court of lies | robert's rebe...

Par songofsapphire

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Atera Hightower joins the Red Keep as the lady-in-waiting of the future wife of the crown prince, Elia Martel... Plus

characters pti
characters ptii
characters ptiii
characters ptiv
pti | the royal wedding
the call
the ladies
the proposal
the dorne
the princess
the storm's end
the feast
the joust
the wedding
ptii | the florent revolt
moodboards; pti
moodboards; ptii (fashion)
the fool moon
the baby dragon
the death of a queen
the rush hour
the funeral
the rains
the labour
the amber skies
the fine print
the lion and the king
ptiii | the unfinished business
the family line
the dangerous game
the prophecy
the sign of the times
the champagne problems
the sun and the spear
the skyfall
the divine move
the shadow of doubt
the summerhall
ptiv | the kingswood
the fighting pit
the icarus
the poisoned bond
the brotherhood
the sept of baelor
the princess and the queen
the burning embers
the sworn sword
the heartbreak weather
the emperor's new clothes
ptv | the year of the false spring
the harrenhal
the lotus
the kingsguard
the harbinger of war
the mystery knight
the broken crown
the lost stars
the winter roses
the dawn will come
the song of ice and fire
ptvi | the war of the usurper
the north remembers
the labyrinth
the below of the surface
the war council
the bells
the winter solstice

the court

199 7 5
Par songofsapphire

"he saw her before he saw anything else in the room"

279 AC, Storm's End

"Myles maybe you just need to stop.", Arthur said, swallowing a painful groan.

He was laying on a table inside his tent, and his armour and shirt were taken off. His shoulder was now fully purple and red and swollen, hurting enough for him to greet his teeth in an equally painful way. Oswell was eating an apple, hovering over him with an amused smile, Arthur refused to have a Maester look at him so now a very panicked Myles was running inside of the tent, trying to find something to compress over his aching shoulder. Jamie was with his uncle and Rhaegar was with the princess. They didn't know where Jon was.

"No Myles, I think you need to bring some ice.", Oswell smirked at Arthur. "So we can apply a cold compress."

"You don't -you don't do that with ice, Oswell.", he hissed. "The cloth itself has to be cold, not ice."

"Are you sure about that?", he tilted his head in a playful way. "I disagree."

"You disagree?", Arthur tried to get up but then threw himself back due to the pain. "Myles just stop!", he yelled to the boy who was trying to angle his shoulder in a different way which hurt even more. "Both of you just stop for one godsdamned second!"

"Did I come in the wrong time?", Ashara entered the tent and asked with caution.

Oswell's playful smirk died when he saw her and he sent a look to Arthur who just closed his eyes and was rubbing his face with his healthy hand. He cleared his throat and spoke towards a wide-eyed Myles.

"Let's go and find the Maester, Myles.", Arthur opened his mouth to reject but Oswell stopped him. "Do not complain, you need actual help or it is going to hurt a lot more for a long time."

Both bowed their heads towards Ashara as a sign of respect and left the two siblings alone in the tent.

"It doesn't seem well.", she said, grimacing at his wound. "Did your prince do that?"

"No, Connington did the other day.", Arthur spoke from his throat, trying not to move. "And I fell over it today."

"Why did you joust today if you were in pain?"

"It wasn't that bad."

Ashara hummed, her eyes roaming around the tent, searching for something she didn't know about. It was a simple tent. There was a small bed on it for him to rest during the breaks. Two tables, one for medical help, the one that Arthur was laying on now and on the other there was wine, water and fruits and a bit of appetizer. On the floor, there were his boots and shield and armour and multiple lances leaning over the tent's corner. There was a small chair next to the table and on top of it, there were new pairs of clothes for him to wear after the tourney and his dirty shirt were hanging from it.

"I waited for you to speak to me, to us.", she said deciding it was the right time. Maybe the pain would force Arthur to be honest. "Maybe not with Andric but definitely with Allyria.", she looked directly into his eyes. "But you didn't."

"No I didn't.", he agreed. "And I do not want to talk right now either. My brain is too clouded."

"I don't give a fuck about the current situation of your brain, big brother.", she narrowed her eyes. "We'll talk when I say we'll talk and right now I say that we are going to fucking talk because you owe me an explanation."

"What explanation do you want?", he asked, forcing him to lie even though it hurt. "You knew my stay in Starfall wasn't going to be long and I was going to return back to the capital soon. It was a family visit, not a permanent stay."

"And then what happened? Because I know you, you never wanted to be a kingsguard. Father betroth you, and you would never go against his clear orders. You were always the dutiful son. So what happened? That is all I am asking. What made you swear yourself to the king in a way you cannot take back?"

"I saw an opportunity and I took it.", he simply said, watching the ceiling, avoiding her completely. "Ser Gwayne had just died in Duskendale and there was an opening and the king wasn't there so it was Rhaegar's duty to fill it."

"So it's just it?", she frowned deeply. "Your dragon prince asked you nicely and you threw away everything without thinking twice? Without informing the father and mother? You didn't even write them a letter afterwards. They just went to the court after the king's return and here you were, the new kingsguard."

"I told Andric.", he smiled angrily. "I cannot see him getting blamed like me for upholding the truth from you."

"Because you were the one that was supposed to tell us, not Andric."

"Well maybe if Andric had done things he was supposed to do I wouldn't have to.", he mumbled inside his mouth.

"What is that supposed to mean?", Ashara asked defensively. "Because Andric was there Arthur when you were not. Andric was there when father and mother died when you didn't bother yourself with coming to their funerals. Andric is still there, supporting and protecting all of us when you do not even greet us.", she took a deep breath and approached him and held his unwounded hand. "Look I know you, okay, I do know you. Andric was too old and Allyria were too young, we grew up together and the Arthur I know would never do the things you had done in the past two years. You were all I had while growing up, I know you wouldn't let me face the loss of our parents alone. So I beg of you, brother, tell me what cause you to do this?", she asked sincerely. "I am not a fool, I know it is about Andric but I need to know what exactly happened, Arthur I need to."

Arthur squeezed her hand and swallowed all the things he wanted to say. "It seems to me that you didn't know as well as you thought.", he said coldly and in the next minute, Ashara left the tent with a muffled scream.


"What is this urgent that I had to come here?", Lewyn rolled his eyes at the stable boy but he got serious when he saw the apprehensive Tremond. "What happened?", he straightened his shoulder and tilted his head.

"This!", Tremond hit the paper to his chest and turned around, starting to pace around.

The wedding is off, inform Elia and send her back home with Oberyn. -Lorenza

"What the fuck this is supposed to mean?!", he asked with consternation. "She cannot cancel the fucking wedding and ask me to return her daughter home when we are in a tournament to celebrate the fucking wedding!"

"Stop yelling.", Tremond warned him. "I sent everyone away but there might be ears."

"Do you have any idea what is this about?"

"Do you think I would summon you here if I knew? She just sent this to me and I have no idea what to do now."

"Tremond this is bad.", Lewyn gritted his teeth and pursed his lips with anger, widened his eyes. "It is bad bad."

"I know it Lewyn.", he gritted his teeth too. "This is a political disaster. Taking the princess back to Sunspear is easy and can be taken as an attempt at an uprising, as treason. But taking her to the capital? We have no idea what would happen then."

"I haven't received any words from Gerold.", Lewyn forced him to think straight. "Lorenza would never write to me in a situation like this, nor Aethan and Lucerys are fucking here despite I told him to stay in the capital. Gerold and Barristan would inform me if the wedding would be truly off, or if a royal messenger would come here by now to speak with Rhaegar. Doran went there to keep his parents under control."

"It would destroy Elia's reputation too.", Tremond said relatively calm now. "She came here all the way after this news aggravating half of the kingdoms, we had celebrated it loud and well. We cannot just take her away now. What am I, what are we supposed to do?"

"I'll go and talk with Lucerys.", Lewyn nodded to himself. "Because you are right both options are just an invitation for trouble. I'll go and ask him if he had heard anything. You try to understand what might have happened to cause this."


Three days ago at King's Landing

Ruling Princess Lorenza Martell and King Aerys Targaryen sat in the dining room together, alone and the art of compromise started. Both of them were sure about their case, knew what they want and knew what can give up. No spiders or lions were there to guide the king and the princess was free of snakes and seahorses.

Both opponents were great at playing the game. But in truth, neither of them knew how to play it, in truth no one really ever knew how to play the game. Everybody had their ways, plans, thoughts, secrets and lies. Every 'player' changed the game as they wish and everybody who cannot adjust to it became a 'piece' and was thrown out from the chess table as soon as possible.

Lorenza was on that table much longer than Aerys. She grew up in the pit of snakes, and she couldn't remember how many times she get bitten but those venoms only made her stronger. She grew up in the game and learned to play it even before she learned her name. Unbent, Unbowed, Unbroken, she was, and she wasn't going to stop staying strong today.

Aerys on the other hand, grew up in King's Landing, in the court of Aegon the Unlikely, the pit of dragons was in its prime. He knew the lie and the liar. He built his own game, set the rules and picked the players, and let everyone else become pieces He knew too well that not every issue can be solved by the council. The embodiment of Fire and Blood, he was, once, but not anymore.

"My daughter shall be known as the Princess of Dragonstone."

"Then my son shall be known as the Prince of Dorne."

"That's not how it works, Aerys. Rhaegar is the Prince of Dragonstone. It is not just a title anymore, it is his seat, and he is actively ruling there. As his wife, it's only right if my daughter shall become the Princess of Dragonstone as many before her were. Including your own wife and mother. But for Dorne? Elia is a princess by birth, if Rhaegar wants it he can become a prince consort but nothing much. And the only way to do that is if he gives up his titles. It means he is not going to be the Prince of Dragonstone or your heir anymore. If he wishes that too much, we will always welcome him in Dorne and you already have another son to name as heir."

"Does my son looks like an unimportant Lord of Gods-knows-where to you? Your husband might have given up his own titles but my son won't. He is the heir of this kingdom. He won't bow to anyone."

"Then he can't become the prince consort. You know the rules as much as I do."

"I don't want him to become the Prince Consort. He should become the Prince of Dorne."

"There are only three Princes in the Dorne. Lewyn, because he was the son of a ruler. Doran and Oberyn, because they are the sons of a ruler. My own nephew, Manfrey, is not a prince because he did not born out of a ruler. I think I would have remembered if, at some point in my life, I would give birth to Rhaegar. He's not born by me, therefore he cannot use the title of 'Prince of Dorne'."

"And what if your sons get married?", he asked with a fit of growing anger, this marriage had to benefit to both sides.

"Doran is already married. If he would have marry someone from Westeros, the girl would be known as the Princess Consort of Dorne. But he married an outsider, she is not even a proper lady. She has no right to Dorne and the children she bore will only belong to Doran. She is merely a noble mistress under the eyes of the Dornish and she holds no titles in my court."

"What does your son thinks about it?"

"He is not happy but who cares about his happiness?", Lorenza tilted her head. "There is no room for emotions when you are responsible for the thousands of lives and the thousands-of-years-old traditions, laws and customs. I am only alive for a short time to watch over my family. I am not going to turn us into a joke by giving into Doran's childish wishes."

"And what about the little one?"

"If Oberyn marries a Westerosi woman, she'll also be known as the Princess Consort of Dorne. And she will automatically hold more status than Doran's wife. She will become the Lady of Sunspear thanks to my firstborn idiocy."

"If I would have a daughter..."

"If you would have a daughter, indeed. But you don't have one. You have two sons, this is why you are making this conversation with me.", she narrowed her eyes, she could still win this game. "But well, I have a granddaughter and you have a son and they happen to be the same age."

"You want me to wed both of my heirs to Dorne? Do you think I am an idiot?", Aerys asked with frustration.

"What will you then? Rhaella won't give you a daughter Aerys, you know that.", she leaned over. "She's been through enough."

"You want two dragons for your weak nation. What will I earn in return? He's the only son I have left. Why would I send him to your mud hole? We already have a bloodline together. I can wait and marry him with someone else, make more alliances. Viserys is the spare heir, his only purpose is to make the said alliances. And Tywin had always been a very eager man.", he leaned to the table, and a smirk appeared on his face. "What would you think if I would marry Viserys with Cersei, hmm? Would that make you happy?"

Marrying the boy with the Lannister almost certainly meant Elia and all of her future children's death alongside Aerys' eldest. Was he stupid enough not to see that? Was he mad enough not to care about that? Or was he just bluffing?"

"I have one daughter, only one. If you decide to get in bed with Tywin, then I will call of the wedding here and now."

"You wouldn't dare.", Aerys smiled with satisfaction and leaned back in his chair. "Here is my condition Lorenza; I don't care what title your daughter holds, my son will be known as Prince of Dorne and will be respected as such. Since we are kin now, you will start to give more taxes and all the Dornish Lords and their heirs will swear fealty to me and to my son.", according to the customs only Lorenza did that when he was crowned. Her bannermen were loyal to her, not to Aerys. "Or I will marry Viserys with Cersei. Let's see what happens when you both have a Targaryen prince now."

"The realm would bleed.", she pressed the words.

"The realm will bleed anyways.", he shrugged. "There is a war coming Lorenza, it is close, I can feel it. I don't when it will be or who is going to fight but I know you will not live long enough to see it. And the only way you can protect your daughter is to marry him with my son and you know what you should do for it."

