Tidal Wave

By zarynmaples

1.8K 205 485

Riley Matthew has it all... Or so it seems... but not everything is what it seems. Riley has liked the same... More



80 7 3
By zarynmaples


After waking up in my bed, I do my usual morning routine, and nothing different or out of the ordinary. I wake up my sisters and get myself ready. All things that I'm used to doing, really.

One problem is that... I don't remember how I got in my bed last night, I could've sworn I fell asleep on the couch... maybe I was just too tired to remember?

Maybe so.

I begin walking to school, already dreading today. Why? Well, because today is the talent show. I didn't really give myself much time to prepare and I just have a feeling I'm going to embarrass myself on stage big time.

I'm glad that Jamie and Kirrie offered to help me get ready before the talent show.

You know, do my makeup, hair, and pick an outfit to wear. All that good stuff. I finally arrive at school and my friends all hurry over to me, looking very excited.

"I just know you're going to do great today!" Kirrie says, in a very encouraging tone.

I smile, trying to put on a facade of fake confidence. For myself, and for my friends.

Jamie pats me on the shoulder.

"Don't sweat it! You'll do amazing!"

I try to let their words soak in and infiltrate the deepest parts of my subconscious, so that I won't be as nervous or scared to go on stage.

After about thirty minutes, the principal announces for all the contestants of the talent show to make their way to the auditorium.

I take a deep breath and follow my friends to the room behind the stage where all the contestants would be waiting to perform.

My friends aren't performing with me, but it's nice to have them by my side and supporting me. It helps me feel just a little bit better.

We waited for about an hour before it was announced for everyone else to come to the auditorium and watch the talent show. I don't really want to think about the fact that Riley would most likely be there, watching.

Contestant after contestant was called onto the stage to perform, with Heather being the first.

Everyone in the backstage room winced as they heard her singing the words to some random pop song that you'd maybe hear on the radio four or five times a day.

The next contestants came and went, some dancing, some singing, some doing comedy skits. A lot of them were pretty good, definitely better than me. I fiddle with my hands fingers, trying to distract myself.

And now it was my turn. I am so nervous, and I feel nauseous. I take a deep breath as I walk on the stage and grab the microphone.

I look out into the crowd and see my friends. I also see Riley which makes me almost want to run off the stage out of embarrassment even though I hadn't started singing yet.

All I could manage to let out was a silent cry for help. My mouth opened but nothing came out.

Everyone started looking at each other. Some started giggling and whispering. I really felt embarrassed now. Mortified even.

I bite my lip, fighting the urge to cry and flee.

Then, before I could even run away, Riley was standing on stage next to me, holding the second microphone in his hand. He looks at me and nods. It's a little weird because he's wearing a hoodie, sweats and converses and I'm wearing a really formal outfit (that I'd never pick out myself).

I stare for a moment and finally... I start singing.

And Riley starts singing along with me. As we sing, we look at each other and ignore the crowd. This makes me feel a lot better. My worry and embarrassment melt away in that moment.

We finish the song and I let my arm fall down to my side. Before I could mouth a thank you, Riley leaves the stage.

As I walk off the stage, I scan the auditorium for Riley. I wanted a chance to tell him I was grateful for what he did.

I see him sitting in one of the seats in one the middle rows. I walk up to him and try not to make a total fool of myself.

"Hey— I wanted to say thank you, you know, for what you did up there." I say, giving Riley a small smile.

Riley smiles back at me.

"Yeah! No problem!"

"I can walk you home— if you're okay with that." He adds, standing up now.

I nod. "Yeah, that would be fine!"

At that moment, the principal announces the winners of the talent show. It's me and Riley. We won. We actually won.

After we process this, we start walking, and it's a bit cold outside since it's pretty much fall. The leaves are turning brown and the air smells different.

As we walk, I stare at the sky. It's something I've always done, since I was really little. Once we get to my house, I thank Riley again.

Before he turns to go, he steps closer to me. Our faces now only a foot apart. I feel myself start holding my breath and looking down at the ground to avoid very awkward eye contact.

"I was wondering if maybe you'd want to come to the football game tonight?"

I look up at him and think for a moment, really wanting to immediately scream, "Yes! Yes!"

Instead, I actually say, "Yeah, sure! See you there!"

The sparkle in his sea green eyes mesmerizing me as it always has. His dark brown hair is also a bit of a mess from the fall breeze. I chew on the inside of my mouth, frozen in that moment seemingly for eternity.

After I finally come back to earth, we wave goodbye and I walk into my house, putting my backpack down by the door to my room. I throw myself onto my bed. Thoughts begin swirling inside my head. So many thoughts. So many emotions. So many questions.

These are the questions I am just repeatedly asking myself, over and over. After a while, I take a deep breath and get up to get changed in to warmer, comfier clothes.

I put on a colorful striped sweater, jeans and my converses. I also put a purple beanie on that has little a little white puff at the top.

I briefly fix my red hair that's down to my shoulders. I look at the time on my phone and it's almost six o'clock already. I quickly text my friends so see if they'll be at the football game.

