Sekiruuyetei: Book of Concept...

By RageRevan

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A boy who once walked the path of heroism, now after being humiliated and ignored for his deeds, choses to wa... More

Prologue: Having Enough
Chapter 1: Unbearable Truth
Chapter 2: The Fall of an Ice Mage
Chapter 3: Roses of the Underworld
Chapter 4: Fall of Grigori
Chapter 5: Reality Check
Chapter 6: New Allies, New Enemies
Chapter 7: Broken Pride
Chapter 8: Play My Game
Chapter 9: Adjusting to a Normal Life
Chapter 10: Factions Situation
Chapter 11: War against a False Hero
Chapter 12: Demise of a False Hero
Chapter 14: Double Demise
Chapter 15: Chaos in Kuoh Academy
Chapter 16: Calm and Tranquility.
Chapter 17: Unknown Suffering
Chapter 18: Assault on the Pendragon Mansion
Chapter 19: Aggressive Negotiations
Chapter 20: Reunion of a Vampire with a Dragon
Chapter 21: Party Crashing
Chapter 22: Fall of a Symbol
Chapter 23: Relaxation Time
Chapter 24: Preparation for the Assault
Chapter 25: Fall of Heaven
Chapter 26: Time for Pleasure (18+)
Chapter 27: The God Tribe
Chapter 28: Relationship by Bonds
Chapter 29: The Darkest Night
Chapter 30: Divine Destruction
Chapter 31: Fortuitous Endeavors
Alternate One-Shot: Ending the Factions Permanently
Chapter 32: Claiming the Divinity (18+)
Chapter 33: Dual-Side Developments
Chapter 34: Beginning of the Finale
Chapter 35: Preparation for the Norse Assault
Chapter 36: Ragnarök
Chapter 37: Hopeful Times
Chapter 38: Dealing with the Dog
Chapter 39: Fall of Olympus
Chapter 40: Shiva's Choice
Chapter 41: Vampiric Exorcism
Chapter 42: Shinto Destruction.
Chapter 43: Fall of the Supernatural (Season Finale)
Epilogue: No More Supernatural
Some Facts about Conceptual Records

Chapter 13: Peaceful Resolutions

8.1K 115 75
By RageRevan

Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

Bold + Italics: Songs lyrics, Voice on speaker

Bold + Underline: Dimension change information

(A/N: All the images or gifs or videos used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Previously we saw the aftermath of the fight, Gorou Hyoudou who was watching the fight had a heart attack, as he thankfully was calmed down, before it was too late, the nurse believed whatever he watched was the reason for his heart attack. She told Miki and Aika, both of whom were clearly devastated by what they had seen in the match, they were lies that broke what could have been a happy family. They headed towards the room, and thankfully Gorou was alive. Meanwhile, the Leaders didn't know what to do, as Sizechs commanded two guards to take him to the hospital and then to the prison. As this was going on, the girls who were watching from the Hyoudou mansion, were happy that they were engaged to Issei, with some even starting to like him even more, with Artemis and Elizabeth being the ones. A few days have passed, Nyx and Issei have officially become a couple, and were it was them spending time together, Nyx had become even closer, Issei was enjoying his time, after that Nyx goes on some of her past, as Issei keeps her by his side, as she blushes, the duo then catch up with Charlotte and Quinella as the four witness the trial. Meanwhile, Dai reaches the trial site, where he was informed by Sirzechs it will begin in a few hours. There, he was sentenced to death, but not before giving several of the leaders a well deserved reality check, as he was taken away. The four were surprised by this, as they all teleport back, where Nyx discusses the feelings that the girls are having towards Issei. They agree, with Nyx happily considering the same. Once this was done, Nyx heads back to her lover's room, and there they discuss what Issei thinks of the girls, to which he thinks of them positively. Two days later, Dai is scheduled to be executed, however Issei is not happy with it, since he believes that even the others are as guilty as him, and they all will suffer, he then discusses about the third Sitri Sister, since she was well hidden by the family, they then head back after the execution.

