The Forgotten (Kakashi x OC)...

By AnotherSimpOfKakashi

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*This story has been discontinued* Hey! So this is my first ever publicized fanfic, so please be patient with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 🍋
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12🍋
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Note from Author
Book two Prologue
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Authors Notes
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen (🤏🍋)
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Not an Update

Chapter 6

175 3 7
By AnotherSimpOfKakashi

As Dr. Choi suspected, the ANBU were at the door at day break. Unfortunately, Kakashi wasn't allowed to come with me. Which scared me a little. I didn't know any of these people, their masks certainly didn't help, and the way they just surrounded me as we walked toward the Hokage estate made me feel more like a prisoner than a patient.

"Wait here." One of them instructed. He slid into the door behind me, leaving me in the hallway with the other three ANBU.

I swayed on my toes and clasped my hands behind my back awkwardly.

"So. . . how's it going?" I asked, trying to fill the silence.

The three of them blew air out their nose and shook their heads disapprovingly.

"Sorry, I don't like awkward silences." I said sheepishly.

"We know." One of them pointed out.

I chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of my neck. "I hope I don't offend you when I say I don't have much memory of the ANBU or the people in it." I said sheepishly.

The mood in the air shifted drastically. "We know." Another sighed.

The door opened behind me, and I turned to see the ANBU standing there. He nudged his head for me to enter, and I stumbled a bit over my feet as I tried to hurriedly follow behind him. My eyes focused on just about every small thing that was in the room. The fireplace that crackled with life to my right held small trinkets and miniature figures of the different shops and buildings in the village. In front of it was a small sitting place with a stack of books that all sat on top of a red oriental carpet with gold accents. Which, actually looking around, the room was covered in stacks of books.

One of the ANBU next to me gently nudged my arm with theirs, and my eyes instantly snapped to the person who was sitting at the desk. He was an older tan man with white hair that had obvious signs of bolding. His age spots and wrinkles gave away his true age though. It looked as if he was waiting for me to acknowledge him. His hands were folded on top of his desk, a small smile on his face, as he watched me.

I turned to the ANBU next to me with a questioningly look. "I - uh- I don't remember." I whispered sheepishly.

"Lord Third, you must forgive, Emiko. Given her state she cannot quite remember who you are." He said dropping to one knee next to me, his head dipping to the floor.

I chuckled nervously and gave him a small wave. "Sorry." I muttered.

He chuckled and stood out of his chair. "That is okay, Emiko. Dr. Choi at the hospital as already informed me of your condition. Part of why I did not disturb you as you looked around my room."

My face burned red from embarrassment. "S-Sorry. I didn't -"

He held his hand up to stop me. "Dr. Choi also informed me of your situation with your chakra. Rest assured. I have reached out to the best of the best and we will have this situation taken care of as soon as possible. After all, we can't have a S-Ranked Kunoichi, such as yourself, going without your chakra, now can we?"

"S-Ranked?" I whispered to myself, making the ANBU kneeling next to me turn his head to me.

"That's a good thing, Emiko. It means you're extremely powerful. Just as your husband is." He said softly in response.

"Thank you."

The Hokage clapped his hands together, making me snap my head up to him. "Shall we then?" He said moving around his desk and toward the door. One of the ANBU held the door open for him and bowed as he exited the room.

"Oh!" I gasped as I quickly followed behind him, the remaining ANBU following swiftly behind me.

As we walked down the hall, I turned the the ANBU to my right that had assisted me in the Hokage's office. His kitsune mask was very simple, a plain white mask. The only distinguishing characteristics of it was the triangle portion that went over his right eye was green.

"What is your name?" I whispered to him.

He turned to me slightly. "Snake." He said simply, turning forward again. "Your husband has requested I keep an eye on you while you are here. So you have nothing to worry about." He assured.

"Why can he not be here?"

"That is unknown to me. But rest assured, Mrs. Hatake, you will be safe." He said with a small head nod.

I gave him a small nod in understanding and returned my attention forward as we continued to follow behind The Hokage. Stopping outside one of the rooms, The Hokage held the door open for me, encouraging to enter first. It felt weird having the Hokage himself holding the door open for me. Wrong almost. Like I should be the one holding it open for him. I might not remember who he was, but I know what the Hokage's role is. He's an important man. A strong, honorable shinobi who is suppose to lead an entire village. Yet here he was holding the door open for me.

