Sekiruuyetei: Book of Concept...

By RageRevan

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A boy who once walked the path of heroism, now after being humiliated and ignored for his deeds, choses to wa... More

Prologue: Having Enough
Chapter 1: Unbearable Truth
Chapter 2: The Fall of an Ice Mage
Chapter 3: Roses of the Underworld
Chapter 4: Fall of Grigori
Chapter 5: Reality Check
Chapter 6: New Allies, New Enemies
Chapter 7: Broken Pride
Chapter 8: Play My Game
Chapter 9: Adjusting to a Normal Life
Chapter 10: Factions Situation
Chapter 11: War against a False Hero
Chapter 13: Peaceful Resolutions
Chapter 14: Double Demise
Chapter 15: Chaos in Kuoh Academy
Chapter 16: Calm and Tranquility.
Chapter 17: Unknown Suffering
Chapter 18: Assault on the Pendragon Mansion
Chapter 19: Aggressive Negotiations
Chapter 20: Reunion of a Vampire with a Dragon
Chapter 21: Party Crashing
Chapter 22: Fall of a Symbol
Chapter 23: Relaxation Time
Chapter 24: Preparation for the Assault
Chapter 25: Fall of Heaven
Chapter 26: Time for Pleasure (18+)
Chapter 27: The God Tribe
Chapter 28: Relationship by Bonds
Chapter 29: The Darkest Night
Chapter 30: Divine Destruction
Chapter 31: Fortuitous Endeavors
Alternate One-Shot: Ending the Factions Permanently
Chapter 32: Claiming the Divinity (18+)
Chapter 33: Dual-Side Developments
Chapter 34: Beginning of the Finale
Chapter 35: Preparation for the Norse Assault
Chapter 36: Ragnarök
Chapter 37: Hopeful Times
Chapter 38: Dealing with the Dog
Chapter 39: Fall of Olympus
Chapter 40: Shiva's Choice
Chapter 41: Vampiric Exorcism
Chapter 42: Shinto Destruction.
Chapter 43: Fall of the Supernatural (Season Finale)
Epilogue: No More Supernatural
Some Facts about Conceptual Records

Chapter 12: Demise of a False Hero

12.1K 137 187
By RageRevan

Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

Bold + Italics: Songs lyrics, Voice on speaker

Bold + Underline: Dimension change information

(A/N: All the images or gifs or videos used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Previously we saw Issei and Dai prepare for the fight, with the leaders sitting on the seat, as Nyx, along with Charlotte and Quinella sit a few seats away from them. The faction leaders were not happy, but were silent about it. While the match goes on, Issei is visited by Crom himself as he thinks about freeing him. He sees Dai and the battle begins between the two, Dai assumes that he has gotten the upper hand against him, but fails to understand that Issei is only toying with him. He renders them useless as he tortures him, he traps him as he reveals his memories to the whole time, many refused to believe it, but Crom's words as well as Dai's memories prove everything to be true, many were devastated and horrified, but that was not the worst part, the girls that loved him were horrified and devastated completely. Issei kills him, and was about to revive him, but Malak comes in, and gives them a speech of everything on their fault, he also tries to turn the Populus against the leaders, which works to some level as chaos in the crowd, everything was a mess. In the aftermath Malak leaves, as both Quinella and Charlotte show up and give the girls a well deserved reality check, as they refused to let the girls take Issei, they believe that they don't deserve Issei, and actually should never come near Issei, the force him to help, and did everything making him unworthy of him. She also tells Azazel that he does not care if he dies, as they all walk away, with none of the leaders trying to even dare to stop him, to all they realize one thing, that he was the monster they created.

Sitri Hospital, 5:00 PM

Gorou was watching the match at the hospital, he saw everything from his lies to even how everyone was viewed by him, even though Dai cared for his parents, he had no love for his sister, his harem, and his own older brother.

"No..." Gorou muttered in disbelief, he had multiple machines that was meant for his recovery, they would normally use Phenex Tears to keep him alive, but that was not the case, since they were at a shortage due to Malak's attacks, his eyes then widened to see Issei brutally kill Dai in a brutal way and revive his brother over and over again.

Gorou started to have chest pain, and difficulty breathing, as his eye started to blur, he wanted to ask Issei to stop, but he was unable to do anything.

Fortunately a devil nurse was passing by, as she looked at Gorou's condition, she rushed to him, as she looked at Gorou.

"What the-?! How did this happen!?" She exclaimed in horror and surprise, she tried to calm the old man down, she sensed this was the initial symptoms of Heart Attack, she wondered how did this happen.

Gorou pointed to the television, as all she saw was Issei finishing Dai once and for all, she widened her eyes in horror, however her primary focus was try to get Gorou calm, he followed it up by Nausea and cold sweats, Gorou was coughing up, at the same time, the nurse did not hesitate and use electric shock pads to shock his heart, she used a method called defibrillation, as he bounced up in shock, however it had no effect.