"And if I refuse then what? What if I call off the wedding?", this was Lorenza's only option now. She yearned for that crown to be on her head once, now she wanted it for her own daughter but it didn't mean she would see her dead for it. "What if I take my daughter away, then what?"

"Then the wedding will take place in between Rhaegar and-", he was going to say Cersei but he knew who would make Lorenza go crazy. "Atera Hightower. Viserys will marry Cersei. And surely my grandson will be betrothed to a Marcher. Then your sons and daughter will reunite with you in the afterlife soon enough."

"Yours will not.", she pursed her lips and nodded to herself. "You are going to burn in seven hells alone.", she stood up and tilted her head. "Oh no wait, Jenica will accompany you there.", Aerys stood up too, his chair going backwards due to the force of pushing. "Do as you wish, I am not going to let you use my daughter as a pawn. The wedding is off, you would explain it to your council."


"Have you lost your mind?", Aethan entered her chambers half an hour later, fuming with anger. Doran was already sitting there, his head between his hands and Mellario was squeezing his knee to show her support. "You went there to gain a title to our daughter not to call off the wedding and let two of my greatest enemies get everything I want!", he yelled, the veins in his neck were obvious.

"My daughter's safety and the security of my nation are a lot more important than your personal ambitions, Aethan. I thought you would learn it by now."

Lords Yronwood and Fowler were there too, sitting with Quentyn and Cassella. Dornsih wanted this betrothal to be called off since the moment it was decided but not like this. This was a huge political disaster and a direct threat to Dorne's unity. Aerys wouldn't just let go of Elia's hand this easily and more than half of the realm was already hating the Dornish.

"You don't give a fuck about Elia so stop pretending to play the caring mother.", he snapped. "You would do anything to get that crown. Tell me what caused you to give it up now?"

"He wants Rhaegar to be known as the Prince of Dorne."

"It cannot happen.", Doran frowned. "It is both unlawful and is a threat against Dorne. We are not fully in the fold, we still hold royal titles, and we are a self-governing region. We didn't even make Princess Daenerys a Princess Consort, she was only the Lady of Sunspear. Giving Rhaegar a title like this would mean we accept the Targaryen rule like the rest of the Westeros."

"I know that boy!", she snapped at him. "I refused and he threatened me to marry his youngest with the Lannister girl.", she loved Joanna once, they were good friends but Joanna was dead and Tywin was nothing more than a piece of shit, his daughter held the same value as he did under her eyes. "We all know what would come from this."

"Giving Tywin a prince would only create the foundation of yet another Targaryen civil war.", Aethan gaped. "Aerys himself fought on the last Blackfyre Rebellion, he cannot be this stupid."

"Oh but apparently he is."

"I think you are the stupid one here.", Aethan held her arm tightly. "He obviously bluffed but since you did not possess a brain, you burnt down all the bridges and gave leverage to Tywin."

"Get your hands off me!", she pushed him. "I am not Rhaella, I will not be treated like this.", her accent made it hard to understand her words, she was utterly angry. "My daughter is not a piece on the board that anyone can move around."

"Yes because you are the only one who can, right, mother?", Doran asked calmly and both Aethan and Lorenza turned to look at him with crazy looks in their eyes. "You think you are the only one who can decide on our faith.", he stood up. "When I proved you wrong I thought you would end your obsession but here we are."

"I am your princess.", she gritted her teeth. "And your mother. I am the only person who can order you around."

"Elia is two and twenty, an adult who can make her own decisions. She said she didn't want to marry, you forced her to go there and now what? You cancel the wedding when she starts to want it? Both of you need to stop for one second and think about something other than your personal beef with dead people. Do you have any idea how this would ruin Elia's life? Dorne itself would fall into a very dangerous place. Half of the realm hates us mother because of this betrothal you insisted on when all of us disagreed with you. You don't get to change your mind now."

Doran knew how Lorenza 'convinced' Elia.

By telling the fucking truth.

The hatred for Dorne grew up only more when they joined the fold. It got eased off a little when Aegon -who was more Dornish than Targaryen, actually showed no respect for his mother's hometown and neither did Jaehaerys or Aerys, until now. It just caused all the hatred to rise once more in a more burning way than ever. Now the whole of Westeros was after them, their own bannermen after them and Martells had no true allies. Not even their own kin, the Qorgyles or Gargalens would help them, not even Andric Dayne would support them because they had failed them time and time again. The last great ruler Dorne had was Raveon Martell, son of Maron and Daenerys, and all of them after he just made things worse and worse. And Lorenza had no friends.

The moment she dies, a civil war was going to happen, even an idiot could see it. What they had to do was to secure the Targaryen support to keep out rest of the Westeros from their borders so they could deal with it personally. And then they had to, Doran had to, go and make amends with the high lords as much as he could. That was the plan. There was no room for childish feuds. It was not about Tywin Lannister or any of the dead people his parents still hold grudges with. It was about Dorne itself and Doran was not going to let it go this easily.

"As long as I live, I am in charge and only I can decide on the destinies of my children."

"There will be no Dorne when you die if you continue to be this petty and childish, mother.", he snapped back. "I am trying to save our home from you."


279 AC, Storm's End

"I do not wish to join the feast tonight."

"Why?", Leyton asked with worry, Atera was frowning the whole day but he didn't want to pressure her by asking.

"I have this terrible headache.", she put a hand on her forehead, they were walking in the gardens with the soft breeze of summer air reminding them of Oldtown. "It just doesn't go away, I cannot deal with a feast."

"Do you want me to send a Maester to you?"

"No, not necessary.", she sent a look to him and rolled her eyes, taking his arm between hers. "Malora will make me tea and I will rest."

"As you wish.", he knew better than to argue with her. "Is there something you want to tell me?"

"I don't think it is that obvious.", she slightly frowned.

"Baelor saw you talking with the princess. I imagined maybe there are one or two things you may consider sharing with me.", he wrinkled his nose.

"Baelor, ever the messenger.", she mumbled in her mouth and Leyton rolled his eyes.

"He is your nephew, stop quarrelling with him."

"Don't refer to him as such.", she grimaced. "He is older than me, it disgusts me to see myself as his aunt. Also, I do not quarrel with him, he is having a one-sided beef with me, these are different things."

"He is trying to look out for you."

"He is waiting for me to make a mistake like a vulture so he can rat me out to you."

Leyton sighed. "I will not make this argument with you again. Baelor is your nephew -like it or not, not your enemy. He is not after you, he isn't trying to make you look bad. He is just protective by nature and of course, he told me, his father -your brother, that you were talking with the princess. Half of the nobles here saw it and the rest heard it by now."

"Is it curiosity that I am sensing brother?"

"Of course it is.", their arms were locked and he held her hand with his other hand. "I am just wondering what possibly you could have talked with her."

"She offered me to be one of her ladies when she married the prince.", she stopped walking and looked into his eyes directly. "And I accepted it."

"Without consulting me first?", he was taken aback by that. He definitely didn't approve of her decision. He wanted her to be away from the king, away from the court.

"I didn't think you would object to it.", she tilted her head. "Me becoming one of the future queen's ladies increases our family's influence greatly, as you know. I thought you would offer this yourself in the first place.", she frowned slightly.

"I do not approve this one bit, know this.", he let go of her hand. "This isn't a decision you can make yourself. You are going to turn nine and ten soon enough, and we have many marriage offers to consider. Also, I want you next to me, in our home. You've been gone too long, and I let you have all the freedom you want in the world.", his voice got sterner. "But the playtime is over, Atera. It is time for you to grow up and take responsibility."

"I do not wish to marry.", she raised her eyebrows to make a point. "I don't want a man to call 'husband' or children of my own and the more you force me into it, the less I want it. Princess Elia will have authority over you once she marries the prince. I can simply go and ask for her to use it.", she rose her head in a very familiar way. Leyton realized he missed arguing with his sister, weirdly enough. "I am not playing any games or running away from being a grown-up. I simply don't want the future you want for me. Why you can respect Malora when she says that but not me?"

Oh, if she only knew the real reason behind it. But Leyton could never tell her, he wasn't brave enough for it.

"Malora is the daughter of a lord and when I die, she will be the sister of a lord.", he started to explain to her once more as if he didn't give her the same reason in the past hundreds of times. "You are the sister of a lord now, when I die, you will have no influence or authority in Baelor's court as his aunt. Of course, you will remain rich and all that, because Baelor does love you.", he pointed out. "But you can make a valuable marriage now, not after when I die."

"Are you planning to die within a year?", she raised her eyebrows once again and pursed her lips. "No, I venture? Then good, because I will serve to her grace only a year. Then I will return back to Oldtown. Can't you give me one more year?"

"You just said you weren't running away from anything."

"Because you will never realize that I am not trying to be rebellious.", she said with a soft tired smile. "You think I don't want marriage and kids now but I will one day and you weren't here to give me what I want. You don't understand that I will never want these."

"You think I am a bad brother because I want to secure your happiness, safety and future?"

"I think you are a bad brother because you just decided that I need those things years ago without asking me first and now you object when I actually choose to do things I want to do and not asking you first.", she put a hand on his arm.

Leyton knew what he was going to say next was going to be too much but he had to. "I don't want you to end up like your mother."

Atera's mouth opened slightly and she tilted her head with confusion, then she narrowed her eyes only for a second and snorted, took a step back. "I have a terrible headache, Leyton and I am in no mood to argue. Let's just pretend you never dared to say this."


"If you have a problem with my decision, you can always go and talk with the princess and she can order you so.", she rose her head, now her loving face was filled with dark clouds and a subtle hatred. Leyton had no right. "I made my decision and you are going to respect it."


Mace took Willas to watch some knights training for the melee tomorrow and Alerie was wandering inside the castle of Storm's End, alone, trying to have a peaceful time.

It was when everything went wrong.

When she was walking in one of the unused corridors, she heard a hushed whisper. It was Atera and Malora who would follow the noise and see what was happening, not Alerie but since everyone was acting like they had switched personalities, surely she could borrow one of theirs too. She moved silently and slowly to the chamber where the noise came. The door was not entirely closed and she could see inside.

And she saw Rhea and Jacen extremely close to each other. She shook he head with instinct, not understanding what she was seeing but then there were many weird looks Atera sent towards Jacen unintentionally ever since the tournament started.

"No, you need to go.", she whispered into his mouth.

"But I missed you so much.", their nose touched and Alerie wanted to throw up. "And it's been too long."

"Leyton will go to Blackhaven to talk with Lord Dondarrion. Baelor got into his mind. Fixing the Marcher problem will make him easier to gain that stupid apology he thinks he can get from the crown. He will go there and we will be alone for nearly a moon. We can do whatever we want to do. But we will need to wait."

"I can wait for you forever.", he leaned on and kissed her. Alerie felt like she couldn't breathe. Yes, she didn't like Rhea but she would never imagine she would be capable of doing such a thing. "Do you think you will be able to convince Leyton before he goes there then?"

"I am scared of Atera.", she admitted and took a step back. "She is acting weird, everyone is aware of it. I fear she is planning something."

Jacen rolled his eyes. "You are overestimating her as does everyone. She is just a silly girl with anger issues. Not some kind of an evil mastermind."

"Or maybe you are underestimating your own cousin?"

"We've been having a relationship nearly ever since you married Leyton.", Jacen shook his head. "None of those idiots who claim themselves to be too smart realized it yet. Atera didn't either."

"It doesn't mean they are stupid it means we are cleverer than them.", she reminded him. "You know your cousin better than me, she always hated me."

"She fucked up greatly and now is trying to win Leyton's favour back so she is using you.", he opened his arms. "It is no great mystery. She has no influence over Leyton."

"He listens to her."

"To keep her busy or she goes and creates trouble for him. If she would be my sister I would strike her down the first time she embarrassed me but Leyton was always the weak one in the family."

"And you don't think he can get easily manipulated by her?", she raised an eyebrow. "If he is such a weakling?"

"We have powerful friends who laid out the plan for us. All we have to do is to follow it. I promise you when all of these are done, we will be together with our sons and Atera will not be our concern."


Two days had passed and now the last day of the tournament was being celebrated at a feast in the Bronzegate. They were going to hold the melee in the ruins of Summerhall but then decided to use the kingsroad instead of roseroad -it was Lewyn's suggestion and they chose to move to Bronzegate instead. Garth Hightower won it, brought pride to his father and his house and now they were celebrating the betrothal one last time before they started to their journey for good.

"We haven't had the chance to speak properly, your grace.", Oberyn approached to him behind at the feast. He was talking with Lord Merryweather's son and the young Lord Ashford. Both left when they saw him. "As your future brother, I would like to have a conversation."

"Prince Oberyn.", Rhaegar greeted him with a calm face and a charming smile. "I would like nothing more."

"Good because I don't think you will like the rest of the conversation."

Rhaegar raised his eyebrows a little. "Oh? Is that so?"

"My sister means everything to me in this world, everything.", he pressed the word. "She is the most intelligent person I know, she is good and kind and gentle, she has a pure soul and a heart of gold. And as her brother, it is my duty to protect it, protect her."

"Your devotion to your sister is admirable, Prince Oberyn. But I can assure you that I have no desire to hurt her."

"I am going, to be honest with you, titles aside, I don't like you Rhaegar.", he deadpanned. "I don't like you since the first time I met you. You were a bad influence on Arthur, you took him away from his family."

