Illusion | Taekook βœ”οΈ

By amy_149

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βœ… COMPLETED βœ… A story of two souls that were blessed or doomed to be together. A story of love, betrayal, pai... More

Author's Note
Character Introduction
1. Choice Is An Illusion
2. Choice Is A Truth
3. Kindness Or Stupidity
4. Privileged And Unprivileged
5. Unexpected Changes
6. Endless Maze
7. Self Doubt
8. First Gift
9. Souvenir Of The Darkness
10. Purity
11. Wrong And Right Is Illusion
13. Bed Business
14. There For You
15. Exploring Past
16. Helpless
17. The Answer
18. Intimate Moment
19. Legacy
20. Taking Stand
21. Life's Purpose
22. Last Day
23. First Day In Office
24. Home
25. Calm After The Storm
26. A Normal Day
27. Withdrawal
28. Drunk Dazed
29. The Wedding
30. Pre-Reception
31. Reception
32. A Drink
33. Honey Moon
34. Back To Routine
35. Traitor
36. Executing Plan
37. More Like Home
38. An Offer
39. Shawn's Annual Business Gala
40. Son In-Law Home Coming
41. First Breakfast
42. Doomed Celebration (l)
43. Doomed Celebration (ll)
44. The Moment Of Truth
45. The Moment Of Realization
46. The Moment Of Helplessness
47. Den Of Dragon
48. A Story Untold
49. Eyes On You
50. Goodbye
51. Knocking Some Sense
52. Regret
53. Moving Forward
54. Self Crises
55. Repentance
56. Perfect Face
57. Kindness Isn't Dead
58. Doomed From The Start
59. Map Of Life
60. Inauguration (D-day)-I
61. Inauguration (D-day) II
62. Crumbs Of Past-I
63. Crumbs Of The Past II
64. Aftermath
65. Normal Family Dinner
66. Life Goes On
67. Broken
68. A Chance
69. Love Me Again
70. Epilogue
71. Special Episode (Namjin)
Yoonmin SpinOff Announcement
New Book Release
Black Rose

12. Luck

2.2K 111 22
By amy_149

Kim Seokjin

Some people are born to live a normal life. Everything in lives are planned out and go smoothly. That if you would look their life in third person point of view, it would feel like a movie. That's how my life may seem but in reality not everything was like that.

I had my fair share of suffering in life, until I decided to take no more shit and let's just say I got a bit lucky at the hands of life. At the age of fifteen, I came to know that I was bethored, infact I had a fiancé. Wait, I still have a fiancé. At the age of eighteen right after when I finished my high school my parents wanted me to throw out of the house and forced me to marry my fiance.

I cried for days, begging them that I will do a job support them and myself but don't throw me off like that. I don't want to marry someone that I don't love. I pleaded, but it was like their blood turned cold and they didn't hear my pleas. Anyways the day came and men from fiancé came to take me away. I thought it would be definitely an old man so something like that. But to my surprise he was quite young a year older than me.

I must say he has a good heart a really good heart. He let me go, he didn't want to bind me into a marriage that I didn't want. He helped me through my college and he also aided me into opening this cafe.

Being a man of pride, I am giving him his money back each month. He helped me when my own parents turned their back on me. Even tho he was a stranger he could have had his way with me but he didn't. It's been twelve year since the day I met him but he never touched me or humiliated me in anyway.

He told me that I can break off engagement the day I found someone worthy for me. Although it is just a relation on paper but still it makes me feel protected. He has done alot for me but it didn't made me fall in love with him. I guess we are not made for each other.

The bells of my shop chimed bringing me out of my thoughts. There he is the man I was talking about, my so called fiancé. Well, I guess there might be a reason that he gave me visit early this morning.

"Seems like someone didn't sleep whole night." I smiled picking up the cup making his usual.

"Yeah pulled a all nighter." He sounded low.

"You have an army working for you, why you stress yourself so much with your work? Is it again Jeons?" I asked him.

"No, You know being in competition with them never fazes me. It's just.... I have alot on my mind." He sighed massaging his temples.

"Nothing that my coffee can't cure." I smiled placing a mug of my aromatic coffee infront of him.

"Thankyou jinnie." He smiled weakly.

"Wait......... Boy did you fall in love by any chance?" Well, if it's not work then love is the best possible bet.

"You know me well don't you?" he smirked.

"We have been through alot together.... I can see right through your facade."

"Sometimes I think you are the only selfless person in my life Seokjin. Who has always been there for me without getting any benefit."

"You are giving me too much credit. Look around this is all you." I smiled.

"No, this is your hardwork. Please own it."

"You are going off the topic again, Yoongi. Tell me who is it? A man a woman?" I smiled. Yes, Min Yoongi is my so called fiancé.

"A man.......", he sighed.

"Then what's with this long face doesn't he share the same feelings?" I asked.