"Whatever he saw on that television...must have caused this...." The nurse muttered, He was stable, but was unable to move due to the wounds. The nurse sighed in relief, he was still alive but passed out, it was a surprise this happened.

"If I did not sense this, he may not have survived..." The nurse spoke with fear, she was worried that if anything happened to this man, the factions would suffer, the woman had no idea of the exposure of the Pillar that had happened.

The nurse decided to inform his wife, and daughter, since she saw them near the hospital.

Meanwhile, as this was going on Miki was bawling her eyes out, she saw what happened in the match, even Aika herself was devastated, she believed her brother's lies, and what's worse, he killed him right in front of the whole supernatural world, and not just one, not just two, but 10 times.

"Brother....why...?" Aika muttered as tears fell from her eyes, she consoled her mother, as she rubbed her back, she hated herself for believing her brother who once loved them more than anything else.

"W-what should we do Aika?" Miki asked her daughter, as Aika was speechless, she then spoke

"I-I don't know what we should do..." Aika spoke with a shaky tone, Dai's real nature was a huge slap to the face, as the nurse from earlier showed up, and spoke

"Mrs. Hyoudou, Miss. Aika" The two looked at the devil nurse, and as she then spoke with a tone full of worry, "Mr. Hyoudou had a heart attack.."

The news only made things worse, as Miki rushed to the nurse and grabbed her by her outfit, as she exclaimed

"Where?! How is he?!" The nurse spoke with slight concern.

"Don't worry, he is only passed out, I managed to reach him, and defibrillated him, before things could get worse" Miki, on hearing this, as she released her, she apologized to the nurse, who shook her head in response

"No Ma'am we understand, this often happens in hospitals, so your actions is understandable, he is sleeping right now, I would suggest to let him recover" Miki nodded, on the Nurse's words, as the nurse walked away, both Aika and Miki decided to go to Gorou's room.

Miki and Aika watched as a hospital beep ran constantly, as Miki sighed in relief, her husband was fine.

"He must have seen the match" Miki spoke with fear, seeing the television remote near him and not at the television table, where he usually kept it.

"So what should we do, mom?" Aika asked her mother, as Miki responded

"We need to talk to your brother, and beg him his forgiveness" Miki spoke seriously, as she looked at her daughter, Aika saw this and considered this to be a bad idea.

Talking to her brother would definitely result in a disaster, since because of what her father tried to say to Nyx, this completely devastated the Primordial Goddess, she had heard Issei convincing her that she was the reason that there was still a light in his life, she really felt guilty for what she did to her brother, she felt worse, while her brother became no better than Rizevim Livan Lucifer, someone who was worse than a monster.

Opening Start

Issei is walking across the fields.
Malak is surrounded by the burning remains of Grigori

Issei and Nyx are seen side by side looking at the screen.
A book shows up, as Issei comes in his Strongest Red Dragon Armor.
Dai Hyoudou is seen with a sinister smirk, with Rias standing next to him.

Asia and the other girls are fighting against Malak, using magic.
Aika looks above, walking through a puddle.
The ORC, Student Council, Vali Team, and Team Slashdog are shown, all as a pair of angry eyes glare at them.

Issei looks at the book, remembering his past well, he visions the factions falling apart.
Ingvild looks at a figurine of Dai, as she crushes it, tears falling from her eyes, anger on her face.

Artemis, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Quinella, and Gondul watch their factions with disdain.
Ingvild closes her eyes and looks at Dai with a determined look.
Issei is on his knees, his past haunting him, as a family photo shows up, with a slash on it.
Issei is separated from his family.

He looks at his brother in the eye, as they both clash their swords.

Opening End

The Leaders were speechless, they just witnessed Issei kill his own brother ten times, and revive him over and over again, Serafall thought with fear.

"He is a monster..." Serafall looked at the body of her former lover, she was fearful of what happened to him, she hated herself for falling for him.

Yasaka was also fearful, as Malak's message was directed at the factions, she was not in the right state of mind. She had a feeling that her faction might be the next on her list. She feared her daughter's life, as Malak did not hesitate to kill children if needed.

Furthermore, she was horrified by what happened to her former lover Dai, Issei showed no mercy or empathy for him, he killed him 10 times, and broke him. He could only imagine what he was going to do to her, and her daughter if they got in his way, she feared him even more now, this was a man that would have given her everything, but now, he won't hesitate to take everything from her, if she dared provoke him. Kunou also had similar thoughts.

Yet, she hoped that one day, she could ask for his help, to protect her faction, such a dream will never be fulfilled.

The girls from the Gremory Peerage hated Dai, and this was true for Rias Gremory, however there was immense fear also among them, they did not even want to go to the Hyoudou Residence, on the fear of what Issei would do to them.