"Arthur is old enough to make his own decisions.", he surely didn't know the whole story but still, he knew more than Oberyn. "I didn't take him away from anyone, I never wanted that. If he went away maybe you should stop and think about what have you done.", Oberyn had every right to warn, even threaten him, it was his sister after all but Arthur was the border line for Rhaegar and he was sick that every Dornish he encountered acted like he was a siren who allured their beloved kinsman from them. He internally grimaced because of the comparison he made. "If he doesn't speak with you or want to spend time with you, maybe you are the problem."

"I may be the problem.", he nodded. "I am the problem. But what of Allyria? What of Ashara? He didn't even attend his parents' funeral."


"All I know is that my best friend went to the capital and met you and now he has no contact with us. Don't think even for one second that you can do the same to my sister."

"Why would I do that?", he questioned him. What kind of a reputation he had in Dorne that its prince felt the need to make this speech? Or was Oberyn just one man, worrying about his elder sister more than he should? "When I cloak your sister, I will swear to love and cherish her, support and protect her. I think with time you will see I am a man of my word. She is not going to be my prisoner, she is going to be my wife and princess and one day, she is going to be my queen. And as her family, you will always have a place at my table."

He made a throaty sound of annoyance. "We'll see about that."

He left and Rhaegar looked behind him with shaking heads. Leyton turned to Lucerys. "You know, your nephew can ruin this marriage singlehandedly before it even starts."

"He doesn't have to do anything the marriage is already ruined.", he tied his hands behind his back and looked at Leyton's confused face with utter seriousness. "Lorenza and Aerys called off the wedding."

"Then why are we still going to the capital and no one knows about it?", Lucerys didn't answer and the realization hit Leyton slowly, his eyes got widened and he gaped at his former father-by-law for a second before he hissed. "Have you lost your mind? This is going to be a disaster. Princess Lorenza is one thing but King Aerys calling it off? You can lose your head for this if he is in a bad mood."

"I am his cousin-"

"Second cousin.", he deadpanned. "By that logic, I am his cousin."

"From the second generation.", Lucerys hissed at him. He had little to no love for Leyton and definitely no patience for him but now, he needed his help more than ever. "I am not going to die and Elia will not become a political hostage.", he assured him before he spoke. "But I cannot say that Dorne will not turn into a battlefield."

"The last war happened almost two decades ago, not that early. Targaryens tried to invade Dorne twice before and they failed."

"They managed to conquer it. A boy of fifteen managed it with only ten thousand men.", Lucerys reminded him. "He couldn't keep it but he did conquer it."

"And you think if a boy of fifteen did, the king would do too."

"What allies do they have?", he asked with thin patience. "None. Not even their bannermen fully supported them. Lorenza is hated all through the platenos and Doran is not exactly their favourite person and Oberyn singlehandedly manage to turn Yronwoods into their biggest rival."

"What do you want me to do?"

"We talked about you going to Blackhaven.", he said cautiously, didn't want to anger him now out of all times. "To convince Lord Dondarrion to calm down to other Marcher Lords."

"And I scarcely agreed to it.", Leyton leaned to him. "We have an agreement."

"Yes, yes I know.", he took a deep breath. "I am going to need you to do a little more than just talk."

"I am not going there with an army.", he narrowed his eyes. "I am not going to marry any of my daughters with any of those lords. It would make them trophies of war immediately and would tie my hands in a potential case of an actual war.", he whisper-hissed to him, trying to be silent so no one would hear. "And the thing you offered to do is only good enough for talking."

"I do not want you to marry any of your daughters.", he said with an offended tone.

"Well one cannot be sure when it is you who's talking.", Leyton deadpanned and a cold look passed from Lucerys' eyes.

"Easy, boy, I am trying to make a civil conversation."


"I know that our first agreement was me to shut Corlys up.", he closed his eyes and spoke swiftly. "I do agree it is rather unfortunate for him to learn what truly happened between Atera and him and I do sympathise with your position. Corlys is hot-tempered but wouldn't throw his own brother away like this, you can trust that. I will keep him under control as we agreed and I will do one more favour to you.", he took a step back and straightened his spine. "I will keep him under control too."

Leyton shook his head and narrowed his eyes with confusion. For a second he thought he was talking about Jace but Jace wasn't a problem when he was away and he was away all the time. Realization hit him harder for the second time that night. "What does Arvel has anything to do with this?"

"Don't you want to know about him, about his plans?"

"My brother had been away for more than a decade now, he wasn't here even before my father died. He is scarcely my brother anymore."

"He is married.", he knew the exact effects those words would have on Leyton. He was always the emotional one in the family. "Has two kids already, two boys."

"My own brother will not raise against me.", Leyton took a bored breath. "If that's what you are trying to imply. We are not Targaryens though we carry the same blood. In the Reach; blood runs thicker than water. And Arvel is not stupid enough to go against me."

"Maybe not, I never claimed he was.", Lucerys shrugged. "But he had been up to some things, some dangerous things. Things you don't want to know."

"Then don't tell me.", it was very easy actually. Atera would claim she didn't want to know things and then would try to learn everything. Leyton was the exact opposite. He was happier when there was no conflict. "I had been living without knowing what he was doing and I wish to remain in this way."

"I can keep you this way if you like. Because sooner or later you will find out alongside everyone if he is not to be stopped."

"You threaten me with my own brother?", Leyton looked impressed. "I wouldn't expect this from you."

"I am threatening you with the truth.", he leaned on once more to whisper. "Here is the deal; I will hide this truth from you and keep your brother on line and you will hide on truth for me and keep the Marchers online -including the Tarly."

"And which truth do you want me to hide?"

"Elia said the most peculiar thing the other day."

"Which is?"

"If the Marcher Lords hate your guts then why do they make an impression as if they are going against the crown for your sister?"

"But the catch is this.", he smiled. "They are going against the crown by bringing me forward so when the king chooses to show his wrath-"

"You will be his first target."

"They are making it seem like I am the rally point of a possible rebellion."

"You've been busying everyone while in truth you have no choice but to fix this situation."

"Boris Dondarrion is a fine man, a good one, and has one young child. He is not in this game, I am sure. I will go to Blackhaven directly from here. Randyll is not a problem, he is fiercely loyal to the king. Ser Barristan surely is going to keep his family under control. But the rest are problems. Peake and Swann are problems, Caron might be too. And do you know what is their main connection?"

Lucerys' eyes found the young Lord of Storm's End. "His father."

"All of them were Steffon Baratheon's friends."

"You possibly cannot think that he is leading this."

"I don't think he is that clever.", he dismissed the idea. "But then again, he doesn't rule the Storm's End.", he turned towards Lucerys. "Jon Arryn does."

"I know the young Connington boy is not happy with the situation and Rhaegar had personally talked with Robert but it went down. Do you think Jon Arryn is rallying the Marcher Lords against the crown by using your name? Why would he do that? What beef do you two have?"

"It is mine to know.", Leyton refused to answer. The less Velaryons knew about Atera was better. "And you to not care. I think he feels like a mastermind right now. Ruling two regions like shit but that man has foxes in his head and their tails are not touching each other as we speak."

"What about the Vulture King thing?"

"Mace is going to send scoots despite my rejections.", both snorted. Mace chose a really bad time to show Reach that he had a spine and that Leyton did not control him. "But I doubt it."

"I know Andric well enough. He was Aethan's ward and his sister is Elia's best friend. Sure, he is against this betrothal as every other Dornish lord but I doubt he would make up a Vulture King story to prevent it."

"Doric told me that Prince Oberyn had been sent to exile because he was blamed to kill Lord Yronwood. Doric also told me that the new lord hates Martells with a burning passion. I know that they also hate the Daynes and I don't think Andric is a friendly person to overturn this."

"You think Yronwoods made up that story -presumably working with Jon Arryn, to unnerve Lorenza but also planning to hit two birds with one stone by letting only Andric has reported so when the time comes and Lorenza realizes it all a lie, she will blame the person who filled her with reports, which is Andric."

"An immaculate plan, don't you think?", Leyton smiled, he always valued intelligence. "But I don't think he is working with Arryn, I mean I met the man, he is not that clever."

"You think there is someone else pulling the strings."

"Might be.", he pursed his lips. "Or there might be not, we cannot know that. I personally hate Andric but I hate Jon Arryn even more so I think you should go and warn him, he should take it back his reports."

"And how will I not know that you are using me to get back at him?"

"I don't bother myself by planning Andric Dayne's demise though I might enjoy it doing so.", he took a deep breath. "Atera is going to join Princess Elia's household as her lady after she marries the prince -if she would marry the prince.", he admitted with a troubled tone and Lucerys seemed surprised. "You know how she gets once she decides to do something. I cannot change her mind so securing her safety is the next best thing that I can do. And for Arvel,", he put a hand on his shoulder. "I think I have an idea about what he is after and yes, I would like you to stop him, after I tell you all this, I think you can help me."

"Arvel is not going to be a problem.", he nodded to himself. "So you'll stop the Marchers?"

"In order to do so, you need to send Arryn back to his nest and make Baratheon stay in his home. Sooner or later the Marchers will realize what kind of an idiot he is or he will actually step up and act like his age and shut them down. They are not a problem as long as there is no Jon Arryn in the equation. For Dorne, once Andric takes everything back there is nothing Yronwood can do. I will stop the raging Reacher Lords."

"Raging Reacher Lords?"

Lucerys knew Leyton ever since he was born. Gerard was his cousin, his favourite one even until he went too far and hurt Jenica. He could sense the subtle anger in his eyes.

"I meant myself.", he said with a warning smile.


279 AC, Kingswood

The roads were easy and it became easier when they left many lords behind them. The wedding was going to take place on the first day of the new year, approximately two moons later. Except for the Crownlands and Dornish Lords, there were only a few from other regions.

Leyton Hightower went to Blackhaven with his son and heir Baelor next to him. Rhea, Garth and Denyse returned back to Oldtown though Alerie and Mace went to the capital, they had business to do.

Neither Elia nor Rhaegar knew what was happening but it all changed when they met with numerous Targaryen soldiers led by the Lord Commander and Ser Barristan waiting for them at the entrance of the Kingswood. One look and it was obvious that something was wrong.

"Your grace,", Arthur said with a distressed voice. "let me speak to them first.", Rhaegar's eyes found Lewyn but he wasn't looking nervous, he made a head gesture to Arthur and he rode forward to speak to his Lord Commander.

Oswell and Jonothor were riding in the two front and then there was Rhaegar and Jon next to him, Arthur and Lewyn behind him, Myles and Jamie following them with multiple lords and ladies. Elia was in a carriage with her ladies.

"Let me guess,", Gerold dismounted his horse and tied his hands at his back. "he doesn't know what happened."

"Did something happen?", Arthur asked with a poker face.

Of course, he realized the sudden change of behaviour in Lewyn and Jonothor, Rhaegar was no fool either. They were expecting this but they had no clue what this could possibly be about. Jon's biggest guess that Rhaegar agreed was that the marriage was called off.

"King requests the prince's existence in the Red Keep immediately.", Barristan said.

"We were going to do just that. There was no need for your companionship."

"We are also ordered to bring Lewyn there too, immediately."

Arthur turned around to look at his kinsman. "Doesn't the king trusts Lewyn?"

"King trusts no one, Arthur. Haven't you realised this yet?", it was Gerold who spoke to him with almost pity.

"What is happening, why did we stop?", Elia felt like she was trapped inside the carriage. She wanted to ride with Rhaegar but her uncles forced her to use the carriage instead.

"Soldiers had closed off the road.", Ashara said, trying to see it better.

"Gods be good.", Robyn gasped.

"Calm down.", her sister tugged her sleeves. "Prince Lewyn and Arthur would never let harm come to us."

Elia and Ashara shared a look. They were no fools, they knew something was bothering Lewyn and Lucerys and even Tremond. Elia was suspecting that the marriage was called off and she was to return back to Sunspear.

"Ser Oswell!", Ashara called for the white knight whom Rhaegar just sent next to their carriage.

Oswell dismounted his horse while not taking his eyes away from the talking figures of Gerold and Arthur. He moved towards the carriage and opened it, bowed his head. "Your grace. Ladies."

"What is going on?", Elia asked with a commanding voice.

"Ser Gerold and Ser Barristan are here.", he was trying not to nerve hem. "Your brother is talking with them now but there is nothing to worry about.", he tried not to think about almost a hundred soldiers waiting behind them.

Barristan dismounted too, while he was explaining their orders to Arthur, Gerold's eyes never broke eye contact with Lewyn's. Arthur took a deep breath. "This is a political disaster and he will not like it."

"We don't need him to like it, he has to obey it just like everyone else."

"Let me -let me talk to him.", Arthur tried his chance, the sun was right over them and he had a bad feeling.

"Make it quick. I cannot wait for you to convince him for hours."

Arthur bit his tongue and turned his back. Gerold was a great man but once he received an order, he stopped caring about anything else. He put a hand on his sword, Dawn was on his horse safely. It was not a suitable sword for riding a horse. His eyes found fellow Dornishmen, especially Oberyn and his brother. He took a deep breath.

"Your grace.", his voice was overly tense and filled with warning. Rhaegar narrowed his eyes at him and dismounted. "You were right.", he said when Jon joined them too. "She is not allowed to enter the city."

