court of lies | robert's rebe...

By songofsapphire

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Atera Hightower joins the Red Keep as the lady-in-waiting of the future wife of the crown prince, Elia Martel... More

characters pti
characters ptii
characters ptiii
characters ptiv
pti | the royal wedding
the call
the ladies
the proposal
the dorne
the princess
the storm's end
the feast
the joust
the court
ptii | the florent revolt
moodboards; pti
moodboards; ptii (fashion)
the fool moon
the baby dragon
the death of a queen
the rush hour
the funeral
the rains
the labour
the amber skies
the fine print
the lion and the king
ptiii | the unfinished business
the family line
the dangerous game
the prophecy
the sign of the times
the champagne problems
the sun and the spear
the skyfall
the divine move
the shadow of doubt
the summerhall
ptiv | the kingswood
the fighting pit
the icarus
the poisoned bond
the brotherhood
the sept of baelor
the princess and the queen
the burning embers
the sworn sword
the heartbreak weather
the emperor's new clothes
ptv | the year of the false spring
the harrenhal
the lotus
the kingsguard
the harbinger of war
the mystery knight
the broken crown
the lost stars
the winter roses
the dawn will come
the song of ice and fire
ptvi | the war of the usurper
the north remembers
the labyrinth
the below of the surface
the war council
the bells
the winter solstice

the wedding

277 10 8
By songofsapphire

"this looks like the end of the story; but it isn't"

20th day of the 12th moon, 279 AC, King's Landing

He was walking with a straight spine and a mysterious smirk in his lips. Wearing all black leather with a dark navy doublet, as usual, a sword was hanging from his hips and his jet black hair was messy as usual.

Nobody would have take him for a Velaryon if they didn't know it.

Jacaerys, or Jace as he wanted to be called, was the middle child of Lord Lucerys, he was dasingly handsome in his twenties and favoured his mother's Celtigar and his grandmother's striking Dayne looks. Had blue eyes and straight hair, he wore a short stubble beard, always wore dark and flirted with everything and everyone. He was away too long, some whispered his father sent him away others whispered he was simply sick of his brother, Corlys, the perfect son.

Corlys was a Valyrian through and through, he got their father's and grandfather's Velaryon looks alongside with their grandmother's little Targaryen ones. He was a good commander, not bad soldier and jouster, and absolutely scheming, plotting, traitorous piece of shit -to Jace.

Aurane was the baby and the angel of the family. He was a good sailor, a good captain he could be, he had a charming personality and warm personality, when these mixed with a sharp intelligence, it was easy for him to survive in Aerys' court. Especially now that Lucerys kept Aurane with him allday, everyday.

Some people thought he was going to disinherit both Corlys and Jace in favour of Aurane.

Jace wouldn't mind it though. He loved the sea and adventures, gold and adrenaline, women and rum. When he was a child he wanted to be a pirate, when he grow up, Lucerys forbade him to use that word but Jace was that all but in name. And of course except the raiding villages part -though he did that once and enjoyed it.

Aurane would be a better ruler for Driftmark and better ally for Rhaegar than both Corlys and Jace could ever be. Both made crucial mistakes, both had serious scandals and allegations to their names and Lucerys was disappointed at both. Jace knew the whispers were real to a degree, Lucerys did threaten them using Aurane. Corlys had to get a grip, he married with Ravella, had a child and Lucerys barely started to treat him like a son. Jace left a betroth at home and sailed away, he now wondered what would be Lucerys' reaction.

He knew Aurane would be happy. Jace loved Aurane like a true-brother, more than that actually. He and Corlys never saw eye to eye the way Lucerys and Aethan never did, they had different personalities, different interests, they just never got alone well. Despite all, Jace knew that Corlys loved Aurane too, in his own sick way, the way he loved Jace deep down too.

He was just terrible at showing it.

When he moved to the wing that the small council members stayed with their families, he saw a few familiar faces. Some bowed their head a little to greet him, some turned their head away with anger and the Velaryon soldiers in front of his father's door straightened their backs.

"Tell my father I am here."


She was wearing a simple blue dress with v-neck, light hanging sleeves and a glorious diamon belt on her waist. There were small diamond embodiment on her shoulders too, her hair was mostly straight, only curled at the end and she was wearing a very simple diamond circlet around her head and no other jewelries.

The wedding was going to happen a little more than a week later and everybody were slowly coming to the capital to not to miss the royal wedding. Elia's own parents arrived in the early morning, Lorenza and Aethan still refusing to speak to her.

They were sitting in the common are in the wing that was given to the Reacher nobles. Olenna was there, Arwyn was going to come a few days laters, Amelia had a hard pregnancy. Alerie and Malora were sitting side by side, Rhea was glowing that day and Leyton's other daughters were all around the room. He brought all of his children. Mina and Jana were there, Rhonda Rowan and her mother, Crane sisters, Master of Law's wife and daughter in law, Daven Ashford's little sister, Melessa Florent, Mullendores, Beesburys, Caswells, Costaynes, Fossoways, Redwynes, Peakes and Tarlys and Varners.

Nearly all of the Reacher houses did attended to the wedding, Ravella had joined them too. Unlike the bad blood between Lucerys, Corlys and Leyton, she liked the Hightowers.

Alerie was overly pissed that day and there was a different glimmer in Rhea, almost in an evil way. Atera didn't comment on neither, waited for them to blurt out but Malora was looking at her cautiously. They knew something Atera didn't and this was the first time such a thing was happening.

Olenna had made the servants put out high cocktail tables, she moved to one with Rhea, Mina, Alerie and Malora followed quickly with Ravella and Olenna joined them soon after.

"And why are you glowing, child?", she observed Rhea up and down, her eyes lingered on her belly. "Is there something you wish to herald something?"

Oh she was going to herald something, alright.

There was a content smile on Atera's lips, her eyes were shining with sincerity. She didn't like the idea of the woman being pregnant again but even though she would never say it out loud, she did like her nieces and nephews to a degree, even Rhea's children, even Baelor. Atera was overly peaceful, there was a relaxing happiness in her and she was truly, truly, calm.

She should know something was going to happen.

"I am not with child, my lady, if this is what you are asking.", Rhea smile grew only bigger, Alerie felt small knives stabbing her through her gut and started to glare directly at Atera's face whereas even Malora seemed utterly nervous and upset, she was sending small glances to her. Rhea's eyes found Atera. "The girls know, their father had spoken to them this morning but we didn't want to disturb you."

"Is that so?", she wasn't aware of the horror of her eldest two nieces, even Mina bowed her head, Olenna and Atera were clueless but Ravella but a hand on her shoulder. Atera's eyes shifted to the hand on her arm for a second and then found Ravella's worried blue eyes, she shoke her arm slowly, she hated physical touching if she wasn't the one who was initiating. "Something happened?", she asked with a small smile and a slightly raised eyebrows, she know did realize the tension that even the Valyrian steel couldn't cut it but she was just too ...serene.

"Yes, something so beautiful happened and I want to share it with you."

"Okay.", she said, she was still smiling but her eyes narrowed a little and she sent a confused side glare to Malora who just sighed and turned her back. Rhea was acting like a psychopath. "What is it?"

"Your brother will grand me the title of 'Lady of Oldtown".", she said with utter happiness but her eyes were like a fox's filled with ambition and those eyes were daring Atera.

"Oh.", she said, her eyebrows rose higher, she squeezed the lemonade glass in her hands and put it to the table. "Is that so?", her voice was barely a whisper, she lowered her hands to her two sides and made a fist with them. Ravella took a few steps back, Olenna was surprised, Alerie whimpered.

"Yes.", she declared with glee. And then started to talk and talk and talk and she truly should've shut up but she didn't.

The last Lady of Oldtown was Atera's mother. She held that station for six years until her life was cut off just like her head. Leyton was married and widowed at this point. Alyssa and Vaella Velaryon, Meredyth Crane, his previous three wives, all died in childbed. Leyton soon after met with Rhea, impregnated her and then married her, their father allowed it with one condition; she was not going to sully the position of the lady of the castle as a bastard and Leyton agreed to it. This was almost fourteen years ago.

Rhea was just Leyton's wife, nothing more. A legitimized bastard, people called her 'lady' as a courtesy title not because she was an actual lady and she held absolute no power in Leyton's household or children or state matters or anything. She had to bow to even her own children logically, it was Alerie's job to run the household until she married and then Atera did it for a short time (she actuall still was ruling his household in secret, she always did) and right now Malora was acting as some kind of a regent for that position.

Atera didn't leak her affair with Jacen because of her own traumas and deep down she wanted to hurt Leyton more than anyone else. But the main reason she was partly okay with it was the fact that Rhea was nothing and she was never going to be something. Surely, Lynesse could find a good husband, maybe even a second son, due to her beauty and the Reach filled with many unwed noble girls who would kill to marry a Hightower and Oldtown had many strongholds, villas and such, Humfrey and Gunthor would be respected under this name.

But they would never be something.

This was a soothing thought, this was the only soothing thought in the days Rhea angered her more than anything. She wanted to out her when she desperately wanted to betroth her with her sick brother -sick in mind, not physically, he was a monster, but she held her tongue. She feared Leyton, she feared for Leyton. She wanted to hurt him by telling him about the affair, wanted to wreck his heart but also the thought of it killed her. She was torn between the love and hate she felt for her eldest brother and the only soothing thought, the only thing that made her function like a human being and not bash Jacen's head to a wall was they were not going to be fucking something.

They were not fucking supposed to.

Baelor was his heir and Baelor was supposed to inherit after Leyton. Alerie was Alyssa's daughter, it was her right to marry Mace. Then came Malora. Even Leyton's Crane children were not supposed to be something but his Florent ones? The ones that aren't even his?

Naming Rhea as the Lady of Oldtown was a fucking invitation for an invasion. How on earth Leyton did not see it? And suddenly she saw everything crystal clear. She always saw Rhea as what she was, an ambitious woman who dreamed to rose higher than she could. But for the first time, she did realize how gone she actually were.

She was going to put her own son to Leyton's seat.

If this was going to be declared, he gave her power to do anything she want to do. The Reach were more progressive in women's right than the other Northern Kingdoms though not as much as Dorne. Leyton treasured women even more, having six daughters and a sister who never shut up helped his views to change a lot but even Gerard, who did unspeakable things to the women in his life, took council from Jenica and even Florence before her, even them had limitless power in Oldtown.

How long would it take for Rhea and Jacen to plot to get rid of Leyton, Baelor and Garth and put Humfrey to the seat of Oldtown?

She felt the anger starting inside of her, more powerful than she felt in a very long time. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself down but she failed to do so, her breathing started to get fasten, she clenched her jaw a few times and Rhea was still talking.

"Leyton thought this was a beautiful anniversary gift though it's two moons later. But he was always the romantic one, your brother. He told me that I deserved that position more than anyone else and even apologized for not granting me before, isn't it lovely?"

Atera smiled uncontrollably due to anger, and her hands gripped the table, she was holding it too tight that she feared her nails had broken, a flush of whiteness covered her hands because of the grip. Her smile died soon and she heard Denyse's horrified whisper.

"She is going to kill her."

Atera still didn't open her eyes but she heard the dying talks in the room, it seemed everybody was waiting for her to explode. Oh but she was nice and good for moons now. She played her part without sarcasm and scolding and sulking, she acted like a proper lady, even hold herself back for not to argue with Leyton, she smiled and danced and talked, gave her favour to Cardan Blackmont when she could shove it down to his throat, she was the perfect lady, she was Alerie for moons.

Yet people expected her to fucking snap.

They didn't deserve her calmness or affection or her good graces. They deserved her anger instead and Rhea was still fucking talking.

"Leyton told me that I would be even better than your mother.", Atera opened her eyes immediately and if the looks could kill, Rhea would blow up to million pieces at that point, even Olenna seemed to be taken aback with that comment. Rhea was an idiot, Leyton was an imbecile. Latter prepared a bed for an usurpation attempt while warning her to not to create scandals and the former was showing her true colours to everyone but well, of course she was doing it, she was going to be the Lady of Oldtown now, more than half of the women there was going to have to bow to her now and they would roam around her to grand favours from Leyton. "And well, I told him the bar is low then.", she let out a very lively laugh and Atera was sure that everybody gasped.

Rhea was a coward, an idiotic coward who was good at manioulating Leyton. Not because she was smarter than him but Leyton was weak, just the way Baelor and Alerie were weak. He wanted to be different than their father and lost the meaning along the way. Gerard was a monster who burnt villages he was sworn to protect because they said a bad word about his mistress, Leyton was just dumb at this point. He mixed goodness with stupidness. Any men other than him would stop and think a moment after their daughter told them that his wife cuckholded him with his cousin but no, no Leyton was better than that, he just went on and granted her a fucking title instead.

Imbecile, she thought, imbecile, she screamed in her mind. Her brother was an imbecile and she was not going to let that happen. Somebody needed to open Leyton's eyes to the reality, make him understand that the world was not perfect and sometimes taking necessary measures weren't as same as tyranny and cruelty. One would thought as a man of eight and thirty, father of ten children, and the a powerful lord for almost a decade, he would know these things. But her blind brother was meeker than a cat when it came to his family, to his wife actually, everybody knew he had claws when it came to Atera.

"I will not allow it.", she said with a very low voice, her eyes trying to burn a whole in Rhea's face.

The elder woman's laugh died out slowly and Alerie gripped Malora's hand tight enough to hurt her, her eyes got widened to a point her eyelids weren't visible at all. "Gods be good.", she whispered, pulling her sister closer to her, Malora was looking like she was going to catch Atera if she would physically attack to Rhea but Alerie seemed like she would pulled Malora back to let Atera.

"Excuse me?", she rose her head but if was pointless, Atera was a lot taller than her.

"Leyton is an imbecile.", she declared with a loud voice and few people gasped and whispered, the rest shushed them quickly. "And you are a bastard."

Lynesse was in the room, if she would be in her right mind, she would remind herself this but she frankly didn't give a fuck about her youngest niece at this moment. Alysanne hugged her, Leyton's Crane daughters didn't like Rhea and were aware of the feud between her and their aunt and sisters and they were aware of the Atera's catashtropic anger but it was a long while since they last saw it. Lynesse was witnessing it for the first time but well, Rhea was a shit mother to her so she didn't even think about stopping her aunt or defending her mother.

"Tomorrow this is going to be a treason.", Rhea leaned to her and smirked. "You cannot say such things about the Lady of Oldtown. I am not your mother, I have a pride, I will not allow it."