"That's not the point Seokjin. He...he is different."

"What? Does he has devil horns? Or a black tongue?" I chuckled but seeing his straight face, I thought he doesn't like the joke.

"Yoongi will you...."

"He's from Lust Lilies...." he sighed. "I met him in the days you asked me a favor...." he sighed looking away.

"Oh, so what's wrong with it?" I knitted my eyebrows. I know Yoongi, he is not someone to look down upon someone due to their controversial job.

"It's not wrong in your eyes but the society I live in you know it besides my family...." he sighed.

"Didn't your family support you when you took a decision about me? Why won't they support you now?"

"This is different. You were seen as a guy of nobel character with a mediocre background and your father were accountant in Min Corp. He is not..... He is a sex worker. I hate it when he goes to other men. I tried to stop him. When I tried to reason him he said I don't own him until I give him any title. So, it's his job and he will keep doing it."

"Then don't see him anymore, he is a human too Yoongi, you can't expect him to be on leash for you. He had his circumstances for choosing that kind of job, no one choose it happily and believe me when I say this because I know someone like that too. People had to do it. That doesn't mean they were born with a character like that or they don't deserve love. They have every right to be loved. Maybe they need more love and tenderness than the normal people."

"But he doesn't see it like that, he said I was like other men who wants to have his body in ex change for money."

"Did you give him any reason to belive that, you want him for his heart? Not body?"

"You know well, even if I did there is no use, I can't give him a label." Yoongi sighed.

"Seriously Yoongi? Then stop seeing him. If you can't accept his heart or give him label then you have no right to dictate him. He is a human and maybe more broken than us. You just want to own him like other men do to him for money. How can he not see you in the same light? Did you make any difference to him?"

"I..........", he sighed. I know I hit the right nerve.

"It's either you accept him for what he is and own him with all his parts proudly or let him go for once. With this in between situation, you will hurt him and yourself both."

"Maybe you are right....... Maybe I should let him go....." Yoongi sighed.

Well, that didn't go well did it? I knew he was never gonna go for other option because to him his image and reputation is all. He his so status driven that he can't see that he is in love hopelessly and that decision is gonna hurt him real bad.

Anyways, I continued my morning like that. My intern Lia came and took over the counter for me while I was handling the back with my other worker. It was probably nine im the morning when I heard someone speaking furiously to Lia and she called, "Mr. Kim please back me up." I dried my hands and rushed to the counter.

I saw a man with expensive four piece suit and blond hair holding a cup of coffee from my shop flaring his nostrils furiously at my poor intern Lia. No one is dare to mess with me or my staff and I don't give two shits about these fools wearing designer sacks.

"Yah call your coward manager or whatever." he said.

"Excuse me Mr. ..... You should watch your tone while talking to my staff."

He snapped his head in my direction opened his mouth to say something but no words came out, yeah I have this affect on people, they loose their words watching me for the first time.

"I um.... I asked for two shots of sugar syrup but this girl here added none in my order and now she isn't taking responsibility. I have a flight to catch and here I am standing having a bitter coffee."

"Well, Mr. Whomever you are, firstly, I and my staff has no concern if you are talking a flight or not. Secondly, you shouldn't talk to her like that, if there is a problem with order then talk nicely to address your issue. Thirdly, if you would've shown little manner I would have given you complimentary coffee. But now you ain't deserve one. Not even this. " I snatched the cup from his hand.

"How can you talk to your customers like that..." he ran his hands through his blond hair. Well, he is fairly handsome but with zero manners he is a turnoff.

"I am seeing you first time here, so, you ain't my customer. Now you can go and catch your flight
Ain't getting late now?" i smiled.

"You don't know me, I can shut this place down with a snap of finger so watch your....."

"Yeah go ahead, Mr. Plastic balls try shutting it down." I chuckled.

"You just wait and watch....." with this he stormed out of the cafe.


It was almost afternoon when the customer load is less and I have time to relax my feet. This place was dream and now it's given me a really good turnout. The bell chimed again revealing.... Am I dreaming or is he here. Taehyung.

"Jin Hyung......." He ran towards me and I engulfed him into a hug.

"You are really here..... How are you... Where were you Taehyung... I was so worried... You don't know how...." he hugged me again making me stop.

"I am fine hyung. See... For yourself. I am with him..." Taehyung looked back. I see a expensive car outside my shop. "The man who saved me..." Taehyung looked at me and I nodded.

"What now?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"I'll be living with him... He asked me to... I guess he has taken a liking in me." Taehyung smiled.

"Oh already?" I said smirking.

"Well.... You know me." Taehyung smiled. "Takecare hyung, he is waiting, I'll see you again." I nodded and bid him goodbye. I hope he will be fine.


So Jinnie's Pov is here, I wonder who was the handsome man he bickered with 🤔😂

Love from my side 💜

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