
By __valeria_rose__

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"I am obsessed with you." Her desire-filled voice echoed in the eery silence of the dark room. "That makes tw... More



28 1 0
By __valeria_rose__

Third Person POV

The little figure snuggled up against the warm sweatshirt adorning the psychology student stirred in sleep due to the loud noise of the phone ringing in late evening.

Unclenching one of her little fists from the girl's top the baby girl reached out for the phone lying on the nightstand.

She swiped the green icon after debating if her Lia would feel bad for receiving the call without her permission but the ringing wouldn't stop which might wake the elder up which was a very bad idea in the little one's head.

"Hello" Amy mumbled in a very,very small voice making sure to not disturb her favourite elder's slumber.

"Hello." Leona whispered in confused voice hearing a little girl's voice in place of her sweet girl's velvety laced voice which would brush through her ears like cotton clouds.

Amy on the other hand had already guessed if the one on the call was the same girl her Lia would always talk about with the little girl. Hence, she pulled back the phone in front of her face to see if any picture was attached to the contact which her father had thought her to identify when the curious little blond had pestered him about why photos are popping up with some music.

And seemingly she missed looking at the screen in sleepy eyes earlier now her eyes went wide looking at the face filled on the phone screen. Apparently certain favourite human had also shown the pictures of her darling to Amy which came in handy at the moment.

Also, Amy had expressed her anticipation of wanting to talk with the other one to Lia for which the elder had promised to make them both talk soon.

So her mumbling voice notched up by a pitch in excitement "You are my Lia's darling right?"

Leona understood it was Amy,the neighbour's little girl, her sweet girl's favourite blond. She just chuckled at the way the small girl had addressed her.

"You are right Amy" She let out smilingly.

"Oh my! How did you know my name? Did my Lia tell you?" Amy squeaked in glee which ended up waking the brunette lying beneath her.

"What is it baby?" Lia asked with a sleepy tone slowly registering the scene.

"It's your darling Li!" The younger's oozing excitement had both the girls giggling as Lia understood what was happening now getting up to sit against the bed frame as Amy plopped both her legs on one side of her still sitting on her lap with the phone pressed to her ears looking up at Lia with twinkling eyes.

"She knows my name!" Amy giggled loudly feeling like she had got praised by her father for finishing the mountain sketching that she had put so much of efforts into with crayons laying around the living room while her pappa had sat beside her guiding her strokes.

"Ofcourse she does baby. My Amy is a very good girl and everybody should know her." Lia spoke tenderly as she landed a tight kiss on the girl's bread cheeks making the little girl's cheeks taint pink with shyness before she mumbled a 'thank you'.

"Definitely! Amy baby deserves all the love!" Lia heard her darling cheering on the call as she had requested Amy to put it on speaker.

The little one whined feeling overjoyed with all the affection before shoving the phone in Lia's palm and hiding her face in her chest making Lia's frame vibrate with light-hearted chuckles.

"Amy is getting shy darling." She spoke between her giggles busy patting the small blonde's head while Leona inhaled a sharp breath hearing that voice addressing her directly which she had missed for days together.

This was the longest they have been without even dropping a text to eachother since they have met. The highest so far was when Lia had taken few days which was also less than a week, obviously included with atleast a single text for a day.

This time the situation being a serious one and the duration being the longest had already moistened the corners of the soon to be senior student.

Noticing the other's silence Lia took the call off of speaker before continuing "How are you baby?" Oh so gently brushed her words for the distressed heart of the younger girl.

"I am fine. Now." And that had Lia's heartbeat racing against her chest.

Before she could speak she felt the small girl pulling back from her chest before extending her hand to the phone asking for the phone.

"Amy is back from her cocoon!" Lia exclaimed as Amy just rolled her eyes before she quickly put the phone on speaker which was laying in the elder's palm.

"Darling!" She called out which caught the two girls by surprise but both were rather endeared by the sweetness.