"You are a whore, that's what you are."

Atera's voice got sterner, as so many people remembered. She was talking with a more collected accent and a higher voice for the past few weeks, truly imitating Alerie in a way. Her normal day voice was thicker than that, still melodic and feminine, but it had very sharp edges sometimes, Alerie's voice was always more light and cheerful whereas Malora too had a bit thicker voice than usual. And Atera's accent wasn't that slow and loose like the Reacher's or collected and clear like the Crownlands. Her accent sounded more like a Westerlander. It was more elegant and Southern-like than them but it was still too high classy for the Reach and not as posh as the Crownlands.

Rhea straightened her shoulders. "I am going to be your lady soon enough and you will have to respect me, bow to me, you will never be able to speak to me like this ever again or there will be consequences.", she put a hand on her arm which made Atera even agrier, Rhea changed her face to a fake soft one, Atera wanted to punch her just to wipe off the smirk. "I know that once you calm down, you will be happy for me, right, sister?"

Atera looked at her and nodded her head to herself, pursed her lips and pulled her arm back. "If you call me sister once again, I will throw you from the beacon of the Hightower.", then she turned around with a storm, colour draining from Rhea's face, Atera asked sharply to the guard in the door who was looking overly unfomfortable. "Where is he?"

"In Lord Velaryon's chambers, my lady."


"Atera wait!"

Arys was outside of the chamber, talking to a few men with a scowl, when he saw his cousin walking like a hurricane he tried to stop her but Atera pushed his hand away. Alerie and Malora were rushing behind her with worry and the Velaryon guards looked at each other, not sure what to do but Atera didn't need them, she held the big black iron door handles and pushed them with fury.

"Have you lost your mind?", she almost screamed.

Leyton was sitting on his chair, pointing something in the map, when he saw his sister he made a small 'ah' sound and put his hands to the table and stood up, went to her with a shooting smile.

"So you heard about my decision."

"What decision?", Baelor asked with a frown, him and Garth were sitting next to each other and were looking at Atera with a weird look, they weren't sure what could have possibly anger her this much. "Father?"

"I always knew you were an imbecile but I never thought you would go this far.", she spatted and Leyton seemed to taken aback for a moment but then took a deep breath and put a hand on her arm.

"I unders-"

"You don't understand shit!", she cut his speech and shrugged her arm out of his touch. "If you would have a brain inside of your head you wouldn't make such a foolish decision to being with."

Rhaegar was standing in the corner of the room with Jon, Oswell and Arthur around him, all were watching the dialogue between siblings with wonderment. Lucerys was also in the room, one hand around wide-eyed Aurane, Jace was leaning his back to his chair, eyes wandering around Atera, Aethan was narrowing his eyes at her, as if he was trying to see something. Corlys was surprised too, Doric knew what this was about so did a very uncomfortable looking Claron, Axell Florent was smiling to his cups, Mace and Paxter shared a look and Gerold was scowling at his niece's behaviour.

"Atera calm down.", Leyton blinkied with irritation. "You are acting like a child, let me explain first."

"What is there to explain?", she roared one more time, she was in no state to listen Leyton, she had enough. "How could you do such a thing after everything Alerie had told you?"

"I thought you didn't believe to that?"

"I expected you to investigate the situation, not reward her for it!", she took a step back. "You have no right to do such a thing."

"Sister,", Leyton smiled at her, tied his hands behind his back and straightened his spine. He had a calm demeanor but his eyes were shining with anger. "I do understand your surprise, you weren't expecting such a thing and well, I wanted to be the one who tells you this first, I wanted you to hear it from me but it seems Alerie couldn't keep it to herself-"

"Alerie didn't tell me anything.", she deadpanned. "Rhea did."

Leyton raised his eyebrows for a second. "Good then, thought as I said, I would prefer it to explain this mylsef but she has the right to do so either. I do understand why you might be upset-"

"Upset?", she scowled deeply. "I am not upset, why would I be upset? I am angry.", she deadpanned once more. "I am disappointed. These are different things."

"I am not following,", Garth blinked a few times. "what happened?"

"Your father decided to name your step-mother-", Garth grimaced to it. "as the Lady of Oldtown. Haven't you heard?"

"No.", Garth said with disgust.

"Well maybe if for once you would have raise your head away from your cups you would.", she snarled. Garth took a step back, Baelor's eyes were focused on Leyton.

"How on earth is this my fault?", Garth asked with a hiss.

"Children, enough.", Leyton warned him and turned to Atera once more, his face was firm now. "As my wife, Rhea deserves this title and I will not discuss my decisions with you. I might be your brother but I am also your lord. You will learn to respect me."

Atera shifted her angry eyes from Garth and snapped it to Leyton's. "Respect is earned.", she pressed every word, watched the way Leyton's face got darker. "It is not given. And you haven't earned it yet."

Lucerys shievered, he heard Jenica saying those exact words to Tywin as if it happened yesterday, even Aethan seemed to remember that day, sent a side eye to his brother.

"The decision is set.", Leyton said emotionless.

"You cannot even do as you wish when I am cold in grave, brother.", she leaned to him. "I will not allow such a thing to happen. Are you this blind?", she raised her voice once more. "Can't you truly see the dangers of such a decision posses? Are you this willing to destroy everything for one woman who doesn't deserve it at all?"

"I don't see a point of this conversation. Unless you are going to claim what Alerie said was right. I truly wonder would you dare to go that far."

Only Mace knew what he meant and he looked at Leyton with almost horror and gasped. Atera wasn't an angry person, she truly was not. She preferred push down her emotions until she forgets she had them. She would absorbe everything until she had no room for that. Wreak havoc, Paxter told her a few moons ago and it seemed she finally found a target to do so.

"You know they say our father couldn't seem to die.", she spoke with a very low and cold tone and Gerold's seemed as if someone hit him, Leyton rose his head high. "Gods didn't let him give his final breath, not after everything he had done.", she took a few steps to Leyton, eyes burning with anger. "It seems to me that you will share the same end with him, if not worse."

Then she turned out and left the room with angry steps. Rhaegar turned to look at Jon with a side eye, Jon in return whispered a very low 'maybe it was a good thing you did not marry her'.

"For the record,", Doric's head was low, he grimaced and rose it, put a hand on very effected Leyton. "I told you this was a fucking bad idea."

"You know now I realized who she reminds me.", Aethan leaned and whispered into Lucerys. "Surely she resembles aunt Dael-"

"I always knew you were a slow man but this is on another level.", Lucerys rolled his eyes but with a glint of nervousness. "Of course she resembles aunt Daella, she is her grandmother."

Aethan sent him a look. "If you would let me finish; she does resembles aunt Daella but she looks lile our grandfather.", he patted his arm once. "I know this anger, Maekar had that. Also Daella's hair was white, hers is light blonde -just like him. The only thing she surely took it after Daella is her eyes. Other than that, she is completely Maekar."

Lucerys narrowed his eyes towards the door, trying to remember his grandfather then a shiver shoke his spine. "Yes, yes, she does look like him."


"Princess Elia.", Tywin bowed his head a little, it was completely unrespectable greeting but Elia chose not to comment on it.

"Lord Hand.", she said without standing up, answering his disrespect with hers. "What brought you here?"

Elia was sitting on the queen's garden with two guards and Ashara. She wasn't expecting any meetings that day.

"I wanted to speak with you before the wedding, to warn you on some things.", his eyes lingered on her guards and Ashara. "If we could have a private word."

He aimed to caught me alone to threaten me, Elia thought, she wasn't going to let him. "Whatever you wish to tell me, my lord, you can tell in front of Lady Ashara. We have no secrets from each other."

"Now that you are going to marry the prince and will held position in the king's court, I strongly suggest you to start to have secrets.", Tywin Lannister was a strange man. She never met him before his wife died but both of her parents had mentioned time and time again that he was at least a bit endurable while she was alive, he got so much worse afterwards. "Or else you might get hurt."

"On the contrary, I think I might get hurt if I possess secrets.", Elia smiled towards him. "That way people can use them against me but I value being as transparent as I can be."

"This is not the way of a royal.", Tywin gritted his teeth barely but Elia caught the movement, she stood up.

"According to who?"

"Prince Rhaegar-"

"What happens between me and my future husband should only concern me and my future husband, don't you think Lord Tywin? I am sure as the Hand of the King you have many valuable advices you can give it to me to secure my position as the Princess of Dragonstone but the details of my marriage surely shouldn't be one of them.", she tilted her head. "Any counsel you wish to tell me?"

"I thought you would be upfront and courageous like your mother.", he nodded to himself. "But now I see you are arrogant and think highly of yourself, like your father.", he took a step towards her. "Your father couldn't manage to survive in the court, do not ever forget that."

"Still my father achieve more than you could ever do.", she never forgot the humiliation she had to endure in Casterly Rock, grief was no excuse. "His daughter is going to be the future queen, while yours will not."

His face got darken and for a moment he seemed to strike her but then he took a step back. "We will see.", then he turned his back and left.

Ashara asked a moment later. "Are you sure it is good idea to make an enemy out of Tywin Lannister?"

"Tywin Lannister had been my enemy for nearly a decade now.", she said nonchalantly, still looking to the path he left with a determination in her eyes. "He humiliated my mother, my father, my brother and me, he thought so highly of himself but the faith finally interefered and now, I will rise and I will make my family rise while he will rue the day he cross with me."

"All I am saying El,", she hugged her from behind and held her hands. "you have no friends in the court except maybe the queen and the prince. And the queen has no real power and you can never be sure of him until the wedding is consummated. That's when they show their true colours. Maybe you could play pretend this once in front of him, at least you could wait until the wedding."

"Ever since I became an option for the prince, my life was on danger.", she turned to her best friend. "He is going to do anything to get rid of me and place his child in my station. He would do this to any other woman that isn't his daughter but with me it is personal.", she whispered. "Why would I seem weak and obedient in front of him when I am not? Why would I give him any wrong ideas that it is easy to get rid of me or replace me? I am well and I am strong and I will wear that crown one day. Not even Tywin Lannister can stop this."


"Trouble in our new princess?", Varys' slow accent reached to Tywin's ears and he took a troubled breath.

"What do you want, Varys?", he didn't turn towards him, waited Varys to walk in front of him. "You have been trying to speak to me for days now, what is it you want desperately."

"I think we both are after the same thing, for now.", he tilted his head. "Save our prince from that sand dog."

"Dornish or not she is a princess.", Tywin warned him. "Low-born foreigners like you cannot speak about a royal like this.", yes he would want to get rid of Elia Martell and bore no love nor respect for her or her family but she was Westerosi at the end of the day and Varys was not. "Know your place."

"All I am saying that maybe we can find a middle ground just this once."

"And you are suggesting what? An alliance to get rid of a child? Can't you do it alone? Don't you think I can do it alone?"

"Why should we bother ourselves with this trouble more than we should, is all I am asking, my lord?", Tywin narrowed his eyes and Varys knew he had an opening. "Surely we both have different ideas about who should be the prince's wife instead but our main goal is the same; it shouldn't be Elia Martell.", Tywin nodded and he continued. "Right now the royal family seems they are happy with the match. The king, the queen and most importantly the prince. Killing the girl is too suspicious and the prince would never set her aside for another woman's favour, but still, the prince could set her aside."

"Rhaegar would never.", Tywin shook his head, Varys should have know that. "He is a dutiful boy, would respect his wife and do his duties against her. Would never think of looking to another woman even if she would prove herself barren, he would rather name Viserys as his heir than to humiliate the girl."

"This is why I said he wouldn't do it for another woman's favour. But he may do it for his family's favour.", Tywin sent him a confused look. "The prince is devoted to his family and is after wining the king's favour and all.", he explained. "If the king would show that he does not approve this match, the prince would be torn between his duties against the crown and against this girl and surely, the former would win."

"And what is your plan?"

"Do not go against me in the council when I tell the king about her fragile health."

"But it is a known thing that her health is fragile. Dorne and Dragonstone are completely two different regions, if she gets sick in Dorne easily, she would be much worse in Dragonstone but Pycelle said it is no danger to the children she will carry."

"Maester Pycelle is under your control, no? He could easily change the narrative. We should convince the king that she is either completely barren or there is a high possibility of it. And of course if we can trigger the king's paranoia,", he sent a pointed look to Tywin. "if the king does not attend to the wedding, let's say fearing for his life, it would easily be understood as an insult against the Dorne and against his new daughter by law because the whole court knows he was getting better. His absence would disturb the prince greatly and would give the signal of distrust to the whole realm."

"And how are you intented to keep him away from the wedding? He was rather excited about it.", he stopped trying to understand Aerys a long time ago.

"Tell me if you agree with my plan or not, my lord, and leave the rest to me."

Tywin thought about it for a second, he could make things right himself but Cersei was in hysterics in the past days and Jamie was moody. He didn't have time for such minor things and it would be easier for Varys to handle it for him. "Make him not to attend the wedding and we will talk afterwards."


21th day of the 12th moon, 279 AC, King's Landing

He didn't sleep the whole night, tossed and turned around, rejected Rhea's presence and refused to speak with anyone else. He knew Atera's tongue was poisonous and she saw nothing when she got angry but this was too much. He couldn't breath the whole night, her words repeating in his mind, making him go crazy.

He suprassed it all the next day.

It was a new dawn, new sun, a chance for a new beginning and the name day of his only sister. He got up and got ready as if nothing had happened yesterday and he walked towards Lucerys' office, his stay here would be short and he agreed to share his space with his former father in law, for the first time they seemed to be on the right page.

Velaryons were inside, thanks to the Gods Jace wasn't here. He couldn't deal with him yesterday due to Atera's screams but he noted in his mind to speak to him soon enough. He was not going to let that leech roam around his sister any longer than he should have. Doric and his uncle were also there, Baelor was refusing to speak with him ever since he found out what he was intended to do, and a few Dornish nobles alongside with Alerie, Mace and Garth were all sitting there.

All of his children turned their heads away when he entered and he narrowed his eyes at them.

He was no idiot, he was aware of the dangers Rhea could cause against his children but it seemed too out of reach for him. His children were smart, and they were actively waiting for a danger, an attempt agains thtem already. Rhea could never manage to kill them all with a single movement and even if she could manage to take Oldtown, she could never manage to hold it. The only pleasuble casualty in any scenario was him and his life was not a precious thing to him, he could take the risk.

And he would explain this all to his sister if she wouldn't decide to yell and threaten and curse him was a better idea.