Tamakagahara, Kyoto, 9:45 AM

The Shinto Trio, who comprised Amaterasu, Sussano, and Tsukoyomi. They were discussing what has been going on with the faction leaders, out of all the factions, they were the least affected by Malak's attacks, but they still had to be weary.

Amaterasu was a physical appearance is that of a fit young woman with long black hair. Her hair is also tightened towards the bottom to prevent it from freely moving. She wears the standard clothes of a miko, a Japanese priestess.

Tsukoyomi dresses up in old Japanese clothes. He has a crown with the picture of a crescent moon on his top head. His face has beautiful scenery, with long golden hair and matured body posture.

Susanoo resembles a young man with long and spiky black hair and gold eyes. He is always dressed in what appears to be 19th Century Chinese armour. It consists of five parts-the white undergarment, the gold pauldrons, the gold and red vest, gold arm bracers, and gold and white pants.

"I believe you two know why you have been called here, right?" Amaterasu asked in a serious tone, as Susanoo and Tsukuyomi gave nods, they were aware of Malak's attacks, and how much the Youkai Faction was devastated by them.

"I wish I could fight Malak, he seems strong!" Susanoo exclaimed, showing his Battle Maniac nature, which caused Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi to glare at Susanoo, to which Tsukuyomi spoke with a sigh.

"He can beat you in a minute Susanoo..." Tsukuyomi was aware of what Malak was capable of as he was able to go toe to toe with Shiva, one of the Top 10 strongest beings. This caused even Susanoo to lose his nature, and revert back to normal.

"Either way, what should we do? We can't just stand here and do nothing right?" Amaterasu asked her fellow gods, she may not like them, but she had no choice, they had to work together.

"He can go toe to toe with Shiva, and I believe that he can even handle Vishnu and Brahma without a problem" Tsukuyomi spoke with deep thought, he wasn't happy with Malak's assault on Grigori causing it to be near extinct. The Fallen Angels are as good as gone, and soon several others will be as well.

"Then, are you asking us to wait till he wipes us out!?" Amaterasu exclaimed with anger in her voice, as Tsukuyomi shook his head and responded

"No....we need to train ourselves, we have no other choice, Malak is strong but he is not invincible, no one is" Tsukuyomi responded to his sister in a calm manner, to which Amaterasu calmed down, after which he asked, "Speaking of which how is that Fox Yasaka doing?"

"Not good, that is all I can say" Amaterasu spoke with sadness, Dai Hyoudou's betrayal had broken her for the first few days, she managed to regain her mental state, but she had become cold and distant, almost hating anyone that tried to ask her out. "She is getting slightly better, as she is still the same cold and distant person, a while back, but she is more understanding now, although I doubt she would take any dates..."

"It was to be expected, and do you think Issei Hyoudou will help us?" Sussano asked the others, to which Tsukuyomi shook his head and responded

"No...I don't think he will." Tsukuyomi's tone was full of sadness, as Amaterasu looked away, like several others they believed the wrong brother and this was a consequence of their action, there was nothing they could do.

Opening Start

Issei is walking across the fields.
Malak is surrounded by the burning remains of Grigori

Issei and Nyx are seen side by side looking at the screen.
A book shows up, as Issei comes in his Strongest Red Dragon Armor.
Dai Hyoudou is seen with a sinister smirk, with Rias standing next to him.

Asia and the other girls are fighting against Malak, using magic.
Aika looks above, walking through a puddle.
The ORC, Student Council, Vali Team, and Team Slashdog are shown, all as a pair of angry eyes glare at them.

Issei looks at the book, remembering his past well, he visions the factions falling apart.
Ingvild looks at a figurine of Dai, as she crushes it, tears falling from her eyes, anger on her face.

Artemis, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Quinella, and Gondul watch their factions with disdain.
Ingvild closes her eyes and looks at Dai with a determined look.
Issei is on his knees, his past haunting him, as a family photo shows up, with a slash on it.
Issei is separated from his family.

He looks at his brother in the eye, as they both clash their swords.