"Thank you, sir." I said with a small head bow as I walked through the door.

He gave me a smile and returned the nod before following close behind me.

The room was much more inviting compared to the hospital. Actually if anything, it looked more like a bedroom than a hospital room. The only thing that gave it away was the very obvious hospital bed. 

But the room seemed vaguely familiar. Like I had been here before.

Stepping further into the room I looked more closely at the small stack of books, most of them were fairy tales or mystery novels, and the small photos resting on the floating shelves. To my surprise, they were pictures of me and Kakashi. But we were much much smaller. Maybe five or six. In each one while I looked practically ecstatic to be around him, he looked like an absolute grump, which made me giggle. But my eyes stopped at one in particular. There was Kakashi and I on one side, and the other side was . . .

"Obito and Rin." I whispered brushing my fingers gently across their faces.

Behind us was a blond haired man, his arms wrapped around Kakashi and Obito as if trying to keep the two of them in the frame. . . or from killing each other.

I turned to the Hokage and to my surprise everyone was watching me. "I-uh- sorry, I just -"

"It's okay, my dear. You can continue." He assured with a smile.

"I-I use to live here didn't I?" I asked scrunching my brow together as I tried to form the memories.

He nodded his head. "For a little while, yes."

I turned back to the photo's on the shelf and stopped at the one of Kakashi and I with another man. He looked just like Kakashi now, just older.

"This is his dad, right?" I asked the ANBU who had moved next to me. I wasn't sure how I knew he was there. I didn't hear him, but it was like I could feel him.

"Yes. Do you remember him?" Snake asked.

I nodded my head slightly. "Sakumo, right?" He nodded. "This was before, he killed himself." I added. I don't know how I knew, but I did. I was confident in what I said. Sad, but confident. There was a drastic difference in Kashi's demeaner in this picture compared to the others. He was happy, truly happy.

"I am not certain, but -"

"That's okay. I am. I remember." I said somberly before turning away from the photo.

There was a small knock on the door before it opened. A petite woman was standing in the door way, she was a little bit older than I am. Her burnet hair hung just below her chin and her onyx eyes were wide as her gaze fell on me. She was wearing a long grey kimono with a fishnet underlay. Held in her hands was a pink pig, to my surprise wearing clothes?

"I'm so sorry, Lord Hokage, when we were given word of Emiko's return we were under the impression. . . Other wise I'm sure -" She said frantically apologizing with the older man.

The Hokage held his hand up to cut her off. "That is all right, Shizune." He turned his attention to me. "Do you remember who this is?" I shook my head with a small frown and she blinked in surprise at my response.

"Mrs. Hatake has memory loss. Please do not take it personally if she does not remember you." Snake said noticing her reaction.

"Memory loss?" She asked furrowing her brow.

I nodded my head. "I honestly have no idea who you are, sorry. I just found out a few days ago I'm married." I chuckled.

"You got married?!" She shouted in surprise.

I leaned back slightly at the sudden volume. "I take it we didn't invite you then?" I said sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck.

"No! I think we would have came if we received an invitation!"

"Sorry?" I chuckled sheepishly.

"Shizune, maybe now is not the best time?" The Hokage said. She gave him another apologetic bow. "Well, are you ready to get started then, dear?" He asked turning to me. I gave him a nod and turned to Snake, who gave me a nod in return.

"I will keep your husband up to date, don't worry."

"Thank you." I said giving him a small smile.


~Kakashi POV~

I hate that I can't be there with her. I don't understand why they can't, with everything she's been through? What we've been through? With how long she had been gone, you would think they would allow me this one time, but I guess not. As long as Kaito stays by her the entire time I can at least count on him to keep me updated.

I grabbed the small blanket Emi had been holding on to the entire night and held in gently in my hands. It was hard seeing her like that again. I know she was beating herself up the entire night. She always did. But I never once blamed her, I knew it wasn't her fault. She had no way of controlling that.

But it was still hard.

Hard to open that room again. Hard to see what could have been.

'There's some good news. It seems that on top of all that is going on, all of her previous injuries seemed to have healed as well.'