The Leaders looked at each other, there would be much chaos in their factions, as they would need to quell them before anything could happen, all in all, there was only one person they blamed, and that was Dai Hyoudou.

"Grayfia, bring two guards at the Arena, send this Dai Hyoudou first to the hospital and then to put him in Tartarus, he will await his trial once we set up a date for it." Sirzechs spoke coldly and seriously, to which Grayfia nodded without hesitation, she agreed to it, as she teleported to give the instructions.

Sirzechs and the other leaders watched as two guards picked the boy up and put him in the hospital. The Faction Leaders were speechless, all they could do was deal with their factions, before they could meet to settle things down and decide the fate of Dai Hyoudou.

*Scene Change*

Hyoudou Residence, 6:30 PM

"So Issei Hyoudou was the hero all along...?" Latia spoke with utter surprise, she knew Issei was not a bad person, but this opened her mind. "I had a feeling that he was a good man", Latia said with a smile.

"But even then, you saw how brutal he was with Dai, right? Seekvaria spoke with slight worry, she was happy that she was engaged to such a man, but even then, she was a bit concerned, "Not that I care about his bastard of a brother, but this worries me, that he hates the Factions"

"I know, Seekvaria, but you can't deny that it is way better than being engaged to that Dai'' Latia spoke with a smile on her face, she was smarter than many people give her credit for, she understood that this was more of a blessing than a curse.

But despite this, she couldn't deny that Issei's hatred might affect them as well, however, she no longer wanted to go back to the faction that did not even consider her anymore, her own uncle gave her without hesitation and she will never forgive him for that.

"On that we couldn't agree anymore!" Seekvaria exclaimed with a smile, as even Mirana agreed to it, she then spoke

"See Elizabeth, I guess we were right on not going back to Heaven" Mirana looked towards Elizabeth who gave a nod, she was really happy that her lord won the match, she had a small blush on her face.

"Well Artemis, has your opinion on men changed now?" Athena asked with a smirk looking at Artemis, as she scoffed, and responded

"Well I guess they are not so bad...." Artemis spoke, while looking away, hiding her subtle blush, with Athena smiled, her sister was changing, and for the good.

"I believe 'those' girls will be coming up very soon" Athena spoke with a smile, as the girls nod, they decided to put off the television and head back to their rooms, not wanting to deal with any drama.

They wanted to talk to Issei, as they were curious on what his opinions for them are, they wanted to at least get on a friendly start, unlike the factions who wanted to use Issei.

*Scene Change*

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Artemis and Chibi Elizabeth trying to please Chibi Issei, but only failing, which causes him to chuckle making them pout.

A week later,

Hyoudou Residence, 9:30 AM

Issei was sitting bored, next to him Nyx was resting her head on his shoulder, she seemed to be tired, earlier Issei had confessed to her, and with that she had officially become his lover. They were seated beside the window as rain fell on the ground.

It was predictable, since many knew that he loved the Primordial Goddess, and she loved her, she no longer wore her Godly Killer Virgin Clothes as this may hurt Issei, due to him, being, well a Virgin.

Not to mention, she no longer needed it, as she was not bothered by most of the residents in his house anymore, she already noticed Charlotte and Quinella having feelings for him, since he was kind and nice to them, not to mention he saved them and defended their honor from the devils, who only saw them as breeding tools. He never even lied to them, which caused their feelings to flourish, especially after they called him, 'our Issei'.

Issei, on the other hand was playing Brawl Stars, he was trying to defeat that pesky Shelly who hid inside of the bushes attacking his Colt whenever he tried to locate her, she ambushed him from the bushes, killing him every time.

He sighed as he saw the losing screen, as Ddraig tried to cheer him up, asking.

"Don't worry, you will get that bush camper next time..."

"I think I should use Tara, her gadget allows me to detect those pesky campers, it really helps me, when I get ambushed every minute in maps like these!" Issei exclaimed in an annoyed tone, this unfortunately caused Nyx to wake up.

"I-Ise...d-did something h-happen...?" Nyx spoke weakly looking at her lover as Issei shook his head, he then spoke

"Sorry, I just raged at a lost game.." Issei apologized while rubbing his head, as she nodded, with a sweat-drop, she knew how much her lover hates losing games. She understood this, as she held his hand closer to her body, making him feel good.

"Can I ask you a question, Nyx?" Issei asked, as Nyx looked at him and spoke with a smile

"Go ahead..." Issei nodded as he asked

"Did you have no one to visit when you were in the void?" Issei asked, to which Nyx looked sadly, "That was the only memory, I don't want to remember Ise..."

"It's alright, if you don't want to answer..." Nyx shook her head on Issei's sad words, as she spoke with a smile.