"Captain Salvador is waiting in the other room, he told me that you summoned him.", Lucerys was in a bad mood because he too seemed not to trust on Leyton and he probably wondered if he went mad or not.

Leyton completely forgot about it. Captain Salvador was Lysene, they had been making business even when Gerard was ruling Oldtown. They were friends in some aspects. He had summoned him there personally to buy a gift for the royal couple and of course for his sister. His mind was too clouded with everything happened between him and Alerie, he forgot to buy something for her. And Leyton was smart enough not to do same mistake twice.

"You can let him in."

He said with a bored tone and realized the prince and the princess in the corner, surrounded by Prince Oberyn, he clenched his jaw, he did not forgot the slight he committed against his son, her ladies and his kingsguard. He bowed his head to them and sat next to Doric. At least there was one person in the room who did not want to strangle him.

Salvador entered bowed and after a few expected small talk, he made a motion for his men to put out his newly belongings. There were ten necklaces at total, Doric smirked to him. "You forgot to buy her something, haven't you?", he murmured and Leyton sent him a look.

"Let me introduce them.", his Common Tongue wasn't that good and Leyton's High Valyrian was emberassingly limited for a man who had a very stubborn Targaryen grandmother who tried to taught him for more than a decade. "I call this sīmontan, uhm-", he grimaced. "rosa, rose.", he translated himself.

It was a fine peace, made by yellow diamonds, it had three chains of it, it wasn't a choker but wasn't long either. Then it had two small rectangulars towards the chest and between them there was a small flower. It wasn't bad but wasn't that good either. It was a simple piece, looked like something Alerie would wear rather than Atera. Mace seemed to think the same so he rose and pursed his lips, looked at it from a close angle. One of his sisters would like it as well.

Salvador sent them a satisfied look and started to tell the other. "Your house colours m'lord,", he began to tell. "is kasta,", green. "and this is emerald, it would suit well to your daughters."

"I will not buy something for my daughters.", Leyton leaned forward to observe the necklace. "I am searching something for Atera."

Salvador's eyes went wide, Atera was his best client. "Jaes sagon sȳz,", he murmured. "I would bring other matreials if I would know it was for your mandia, m'lord. I have many untouched gemstones, I can make something new for her, if you wish."

"We don't have time for it.", he could buy this one. It was once again wasn't long, covered the neck but wasn't a choker. It consisted 16 circle shaped emeralds which all of them were embodied with 10 small dimonds in their outside circles and between each emerald there was a small dimond. "I need to buy something now."

"How about this one?", Doric pointed out one of them and Leyton rolled his eyes.

"Choose your gift yourself."

"I already bought her one.", he said with pride and Leyton slowly turned his head towards him. Normally it would be Doric who forgot to buy one.

"What did you buy to her?", he asked with confusion. "Where is it?"

"I tried to put it inside of the castle but,", he sent an eye roll to their uncle. "someone said no."

"You cannot put a horse inside of the castle, Doric, you should learn this by now.", Gerold was leaning back to his chair, watching his nephews like a hawk.

Leyton sent a tired look to his brother and went to look the one he was pointing at. It was bad, it had a pearl chain and first it had light rectangular-shaped emerald hanging from it with a golden frame and then a dark coloured emerald was tied to it, again with a golden frame. Atera would never use such a thing but maybe Leyla would. She wore weird jewelry pieces that Leyton was not fond of.

"You truly have no idea what she likes, right?"

"She likes valuable jewelry and this one.", he shrugged.

"I am searching for something unique.", he turned to Salvador.

"They had a fight yesterday and Leyton knows he is in the wrong so he is trying to make her forgive him.", Doric blurted and Leyton shook his head at him.

"I am not in the wrong and I have no such an aim. It was her who overreacted and should apologize."

"The last time you expected her to apologize it took more than a year for you two to talk again and still, she did not apologized.", Baelor murmured from his book. "Maybe it is a pointless wish, father."

Doric raised his eyebrows. "I mean, your boy is right, brother. You know she gets angry when you make stupid decision, maybe you should have been more careful.", Leyton clenched his jaw.

"It is common sense,", Baelor said sharply. "to not to anger an already angry person. It seems some of us do not posses it.", he murmured and Leyton took a deep breath.

"Baelor, come here.", his son shared a look with Lucerys and then put the book down and stood up, approached to him but stopped at a distance. Leyton put a hand on his shoulder. "You are my son and my heir, and nothing,", he pressed the word and squeezed Baelor's shoulder. "nothing,", he sent a sharp look to Velaryons who visibly seemed to relax. "can change that. But if you are expecting me to apologize, I am afraid you have to wait even longer than I because I had no intention to cause a slight. I was going to tell you before your aunt burst out that way. I had no intention to hide it from you."

Alerie snorted. "Yes, brother, our father wanted to cause you no slights. He only wished to cause me one.", Mace held her hand delicately.

Leyton kept holdin Baelor's shoulder. "What happens in my marriage is only concers me, Alerie. I just realized what kind of a mistake I did by letting you get involved with it."

"What?", she turned to him. "Ever since you married her she is always right and we are always in the wrong, father. Just this time I hoped maybe you could see logic. Guess I was wrong."

Only Mace knew what they were talking about.

"I had investigate what you told me.", he said with a warning tone. "And I found no evidence and realized maybe it was easy for you to make such an assumption because you do not respect her enough. My actions are caused directly by yours, you have no right to blame me because I had no such thoughts before."

"You think I made it up?", she asked with defiance, the room was getting tense once again, Leyton hated talking about family matters in front of strangers.

"I think you misunderstood what you saw.", he shrugged. "Your aunt thinks so too?"

"Oh, Atera thinks I misunderstood?", she raised her eyebrows and asked with anger. "What did you expect it to happen father, she would deny it even if she would see it with her own eyes.", she stood up slowly. "You know what I think about it? I think you used her. You never ask her counsel about your 'marriage', why do it now? Because you wanted to convince yourself that I was lying and your wife was as pure as a newborn, as usual, and the only person in this world who could give you this was Atera because of the reasons we both know well. I think it was a low move and I think, deep down, you know that I am right and this is why you went to her. If you wanted a neutral point of view, you would chose literally anyone else."

Leyton nodded his head to himself, Baelor shared another look with Lucerys. "According to this thought process,", he said with a husky voice, cleared his throath. "we can say what you did was also a low move.", Alerie seemed to be taken aback with this. "You already knew that I would go and consult her so you went her first, to do what? Convince her, manipulate her, get her on your team? Don't you think even saying such an assumption loud is a direct disrespect to your aunt or your hatred for Rhea blinded you this much?"

"I would never-"

"But you did.", he cut her speech. "It's almost you are my daughter,", he said with a playful and bored tone. "knowing what I will do and doing exactly the same while condemning me."

Alerie seemed to be speechless. "I will retire to my chambers.", she rose her head. "I do not wish to talk about this matter."

"Alerie.", Leyton took a deep breath and reached his hand towards her eldest daughter. Alerie looked at it with sadness but accepted the white flag, went to hug him and Leyton whispered to her ear. "I am not doing this to hurt you but I am sorry that this is causing you pain.", at least other people in the room ahd a decency to busy themselves with something else, except Lucerys and Corlys.

Alerie tightened her hug for a second and then break it. "Father.", she made him a small curtsy. "Grandfather, your grace.", she curtsied everyone and left.

"What was this about?", Baelor turned to look at his father.

"Nothing you should worry over.", Leyton patted his shoulder and sent a look to the Dornish party.

Andric Dayne, Larra Blackmont, Tremond Gargalen -and of course Prince Oberyn, Princess Elia, Ser Arthur and Ashara Dayne. Then there was Prince Rhaegar and Ser Oswell, talking with the princess. Lucerys and Corlys were sitting close with now Aurane also looking to the necklaces and his uncle's eyes were burning Leyton's face. Garth and Mace were whispering to each other. Leyton hoped Mace wouldn't tell it to him, he wasn't naïve enough to think maybe Mace didn't know.

Salvador sent him a cautious look and pointed another necklace. "These are Lysene nūmio,", pearls. "The chain you see here is pure āeksion, it is the most valuable piece in here, suitable for Lady Atera."

Leyton liked that one well enough but then Doric interrupted. "What about this one?"

"This is daor sȳz,", he said with a grimace. "The emerald is quba, not jorrāelagon, not worthy for your mandia.", he dismissed it though the necklace seemed well enough.

It had two chains of small pearls from each side that had gold strings in between then four light emeralds with two small dimonds between them tied to a very small light emerald and another big one hanged from it, all the emeralds had silver frames.

"What about this one?", Baelor rolled his eyes. "Atera would like this enough."

"This is vok!", Salvador claimed, rushed to that piece and Lucerys leaned over to look at it. It was pure gold very thin chain, it had three small circle shaped gold madallions in each side with the symbols of dragons and on the front there were three big golden suns with stars on the outer circle and emeralds on the front. "This is a verdlitan.", Leyton sent him a clueless look.

"Remake.", Baelor turned to him. He, Alerie and Malora knew how to speak High Valyrian due to their Velaryon inheritage, it seemed to caught Rhaegar's attention as well.

"King Maekar himself made a necklace just like to his ābrazȳrys, the dārilaros Dyanna.", Salvador said, seeiming too sure of himself.

"Yes, I do remember seeing a similar piece amongst the crown jewels.", Lucerys said with a small voice, still leaning over to the necklace. "It was Prince Rhaegel's design if I am not mistaken.", he had never met the man, he born almost a decade later he died but he remembered his mother telling him. "He never got to give it to her because she died."

"It is the most mundagon event.", Salvador nodded and seemed visibly upset. "It is a meritorious piece, I was saving it for you.", he whispered to Leyton. "Yes it is expensive but it is worthy to your mandia, no?"

Leyton's eyes were focused on the dragon sigils. "It is going to be a name day gift, to celebrate her birth. I don't want it to be connected with a tragic death.", he made up, but he could maybe give it to his aunt, Arwyn. If Lucerys knew the necklace surely Arwyn knew it too.

"As you wish m'lord.", Salvador bowed his head and this time Garth pointed out a piece.

"What about this one?"

"Ah!", he made a loud click sound. "This is the most expensive peace in my collection, Ser but you always had a sȳz laes for jewellery."

Leyton sent a look to his smirking son. It was not the prettiest one and it didn't seem suitable to Atera but the others didn't either. It wasn't a normal shaped necklace, it was different than the others. It had big diamonds and moonstones and pearls and it had five flower shapes in total.

"Skorkydoso olvie?", Baelor asked, he liked speaking in High Valyrian to improve it but he didn't had many chances to do so.

"İstiti daor ivestragon ziry naejot aōha kepa, byka āeksio iā kostas iderēbagon daor naejot sindigon ziry.", he whispered to Baelor with a grin and he laughed.

"You do know that I know a bit of Valyrian, yes?", he narrowed his eyes at them. "I am not entirely clueless."

"This has the same odre, m'lord.", he suggested another one, realizing Leyton didn't approve the other. This was silver and diamond, more suited to a married woman than Atera but it was glorious and she would probably like it.

"This looks more suitable for your sister.", Gerold pointed with a deep breath, he had long stopped trying to play the moderator between them, they screamed and cursed each other and pretended nothing happened the other day though Atera's words hurt him even more. "More appropriate for her age."

It had silver chains with three dark silver squres with little sapphires on the middle of it, two circle shaped light silver framed sapphires on the front with a big ellipse shaped one in the front. Leyton liked that more.

"This is an orvorta piece.", he pointed out. "I wouldn't lioragon ziry to an ordinary āeksio but I can make an exception for you."

"I like this one better.", Doric pointed out the last necklace. It was diamond and emerald had four triange shaped small emerald hangins on them. "She has a similar looking to that one, uncle."

Leyton took a deep breath. "Summon my sister.", he turned to his guard. "I cannot deal with another yelling match, she can decide herself."

Garth groaned and Salvador's eyes shone with greed. Atera was probably going to buy all of them, since she was extremely mad at Leyton right now and always loved to spend his money. They waited for her almost half an hour, clearly thought about not to come. She entered the room with a stoic face and cold eyes, she was wearing the same dress she wore in the feast in Storm's End, the off-the-shoulder navy one that made her eyes look like stars on a dark night.

"Your grace.", she bowed to the prince and to the princess with a calm tone, Leyton was eyeing her with caution. She seemed calm and collected but Leyton knew it better than this. There was no way she could get calm down this easily. "Uncle.", she averted his eyes and then turned to her brother, raised an eyebrow. "Leyton."

"Atera.", they looked at each other with dare for like a minute until Leyton took a defeated breath and pulled her to a hug. "Happy name day, honey.", Atera didn't hug him at first but then he whispered to her ear. "This can go on and on and on, I am giving you an out, accept it.", Atera sighed and returned his hug.

"My lady.", Salvador bowed to her deeply, definitely more than her station deserved. "Biare Brōzio Tubis."

"Thank you Salvador."

Suddenly Doric opened his arms with a cheerful manner now that his siblings made a weak peace. "Your born what, nineteen years ago today?", he tilted his head. "Thanks to the Gods you got taller, you were a very small thing."

"As every baby, I venture.", she rolled her eyes. Doric tilted his head but then grinned. "No!", Atera claimed while he approached to her. "Doric, no, I am in no mood for-", Doric hugged her tightly and spunned her around. "Let me go!", Atera said but it was clear that she was having fun. Leyton let himself to calm down he laughed loudly.

"Atera.", Baelor said with a kind tone and hugged her halfly. "Happy name day.", it lacked the sincerity he showed towards his sisters.

Garth didn't said anything loud but opened his arms with a big smile and hugged her tightly. "Thanks to the Gods you were born, can you imagine me alone with this family.", he widened his eyes at her and she laughed a little.

"I get it, I get it, you all love me and such, why am I here?", she turned to Leyton.

"We couldn't decide which gift you would prefer and I know better than risk it.", he shrugged. "Choose it the one you wish."

Atera raised her eyes at him and moved to the necklace, one hand was playing with the square sapphire in her neck, she pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes. Leyton was standing next to him. "Can I ask you something?", she said without taking her eyes from them.

"Of course.", he genuinelt thought she was going to ask him something normal.

"Do I have to choose or can I buy all of them?", she asked him with an innocent look and a whisper and Leyton seemed speechless for a second.

Doric almost spat out his wine and choke on his laugh, Baelor snorted and Garth turned his head away to hide his laugh. "What?", Leyton managed to mutter, he should have seen it coming.

