him to, he ate my pussy in his office and that was the only thing I could think about. He already risked losing his job, but what if. It was a lot to ask of him, though.

I was just an eighteen year old, who had my whole life ahead of me. He on the other hand might lose everything. It would be selfish of me to ask such a thing, but I still wanted to.

"Say it, you obviously have something on your mind."

I swallowed and I fiddled with my skirt. I traced the bottom of it and I looked at both of them. I looked at Elijah as the words fell out my mouth.

"I want our offer, but you being my professor makes it difficult. It's selfish of me to ask you to risk your job, just for this."

"If I was to risk it, there's a lot of rules that we have to follow while in school," he says.

My eyes widened at what he said. He didn't completely shut down the idea and he didn't say yes. He just said there has to be rules. I looked at Grayson who was clenching his jaw. Okay, he might not be agreeing with that too much.

"You're not saying no or yes? That means that there's a possibility. I completely get if I'm not allowed in your office in school, but I do want to try this whole BDSM thing."

My phone vibrated in my bag and I wanted to check it, but I didn't. I kept my attention on them, I was waiting for one of them to say something. Maybe I needed to say more to them.

"The whole student makes it seem more fun as well. Maybe something you might have never done before," I add, nervously.

I turn my attention to Grayson. I didn't want to seem like my whole attention was on Elijah. I can't believe I'm trying to convince these two to be my Doms.

"Grayson, I get the whole no affection thing. I'm willing to just accept Elijah alone, if there is a chance."

"You need to take an STD test and go to the doctors before an-."

"I'm clean, I haven't had sex in five months. The only thing I have done recently is umm give a blowjob and that's it," I said, hesitantly.

I knew I had to be open about what I have done with them. It gives them a good insight of what I have done before. Maybe the fact I give good blowjobs as their plus one. The slight scowl and interest in Elijah's face was hard to miss.

"To who?" Elijah asked.

"K-Keon, he's the guy I sit with in your lectures."

"I'm aware of who Keon is."

"It was one time, we're just friends. Plus he is talking to two other girls."

"The same with Parker?"

"Parker?" Grayson repeats.

"I promise I have never done a thing with him, he's just super flirty with me."

"Parker?" Grayson repeats, gritting.

"Yeah... don't tell me you know him as well?"


"Okay, but can you guys at least give it a thought. Elijah I don't expect anything from you, so if it's a no from you then I know it's a no from Grayson."

They looked at each other, but they didn't say anything. It was like they were talking with their eyes. They say their for a few moments just talking in silence. I sat there anxiously, not sure of what they might be saying with no words.

Grayson glanced at me and he sighed. I wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing. Grayson got up from the couch and he walked over to his desk.

"You do realize that we want a slave and not a sub right?" Grayson mentioned.

"I know, but maybe we could come to a compromise?"

"I know Elijah will say yes, so we need a few things from you before we go forward with anything," Grayson said.

They were saying yes? They didn't even vocalize it and they came to an agreement. I wondered how well they worked together. I can't believe it there basically saying yes.

My fucking professor and his friend. That's not something that happens everyday. That's what made this so exciting for me and different. I felt like I was in a book. I was living a girls dream.

Especially the fact this type of stuff happens to white girls, never black girls. I couldn't keep the smile off my face after what Grayson said. I just couldn't keep the smile and maybe it was also me just blushing at the same time.

"You need to go over a list of things what you like, what you believe your limits are, things you want from us, your school schedule, and potential worries," Grayson lists.

"Okayy, like right now?"

"No, come back on Sunday and we can go through it," he answers.

"Alright, is there anything I should know that both of you would want from me?"

"Sunday, right now you need to know what you want and don't go blindly into this, because you're horny."

Him saying that took me aback. I wasn't just expecting that. It wasn't just because I was horny. I was curious, I was curious to know what this would be like. I don't say anything to it. Grayson was the meaner one as well.

Elijah completely let Grayson take control as well, he didn't say much. He was just looking at me and my body. Was he thinking about all the nasty things he wanted to do to me. I hoped so.

"I should get going then, is there something you want me to fill out?"

"All this you can do on Sunday, I need your number and email," Grayson spoke, formerly.

He sounded so different from a second ago. I went to his desk and I wrote down my phone number and my email. I couldn't believe this was happening man.

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