The beach house

By nctizen24

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A group of old friends return to the beach for one last boys vacation before married life starts for one. All... More

Bonus chapter (MarkHyuck)


80 6 8
By nctizen24

By the next afternoon Taeyong decides to call Jeno to see how things are going and doesn't like what he hears.
"Why do you sound like you are dying?" He asks concerned. Jeno chuckles slightly then coughs.
"I might be." Taeyong clicks his tongue.
"Have you eaten?" Jeno sighs.
"I can't get out of bed." Taeyong gasps.
"I'll be there in ten." He says before hanging up.

When he rings the doorbell he has to try to push away the nerves. This whole house is bringing an anxiety he didn't know existed in himself. Much to his dissatisfaction it's the small one that answers the door.
"What are you doing here?" He asks rudely.
"Something you should have been doing hours ago." He says as he pushes past him. He knocks once on Jeno's door and announces his arrival before bursting in.
"What the actual fuck Jeno?" He asks, seeing his Poor state.
"I think I'm a little dehydrated or something?" He kind of questions. Taeyong shakes his head to show his disappointment.
"You should have called me and before you even think it, no I do not and will not ever think you are a burden so please, as my new best friend, call when you need anything. Don't worry, I'll do the same." Jeno smiles.
"Sorry, I've just been feeling that a lot lately." Taeyong sits next to him and takes his hand.
"I get it. Honestly if I was in your situation I'd probably feel the same but I also would try to let in the people who I know would drop anything for me." Jeno wipes his tears.
"That's just it, I don't even know who that is anymore." Taeyong's heart breaks for him.
"From here on out. It's me. Trust me, I'll be here for you, even when we both go back home you can call me, text me, or even FaceTime me when you need a friend." Jeno cries in his arms for a few minutes before Taeyong gets to his feet.

"I'm going to brave the chilly atmosphere out there to heat up the food I brought you. Drink this water while I'm gone." He gets to the door and pauses.
"Just so I know, who is the little asshole?" Jeno laughs loudly.
"That must be Renjun." Taeyong nods and takes a deep breath before walking out.

He walks slowly to where he thinks the kitchen is and helps himself to the microwave when he gets there.
"Why are you in here just doing anything you want?" He drops his shoulders and sighs.
"Look, little one. I don't know what crawled up your ass but Jeno is really sick and I'm being a good friend and helping him. You on the other hand are being a petulant little child, for what reason I don't know. Now kindly fuck off and let me do what I need to." He looks back to see an almost forlorn look on his face.

"Jeno is sick? Why didn't he tell me?" He asks almost to no one at all.
"Because he didn't want to burden his so called best friends. Just go on and cuddle with your boyfriend or sit in the corner being angry about me, or just fuck off for all I care." Taeyong grabs the food and quickly walks away. He shuts the door quickly and leans against it.
"I get the feeling he doesn't like me much, especially now." Jeno raises his brow.
"What did you do?" Taeyong smiles innocently.
"Absolutely nothing." Jeno chuckles, he honestly doesn't care at this point.

"I have to pee, like really bad." Jeno says with a small look of panic on his face.
"Ok I'll help you up." Jeno shakes his head no.
"You won't be able to, I don't have any strength to help at the moment, maybe just go get a bottle?" Taeyong shakes his head.
"Who in this house do you trust to see your dick?" Jeno frowns.
"No one." He folds his arms.
"Bullshit. I'll grab the first person I see, maybe not the little angry one." Jeno laughs again.
"Don't make me laugh. Fuck I'm going to piss on the bed." Taeyong zips his lips.
"Sorry." He says before exiting.

He walks around the corner.
"Hello?" He shouts.
"Yeah?" He hears from a chair in the living room.
"Hey uh are you one of Jeno's friends? We need help." He watches him stand.
"I'm Jaemin, yeah we've been friends for a long time." Taeyong really has to bite his tongue to not say anything insulting, at least until after he helps.
"Follow me please?" He does without a word.
"Jeno? I found Jaemin here, he can help us." Jeno looks upset by this and Taeyong feels horrible.
"Would it be better if I found Doyoung?" He asks. Jaemin looks hurt but he kind of understands why.

"It's fine." He says not looking over.
"Doyoung left anyway." Jaemin says softly.
"He's sick and weak and really has to pee and I need help lifting him to his chair and probably on the toilet, are you up for the challenge?" Taeyong asks as he squeezes Jeno's hand. He knows this is hard for his ego but it's better than wetting the bed he thinks.
"Of course." They get him to the side of the bed and on to his chair no problem. When they get to the bathroom though no one really knows what to do.

"So how do you get your shorts down?" Jaemin asks a little uncomfortably.
"Just get me up there, I will get them." Jeno says sadly.
They do just that and he gestures for them to leave but Taeyong has other plans.
"Hey, I've seen that monster before, and I know how the human body works and there is no shame in this. Please let me stay and help?" He nods, a small smile playing on his lips. Jaemin walks out and waits to help him back to bed.

When it's all said and done Jeno feels a lot better Taeyong stays into the night playing card games and watching tv with him. He waits until he's able to do things on his own again before he decides to leave.
"Thank you for today. You really are a good friend." Jeno says softly.
"I meant what I said Jen, call me whenever. I. Will. Be. Here." Jeno laughs and nods.
"Ok, see you later."  He walks out and sees the two friends sitting on the couch watching tv and shakes his head, wondering why, not once did they go in to check on him. He keeps walking until he hits a wall.
"Fuck." He says as he rubs his head, only to look up and see the wall is actually Doyoung.

"Oh hey." Taeyong says awkwardly.
"Hey, Can i walk you out?" Doyoung asks nicely.
"Sure." Taeyong says looking away shyly.
"So, you and Jeno huh? I'm guessing there is no boyfriend anymore?" Taeyong pauses and puts his hands on his hips sassily.
"I don't appreciate the insinuation that I would cheat on my boyfriend. But no, Jaehyun and I split up a few years ago." Doyoung looks genuinely shocked.
"Wow, I thought you would be together forever." Taeyong chuckles.
"I did too, until I knew we shouldn't. It was a mutual growing apart. We wanted different things and to go different directions. It just wasn't meant to be and we both hung on for too long." Taeyong looks up to see he has Doyoung's undivided attention.
"I'm sorry, you probably didn't want to hear all that, but hey, I'm here with Taeil and Yuta, maybe we could get together some time?" Doyoung smiles brightly.
"I'd like that a lot actually." Taeyong nods his head and looks toward his house.
"I'll see what works for them, then I'll let you know." Doyoung smiles softly.
"It's really good to see you again Taeyong." He says.
"Yeah, you too. See you later." He gives a small wave and walks away with an unseen smile that stretches all across his face.

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