Once Jamie and Kirrie finally answer saying they'll be there, I throw my bag over my shoulder and walk out the front door.

I start walking in the direction of the school. The football field is off to one side of the gym, which at the back of the school.

I follow the sidewalk up to the parking lot for the football field and walk past it and up the stairs of the bleachers. I look for Jamie and Kirrie as I walk along the bottom row of bleachers.

Finally, I spot them sitting at the very top. I climb the stairs of the bleachers and join my friends, sitting next to Jamie.

"Hey! I'm so glad you came!" Jamie says.

I nod and give a small smile. "Yeah, It'll be fun."

I sit silently most of the game, watching for Riley out on the field. He is number eight. How do I know this? Well I guess because I watch him all the time when we are in athletics.

Nothing quite beats a chilly October night at a football game with friends. The cold air nipping at my nose and cheeks, the smell of concession stand food and the loud cheers of fans in the bleachers.

I guess this would be a typical high school experience for many, but there still seems to be something special about it.

At half time, I stand up and look at my friends.

"Do y'all want anything from the concession stand?"

Both of my friends shake their heads and say no thanks. I nod and head down the bleachers towards the concession stands when I bump into a rather large person. A man.

"Watch where you're going young lady." The man grumbles.

This man looked like he could probably be the father of one of my classmates. He was tall, buff, his hair was scruffy and he had shadowy facial hair.

Feeling intimidated, I mumble, "Sorry."

The man scrunches up his face, like he's angry. "Pahh! Sorry?" He grabs me by the arm harshly. My eyes widen and find myself being unable to breathe.

"Didn't your parents ever teach you to respect your elders?" The man hisses hatefully.

I can't find the words to actually speak. This seems to make the man even angrier.

"Answer me!" He yells.

He then lets go of my arm and pushes me a bit.

"Go. You're pathetic." He then he storms past me and up the bleachers where he was already going.

While still regaining my breath and trembling, I make my way down the bleachers and to the concession stand. After waiting about ten minutes in line, I order myself a drink and a hotdog.

With both items in hand, I make my way back up the bleachers and sit down. I start watching the game again as I eat my hotdog.

After finishing my hotdog I wipe my hands on a napkin and then throw the napkin away in the nearest trash
can and sit back down, yet again. The game is almost over now, with the scores close to being tied.

I watch as the game finishes and the other team scores the last point, winning. Everyone on the other side cheers happily.

Since the game is over, everyone starts leaving the field and getting in their cars to go home.

"Dylan, can we stay at your house tonight? We could have a sleepover!" Kirrie asks.

I nod. "Yeah sure, and I'll order some pizza!"

Jamie smiles and says, "Hell yeah!"

Kirrie and I follow Jamie to her car and get in. Jamie drives us to my house and we all run inside once we get there.

I grab my phone out of my bag and dial the number for the pizza place and order two large pepperoni pizzas for me, my friends and my sisters.

I put my bag down in my room on my bed. Jamie and Kirrie join me in my room, plopping down on the floor in front of my bed. I sit down with them.

Soon, the pizza comes and I answer the door and pay the delivery person. I take the pizzas in hand and sit the boxes on the kitchen table. I call my friends and sisters to come eat.

My sisters all grab two slices and run off to their rooms. Me and my friends also grab two slices and we go hang out in my room.

After talking and sort of gossiping for a bit while eating pizza, we all change into our pajamas.

I just put on a white tank top that has a little bit of lace at the top and some loose striped pajama pants and some pink fuzzy socks.

Jamie grabs the tv remote off my dresser.

"Y'all want to watch a movie? I know a new scary movie that just came out!"

Me and Kirrie nod. I will usually watch anything, including horror movies or thrillers. Jamie turns on my tv and Kirrie goes to the kitchen to make us a big bowl of buttery popcorn to share.

Jamie pulls up the movie on the tv and Kirrie comes back in with a huge plastic bowl full of popcorn.

Kirrie sits down by me and Jamie and puts the popcorn in front of us. Jamie grabs a handful and presses play on the movie she selected for us to watch.

I get up and turn the light off and then sit back down beside my friends to watch the movie with them.

Kirrie falls asleep about halfway through the movie but me and Jamie are still awake by the time it ends.

Jamie turns off the tv and gets up on my bed, patting the spot in front of her for me to come sit. I get up and turn the light back on and then sit in front of Jamie on my bed.

"So—" Jamie starts.

I knew what she probably wanted to ask me about.


I push some of my hair behind my ear.

"He was just being nice, Jamie. Nothing more."

Jamie furrows her eyebrows and sighs. She starts chewing on her lip like something is bothering her.

"Okay. Fine. Whatever you say."

I give Jamie a small smile and then get up to turn the light back off and I then crawl into my bed. Jamie gets a blanket and pillow and gets down on the floor.

I don't know about Jamie, but it ends up taking me a while to fall asleep. The room is dark and quiet, so I assume that now both Jamie and Kirrie are asleep.

After what feels like an hour of tossing and turning, I finally fall asleep.

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