"I liked all of them.", she said as if it was obvious. "And you didn't buy me a gift last year, or the year before, or the year before.", she pointed out with a sweet tone. "You owe me four gifts anyway."

Nobody was actually listening to them, everybody were busy with their own things. Elia and Rhaegar couldn't be alone before the wedding, not after what Varys tried to do so the Dornish nobles and her own uncle and cousins escorted them. But this caught their attention, Oberyn tilted his head a little to Doric and he nodded in return.

"Fine.", Leyton shook his head to her, he wasn't going to argue about this. "Fine, do whatever you want to do."

His family was his biggest weakness and it was starting to show now. Salvador surprassed an excited gasp. "Kesan tepagon zirȳ naejot ao sir, ñuha riña, Se ao kostagon addemmagon tolī.", he told her quickly and Atera dismissed it with her hand.

"Leyton deals with the payment, not me.", she turned to him. "Did you bring my previous orders?"

"Your previous whats?", Leyton turned to her with raised eyebrows.

"Relax Leyton, I paid them myself.", she said with a dismissive tone again, touching to the emerald necklace. "Though they were better than these."

Leyton's eyes were wide with tiredness. "There is no way to please you sometimes, did you know that?", he asked with a loud voice and a rebelling way.

"I simply have a better taste than you.", she shrugged. "But I can use them too, they are not that bad. Maybe think about it better next year.", she turned to him and narrowed her eyes, a sly look appeared in them, she turned her back and murmured. "If you can survive until next year."


"Doric asked me why you asked her to be your lady in waiting.", Oberyn said to his sister a few hours later while they were walking in the gardens. "And I told him I had no idea. I didn't tell him that I just heard it."

"I didn't know I should have report yo everything, brother.", Elia looked at him with a tired acceptance and locked their arm. "It was a sudden idea. She accepted Cardan's request and gave him her favour, I thought maybe she had a brain inside her head and it turned out that she did."

"Elia.", it was secret question.

"Think of it as a business deal.", she painted the picture to him. "You told me she does not wish to marry, as long as she serves me, only I can decide on this so she is safe. And I need to show people that I will not cower by court gossips. It is a win-win situation."

"You trust her then?"

"I only trust myself.", she shrugged. "Mortal men needs to earn it. And she has an extremely long way."

"And your silver prince? What do you think about him?"

"I still don't want you to run through him with a spear, baby brother.", she smiled. "This marriage is going to happen because it needs to be happen."

"You don't have to sacrifice yourself because of my sins.", he seemed guilty all of a sudden. "I never wanted you to pay for my mistakes."

"I am not doing this only for you and you are not only one to blame.", Elia tried to assure him. "We all have a duty against our family, I am merely doing my part."

"When both Doran and I dread from it.", he stopped walking. "Not even mom and dad did their part, they fucked us up."

"They did not do such a thing.", she said sharply. "We both are more than their creatures, no one can fuck us up if we don't allow them. We don't need their pity to heal, we are capable of doing it on our own. We don't need anyone."

"All I am saying that I made a huge mistake in order to piss them off and now you have to marry with the man who stole Arthur from us."

"He didn't stole Arthur.", she rolled her eyes and took a deep breath. "Arthur chose to go away himself, you need to accept this and stop blaming yourself over it. What you had done had a little consequence on affecting his decision."

"How can you be this sure?"

"Because Ashara blames Andric.", she raised an eyebrow. "While I know that you love to see yourself as the center of the world but most of the time you are not, brother and this is one of those situations. Arthur is mad at you as he should be but his main problem is with Andric. It is a family matter. And I chose to marry with the prince myself."

"After rejecting it, begging out mother to stop it."

"She thinks she can control me.", she let out a sigh, her eyes got darker. "I needed to prove her that she cannot. She is not in charge of my life anymore."


24th day of the 12th moon, 279 AC, King's Landing

"There is a week now until the wedding.", Arthur kneeled next to him, they were in Rhaegar's balcony with a cup of wine again, they were alone. "How are you feeling?"

"I know that I should probably feel nervous or excited but I feel normal.", Rhaegar admitted with a sight. "It doesn't feel like a threshold.", he snorted. "You probably think I am talking nonsense after I gave you multiple headaches in the past year all to secure this marriage. And it is probably unfair to Elia but there is nothing I can do to lift my spirits. It seems like a normal day for me, like nothing is going to change."

"Nothing is going to change.", Arthur pulled a leg to himself, their shoulders were touching, both were on the floor, leaning to the wall, looking to the balcony rails. "And a lot is going to change. You will be freer and happier in Dragonstone, you will be able to rule your own seat properly this time. And Elia will be your support, you will be a father soon, I hope. Children to raise, people to attend, a wife to cherish. But the rest of the world will stay the same. Varys will plot against you, Tywin will plot against your father and the rest of his council will attack like vultures to the fallen one. It is a treshcold because you are entering an entirely new chapter in your life, you yourself will change but not the others."

"Always helpful like usual.", he pinched his nose. "What if I fail?"

"Fail what?"

"Everything.", he whispered. "What I I fail to be a good and just prince to my people in Dragonstone and rest of the kingdom? What if I will get corrupted like my father? Everybody says, even my mother, that he was a promising young prince, they say my father saw him as en enemy, a rival. And now everyone calls me that, and now it is my own father who sees me as an enemy, who doubts my actions. What if it is also my destiny to be like him?"

"We both know what your destiny is.", Arthur reminded him. "We both know what lies ahead of you. We both know what your purpose is.", he referenced to the prophecy that bounded them together. "And you are nothing like the king, Rhaegar. I do not know his youth but Gerold does and Gerold thinks you are different than him. He was a revolutionary prince in his youth because of his predecassors. People compared him to Aegon the Conqueror because they had the same ideologies. Aenys was weak and Maegor was cruel, Jaehaerys favoured old souls while Viserys gave everyone what they wanted, Rhaenyra was blinded by her ambitions and Aegon had no interest in ruling, the other Aegon was traumatized, Daeron was too daring, Baelor was too pious and Viserys too old, Aegon didn't value merit, Daeron gave too many chances to too many people, Aerys didn't rule the realm himself and Maekar was unforgiving, Aegon cared about smallfolk more than nobles and lost the balance along the way and Jaehaerys feared the young, treasured the old. Only the king gave a chance to the young men in his court just like Aegon did once. This is why people refer him as a promising prince. You are different than all of your ancestors."

"What if I fail Elia then? I had no other romantic relationship before, I am not even sure if I know what it means. I am not sure if I am capable of loving someone that way and what if she doesn't feel her needs fulfilled? What if she feels neglected, unloved like my mother? What if I fail in this marriage like my father did?"

Arthur understood the actual question he wanted to ask but played along, wondered if any of the other Targaryen kings or princes feared failing people as much as Rhaegar did. "Elia is Dornish, she is upfront of what she wants and what she does not want. She is not your mother.", he said, reminiscing the things he witnessed and the horrible feeling returned back to him and suddenly a lump appeared on his throath, he wanted to tell it to Rhaegar but he couldn't, it wouldn't be fair to learn the abuse your mother endures under the hand of your father only a week before your wedding. "If you fail her, you would know about it. She is not the kind of a woman who would pull up with your shit.", this made Rhaegar smile but Arthur's heart was still beating fast and he felt like getting sick. "You will be a dutiful husband to her, no? Not going to cheat or humiliate her or disregard her wishes."

"These are not enough to maintain a healthy and happy relationship and I want it, I want to be happy with her."

"Then I strongly suggest you to talk about it with her and not me because the last time I checked, we were not going to get marry with each other.", he rolled his eyes, rubbed his heart to lessen the pain but he knew it was nothing physical, it was the guilt which was eating him alive. "You wanting this is not enough to prevent you from making a mistake and you will make a mistake, Rhaegar, she will too. You know nothing about each other and the life of a husband and wife is different than the life of two betroths. You will share a life, a bed together, and children and a throne in the future. Elia will become your other half if you allow her."

"I want to but I don't know how.", he whispered to himself, drank all of his wine and grimaced strongly, shook his head and let out his tongue for a second, Arthur felt the pain in his chest disappearing as he laughed loudly. "Stop laughing, it was disgusting.", Rhaegar said with a hoarse voice.

"You cannot hold your liquor, or have you forgotten it?"

"No.", he was still grimacing. "It just confessinf that felt heavy."

"Of course it did.", Arthur leaned his head to the wall and closed his eyes. "I am not the right person to ask such questions you know it right? I got betroth once and never met her and became a kingsguard over night without saying a word and now I will be stuck to an island with her.", he finished his wine too but didn't even flinch.

"Yes, I forgot about it.", Rhaegar murmured to her. "Atera Hightower is going to be my wife's lady now."

"She has a ...complex personality for sure.", he forced himself to be kind. He would never go out of his way and call her 'crazy' but she definitely had a dark side. "I am not sure if it will be easy or not."

"It's not like she is going to sneak to your bed at night and stab you through the neck.", Rhaegar rolled his eyes but then started to laugh to himself and Arthur understood he managed to got himself drunk within minutes. "Though it would be hilarious."

"I never knew my death amuses you my prince.", he said with raised eyebrows. "I would never have guessed it."

"Your death would shatter my heart for sure.", he was still laughing, he hit to Arthur from chest as he usually did while laughing. "But you falling victim to the murder of love...", his laughs mixed with the dark night, Arthur was sure that Jonothor in the door heard them. Arthur was off duty that night because he was going to accompany the prince all throught the wedding festivities and then was going to depart for Dragonstone alongside with Oswell. The latter chose to spend his time torturing Myles with endless preparations and Rhaegar asked for a night from Arthur. "It would be hilarious because no one would accept it."

"No one can sneak into me, not especially at night."

"You heard what Aethan told about her? That she looks like Maekar. Don't you think it is strange that she looks so much like him while none of her brothers does?"

"Well, we all look identical in my family so I am again not the right person to make a comment on it."

"Do you think I will be a good father?", he asked randomly.

"I don't know.", he could assure him that he would but they didn't had many childrena round and Aerys never truly let him bond with Viserys. And he owed honesty to his best friend, this brought back the burden in his chest. "Only time will tell."


25th day of the 12th moon, 279 AC, King's Landing

"Princess Lorenza summons you, my lady.", a Martell soldier approached to her while she was taking a morning walk with Alea at her side.

"Why, may I ask?", she asked with a frown, what could she do anything to do with her.

"I don't know, she just told us to summon you."

"Princess Lorenza.", she bowed her head with respect when she reached to the Martell tent in the garden. "Prince Doran, Prince Oberyn, Lord Velaryon."

She was sitting on the divan with her sons in the pillows on the floor and her husband standing behind the divan. "Come and join me in a walk, sweetling.", she said and stood up. Her sons were looking at her as if they were trying to see something else. Princess Lorenza had a kind and motherly face but she heard enough stories about her to know what kind of a snake she truly were. "Atera Hightower,", she mused when they got far away enough, two Martell soldiers and Alea following them from a safe distance. "the true princess consort."

"Excuse me?", she turned to the woman who still had a soft face. "I did not understand what you meant, Princess Lorenza."

"I think you understood exactly what I meant. I am not going to lie, while my Elia is the most suitable candidate for the prince due to her high birth, you were the best choice politically. If Aerys and Rhaegar had a bit of wit inside their heads, right now we would be here to celebrate your wedding not Elia's.", she sent her a look. "You resemble your mother more than I imagined yet there is nothing of Gerard in you."

"Your eldest child also looks nothing like Lord Aethan, my lady.", she answered the older woman's subtle innuendo with an open mocking. "These things does happen."

Lorenza didn't bother herself with answering that. "I hope your only resemblenca for Jenica is limited with your looks and you did not inherit her wretched personality too."

Atera stopped walking. "It seems you know about my mother a lot.", she raised her eyebrow. "Though we never met, I heard a story or two about you too."

Princess Lorenza narrowed her eyes and observed her up and down. "Yes,", she said. "now I see, Aethan told me-", her eyes found her husband but then she shook her head. "he told me that you were a spiritied youngling with a sharp mind -Lucerys told him, I believe. Yet you are standing in front of me and daring to defend your mother in a way."

"The things you are trying to imply about my mother is the equation of ugliness."

"What do you know about ugliness?", she asked with a smile but her eyes were cold. "A girl like you, who grew up rich and free... Your mother did stole what was belonged to me and now years later she is buried to the six feet under and my daughter is getting something that belongs to her daughter. I am not going to deny the crown is truly your right,", she narrowed her eyes and sent another look to Aethan. "maybe even more than you know."

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

"I can see that now.", she slightly frowned, Atera felt like she was looking at her soul, suddenly she gripped her arm tightly. "Did you try to seduce the prince? Are you trying to get rid of my daughter? Are you after the crown?"

Atera sharply pulled her arm back. "If I had a little desire for this match to happen right now I would already be married and pregnant with my first child.", she smirked at the older woman. "I am sick of everyone trying to blame me with seduction while if I would wanted the crown I would take it with ease. The proposal came to me first, if I may remind you. There was nothing I could change when the king declared his opinion on the matter. I suggest you to drop this case, before I change my mind."

"You would go after a married man just like your mother?", she rose her head high.

"If you push me hard enough."


Her aunt arrived to the court that day. She was with the queen and Olenna, Gerold was guarding the door when Atera entered. Queen Rhaella turned her head away almost with disgust. It was obvious the queen disliked her, she thought it was about her mother, again.

"Aunt.", she curtsied to her after she curtsied to the queen. "We've been waiting for you forever."

"I heard many things happened in my absence.", Arwyn looked at her up and down. "But I will leave questioning to later.", she made a hand gesture to her brother which Gerold rolled his eyes but opened the door and let one of her guards to enter with a box. "I had missed your name day due to the horrible weather but I think you are going to love my present."

Atera narrowed her eyes at her. "You don't usually get me presents."

"You deserved one this year.", she moved and pulled the box from her guard and opened it. Rhaella's eyes turned cold with the sight of it and Atera seemed surprised, impressed even.

"You are not joking with me, right?", she asked and Arwyn rolled her eyes. "This is your favourite necklace."

"And you were wanting this for years now. I thought this was the right year to finally give to you."

Atera smiled to her and hugged tightly but she had to pull herself apart when she heard the queen's voice.

"Do you think it is wise to hand down royal jewelry as if they are nothing?"

Atera raised her head to look at the quenn and felt Arwyn's hand on her arm. "This necklace belonged to my mother who was a Targaryen princess herself, or have you forgotten it, cousin?"