Opening End

Hyoudou Residence, 11:00 AM

Ophis, Issei, Artemis, Elizabeth, Nyx, Charlotte and Quinella were all sitting on the living room of the residence, they were all on the couch.

"Ophis, I called you here, because I need your help" Issei asked Ophis, who looked at Issei, in surprise, he usually never calls her or requests her, unless it is important.

"Go ahead." Ophis spoke emotionally and with a smile, as Issei asked

"Can you get me more information about the Sitri Sister that was hidden from the Supernatural World?" Ophis looked at Issei and gave a thought, as she spoke emotionally.

"I can't" Issei looked a bit sad, "I will ask Great Red about it, and see what he says." Issei nodded, as Ophis teleported away, leaving the rest alone.

"I wonder, why is she so hated?" Issei asked in thought to which someone spoke something.

"Can I answer that, Lord Issei?" Issei looked at the person, and this was revealed to be Artemis, who raised her hand, as Issei looked at her and spoke in a neutral tone.

"Go ahead." Artemis then spoke, "You see, in order to hate someone to this extent, you are going to need a reason, a damn good one." Artemis spoke remembering her initial hatred for men, as Issei agreed to it, with which Issei responded

"But what Artemis, I know you need a reason, even if it as stupid as possible, but what is it?" Issei asked, to which the Goddess of Hunting responded

"I think it would be best if you ask my sister Athena about it, she is the best when it comes to questions like these." Issei nodded, as he spoke in a tone of gratitude

"Thanks Artemis, I will see you all later" Issei spoke, making Artemis slightly blush, as she spoke, "Yeah.."

Issei walked away, leaving the girls alone, as Nyx asked

"Speaking of which, why Athena?" Artemis shook her head, as she responded

"If anything my sister needs to know what kind of a man the Red Dragon Emperor is, she and the girls that are 'engaged' to Issei think that he is not to be trusted" Artemis then spoke, "I think the smartest woman needs to know that Issei is not a threat, otherwise, it can be a problem"

"I see..." Nyx spoke with an understanding tone, "So that way a trust can build between your sister and Issei?"

"Indeed." Artemis spoke, causing Nyx to crack a smile, "Very well, then I hope we can find out more about this Sitri sister"

"I never expected Serafall or Sona to be jealous of anyone" Elizabeth spoke with a surprising tone, when she heard of this, she was genuinely surprised, why would someone like her be jealous of anyone.

"Jealousy is a nasty thing, Elizabeth, but she is kept hidden from the rest of the Underworld, it seems like the Devil families have more secrets than we realise" Artemis responded to Elizabeth, which caused nods of agreement in both Quinella and Charlotte.

There was a moment of silence amongst the girls, as Nyx then suggested.

"How about we girls go shopping?" This earned some nods from the majority of the girls who all agreed to do so, there was nothing to do in this house anyway and Malak nor Issei are going to attack the faction any time now.

*Scene Change*

Issei headed to Athena's room as he did so, he encountered Seekvaira, as he asked

"Hey is Athena there in the room?" Seekvaira then spoke in a bit of a suspicious tone

"Yes, but why do you need her?" Issei spoke in a neutral tone.

"Well I have a question for her, so I assumed that asking the Goddess of Wisdom would be a wise choice." Seekvaira nods at this, and leaves, as Issei gave her a satisfactory answer.

Issei knocks in the room, as he does not get any response

"Athena?" Issei asks, as he does not get any response, he knocks a bit louder trying again.

"Athena!?" Issei's voice became louder, he decided to enter inside the room, seeing that it was empty, he looked around to see the room was completely dark, moments later, a door opened, as Athena came outside wrapping a towel covering her chest and other private parts, she switches on the light.

She sees Issei, there was a moment of silence between the Goddess and Red Dragon Emperor, before Athena started to get flustered.

"I am so sorry! I will give you some privacy!" Issei exclaimed as he rushed outside and closed the door, leaving Athena, with a steamy blush on her face.

Moments later, Issei was waiting outside, as a voice comes from inside belonging to Athena.

