Sweet But A Psycho

By a-nightmare75

596K 14.2K 1.4K

In which Bella Swan's younger half sister is dragged into the supernatural world where she makes many wonder... More

New Moon
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Breaking Dawn: Part One
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three
Breaking Dawn: Part Two
Sixty Four
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty Eight
Author's Note

Sixty Nine

5.1K 114 8
By a-nightmare75

"I'll kill you" grabbing Bella by her throat as my coven and I returned back to Forks, Nessie is with Belle in Seattle with Demetri and Ana as Felix and I deal with the Cullens.

"Woah" Carlisle is standing "what's going on?"

"Why" Felix demands "is my former coven after us?" Corin called Felix because some part of her still cares for him when she told us that Irena Denali went to Volturi to report that Felix and I had created two immortal children. My coven and I were just about to leave the Denali's when we found out.

"I" Bella struggles in my grip "don't...know"

"Irena came down here" Felix snarls at them "and a few days later goes to the Volturi because she believes that the children are immortal children and a danger, what did any of you say? Specifically you blood singer?" No matter what she'll be known as blood singer.

"I" Bella repeats "don't know" letting go of Bella but not before removing an arm, she screams as Felix tosses the arm into the fire.

"We'll be very clear" I say "you all will be witnesses to the truth, as will the others that the Denali's are bringing for us. They will come here, if any of you" looking around the room "attempt to try anything and I mean anything" my fangs have been out the entire time "I'll end you in the most painful ways possible" looking at Alice Cullen "if you Alice try to escape, I'll make your death the most difficult" nodding her head, I'll deal with them myself later. First is to have all the vampires we can get to come and testify that Belle and Nessie aren't threats.


It has been over a month and we managed to get over thirty vampires to testify that our children will not be a threat. Vampires who have been alive for a very long time, but also the adult hybrids. Over eighty of them have shown up with some of the mothers, so that makes over a hundred vampires here to testify for us that my kids will not be threats.

Like many here I'm wearing mostly black. I have a black spaghetti strap top with light blue washout skinny jeans, black ankle boots and a black leather jacket.

We hear footsteps and the kids hold onto us, none of the wolves will be coming today since I told Jared not to. That this is vampire business and that he shouldn't get the pack involved, Jared is the new alpha since Sam I may or may not be torturing alongside Paul for many things. Paul for making my life hell and Sam for not putting a stop to it. Jacob won't be here since I had Rebecca bring him to Hawaii. While Seth and Leah I made clear that they won't be risking their lives for a big misunderstanding.

When we see the Volturi appear, the kings look around shocked and surprised at the people we have. Cora knows to grab Irena if things go south. Aro looks around curious but also his hunger for power is there.

Once they stop, they take off their cloaks and we are silent before Aro speaks up "Felix, Demetri. What is the meaning of this?"

"This" Felix growls "is me protecting my children"

"Children who you turned since your mate still seems to be human" Caius growls, my eyes come out and Aro's hunger for power increases "what is she?"

"What I am" I snarl "is none of your concern, all this is is a big misunderstanding"

"These children" Felix says loud enough "are not immortal"

"They are Dhampirs" the moment I use that word many on the Volturi understand since it seems they know "but since the Volturi don't seem to know which is quite surprising given how long they've been alive, Dhampir are half human half vampire children"

"Impossible" Caius shakes his head "and humans?"

"It's true" Amun and Tanya come up beside us "all these humans" Tanya waves around "they were born from human mothers and vampire fathers, this knowledge has been known for thousands of years"

"And there mothers" I say "the ones who survived birthing them are here to testify, I'm also certain some may recognize the vampire who impregnated them"

"We do" one of them agrees "I very much have a bone to pick with my baby daddy"

"As do we" the others agree, oh now that is something I'd love to watch but not want to interfere with.

"If that is true" Aro holds his hand out "I'd love to"

"No" someone on their side says, the Volturi look at that person "I refuse Aro, I came here to see the destruction of the Cullens. Not face off against Felix Volturi and his mate who we all hear is quite notorious for torturing people who anger her off" seems my reputation proceeds me.

"As are we" many others agree

"How" I say shaking my head "none of the members of the Volturi knew that Dhampir children existed is quite concerning to say the least"

"And trust us" Felix says loud enough "for this misunderstanding the Cullens shall be severely punished by my mate and I for bringing you all out here for a misunderstanding"

"What" I demand "proof made you think Aro that we made an immortal child?"

We all wait for Aro's response as he says after some time "Evidence was brought to my attention of those two girls feeding from a human in the woods"

"In the woods?" Felix scoffs enraged "so my daughters weren't only feeding safely from a distance but also watched?"

"Why" Tanya demands "was my sister brought before you?"

"She asked" Marcus says "for death after visiting the Cullens she couldn't deal with the pain, after seeing her memories were we informed"

"So Aro gave false information?" Amun asks "hmm..."

"I don't know about any of you" I say loud enough "but I think Aro has been in power long enough, Marcus should not be living since Aro forced him to kill his own soulmate while Caius did nothing to stop it!"

"You have their soulmates locked up" Felix agrees with me "having Corin and Chelsea constantly use their gifts tiring them out all the time"

"The only reason" I add "a person should be in a coven is because they wish it, not because of some gift a coven member you have has" looking around "How many here lost good friends in an instant because of Aro and his need for power"

"You killed your own sister" Demetri says "because she and Marcus wished to spend immortality as nomads, just the two of them but no. You needed the power"

"Us Dhampirs" one of the Dhampirs speaks up "we are tired of these three especially Aro being in charge, I can't remember a time I could do something I loved without fearing that Aro may find out about me and have me executed or forced to join his coven"

"And I" someone else adds "am tired of the Cullens being allowed to live" we look their way as they look around nervous "because in the last two years they risked our safety"

"We Dhampirs" someone else adds "have had to clean up after them constantly for their need to blend into human society with their life style method"

"Raise your hand" I yell "if you want these people dead!" Most people even the Volturi raise their hands to this "then it's an agreement, the Cullens and the Volturi leaders along with the wives shall die!"

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