Rhaella leaned back in her chair with her wine glass in her hand. "All I am saying is that in a better world, King Maekar would never allow such a disgrace."

"In a better world the crown would never laid upon Aegon's head.", Arwyn was speaking very calmly, her eyes were shooting flames to the queen and Gerold straightened his spine. "It would go to my mother instead, just like the way my grandfather had intended and it would pass to me after her and since I have no daughters nor granddaughters, as my only niece, they would pass to Atera anyway.", she rose her head high. "Just this time you wouldn't exist to spoil this."

"But I do exist.", Rhaella's smile disappeared. "And I am your queen."

"I am not the one who is being disrespectful now."

"Arwyn.", Gerold tried to warn her but she stopped him.

"King Maekar, our grandfather-", she said that part looking at him. "-had allowed our mother to take every jewelry she wants and then do whatever she wants to do with them. As her only daughter, they all passed to me, I gave some of it to Gerard he left them all to Atera when he died. I am going to do the same with them too. It is none of your business."


"Ser Baelor.", Elia's face got lit up by seeing the blonde man. "How have you been? I heard what happened between your father and aunt, I hope everything is alright now."

"You know how siblings are, my princess.", he bowed deeply and placed a kiss on her hand. "They fight and fight and forget everything a second later."

"Of course.", she offered a smile and forced herself not to sigh, he was ever the handsome. Rhaegar possesed more god-like, ethereael beauty whereas Baelor's were more noble and high class. "It is only in our nature to clash with our siblings, I am glad everything is alright."

"And how have you been?", he counter asked her. They were in the garden rest with the nobility but they had no one around them. "Content with the betrothal, I hope."

Baelor courted her well back in the days but even then she knew someone else held his heart, despite all, it was too easy to fall to his charms. "I am the happiest woman alive.", she lied. She still wasn't sure if she was doing the right thing, she wasn't sure if she was doing this because it was the right thing to do or to piss off her mother. "Prince Rhaegar is the man in every women's dreams."

Baelor smiled at her, signaling he knew that she wasn't being honest fully. "Our prince is charming and just, he will be a good husband to you and an attentive father for your children."

"This is my only prayer."

"Uncle!", a small voice broke their silence and Baelor almost had to turn his head away with force. And caught his nephew on time with kneeling to the floor, he stood with him between his arms with ease and spunned him around a little.

"Where is your mother?", he asked after placing a kiss to his cheek. "And your father?"

"Father took Garlan to watch uncle Garth's swordplay with uncle Doric's.", he said with excitement, he was almost four. "And mother is with aunt Malora."

"Lady Alerie's son, I venture.", Elia smiled to the boy's overly cute face. Lady Alerie was a beautiful woman and Mace Tyrell was almost handsome. It wasn't that weird that they had an adorable son. Elia's hand touched to boy's cheek without her noticing. "He is very sweet."

"Her son, indeed.", Baelor placed another kiss to his head. "Her eldest, Willas. He will turn into four in two moons."

"I have a niece who is at the exact same age.", she turned to look at Baelor. "Arianne, though her birthday is at the well end of the seventh moon."

"Willas born at the beginning of the second. So we can say there is almost a moon after all.", he raised his arms, made Willas laugh with the jumping effect. "Willas meet with Princess Elia Martell, we are here to attend her wedding."

Willas' eyes got widened. "Are you truly a princess?", he asked, raised his hand and held her hair. "Your hair looks like my aunts. You are pretty."

Elia laughed at that. "Thank you very much and yes, I am a princess."

"I thought they only existed in the stories."

"We all are a story in the end, sweetling.", Baelor made Willas jump once more and earned another laugh. "Though I agree that her grace's beauty goes beyond understanding of the men kind, turns her one of the pretties stories."

Elia's heart skipped a beat with the man's easy silvertongue, she wondered if her husband was going to be this complemental or not. "I am afraid you are exaggareting, Ser. I am merely a woman."

"Maybe in the eyes of a blind man.", he looked deeply into her. "But I always styled myself as a man who appreciates beauty."

Elia blushed but Willas once again stole the moment with screaming. "Atera!", he moved in Baelor's arms and forced him to let go. He ran away to his great aunt -which Atera forbade him to say, Elia and Baelor watched the young boy's little run and Elia half expected the woman to bend the knee the way Baelor did and hold him but she didn't. She simply sent her maid away and when Willas reached to her she only held his hand and they started to walk towards them once again. Willas was pulling her hand and obviously telling her something with excitement, the way Atera's eyes found the princess and lingered on it, she understood he told her about the little exchange they had merely seconds ago.

She was wearing a baby blue gown with a round neck. The fabric in her skirts weren't see through but it was too thin that her legs were showing a little. Her upper body and sides had an extra fabric to prevent her chests to showing, the same fabric fall from her front to cover between her legs. The dress was sleeveless but a same-coloured extremely thin tullet cloak was tied to the dress' collar. She was wearing a gold belt that clicked with two squares on the front. There was big gold flower earrings and a square shaped gold bracelet on her arm with multiple rings. Her necklace was more like a chain, it was big and Elia was sure it was rather heavy, it was mainly gold but had sapphires on it and fell between her breats. Her hair was open and was falling to her back once again with soft waves.

"Your grace.", she curtsied when she reached them and Willas copied her with a bow. "I hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather."

"The sun in Dorne is more brighter and warmer but after the Storm's End, I learned to use the sun as much as I can.", she said. "Though surely you can relate, Oldtown itself is also very warm."

"I cannot even bear the sun there, I have no idea how you manage to live in Dorne."

"You'll get use to it."

"Aunt.", Willas pulled her hand again and Atera lowered her head. "May I eat cake?", he pointed to the chocolate brownies that was placed to the high cocktail table.

"I cannot see why not.", she reached to take one but Baelor hit her hand softly. And Atera turned to her with wide eyes. "Why on earth did you do that?"

"He is not allowed to eat chocolate.", Baelor said as if it was something Atera needed to know. He bend the knee once more and took Willas into his arms, Elia was almost going to sigh. "Then he has trouble sleeping."

"This doesn't make any sense.", she seemed truly confused. "Taking a bite wouldn't hurt him. There is not reason to reject a simple wish."

"His mother does not allow it."

"Well yes but his mother isn't here, right?", she raised her eyebrows. "He can take one tiny bite, why upset him."

Baelor turned his head to Willas' puppy eyes and a big pput, Elia swallowed a laugh and Baelor's chest filled with warmth. "I am so sorry my dear but I cannot allow you.", he said with a true heartbreak. Willas' pout grew and eyes filled with sadness. Baelor turned his head away for not to see.

Atera rolled her eyes to her nephew's dramatics and while he was not watching she took a small bite from the cake and when Baelor turned his back to her -which turned Willas' face right to her, she pulled a hand to his chin to make him open it and gave him the tiny bit with her other hand. Baelor sensed what she was doing and turned with speed while putting a hand on the boy's head to prevent him from choking or getting dizzy. "What did I say?"

"You are not his mother and Alerie is not here to tell me no."

Baelor seemed he was going to scold her but then his eyes found Willas' chocolate filled mouth and he let out a sigh. "We are not going to tell this to your mother.", Willas nodded with a smile and Baelor let him down. "Wipe his mouth at least, will you?"

"Of course.", Atera rolled her eyes and took Willas' hand, made her way to Alea who was standing on the side. She bend the knee and took the handkerchief from her maid, wipe out the boy's mouth herself.

"Thank you.", Willas said and Atera patted his curly hair.

When she stood up Alea offered her a cup of wine. "Please tell me it is not Dornish."

Alea rolled her eyes. "Why would I give you Dornish wine? It is Arbor gold."

"Good.", she took it from her and took a sip, eyes watching Elia and Baelor with caution. They were standing too close and she was smiling in a way she never smiled with Rhaegar and Baelor's dimples were showing, she took a deep breath. She didn't know what she was suspecting of. "I hate Dornish wine.", she murmured with distress.

"Aunt?", Willas pulled her arm once again. "Can I take a sip from it?"

Atera looked to her cup and then to her nephew, then shrugged, it was going to be one sip, she took her first when she was at the same age with Willas. "Why not?", she bend her knees and put a hand on Willas's neck while held the cup with the other, his placed his hands over hers and took a sip and grimaced, put out his tongue.

"It burns."

"We make more sweeter ones in Oldtown. Maybe you'll like that one."

"Did she just let him take a sip of wine?", Doric asked loudly in another table where Leyton, Doric, Lucerys, Aethan, Rhaegar, Paxter and Mace stood.

"Who did what?", Leyton turned to his brother with confusion.

Doric widened his eyes but Paxter blurted. "Atera let Willas take a sip from her cup, I don't think there is lemonade in it."

Leyton's brain froze for a second and did not understand what he meant, then turned to look at his sister who was drinking from the same cup and Willas was huggin to her leg. "She did what?", he raised his eyebrows and asked with astonishment. He sometimes wondered if his sister possessed a brain or not and this was the moment he made sure that she did not.

"Willas!", Mace yelled with worry and rushed towards his son, Doric turned to send a look to Paxter who was laughing towards his cup.

"What?", the ginger man shrugged. "You pointed it first."

Mace was now rushing back to them with Willas in his arms and Atera was following him with an obvious eye roll. "Can someone tell him that he is overreacting?", she said when she reached them and then curtsied to the prince. "Your grace."

"Have you lost your mind?", Leyton hissed to her. "He is four!"

"He is three and I drank wine for the first time I was three.", she took a grape and eat it, she truly did not understand all the fuss. "It's not like I turned him into an alcoholic, he wanted to take one sip.", she said after seeding the jusging looks. "He didn't like it anyways."

"It burnt my throat.", Willas nodded his head seriously and Mace's face only grew redder with terror.

"That's it!", he declared with a high pitched tone. "You officially lost any baby sitting privilieges."

"It's not like I asked for them in the first place.", she shook her head.

"And here is my boy!", Alerie's voice reached to them and Atera suddenly pulled from Mace's neck.

"You are not going to tell her."

"I will do so."

"If you tell her this then I will tell her about the bet you and Paxter made three years ago and it ended with her eating seven crickets without noticing."

"What?", Leyton was going to choke in his wine and Lucerys took a sharp gasp, Alerie was just about to reach them when Mace's eyes got widened.

"Seven!", Atera pressed the word with equally wide eyes. "Your silence equals to mine."

"Is everything alright?", she held Willas from her husband after curtsying the prince. "Aren't you two supposed to be in the sparring yard?"

"Garth is nowhere to be found.", Doric rolled his eyes.

"And we left Garlan with Denyse.", Mace answered.

"Are you sure everything is alright?", Alerie narrowed her eyes at their faces.

"We were talking about the monster in my closet, mama.", Willas buried his face to her neck. "I was telling them how my father bravely closed it."

"What makes you think that monsters cannot open closet doors?", Atera asked nonchalantly while eating another grape and everyone looked at her, including Willas who rose his head and eyebrows at them.

"Congrulations.", Alerie said, giving Willas into her arms which Atera realized the mistake she had done. "He is going to stay with you tonight."


28th day of the 12th moon, 279 AC, King's Landing

"This is enough.", Atera said with her eyes closed, she buried herself to the hot water even more and Alea let go of massaging her arm. "Bring me some fruits, I want to eat something sweet.", she was playing with foams.

It was late at night but she had a terrible headached, had to wake Alea to have a hot bath to calm himself. The windows were locked tight and only candle light was lighting the room. "As you wish, my lady.", Alea left but withing a few minutes Atera heard the door opening once more and she buried herself even more to the water.

"You came quickly, I thought the kitchen might have been closed at this hour but it seems they are continuing to celebrating. I cannot wait to go to Dragosntone so I can plan for Rhea's demise there, alone. Without Alerie's hysterics and Leyton's overcaution, I can plan in silence. Her time is up. She went too far too soon, she shouldn't have make an enemy out of me.", a satisfied smile appeared on her lips. "I am not going to kill her of course, I still have a niece if not nephews. But I swear that she will going to beg me to kill her when I am done with her. Oldtown is my home, she cannot cower me away. Alea?", she asked when her friend did not snwer her. "Alea?", she opened her eyes and turned to look and saw a woman she had never seen before. Before she managed to open her mouth the other woman in the servant clothes put her hands to her head and pushed her to the bath tub before letting her scream.

Atera did not understand what was happening at first, the air in her lungs got sharply gone and her body started to fight back before her mind grasped what was happening. She tried to push the other woman's hands away but she was too strong for her, she felt her legs going up and down, trying to move inside of the bathtub to get rid of, to at least get one breath.

Thanks to her luck whoever was trying to choke her stopped when the door got knocked. She couldn't think but her brain thought that the woman had locked it. It distracted her and her hold in her hand got lessen and she managed to push her away to rise to the surface to get a deep breath. She wanted to scream but couldn't manage to, she took a few deep breaths, her heart was beating fast but before she managed to do something the other woman pushed her once more to the bathtub.

Alea knocked the door over and over again and tried to open it. It took her under a minute to realize that something was wrong. Atera didn't want to have guards at her door but Leyton put two of them in the corridor she was staying with rest of the family. Thanks to her luck no one else was in there, partying in the feast, still.

"Caladrian!", Alea screamed and the guards turned to her, alarmed. "Atera!", she couldn't even manage to form a sentence and the guards rushed to her door, break it. Caladrian quickly went to the woman who was choking Atera and pushed her away, the girl's feet slipped and she fell down, hit her head to the table, died immediately and Atera rose once more, not being able to breath, her heart beating as if it was going to explode.


"My lord!", Caladrian entered to Lucerys' chambers once more, most of the nobility were there including the king and the prince.

"Something happened?", Leyton turned to him with a scowl, he was holding wine in one hand. "Is Atera alright?", he asked with worry once he realized his sister had been gone away for a few hours now.

"I don't know how to tell this.", he said, only a few were aware of the exchange between them, including the king. He leaned to his ear and whispered. "Someone tried to kill Lady Atera."

Leyton looked at him and then put his glass sharply to the table and rushed towards his sister's chambers. She was at least wearing a robe when he entered, a few following after him. She was sitting on the floow with her knees pulled up to her, her legs were open but the robe covered most of her body. She was crying without tears and it was mostly scream-breathing and shaking. Her face was paler than usual and lips were purple, she couldn't seem to function well. One guard was covering the dead body and Alea was kneeling next to her.