"No, you should know, after all, you see, me and my brother were the two things that were born from the darkness my brother and I created Thanatos, Hypnos and Oneroi, and before you ask, no I didn't do it with my brother, hence I wouldn't be able to wear the Godly Killer Virgin Clothes." Nyx spoke with a blush making Issei snicker, as Nyx continued in a sad tone, "After that, all four of them left to explore the world, leaving me all alone in the void, Erebus visited me for a while, before disappearing all together..."

Issei felt sad for Nyx, she must have been alone for a millenia, as Issei brought her closer, making her blush, she then continued her story, with a flustered look.

"Well after that, I saw Ingvild, I decided to keep her with me in the void, she seemed to be pure of heart and a nice person, and well, I think the rest is history, right?" Nyx ended with a smile, if she did not kidnap Ingvild, she would have never met her love, as Issei kissed her on the forehead making her immensely blush.

(A/N: I don't own this gif)

Nyx was more than happy, she found the one that would love her, she would cherish him for all eternity, she was internally mocking the girls that chose Dai Hyoudou, they were complete shadow of their former selves, she remembered how the house had become more peaceful due to the lack of their presence.

"Well, I heard that your brother's sentencing is today, wanna go watch it? Cause, I am bored and I want to see his suffering." Nyx grinned, showing her sadistic side, she was cheerful to those that she cherished, however those that were enemies, she showed both her cheerful and sadistic side to them.

"Alright, normally I wouldn't go! But for your sake, let's see his trial..." Issei spoke with a smile, as he activated his ring and the duo then teleported. He also decided to call Quinella and Charlotte, who happily joined him.

*Scene Change*

Tartarus, Underworld, 5:30 PM

Dai was being chained in Tartarus, the once 'hero' of the factions was now in this condition, he had everything, but now he was all alone, not even Crom stayed by his side.

"This is all because of my brother..." Dai thought angrily, he hated his brother even more now, he hated what his brother did to him, but he couldn't do anything, he was stuck here, he had no power or strength to escape, he was barely fed just so that he couldn't run away or escape.

Moments later, a man comes in, as Dai recognizes him to be once his former brother-in-law, he looked at Dai with complete apathy, he couldn't believe that he fell for her lies for so long. Because of him everything in the devil faction has been a complete jeopardy.

"Hello Dai.." Sirzechs spoke with coldness, and hatred, the Red Haired Crimson Maoh hated Dai to the point, he could have killed him, but he chose not to, not until the trial.

He still remembered, on how the devil population cursed him and Serafall wherever they went, to the point where she isolated herself in a room, she no longer showed her love for cosplaying as Magical Girls, she was completely in despair for what had happened, she even refused to talk to her fellow Satans.

Furthermore, Rias has been in her room crying ever since the incident, she was being consoled by her parents, and her sister-in-law, they all fell for Dai's lies, and as a consequence, the whole devil race has been messed up.

Due to the manipulations of Dai, Rias, not only was she demanded to give up her status as the heiress, leaving it to her nephew Milicas, but also many even demanded her execution, as because of her, they turned their back on someone that saved them.

Sona Sitri, herself was facing a similar fate, where she was demanded to give up her status, she on the other hand, was lucky, due to the fact there was no known heir or heiress to take up the Sitri Household, this however had another consequence, as the Sitri Household's reputation plummeted, which would only worsen, if she results in being the new Leader of the Household. This only brought in more sadness for the Sitri Sisters

Rias's peerage was in equal turmoil, Akeno refused to even move, the betrayal was the last straw, as a result she became a doll, making her unable to move, she had no one to comfort or console her, her parents were dead, her lover was a traitor, and her only relative that cared for her Suzaku, she was in the hospital, making he stay in that state. Asia cried endlessly, the one she loved turned out to be this way, she was influenced by the people around her to treat Issei like garbage, Asia often used to take influence from whomever she deemed to be a inspiration, which was Rias and Dai, and well, she did the same things Rias and Dai did to Issei.

Koneko and Kuroka lost the light of their lives, they believed that Dai would love them more than anything else, but in reality, he only was interested in their body, which made Koneko look down in shame, she took it the hardest as she was no better than Dai, she attacked her brother-in-law at every step. Kuroka, on the other hand, saw Dai to be just like her father, and she became just like her mother. In a cruel manner, history repeated itself. Koneko even became more stoic and aggressive than before.

Le Fay was in a similar situation, she cried endlessly now that her contracted dragon was someone like Dai Hyoudou, she hated herself for falling for his charms, the only person who cared for her was Arthur and the Pendragon family, who were consoling her at every step. Irina, was much worse, she couldn't stay in heaven, due to her guilt overtaking her, she had become a fallen angel, and Michael could only help her cope with her guilt, even her parents could not help much, Touji himself endorsed their relationship, as he hated Issei, due to the lies. He and his wife cried their hearts out when they found out about the truth, and now her life is completely ruined.