"Yes Amy?" Leona spoke softly.

"Do you like toy story?" Lia quirked her brow at the unexpected question while Leona just smiled at the kid's question already being smitten by the other's adorableness.

"Yes Amy." This bought a huge smile on the said girl's bubbly face.

"Does darling like daisies?" She asked expectantly as she leaned forward towards the phone.

Leona's heart melting each time the little one would address her by her sweet girl's pet name.

"Yes baby, darling likes daisies." She replied just the way Amy asked the question which made the latter clap in joy.

While Lia sat back listening to the heartwarming conversation her dearests were having. She saw the little blonde's face contracting into concentration probably searching for the next question for which seems to be a spontaneous interview.

"Ok darling. This is a very important question. You should answer wisely." Leona's ear perked at that sentence as her heart raced feeling slightly nervous as to not wanting to say any wrong answer that saddens the little girl.

"My Li said that her darling draws. So will darling draw me butterflies?" Lia sat there with a dumbfounded expression while Leona fell back on her bed where she was sitting all this while as her room filled with the sounds of her high pitched giggles.

Amy also smiled without understanding why the elder was laughing on the call and turned towards the other who just shrugged for which had Amy giving a blank look before Leona's voice caught her attention.

"Ofcourse yes!Darling will draw so many butterflies for our little Amy "

That had both the girls in Edinburgh smiling ear to ear. One being excited for the drawing while the other being endeared by her darling's sweetness towards her favorite babygirl.

"Really? Draw me big ones please!" The little blonde pleaded innocently while the elders were combusting with overflowing adoration for the youngest.

Once Leona promised to draw big butterflies the little one exclaimed that now Leona is officially her favourite along with Lia and quickly bounced off of Lia's lap and down the bed before sprinting out the room shutting the door behind towards the source of her father's voice who had come to pick up the girl.

A relaxing silence surrounded the now alone girls which gave both of them the space to soak in each other's presence that was lost for days together. Days which were difficult to even get some food down the throat without the thoughts of how they terribly missed each other.

"Baby". "Darling".Both whispered at the same time which rose their lips up as they went quite for a second just embracing the moment.

"Darling.." And just like that Lia had the said girl's toes curl in delight as she hummed in appreciation for the sweetness oozing through the elder's lips "I missed you hella lot love!"

"How much baby?" It might have been the pressure of handling all the things by herself or mainly because she was away from the other for way too long which had every second of her day a living tragedy that pushed her into a puddle of thoughts, getting lost in the older girl and the things that she did which impacted the teenager's blooming mind at her own willingness.

"Too much. Way too much. Each moment was difficult than the other. No music,no drawings,no dance,no amounts of sitting under shower was enough to subside the empty feeling spreading through my heart darling." That had little drops sliding through the girl's temples as she laid on her back on the bed.

"I never knew art would not make sense to me. But you showed me that. Your absence showed me that." Lia paused wiping her own teardrops. "Leona, without you, even my passion and my art is nothing but a senseless piece of covering over my restless soul shrivelling in s-search of y-you."

Leona's body trembled visibly hearing the girl's chocked voice as she tried muffling her sobs by covering her mouth with her forearm while other hand held the phone to her ear.

They were too deep into each other. They both knew that. Ever since they could not put away their devices just so any notifications from the other would not be missed,all those sleepless nights spent with them sending endless texts back and forth, ignoring the outer world completely and falling deep into each other; they were aware that they were way too fargone to even revert back to their individual lives before they met.

But what they were unaware until now was that they were so entangled that just few number of days apart would break them into pieces which can be mended only with their reunion.

Now that they were completely filled with that knowledge something dark clouded their senses, something so vicious but tenderly sweet that had the same thoughts running through both the girls'minds.

To make each other their own in every way possible. To give themselves to each other in every way possible.

The heaviness of their rising passion and drive towards each other also bought a sense of fear along with the relishing feelings for each other.