"You can come in..." Issei came inside, where he saw Athena wearing something else, she wore a silver dress, along with silver slacks, her hair was still partially wet, as she wore the same necklace Artemis had given her.

"First, I want to apologise for coming in, I knocked and when I saw no response, I assumed you were sleeping, so, I am sorry." Athena shook her head, and responded

"I should have realised this, you knocked and I didn't respond" Athena spoke with a smile, Issei sat beside her, as she then asked

"Why did you want to talk to me?" Issei looked at her and asked

"Let's say I know someone, who has a hatred for her sister, hatred usually has a reason, so what could be the reason?" Issei asked the Goddess of Wisdom, as she then spoke

"Is she a criminal or hurt someone that this person cared for?" Issei shook his head in response,

"No, I doubt that." Athena understood what Issei was trying to ask, as she then spoke with a smile,

"I think this sister of that person has something that this person does not have, and cannot ever have in their life, this would cause the person to hold anger against the person that is why this person hates their sister." Issei understood, as he then speaks while getting up.

"Very well, thanks for your words Athena." Issei spoke with gratitude as he left the room, Athena then responded

"I hope that was helpful" Issei gives a nod, as he leaves the room, Athena, then wonders who this person Issei was talking about.

Once outside Issei thinks about what does this sister have that Serafall and Sona don't, causing her to turn on her completely. He was thinking about all the possible things that Sona and Serafall don't have.

"They are not the strongest devils, and Sona is still weaker than most high class devils, she is not as gifted as Rias, when it comes to Demonic Power. But she is a tactician, despite the fact that she lacks Demonic Power. And then we have Serafall, who is Satan Class, that means this girl needs to be possessing something that would be something that would be unobtainable by both of them." Issei spoke with deep thought, he then decided to think about it more.

*Scene Change*

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Nyx, Chibi Elizabeth, Chibi Artemis, Chibi Charlotte and Chibi Quinella having some fun in the pool.

A few Hours Later,

Dimensional Gap, 5:30 PM

"Hello Issei." Ophis spoke emotionally without a smile, as he saw Great Red above him,

"Here Catch!" Issei exclaimed as he threw a Bag of Skittles at her, which she caught.

"What is this?" Ophis asked, to which Issei responded

"Candy, you should try it" Ophis nodded, as she opened the bag, and started to eat the Skittles.

"It's good!" Ophis exclaimed, her voice was louder than before, which surprised both Great Red and Issei.

"Don't finish it, these things are supposed to last for days.." Issei spoke to her, to which Ophis nodded.

"You spoil her too much, hatchling" Great Red spoke in a worried tone, as Issei responded

"Don't worry, I only give her a new packet, once a week" Issei spoke, to which Ophis retorted in an emotionless tone, as he pulled her Skittles towards herself

"You are just mad just because I am not giving you any." Great Red sighed at Ophis's antics, he was not even going to argue since anything he wanted to eat could be manifested in her dreams.

"Anyways, Great Red, did you find anything about the Sitri Sister?" Great Red nodded, as he announced

"Her name is Miyuki Sitri, she is the youngest child of the Sitri Clan, her age is 2 years younger than Sona Sitri herself." Great Red announced, surprising Issei, as he continued, "However, due to an incident one day, she was locked up in the Sitri Mansion, similar to what humans call House Arrest."

"House Arrest? But why? Did she commit a crime?" Issei spoke in surprise, he hardly believed that someone younger than Sona, would have committed a crime, to which the Dragon responded

"No Hatchling. You see, I was able to enter into the dreams of Sona Sitri and Serafall Sitri, and manifest it right in front of me, and well, it turns out, it was something worse than that, the primary reason was jealousy" Issei understood this, this was something even Athena told him, as he then spoke

"Makes sense, I did ask Athena about this, that means that this Miyuki has something that both Sona and Serafall don't, but what is it?" Issei asked Great Red to which the dragon responded

"Her power involves both Water and Ice manipulation to a level that is considered above God Level, she was considered a natural born Ultimate Class Devil, her power was so strong that even when she was a new born baby, the whole room froze around her." Great Red's words made Issei find some similarities between Sirzechs and her when he was born.