Xenovia and Rossweisse, despite their attitude, were also broken, they thought that Dai would love them, or at the very least care for them, but were heart-broken when they found out about that, they hated themselves for falling for his lies, and they did not stop crying, Gondul consoled her, but that was to show that she pretended to care for her, while Inner Gondul was devastated, she hated Dai even more now.

Ravel, herself was devastated due to the fact that she was the manager of a fraud, she hated herself for believing her lies, she had become even more aggressive as a result, to anyone that came near her, Riser and the rest of the Phenex family were helpless seeing Ravel like this, they blamed Dai for ruining her life.

As for the boys, Kiba and Gasper felt like the biggest pieces of shit for supporting the wrong person, as Issei helped or tried to help them with their trauma, but they were only dismissed like the piece of shit, they saw him as. Gasper became even worse, as he locked himself in the box, almost all the time, refusing to come out even when the Gremory family called him for food.

The Sitri Peerage was horrified, with Loup Garou taking the worst, since he saw Dai as a warrior, the rest of the peerage was devastated, the ones that took it the worst was Tsubasa Yura.

Saiaorg Bael and his Peerage were also affected, Saiaorg saw him as a rival, who turned out to be a fraud, all in all, everyone was affected after the truth of Dai Hyoudou was revealed to the whole world. Sirzechs remembered everything, and he was also to be blamed for believing someone like Dai Hyoudou.

"What now?" Dai spoke in an uninterested tone, this was not the Crimson Satan's first visit, Sirzechs gritted his teeth in fury, but he reeled it in, his anger was not going to do any good.

"I just wanted to tell you that your trial will be in a few hours, you better get ready" Sirzechs spoke while walking away.

Dai gritted his teeth, there was nothing he could do, in just a few hours he was going to die, and his demise was inevitable.

*Scene Change*

Dai's trial, Underworld Court, 8:30 PM

Dai was brought in chains, he looked at the same people that once looked up to him, and now they hate him with all of their hearts. No sooner than he entered, he was bombarded with jeers and boos, as they shouted.

"Boo! Die Already!!"

"Faker! Go back to hell!!"

"Because of you my daughter is in depression!!"

"You were the reason we abandoned and hated the real hero!!"

Dai gritted his teeth in fury, he couldn't do anything, as he looked ahead, to see that the Leaders were all present, he could see each man representing their factions.

He saw Sirzechs Lucifer from the Devil Faction, Michael from Angel Faction, Shemhazai from the Fallen Angel Faction, Nurahiyon from the Youkai Faction, Shiva from the Hindu Faction, Zeus from the Greek Faction, Odin from the Norse Faction and Valerie Tepes from the Vampire Faction.

The reason some leaders couldn't show up, because they weren't in their right mental state. This was true for Yasaka, the Queen of the Youkai and Elmenhilde from the Vampire Faction.

"Today, we all are here, for the trial of the False Hero of the Factions!" Sirzechs started declaring this, as the boos and jeers increased even more.

"You have been accused of Fraud, Deception and Betrayal" Michael spoke coldly, as he then asked, "How do you plead?"

"Not guilty..." Many were angry at what Dai said, as Shemhazai asked coldly

"How so? The proof of your taking your brother's achievements was shown to the whole Supernatural world, along with what you think of us and your own parents, what do you have to say to that?"

Dai was silent, as Shemhazai spoke

"No words, I see, in that case, you have pleaded guilty for all the aforementioned crimes, your sentence will be executed." Shemhazai spoke,

"On that I completely agree upon, because of this brat the whole Youkai faction has been humiliated" Nurahiyon spoke with hatred, Dai only clenched his fists in anger, as Shiva spoke seriously and with disgust

"I should have seen this coming, I am more ashamed by the fact that I fell for the boy. Even then, you should be ashamed of doing this to your brother, he even was willing to let you leave twice, but no, you had to make this life as miserable as possible for him, it's no wonder now he doesn't want to help us." Dai was getting even angrier.

"Let us get this over, we already have a lot of problems back at our factions" Odin spoke with a frustrated tone, as many refused to believe in him after what he had done, something that many faction leaders agreed to due to the problems they were facing.

Dai, who has had enough decided to speak, may be a coward, but his death is inevitable, he never really had any love for the factions leaders. And now, he had nothing left to lose, aside from his life, which will happen in a few days, him dying over and over again, made him no longer afraid of death itself.

"Oh really, put all the blame on me! But at the very least, even I pretended I still tried to keep the girls happy!" Dai shouted with a mocking tone, which angered the leaders, "If you think by executing or imprisoning me, you can appease my brother, then you are wrong, he will never help you, sure I have lied to you, betrayed you or deceived you, even then, you guys are no saints either."