The fear of drowning so deep that they would be unable to reach back to the safe zone of their shores even if at one point they would want to, because of unfortunate circumstances.

Yet the sound of each other's laboured breathing laced with thick ends of desires and unexpressed love calmed the increasing fear in the corners of their minds.

"Lia.." And as always the said girl fell a slave at her name being called out in the notes like that of a gentle saxophone weaving through the jazz music played in an italian cafe during chilly evenings.

Nothing but an almost inaudible breath of an airy 'yes' slipped past her half rosy lips that parted slightly sucking in a huge puff of oxygen at her girl's next words.

"Touch me. Touch me through the phone. Touch me with your thoughts and fantasies layed out on the tip of your tongue about 'me' while I lay here,on my bed,for you."

By now the sheet of night sky hung above with heavy clouds gradually covering the space making it cloudy and fertile enough for a downpour of thunderstorm.

The whole atmosphere turning calm and windy to be the witnesses for the fresh moments of love between two young lovers.

Pulling the window curtains and locking the door,Lia layed back in middle of her bed while the younger on the other side pushed herself up to the center of the bed from where she was laying.

"Sure darling?" Even if it was clear that the younger seemed to be ready and sounded confident with her words,the brunette girl wanted words to be satisfied and assured that her love was comfortable and wanted this completely.

Leona whined at the concern,seeking the elder's presence even more than she already did but replied with a breathy voice knowing that the elder would not say a word if she did not answer truthfully."I am sure Lia. A thousand times sure."

Lia's heart eased in content at those words an unsaid worry lifting off of her shoulders as her frame loosened on the bed.

"Hands down your body darling." Leona's eyes fell shut hearing those words,a clear command in that gravely texture of a velvety voice.

Sliding one of her free hand from the side of her neck and brushing through the thin fabric the black haired girl let her hand disappear beneath her own clothes.

While Lia was not in a much different position. Hearing the little sounds of pleasure slipping past the younger girl made the girl mewl in delight as she squirmed on the bed yearning for other's presence.

Thoughts of how similar this situation seemed to be to that of from a month or two ago, swirled in the background of their thoughts. But there were major standouts that bought the difference between both the scenarios.

This time there was no hesitancy, there was no need to stop. Instead they both let their desires play the role with their complete sense and acceptance. There was no doubt in the comfort zone shared between the two tender souls.

Seconds turned into minutes as the two young hearts grabbed for any threads of intimacy and pleasure that was reachable for them.

With foreheads covered in sprinkles of sweat, loose hair spread on the cotton sheets of bedspread,cheeks tinted in a rosy hue,lips bitten to a blood red shimmer both reached their high with a moment's difference.

"Leona" Lia moaned still lost in a daze as she heard the said girl giggling in giddiness while she layed on her side looking out at the drizzling rain drops on the bedroom window.

"I feel drunk darling. Drunk on you."Leona hummed as she stared at her palm feeling the stickiness.

"I want to get drunk with you. It's one of my many wishes to be fulfilled with you mei amour."

"Mei amour" Lia repeated before continuing "I like the sound of it so much. Especially from your lips."

"I want more. I need more. I need you." This distance thing was getting on their nerves quite badly and at this moment it was way worse. As they had shared a very personal moment with each other their minds wired together making them want the other around even more than they already did.

"Soon love. Very soon." Lia whispered with closed eyes listening to the pitter-patter of th rain while her darling's honey voice pulled her into a sleepy state before she was startled harshly by the knockings on her door.

"I suppose we forgot dinner." She chuckled after answering her mom who was on the other side of the door.

"I am full already baby." The mischievous smile spread widely across the light chocolate eyes of the younger girl which had Lia laughing out loud.

"Stop it,you goofy head. We should get going for the dinner,it is already past 9."

"Sure but no cutting call." Younger ordered which was ofcourse obeyed by the elder girl.