Rhaegar nodded to him with a scowl, his eyes met with Lucerys'. There was his chance of letting this go and following Jon's plan instead. But he meant it when he said that he was a man of his word. He put a hand on his sword and started to walk towards Gerold and Barristan. The latter straightened his spine but the former did not even move a muscle. Stood there like an actual Lord Commander. Rhaegar never managed to win a fight against him, not even once but there was a first for everything.

"Whatever it is in our destiny.", he mumbled to himself and then reached to Gerold. Barristan bowed at him but Gerold didn't move.

"Fuck.", Lewyn cursed and dismounted, Jonothor, Lucerys, Oberyn, Tremond and Andric followed his suit and Elia and Ashara left the carriage.

"Do not make this harder than it should be, your grace.", he spoke with a monotone tone. His eyes searched for his nephews and niece and found any of them. "She is not allowed to enter the city and we took orders to bring you right back to the Red Keep.", Rhaegar didn't move. "Think about your mother, boy.", he said, eyes getting darker. "She is worried about you. It is not worth it. Princess Lorenza is the one who forbade her to enter the city not the king.", his face was emotionless but Rhaegar tilted his head ever so slightly. "She was the one who called off the wedding, not the king. Our order is to bring you to the court."

Rhaegar shared a look with Arthur. "Give me a minute."

"What do you think is going on?", Elia went to Oberyn's side.

"Doran told me nothing.", he was following every movement of the Lord Commander. "He would tell me if something happened."

"Haven't you heard?", Doric put a hand on his shoulder. "Your mother had called the wedding off."

"And you didn't tell me this?", Oberyn turned to him so quickly that a noise came from his neck. Elia only raised her eyebrow and then rolled her eyes. "You knew it too?", Oberyn whispered hissed to his sister.

"We were guessing, we weren't sure."

"Leyton told me just before he left, I thought you knew it and didn't tell me."

"What do you think is going to happen now then?", Oberyn asked, turning to his friend once more. "He is your uncle."

"Atera thinks the wedding will happen because no matter what they say, it is now a political crisis all through Westeros.", he shrugged. "My uncle would drag the prince to the court if he has to and frankly, there isn't a man here that can stop him. But, she is right I guess. I mean she is right about most things. Cancelling the wedding now would only humiliate the crown. I think even the Hand will work against it."

"Why did she cancel it, do you know?", Elia looked at him, they met before but weren't that close.

"I only heard some whispers.", Doric offered her a smirk. "It seems that Tywin Lannister still can get himself a Targaryen prince after all and your parents didn't like that."

"Because it would be a political disaster.", even Oberyn could see it. "Tywin wouldn't make do with this, he wouldn't find it sufficient. He wants his grandson on the Iron Throne."

"I can count more than ten men who would never allow it to happen.", he sent a look to Corlys. "And there is always a Valyrian bride option for the young prince."

"This is it.", Jon said to him. He, Arthur and Rhaegar were talking. "You can let it go here. You would follow the king's orders and gain his favour once more and this time, marry Lady Atera."

"I think you should see this as a test.", Arthur put a hand on his shoulder. "You should fight back."

"Against the king?", Jon shook his head at him. "I understand that you want to see a Dornish on the throne but you are out of your mind."

"Jon, with all due respect that you don't deserve at all, this is not your business-"

"Will someone ask me what I think?", a woman's voice interrupted their argument and all three turned to look at Elia who was raising her eyebrows. "Or will you keep arguing like children?"

Rhaegar looked to Arthur and Jon to see if they are going to say something or not. Arthur bowed his head and Jon snorted, both left them alone.

"I told you that I will do whatever you want me to do.", Rhaegar thought for a second that was it injustice to ask her to decide on such an important thing alone, he worried that he was putting too much burden on her shoulders but his choice was clear. "I want this marriage to happen. I want to marry you and build a life and a family with you. I will respect whatever choice you make."

Elia was going to realize later that this was the moment Rhaegar actually showed her his true colours. He was not a fighter, he was never going to outright choose her and fight for her, to keep her by his side. He was a settler, a quitter even. It was always going to be her who was fighting for Rhaegar. It was always going to be her who kept him at her side. Never him.

But now, she was just happy that for once, someone cared about her opinions truly, wanted to hear them and was ready to act accordingly. All of a sudden she felt too powerful, Rhaegar gave her the freedom to go against her mother. He was like coming out of a dream. He was like the perfect man, the perfect husband who did not and would not treat her like a mere broodmare.

"I think I made my choice clear after the jousting.", she smiled at him. "I don't go and kiss people I don't want."

Sun shone over them, many lords and ladies were waiting around them and Rhaegar smiled at her and her heart stopped beating for a full second due to excitement.

"Then we are going to do this."

He held her hand delicately and placed a small kiss, then turned around, Arthur and Jon followed him. Both had horrible feelings in them.

"You once told me that when a boy does what he believes to be right, despite all odds and orders and fears, he becomes a man and that you would follow my orders only when it happens.", he opened his arms when he went next to Gerold. "This is not the hill I am going to die on, Ser Gerold because you are going to let me pass because I order you as your prince."

"The king-"

"The king ordered you to bring me to the court immediately and you will do so. Ser Lewyn and Ser Jonothor can escort us. But Princess Lorenza has no right to forbade Princess Elia's entrance to the city and since the king, my father, did not give such an order, you are going to follow mine.", he straightened his spine. "Arthur, Oswell, Barristan, you are going to accompany the princess to the court. Jon, you too. I want her to arrive at the court unharmed and uninsulted. Arthur, you are in charge."


"This is an order, Lord Commander. I expect you to follow it."


Rhaegar rode fastly to the Red Keep alongside Myles, Jamie, Gerold, Lewyn and Jonothor. The rest of his bannermen were not that crowded to be with and neither was Elia's entourage. When they came near to the village Arthur stopped them with his hand and dismounted his horse, Oswell sent him a questioning look.

"Bring Princess Elia's horse.", he ordered to Oberyn's squire.

"I thought she needed to use the carriage for safety measures.", Oberyn raised an eyebrow.

"I know what I am doing."

"Do you Arthur? Do you?"

Arthur didn't answer and went to Elia's carriage personally and knocked it. It was Tara who opened it. "Arthur, it is always a lovely sight to see you honey but if we stop one more time, I am going to throw up all over your sister."

Arthur couldn't help but smile while looking down. "This is the last stop, I promise. You need to enter the city on top of a horse, your grace."

"You think so?", Elia raised an eyebrow. "My uncle thought otherwise."

"Your uncle isn't here now and I am in charge.", Arthur spoke kindly.

"Arthur this is a mistake.", he could hear Jon's frustrated hiss but didn't care, he knew what he was doing.

He opened the door further and offered his hand to Elia. "You can trust me."

"Can I Arthur? Can I?", she asked with a voice that sounded so similar to Oberyn but his eyes were firm and Elia gave in. "As you wish.", she held his arm and landed on the floor. "I want Ashara to accompany me."

"Of course, I cannot stop her if this is what she wants."

"Good.", Elia moved forward and mounted her horse while Oberyn's squire helped her. Arthur offered his hand to his sister too and bowed his head to the Gargalen sisters, his cousins, before closing the carriage once more. "How long will it take for us to reach the court?"

"Not too long, your grace.", Oswell answered on his behalf, still watching his sworn brother with uneasy eyes. He wasn't so sure of this plan.

"Oswell, Barristan lead the way.", he mounted his own horse. Barristan seemed to warn him but Rhaegar's orders were clear.

Elia was behind the middle of them with Arthur on her right. Lucerys and Corlys were on her left, and Aurane and Ravella were in the carriage with Aurora and her nursemaid. Oberyn was right next to her, on the left side, watching Arthur with narrowed eyes. Ashara, Tremond and Andric were on her right. And behind the respective bannermen followed, many being inside of the carriages because it seemed most of them didn't want to take a chance. Jon was next to Oswell too, he was trying to calm himself down.

"Before we start,", Oswell said before entering the Kingswood village. "I want to tell you that this is a horrible idea."

"Before we start,", Arthur said with determined eyes and a deep frown. "I want to tell you that I don't give a fuck about it."

"Hah!", Oswell snorted at him, Arthur surely had the best timing with his rebelling.

Arthur tilted his head towards Ashara and mumbled. "Stay close."

Oswell entered the village with an unsure Barristan and a fuming Jon. Smallfolk started to gather around in the streets, they left their homes and taverns, stopped doing what they were doing and started to look at the colourful banners of Dorne and the rather cold ones of Crownlands. If Rhaegar would be here, they would cheer on and on for hours. But Rhaegar wasn't there and the kingsguard wasn't loved there thought it was not that bad, not yet.

"It is the Sword of the Morning!", one of the boys in the crowd yelled. "It is Ser Arthur!"

"You son of a bitch.", Oswell murmured inside his mouth. "He has a fucking plan."

Jon sent him a look, no plan would be worth such a risk and Arthur's whole popularity was based on the fact that people forgot he was Dornish. More children started to make exciting sounds and Barristan turned around to send a smile to Arthur's stern face. He always hated the cheering, unlike Rhaegar. The prince was the people's man, he loved love and he loved being loved by smallfolk especially because it meant he did something right. Arthur got blushed and became shy with the chants.

Not this time though.

Ashara and Andric rose their eyebrows with the sudden flood of love towards their brother. They had no idea he was this loved. The small gasps and whispers turned to full shouts. "Ser Oswell is there too!", one of the ladies sighed and Oswell sent a wink, Barristan hit to the back of his head.

"Ser Barristan the Bold! Mother look, Ser Barristan is in our village!"

There was a hierarchy within the kingsguard. Gerold was the Lord Commander, and Barristan and Lewyn were his right-hand men. They did not bother themselves with the needs of the smallfolk. Harlan was too old to interact with them anymore, Jonothor was hard to love and Arthur and Oswell were constant companions of the prince. The first three were legends in there while Arthur and Oswell were truly loved. Especially Arthur because they knew him long before when he was not a kingsguard but Rhaegar's sworn shield.

"But where is the prince?", a man shouted. "Where is our prince?"

It was a good move literally. It was going to make Elia see how Rhaegar was different from Aerys and Arthur planned to use his and Rhaegar's popularity to make them love Elia. Once the smallfolk loved her, the rest was easy.

"Ser Arthur, where is our silver prince?"

"Who is she, Ser?", others started to yell.

"Why is the Dornish here?"

Oswell's whole amusement faded and he sent a warning look to Arthur. Whatever he planned to do, it was the right time. Arthur got the cue and slowed down his horse, Elia looked at him with caution.

"His grace is at the Red Keep as we speak.", he held a hand high to stop the chatter, he had the ability to command everything around him, just like Rhaegar. "He trusted us to accompany his beloved betroth, Princess Elia of House Martell."

"She is his betroth?", a woman asked with a whisper and Arthur narrowed his eyes, this plan could not fail, not now, not when Rhaegar trusted him with it.

"He is going to marry a Dornish?", a man asked. "Like Daeron did?"

When the whispers got too loud, Elia felt a tug on her cloak, and when she looked down she saw a small girl. "Your hair looks beautiful.", this stopped all the chatter and the girl's mother rushed to her and pulled her daughter, muttering apologies.

"It is not important.", Elia offered her a kind smile. "I think your hair looks very beautiful too."

"She is so pretty.", a few other girls in the corner sighed and Elia's smile grew bigger.

"Thank you.", she said in a humble way.

They didn't need to make people love Elia, she had that power herself. They slowly continue on their way, people were whispering about the princess, and she was looking around with a big smile on her face. When they enter the heart of the Kingswood finally the whispers turned into loud chants.

"Princess Elia!", people screamed. "She is our future queen!"

"Prince Rhaegar is so lucky!"

"Ser Arthur please show us the Dawn!"

"Ser Oswell sing a song for us!"

"When will the prince visit us?"

"Look, she is the future queen!"

And when they finally entered the courtyard, they found the cold face of Lorenza greeting them.


279 AC, King's Landing

"Elia of House Nymeros Martell, Princess of Dorne!"

Lorenza didn't say anything to her, didn't even look at her just walked towards the throne room with Elia and her entourage following her. She sent an anxious look to Arthur who was walking in front of her with a stern face. He only turned to look at her once to wink at her. Elia knew Arthur, and Elia knew Arthur well. They grew up together. A familiar face would be sufficient enough to calm her down, his face made more than that.

The king was sitting on his chair with a peeved look. On his right, there was Rhaella with a pearly gown, on his left, there was Rhaegar who changes his clothes to red instead of black and wearing a golden crown around his head. Behind them, there were the members of the small council. Tywin and Varys, Owen Merryweather and Qarlton Chelsted. Lucerys touched to her arm slightly and took his place behind the royal family. In front of the steps, there was the kingsguard. Gerold Hightower in front of them, on his right, to Rhaella's side, there was an empty spot, then Harlan and Jonothor. On his left, on Rhaegar's side, there was Lewyn and two empty spots.

Barristan moved to his left, and Oswell and Arthur moved to Lewyn's side. And Elia was an open target now, Aethan and Lorenza moving to the sides and the Crowlands nobles mixing with the crowd.

"Your grace.", she curtsied to the king. She was wearing a red dress with a black cloak, her hair falling to her back in deep waves. "It is an honour to meet you."