Those words kept echoing in my head since we left the hospital. I don't know how to feel about it honestly. Orochimaru and his sick fucking experiments on my wife. Imagining his filthy hands on her while she was unconscious. I made my blood boil. As soon as I got word from Tenzo that their suspicions were right about Orochimaru being her captor, I wanted nothing more than to storm up to Lord Third and demand to be put on the next mission to look for the sick bastard. Sannin or not, that fucker was going to die by hand. 

The only thing that kept me from losing my shit was finally seeing her, slumped and unconscious in my friends arms as he walked up to me. How cold and pale her skin looked. Seeing her peaceful face as she slept. I was almost to horrified to ask if she was dead. She was going to need me. I had to keep telling myself over and over she's going to need me.

But in a way, I can't help but smile. For whatever reason, that snake healed my wife. We could try again to build our family. The family we had been trying to build for so long. The family I wanted just as badly as she did.

"One thing at a time, Kakashi." I reminded myself. I brought the small blanket up to my masked lips and kissed it before tucking it safely back into it's drawer.

'I need to get out of here.' I sighed as I closed the nursery door behind me. Normally something as simple as that would be enough to ruin the rest of the day for me, but this time. . . was different. Maybe I was hopeful. Hopeful that the next time we do go in that room it'll be to finish decorating it. I turned to the door one last time, gently knocking my knuckles against it. 

"One thing at a time." I reminded myself.


My hands were resting in my pockets as I walked up to the training field. Naruto was sparing against Sasuke as per usual. His infatuation with being better than Sasuke has only gotten worse after our mission from the Land Of Waves. But hey, who am I to complain? He's got his motivation, and much to my surprise he's not as much as an idiot as I originally thought. Granted he still is an idiot. But those small pieces that remind me of sensei are slowly starting to shine through.

Guy was monitoring a match between Neji and Lee. And honestly, I'm surprised he hasn't noticed me yet. The man has a sixth sense for finding me. Though it is Lee he's watching. If there's one thing he's more patinate about than our rivalry matches, it's watching his student blossom.

"Kakashi Sensei!" Sakura called out to me, waving her hand over her head.

"Yo." I acknowledged with a small nod.

That got Guy's attention. He quickly turned my direction and ran up to me.

"How is she?" He asked in a hushed voice.

"They released her from the hospital the other day. But she's at the Hokage estate now getting further treatment. But she's . . . okay so far." I sighed.

He clapped his hand on my shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "That's great, Kakashi! So when can I come visit the lovely lady? I've missed our little side rivalry. Though I will admit, I don't know how I feel about your wife cheating."

I chuckled under my breath and shook my head. "One, you never specified she couldn't use her kekkei genkei. So it really can't be cheating. And two," I sighed. "It might be a while. She's lost most of her memories, so I've been trying to help her with that. The pictures at home seem to be helping though."

His eyes widen. "Her memories? Do the kids know?" He asked in a much softer volume I didn't even know he knew. But when it came to the kids and Emi, especially Naruto, I understood why he was being as quiet as he was.

Just about all of the kids in the Village knew Emi. After . . . well, after we couldn't have our own, she really started to cling to every kid she ran into. Especially Naruto's friends he would bring over to the house. They all knew her and loved her. And after she went missing it affected them all.

"Mine do. They actually ran into us when I was bringing her home." I said. "I was actually hoping you wouldn't mind if I sent them on an errand of sorts."

"Not at all. Whatever we can do to help." He said with a big toothy grin and a thumbs up.

I gave him a closed eyed smile.

"Alright everyone! Gather round!" He called out to the Genin.

Naruto and Sasuke were the first to run up to us. They must not have noticed when Sakura called out to me, but the look of worry on their face told me they were already thinking the worst.

"She's fine." I assured and they both visibly relaxed. Sasuke more than Naruto. I suppose in an attempt to show he doesn't care.

"What is the matter, Guy Sensei?" Lee asked as everyone joined us. It was almost comical how identical those two were, yet share no blood relation.

Guy put his hand on my shoulder again and gave me a nod to tell them.

I took a deep breath and sighed. "Emi has be brought back to the Village." I said with a smile. Lee practically jumped with excitement, Neji stared in disbleif, TenTen's eyes twinkles with joy.

"She has returned?!" Lee repeated at such a volume that made me flinch.

"I thought -" Neji started. He had been dead convinced after a few months that she had died. It took a lot out of me not to scold the Hyuga kid. The last thing I needed was imagining my wife. . .

 A shiver ran down my spine at the thought.