"But that doesn't explain the fact that she is locked up?" Issei spoke, in disbelief, as he continued, "Shouldn't the Sitri family be happy about this?"

Great Red shook his head, and responded

"No...hatchling, Serafall and Sona's lies of her being considered dangerous, convinced her parents eventually of her to be imprisoned, they were jealous of her, and her power has the potential to reach Super Devil levels. They once loved her, but when they found out that she has the potential to surpass them, they started to get Jealous and hence why this happened..." Issei nodded, he gritted his teeth, as this girl could find similarities between him and this girl, she was treated the same way as he was, both fooled by their lies.

"So where is she right now?" Issei asked, with a little hint of anger in his voice.

"Right now, she is in her room, she has never been to the human world even once, and she is completely unaware of the modern world." Issei nodded in agreement to Great Red's voice, as he spoke in a tone full of gratitude.

"Very well then, thanks you two" Issei teleported out of here, as he left, Great Red looked at her, and asked

"Can I have some?" Ophis shook her head in response, making him fall in sadness, as his head drooped down.

*Scene Change*

Hyoudou Residence, 8:00 PM

Issei reached home, where he saw the girls missing, as he grew worried especially for Nyx, Charlotte and Quinella.

"Hey we are back!" Issei turned his attention to the girls, all of whom are now wearing casuals, Quinella now wore a navy blue shirt, with white sleeves, and collars, she also wore slacks that stuck to her legs, along with heels. Her hair was now tied in a bun.

Charlotte now wore a casual coat, with a strapless top, the coat was black in colour and this was strapped at the centre using buttons, she also wore a chequered skirt that reached to her knees. She additionally wore heels as well.

Artemis wore a casual light orange dress and brown short pants, she was additionally holding a purse which was purple in colour.

(A/N: Ignore the ice cream)

And finally Elizabeth wore a white dress, covered by a short pink coat, and fluffy white and pink winter boots.

"You guys went shopping?" Issei asked, as Nyx gave a nod in response, as she speaks

"Indeed we did, it took a while to get Artemis and Elizabeth to decide on what they wanted, but we got" Issei nods, sighing that there would be a dent in his Debit Balance.

"So how many clothes did you girls buy?" Issei asked, as Artemis spoke

"We each bought 5 Lord Issei, hope you don't mind..." Artemis spoke while looking away with a blush, as Issei sighs, the clothes are brought, and Artemis and the other girls were wearing this.

"I don't, did you girls enjoy your day?" Issei asked, as Elizabeth responded

"Oh we did, we all did, Artemis wouldn't stop eating popsicles" Artemis became flustered due to embarrassment, as she spoke

"I-I couldn't help it!" Elizabeth chuckled in response, as Issei sighed again, the girls enjoyed their day after all.

"Well, you should rest for the night, I need to do some work." Issei spoke in a neutral tone.

"So did you find anything about the Sitri Sister?" Quinella asked to which Issei gave a nod.

"You did, tell us more?" Quinella spoke with an excited tone, as Issei took a deep breath and responded

"Her name is Miyuki Sitri, she is the third child of the Sitri Clan, and she was under House Arrest by her own clan. It turns out both the Sitri Sisters were jealous of what she is capable of, hence they lied to her parents to her being a threat as a result, she was in house arrest for most of her life." Issei spoke with a serious tone, as several were angered by this, they wanted to rescue her as soon as possible.

"But for what reason was she in this state, and why was she considered a threat?" Artemis asked, while suppressing her anger, to which Issei responded

"You see, she has absolute control over Water and Ice. According to Great Red, her power was so strong, that when she was born, she froze the entire room she was in, her aura almost rivalled that of Ultimate Class Devils. Furthermore, she has the potential to be a Super Devil, hence why the Sitri Clan hides her, and as for Serafall and Sona, they are jealous of what she is capable of, hence why she is in house arrest." Issei spoke seriously, causing Artemis to understand this.