"Likewise, likewise.", he made a gesture but it was very obvious he wasn't happy with the situation. It was like he suddenly realized she was Dornish after all. "I see that my son is already charmed by you deeply.", he sent a glare to Rhaegar. Elia had never seen his face this stern before. "The wedding will take place two moons later on the first day of the new year. My Queen will form your household, my son will move to Dragonstone to rule his seat, and you will give him sons.", Elia tried to keep a straight face. "No daughters, only sons. A powerful king needs heirs to strengthen his throne. I couldn't do it.", Elia's eyes went to Rhaella's almost structure-looking pale state. "But my son will, do you understand it?"

"As it is my duty, yes your grace.", she bowed her head in a demure way.

She was raised in a pit of vipers, dragons did not scare her.

"Why did you do it?", Ashara asked to her at night. Neither of them wanted to be alone so they slept in Elia's bed. "You could just say 'no', obey your mother's orders and we could return back home Elia. Why did you say 'yes'?"

"I am the Dornish Princess.", she whispered to her. "A princess, I cannot marry a lord. My mother married a lord and he humiliated her. I need to marry someone who understands."


"I was sent here to marry the future king of Westeros and bring peace to my home and to the realm and this is what I am going to do. I will not be passed around all of the realm like a collection plate as my mother did years ago. I will not do it again, she cannot rule me anymore."


"She dresses like a whore!", Aerys proclaimed while entering the council room. Tywin and Varys were following him and the other members were already sitting in their chairs. "She talks with her weird accent, sounds like a side-alley wench, doesn't know how to address the king, looks like she'll die in any second and dresses like a whore! And what am I supposed to do? Marry her off with my son?" he hit the wooden table, it was barely morning.

Tywin sat on his chair on the other corner of the table. He was looking very calm and collected on the outside but he was feeling a deep rage on the inside. The man who was looking at him with distase at this very moment was the sole reason for all those problems. He could've let Cersei marry Rhaegar but no, he had to reject the offer.

"And who did I reject for this crooked girl? Atera Hightower!", both Aerys and Tywin had to admit even the Hightower girl would be a better choice than the Martell Princess. "I should've let my son marry her. She has the old Valyria and the holy Targaryen blood in her veins. Gods know she is far more beautiful than the other and doesn't look like a leaf trembling in the wind! Is it too late for that?"

"The Princess is already here, your grace. If you cancel the wedding the Martells and the Dorne would take it as an insult. Velaryons too, your own cousins.", Tywin was going to enjoy every second of Aerys' torture. In truth, Elia Martell was nothing special and did nothing other than play the game by its rules. Aerys' anger was towards Lorenza.

"An insult? I am the king! I gave the orders, I can change my mind whenever I want."

"What is a king if he doesn't keep his promises? Why would anyone trust you if you broke a marriage deal? It's the greatest sin in Gods' eyes.", Lucerys spoke with a warning.

"Who cares about Gods and what they think? We all know they are tales to help the children sleep easily."

"I'm sure Maegor the Cruel thought the same with you. Do you remember what happened to him, your grace? He defied the Gods and the Faith. He broke his marriage pack over and over again and finally the throne killed him."

Aerys kept silent. Not because he didn't have an answer but because he didn't want to deal with Lucerys that day. He was disappointed and rageful he tried to take his anger out on someone but he knew better. Varys saw the perfect opportunity to interfere.

"I heard some rumours that are ...worried about the princess, your grace."

"What kind of rumours?"

"The ones that concern her innocence, your grace.", Tywin sent him a sharp look. "May I speak freely?"

"Go on."

"They say the princess is not a virgin and laid with multiple men in Dorne and this is the reason why she is not still married despite being over twenty. They also say she enchanted the prince in the same way. They say they shared a chamber in Storm's End."

"If they are this worried about the princess' fidelity,", Lucerys was raging and Aerys seemed like he found the perfect solution for a second. "we can always send a Maester to check on it. But my niece is a proper lady and a high-born princess. Such vile accusations may cost you your head if they would -and trust me they will, be proven wrong. No men can dare to question a princess' virtue."

"My duty is to inform our king with the whispers of the realm.", Varys said innocently. "I have no intention to blame her grace, it is not my place but I can easily ask this question; how can we trust Citadel's Maesters?"

"This is utter nonsense!", Pycelle stood up. "The Maesters and the Citadel had been very devoted and loyal to the Targaryen Kings for nearly three centuries. Questioning our loyalty-"

"No one is questioning your loyalty Maester Pycelle. But how can we trust others?"

"We will trust them if we trust a eunuch like you!"

Maester Pycelle's voice was getting higher and higher out of anger but Varys was still calm, his eyes were glimmering with wickedness. He knew that Pycelle was Tywin Lannister's strongest hold in the small council therefore he was Varys' first target. While Aerys was dangerously silent and focused, Tywin was trying to understand the man's intentions.

"Correct me if I am wrong, Maester Pycelle. It was a Hightower who founded the Citadel right?"

"Yes, Prince Peremore Hightower and his friends were the first to study there. After his death, his brother King Urrigon Hightower officially formed the Citadel in order to honour his brother."

"And, please correct me if I am wrong, but the Citadel rests in Oldtown and it's the House Hightower who funds them, right?"

"Yes," Pycelle gritted his teeth. "A Hightower found it, of course, it resides in Oldtown. But the funding part is complicated."

"But we can say, they pay the most?"


"Would you be faithful to the one who gave you the money, or to a king who never once visited you and ignored your existence?"

Aerys looked at him with an irritated look. "Is this mean that you'll change your loyalty to the first person who pays you?"

"No, your grace. You saved me and gave me duties and a position that I could never dream or imagine.", he said humbly then turned and looked directly into Pycelle's eyes. "But the Maesters have their options and they have multiple of them. It is known that Leyton Hightower has spies everywhere-"

"It isn't known.", Tywin interrupt him, not once in his life did he think one day he'll defend the Hightowers. "Leyton Hightower is just a wise man who works really hard. He could've conspired against the Tyrells and only against the Tyrells but his daughter is married to Mace Tyrell now. They already have two sons together. His business isn't with the king. And he has spies as much as every other lord in Westeros."

"My little birds didn't say like that."

"I don't know your little birds, I don't trust your little birds, I don't like your little birds. I know that man for a very long time. Not everyone is like you and Leyton Hightower would never do an act based on rumours like us!", he ended his last sentence with disgust.

He appreciated the positions of the Master of Whispers, Gods know that most of the time they are very helpful but for a reason since Varys came to this position those birds start to tell only the stories Varys want them to. Tywin wasn't an idiot, he used to think Aerys wasn't one either. He knew very well that its Varys who poisons his mind against Tywin and now he was clearly up to something else.

"When did my rumours proven to be wrong?"

"Well, we could never learn if they were or not since we eliminate all of them without questioning properly."

"And that was what you've done to House Reyne and House Tarbeck? Questioning properly?"

"They tried to play a game.", he snorted. "The kind of game that they didn't know the rules to. They lost. Because that's what happens if you go to the sea that you don't know the depths of it."

"Varys, you were saying something, continue and don't sugar coat it.", Aerys rubbed his face.

"I am telling that the Maesters' loyalty towards House Hightower is well known. And Princess Lorenza's disrespect towards you. Maybe those two houses conspired-"

"Leyton is not even the last person Lorenza will work with.", Lucerys said with a very cold tone and Aerys seemed taken aback, remembering bad memories. "And Elia did not share a bed chamber with Rhaegar. You forget that I was there too."

"But Elia Martell has chosen over Atera Hightower.", Varys insisted, not saying anything about the second line. "And it is not like those two houses aren't connected. It is said that Oberyn Martell is fast friends with Doric Hightower. Ser Gerold and Ser Lewyn are sworn brothers for decades. Elia Martell was supposed to marry Baelor Hightower."

"Did any of those stories mention Lorenza Martell and Gerard Hightower?", Tywin asked with a very low voice. Both Aerys and Lucerys got startled.

"All I am saying is that Atera Hightower got humiliated all through the realm and Leyton Hightower might seek revenge."

"And how convincing Maesters to lie about the princess' fidelity is going to work as revenge?", Owen asked. He was a Reacher too, he was going to defend a fellow lord. "If Leyton wanted to seek revenge, we would know, Lord Varys, trust me. If Leyton wanted to see his sister on the throne, she would be already married to the prince. Princess Elia marrying him instead will not benefit Leyton in any way, on the contrary, it will affect his business greatly. He has no reason to want this marriage. He would never do such a trick. You don't know him but I do."

"Oldtown is the second-largest city in whole Westeros and our greatest trading power.", Tywin started to lecture him. "The money that comes from there mainly goes to them but a good amount of the rest goes between the Citadel and the Crown. The bank of Oldtown is our greatest ally in times of need. Our treasury might be filled with gold but without them and their taxes, we would find ourselves in a very bad position in a few years. Lannisters aren't the only natural bank of this country." he turned towards the king. "I told you back then too, your grace, offending them would have a great cost. And you know Leyton as much as I do. He is a very direct man who would not bother himself with silly games."

"But the sister!" Varys spoke with a loud tone. "It's the sister who got humiliated and then kept humiliated. Maybe she-"

"So you are telling me that a 19-year-old girl managed to play with the wisest and most powerful men in Westeros?", Tywin spat out. He, Aerys and Lucerys tried not to remember how a 16-year-old Jenica managed to do worse than that.

Varys knew where to stop. He knew he shouldn't pressure on this anymore but he would wait and strike again when the time is right.

"Lorenza might have pulled a trick like that but I doubt it.", Aerys finally said. He would love to strike it from here or to humiliate the girl with control but he saw a side of Rhaegar he never knew yesterday. He decided to let him have his way, just this once. "Where is Gerold? Why isn't he here to defend his family?"

Because Varys wouldn't dare to speak ill of House Hightower while he is here, Tywing amused himself with the thought. He respected the man. He was truly honourable and wise. And he would defend his family till the last drop of his blood.

"They have a kingsguard meeting right now, your grace. For securing the wedding."

"Good. Send him to me afterwards."


"Will you speak today?", Atera asked finally, not being able to handle Alerie's mood any longer. "I brought you here so we can speak in privacy but you are not opening her mouth at all."

It was a very windy day, early morning. Mace had been worried about Alerie, she scarcely sleep in the past days and eat even less, refusing to see even the children. She didn't want to speak with Mace but they thought she could open herself to Atera. But she was sitting in front of her. Their hair was messy, she was wearing black -which was a very weird colour to see. Alerie was a colourful person who usually wore baby blue or light pink, white and gold occasionally. The last time she had seen her wearing black was at Luthor Tyrell's funeral. Alerie was always a proper lady in a way Atera never managed to be. Right now the state she was in was unseemly and it disturb her greatly.

"What would you do,", she asked with a cracked voice. "if you knew something you shouldn't? Something can change the course of everything?"

"I would surely tell it to me.", she tried to joke but her heart started to beat faster. There were things she knew that she shouldn't. She wondered if Alerie had caught one of the tails of the foxes in her mind.

"It is even harder to tell you.", Alerie mumbled. "I cannot guess your reaction. You will hate me for telling this to you."

Atera laughed drily unintentionally and tried to take a deep breath but the wind was hitting her face, making it impossible. "Darling, maybe you should just say it and let me decide on my emotions, yes?"

Alerie closed her eyes and blurted. "Rhea is cheating on my father with Jacen."

Atera stood there, face looking like marble, she raised her eyebrows. Were they that stupid that even Alerie caught them finally? But no, she could not know. Alerie out of all people, Alerie and Baelor could not know it. She was trying to keep their unlawful affair a secret for years. How on earth did Alerie manage to find out?

What choice did she have but to deny it?

"Whatever you think you know, I am sure it is just a misunderstanding.", she said with a voice that was even distant to her. "How can Rhea do such a thing? Is it even possible, Alerie? She is a religious woman and this is a sin and she knows the punishment of it."

Atera knew the fucking punishment of it.

"I saw them, I heard them. I know what I had seen."

"I do know that you don't like her.", she said and Alerie let out a teary laugh and stood up. "But accusing her of such a thing, knowing what the consequences of it will be is vile, Alerie. And bring it, my cousin, into this? He is your family too as much as he is my family. "How can you blame them with such a thing."

Alerie turned her back and started to clap while laughing like she lost her mind. "I always knew you were a good actress.", she finally said, wiping her tears. "But never knew you were good enough to con yourself in the end."

"Is this about Leyton?", she hated herself for doing this but she couldn't let Alerie speak. "Are you blaming her for having problems with your father?"

"Oh fuck off!", she yelled at top of her lungs. "What do you know about fathers and problems with them? Your father fucking loved you Atera, grow the fuck up!", she said and regretted while even saying but couldn't stop herself.

Atera's face was calm at first. She only raised her eyebrows and then closed her eyes, pursed her lips, tilted her head to the side and nodded to herself.

"Atera I did-"

"I don't want to see you ever again in my entire life.", she said calmly, looking at Alerie with cold eyes. "Ever again.", she pressed the words. "You can just fuck off.", she turned and started to walk towards the castle, the memories from her past coming back alive in her mind. She was wiping a tear when she accidentally hit a very worried Doric.

"What happened?"

"Nothing, let me go.", she tried to push him but Doric's grip was tight on her arms.