"Sister?", Leyton's heart was started to beat loudly when he saw his sister's figure and rushed to her side, Alea stood up quickly. "Sister?", he kneeled next to her and pulled her a hug with shaking hands.

Alerie entered the room with confusion after him but when she saw the room she gasped sharply. "Atera!"

Mace and Malora were the only ones who followed them. "Sister are you alright? What happened here?", he pushed her hair away from her face, her eyes were still closed and she was clearly in shock, her tears still weren't falling down and she was taking breaths from her mouth and basically screaming. "Call a Maester, now!", he ordered to his guards. "Make haste! I asked what happened!", he asked to Alea.

"Lady Atera wanted to eat fruits and I went there to get them.", Alea too was shaking. "When I came back the door was locked and I heard screams from inside, we broke the door and found that woman, chocking her."

Leyton pulled Atera back to his chest, placing kisses into her wet hair while she cried to his chest. "Maester, Doric and my uncle, now!"


It took under half an hour for Atera to change her bath robe into a proper one and moved to Leyton's chamber. Gerold was there with Doric, Baelor and Lucerys. Atera was sitting on the day bed with leaning into Leyton's chest, he wrapped one arm over her, kissing her hair once in a while, Alerie was sitting on her other side, holding her hand and massaging to her wrist. Malora was boiling a tea for her and Pycelle sent a troubled look to Leyton, Atera was not talking and was watching the wall without blinking.

"What just happened?", Arwyn entered the room with Jacen and Arys behind her, Aethan and Oberyn following them with cautious eyes.

"I told not to tell anyone.", Leyton said firmly.

"I informed her.", Gerold said. "So she would take caution but I am not sure about the others.", his eyes lingered on the unwelcomed guests.

"Are you feeling better?", Alerie asked with a soft voice, she cried a little but was fine now, Mace was talking to the guards.

Atera didn't answer and Malora offered her the tea she made. "Drink this, it will help you."

"I don't want it.", Atera said with a whisper.

"But you need to.", Malora insisted, kneeled in front of her and Pycelle agreed.

"Yes, my lady, it will helpt to calm your news."

"I said I don't want to.", she said again, not blinking.


"I said I don't want to!", she yelled and threw the glass to the floor. "I do not wish to calm down!", she was shaking now. "Somebody tried to kill me, I survived today but who knows what will happen tomorrow?", her voice was throttled, and her neck filled with purple hand prints. "They will surely attack again.", she made fists with her hand and focused her eyes to the wall once again.

"Who would attack you for what reason, Atera?", Leyton asked tiredly. "Whoever that woman was, is dead now. Even if she wouldn't die, I would take her life myself. She surely had a problem with you."

"Whoever that girl was she was a miserable fool.", Atera snapped to her. "I never met her before. I don't know who she fucking is.", she raised her voice which only made her grimace because it hurt too much. At that moment the doors opened and Rhea entered, shared a look with Jacen almost immediately. "A servant cannot dare to kill me if someone would not encourage it.", she said, looking to Rhea with a deep anger.

"I don't think so.", Rhea said almost immediately. "These kind of things happen all the time.", she faked a worry but her next words proved they were fake. "It must have been an horrible experience for you. Surely reminded you, your mother.", Atera snapped her eyes to hers and Leyton turned his head to her slowly. "Suffocting just like her-"

"What are you saying?", she said with a horrified look and a low voice. "What are you telling to me?", Rhea suddenly looked like she realized she did something wrong. "Who the fuck do you think you are?", Atera rose up quickly and went to attack her. "I will kill you myself you fucking-"

"Sister, please!", Doric held her almost immediately, pulled her to a hug.

"Get out.", Atera pushed Doric away, her eyes got darken but also vision get blurred. "Get out!", she screamed like a wounded animal but Rhea kept staying there.

"Rhea get out!", Leyton yelled with his voice when Rhea kept smirking at Atera. She visibly got startled with the fury she saw in her husband's eyes.

"I didn't do anything wr-"

Leyton moved to her with quick steps while Atera almost fainted, Alerie rushed to her and with Doric, they moved her back to the daybed. Leyton held Rhea's arm a bit too tight but not enough to hurt her, Arys saw the way Jacen took a step towards them fully. "I said get out.", he said between his teeth. "Now."


30th day of the 12th moon, 279 AC, King's Landing

Everybody heard what happened the other night before the morning. Atera was raging, fuming, shocked by Rhea's audacity. She was sure that it was her doing, she had no other guess. She didn't sleep the whole night, just sat there, watched the wall with silence, bite her nails. It was an old habit that she inherited from her mother, she bit them, torned them apart with her other nail until she made them bleed. All of her fingers were covered with blood when the first morning light hit them, her lips too was filled with wounds because she bit them.

She refused to speak or eat or do anything and sat there the whole day under the worried gaxze of Leyton and when the nexr day came, she was sleep deprived but she stood up cautiously and opened the door, Leyton fell asleep in the couch and woke up due to her movement.

"Bring me my ladies and food.", she orderd to the guards in front of the door and Leyton rubbed the sleep out of his face.

"Are you alright?", Leyton asked with a hoarse voice, he cleared his throath.

"Of course I am.", she said, her neck was still purple and voice trouttled. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Atera someone tried to murder you.", Leyton blurted, looked at her as if she grew another head. "Surely you are shaken."

"I got over it.", she shrugged, she was shaken on the inside. "As I always do.", and then she left his chambers and moved to hers, Leyton followed her.

There were a few Reacher nobles in the hallways, chatting, all silenced themselves when they see her. She was wearing a satin navy robe, her hair was unbrushed and her waves were too big, she was looking like she went mad.

And maybe she did went mad, who would know if she did?


Leyton put two guards to her door stll she got startled when the door opened a few hours later. Her back was turned to the door, she was wearing a soft white night gown, was not in the mood for leaving the room anyway but at least her hair was brushed and she had eaten a few things and Alea applied creams to her finger nails, she was alone with her mind now, but well, she would recognize that cologne in any situation.

"Jace.", she breathed and turned to face with the black-haired man in a black outfit as usual.

"Atera.", he stood in front of her. "You look terrible.", he raised his hand to his throath but she moved her head away, signaling that she did not wanted his touch. "Who would dare to do this to you?"

"I will find out.", she said simply, she was not stupid enough to tell it to Jace. "Soon enough."

"And make them pay, I guess?", his voice was hoarse and suddenly Atera realized they were standing too close. "I was hoping to see you ever since I arrived but Leyton prevented it.", he leaned his face and she turned her head away. Jace smiled a little and let out a small breath from his nose and then touched to her chee with his nose, caressed the softness of her skin and then moved to her ear, smelling her hair along the way, Atera took a shaky breath, it was too much for her now but he whispered to her ear. "I missed you."

"Did you?", she closed her eyes, maybe Jace would be a good distraction to her, maybe the voices in her head would stop, he was always fun afterall. She felt his light touch on her hips, she took a step back and sat to the small table behind her, opened her legs a little and let Jace get closer to her. "If you truly would, you would find a way to come to me.", she whispered to her ear and Jace placed a small kiss to the sensitive skin under her ear.

"I am here now, am I not?", he smiled and placed another kiss and his hands travelled to her back properly, pushing her towards himself. "I found a way.", he turned his head to her to her, but just before he kissed her the door opened quickly and he hurried away from her.

When they turned, they saw Alerie in front of the door with a tired expression.


31th day of the 12th moon, 279 AC, King's Landing

"Will it hurt?", Elia and Ashara were lying in her bed once more, holding hands. "Tomorrow night, I mean."

"It didn't hurt for me.", Ashara admitted. "But mine was with Oberyn.", she grimaced. "He was already experienced at that point and he was very delicate and attentive, he wasn't fast like the Northeners, it took an hour or so before he actually entered me and even then, he was overly cautious to not to hurt me."

Elia grimaced, he was her brother after all, she did not like to hear these things. "The actual bedding ceremony will not happen, Doran and my father assured me but still it will be watched by our parents, the small council and the High Septon."

"What a terrible torture for the bride.", Ashara shook her head. Consumating the marriage should be private to the couple, not an entertainment for old men. This wasn't a thing in Dorne, there were million other ways to know that a marriage was completed. "But then again, why would they care for the woman?"

"I don't even know how I want it to be. If Rhaegar would act like Oberyn-", she grimaced with disgust. "-you know what I meant, it would be easier for me but I don't want to put it on a show for people I don't know and my own parents will watch it too. So maybe he should just do it."

"It would hurt terribly.", Ashara turned to her. "They are the ones who wishes to watch it, why you should get embarrassed?"

"What if there would be no blood?", she asked with a growing worry. "My mother once said to me that she did not bled because she already lost it when she was so very young, riding a horse. The same happened to Larra too."

"It is very normal for a girl to lose it while riding. Many Targaryen princesses lost theirs on dragon back. And not just that, some women do not simply posses it, it is a known thing."

"But there must be blood with me.", she rubbed her face. "People all whispering all sides that I am not a maiden. My life and my future children's lives might depend on that fucking blood tomorrow night."

"Elia if you get this tense tomorrow, then whatever your husband does, it is going to hurt like hell.", Ashara changed her position and sit with worry, Elia too changed her position. "Pretend like they are not there and try to enjoy the process without thinking on it too much. Even if there is no blood, I am sure that we can think of something. I heard even the queen herself didn't bleed on her own wedding night.", she raised her eyebrows. "The Northeners might be obsessed with that little drop of blood but we know better than that, it proves nothing. And I want to believe that your husband is a better man that this."

"I am not afraid of Rhaegar but the king? The Hand?"

"You are going to marry tomorrow and it will be the most glorious wedding the world had ever seen.", Ashara squeezed her hands. "Focus on how beautiful you will look and how many songs people will write on your name not on the petty games of petty men."

"It is easier to say.", she pressed.

"If I am right on my feelings, and I am always right on my feelings,", she sent her a look. "your future husband is as worried as you are. You two will make a fine couple and with time the actual coupling will be better once you two got to know each other's bodies. It should be something bonds you two together, not pushes it apart. Focus on this, nothing else."

Elia threw herself back to her bed. "It is easier to say."


First day of the year, 280 AC, King's Landing

The joust and the melee was going on for days now, there were knights and lords and hedge knights and squires all around the realm and from Essos joining to them, trying to win it. Archery and wrestling matches was taking place daily. And the they shot fireworks to the sky the whole night.

It was traidition for the bride and the groom to not to see each other before the wedding but Arthur and Ashara let go of their own feud and arranged them one at the hour of the wolf.

"This meeting might be Ashara's wedding gif to me.", Elia said with a smile. Arthur was on Rhaegar's side and Ashara was on hers but both were too away to hear them, Rhaegar was too close that she could smell the wine he had drunk and there was only one light around them except the fireworks. "I never expected to see you when she brought me here."

"I didn't want to go through all the ceremony tomorrow without seeing you one last time.", he admitted, his hands found hers with hesitation.

Elia closed her eyes. It was easy, almost too easy to fall to the charms of Baelor Hightower while knowing damn well there was another woman he was in love with but possibly could never have her. But it was different than the prince's. Baelor was sweet and clement whereas Rhaegar assured more security and safety.

Ever woman could be loved by Baelor Hightower but it was more than rare for Rhaegar Targaryen and Elia felt a strong urge to be that woman that he would love without doubt.

"It feels hard to breath.", Elia let out a laugh. "I am too excited for tomorrow."

Rhaegar smiled at her softly and tightened his hold on her hand lightly, placed it to his heart and held it there with both of his hands. It was beating as fast as Elia's. "I don't know what this means, only thing I am sure of is that I am not going to be able to breath until I lay my head to the same pillow as yours.", he leaned his head but before they kiss, he heard Arthur clearing his throath, he smiled at towards her lips instead, eyes still close. "This means that I must go now. I told him to maybe make a mockingjay sound but Arthur preferred not to entertain that idea."

Elia laughed and Rhaegar's eyes got softened, he placed a kiss to her hands instead. "Until tomorrow, my princess."

"Until tomorrow."

Elia woke up with birth sounds and surrounded with her ladies, new and old. Ashara was on charge now, Lady Allyrion had approved it. She was too hot-headed and did not had enough experience but no one could take care of Elia better than her. Tara and Robyn were there, Atera and Catelyn too. Only Lythene Penrose was missing because Elia had removed her from her service when Atera approahec to her the other night with a thin-lipped smile and it was sure that she was on her last remaining patience. Elia understood something had happened between the two girls and since she did not know Lythene, she simply removed her.

Her ladies prepared her a bath, washed her thoroughly. It was very normal in Dorne and in the Reach for women to use Lysene waxes to get rid of their hair that was placed on their armpits and legs and mostly their arms because the sun was always up and especially in Dorne, many women's body hair were dark coloured whereas the Reach was filled with more blonde. Dornish nobility also used waxes to get rid of the hair between their legs, some women found it very painful and used it on their wedding nights only but some women did it nearly every month. Elia was the former type while Ashara was the latter. They got rid of the hair the other day while Ashara mocked her to prevent her screams because it hurt her too much and taunting her was always a good distraction, so she only took a bath with spicy flowers and her servants applied body lotion to her and finally applied her perfumes, left the room so her ladies could attend to the other things.

Elia's wedding dress was very heavy and rich. First they helped her wear a comfortable corset. She had a flat chest and the dress would look better with one. Then they made her wear traiditonal small clothes, the ones that was used in Northern women. It would make the dress look more fluffy just down below her waist. Then she wore a white under dres with long sleeves and puffy transparent shoulders.

Her actual wedding dress was gold coloured and was filled with actual pearl strings all over the dress. It was off-the-shoulder so the fluffy part of her under dress was visible on her shoulders the dress started just below that and had a generous clevage, starts just under her breasts.

After she wore her black flat shoes with no shoes, she sat to the chair. Atera applied cream to make her look healthier, she wore eyeliner to the inside of her eye and a shimmering gold eyeshadow that shone under the sun. Her lipstick was marron and Atera applied a bit of blush. Ashara was in charge of her hair. She left two streaks of hair on the front and braided in a complex way all through her waist and then put golden earrings to the streaks she left and tied them in her back.

Tara placed her rings while Robyn tied her black necklace. It was leather, almost belt-like-looking, had gold and pearl in front of them and then dark gold sun and spear fell to her chest, all through to where her cleavage starts. She was ready when her mother entered the room and she turned to her with happiness. "Mother."

"Leave us alone.", Princess Lorenza commanded to her daughter's ladies, her eyes lingered on Atera a little more. "Go and prepare yourselves.", when they left she looked up and down. "You look like a proper princess."