"Honestly, just when I thought Serafall couldn't sink any lower, she did the unthinkable..." Quinella spoke with disgust, as Issei responded

"Agreed, she is no better than Dai, yet hates him as if she is in the right, she is mentally a child at this point, in my opinion." Issei was equally irritated at what she did, to him, she and Sona both were hypocrites, and he was going to make them regret what they did.

"So when do we rescue her?" Charlotte asked, as she was willing to do it, right away, she wanted to save her from their sisters and the family before it was too late.

"At Midnight, when everyone is asleep, but first I will need to research her properly, like how and when do the Sitri Family interact with her, and when should we strike" Issei spoke, earning nods of agreement, as Artemis speaks

"I can help you in rescuing her, my stealth magic can make sure you are undetected no matter what happens" Issei nodded in agreement, as he spoke with a smile.

"Thanks Artemis, you have been helping me quite a while" Issei appreciated the Goddess of Hunt, who nodded in happiness, while Elizabeth seemed a bit annoyed by the praise, although she did not show it.

"Speaking of which, Gondul has been keeping me up to date with what is going on in Asgard..." Issei spoke, earning interested looks from the girls, as he responded, "It turns out many weren't happy with Odin's leadership, due to him favouring Dai and insulting Issei, with a civil war having a chance of breaking out."

"I see....Greek is even worse, people hate Zeus because of the scandals" Artemis spoke while shaking her head, as she continues, "He still blames you for it, along with Dai Hyoudou."

"It's to be expected of that Blunder God, all he does is make mistakes and does it again, he is an idiot who cannot learn from his mistakes." Artemis nodded, in agreement.

"And as for the angels, no one was happy with what Michael did to you, and he hopes to make an alliance with you in the future." Elizabeth spoke with an annoyed tone, "And we all know how that will end right?"

"They are desperate Elizabeth, that is why they made the execution of Dai public, so that they think I would help them" Issei spoke coldly, "Fools, they don't even know what is going on."

"So do you wish for us to continue spying?" Elizabeth asked

"Yes, I would like that, report to me whatever happens, alright?" Elizabeth nodded, as Issei continued, "And you too Artemis, and do tell me about Zeus's despair, I want to see that god suffer" Issei spoke coldly.

"Yes, I don't mind.." Artemis agreed to it, as Issei spoke

"Either way, thanks, both of you..." Issei complimented the girls, causing them to be flustered, they then teleported to their respective locations to keep an eye on the factions.

"So Issei, what do you ask us to do?" Quinella asked, as Issei spoke

"Rest for now girls, and meet me during midnight, tell this to Artemis and Elizabeth as well." Quinella nods in agreement, as the four then eat their dinner, while being watched by Valery.

"I know you are out there Valery, come here." Issei commanded coldly, causing her to come out sheepishly.

"Right, Lord Issei, I need to talk to you about Team Slashdog, they have been recovering" Issei nods, as he responds

"I see...very well, you can leave." Valery nods, she did not want to ask Issei to rescue Lavinia out of fear of what he might do to her, she only hoped that she could gain his trust sometime in the future.

"Anywho, Charlotte, tell Grievous that we will be attacking our next faction by tomorrow, tell him that he and Malak will be the one in charge." Charlotte spoke, as she teleported to the hideout to give the information.

"As for us, let's rest, and wait till midnight." Issei spoke, as the two girls nodded.

*Scene Change*

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Issei eating his Cheesecakes

Sitri Household, 11:55 PM

A girl was sitting on the bed with a sad look on her face, she was a lovely, beautiful girl who captivates whoever sets their eyes on her. Her arms and legs are slim, slender without looking too unhealthy. She has a defined and curvaceous figure, and was described to having an aura of serenity despite her being a pure blooded devil.

"Miyuki, here I have kept your food..." The girl now known as Miyuki looked at her mother, she was described to being an older version of Serafall, with blue eyes, and black hair, she wore noble devil clothing.