"I told you, Neji! Nothing could keep Emiko from returning to us!" He shouted wrapping his arm tightly around Neji.

"When can we see her? Is she back home?" Tenten ask, trying to contain her excitement.

I rubbed the back of my neck, knowing I'm going to get an earful from Naruto any second now. "Actually she's not home right now. They just transferred her to the Hokage estate for further evaluation."


'There is is.' I sighed to myself.

"When was this? Why did no one tell me? Again?!" He demanded. He stomped toward me, only for Sakura to pound her fist on top of his head, sending him to the ground.


"Let him talk, dummy." She hissed.

"Ouch, Sakura. Why do you have to hit me so hard?"

"Cause you're an idiot." Sasuke said simply, a small smirk tugged the corner of his lips.

"Can I continue?" I asked turning specifically to Naruto, who only grumbled with a nod. "As I was saying. She's been sent to the Hokage Estate for further observation, but I wanted to keep you updated since I know how important she is to you kids. Emi has lost most of her memories." Guy's team gasped slightly, but thankfully let me continue. 

God if only Naruto would do that. Maybe he wouldn't be on the other end of Sakura's punches as much then. 

"She seemed to be responding well to pictures or small trinkets that help trigger her memory, so I'm sending you all on a little errand. I want you to gather any pictures you have of you with Emi or maybe something important that she gave you."

"Do you want us to give them to her?" Sakura asked.

I shook my head. "She's very overwhelmed right now. And honestly, I don't want to push her too much with it. Just bring them to me and I'll put everything together for her to look at at home."

I looked over my shoulder slightly when I sensed a sudden presence and saw a black snake slithering towards us.

"I'll be right back." I told Guy before walking up to the snake and crouching in front of it. "Yo."

"Kaito sent me. He wanted me to inform you that Emiko had just gone into surgery." She said. Her voice was silky, every once in a while her tongue would flicker out as she tried to smell the area around us.

"Anything else?"

She nodded her head. "Apparently she has relived some memories. But that is all I was informed to give you."

I nodded my head. "Thank you."

She bowed her head before slithering back to where she came from.

"What was that?" Naruto asked as I walked back over to the group.

"An update on Emi. She is fine, don't worry, Naruto." I assured with a closed eyed smile.

His head dipped forward with a sigh.

"Anyway, back to what I was saying. I'm not sure when Emi will be released so the sooner you can bring me those things, the better."

"Hai!" They said collectively before breaking off in different directions.

"You're hiding something." Guy said narrowing his eyes at me.

"She's in surgery now." I said with a small nod. "Her chakra was almost completely blocked off, so they're working on that."

"How are you holding up?"

I sighed. "I don't know. I just want her back home. Honestly, I just want to lock her in the house and hide the key so she's safe."

A small frown tugged the corner of his lips. "I know. But you know, Emiko would never let you do that. She is a free flower that likes to sway in the breeze. You will only wilt her if you try to keep her trapped indoors."

"I know." I sighed. "But do you blame me?"

"No. I know how much she means to you, Kakashi."

"They - uh. . . They said she was. . .healed?" I shook my head at how stupid I sounded. My cheeks were warm as a faint blush formed under my mask.

He dropped his brows in question. "Healed?"

I closed my eyes with a deep sigh. "Never mind, forget I -"

"Healed?! Like you two can have my nephew now?!" He shouted excitedly. His eyes were forced to close from how wide he was smiling. 

My eye twitched at the volume. "Guy, seriously, my ears."

"Sorry. Sorry." He said sheepishly with a sweat drop on the side of his head.

"But, yeah. That's what, Dr. Choi said. I asked Kaito to confirm while Tsunade was with her."

"Tsunade is here?"

"I fucking hope so. She should have been here once Emi got to the village." I said in annoyance. "I mean Emi is her only family. She refused to come to the wedding, fine, but not to be here when her only family needs her most? I don't care how upset she is, I'm her fucking husband and I didn't leave her side once." I took a breath to calm myself and tightened my hands into a fist. "I just hope she at least came per Lord Third's request."

"I know this is hard for you, Kakashi. If you need anything, just let me know."

"Thanks, Guy. Do you mind helping me inform the other teams?"

"Sure. You should go wait for Emiko."

I took a nervous breath and nodded. "I just hope this is the worst of it, so she can start to move on from this."

"I know, Kakashi. Me too." 

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