Elia's smile died a little. "Thank you, mother."

"I hope you will not regret this decision."

"Are you ill-whishing me on my wedding day?"

"I am telling you not to come to me to cry when all of this blows up in your face.", her eyes were cold, she did not calm down in the past moons.

"It drives you crazy, isn't it?", Elia asked without breaking her smile. "Knowing that you already lost Doran and Oberyn and now you are losing me too, forever? It fills you with rage that knowing you cannot control me anymore."

Lorenza smiled at her. "You are reminding me of someone I knew a long time ago.", she nodded to herself. "I too hated my mother,", she admitted, Elia felt lightheaded. "swore I was not going to be with her but before our first year ended, Aethan already cheated on me.", she sighed. "And now you are here, claiming that you hate me and swearing you will never be like me. Well, I am saying we will see about that."

The doors opened at that moment and Elia put a hand to the table behind her to straightened herself. Doran entered with a soft smile on his face. "Sister.", he opened her arms and embraced Elia. "You are looking like a Goddess.", Elia forced herself to smile at him. "Did I interrupted something?", he asked, put a hand on her chin slowly.

"No, she was already leaving."

"I just came here to congrulate her.", Lorenza said and placed a kiss on her daughter's cheek. "Do not ever forget it my dear, daughters live their mother's life."

"Next time we'll see each other, you will bow to me.", Elia answered instead. "Until then, leave me alone."

"Do not let her get into your head.", Doran said once Lorenza left and Elia's eyes got red with tears. "She isn't worth it.", he raised her chin high and smiled softly, wiped her tears even before they fell. "My Elia, my precious sister... Today you are going to start to a new chapter but I promise you, do not mind about our parents, as long as I live, you will never stop being Elia Martell, the Princess of Dorne. No matter how many titles you earn in the future, you will always be our princess first."

"I thought you were trying not to make me cry.", she bit her lips and raised her eyes high to prevent her tears falling and Doran laughed softly.

"I brought you something.", when he turned Elia saw the box he placed to the chair. He took the velvet box and opened it for her. There was a golden circlet with a sun shape in the middle of it. It was a delicate but glorious thing, unlike her mother's crowns. "I designed it myself.", he smiled at her. "As a wedding gift, I hope you like it.", Elia threw herself at him and hugged him tightly. "I also made a change in your maiden cloak.", he added. "One side is filled with the orange Martell sun and spear on the front and the other is filled with the blue Velaryon tridents and sea horses. The back of it is gold and I made them put every sigil of every Dornish Houses there. To symbolize who you are."

"I don't know what to say but 'thank you'.", she took a deep breath.

"Seeing you happy is the only thank you I need.", he pulled himself back and placed a kiss on her forehead.


The wedding was actually going on for the past nine days. The fun and entertainment was going on even in the smallfolk. Thousands of men, women and children was fed and they actually scattered gold to everywhere, in the hallways of the court, in the gardens of the queen and all throught the kingsroad. It was overly pricy but the main portion of them went to the smallfolk rather than the wedding feast. It was even grander than the Golden Wedding itself.

But then everything fell apart.

"What do you mean he is not coming?", Rhaegar was dumbfounded, Oswell in front of him actually bowed his head with shame because he had no answer to give. "Does he have no idea how on earth people would react to it? They would think he does not consent to this marriage or worse, he mistrusts the Dornish!", he roared in front of the closed doors. The most prestigious guests were inside of the Sept of Baelor already, waiting for the king and the queen to enter with their children but neither the king nor the prince was there for the grand entrance. Only his mother. "How can he do such a thing?", he turned to his mother. "Mother?"

The queen was wearing a white gown with a long white coat over it with heart shaped diamonds all over her chest. Her silver white hair was falling down to her back with long waves and she was wearing a pearly set including a lavishing crown. At the back of his mind, Rhaegar recognized that this set had belonged to the Queen Aelinor Penrose.

"I am hearing it right now.", she was as horrified as her son was. This was such a grand insolence that Rhaella didn't think her husband was capable of.

"Is this your doing?", he turned to Tywin with anger but the older man only bowed his head with respect.

"His grace fears an assassination attempt will take place during the ceremony. He told me that he cannot risk his own life alongside with Prince Viserys. Trust me your grace, I tried to change his mind."

"I did too, your grace.", Gerold said with an angry voice. "But apparently his grace does not trust my abilities."

"Rhaegar.", Rhaella put a hand on his shoulder. "Are you hearing the screams? Elia is about enter to the front gates. You must go inside now."

"How?", Rhaegar hissed at her, not actually meaning it. He felt like he was going to cry in front of thousands. "How will I explain his absence?"

"He is the king.", Rhaella pressured. "Kings do whatever they want to do and they owe no explanation to the mortals. We are the blood of the dragon."

"I am his son!", he pressured. "I am the blood of the dragon as much as he is and he owes me an explanation."

"Rhaegar you cannot go back to the Red Keep and talk with him now.", Lucerys said with a troubled voice. "It is best to get on with it."

"I might let it go if this was an insult only to me but he insults my future wife too.", he turned to look at Tywin. "I will not forget that, I will not forgive that."

"I will inform his grace.", he bowed his head. "After the wedding."

With that Rhaegar turned towards the door, tried to swallow a tear, the doors opened and everybody entered only it was only Rhaegar and Rhallea stanindg. "We don't need him.", his mother whispered to his ear. "Remember your youth, everything was more fun when he was not around.", Rhaegar offered her his arm, not answering. "You are going to make them pay later.", she meant Tywin and the trumpets filled their ears and the official summoners announced them.

"Her grace, Queen Rhaella of House Targaryen and his grace, Prince Rhaegar of House Targaryen."

Rhaegar was wearing all black with a golden cloak and a gold crown around his head, he put a smile on his face and walked to the aisle, pretending not to hear the whispers. They took their place on the right side of the stairs, there was only Rhaella as her family. On the left side, Lorenza shared a look with her friend, showed the symphathy she did not granted to her own daughter. Soon enough the doors opened and the trumpets once again filled their ears.

"Lord Aethan Velaryon, Prince Consort of Dorne and his daughter, Elia of House Nymeros Martell, Princess of Dorne!"

On the right side there were Stormlanders and the Riverlands on the front with The Vale Lords and Northerenes and the Iron Islanders at the back. The Northern block of the realm. On the left there were Dornish Lords, mixed with the Reachers and Crownlanders, Westerlanders and the envoys from the Free Cities. The Southern block of the realm.

High Septon was a man over a hundred years old but he was still strong and was standing in the middle of the platform with his high crystal crown -a gift from the Hightowers. He was a remarkable man indeed, he was not so very pious despite being the High Septon and he actually did tried to open his followers' mind a little. But Sparrows were always the root of the problem. He made a little speech about the importance of the wedding and its vouws with a remembrance talk for the Gods, then he announced loudly.

"You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection."

Elia turned her back with shaky breaths and met with her father's, he winked at her while Rhaegar gave him her newly made maiden cloak. Then Rhaegar turned and took the ancient Targaryen cloak from his mother. It was this cloak that covered Daena Targaryen and Aelinor Penrose and both of their husbands failed the consummating the marriage, it was this cloak that covered Dyanna Dayne once and changed the course of the history, it was this cloak that covered Jenny of Oldstones when Duncan gave up the crown, it was this cloak that covered Naerys Targaryen and caused her life-long abuse from the hands of her brother-husband, it was this cloak that covered his own mother and forced her into a life she had to endure, it was this cloak that covered Rhaenys Targaryen all those years ago and started everything.

And now it was going to cloak Elia.

It was blood red with gold and ruby dragons on it with a black frame. Elia's cloak covered her whole back and it continued to the front, fell over both her shoulders. The Targaryen cloak did not had that, it had a high ruby covered neck and it only fell to the back of it. He placed is carefull on her shoulders and then placed her braid gently to her side and Elia turned to her with shiny eyes, they hold hands and the High Septon murmured a little prayer and began to tie their hands while starting the ceremony.

"We stand here in the sight of gods and men to witness the union of man and wife: one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever. Let it be known that Rhaegar of House Targaryen, son of Aerys the Second, King of the Seven Kingdoms and Rhaella, Queen Consort and Elia of House Nymeros Martell, daughter of Aethan Velaryon, Prince Consort of Dorne and Lorenza, Ruling Princess of Dorne are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder.", he finished tying their hands. "In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the words."

"Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger...", Rhaegar didn't remember afterwards, his only focus was on her face. He then remembered saying "With this kiss, I pledge my love.", and he leaned forwards to kiss her.

It wasn't long enough to make it inappropriate or short enough to make people gossip. Rhaegar's one hand covered her face and the other held her hand under her cloak. It wasn't passionate by any means but it was promising. After he broke off the kiss, he didn't let go of her instead place another kiss to her forehead and whispered. "Kneel."

"What?", Elia was dumbfounded, Lorenza frowned.

"Kneel for only a second."

"As in a curtsy?", she tried not to scowl.

"No,", he wrinkled his nose. "kneel as in I am going to name you officially as the Princess of Dragonstone."

That ceremony was going to take place after Elia gave birth to a child -a son, preferabley. It was the only way Aerys accepted it but Aerys wasn't here to reject it, right? And Rhaegar understood his aim perfectly well.

"You can't?", Elia blurted, people were looking at each other, wondering what was going on.

"Except that I can.", he placed another kiss to her lips. "I am the Prince of Dragonstone after all.", he winked at her and turned around. "Bless her.", he said to the High Septon.

"You father-"

"Is mine to deal with.", he cut his speech and sent a smile to Elia. She took a deep breath and took a step forward, went to the middle of the platform and kneeled in front of the High Septon.

People started to whisper even louder.

"In the name of the Seven I bless you, child.", he started to began speak loudly, making a line in Elia's forehead with the holy oil. "In the name of the Father, I charge you to be just. In the name of the Mother," another line. "I charge you to be merciful. In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave.", another line. "In the name of the Smith, I charge you to be strong. In the name of the Maiden, I charge you to be pure. In the name of the Crone, I charge you to be wise.", another line with another oil until he named all of the six. Then he placed his finger to the point once more. "Elia of House Nymeros Martell, are you a follower to the Faith of the Seven and a true believer?"

"I am.", she spoke loud and clear, her parents and Rhaella watching what was happening with curiosity.

"You are blessed in the eyes of the Gods.", the High Septon sent a nervous look to the prince and Rhaegar made a hand gesture for him to leave. He took his place instead.

"I,", he started to speak and Tywin understood what he was going to do. "Rhaegar of House Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone,", Rhaella seemed like she was going to jump over her son to stop him. "name you Elia of House Nymeros Martell, my lawful wife, as Princess of Dragonstone.", he took of his own crown and placed it on Elia's head, above her own wedding circlet.

Not Princess Consort, no.

He made her his equal.


The rest of the ceremony was lavishing though everybody was in shock. Elia made her first dance with her husband and then twice with both of her brothers, then twice more with Rhaegar, then with her father. Then Rhaegar sanged two songs, which made Elia cry a little. Then she danced with Rhaegar again. The one with Jon Connington was boring and the one with Arthur was overly comforting, Ser Oswell chose the funniest dance and made her laugh, she danced with even Baelor and then his father, and of course both of her uncles and all three of her cousins. She barely even remembered what happened when she was not dancing. She danced with all of her bannermen from Anders Yronwood to Andric Dayne, her maternal cousins, Mace Tyrell, Garth Hightower, Paxter Redwyne, Rhys Bar Emmon, Larra's brother and once more with Rhaegar, the final dance.

She barely had any time to eat something. The wedding took place exactly at the noon and it was almost midnight when her ladies finally accompanied her to her chambers one last time. They prepared a quick bath and washed her without wetting her hair. Then they made her wear golden body chains, delicate looking but extremely expensive, and an orange see-through night gown that did not covered anything. Then a same coloured, night gown over it to cover her breasts at least a little because she was adamant on not put it in a show. And a long orange-gold r robe, Ashara sent her a wink while tying it.

Meanwhile Catelyn and Tara were taking off her crown, circlet and hairrings, and opening her braids, letting her waves to fall down to her back. Atera applied a black eyeliner to the inside of her eyes once more and to her eyelash line with a deep marron lipstick. Robyn changed her rings with matching ones and then made her wear small topaz earrings and a golden chain crown that fell all over her forehead, and she was ready. They put a golden veil on her head, it was long enough to cover all her body and they placed it with a more thinner golden circlet that showed the phases of the moon.

While she made her way towards the prince's chambers, Rhaegar entered to White Sword Toward with a beating heart. He strongly pulled the wine glass from Oswell's hands and drank it all. "I cannot consummate the marriage."

Gerold was there alongside with Barristan and Oswell and Arthur was probably searching for him all through the castle, getting angrier by any minute. Oswell tried too hard not to laugh and just poured another glass to Rhaegar. "You surely can."

"I can't.", Rhaegar breathed. "I truly cannot."

Oswell put a hand on his shoulder and said with a very serious expression. "I saw a few Lysene envoys in the wedding, surely one of them has something to help you out."

Rhaegar looked at his face, dumbfounded, Barristan coughing to himself. "Both of you, out.", Gerold said with an uncomfortable sight. Oswell shared a look with Barristan and shrugged, informing Arthur was a better activity than to teach Rhaegar how to have sex.

When they stood alone in the room, Gerold sat next to Rhaegar and said without looking at him. "Surely your father, or Oswell I assume, had taught you how to-"

"I know how to.", Rhaegar cut his speech of with a terrible blush and a mix of horror and offense. "I am not a boy."

"Good then.", Gerold averted his eyes and cursed himself. He had that speech more than two decades ago once with Leyton, he never thought he would do it again but thanks to his luck, he was surrounded by shityy fathers. At least Gerard joined all four of Leyton's weddings. "What is the problem?"

"It will be too crowded.", Rhaegar said as if he couldn't breath. "There will be too many people watching it, it will be awkward. The first night is my only chance to prove her that I am not a failure but I do not think I can perform under stress.", he blurted it out, getting redder and redder and Gerold rubbed his face.

"Of course you can.", he tried to smile. "Drink more wine, make your new bride drink more wine and let both of you to enjoy the night too much that neither of you will remember tomorrow morning."

"I don't want to forget my own wedding night.", he deadpanned. "This cannot be a failure, I have no luxury of it."