"Case in point, Sirzechs Lucifer, a certified Siscon, who believed his sister without thinking twice!" Sirzechs was getting angrier with Dai's words, "Then we have Michael himself, who couldn't find out about the truth until it was too late" Michael looked away in shame, he did not deny Dai's words, "Shemhazai and Azazel both of whom fell of the sins of lust, yet criticized Issei for being a pervert" Shemhazai clenched his fist.

"Shiva, who could see the future, yet failed to see what my brother was, you even ignored your visions and believed my lies" Shiva, like Michael looked down in shame, "Odin, just like Azazel and Shemhazai, looked down upon Issei because he was a pervert, you assumed that he was a glory hogger, some All father you are..." Odin gritted his teeth in fury, Dai was right about him, "Valerie Tepes is the only one I would respect, but even she failed to stop Elmenhilde from listening to Issei, due to blindly believing her friend, that foolish Tranversite Vampire Gasper." Valerie was ready to take this man down.

"And finally the Great Blunder God Zeus, whose past and present are riddled with lies, and deception" Zeus's hands were crackling with electricity, "You can't even stay loyal to your own marriage with Hera, and you even 'sold' away your own girls to make sure my brother helps you! You are the worst amongst them!" Dai ended the words, as Zeus got up from his seat, as he shouted.

"You bastard!" However, Shiva put his hand in front of him, and shook his head, he reluctantly stood down, he looked at Dai and spoke

"You are right, we screwed up, but we won't stop fighting, we will find a way to stop Malak, and we will do anything your brother asks us to do." Shiva declared, to which Dai only shook his head.

"If you think that will work, and if you want to kill me, go ahead! I am not going to stop you." Dai only surrendered, his demise was inevitable, as Shiva nods, and he speaks

"At least you spoke the truth, your execution will be in 2 days, you may take him away" Shiva spoke, as he calmed down the rest of the angry leaders. Two guards took Dai away, with the leaders pondering on what will happen next.

*Scene Change*

Outside, Underworld, 9:00 PM

Issei, Nyx, Charlotte and Quinella looked surprised, especially by Dai's words, they were expecting him to beg for mercy, but he did not show that.

"Normally I was expecting him to beg, but this is not what I was expecting" Issei spoke with a tone full of surprise, as Nyx responded

"Me too, but it shouldn't be, you did kill him in a brutal way 10 times, so comparatively, the factions killing him would be merciful." Nyx explained to her lover, as Charlotte spoke

"Either way, it was nice to see the faction leaders get angry" Quinella spoke with a cheerful tone, "Especially Siscon Lucifer..."

"You really hate him, don't you?" Issei asked, to which both Quinella and Charlotte both nod, in agreement.

"Indeed we do, not only does he not act like a leader at times, but he often shows nepotism, which is not good when you are a leader of a huge faction like the devils" Quinella explained, to which Charlotte agreed, Issei couldn't deny the words, "Furthermore, I will never forgive him for what he did to you, Issei..."

Quinella spoke with disgust to which Issei nodded, Charlotte then spoke silently.

"Speaking of which, we should probably head back, I mean, if we leave for too long, they might get suspicious." Issei shook his head in response.

"They won't" Issei spoke, "They are too busy protecting their own skin from their factions so we can relax for a moment, they will not try anything."

Charlotte nodded, as she looked at Issei, wondering what he thought about her, as Issei and the girls teleported back to the Hyoudou Residence, once they entered the house, they noticed the house was too empty, compared to before.

Most of Dai Hyoudou's ex-harem did not want to be in the house that gave them false good memories, due to this, Issei was mostly at peace. The only ones that did stay here were Valery, Ingvild and Asia.

He was surprised at Asia staying back, but at the same time he remembered this was the only place she could have called home. All her times were her crying and falling asleep having nightmares of her tormenting Issei or being with Dai.

Aika, and Miki tried to talk to Issei, with him avoiding them like the trash they were, they treated him the same way once upon a time, so it would be fair to do the same to them. They tried to tell about the Heart Attack, as he scoffed in response, he did not care what happened to his father at this point. He tried to emotionally manipulate Nyx into leaving Issei, as a result all bets were off, and Issei has had enough of his so-called father.

"Well, the good thing is the house is quieter..." Issei spoke to his girls, Nyx nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, let's all just rest for the night, I am too bored anyway.." Issei, Charlotte and Quinella nodded.

Issei heads inside, leaving Nyx alone with Quinella and Charlotte. Nyx looks at the two girls and asks

"Can I ask you two something?" Nyx's question caused the two girls to give nods, Nyx's expression changed into a smug smile, "Do you two like Issei?"

The girls immediately became a blushing mess, as Charlotte stammered, "E-e-eh-eh-eh-eh!!", as Quinella exclaimed with a blushing face,

"W-w-what are you talking about!?" Nyx chuckled, that was all she wanted to hear about, they gave her the answer she needed, however the scene soon changed into a slight sadness.