"Sister, what happ-"

"Just fucking let me go!", she yelled at him and pushed him away.

Her heart was beating fast and she was breathing too much that they weren't even actual breaths. She tried to hold her composure when she entered the court. She couldn't see straight, her vision was getting darker and then blurry but she was still trying to walk straight. She could feel the immense sweat that started to happen in her back and she felt so light and knew she was pale as snow. But she made it to her room, barely managed to open the door and fell down to her knees while closing it. She closed her mouth with one hand and put the other on the floor, she kneeled even forward, and tears started to come out from her eyes for the first time in a very long time.


More than a month passed, and there was only a fortnight left for the grand royal wedding. The last happened more than two decades ago when Aegon the Unlikely was still alive and well. Everybody was working as hard as they could. Lorenza had left the capital almost immediately after Elia arrived and returned back to Dorne with a large host, Aethan, weird enough, had chosen to follow her. Preparing for the wedding was up to Rhaella though she tried to talk with her former friend to make her make sense. Both Lorenza and Aerys were stubborn as goats and Lorenza was furious because Elia disobeyed her. Doran too had to leave but at least Oberyn stayed.

Alerie returned back to the Reach too, but Atera and Doric stayed. Her involvement with the princess wasn't announced yet and Doric was excusing his friendship with Oberyn. Gerold would like both of them to go away.

And right now Elia was having a tea time with the queen, privately, with Ser Oswell guarding the door.

"I understood that you already have ladies who are attending to you.", Rhaella's voice was as soft as a silk, and unlike her husband or son, she spoke with a very small voice.

"Yes, your grace.", Elia felt the need to lower her voice too. "Lady Ashara Dayne and Lady Robyn and Tara Gargalen. They had been in my service for some years now."

"And you would like to keep them in your service?"

"Yes, if it would please you too."

"I am not cruel enough to deny your childhood friends' presence in your life, child.", Rhaella offered her a weak smile, she wasn't feeling good that day. Aerys had two terrible days if he had one good and the last night, his victim was Rhaella. "But you must take more, from different regions to avoid conflict."

"I believe you had chosen them for me?"

"I chose another three for you. I admit Lady Cersei should enter the list too due to her being the Lord Hand's daughter but I think removing her from your life completely would be wiser.", her smile grow when a thankful look passed from Elia's eyes. "It is sad to see her now. Her mother was one of my closest companions as she was one of your mother's closest friends.", she sighed with sadness. "Surely, Joanna would want to see Cersei as my son's wife but at least she would raise a daughter who is worthy of such a position. Tywin thinks giving birth to sons will seal the deal, he has no idea the duties of the Princess of Dragonstone."

"I do believe that I do, your grace. You shall not need to worry, my mother taught me well."

"Of course she did, you are born princess just like I was once before. And one day you will wear the crown and sit next to Rhaegar. I have no doubt that you will succeed in your seat.", she took a sip from her sweet Lysene tea. "I had chosen Lady Catelyn Tully. One would choose her sister, actually. Lady Lysa, for Lady Catelyn being betrothed to Brandon Stark. But as much as my understanding, the wedding will take place a year or two later and it would do you good, to have the future Lady of Winterfell as one of your companions."

"And then I would have Lady Lysa, I presume. Once Lady Catelyn marries and settles to Winterfell."

"This is the thought. It is important to have allies in powerful ladies. I was lucky to have your mother and Joanna and Cassana. I never met with Lyarra Stark or Lady Arryn before and Lady Olenna was never a pleasure to meet but I was grateful for the rest."

"Would Lord Tully allow me to have his daughter?", she asked cautiously. "I heard he was very against sending his younger daughter to the capital as a possible bride."

"Lord Tully is a man who doesn't choose his battles, your grace, forgive me for the interruption.", Oswell interfered, Rhaella was used to it but Elia is taken aback by surprise.

"He is your good brother, right, Ser Oswell?"

"He was once, your grace but since my sister died, I refuse to refer to him as such, he does not deserve it.", his jaw was clenched and his face was fixed. "Catelyn would love to come to the court and I would write her personally to ease her fears. She is dutiful and obedient with a lordling education and a clear with. She will serve you well."

"I have no doubt of it."

"I thought about Lady Lyanna Stark too but she is too young. If she would have a mother, I would maybe summon her, thinking Lady Lyarra would teach her things but since she is in the sole care of her father, I think we would maybe summon her to the court for a formal presentation."

Southern ladies came to the court when they came of age. In the time of her mother and queens before, no noble could ever marry without the permission of the queen. Aerys didn't grant Rhaella such a privilege and fewer and fewer ladies came to the court with time but Elia's rule would be different or so Rhaella hoped. Elia herself or her ladies never came to the court either and the North never sent one due to them having a different religion that had different rules than them.

"Lady Jana Tyrell is set to marry Lord Fossoway and Lady Mina Tyrell is set to marry Lord Redwyne and I doubt Olenna would send either of them to serve you. But you most definitely have one lady from the Reach. So I thought about Lady Leyla Hightower. Her older sisters are the suitable age for marriage, Lord Leyton is probably already busy with it, there is no need to mud the water. And her younger sisters are too young. She is the perfect candidate who can serve you but doesn't have to marry at least for a while. Lord Leyton's heir must marry and she has two sisters in front of her and an aunt."

"I don't think her presence will be needed, your grace.", Elia slowly put down her tea cup, this was the perfect opportunity. "Because if you allow me, I would like to have Lady Atera as my lady-in-waiting."

Oswell seemed like he heard it wrong, he sent a very confused look to Rhaella as her eyes turned cold. "I don't think it would be appropriate."

"I had the chance to meet and speak with her at Storm's End, I made the offer to her and she accepted it. I think it is wise to have her, it would give the right message to the court."

"She is too old and needs to marry. Also, she is not Lord Leyton's daughter but sister."

"Tara is older than her, my queen.", she was going to press on this. "And please forgive me, but I do not understand. She is good enough to marry the prince and became the future queen but not good enough to serve the said future queen?"

Rhaella hated very less people in this life. Steffon, Tywin, Pycelle and Jenica Westerling. She did not want her daughter, especially Atera, near her son. But there was no way to say this without raising curious questions and she had to taste for scandals, she had and lived her fair share of them. She also knew Aerys would hear about this dismissal and she didn't want to give him a reason to anger him.

"Very well then.", she said with a forced smile. "If you decided on it."

"Thank you, your grace is too kind.", Elia sensed the tension but did not comment on it. "And the third lady you had chosen?"

"Lady Lythene Penrose.", there was a part in her, a part that existed in every Targaryen, a part that enjoyed cruelty more than it should. "She comes from an important house and she is a loved figure in Stormlands. She is close to your age and would make a good lady."

"It would be wise to have Stormlander lady, as you wish than my queen."

"Now you have six ladies, this is a good start. You know the...tradition. Your ladies cannot marry without your leave and they almost certainly have to marry with the men of Rhaegar's court.", she reminded her. Her ladies married Aerys' courtiers too. "Rhaegar's most prominent friend is young Jon Connington, another Stormlander.", both women decided to pretend Oswell didn't outright snort. "Offering Lady Ashara's hand to him would be the wisest and strongest choice you can make."

"Forgive me your grace, but I have no desire to force any of my ladies to a marriage.", Elia was firm on this matter. "If his grace has such a desire then I will think on it but for now, I would like not to hear about it."

"Fine but making alliances even with your own husband would help you in the future. I cannot know, no one can, but young Connington might become the second most powerful man in the realm once Rhaegar ascends. And of course, he has other good courtiers, your cousin Jacaerys being one of them. Now your brother Oberyn and cousin Manfrey will become even greater matches than usual. Rhaegar's squire Myles almost certainly will take place in his court after the knighting. Aurane might be a bastard but he still carries the king's blood and is the son of the Master of Ships. Rhys should have married ages ago. If Rhaegar ascends to the throne before Viserys comes of age, his marriage will be decided by you too. Ser Willem is a valued tutor for him and a good friend to me, he holds a powerful position. Edwell Celtigar just entered his court in Dragonstone. He might take Jamie Lannister as his or Arthur's squire all of a sudden. At least one of these men must be tied to you and at least one of your ladies must be tied to Rhaegar."

"May I think about it after I got to know his household? Frankly, these are only names to me."

"Of course, you can think later but you need to think. None of these people is free to wed without your permission and leave and trust me, Elia, they are waiting to marry your ladies too. It is an expectation. And as the Princess of Dragonstone, even if you don't marry them with each other, it still will be your duty to find their matches."


"Princess Elia.", a voice called for her when she left the queen's chambers. Thanks to Doran's paranoia, she was not allowed to walk inside the castle without guards, they almost immediately turned to the sound, hands on their swords, waiting for a threat. "We haven't met yet."

"Lord Varys.", she greeted him with an internal frown. She saw him before in the throne room and heard many things about the man. Her betroth didn't talk with her about politics but if his facial features and body movements gave away one thing; he did not like the man. "I didn't have the time, unfortunately."

"Of course,", the man bowed his head deeply. "you are going to be a blushing bride soon. Tea parties with the queen must have taken all of your time, it is normal for you to not have any other free period for politics."

Elia suprassed her annoyance with a genuine smile. "Is there something else?"

"A walk, all I am asking, if you may."

Elia decided to be done with it, also curious how would Rhaegar react when he finds out about this. She knew the king would go mad if his queen would talk with a small council member without his leave. And there was still much to know about her future husband. She made a hand gesture for the man to move. The queen had invited her to her private gardens, and they move to the public one, walking silently.

"Is there something you wish to discuss, Lord Varys?"

Varys sent her a look when she was not looking. "Forgive me, your grace, all I wanted to was to warn you."

"Warn me? About what?", everything that was said about the man signalled to her that he was not her friend and was not going to be in this lifetime. She held her tongue, didn't fall into his trap and waited with caution for him to strike.

"My little birds had mentioned a rumour or two about you and since the small council and Prince Rhaegar decided not to do anything about it, I thought maybe directly talking to you would help."

"Prince Rhaegar is wise beyond his years,", or she hoped so. "if he decided not to take action against them is probably because they are only rumours and shouldn't be taken seriously, Lord Varys."

"As the Master of Whisperers, no one can know the power of the words better than me, my lady. You should heed me when I tell you the matter is urgent."

"And you are telling me this because of, what exactly?"

"I wish to be your friend.", she would believe him if he didn't say it with obvious disgust. The man in front of her was young, overly young, only a few years older than her. He was clearly clever if he made it this far in Aerys' court as a foreigner but while Elia didn't want to assist him to son, she had an idea that most of his smartness was due to everyone being stupid. "Having a friend in the Princess of Dragonstone could work on my behalf."

The best thing Elia was good at was playing the fool. That was how she survived in her mother's court and it seemed to her that this was how she was going to survive in the king's court too. "And the said rumours are?"

"The ones that concern your innocence."

"My ...innocence?", Elia loured instantly. "What does that mean?"

"It means that there are rumours that are suggesting you are not suitable for our prince because you will not join his bed as a maid."

Elia bite down many things she wanted to say, the man's eyes were eager, he had her in the corner and everything she would say was going to be twisted, that much she knew. She was furious for someone even dared to question it, questioning a lady's let alone a princess' virginity was a matter of honour therefore treason in the eyes of the Gods and men. She doubted there were rumours to be with and she was sure that even if there were, they were created by the man in front of her. She now realizes the distasteful look Rhaegar sent to the man.

Did Rhaegar know about it as the man suggested? Or was he lying? If he knew, why didn't he tell her? Maybe it was better that he did not doubt her and did not lower himself by asking such a humiliating question or maybe he did not ask her because he simply didn't care. But which one was better? Him being a prudish prince that is afraid to ask because he couldn't handle it if the answer was negative or him being so unconcerned and neglectful about her that he didn't even care.

Maybe he didn't believe those words because he knew Varys better than she did but what if a single piece of doubt was placed into his head? What if he would look at her with suspicion? Did he look at her with suspicion the whole time and she didn't realize? Was he going to lock her to her solar and make her sleep with Septas as his father did to his mother? Was that the future that is expecting her?

And even if he didn't believe the man and didn't care about the truth, why didn't he tell it her still? Didn't he think maybe she ought to know because it threatened her very existence? Didn't he think maybe she should have been warned, prepared? He did the same thing with the proposal thing, she thought. He waited and waited until I learn it from someone else. Was it going to be like this from on? Rhaegar would never communicate with her and she would have to hear everything from other people.

"These are vile lies.", she couldn't help but speak with poison in her voice. "Any who should speak of it maybe should lose their tongues.", she deadpanned and Varys' eyes widened for a moment. Oh, how she wanted Oberyn to be with her to support her. She knew one word and her little brother would be up for the task, making the realm bleed for her.

"Here you are.", a cheerful voice approached her from behind. "I was coming to see you."

Rhaegar was wearing a red tunic and a long black coat with a belt, he wasn't carrying a sword and behind him, Ser Oswell looked troubled. Of course, he had seen us, she thought. The man approached her the moment she left the queen's side but Ser Oswell was a kingsguard, of course, he had seen and called for his prince.

But why?

She felt like she was turning into Doran, overthinking and doubting everything she sees or hears or feels or thinks.