"Rhaegar you are not the first groom who had to perform while people were watching and you will not be the last one.", he took a deep breath. "The more time you spend here, the worst you are making for here. It is a mere duty, the consummation. Not the actual act of it. Just go there, it shouldn't take more than a few minutes anyways since you are this nervous, you need to finish-", he closed his eyes and questioned once more why guiding young men into their first night was his duty. "-inside her to consummate it fully and when the small council, especially Tywin sees the proof of it, you two will be free to do whatever you want to do, then you can prove her what you wish to prove her."

"So you are telling me to ruing her first time by being quick?"

"Rhaegar,", he closed his eyes once more, swallowed a curse and tilted his head. "trust me, the shorter the first act is, is better for both of you.", he had witnessed enough of it to know this. "Do not take off your clothes.", he blurted out when he saw Rhaegar's confused looks. "Do not take of her clothes and stayed inside of the covers so they cannot actually see anything they are not supposed to see.", he took a deep breath. "Be slow and ...attentive, warn her to be quiet and be quiet.", he widened his eyes. "Trust me, moans makes everything even more awkward for both sides. Prepare her as much as you can so it wouldn't hurt much but again, make it as short as you can. They are not there, we are not there, to watch you two have actual sex, our duty is to confirm the marriage had been consummated hence the marriage contract is officially started to be implemented and the proof of your wife's maidenhead in order to protect your future children's legitimacy. It doesn't have to be a burden or a torture."

"Wine you said?", Rhaegar seemed like he was going to throw up all over the room. "We should drink wine?"

"Your own parents did so."


Aerys did not attended to this one too despite Rhaella begging for it. But she was there, alongside with Lorenza and Aethan. The small council members were also there; Tywin, Maester Pycelle, Varys, Owen Merryweather, Lucerys and Qarlton Chelsted. They were waiting for Gerold to arrive with Rhaegar and the High Septon himself was there to bless the marriage bed. Both Doran and Oberyn basically ran away from the room, neither wanted to participate in it.

Rhaegar entered the room with a white night shirt, black pants and a long black robe and his own princeship crown -Myles was waiting for him to arrive by the door because it was the crown he crowned Elia just mere hours ago. He sent a very uncomfortable look to the people who were waiting for them and sent a horrified one to Gerold, he rolled his eyes and patted on his back. Elia had already taken off her own robe and was inside of the bed, playing with her rings. Rhaegar sat right next to her and High Septon murmured a prayer first, then shook his sceptre, touched to their forehead with holy oil and then prayed once more.

"May the Mother bless this fine night with a child."

Then Elia and Rhaegar took of their crowns and just sat there for minutes. Neither of them making a move and the rest watching them in utter silence. "Do you want wine?", Rhaegar finally asked to her when they were reaching to half an hour and Gerold snorted so loud that Rhaella had to close her face for not to laugh. He had gave the same advice to her and Aerys many many years ago and Rhaegar was conceieved in their wedding night.

"Wine?", Elia asked with astonishment. Then sent a look to the people who were watching them, none of them were her friends. "Sure."

Rhaegar quickly stood up and poured himself a wine, drank it all and then grimaced, then poured another one to himself and one to Elia, sat down next to her. "I am sorry this night has to be like this.", Rhaegar whispered too quietly without looking at her, the rest didn't heart but Elia did and she nodded only for Rhaegar to see.

Both drank their wines in silence when Lorenza made a comment. "You two are lucky that you at least don't have a mother in law who stands right next to you and ordering you how to move.", she raised her eyebrows and sent a look to Aethan.

"Aunt Rhae did that?", Rhaella asked with a grimace. "Ours did not too. At least you are luck enough that it was only aunt Rhae, in mine, both of my parents made suggestions."

"Yes, cousin, thanks to the Gods that my father died when I was a toddler so he cannot offered us his comments during the consummation.", Aethan sent her a look and Rhaella seemed like she just remembered that, Lucerys rubbed his face.

"Can we just get on with it?", he asked to his niece and her new husband. "We all are tired and could use some sleep."

"Sure.", Rhaegar snorted. He had the ability of getting drunk after only a cup but he was so nervous that he was sure even if he would drank a flagon of wine under ten minutes, he wouldn't get drunk. He was as sober as a man could possibly be. He put his own wine cup to the table next to him and deliacately took Elia's too, placed it right next to his. He looked at Elia's eyes. "Can you lie down?", he blurted.

"Sure.", she said with a shaky but strong voice and just laid down.

Rhaegar seemed like he was fearing of touching her so when he made a sound, Elia moved to the middle and Rhaegar sat down in the bed on his knees and pulled out the tullets around the bed. This way the council only saw their figures from the see-through curtains and when he moved on top of her, there was no way of anyone seeing Elia.

She opened her legs a little to Rhaegar to place in between them. "Would you prefer for me to drag this to prepare you completely or should we do it enough not to hurt you and be done with it to get rid of them?", he whispered into her ear.

Elia was too cold, her finger tips were like she just touched snow. "The latter."

"Good.", Rhaegar whispered to her and looked at her for a while, his eyes got softened, he pulled away some of her hair and started to kiss her slowly. Aethan turned his back with a grimace.

Their kiss started slow and awkward and both tried to focus on it completely and soon enough it turned to a bit passionate one though not too much. Elia slided herself to the bottom of the bed a little to get more comfortable and Rhaegar placed a hand on her right leg to wrap it around his waist, he tried to lay down completely without crushing her. Elia closed his eyes when Rhaegar's kisses moved to her cheek first and then to her ear and neck. She bit her lips to not to make a sound. The only noise in the room was the small ones of Rhaegar's kisses.

His hand on her leg moved slowly, not in a teasing matter but to comfort her. It moved to her waist and then fall to her leg again and Rhaegar pushed the fabric upwards a little. When his hand touched to her bare leg she shievered a little but then wrapped her own arms around his shoulders. Moved it slowly to feel the muscle underneath. "Do you wish to take it off?", she whispered directly towards his ear and he bite down a moan, shook his head.

"When we are alone."

Then his kisses went a bit more south to her chest, but not any further. His hand moved to her inner thight and caressed it slowly, his other hand was resting on her side, squeezing it in a comforting manner. His kisses moved to her lips the moment his hand touched between her legs to prevent her moan. While he was trying to prepare her as much as he could, she rubbed her hands over his neck and hair with delicate motions. After a few minutes she moved her hands move to his front and caressed under his shirt and he hissed to her mouth, it was too cold for his liking, he noted himself to tell Myles to lit up more candles when others left and they were left alone. When her hands reached to his pants, he realized that he needed a preparation too, it lasted a few minutes, both geuniely enjoying each other's touch but then the inevitable moment came.

He tried to be as delicate as he could but she was not fully relaxed to accept his body into hers and she got even more tense while he was trying to. She made a low moan -not of pleasure but pain. It didn't hurt as much as she thought it would, it was more of an uncomfortable feeling rather than painful one. He kissed her to distract her and when he entered her completely both took a deep breath. Elia was gritting her teeth and Rhaegar caressed it to relax her, kissed her face, murmured a silly joke he learnt from Oswell and caused her to laugh loudly.

Then he started to move and as Gerold said, it took only a few minutes. It was a duty for both of them to fulfil though he moved his hand to between her legs once more to make sure she comes to when he does. Neither one made a sound, too busy kissing, when they reached to the climax. After taking a deep breaths, Rhaegar raised himself a little to tie his pants once again and then he fixed Elia's outfit while she changed her position to a sitting one.

"You can leave one. Your duty here is done.", he opened the veil a little and sent an annoyed look to the people.

"We need to see the-", Maester Pycelle bowed his head. "-the sheet, your grace."

Rhaella opened the door where Elia's ladies waited with a bath to clean their lady and a bunch of servant girls to change the sheets. Rhaegar narrowed his eyes at them and slowly got up from the bed, averted Aethan's death stare at all costs, pulled Elia's robe from the chair and covered her body while she wore it. Then he offered her his hand to help her stand up and supported her by putting a hand to her waist to straighthened her.

"Here's the sheet you want it so much, Maester Pycelle. You can do whatever you want to do with it."

The old Maester got red and Gerold snorted once more. Tywin's face was unreadable but he obviously mad and Varys was truly disappointed. It seemed like he believed his own lies and expected not to see the small blood on the sheet.

The servants quickly took it off from the bed and placed new sheets while Elia's ladies brought her actual night gown and filled the tub.

"Are you going to stay with us until the morning, or?", Rhaegar tilted his head, Elia was still at his side, watching the walls, not looking at anyone.

"Congrulations on your marriage.", Rhaella smiled at him and the others murmured too except Tywin and Varys and they left the room.

"Will you not take a bath?", Elia asked to Rhaegar.

"I was hoping you wouldn't either.", he turned to her, an arm still around her waist. "We are newly weds, we are not expected to leave our chambers for a few days so I would understand if you wish to rest, but I had other plans for us.", he leaned to her ear and she dismissed her ladies.

She couldn't sleep for a relatively long time.


280 AC, King's Landing

A week had past and the time for Elia and Rhaegar leaving came. He did not speak to his father nor said goodbye to him, and Aerys didn't accompanied them to the harbor, he did not left his chambers at all and Rhaella was not allowed to leave the castle, Elia's family and most of the nobles had departed and only the minority of the rest came to accompany them to their new home. The royal fleet was going tp put it on a show and ever house from the Crownlands had sent their flasgship to join their envoy.

"Are you sure this is what you want?", Leyton asked, both watching the sea. Atera was wearing black cloak, her hair falling down to her back, her throath still purple.

"Our house had been standing on this soil for thousands of years. We are the most ancient house in the realm, we've been here before the Targaryens, before the Andals, before the Valyrians were only farmers.", she said with a low tone. "We had made what Faith it is today, we had built the Citadel, we control the most important city in the realm. You could rule the world, yet you are going to be known as the man who destroyed the thousands and thousands years of legacy because of stubbornness."

Leyton turned to her sharply. "I thought we closed this matter."

"Deny it all you want.", she said with a stoice face. "What lies ahead of is crystal clear but you refuse to see it. She is going to kill you and Baelor and Garth, she is going to kill Doric and even Arvel and then place Humfrey to your set, to out ancestors' seat.", she turned to him and smiled. "But don't worry, I will attend to your funeral, I would never miss it.", she hugged and placed a kiss to his tanned skin and turned around, made her way to the ship.

"Someone needs to say 'I fucking told you'."


Before we start the new part, I would be happy if you would spend time answering these questions;

1)Who is your favourite character and why?
2)Who is your least favourite character and why?
3)Which relationship dynamic you loved the most?
4)Which character's story that you wonder about the most?
5)Do you have any theories about what will happen next?

Here is Elia's wedding dress;

I want to mention something; I despise how they handled the costumes and the jewellery and the crowns in both Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. The robe dresses they seemed to love so much are hideous and Cersei looked nothing like a queen. I only liked Margaery's dresses which fit her perfectly and gave the vibe of the Reach and of course Alicent's but hers doesn't feel that much like a medieval fantasy. So in this book, I describe gowns that I found on Pinterest that belong to various British period shows (like all of Starz's Philippa Gregory adaptations, The Tudors and such) and the Turkish show called Magnificent Century. I am trying my best to describe them, I created a different vibe for every character and this is why their respective clothes sound different.

For the jewellery and crowns; again, how HBO handled those should be a crime against fashion. My main inspiration comes from Magnificent Century in this area, if you are familiar with how you would understand what I mean and if you don't I suggest you google it because fashion and everything else is perfect. In there literally, everyone wears a crown/tiara/circlet/headpiece and they all look magnificent. I adopted that too. I tried to upload some of the crowns I describe here but for some reason, I couldn't. If anyone knows please help me on this matter because I feel like I am terrible at describing and I want this world to come alive in your mind. I did manage to add Elia's wedding dress though, it gives my Elia's vibe (with a bit of Atera's too though).

Another thing I want to talk about is again about fashion; the underwear problem. Now, in Game of Thrones, we know they usually don't wear any kind of underwear. Cersei, Margaery, and Daenerys (Rhaenyra in HOTD) were all shown to be naked underneath, we saw bras in Dorne clothing and we know that Sansa wore a corset in King's Landing. I searched for medieval small clothes but to be honest all of them sounds very uncomfortable to me. Not wearing anything part is outright silly and unpractical, I do understand Dorne's vision with the bras and of course, the corset is a normal thing but I changed to an underdress completely -it was used in medieval times but with small clothes which also look hideous and uncomfortable and doesn't seem wise to wear them under the clothes I describe. I know you probably don't care which character wears what or dresses how but I wanted to share it as an author if anyone wonders.

Another thing I must say is the relationship between Rhaegar and his friends. I am aware it is weirdly wild right now. We have Myles, who sees him as an authoritative figure because he is his squire and basically worships him and respects him overly. And then we have Oswell, who lays on his bed even though he tells him not to and swears to him. I know the latter doesn't seem very real, even in the ASOIAF universe. Or Ashara and Elia are maybe too close or Atera may sound politically rude sometimes, Jon outright scolds the prince and Oberyn went on and threatened him and Gerold seems to have power over Aerys; I am aware of the weirdness of things and they all have a reason behind it that will be explained with time. I am not writing it wrong or unrealistic, trust me all these dynamics have backstories. Aerys-Gerold is the one that I am looking forward to diving into the most.

And the last thing I want to say is; I am writing a series called Fire&Blood and Blood&Fire: Prequel of the Usurper's Rebellion (you can find it on AO3 though the first book is published here as well). Which is a ten-book series and I am currently writing the second book of it. Every book focuses on a Targaryen King's life; the first book is about the Blackfyre Rebellion and the second is about the Ashford Tourney. I released the prologue of the third which will focus on Aerys I's reign -mostly will revolve around Bloodraven and Shiera. I do recommend you to read those in your free time because those books serve as a prequel to this one. King Maekar, Princess Daella and Princess Rhae are very important characters that are frequently will mention in this book alongside King Aegon V, it may help you understand things better and the last three books will be all about Aerys II's reign (let's say four because Jaehaerys II's book will also be about Aerys mainly) and we will see most of the characters there. I will also tell the story of Gerard and Jenica there alongside the story of Arthur's and Elia's parents, the Tywin-Aerys-Steffon trio, Gerold-Lewyn-Barristan, we will see why Arthur all of a sudden became a kingsguard, the backstory of Ashara&Oberyn, what happened between Atera&Jace (though I will mention about it subtly and may tell it completely in another book) and all else. Of course, you don't have to read it but as an author, I do recommend it.

Side Note; Thank you for your comments and kudos. Please write more comments though, they make my day.

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