"Even if we do love him, we cannot take our side as his lover, as he belongs to you..." Charlotte spoke, Quinella agreed to Charlotte's words as Nyx shook her head and responded with a smile

"No, If Issei loves you, and you love him, I am no one to stop you" The girls smiled, as Nyx then became serious as she spoke, releasing some of her own aura, "Hurt him, and I will make sure you regret it..."

The girls gulped at the prospect of even them hurting Issei, they would be no better than Valery or Ingvild if that was the case, as Charlotte spoke

"Issei gave us a second chance at life, we would rather stay dead than hurt him ever again!" Charlotte declared as Quinella spoke

"We would be no better than those Gremory girls if we did that Nyx! He made sure we did not become a breeding tool for those factions, we would never hurt him, no matter what happens!" Quinella spoke in a serious tone, which made Nyx change her expression into a smile, as she spoke

"I know you will make Ise, happy, well I can wish you two good luck, to gain his affection, he is slow to trust due to constant betrayals, but I believe that he will trust you sooner than later, and even love you, that is what I believe in" Quinella and Charlotte nodded as they headed to sleep in their rooms.

Nyx herself went into her room, she remembered a few days ago, on how the girls easily infiltrated the announcers booth, as Charlotte eliminated most of the females by killing them, using her signature ability King of Flies, which allowed her to kill anyone, by commanding flies, which tore off any flesh that got in the way, she also hid them with ease, so that no one could trace her.

Quinella was much easier, her ability Charm, allowed her to manipulate the low class devils, by making them infatuated with her, and they were easy pickings for them to be eliminated, most were knocked out, and taken out before they could pose a problem, the reason for their deaths was that anyone would find out about them, and it would be traced back to them, even Naud was taken out before he could be a problem. And with Issei's Unknown Dictator it was easy for them to hack the system and control it, which Issei remotely did when the transmission cut out.

Nyx entered Issei's room, where she saw him finishing his bath, his hair seemed to be partially wet implying that he finished his bath.

"Oh hey Nyx, where were you?" Issei asked, to which Nyx spoke

"Nothing, just having a chat with the girls, they seemed to be nice" Nyx responded with a smile, "So what do you think?"

"Me? They are honestly way better than the Gremory Peerage, that is for sure, and are even loyal." Issei spoke with a smile, "Not to mention, their speech was something the factions, especially the devils and that crow Azazel will remember for their short lives." Issei ended the statement, he genuinely felt that those two have earned their spot on his group from that day onwards.

"Why do you ask?" Issei asked his girlfriend, to which the Goddess responded

"Nothing much, I just wanted to know, what you think of them, I am just happy it was nice" Nyx spoke with a smile, Issei was happy, they acted as friends, if not sisters at times, she has never been this happy, "Speaking of which, I was thinking want to go on a date in a few days, we are free, before we get back to business."

"I would love that, my dragon" Nyx beamed with a smile, as the two then headed to sleep, holding each other together, not caring for anything in this world.

The only ones having a sleepless night are the Faction Leaders and several of Dai's former lovers.

*Scene Change*

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Issei and Chibi Nyx, going on a outing, while the Chibi ORC spy on him.

Two Days Later,

City of Lucifaad, Underworld, 11:00 AM

Dai Hyoudou was walking on chains, being dragged by two guards. As he was walking, many of the Underworld citizens started throwing tomatoes, and other fruits at him, some even pelted stones at him, many shouted.

"Die, Traitor!"

"You doomed us all!"

"Killing you is a service!"

"Our hero left us, because of you!!"

Dai just walked, bearing the humiliation, Aika, Asia and Miki were crying, as their son was going to die today, they hated themselves for believing his lies.

Miki was the most affected due to this, she felt like the biggest piece of shit for failing her two sons, first Issei due to neglecting him, and second Dai, who became the way he is because of what is happening.

The Gremory peerage were watching the scene with contempt, due to primarily falling for his lies, they lost someone they cared about, they completely blame him for that, failing to see the error they themselves committed. Same went for Sitri Peerage as well, Genshiro watched from the corner of his eye, hoping that Issei did not discover him, before it is too late.

All of the Supernatural factions were watching with contempt and hate in their eyes, they were happy that justice was being served, in a way, this was the best outcome for what could have happened.

However, Issei was not happy with the execution, not because he did care for Dai, it was because of the people of the Underworld, and how they acted as, nothing but a bunch of hypocrites.

"Damn them, they acted as if they did nothing wrong!" Issei exclaimed in slight anger, as Charlotte asked

"What's the matter Issei?" Issei calmed down as he spoke, "It is because the people of the Underworld looked down upon me, because of the lies Rias Gremory and Dai Hyoudou spread, if anything they are equally responsible for what they did to me!"