Did he warn his prince because he did not trust her with Varys? Like the way, the king didn't trust the queen with the small council? Was it because she is Dornish? House Whent was a Riverlander house which -as much as Elia knew, never had a direct or indirect problem with the Martells or the Dorne. Was the man prejudiced? She knew he was one of Rhaegar's closest friends. So it meant he probably will come to Dragonstone with them. Was he going to poison her future husband's mind against her? Was his duty to protect his prince from ...what, his Dornish wife? But wasn't he friends with Arthur? Arthur was Dornish. You could take the man out of Dorne but couldn't take Dorne out of him. She knew it, it was sad that Andric and Ashara didn't, or they didn't want to understand it.

Or maybe he warned his prince because he was looking after her? Because he knew what kind of a rat Varys was and wanted to ...protect her?

Elia was the sensible one in the family. Doran overthought everything and Oberyn didn't think anything at all. She always found the balance between them but the king's court was testing her sanity these days. She wondered if was it going to be worse or better when she moved to Dragonstone and started to build her own family.

"Your grace.", both Elia and the man greeted him with respect.

Elia understood that he realized the doubt in her eyes and it seemed to affect his mood for one second.

"I am sure you can leave us be, Varys. I had missed my betroth dearly and would like to have a walk."

Varys had a satisfied smirk, Elia didn't want to make something out of it. "As you wish, my prince."

With him went Rhaegar turned to Elia and opened his mouth but Elia beat him to it. "If you don't mind your grace, I have a terrible headache.", it wasn't a good lie and the prince didn't believe it either but he was not going to question it. "I would like to rest."

"Of course.", he opened his mouth to say something again but then decided not to. "I hope it will pass soon enough."

"I doubt it.", Doran had long hours of headaches because of overthinking, it seemed to her that she was going to resemble her older brother a little more in the upcoming months.


279 AC, Highgarden

Leyton finished his diplomatic mission soon enough. It would have taken a little less time but he didn't want to rush it. Bothering the small council and the king was always a fun task to do for him. After giving his report to Mace and to his council, he searched for his daughter's rooms. Surprised she didn't come to welcome him or didn't attend the council. He feared she could be ill, or worse, she could be with child once more. Gods knew he was more afraid when she announced her pregnancy than he ever got afraid. He lost her mother in childbirth, those nine months and the other nine right after it took a few years of his life, he knew it.

He knew something was wrong right away when she didn't notice his entering and was watching the gardens with a pensive look. He feared that if she argued with Mace but well, even though he didn't like him, his son if the law was desperately in love with his daughter and vice versa, theirs was a love match and while he was aware the two had problems time to time, the recent one being Alerie's overly overprotectiveness for her children and almost obsession with Rhea, every single time, Mace was worse than Alerie. She was the emotional one but hid her sadness well, Mace was more rational than her (not much but still a little more) but he could not manage to hide his sadness. And now Mace was cheerful and full of glee. Though he was looking weirdly at Leyton, with caution, almost pity, Leyton realized now. And wondered what it had to do anything with Aleire.


Alerie was startled and Leyton frowned, she never flinched due to hearing his voice.

"Father?", she asked with a great surprise. "You came?", she got up and then threw herself into his arms, and hugged him tightly.

Leyton was too worried now. Of course, out of all of his children, Alerie was the most sensitive one but never at a level to cry to his chest only seconds after she saw him. "What's wrong, my dearest?", he asked with a soft voice, making her look up at him. Seeing the pain in her eyes broke his heart. "Alerie what happened?"

"I just need you so much right now.", she hugged him again. He caressed her head and rubbed her back to calm her down, it took a while but she managed to breathe right in the end. "Can we talk, please?", she asked when she could and Leyton agreed immediately, moving her to the couch she was sitting on.

"Is it Mace?", he asked, knowing he wasn't. Mace would never upset her daughter like this, he would rather die. "Or something else happened?", maybe it was Jace who was travelling overseas. Accidents happened all the time, Gods knew how much Leyton wanted an accident to find him. "Or the children?", now his heart was beating in his ears with fear.

"No, no.", Alerie shook her head, they were sitting side by side and Leyton was protectively holding her hands, she bowed her head. "Children are fine, Mace is fine too, we didn't have a fight."

"Then please tell me before I lose my mind, what upset you this much?", maybe she had an argument with Malora? The two sisters never got along, it was Atera who was the broker of peace between them and Atera was in the capital now. But Malora was in Oldtown. It could be Baelor but Baelor would never upset his twin sister like this, Baelor didn't have it in him to hurt anyone. And Baelor was with him in Blackhaven. "Is Lady Olenna alright?", she knew despite Olenna not liking her, Alerie respected the woman too much.

"We all are healthy.", she took a deep breath. She had been reliving the moment she had seen Rhea and Jacen and the reaction Atera gave for weeks. She of course told it to Mace, couldn't stop herself and Mace was horrified. He wanted to tell her not to say it to him but he saw her state, it was killing her slowly, and she needed to get it off from her chest. "Can I ask you a question?"

"To me?", Leyton wondered if he had done something. But he was in Blackhaven, doing his job. He remembered her letters were off but he didn't do anything wrong. "Always."

"Imagine you know something you shouldn't.", her voice was shaking and she felt she was going to die of fear, her father, the same when she was going to crush his heart the next moment, raised her, to be honest, and brave. She could do this. "If you tell this, a person you love so much will get hurt badly but it is something this person needs to know. Would you tell it?"

"Does this person needs to know it?", Leyton asked cautiously, all of a sudden he had a terrible feeling that whatever this was about, was about her.

"Yes, yes he needs to."

"Then you should tell it."

"Are you sure?"

"I never cowered myself from telling the truth to even my worst enemy.", he cowered himself from telling the truth only once in his entire life. "I raised you to do the same."

"If that's so,", she took a deep breath and tried to calm herself, she felt like she was going to pass out. "there is something you need to hear, father.", Leyton gave a squeeze to her hand to encourage her. Whatever it was hurting his daughter like this, he could surely take some of the burdens from her. It was his duty to protect his children, not theirs to protect him. "You need to know who you are married to.", Leyton tilted his head, all this was about Rhea? "I found out that she had betrayed you.", she lowered her head, and couldn't look at her father. "And do you know with who? Cousin Jacen."

Leyton slowly pulled his hands from her and cleared his throat. "Are you hearing what you are saying, Alerie?", he asked with an overly calm voice. Alerie knew a storm was going to come after this one, she heard this tone from Atera thousands of times before. "What kind of an accusation is this?"

"Unfortunately it is true, father, I had seen them with my own eyes.", she was crying again. "The woman that you burnt all the bridges for had cheated on you and was cheating on you ever since she married you. The boys aren't yours either. Humfrey and Gunthor -they are Jacen's."

"Even it is you who are saying this," he stood up and turned his back on her, clasping his hands behind his back. "I will need proof of it.", his heart was aching, he did not want to believe it but he couldn't afford to be emotional now, he had to play the sane one here. "Everybody knows the animosity between you two but I never imagined you would find it worthy to accuse the mother of your siblings with such an ugly thing.", he turned to look at her but then averted her immediately, looking at her hurt even more. "You've been there, you lived those days, you surely remember it better than Atera. You know what your grandfather did to her mother because of such an accusation. What kind of hatred is this?", his voice cracked. "Who is the target of it? Rhea for simply existing or me?"

"What?", she cried loudly. "Why would I hate you? I am telling the truth."

"Stop crying.", his voice was harsher than he intended. He was trying to keep his composure, this was his daughter, and he tried to remind himself of that. His daughter, his firstborn daughter. The one who was most like him out of all of his children. "Do you have proof?"

"I saw them.", she whispered. "I swear I saw them."

"Walburga Cafferen swore she saw Jenica with other men.", he turned to her, his eyes were red. "Was she telling the truth?"

"How can you compare me to such a demon like her?", Alerie gasped. "She was his mistress, she lied to get rid of Jenica, everybody knows this. I am your daughter."

"Who is overly obsessed with Rhea for months, humiliate and belittle her at every chance you find."

"I am not the aggressor here.", she wanted him to believe her. "I swear I saw them, fath-"

Leyton raised a hand quickly and Aleire stopped talking, he couldn't hear that title now. He didn't want to hear Alerie at all, he didn't want to even see her at all. He just left the room, leaving her to cry alone until Mace rushed to her side quickly.


279 AC, King's Landing

Leyton didn't stay in the Highgarden that night, returned back to Oldtown, and tried to play pretend everything was alright but doubt was the worst enemy of the man. There was a week and a half to the wedding and Atera's name day was just three days later. He decided to go to the capital early, to celebrate it with her though she was the last person he wanted to see. Not Alerie, not Rhea but Atera. Looking at her would make him remember and relive thousands of horrible memories. He sometimes wondered how she managed to live with them, how she was not haunted by the ghosts of her past. What his father did to her mother was horrible, what she had to endure when she was a child was more than horrible. Leyton knew as an older brother he failed to shield her from the pain of the world. But Atera was fine now, she was more moderate and patient, and she was getting over it.

What would her reaction be to such a thing?

He understood that Alerie didn't like Rhea and it was possible -though he never witnessed it, she maybe didn't like her siblings with Rhea too. Lynesse, Humfrey and Gunthor, well according to her the boys were not her brothers.

He felt like he was dying inside the carriage where he was alone with Rhea, he rubbed his chest and left it to ride, Rhea was looking at him with worry. Worry for him? Alerie would not think so. Worry because she was suspecting something?

But Alerie loved Atera, they grew up like sisters, and Alerie loved Atera more than her sisters. How could she do such a thing to her? Would she do such a thing to her if it was not true?

Leyton knew the answer, she wouldn't say this if she didn't truly believe it was true.

Baelor asked what was wrong maybe a hundred times until they reach the capital but he did not answer. Looking at him, reminded Alerie and he didn't want to remember Alerie now. The moment they landed, he went to his sister who was looking perfectly well but with a hint of sadness, she couldn't hide. The moment their eyes met, he knew that she knew.

Did Alerie tell her? Did she tell Alerie? Did she see this rumoured infidelity?

"We need to talk.", he held her hand without greeting his brother and uncle and rushed her inside the keep, Atera brought her to her chambers and then he asked the moment they closed the door. "Is it true?"

"Alerie claims so.", her voice was monotone and her face grim, still she seemed almost proud for one second. "I didn't think she had it in her to tell you."

"It broke her.", he admitted. When he sat down and think about it, Alerie wouldn't lie about such a thing, this was not her. She surely believed it to be true but it didn't mean it was true. "But she did tell me that she saw them."

"So she says.", for the first time she wanted to run away from a conversation.

Leyton was her older brother, her protector for years. Even her first memory belonged to Leyton. They had a different relationship than they had with Arvel and Doric. They had overly rooted problems with each other. Atera loved to hurt him, she hurt herself to hurt him in the past, Leyton claimed to be pure and good but did the worst things to Atera, hiding behind the laws and customs. Even the marriage thing itself was a power play between them. Leyton wanted her to obey him, she wanted to control Leyton. But despite all the ugliness of their relationship, there was a beautiful side. Atera loved him and he loved her, they were a family, she was his only sister and Leyton was the only one who stayed unchanged, as a constant reminder of power and patience. Atera admired him, she wanted to be him.

But she didn't want to know what he would do on this specific matter.

Their father was a good man, a great man even. But he did horrible things with less than an accusation towards her mother. She claimed to love Jenica, yet didn't hesitate to execute her in order to marry his mistress -which he didn't because Alerie was right, Gerard despite all his monstrosity did love Atera, not that she cared. She was not going to lie to herself, hating him would be a lot easier if he was abusive towards her but even after Jenica, he did cherish her, and treated her like his heir. Alerie knew her feelings and thoughts damn well yet she dared to use them against her. She was not going to forget that.

Leyton on the other hand was too a good man, a great man. Atera feared him, she realized she always feared him and the other men in her life because they had the power to do whatever they want to do with little to no consequence. They were living in a world designed by men, ruled by men, and controlled by men. She didn't want to know the truth behind their façade, She didn't want to know the truth about Leyton.

Her plan was always to make sure Leyton sees her true face. She was aiming for separation, not for an annulment or forcing her to be a Septa. She understood Rhea to a level. She was a noble-born bastard who was not protected by her family and found herself in a brothel. She had a hard time believing out of all the people in there, Leyton found a Florent bastard but it sounded so much like a conspiracy theory. But what is done was done. She respected her for rising this much. She was a legitimized lady, the wife of one of the most powerful and respected lords in the realm. She wouldn't have a problem with her if she would just know where to stop.

Sadly for Rhea, she didn't.

"You think she is lying?", Leyton's heart skipped a beat. He didn't know which was worse, Alerie lying or Alerie telling the truth.

"I think she believes what she is saying.", she didn't care about Rhea now maybe but there were three little children. She was not deaf, she grew up with bastard rumours and Leyton did nothing to shut them up, she couldn't let those children endure what she did. Also accepting this would affect her plans too, she didn't want that. "We all say the things we believe but it scarcely means it is true."

"Can you stop -please, speak in riddles, please?", Leyton was too overwhelmed, Atera pursed her lips.

"It is highly likely she misinterpreted something is all I am saying. You shouldn't act without proof and even then, you must act wisely."

"I am not our father.", he said after minutes of silence. "I hope you know that."

"I don't want to find out."


"We need a man in the small council.", Jon repeated again.