"Right mother.." Miyuki spoke in an emotionless tone, as she took her food, her mother left her.

Miyuki remembered how no matter what she did, she was always met with scornful glares from both of her older sisters, while her parents kept her inside her room, with only them saying that, "It's for your own good."

"Why do I even bother...?" Miyuki asked silently, as she ate her food, she was sad, as she couldn't explore the human world. Anytime she tried to teleport Serafall and Sona somehow managed to locate and find her, and force her back.

She managed to see their condescending smirks. Before she passed out, she wondered if she would ever get to see the outside world in her life.

She ate her food and went to sleep, not knowing that today will be the final day in this house.

Meanwhile, Issei, along with the rest of his allies, were watching the mansion with a cold manner, the only who was not present was Elizabeth, who had to perform some work for Michael, she couldn't let anyone know that she is working for Issei, as Issei spoke

"We cannot kill anyone here, unfortunately, our mission is to secure Miyuki Sitri" Issei's voice was cold, as it even brought shivers to his own allies, minus Nyx. This was personal to him, and he was going to make Serafall and Sona regret this.

"So when do we begin?" Quinella asked

"We begin right away, Artemis, put the magic on us, and Quinella, most of the guards are male, you know what to do right?" Issei spoke, as Quinella nodded with a smile.

"Leave it to me!" Issei smiled in response, as Artemis put the stealth magic on the group, as she then spoke, "You have an hour more until they find out, good luck Lord Issei, everyone else!"

"Understood, well Quinella, Nyx, Charlotte we go as planned" Issei spoke, earning nods from the three girls.

Nyx created a portal that would direct access to the centre of the compound, there they would have to deal with the guards.

"Quinella, you're up..." Issei spoke, as Quinella used her magic Charm, to infatuate the guards, they all were made to fall asleep, as they tried their best to remain awake, no one saw that it was they who did it.

"Charlotte, disable any cameras...and check for anyone that is nearby." Issei spoke through a magic circle, as he had given Unknown Dictator to the Beelzebub descendant, she can also use her ability to see if there was anyone that could be a problem like Serafall Leviathan as she could ruin the stealth mission, after a while, Charlotte spoke

"Everything is clear, you may go." Issei nods, as the three head inside Miyuki's room, she was asleep, Issei lightly tapped her cheek, causing the girl to wake up.

"H-huh, who are you!?" Miyuki exclaimed in worry, as Issei spoke

"Relax, we are not here to hurt you, my name is Issei Hyoudou and this is Nyx, and my ally Quinella Asmodeus."

They both greeted the third Sitri Sister, as Miyuki calmed down, Issei explained who he is and after a while, she asked

"What does the Red Dragon Emperor want with me?" Miyuki asked with worry, she was well aware of the two dragon emperors were capable of, they are strong.

"I want you to get you out of here." Issei spoke seriously to which Miyuki widened her eyes, however her eyes suddenly fell away as she spoke

"I think you should leave..." Miyuki spoke with sadness, as Issei asked

"Why?" Miyuki shook her head as she spoke with a sad tone.

"Because even if I want to leave, they would come and imprison me back, they know when I can teleport, Lord Issei."

Issei understood that the girl was being tracked, as Issei sighed, he activated a magic circle, and spoke with a smile

"I know what I need to do..." Once the magic circle was run through her, she felt no different than before, he then spoke

"I believe you should pack your stuff, and come with me." Issei spoke with a smile, as she asked.

"Does that mean I can go out?" Issei gave a nod, as Miyuki beamed at this, and immediately rushed to pack her stuff, she had two suitcases full of them, as Issei asked

"Is that all?" Miyuki gives a nod, as he then summons two teleportation circles, one for his group plus Miyuki and the other for Artemis and Charlotte.

They are all then teleported to the Hyoudou Residence.

*Scene Change*

Hyoudou Residence, 1:00 AM

Issei and his group enter the Hyoudou Residence, they settle for a moment on the job well done, as Issei speaks

"Well Miyuki, pick a room, you would be living here, from now on, alright?" Issei speaks, as Miyuki comes close to him and hugs him, as she speaks looking up and with a genuine smile.