Nyx understood this more than ever, she doubted that if Malak and his faction did not attack them, they wouldn't have seen Dai's truth and most likely they would have still remained in their lies.

"And the worst perpetrator is Rias Gremory and her peerage themselves, they are the reason why almost everyone in the supernatural hated me, yet here they are blaming everything on Dai, as if they are never involved, they sicken me to the very core! Bloody Hypocrites!" Issei spoke with anger emitting from his tone, this gave him even more reason to wipe them all out.

"Do you wish for me to eliminate them?" Quinella spoke as magic was eliminated from her palms.

"Not yet, that would be mercy Quinella, and I don't show mercy to those whores, and knowing Rias's spoiled nature, she will demand me sooner or later" Issei spoke coldly, as he continued, "If anything, I would love to eliminate her right away, causing her older brother to despair, but that would be mercy, no I want her to suffer, I want her to be in pain" Issei spoke coldly, as Quinella nodded in understanding.

"So we watch?" Issei nods upon Charlotte's question, "From what I have heard Rias has lost her status as the Gremory heiress due to public pressure, people are even demanding her head" Charlotte spoke with a slight tone of happiness, as Issei responded.

"That's just the beginning Charlotte." Issei spoke with a smile, "Once I am done, Rias will be begging for death" Charlotte nodded, as they watched the procession of Dai Hyoudou.

Quinella then asked, "But what about the Sitri Heiress, why is she still the heiress, wasn't she also complicit in the rumors?"

Issei nodded, as he responded, "It is because the family doesn't want them to lose their only valid heiress. Many don't know this, but they have another sister, however there was barely any information about her, since the Sitris have hid her from the public."

This surprised even Nyx, as she along with the rest did not know of this, as Nyx asked

"How did you know about this?" Issei then explained,

"You see, I managed to overhear a conversation between Sona Sitri and Serafall Leviathan, it seemed like they hated her for some unknown reason, but all I know is that she existed." Issei looked at the girls, who were surprised by this, as Quinella asked

"So what do we do?" Issei then responded, while shaking his head.

"As much as I want to know, I am going to need more information about who she is, and why is she kept hidden from most of the Supernatural world" Quinella and the other girls nodded in agreement, as Issei asked

"I never gave a thought about her before, since I figured she was happy where she was, but I think I will ask Ophis about this." Issei spoke, earning a nod from the girls, they watched Dai standing over a magic circle, meant to kill him.

The executioner looked at him coldly and asked,

"Any last words!?" Dai nodded his head, as he spoke with a mad smile.

"This execution, let me tell you Supernatural Faction, nothing is going to change, you may kill me, but sooner or later Malak is going to kill every last one of you!" Dai spoke, instilling anger into many, "My brother won't help you, no matter what you do to me! Your time is coming, make peace with however you have wronged, because your time will soon be up!"

Dai spoke, as the boos and jeers increased to the point where there was nothing left, the Executioner then activated a Magic Circle as a blinding blaze of Holy Light burned Dai alive, he screamed in pain, but this was nothing compared to any of the 10 deaths Issei put him through. Despite this, he wished that the pain would end, and when he passed out, he was gone. Leaving only the 8 pawn pieces he had in him, which belonged to Rias Gremory, the executioner then took the pieces and announced.

"With that the execution of Dai Hyoudou is over!" Many cheered in response, the children destroyed any and all merchandise of Dai Hyoudou, and destroyed anything related to the Oppai Dragon show, which was discontinued, immediately after his lies were revealed.

People went home hours later, after destroying the merchandise and wondered what happened next, they hoped that Malak and his faction would not attack them, however little did they know that one of the factions would soon be under attack.

Issei and his friends also went home, he wondered what would the girls that were engaged plan on doing, he was planning on getting Mirana, Seekvaira and Latia to his faction, he wondered whether they would accept it or not. Since, they still have some care for their loved ones, and families.

*Scene Break*

(A/N: Bang that's it for this chapter, the next chapter will be a bit lore revealing)

(A/N(2): All the gods and characters are completely fictional and the world is also Draconic Deus they have no relations or connections to any god, religion or mythology of our real world or Planet Earth. Some characters may seem villainous, but that is how it is, this Issei is the first villain Issei, but it should have been obvious at this point.)

(A/N(3): Irina Shidou is officially a Fallen Angel at this point, she is too guilt ridden to turn back now. )

(A/N(4): Dai Hyoudou is officially dead, but the story is far from over)

(A/N(5): The third Sitri sister will be revealed soon, and why is she hidden will also be revealed.)

(A/N(6): The attack will begin soon....take a guess which faction is next)

(A/N(7): Massive thanks to for Shubh030201 helping me with this chapter)

Please let me know what you think in the comments, and I will catch y'all later



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