Leona was always clingy and demanded for attention from the other which was presented to her without a question because that's what the elder wanted to do. To pamper her darling with all her care and affection. And Lia herself was a very affectionate person and expressed love through touch. As she was not able to hold the other physically she tried her best to hang around through calls,texts and just any way as much as possible..

"Let's clean up before leaving for dinner." That sentence made them feel that they were right next to each other and not four hundred miles apart.

Constant giggles,words of love and teasings filled their conversation as they changed into new sets of night suit before washing their hands.

Leona grabbed her earphones which were not used since her last phone broke. Plugging it in,she descended the stairs towards the kitchen while on the other hand Lia sat beside her mother on the sofa with a giddish smile which was obviously noticed by her mother who smiled to herself handing her girl the plate filled with Sesame-crusted tuna with green tea noodle salad.

Jena Pearl was fond of trying new recipes and if they both liked something they had a ritual of trying it atleast once a week. One such dish was the above said one. Their both's favourite.

"Thank god. Your darling is a smart one,she got all set up well with earphones." Leona's voice sounded in a swift whisper which bought confusion to elder's features,nonetheless a smile sat on her lips at the way the younger had addressed herself.

"Am just listening to some music mother, it's been awhile since I did that. Needed some sort of relaxation."  Leona answered her mother who had come to the kitchen to refill the water bottle. The brunette caught on now understanding what the other meant earlier,she made it look like she was not on a call rather listening to music. That had the girl chuckling quietly unaware of her mother's endearing gaze on her.

Stella approached the teenage girl brushing the younger's hair softly. "I have prepared your favourite dish,Denver omelette and also got burritos from your favourite food spot. You have been such a great support Leon,am so proud to have a daughter like you and thank you so much. Enjoy your dinner." With that she pecked the said girl's forehead before filling the bottle and exiting the kitchen.

"Microwave it before having." She heard her mom calling out.

"That was so sweet darling." Hearing her girl being praised by her mother felt so good, only Lia knows how that moment felt. But there was no response from the other just silence filled the air

"Girl,you alive?"

"What the hell?!"

"Ouch! Darling my ears!" Leona was shaken of her shocked state apologizing abruptly.

"It's okay love. So...how do you feel?" Lia stopped eating, focusing on the girl who started talking after few minutes.

"That was so unexpected. But am glad that I could make her proud. Even if it would not last for a long while am happy that this right moment she had pride for me." Lia smiled sadly at how small the younger's voice turned at the end.

She wanted her love to be filled with bliss not pain. "Atleast we were not caught by mom. That is the real deal babe!" She exclaimed wanting to make the other ease up, her mother had gone to the kitchen to fetch some more food so it gave the elder the space to use all the nicknames for her Leona.

"Yeah,true." Leona sighed with a small smile as she proceeded to heat up her dinner.

With that the two girls finsihed their dinner together. Lia kissed her mother's cheek before bidding goodnight and retrieving to the room. Jena smiled wholeheartedly seeing her daughter being all giggly and unable to hide her blushing which was so adorable. As long as her daughter is well and fine,she is happy with anything.

The two lovebirds spoke and spoke endlessly all night that day,they shared so many secrets,wishes,likings and dislikes. How will their first meet be,what will they do. Everything. Everything was discussed.

There were moments of them just sharing a comfortable silence, listening to each other's breathing. They were content just by that. If they were to be restricted to just this,just talking on call and to never meet,they would still be happy with it. All they both prayed for was the other to be safe and healthy,as long as the other was fine, anything would be a blessing.

It was like their bond was re-established from scratch. It felt so new and fresh,wild and exciting.

To be connected by body is one thing but to be connected by mind and heart was a whole new world. That is what had happened between the two youths. Love had blossomed in a new shape and form that day, awakening unknown desires and pools of endless wishes from their depth.

They had not touched each other yet. But their souls had already been cradled in the most tender hold of love by one another.

Unaware of the storm rising in the far horizon,two girls floated and swam in the soothing waves of their unexpressed love.


Pleasant day ahead evryone...

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