They all were inside Rhaegar's room. Rhaegar was sitting on the chair behind his desk, and Arthur and Jon were sitting at the front of the desk. Myles was standing and Oswell was laying on the bed, too tired.

"I am not saying you are wrong, I am saying who.", Rhaegar sighed with tiredness. "My father is obviously not, nor Tywin nor Varys."

"Tywin could be willing to give you some information.", Oswell said from his bed.

"I would rather be clueless than get in bed with him.", Rhaegar grimaced. "And Oswell got up from there, it is the royal bed.", he mused. "You can't sit there."

"I am off duty now so I can tell you to fuck off."

"Off duty or not, I am your prince, you cannot speak to me like this."

"Rhaegar,", Jon glared at him. "this is important."

"Jon, what do you want me to do? I cannot place my men inside of the council."

"If you would have married Atera Hightower instead-", Oswell loudly swore and even Arthur groaned at him, Rhaegar pinched his nose. "-we could so easily place at least Lord Leyton to the council and with your married to her, Ser Gerold would be on our side too."

"Lucerys Velaryon is in the council and is your future wife's uncle,", Oswell rose himself and sat down in the bed instead. "Why not him?"

"Lucerys would not ally himself with Rhaegar when he could earn titles and lands and money and glory when he speaks for Aerys instead.", Jon shook his head. "None of those men would."

"But while Varys and Lord Lucerys openly speak against you, Lord Tywin and Maester Pycelle actually speak in your favour.", Arthur rubbed his face. His shoulder was still aching sometimes and seeing Ashara everywhere all the time didn't help the situation. "Which actually hurts you more. They are acting like this to of course taunt the king but also to keep the peace in the council. Ser Gerold would never side with you but on the bright side, he would never side with the king too. He cares about being neutral more than ever now that he got scolded by the king for allowing Princess Elia to enter the city.", oh how he hated politics.

Rhaegar looked down one second out of guilt but it was necessary, it was worth it and it wasn't like this was the first time Gerold got scolded in his forty-something life.

"It lowers us to Lord Chelsted and Lord Merryweather.", Jon glared at Rhaegar and they all knew what was going to come. "If you would marry Atera Hightower, Lord Merryweather would be on your side too."

"But I am not going to marry Atera Hightower.", Rhaegar snapped sharply. "I am going to marry Elia Martell, Jon, whether you like it or not. Maybe we need to work with what we have instead of blaming each other because of not we have."

Jon kept glaring at him before he rolled his eyes. "Lord Merryweather and Lord Chelsted would prefer to stay impartial too, though if it comes to shove, they would choose the king. We need to replace them."

"If I would have any power over my father or the council, we wouldn't have to talk about these things.", Rhaegar rolled his eyes. "Also all of these men are good at their job. Of course, we can find better ones but except Tywin and Varys, they are no danger."

"Now that you said Atera Hightower,", Oswell got up and poured himself a glass of wine. "your future wife is going to take her as her lady."

"...what?", Rhaegar was dumbfounded and everybody turned to look at Oswell with weird eyes.

"Yes, she told your mother the other day. It seems she had spoken to her in Storm's End and she accepted.", he sent a look to Arthur. "The queen also suggested betrothing Lady Ashara to Connington."

Arthur and Jon looked at each other while Rhaegar was openly gaping at Oswell. "Don't you dare.", Arthur hissed to Jon and the ginger man snorted loudly.

"As if."

Arthur seemed to look like he was going to jump on him but Oswell put his hands on his shoulders. "Princess refused it. But the queen insists your courtiers marry her ladies."

"It is the custom.", Rhaegar mumbled, his eyes focused on the wall in front of him. "What is she trying to do?"

"Shut people off, I imagine.", Oswell shrugged. "She told so.", then he smirked at Jon. "Look on the bright side, with that, you could marry Lady Atera yourself. You were starting to get obsessed with her anyways."

Everybody stood still for a moment then Jon jumped to Oswell and Rhaegar rushed to pull him back. "Jon, NO!"


Leyton couldn't handle thinking about it anymore and found the solution by summoning Rhea, to have an open talk with her. He was drinking his fourth cup of wine when she entered, his mind was already cloudly.

"Leyton, finally you wanted to talk with me.", she entered the room with a bored smile. "You've been avoiding me for days now."

"Alerie told me you had been having an affair with Jacen.", he said with a firm look, he was scowling, standing near Rhea, tying his hands behind his back. "If it is true, tell me now. If it is a lie, deny it.", Rhea's eyes widened and was starting to get red because she was not blinking, Leyton wondered if she was breathing or not. "Did you have secret meetings with him? Did he write love letters to you the way I did? Did he read poems to you?", he came even closer, there were inches between them. "Answer.", he commanded lowly, his head was high but he was looking directly into her eyes. Rhea was shaking.

"Leyton,", she blurted out a dry laugh and then rubbed her face with a shaking finger. "what is the meaning of this? How can you blame me, mother of three of your children for such a low thing? How can Alerie do such a thing? I understand her hatred for me, I really do but now she is trying to upset you, trying to cause you pain with lies. How can you believe her?"

"Alerie is my daughter.", he said, not blinking, watching Rhea's every movement like a hawk. "I asked you a simple question, is my cousin your lover?"

"This is a very ugly lie.", she said with greeted teeth, a few tears fell down her face and she was shaking uncontrollably. Leyton wanted to hold her in his arms but couldn't bring himself into doing it. She took a step back and let out another laugh, trying to dry her tears, she turned to Leyton, he wasn't sure if she was angry or afraid. "I am your lawful wife, mother of three of your children, I gave two sons to you. How can you ascribe such a thing to me?"

"Why would Alerie make up such a thing?"

"Because your daughter is a fucking psychopath!", she yelled at him, still shaking. "I tried not to tell, I tried to get along with her and the others for more than a decade but this is low, Leyton, this is too low even for her. She is trying to kill me.", she took a few steps towards him and hold his arms, Leyton didn't change his stand. "She knows what your father did to Lady Jenica. He locked her in a tower and then executed her in front of his court, in front of his daughter. She wants you to do the same to me, that is what she expects to do."

"I would never do that and she knows it.", he gritted his teeth. "I am not my father."

"She knows a little more than a decade ago less than this caused the death of Atera's mother.", she tried to make him believe her, there was a crazy look in her eyes. "Then she is doing it again, what else am I supposed to think?", she asked innocently. "Your own daughter thinks you are capable of doing such a thing, don't you see?", she leaned towards his lips and whispered. "I cannot do this any longer."

Leyton was a clever man, he always was. This was why manipulating him was always thrilling to Rhea more than others. It was easy to manipulate Alerie or Baelor or others. But in order to manipulate Leyton she had to walk in a very fragile line. Seduction, blaming, and using his traumas -especially his father would give her anything she ever wanted. She had no idea how Alerie found out about it but that girl was extremely dumb, not being able to see the amazing leverage she just gave to Rhea.

She pulled herself away from Leyton whose's scowl only got deeper. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"I always thought Alerie was jealous of me, and I could live with it. But now I see she hates me, she hates my children. She went too far, she is after my head. I love you,", she turned to him. "I love you more than life itself but not more than my children. I cannot keep staying in Oldtown and risk their lives. I would die for you, but I cannot see my children getting sacrificed to satisfy your psychotic daughter's greed."

"What are you suggesting?", he asked slowly.

"I will go to Brighwater Keep. I am sure my grandfather would accept my children and I would make a life somewhere else, away from Alerie, hoping and praying till the day I die that she will stay away from my children now that I am gone. I will spend the rest of my life missing you and seeing you only in my dreams but as long as my children are safe, I can live in agony."

For a second Rhea thought she went too far because Leyton was quite too long. She had no idea what to make of his silence, she had no idea what he was thinking or if was he thinking at all. His eyes got darker and he started to walk towards her. She did not dare to move, Leyton approached her slowly, like a hunter getting closer to his prey. His hand suddenly held her neck and rose her head, he was too close, and she could feel his breath on her face.

"As long as you are alive, you are not going anywhere.", he whispered to her mouth and she knew she won at that moment. "Rhea, if you are lying to me now-"

"Kill me now if you doubt my love for you.", she made the final hit.

Leyton's hand got tighter for one second but not enough to hurt her, took another step toward her, and her breasts were touching his chest. "Do not test my patience."

"This will go on and on, you cannot control her, she will never respect me.", she leaned her head a little. "She has a higher status than me.", she wondered if she went too far for one second. "She will do anything in her power to get rid of me, I cannot risk my children's lives like this."

"You are a vixen, did you know that?"

"I am a Florent, it is odd that you hadn't noticed it by now.", she almost smirked. "I cannot continue a relationship where my husband does not trust me. Let me join the Faith then, I doubt it would surpass Alerie's wish for bloodshed but we got to try."

"And you are good at manipulating.", he whispered into her. "You know I can never let you go."

"And I don't want to let you go but are you aware of what happened minutes ago? You blamed me for infidelity. How am I supposed to continue knowing you are not satisfied with my answer? How am I to live knowing Alerie can do anything to get rid of me?"

"If I believed her, we wouldn't have this conversation at all.", his thumb caressed her lips. "I don't want to believe it, I don't think it is true. I would have noticed it.", he sounded like he was trying to convince himself, it was a good thing, Rhea didn't have to. "Or would I?", he whispered into her mouth.

"You are the only man I have ever loved.", she tried a new approach. "Do you think I would lower myself by cheating on you with your own blood, own cousin? Trust him if you don't trust me. Do you think I would let another man touch me after everything I've been through?"

Leyton seemed taken aback for a second. "Why would she say such a thing then? She may hate you but she would have thought how this would affect Atera."

"You are still thinking of others and not me. You don't care how much you hurt me by simply implying this."

"What would you do if you were in my position?", his fury seemed to return back and Rhea pulled herself away from him for good, took a few steps back and yelled.

"I would have trusted you! I would tell Alerie to fuck off."

She knew she had this one chance to convince him, she knew where he put his dagger and moved towards his desk, pulled it and held it from its blade, Leyton's eyes go wide. "What are you doing?"

"Proving you my love.", she cursed herself mentally, maybe she did go too far, but surely the pain in her hand showed it. It was a small cut but it burnt until Leyton went her and threw away the dagger.

"Don't ever do this again!", he yelled, holding her face between his hands. "Ever."

Their lips were almost touching, Rhea could taste the wine he had drunk. "If you don't believe me just kill me and end my misery."

"Rhea!", he groaned into her mouth with anger. "Don't."

"If you believe me, then apologize."

Leyton narrowed his eyes and seemed to think about it, the conflict was obvious on his face but Rhea knew she had won. "I apologize.", he murmured into her mouth slowly a minute later. "I fucking apologize."

"Not accepted.", she suprassed a smirk. "Control your daughter."

"I have a better idea.", he straightened his neck. "She will have to show you the respect you deserve."

"How this can happen?", she asked, her heart beating fast. She was too close to winning it all.

"I'll tell you later.", he leaned back completely. "But first let me apologize truly."


Before we finish the first part of the book in the next chapter, I want to inform you first.

There will be seven parts in this book. We are going to finish the first one in the next chapter, as I said, then I'll have a week off before we start the second. The subject of this first part was the marriage between Elia and Rhaegar, this is why we had fewer Atera and Arthur scenes -who are the main characters and the main couple, not Elia and Rhaegar.

In the second part, we will focus on Rhaegar's inner circle in Dragonstone and Aerys' court in the capital. But we will have many scenes that are set in Oldtown. You may ask why we have this many scenes of the Reacher characters or why I added a subplot to Rhea. The answer is, as I said, the main character is Atera. We are here to explore her story. While this story does revolves around the rebellion, how the choices our characters made lead directly into it and the aftermath, it is not exactly our point. And for Atera's story characters like Leyton, Rhea, Jacen, Alerie and Mace, Paxter, Arys, Victor, Baelor, Garth and Malora matters a lot and their scenes will get increased in the second and the third part.

The third part will almost entirely will take place in Oldtown so that's a spoiler alert. This is where things get serious for our characters. It will also set the actual rift between Aerys and Rhaegar. A crisis in Dorne will take much time and it generally will be about themes of healing and finding self-balance. Hightower family dynamic will be important for this.

In the fourth part; we will go to Dragonstone, and start to plan ...for things but I will spend too much time with politics in the first three parts, so the fourth will focus on love more. Atera&Arthur, Elia&Rhaegar and other couples that I do not want to name now.

The fifth part is entirely about Harrenhal and I actually almost finished writing it. We will have many flashbacks and dive into other characters that we met for the first time. The Reach and its characters will lose their importance. We will start to focus on Lyanna and the Starks, the Lannister family dynamic, Baratheons and such.

I don't want to talk about the sixth and the seventh chapter because I don't want to give any unintended spoilers but I can say this; the latter will focus on the aftermath while the former will focus on the war itself. The end will be bittersweet, not unhappy but not entirely bubbly either.

Please let me know if the Reacher scenes bore you or if you have any comments/questions about the storyline. A little spoiler; the wedding will take place in the next chapter and it will be a long one.

Continuer la Lecture

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Gaena Targaryen got her heart broken by the only man she ever loved. But he was using her the whole time. She was chosen as Queen, being the only per...
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Elia Nymeros Martell is a princess of Dorne and the Crown Princess of the seven kingdom's. She and her children were supposed to be nothing more than...