(A/N: I don't own this gif)

"Thank you..." Issei was taken aback, he could sense some jealousy coming primarily from Nyx, as he gulped in fear, he then spoke

"No worries...just rest..for the night" Issei spoke with a tone of nervousness, as she nodded, she then took her suitcases and headed to an empty room.

He sighed, as he turned to comfort Nyx, who was taken aback by this action. She blushed immensely as she hadn't experienced this in a while.

"I-Ise?" Nyx asked with a flushed face, she was surprised to see Issei act like this, the other girls pouted with jealousy hoping that Issei would one day do this to them, while Artemis was watching the scene in amusement.

"There..happy?" Issei asked with a smile, as he earned a nod from the Primordial Goddess, as Issei then split up from her, while Nyx remained blushing, he then spoke

"I think you all should rest, tomorrow we will begin the attack on the next faction." The girls nodded, thankfully no one was there to even try to watch them.

As the girls head to their rooms to rest, Issei and Nyx head to Issei's room, as Nyx was actually preparing the bed, as Issei snuck from behind her, and embraced her, as she blushed, again.

"I-Ise?" Nyx stammered, as Issei spoke

"You seemed jealous, so that is why I thought you would feel nice if I did this." Nyx smiled genuinely, she held Issei's hands, as they both decided to head to bed, Nyx then asked

"I was thinking, what should we do once this all gets over?" Issei looked at his girlfriend and responded

"Honestly, I haven't thought about that. Once the factions have been dealt with, we can go on a nice vacation, and mostly, we don't even know what will happen..." Issei spoke with a smile, while bringing Nyx closer to him, as she spoke

"I...I would like to properly settle down, not as the Red Dragon Emperor and the Primordial Goddess, but as a regular married couple, nothing more, nothing less, and with our new family." Nyx responded with a cheerful smile, as Issei nodded, he would also have loved that, he then brought her closer, as she cuddled him, both then sleep for a good day

The night all in all, was calm for everyone, as they all slept peacefully, knowing tomorrow is a good day for them.

*Scene Change*

Serafall's Residence, 1:30 AM

Serafall suddenly woke up, when she sensed her magic going off, as she was horrified to see what had happened.

"No...Miyuki has escaped!" Serafall spoke in disbelief, before exclaiming in fury, as she remembered the girl, her own younger sister, she was jealous of what she is capable of, she feared her power would surpass her and eventually she would be the next candidate for a Super Devil.

She never got the chance to become a Super Devil, unlike Sirzechs and Ajuka, as she was not strong enough. She trained, but no matter what she did, she couldn't do it, she eventually gave up.

However when her sister was born, she showed talent that was similar to Sirzechs, this caused jealousy to build inside of her, she vowed to make the person that released her regret it.

"Whoever did this, I will make sure that they regret it!" Serafall shouted, she was going to make sure that they pay with their lives. She needed to find her little sister, so that she could take her back to the mansion.

Unbeknownst to her, doing such a thing will be her undoing.

*Scene Break*

(A/N: Bang that's it for this chapter, the next chapter will be dealing with the faction)

(A/N(2): Amaterasu is based on Tomoe from Queens Blade, I don't own this character or anime)

(A/N(3): Tsukuyomi is based on the same from Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu anime, I don't own the character or this anime)

(A/N(4): Miyuki Sitri is based on Miyuki Shiba from Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei, I do not own her or this anime, and her full potential is on par with Sirzechs and Ajuka, more of her powerset will be revealed)

(A/N(5): All the gods and characters are completely fictional and the world is also Draconic Deus they have no relations or connections to any god, religion or mythology of our real world or Planet Earth. Some characters may seem villainous, but that is how it is, this Issei is the first villain Issei, but it should have been obvious at this point.)

(A/N(6): Massive thanks to Shubh030201 for helping me with this chapter)

Please let me know what you think in the comments, and I will catch y'all later



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